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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

(City of the University of Manila)

Intramuros, Manila

Appeal to Pity: The Influence of Using Emotional Marketing

on the Affect and Buying Decision of TikTok Users

In Partial Fulfillment for the Subject: Consumer Behavior

Submitted by:
Aldrin Louis F. Aves

Cedrick John B. Darro

Eloisa Fadri

Julian Mae L. Lawingco

Mihaela Mae S. Mendoza

Gwyneth Louise F. Tolosa

Lovely Claire R. Zinampan

Submitted to:

Prof. Neil B. Gamus

December 2022

Chapter 1
Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statement of the Problem –---------------------------------------------------------
Hypothesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Significance of the Study -----------------------------------------------------------
Scope and Limitations –-------------------------------------------------------------
Definition of Terms –-----------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 2
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework –--------------------------------------
Review of Related Literature and Studies --------------------------------------
Synthesis –---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theoretical Framework –---------------------------------------------------------------
Conceptual Framework -----------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 3
Methodology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Research Design –---------------------------------------------------------------------
Research Locale -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Samples and Sampling Techniques Used –-------------------------------------
Instrumentation –-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Procedure –------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statistical Analysis of Data –--------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 4
Results and Discussion –--------------------------------------------------------------
Hypothesis Testing –-------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 5
Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conclusions –----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recommendations ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Survey Questionnaire -----------------------------------------------------------------
Likert Scale and Cronbach’s Alpha ----------------------------
Cronbach Alpha’s Result -----------------------------------------------------------

List of Tables & Figures –----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Curriculum Vitae –--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
References -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


The concept of traditional marketing has changed as a result of the continual

transformation of the digital environment. The emergence of new platforms has accelerated the

way individuals communicate and share consumption experiences irrespective of geographical

location (Dahl, 2018, p.26) eventually changing how consumers influence their buying behavior

for TikTok users. Consumers want personalized messages as they find value — emotional or

functional — while interacting with that content (Bradey, 2019) and TikTok’s algorithm

successfully delivers videos based on the users’ interactions (Herrman, 2019), and ‘each

person's feed is unique and tailored to that specific individual (TikTok, 2020).

Technology Times reported that the revenue by the quarter of this year on TikTok may

surpass 300% plus US revenue on this app is expected to reach US Dollar 500 million in 2020

(Naqvi, 2020). This video-sharing app has become a cultural phenomenon with 42% of the

users falling between the age of 18-24 (Sehl, 2020). Generation Z is becoming a lucrative

market segment (Meola, 2020) and examining the success of TikTok amongst this cohort can

provide insights into how today’s youth interpret cultural trends and their cross-generational

dialogue with brands (Mintel, 2019).  

TikTok's short video format and its playful nature force brands to capture consumer

attention within the first few seconds (Meola, 2020) and to increase interaction, they are

promoting their products through consumer entertainment. The entertainment factor is the key

motive for Gen Zer's media consumption, and unlike its older counterpart, this new generation is

more discerning and values truthful depiction. With that, marketers working with video creators

on TikTok can help bring authenticity to their brand communications (Poelking, 2019).
The recent study released by the University of Western Australia Online (2019) entitled,

List of Human Emotions”, synthesized numerous pieces of literature and found out that there

are six fundamental emotions, according to Paul Ekman's widely accepted theory of basic

emotions. These are consisting of sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust. The

six deciding emotions of consumers towards the purchase behavior in TikTok shops are the

ground basis of the researchers in the Influence of Using Emotional Marketing on the Affect and

Buying Decision of PLM Marketing Management students. The results of these findings were

used to propose a marketing strategy that could be help TikTok shop sellers for their


Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the influence of using emotional marketing on the affect

and buying decisions of TikTok users. Specifically, to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Civil Status

1.4. Occupation

1.5. Disposable Monthly Allowance

2. What is the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect of TikTok Users?

3. What is the level of effectiveness of emotional marketing on buying decisions of TikTok


4. Is there a significant relationship between the influence of emotional marketing on the

affect of TikTok users and their demographics?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the effectiveness of emotional marketing on the

buying decision of TikTok users and their demographics?


Ho #1

There is no significant relationship between the influence of emotional marketing on the

affect of TikTok users and their demographics.

Ho #2

There is no significant relationship between the effectiveness of emotional marketing on

the buying decisions of TikTok users and their demographics.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to recognize and analyze the influence of using emotional marketing on

the affect and buying decision of the TikTok users and Marketing Management students of

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. The study is advantageous and beneficial for the


Online Sellers

This study gives a clear analysis of the influence of emotional marketing on the affect

and buying decisions of consumers. When the sellers, most specifically those who utilized the e-

commerce field, are aware of the customer’s perception of their emotional marketing, they can

determine whether it’s the best marketing strategy they should employ or consider other

strategies to use. Moreover, a detailed interpretation of the influence of emotional marketing

may serve as a tool for further companies or businesses to innovate their current marketing

strategies or understand which to employ and which to avoid. 


