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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

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Scenarios for the integration of renewable gases into the German natural
gas market – A simulation-based optimisation approach
Sebastian Kolb a, *, Thomas Plankenbühler a, Jonas Frank a, Johannes Dettelbacher a,
Ralf Ludwig b, Jürgen Karl a, Marius Dillig a
Chair of Energy Process Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Fürther Straße 244f, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany
Department of Geography, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Luisenstraße 37, 80333 Munich, Germany


Keywords: Natural gas plays an essential role in Germany’s energy system, both in the heating and electricity sectors. In
Energy system modeling order to achieve climate goals, numerous technologies aim at substituting fossil with renewable gas. Those
Power-to-Methane technologies start reaching technical maturity, yet they are mostly not economically competitive under the
current market conditions. To find transition paths to resolve this issue this paper introduces the simulation-
Synthetic natural gas
based optimisation model MIREG (Model for the Integration of Renewable Gases). Combining a system-
Scenario analysis dynamic simulation of the various renewable gas options with an optimisation model of the gas market, the
model puts strong focus on the reproduction of gas market’s mechanisms and the implications of a rising
penetration of renewable gases. The model is then applied to analyse the effects of different developments of
market conditions and funding strategies on the possible share of renewable gases in the German gas mix until
2050. Results show that if renewable gases are supposed to account for a significant share of gas consumed in
Germany they either need to be funded substantially or market conditions have to change. For a share of 23%
renewable gas in the gas mix CO2 prices for example would have to reach a level of 150 €/tCO2 by 2050 (300
€/tCO2 for 54%). The scenarios also indicate that in order to meet significant amounts of the German gas con­
sumption with renewable gases, international solutions need to be aimed at e.g. by importing renewable gas from
locations with high potential of renewable energy or by importing biomass.

biomass with CO2 separation to biomethane (BioCH4). Also, the pro­

1. Introduction duction of hydrogen from renewable electricity (Power-to-Hydrogen,
PtG-H2) via electrolysis or partial steam methane reforming (SMR)
In order to achieve national and international climate goals, efforts constitute promising approaches. In this context, the methanation of
in the German energy system mainly focused on the electricity markets hydrogen from electrolysis to synthetic natural gas (Power-to-Methane,
so far. As a result of the German “Energiewende”, the share of renewable PtG-CH4) could play a major role in the future system, too.
electricity of the gross national electricity consumption increased from Recent studies investigated the potential of some of those technolo­
3.4% in 1990 to 36% in 2017 [1]. In contrast, heat and transportation gies for the energy system, mostly focusing on sector coupling between
sectors are still highly dependent on fossil fuels. In Germany, about 46% the electricity and gas sector via PtG-H2 and PtG-CH4 (cf. section 2.1).
of the heat demand was covered by natural gas (NG) in 2017 [2], with Other studies proposed models to derive the optimal use of bioenergy for
only 13.4% of the overall heat being provided by renewable sources [3]. the future energy system, also considering biogenous gases (cf. section
Consequently, the German energy system is highly dependent on the 2.2). However, those studies mostly focus on the electricity and/or heat
import of NG. In order to further increase the share of renewable en­ market, neglecting market mechanisms and developments on the gas
ergies also in the gas sector, numerous technologies allow for the sub­ market which are crucial for the assessment of renewable gas technol­
stitution of fossil gas with green gas from renewable sources. Those ogies. Indeed, there are models for the system analysis of gas markets (cf.
technologies include the conversion of biomass by either gasification of section 2.3), but those do not offer a framework for the simulation of a
ligneous biomass (to synthesis gas, SynGas) and subsequent methana­ transition towards renewable gases. They mostly focus on the impacts of
tion to Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) or the anaerobic digestion of wet changes in supply and demand structures of fossil gas only (such as

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Kolb).
Received 28 January 2020; Received in revised form 17 October 2020; Accepted 30 December 2020
Available online 20 January 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