Analyzing the influence of using emotional marketing on the affect and buying decision

of consumers determines how informed and aware consumers are in the marketing strategies

businesses used to entice them in purchasing their goods and services. How customers

recognize and understand these emotional marketing strategies is as important as other

strategies the business may utilize. The knowledge surrounding the results of this study benefits

consumers to make better and wiser decisions on their future purchases. 

National Economy

The upturns and downturns of consumer spending, which are reliant on understanding

consumer behavior, also affect the national economy. When it drops off, economic growth

slows. By understanding the influence of emotional marketing on the purchasing decisions of a

consumer, they can improve upon policies with regard to marketing which can then fill in the

market’s shortcomings and thus, improve upon the economic growth of the country. 

Marketing Experts 

Understanding and analyzing the influence of emotional marketing on the decisions

made by the consumer can affect other marketing strategies. As marketing experts, being able

to differentiate and discern these determines the best marketing strategy to be employed. At the

same time, marketing experts can further improve or revise these strategies based on how they

are received by consumers.

Future Researchers

Furthermore, future researchers who touch upon the influence of emotional marketing on the

affect and buying decisions of consumers can utilize the findings of this study to explore other

factors and outcomes. 

Scope and Limitations

The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of using emotional marketing on

the affect and buying decisions of TikTok users of the Marketing Management Students at

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. This study will tackle student's buying decisions and

reactions to emotional marketing especially the significance of the relationship between the

influence of emotional marketing and the demographic profile of the respondents, the

relationship between the influence of emotional marketing and its affect on the respondents, and

the relationship between the influence of emotional marketing and buying decisions of TikTok

users. The TikTok Users that will become variable in this study is the one that uses pity or

sympathy to gain the attention of the viewers, and the participants of this study are the

Marketing Management Students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.

Definition of Terms

Affect - is to be influenced by something, to be affected by something is to be under the

influence of it. The term "affect" in science, and specifically psychology, refers to a particular

type of influence—the capacity of something to affect your mind in a way that is connected to

your body.

Appeal to Pity - is a fallacy in logic where the person making the argument ignores it or fails to

respond rationally, instead appealing to sympathy.

Buying Behavior - refers to the choice and actions people make while purchasing goods or

services for private or public consumption. It is synonymous with the phrase "consumer buying

behavior," which frequently refers to individual customers as opposed to corporate clients.

Buying Decision - used by consumers to refer to market transactions that take place before,

during, and after a product or service purchase. In the case of numerous alternatives, it can be

viewed as a specific type of cost-benefit analysis.

Emotional Marketing - describes marketing and advertising strategies that largely rely on

feelings to get people to pay attention, remember, share, and make purchases. In order to elicit

a response from consumers, emotional marketing often appeals to a single emotion, such as

happiness, sadness, anger, or fear.

Influencers - the ability to influence other people's purchasing decisions as a result of their

authority, expertise, position, or connection to their audience.

Marketing - refers to the actions a business takes to encourage the purchase or sale of a good

or service. Advertising, selling, and delivering goods to customers or other businesses are all

included in marketing. Affiliates perform some marketing on behalf of a business.

Marketing Strategy - refers to a company's overall strategy for attracting potential clients and

converting them into buyers of its goods or services. The value proposition of the business,

critical brand messages, information on target customer demographics, and other important

components are all included in a marketing plan.

Social Media - refers to the methods by which individuals connect with one another in virtual

networks and communities to produce, share, and/or exchange knowledge.

TikTok - is a social media site where users can make, share, and find short videos. The app

gives young people a platform to express themselves through lip-syncing, dancing, comedy,

and singing. It also enables users to make videos and share them with their social networks.
Chapter 2

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Review of Related Literature and Studies

1. Emotional Marketing

1.1 A New Concept of Marketing: The Emotional Marketing

One of the most important factors in the customer purchasing behavior is their emotions

(Consoli, D., 2010). According to Psychological literature, emotional responses have an impact

on decisions at every stage of the buying decision. Each type of social or professional decision

is heavily influenced by emotions, and it can be expressed verbally, physically, or in writing.

Experts claim that marketing that uses emotional material is twice as effective as marketing that

uses informative content, due to the fact that emotions consider more persuasion than

information. Emotions are immediately understood and interpreted by the brain, and their

memory lasts for a very long period.

1.2 Emotional Marketing: What It Is and How It Works

According to Ash Genete, emotions have enormous power. It has a great deal of

influence since it can affect decisions and motivate individuals to take action. Because of this,

motivating others to take particular actions and accomplish professional goals has shown to be

a successful marketing strategy. Also, according to a Nielsen study in 2016, advertising that

generated an emotional impact on the customers above average led to a 23% increase in sales

compared to typical advertisements. As a result, the business may affectively engage with the

customers and create a very strong relationship by concentrating on the emotions of the target

audience or demographic. Users who are exposed to emotional marketing are more likely to

make purchases because they utilize the product as a coping mechanism for their feelings.
2. Demographics and Emotional Marketing 

2.1 The Importance of Demographics to Marketing

According to Kimberlee Leonard (2019), business owners always look for something that

will help their business have an edge over the industry and become unique to other competitors

in order for their business to thrive, and generate more sales. This means that business owners

must find a group of people or a segment of consumers that is least served to fit their objective

and become the ideal customer. Using the demographic, this will help the business find their

ideal consumers by understanding each segment of the demographics and interpreting it. The

factors that make up Demographic Segmentation are generational groups, age range, ethnic

background, family structure, and income. 