Nomenclature LCOG levelised costs of gas

m monthly
Latin Letters NG natural gas
a annuity factor oper operating
c costs per energy (in € MWh− 1) ps power stations
C costs (in € MWh) PtGCH4 Power-to-Methane
CS consumer surplus (in € MWh) PtGH2 Power-to-Hydrogen
D average gas demand (in MWh) PV photovoltaics
D gas demand (in MWh) RG renewable gas producers
E energy (in MWh) RGc costant renewable gas producers
F average filling level of the gas storage in the beginning of RGv volatile renewable gas producers
each year (in MWh) st storage
F filling level of the gas storage (in MWh) sub substrate
gen generation of the renewable gas plant tot total
inv investment (in €) var variable
k ratio between minimum and maximum substrate price
k1 − k5 fitting parameters of the electricity price function
AER Absorption Enhanced Reforming
lst storage losses (in MWh)
BAU business as usual
n number of plant types
BioCH4 biomethane
o number of simulation years
CAPEX capital expenditure
p average price (in € MWh− 1)
CDC Climate Data Center of the German Meteorological Service
p price of energy (in € MWh− 1)
CNG compressed natural gas
P power (in MW)
DFB dual fluidised bed gasifier
Δp variation of gas price (in € MWh− 1)
DSM demand-side-management
q gradient of the demand curve (in € MWh− 1)
EEX European Energy Exchange
R2 coefficient of determination
ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for
RMSE root mean square error (in € MWh− 1)
S supply (in MWh)
FR forest residues
st gas storage operation (in MWh)
GIS geographic information system
t ordinate intercept of the demand curve (in €)
HPR Heatpipe-Reformer
WTP willingness to pay (in € MWh)
IP imported wood pellets
x renewable gas plants expansion matrix
LCA life cycle assessment
X seasonal distribution of gas demand of a consumer group
LNG liquefied natural gas
y share in total gas demand of a consumer group
LP linear programming
z ratio of monthly and annual average gas price
MILP mixed integer linear programming
Greek Letters MINLP mixed integer non-linear programming
α, β, γ, δfitting parameters of the volatile renewable gas supply MIREG Model for the Integration of Renewable Gases
function NG natural gas
ε elasticity of the demand/supply function NCG NetConnect Germany
ηst storage efficiency NLP non-linear programming
ρ biomass utilisation factor PEM Proton Exchange Membrane
PtG-CH4 Power-to-Methane
Subscripts PtG-H2 Power-to-Hydrogen
0 value at the beginning of a year PtL Power-to-Liquid
12 value in the end of a year PV photovoltaics
a annual S/C ratio steam-to-carbon ratio
CAPEX capital expenditure SMR steam methane reforming
conv conventional and nuclear power SNG substitute natural gas
dom fossil gas from domestic sources SOEC Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cell
el electrical SRF short rotation forestry
g consumer group (industry, households, power stations) SynGas synthesis gas
gas produced gas TRL Technology Readiness Level
hh households WTP willingness to pay
im imported
ind industry

increasing shares of liquefied natural gas (LNG), new suppliers, etc.), the variety of renewable gas technologies as well as different govern­
while the interconnection of the electricity and gas sectors as well as the mental funding strategies. The paper also aims at demonstrating the
integration of significant shares of biogenous gases are not considered. applicability of the model investigating the influence of different de­
In order to close this gap, this paper’s research objective is to develop velopments in CO2 and gas prices, funding mechanisms and biomass
a novel modelling framework allowing to analyse possible long-term availabilities on the penetration of renewable gases until 2050.
scenarios for the development of the gas market taking into account To this end, section 3 presents the simulation-based optimisation