2.2 The Era of Emotional Marketing: Schmitt’s Theory

Emotional Marketing is increasingly provocative in today's commercial landscape; as a

result, becoming a manager and a professional artist at the same time is now necessary in

today's business environment. Through a variety of techniques, marketing professionals try to

change the conventional rules of customer and company communication and put the emphasis

on feelings as the genuine, observable evidence of the message's veracity. Advertising

increasingly serves as a technique of manipulating consumers' emotions; experiencing a thing

firsthand entail understanding its practical utility (Myriam Caccavelli, 2017). It is a branding

strategy that was well-known and widely used in "face to face" marketing: companies that sell

cosmetics, home appliances, or other products use the promoter to sponsor their brand or

product by interacting directly and personally with the consumer. Multisensory stimulation is

used as a tool by the promoter to entice customers and guarantee them an experience.

Customers have the opportunity to test the product out and buy it more mindfully in this way,

focusing more on their desire to own it as a result of the experience and the emotions felt at the

3. Emotional marketing and its Affect on the respondents

3.1 Attract New Buyers with Emotional Marketing

According to Shannon Hilson, Emotions are so powerful that it lingers long after it is felt,

as it makes a person feel uncomfortable if left unresolved. It is a glue that holds meaningful

human relationships and influences a consumer’s purchasing decision. This is why most

successful digital marketing right now affect their customers through emotional marketing and

build emotional connection. These are the factors to affect your customers through emotional

marketing is to make them remember you, it increases sales as it leads consumers to feel the

need to buy and be guilty if not, it is also proven that ads that affect emotional of the consumers

tend to become more successful than standard advertisement, it motivates them to share it to

other to also gain the sympathy of other and let you connect to more people, and inspires other

consumer to increase customer loyalty as they will also recommend your brand to their

colleague and family. 

3.2 Content Transparency for Emotional Marketing

The goal of marketing is to recognize and satisfy social and human needs. TikTok is a

better practice of this feature, making great efforts in terms of content, and emphasizing the

originality of content and the participation of content (Yi, 2017). Video formats, which can range

from humorous to informative, inspiring, or motivational, are a potent way for businesses to

stand out from the competition. Videos could offer the personal touch, grab attention, and

resonate with viewers in a way other mediums cannot (Walter and Gioglio, 2014, p.34)

According to Mediakix, unlike other social media apps, TikTok users have access to a

wide range of options to produce emotional marketing content. Audio or visual effects, and even

journeys of struggles are used to highlight to market their businesses, making TikTok a platform

where users can be exposed through a variety of marketing contents. According to a survey,
people have received and engaged on TikTok out of a need for social contact and distraction,

and social media users have done so to unwind and entertain. (Omar and Dequan, 2020,

p.131). Since everyone seeks to present their best self, the emotional marketing concept

appears to be more engaging and encouraging on TikTok than some consumers might discover

on other social media applications. Furthermore, Long (2020) claims that TikTok works because

it serves the community and fulfills a "fundamental human need—deeper even than the need to

be engaged, delighted, or diverted," rather than working because it provides entertainment.

4. Appeal to Pity

4.1 Emotional Blackmail: The dangers and solutions to pity marketing

According to Allister Roy S. Chua, The concept of Pity marketing or charity marketing is

where business owners use advocacies and beneficiaries to gain sales and cover the fact that

the products that they are selling have low quality or unsellable. This means that pity marketing

doesn't always act in the same way. Because it supports charities or businesses, it may

introduce a product that is unmarketable. In all honesty, if a product is of poor quality, it is no

better than the mass-produced, cheaply made or disposable products that are the fear of every

consumer. Regardless of whether it is manufactured by hand or helps a family or a cause, it is

just another product that will compete in a saturated market, and not in a good way.


In recent years, TikTok had an increasing number of engagement from its consumers.

The generation at present has a need for social contact and distraction. According to Yi (2017),

TikTok has satisfied social and human needs through making efforts by form of content, and

emphasizing the originality and the participation of this content. Moreover, Long (2020) claims
that this particular social media platform serves the community and fulfills a "fundamental

human need—deeper even than the need to be engaged, delighted, or diverted”.

Due to its popularity in the digital age, online sellers and business owners saw potential

in this platform and has utilized it as a form of E-Commerce. It has been flocked by start-ups

and small-time business owners who want to use this platform to market their products. With

this comes the stiffness in competition, which makes it difficult for those with small followings to

retain the consumers’ attention. According to Leonard (2019), business owners always look for

something that will help their business have an edge over the industry and become unique to

other competitors in order for their business to thrive, and generate more sales. Here enters a

new marketing strategy called Emotional Marketing.

Emotional Marketing, according to Caccavelli (2017), has turned Advertising into a

technique of manipulating consumers' emotions. In a Nielsen study in 2016, advertising that

generated an emotional impact on the customers above average led to a 23% increase in sales

compared to typical advertisements. Both Consoli (2010) and Geneta (2020) believe that

emotions are a huge factor and has tremendous power in the purchasing behavior of

consumers. This belief of how emotions has the power to persuade dates back to the time of

Aristotle, whom also identified emotion as one of the three techniques to appeal to and

persuade the audience. 

Experts claim that marketing strategies that use emotional material is twice as effective

than marketing that uses informative content. This due to the fact that emotions consider more

persuasion than information. At the same time, emotional marketing makes the product/service

more memorable to the consumer. Hilson (2022) supports this as she claims that emotions are

so powerful that it lingers long after it is felt, and could make a person feel uncomfortable if left

unresolved. It is a glue that holds meaningful human relationships and influences a consumer’s

purchasing decision. This factor persuades the consumer to either purchase what you’re

offering or share it to others so that they could also feel sympathy. 

TikTok currently is one of the best mediums to utilize this specific marketing strategy

since it is solely a video format content. Walter & Gioglio (2014) believes that video formats,

which can range from humorous to informative, inspiring, or motivational, are a potent way for

businesses to stand out from the competition. Videos could offer the personal touch, grab

attention, and resonate with viewers in a way other mediums cannot. This is further supported

by a Mediakix study in 2021 in which proves TikTok users have access to a wide range of

options to produce emotional marketing content. Audio or visual effects, and even journeys of

struggles are used to highlight and market their businesses, making TikTok a platform where

users can be exposed through a variety of marketing contents. Furthermore, Omar & Dequan

(2020) maintains the belief that the emotional marketing strategy is more encouraging and

engaging on TikTok than in other social media applications.

However, this form of marketing strategy is believed by some to be an unsound business

and developmental tactic. It has been referred to as ‘emotional blackmail’ and ‘pity/charity

marketing’ instead. Chua (2021) claims that this type of marketing is where business owners

use advocacies and beneficiaries to gain sales and cover the fact that the products that they are

selling have low quality or unsellable. To be specific, it is “the use of one’s advocacy and/or

beneficiaries to justify substandard quality, price mismatch, or other product or service attributes

that do not adequately respond to market or consumer behavior.” An unwanted effect of the use

of emotional marketing is running the risk of further promoting an unmarketable product and

diluting an already crowded market. In an ethical scenario, pity marketing is basically borderline

emotional blackmail, as someone can be guilt-tripped into buying something that does not really

add value for them.

Theoretical Framework

Emotional Marketing

Engaging Enlightening Provocative Sensational

Ignore Purchase

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Figure 1 shows that the study “Appeal to Pity: The Influence of Using Emotional

Marketing on the Affect and Buying Decision of TikTok Users” is anchored on the book Bernd H.

Schmitt Experiential Marketing.

According to Schmitt, People characterize riveting encounters with words like

"engaging," "enlightening," "provocative," and "sensational," and Bernd Schmitt's astonishing

book fits this description perfectly.

Schmitt proposes a ground-breaking strategy for marketing for the branding and

information era that goes beyond conventional "features-and-benefits" approaches. Schmitt

demonstrates how business owners can give their clients fully realized experiences by using

lifestyle marketing, social identity initiatives, and brands that offer associations that are sensory,

emotive, and creative.

Schmitt uses a variety of business examples to demonstrate how forward-thinking

businesses use "experience providers" including visual identity, communication, product

presence, websites, and service to generate various types of consumer experiences in this

outstanding handbook of tools and approaches. To provide examples of the core theories and

frameworks of experiential marketing.

Conceptual Framework


 Age Effectiveness of Emotional

Influence of Emotional  Gender Marketing in terms of Affect
Marketing  Civil Status and Buying Decision of
 Occupation TikTok Users
 Disposable monthly

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2 revealed the three variables used in the study: the independent variable, the

intervening variable, and the dependent variable. The influence of emotional marketing plays an

independent variable in the study. While the demographic profile of the respondents such as

age, gender, civil status, occupation, and disposable monthly allowance serves as intervening

variables. Ultimately, the effectiveness of emotional marketing in terms of the affect and buying

decisions of TikTok Users are the dependent variables in the study.

Chapter 3


The instruments and measuring equipment that the researchers considered were

outlined in the research methodology part of the paper. It begins with a research design,

research locale, instruments, samples and sampling techniques, instrumentation, procedure,

and the statistical analysis of data.