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

model MIREG (Model for the Integration of Renewable Gases). The For an overview of the multitude of different studies reference is
strong focus on the gas market’s mechanisms as well as the integration of made to the reviews mentioned above. Nonetheless, this section presents
electricity and biomass markets and its interdependencies enable to some approaches that are closely linked to the research question and
calculate possible future perspectives of renewable gases. Section 4 methods presented in this contribution. Their analysis also shows the
displays and interprets exemplary results of the model, analysing the necessity for the new methods presented in chapter 3. Table 1 gives an
effects of different developments of market conditions and funding overview of the reviewed studies on the integration of renewable gases
schemes until the year 2050. A discussion of the methodology proposed (both for Power-to-Methane/Hydrogen (section 2.1) and biogenous
and the results is presented in chapter 5. gases (section 2.2)). The modelling approaches in the studies are as
diverse as their scopes. Ref. [6] divides the model types into six classes:
2. Literature review simulation [10–12], linear programming (LP) [13–16], non-linear pro­
gramming (NLP) [17,18], mixed integer linear programming (MILP)
2.1. Models for the integration of Power-to-Methane and Power-to- [19–25], mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) [26,27] or a
Hydrogen mixture of those techniques. Other studies also make use of time series
analysis [28–30].
As energy systems worldwide experience a transition from conven­ Most of those studies focus on the possible effects on the electricity
tional to renewable and mostly volatile power, the need for energy market and infrastructure, such as less need for network expansion,
storage is coming to the fore. The worldwide capacity of renewable fewer curtailment of renewable energies and a reduction of congestions.
energy carriers doubled from 1.224 TW in 2010 to 2.536 TW in 2019. In doing so, many investigate the future storage need in general and the
During this time, installed wind power increased from 180.8 GW to role Power-to-Methane/-Hydrogen can play in competition to other
622.4 GW and solar PV from 40.3 GW to 578.6 GW [4]. Those volatile storage techniques using market models. Ref. [28] for example in­
power producers gradually replace dispatchable generation capacities tegrates and compares different storage technologies (Power-to-­
(e.g. coal-fired or nuclear power stations) in the electricity sector. This Methane, pumped hydro storage and compressed air energy storage) in a
leads to a demand for storage options in order to harmonise electricity time series and unit commitment approach model described by
demand and supply as well as sector coupling technologies in the course Ref. [31]. The authors analyse the effect of different storage technolo­
of the defossilisation of the entire energy system. gies and capacities under different wind penetration levels in the Dutch
In the electricity sector, battery storage, demand side management or electricity system. Similar studies can be found in Ref. [29], analysing
pumped-storage stations are ways to compensate short- or medium-term the contribution of Power-to-Methane and Power-to-Liquid (PtL) tech­
fluctuations of renewable energies. In order to bridge longer periods of nologies in a 100% renewable energy system in Germany scaling up
insufficient wind and solar energy supply (dark doldrum), chemical 2012 time series. Ref. [16] has a similar focus, using a linear cost opti­
storage inter alia by means of Power-to-Methane and Power-to- misation model for the determination of the optimum storage capacities
Hydrogen are important. In the heating sector, direct electrification (i. (Power-to-Methane, battery storage, pumped hydro storage) in different
e. Power-to-Heat) is an option for sector coupling. However, the existing renewable energy scenarios in Germany. Ref. [32] assesses the technical
gas infrastructure and the widespread use of NG in domestic heating [2] potential for Power-to-Methane with respect to the available resources
will determine the use of gaseous energy carriers in the mid-term at (CO2, storage and transportation capacities) in Germany and compares it
least. Furthermore, NG plays an essential role for the generation of to other storage options.
process heat in industrial applications. Also in the mobility sector direct Other studies use electricity market models and add the electricity
electrification is possible especially in private transportation. For other grids to their analysis, taking into account possible energy flows and
transportation tasks such as shipping, aviation and long-distance heav­ therefore possible locations for PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 plants (cf. also [6]).
y-duty traffic the high energy densities of gaseous and liquid energy On the transmission grid level, Ref. [23] for example uses a unit
carriers will likely remain of high importance. Here, PtG-CH4/H2 can be commitment model, solving the resource planning in a MILP optimisa­
a mean to defossilise these transportation tasks as well. The importance tion. Subsequently, they search for the economic optimum of
of Power-to-Methane and Power-to-Hydrogen for future energy systems Power-to-Methane in a German scenario of 85% renewable energy
can also be observed in the field of energy system analysis, as mirrored penetration considering both the temporal and spatial dimension. A
by the multitude of reviews and studies on possible future potentials of description of the model and further scenarios can be found in Ref. [22].
storage options. Ref. [33] investigates the role of sector coupling – including
An extensive review of more than 65 studies doing model-based Power-to-Hydrogen – in a least-cost 100% renewable energies system in
analysis on the possible role of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 technologies can Brazil using the optimisation model REMix. A more regional approach is
be found in Ref. [5]. Whilst some of the studies under consideration applied by Ref. [18]. The authors combine a non-linear programming
focus on life cycle assessment (LCA), costs or process design, many market model developing cost optimised scenarios and a multi-node
works assess business models and potentials of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 in transmission grid model. They investigate possible renewable energy
future energy systems. Special attention is laid on the storage needs in scenarios for the region of Brandenburg and Berlin, Germany, also
renewable energies only scenarios and the potential of PtG-CH4/H2 in focusing on storage technologies. A comparable case study for a region
such systems. Ref. [6] reviews energy system analyses, economic as­ in Southern Germany on the distribution network level is in Ref. [30].
sessments as well as real-life projects on Power-to-Methane and The studies mentioned above have in common that they consider the
Power-to-Hydrogen in order to derive potentials and challenges of the impacts of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 on the electricity system, neglecting the
technology. At this point, special reference is made to their classification interdependencies with the gas network. This is where for example Refs.
of different models especially regarding their modelling approach, [34,35] introduce an approach combining a two-stage direct current
spatial and temporal resolution as well as the sectors taken into account. optimal power flow model and a gas network analysis model. They apply
Ref. [7] reviews studies on Power-to-Methane in energy systems to the model for the gas and electricity network in Great Britain and show
analyse and collect the status-quo recommendations for actions. A re­ that including the gas system in system analysis of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2
view of different Power-to-Methane options with a focus on their is essential. They highlight that neglecting the gas system leads to
respective technological and economic performances can be found in shortcomings in the considerations of gas grid and market limitations.
Ref. [8]. Ref. [9] reviews the current cost structure and future demand Another approach to include the gas sector in the investigation of
potentials for PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 and derives possible reduction sce­ Power-to-Methane is proposed by Refs. [19,20]. They set up an energy
narios for CAPEX and gas production costs taking into account dynamic system model including the gas, electricity and (as they call it) CO2
learning and scaling effects. sector where Power-to-Methane plants serve as one coupling between