Research Design

The type of research method employed is briefly described in this section. This study

design requires quantifiable data with numerical and statistical explanations. It generates

numerical information and knowledge that can be converted to numbers. The findings are

presented using tables that provide data in the form of figures and statistics. The researchers

employed a descriptive quantitative study approach, including online survey questionnaires

provided the researchers to assess the processes and methodologies. Online surveys are

questionnaires that require respondents to fill out the form. The goal of this research is to

provide and gather information to identify the effectiveness of emotional marketing based on the

affect and buying decisions of TikTok users.

Research Locale

The study entitled “Appeal to Pity: The Influence of Using Emotional Marketing on the

Affect and Buying Decision of TikTok Users'' will be carried out in a so-called Manila’s Walled
City, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines, specifically at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, known

for a city-government-funded local university. This location was chosen to determine the

effectiveness of the study among the PLM Marketing management students. They completed an

online survey through google forms that assess the influence of using emotional marketing on

their affect and buying decisions. The research took place throughout the academic year 2022-

2023's first semester.

Samples and Sampling Techniques Used

The researchers used Slovin’s formula to calculate the sample size, given the estimated

population size of 620 students who are taking up a Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration major in Marketing Management at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila with a

population proportion of 50%, a confidence level of 95%, and a 5% margin of error results in

238 sample sizes. A total of 238 Marketing students were enrolled and studied at Pamantasan

ng Lungsod ng Maynila as the target respondents, out of a total population of 620 students

based on the data provided for the current academic year 2022-2023 of PLM Marketing

Management Department.

The researchers used simple random sampling where each member of the population

has an exactly equal chance of being selected. A sample of 238 Marketing Management

students is the targeted respondents. Since the selected location has a large enough sample

size, a simple random sample has high external validity: it represents the characteristics of the

larger population.

Researchers used an online questionnaire as the primary survey of data that serves as a

major tool of the study on the influence of emotional marketing on the affect and buying

decisions of TikTok users of Marketing Management students at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

Maynila. This approach aims to collect statistical data, monitor respondents’ behavior, and

determine the fulfillment of results for individuals in a short time due to its low costs, ability to

reach the masses, and easy application.

The online survey was originally made by the researchers and consisted of multiple

questions to collect information from respondents. The researchers provided close-ended

questions to make it easier for the respondents to answer and be able to get the specific

information needed. In addition, researchers used search engines to gather credible information

from different internet sources, which contributed to the collection of correct data for the study.

The questionnaire had three main parts: (1) the academic and demographic profile of the

respondents; (2) the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect of TikTok users; and

(3) the level of effectiveness of emotional marketing on buying decisions of TikTok users. The

researchers used a 4-Point Likert scale where the researchers can include four extreme options

without a neutral choice. As a result, it is simple to report a single number without misleading

your audience.

Additionally, pre-testing was conducted before providing the survey questionnaire to the

respondents of the study. Using Cronbach's alpha, the accuracy and reliability of the survey

questions were measured. The pre-testing was conducted on the 20 respondents to assess the

effectiveness of a research procedure such as to spot errors and to determine the survey

questions' preciseness and comprehensibility of their structure for the research respondents.

The Cronbach’s alpha value results in 0.7982655288 or 0.8 and is interpreted with an internal

consistency of “Good”. This indicates that the researchers are to start disseminating the

research survey questionnaires through google forms to the respondents of the study which are

the TikTok users of Marketing Management students at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.


In preparation for this study, the researchers have searched the internet for various

journals and articles to gather relevant data on emotional marketing and emotions themselves.

The data collected contributed to the construction of the survey questionnaire. The questions

were formulated based on the respondent’s demographic profile, the influence of emotional

marketing on the affect of TikTok users, and the influence of emotional marketing on the buying

decisions of TikTok users.

After formulating the survey questions, the researchers created a Google Form to be

disseminated online to the 620 PLM – Business School Marketing Management students for the

school year 2022-2023. The conducted survey was done from November 21 until November 28,

2022. Included in the survey form is the cover letter explaining the purpose of the study and the

consent form informing the respondents that partaking in the survey would be consent enough

for the researchers to use their answers for the study. The respondents were assured of the

confidentiality of their answers and that the data gathered was utilized for the study only. At the

same time, the cover letter explains to the respondents that by partaking in the survey, the

respondents agree that they are student café consumers.

Out of the 620 PLM BS Marketing Management students, only 238 students answered

the survey form. After collecting the online survey forms, the researchers with the help of a

statistician analyzed all the gathered respondents’ answers using different methods, measures,

and tools. The data was inputted into Excel and imported into the SPSS software. The output

from the SPSS software gave the respondents the mean, standard deviation, and correlation

from each question of the survey form. The respondents utilized tables to present the results
and interpreted each table if the study answered all the statements of the problem and

addressed the hypothesis.

Data Analysis

In this section, the data that will be generated will be analyzed using descriptive statistics

including the frequency distributions, measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode),

and figures like graphs and charts. The survey data will be examined using computerized

statistical software, which is the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)


Researchers conducted a pre-testing in the study with 20 participants to measure the study's

accuracy and it is evaluated using Cronbach’s Alpha. Also, researchers considered the

Spearman correlation coefficient, also known as Spearman’s rho, which measures the strength

of association between two variables.