S. Kolb et al.
Table 1
Details of the reviewed studies on the integration of renewable gases (including studies reviewed in Ref. [6]).
study modelling approach spatial and temporal representation technologies markets grids

ref. year market/ expansion grid region spatial temporal temporal PtG- PtG- SNG SynGas BioCH4 power gas power gas
dispatch planning resolution resolution horizon CH4 H2a

[10] 2016 – – Newton nodal GBR exemplary gas steady state n/a x x x
simulation grid with 11/
12 nodes
[11] 2017 – – Newton loop – exemplary gas steady state n/a x x
simulation grid with 9
[12] 2017 – – non- central ITA transmission steady state n/a x x x x
isothermal gas grid with
nodal 80 nodes
[15] 2018 LP LP DC power EU28, CHE, 1 node per 12 2010–2050 x x x x x x x
optimisation optimisation flow, simple NOR, ISL country representative
trade time slices, 24
processes for power
[16] 2014 LP exogenous – GER copper plate hourly 2010, x x
optimisation scenarios, LP 2022,
optimisation 2032, 2050
for storage
[17] 2008 – – NLP – exemplary steady state n/a x x
optimisation transmission
gas grid with
17 nodes, 3

pipelines and 2
[18] 2014 nodal merit- NLP multi-node Berlin- 1 node for NLP hourly 2020, 2030 x x x
order dispatch optimisation transmission Brandenburg, optimisation, 6
grid GER nodes for
simulation transmission
grid in multi-
node model
[19,20] 2014/ MILP exogenous – BEL copper plate quarter-hourly 1 x x x
2015 optimisation scenarios exemplary

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

future year
[22,23] 2014 MILP exogenous DC power GER 18 nodes hourly 2020, x x x
optimisation scenarios flow 2030, 2050
[28] 2014 iterative unit- exogenous – NLD copper plate hourly 1 x x
commitment scenarios exemplary
with 7 day future year
window (12 h
for storage)
[29] 2015 – exogenous – GER copper plate hourly 2050 x (x)
scenarios aggregated to
annual excess
[30] 2016 – exogenous – Bavaria, GER copper plate, quarter-hourly 2015–2025 x (x)
scenarios different aggregated to
voltage levels annual excess
considered energy
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued )

S. Kolb et al.
study modelling approach spatial and temporal representation technologies markets grids

ref. year market/ expansion grid region spatial temporal temporal PtG- PtG- SNG SynGas BioCH4 power gas power gas
dispatch planning resolution resolution horizon CH4 H2a

[31] 2007 iterative unit- exogenous – NLD copper plate hourly 1 x x

commitment scenarios exemplary
with 7 day future year
[33] 2017 LP LP DC power BRA 13 nodes hourly 2050 x x x
optimisation optimisation flow
[34,35] 2015 NLP exogenous Newton nodal GBR 79 nodes half-hourly 2030 x x (x) x x
optimisation scenarios gas grid transmission
simulation, gas grid, 29
DC electrical busbar
power flow electrical
[39] 2019 – – Newton- IRN n/a steady state n/a x x
[40] 2017 – – energy-based municipality exemplary 1 hourly 168 h x x
simulation in ITA pipeline gas
[42] 2014 – – Hardy Cross GBR exemplary gas steady state n/a x x
simulation grid with 13
[43] 2017 – – non- POL exemplary 1 5 min 6 days x x
isothermal pipeline gas

flow network
[46] 2009 LP LP DC power GER n/a time slicing 2005–2030 x x x x x x
optimisation optimisation flow, simple
[47] 2015 general myopic based – GER grid of 5′ × 5′ 5 years 2010–2050 x x x
equilibrium on production resolution for
(resource costs determining
market) biomass

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

[48] 2008 – myopic – AUT n/a annual 2011–2050 x x (x) (x)
[49] 2013 – agent-based – North Rhine- municipality annual 2008–2028 BG x
NPV Westphalia level
assessment and Bavaria,
[50,51] 2008 – agent-based – CHE municipality annual 2006–2025 BG x
NPV level
[52,53] 2019 – – non- ITA 78 nodes gas steady state, n/a x x
isothermal distribution hour-by-hour
nodal network analysis
[54] 2016 – agent-based – NLD n/a annual 30 years BG (x) (x)

(DC = direct current, NPV = net present value, BG = biogas, (x) = indirect consideration).
In some studies (focusing on the gas grid) not explicitly assumed as PtG-H2 but as hydrogen injection into the gas grid in general.
S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