Selected methods of primary data analysis will be illustrated in tables with data from a

respondent survey. The survey has been conducted online and the link was sent via social

media platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Facebook Messenger. A sample of 238

respondents has been answering 9 background information and 19 Likert scale questions.

The statement of problem 1 (demographic profiles of the respondents) will be evaluated

to determine whether there is any information that would interfere with a respondent’s ability to

answer the questionnaire.

Answers to statements of problems 2 and 3 (Likert scale questions) will be computed by

finding the mean and descriptive statistics to provide the information gathered in a concise

quantitative or visual format. Likert-type questions can be collectively evaluated to provide better

insights concerning particular traits. The answers have been coded and used to create a data
set to provide reports on the influence of using emotional marketing on affect and buying

decisions of TikTok users' surveys.

However, in the statement of problem 4, researchers will also perform descriptive

statistics to make hypotheses and predictions or generalizations based on data gathered to

estimate the population mean.

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

This chapter tabulated the questionnaire results and interpreted the data gathered. It

simply and objectively reports what the researcher discovered, without speculating on why the

results were discovered and interprets the meaning of the results, and places them in context.

Table 1. Demographic of the Respondents

Demographic Profile Frequency Percentage

Age  18 43 18.1%
19 46 19.3%
20 49 20.5%
21 63 26.5%
22 26 10.8%
23 8 3.6%
24 3 1.2%
25 0 0
Gender Male 55 22.9%
Female 181 75.9%
Not Prefer to say 2 1.2%
Civil Status  Single  181 75.9%
In a relationship 57 24.1%
Married  0 0
Separated 0 0
Divorced  0 0
Occupation Full-time student 221 92.8%
Part-time student 17 7.2%
Disposable Monthly ₱0 - ₱250 52 21.7%
Allowance ₱251 – ₱500 43 18.1%
₱501 - ₱750 32 13.3%
₱751 - ₱1000  35 14.5%
₱1101 - ₱1250 8 3.6%
₱1251 - ₱1500 8 3.6%
₱1501 - ₱1750 8 3.6%
₱1751 - ₱2000 20 8.4%
₱2001 and up 32 13.3%
Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the participants such as age, gender, civil

status, occupation, and disposable monthly allowance. The demographic profiles of the sample

were organized using frequencies and percentages. In terms of age, the largest percentage with

26.5% came from 21 years old contributing to 63 out of 238 total respondents, and the smallest
percentage is 1.2% from 24 years old respondents. For the gender, the majority of the

respondents are female with 181 respondents representing 75.9% of the entire population. Male

respondents gathered 22.9% with 55 respondents, and prefer not to say contributed 1.2% with 2

total respondents. For civil status, 181 respondents are still single providing 75.9%, and 57

respondents answered that respondents are currently in a relationship with 24.1%. In terms of

occupation, full-time students contribute the highest proportion with 221 respondents (92.8%),

and part-time students have 17 respondents with 7.2% of the entire population. For the

disposable monthly allowance, those with an accumulated disposable monthly allowance of ₱0 -

₱250 make up the largest share of respondents with 21.7%, a total of 52 respondents while

₱1101 - ₱1250, ₱1251 - ₱1500, and ₱1501 - ₱1750 have only eight respondents (3.6%).

Table 2. The level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (fear) of TikTok Users

Indicators  Standard Mean Verbal Level of

Deviation  Interpretation Influence
1. Every time I see TikTok sellers .93 2.22 Disagree Little
use pity as an emotional marketing influence
strategy, I fear that ignoring it will
result in bad karma.
2. Every time I see TikTok sellers .91 2.48 Disagree Little
use pity as marketing, I worry that influence
it will make me regret buying their
products in terms of price and
quality simply because I feel
sympathy for the sellers' situation.
Overall .92 2.35 Disagree Little
Table 2 shows the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (fear) of TikTok

Users. The table shows that the two indicators are “Every time I see TikTok sellers use pity as

an emotional marketing strategy, I fear that ignoring it will result in bad karma” and “Every time I

see TikTok sellers use pity as marketing, I worry that it will make me regret buying their

products in terms of price and quality simply because I feel sympathy for the sellers' situation”

have both disagreeing verbal interpretations with a mean of 2.22 and 2.48 respectively. The
overall mean is 2.35 which means that TikTok users disagree that they feel fear every time they

see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional marketing strategy.

Table 3. The level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (angry) of TikTok Users

Indicators  Standard Mean Verbal Level of

Deviation  Interpretation Influence
1.Every time I see TikTok sellers .94 2.31 Disagree Little
use pity as an emotional marketing influence
strategy, it makes me angry
because it distracts people from
the actual features of the product
by simply influencing them through
an emotional plea.
2. I am angry whenever I see .91 2.48 Disagree Little
TikTok sellers use pity as an influence
emotional marketing strategy due
to a lack of evidence to back up
their claims.
Overall .93 2.40 Disagree Little
Table 3 shows the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (angry) of

TikTok Users. The table shows that the two indicators are “Every time I see TikTok sellers use

pity as an emotional marketing strategy, it makes me angry because it distracts people from the

actual features of the product by simply influencing them through an emotional plea” and “I am

angry whenever I see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional marketing strategy due to a lack

of evidence to back up their claims” have both disagreeing verbal interpretations with a mean of

2.31 and 2.48 respectively. The overall mean is 2.40 which means that TikTok users disagree

that they feel angry every time they see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional marketing


Table 4. The level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (sadness) of TikTok Users

Indicators  Standard Mean Verbal Level of

Deviation  Interpretation Influence
1. I'm saddened whenever I see .77 3.00 Agree Significant
TikTok sellers use pity as an influence
emotional marketing strategy
because it implies that their
business is struggling.
2. I am saddened whenever I see .77 3.00 Agree Significant
TikTok sellers use pity as an influence
emotional marketing strategy
because I, too, have a sense of
sympathy and empathy and have
faced a financial crisis.
Overall .77 3.00 Agree Significant
Table 4 shows the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (sadness) of

TikTok Users. The table shows that the two indicators are “I'm saddened whenever I see TikTok

sellers use pity as an emotional marketing strategy because it implies that their business is

struggling” and “I am saddened whenever I see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional

marketing strategy because I, too, have a sense of sympathy and empathy and have faced a

financial crisis” have both agreeing verbal interpretations with a mean of 3.00 and 3.00

respectively. The overall mean is 3.00 which means that TikTok users agree that they feel sad

every time they see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional marketing strategy.

Table 5. The level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (surprise) of TikTok Users

Indicators  Standard Mean Verbal Level of

Deviation  Interpretation Influence
1.I am surprised that until now, .91 2.79 Agree Significant
they are still using pity as an influence
emotional marketing strategy.
2. I'm surprised that sellers who .93 2.63 Agree Significant
used pity as an emotional influence
marketing strategy received so
much sympathy and support from
other TikTok users.
Overall .92 2.71 Agree Significant
Table 5 shows the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (surprise) of

TikTok Users. The table shows that the two indicators are “I am surprised that until now, they

are still using pity as an emotional marketing strategy” and “I'm surprised that sellers who used

pity as an emotional marketing strategy received so much sympathy and support from other
TikTok users” have both agreeing verbal interpretations with a mean of 2.79 and 2.63

respectively. The overall mean is 2.71 which means that TikTok users agree that they feel

surprised every time they see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional marketing strategy.

Table 6. The level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (happiness) of TikTok Users

Indicators  Standard Mean Verbal Level of

Deviation  Interpretation Influence
1.I'm happy when I buy products from .93 2.64 Agree  Significant
sellers who use pity as an emotional influence
marketing strategy, even if it's not
necessary, because it feels good to
help others.
2. When I see sellers using pity as an .92 2.65 Agree Significant
emotional marketing strategy, it influence
makes me happy because they are
trying and succeeding to make an
income to sustain their everyday
Overall .93 2.65 Agree Significant
Table 6 shows the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (happiness) of

TikTok Users. The table shows that the two indicators are “I'm happy when I buy products from

sellers who use pity as an emotional marketing strategy, even if it's not necessary because it

feels good to help others” and “When I see sellers using pity as an emotional marketing

strategy, it makes me happy because they are trying and succeeding to make an income to

sustain their everyday needs” have both agreeing verbal interpretations with a mean of 2.64 and

2.65 respectively. The overall mean is 2.65 which means that TikTok users agree that they feel

happy every time they see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional marketing strategy.

Table 7. The level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (disgust) of TikTok Users

Indicators  Standard Mean Verbal Level of

Deviation  Interpretation Influence
1.When I see sellers using pity as an .85 1.88 Disagree Little
emotional marketing strategy, it influence
makes me disgusted because it could
trigger someone's trauma.
2. When I see sellers using pity as an .84 1.99 Disagree Little
emotional marketing strategy, it influence
disgusts me because of their main
Overall .85 1.94 Disagree Little
Table 7 shows the level of influence of emotional marketing on the affect (disgust) of

TikTok Users. The table shows that the two indicators are “When I see sellers using pity as an

emotional marketing strategy, it makes me disgusted because it could trigger someone's

trauma” and “When I see sellers using pity as an emotional marketing strategy, it disgusts me

because of their main purpose” have both disagreeing verbal interpretations with a mean of 1.88

and 1.99 respectively. The overall mean is 1.94 which means that TikTok users disagree that

they feel disgusted every time they see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional marketing


Table 8. Level of influence of emotional marketing on buying decisions of TikTok users

Indicators  Standard Mean Verbal Level of

Deviation  Interpretation Effectiveness
1.I’m likely to purchase products .95 2.00 Disagree Slightly
from TikTok sellers who are using effective
pity as an emotional marketing
strategy because I give sympathy to
the users.
2. I’m likely to purchase products .71 1.68 Strongly Not effective
from TikTok sellers who are using Disagree
pity as an emotional marketing
strategy even though I don’t need
3. I’m likely to purchase products .70 1.70 Strongly Not effective
from TikTok sellers who are using Disagree
pity as an emotional marketing
strategy regardless of the price.
4. I’m likely to purchase products .83 1.80 Disagree Slightly
from TikTok sellers who are using effective
pity as an emotional marketing
strategy regardless of its functional
5. I’m likely to purchase products .85 1.83 Disagree Slightly
from TikTok sellers who are using effective
pity as an emotional marketing
strategy regardless of its quality
6. I’m likely to purchase products .84 1.89 Disagree Slightly
from TikTok sellers who are using effective
pity as an emotional marketing
strategy regardless of the physical
attributes of the product.
7. I’m likely to purchase products .85 1.87 Disagree Slightly
from TikTok sellers who are using effective
pity as an emotional marketing
strategy regardless of its
convenience benefits.
Overall .82 1.82 Disagree Slightly

Table 9.

Appendix A. Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Please respond to the following questions by providing the necessary information
that corresponds to your answer.

Academic Profile Answer/Answer Options

Student Name (SN, FN, MI)
Student Number
PLM Email
Year and Block o 1-1
o 2-1
o 2-2
o 2-3
o 3-1
o 3-2
o 3-3
o 3-4
o 4-1
o 4-2
o 4-3
o Irregulars (Transferees/Shifters)

Demographic Profile Answer/Answer Options

Age o 18 years old
o 19 years old
o 20 years old
o 21 years old
o 22 years old
o 23 years old
o 24 years old
o 25 years old
Gender o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say
Civil Status o Single
o Married
o Divorced
o Separated
Occupation o Full-time student
o Part-time student – specify your work:

Disposable monthly allowance o ₱0 - ₱250

o ₱251 – ₱500
o ₱501 - ₱750
o ₱751 - ₱1000
o ₱1101 - ₱1250
o ₱1251 - ₱1500
o ₱1501 - ₱1750
o ₱1751 - ₱2000
o ₱2001 and up

4 – Strongly Agree 3 - Agree 2 - Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

What is the level of influence of emotional marketing on the 4 3 2 1

affect of TikTok Users?
A. Fear
1. Every time I see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional
marketing strategy, I fear that ignoring it will result in bad
2. Every time I see TikTok sellers use pity as marketing, I worry
that it will make me regret buying their products in terms of
price and quality simply because I feel sympathy for the
sellers' situation.
B. Angry
1. Every time I see TikTok sellers use pity as an emotional
marketing strategy, it makes me angry because it distracts
people from the actual features of the product by simply
influencing them through an emotional plea.
2. I am angry whenever I see TikTok sellers use pity as an
emotional marketing strategy due to a lack of evidence to
back up their claims.
C. Sadness
1. I'm saddened whenever I see TikTok sellers use pity as an
emotional marketing strategy because it implies that their
business is struggling.
2. I am saddened whenever I see TikTok sellers use pity as an
emotional marketing strategy because I, too, have a sense of
sympathy and empathy and have faced a financial crisis.
D. Surprise
1. I am surprised that until now, they are still using pity as an
emotional marketing strategy
2. I'm surprised that sellers who used pity as an emotional
marketing strategy received so much sympathy and support
from other TikTok users.
E. Happiness
1. I'm happy when I buy products from sellers who use pity as
an emotional marketing strategy, even if it's not necessary,
because it feels good to help others.
2. When I see sellers using pity as an emotional marketing
strategy, it makes me happy because they are trying and
succeeding to make an income to sustain their everyday
F. Disgust
1. When I see sellers using pity as an emotional marketing
strategy, it makes me disgusted because it could trigger
someone's trauma.
2. When I see sellers using pity as an emotional marketing
strategy, it disgusts me because of their main purpose.

4 – Very Likely 3 - Likely 2 - Unlikely 1 – Very Unlikely

What is the level of influence of emotional marketing on buying 4 3 2 1

decisions of TikTok users?
1. I’m likely to purchase products from TikTok sellers who are
using pity as an emotional marketing strategy because I give
sympathy to the users.
2. I’m likely to purchase products from TikTok sellers who are
using pity as an emotional marketing strategy even though I
don’t need them.
3. I’m likely to purchase products from TikTok sellers who are
using pity as an emotional marketing strategy regardless of
the price.
4. I’m likely to purchase products from TikTok sellers who are
using pity as an emotional marketing strategy regardless of
its functional benefits.
5. I’m likely to purchase products from TikTok sellers who are
using pity as an emotional marketing strategy regardless of
its quality benefits.
6. I’m likely to purchase products from TikTok sellers who are
using pity as an emotional marketing strategy regardless of
the physical attributes of the product.
7. I’m likely to purchase products from TikTok sellers who are
using pity as an emotional marketing strategy regardless of
its convenience benefits.
Appendix B. Legends for Likert Scale and Cronbach’s Alpha

Appendix C. Cronbach
Alpha’s Result

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