the sectors. The model aims at minimising the total operational costs Germany, inter alia regarding the relevance of different technological
solving a MILP problem. Ref. [36] assesses the effects of coupling elec­ options – including the production of biomethane from anaerobic
tricity distribution grids and gas networks using Power-to-Methane and digestion as well as SNG from gasification of woody biomass –, their
-Hydrogen in the Emsland region in Germany. Using the partial equi­ implications on markets, infrastructure, society and environment. They
librium linear optimisation model JRC-EU-TIMES (for more details see implement the technologies in a model compound, consisting of the
Ref. [37]), Ref. [15] investigates the potential of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 on simulation model BENSIM (plant fleet), the equilibrium model MAGNET
the European level, laying special focus on a high degree of detail in the (biomass market) and the land use model LandSHIFT in order to simu­
temporal and spatial dimension. The authors do not solely focus on late the effects of different bioenergy pathways. Ref. [48] has a similar
Power-to-Methane but integrate different flexibility options to deal with focus, analysing the optimal integration of bioenergy in Austria aiming
surpluses of renewable electricity (such as demand-side-management at a minimisation of CO2 emissions. The authors integrate technologies
(DSM), Power-to-Liquid (PtL), Power-to-Heat), allowing them to anal­ using biomass for electricity, heat or transportation including bio­
yse the respective potentials taking into account the market environ­ methane and SNG into their dynamic simulation tool Green-XBio-Austria.
ment and technological competition. Furthermore, the upgrading of Other studies put focus on the investigation of biogas technologies,
biogas to biomethane is considered as another renewable gas technology meaning the fermentation of wet biomass and direct combustion in a
in the study. combined heat and power unit. Ref. [49] for example investigates the
Yet other studies focus on the gas networks when investigating the influence of funding strategies (especially regarding feed-in tariffs) on
potential role and challenges of Power-to-Gas, as [6] highlights. Some of the development of German biogas plants. In doing so, they set up an
those focus on the injection of Power-to-Hydrogen in order to analyse agent-based model, modelling decision making based on simple decision
the effects of different shares of H2 on the gas grid [11,17,38–41]. Others rules. A description of the model setup and an application on the Swiss
take into account PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 in order to investigate the oper­ case can be found in Refs. [50,51]. Refs. [52,53] analyse the impact of
ation of the gas grids with multiple, decentral, non-conventional gas biogas and biomethane injection on the distribution level of the gas grid
sources [10,12,42,43]. Ref. [44] assesses the potential for PtG-CH4/H2 applying a transient fluid-dynamic model. Other energy system analyses
in Germany in a GIS-based analysis taking into account the gas distri­ focusing on biogas can be found in Refs. [54,59,60].
bution grid, local potentials for renewable electricity as well as regula­ Current studies either focused on involving few technological op­
tory, legal and economic factors. tions using bioenergy in a complex energy system, therefore neglecting
To sum up, studies carried out to date mainly focus on the electricity the complexity and variety of different technologies, or on the
market, sometimes including electricity and/or gas grids. The current comparative analysis of bioenergy without the consideration of other
contribution therefore aims at adding value to the following areas: energy carriers. This study aims at integrating a large variety of avail­
able options for biogenous gases into an energy system, also including
• Consider the competition of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 with other renewable competing technologies such as PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2. In doing so, syn­
gas technologies: As Ref. [45] highlights, the competition with other ergy effects but also competitions as well as their interactions with the
renewable gas technologies such as biomethane and the market market can be taken into account.
value of such gases are a crucial parameter for the economic profit­
ability of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2. For this reason, the proposed 2.3. Gas market models
modelling approach includes a high variety of different technological
options, taking into account their interdependencies. Existing gas market models can be divided into dispatch and market
• Focus on modelling the gas market: While the electricity market and models. Dispatch models focus on the optimisation of gas flows mini­
grid but also the gas network are subject to multiple studies, ap­ mising the overall system costs. The gas infrastructure is modelled in a
proaches for a detailed modelling of the gas market considering high degree of detail, allowing to image the grid regarding spatial and
Power-to-Methane and -Hydrogen remain scarce. As the gas market temporal dimension close to reality. Market models focus on the
is (one of) the sales markets of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2, a modelling of description of market mechanisms, considering the behaviour and
the pricing and decision making mechanisms thereof is substantial in market power of the different stakeholders and participants. This allows
order to evaluate the competitiveness of those technologies. – in contrast to dispatch models – to maximise the profit of each market
participant, stepping back from the assumption of perfect competition
2.2. Models for the integration of biogenous gases [61].
An example for dispatch models is the TIGER model as described in
Bioenergy – mostly in the form of electricity and heat from biogas or Refs. [62,63]. It describes the European gas infrastructure assuming
the combustion of woody biomass – plays a role in many studies perfect competition. It features the depiction of gas flows, storage op­
investigating future national and international energy systems, such as erations or utilisation of LNG terminals in monthly resolution. Other
Refs. [55–57]. In those studies, bioenergy constitutes one out of many models focus on an even more detailed description of the physics of the
technological options. Others put a stronger focus on biogenous energy gas infrastructure, such as Refs. [64,65]. Refs. [66–68] propose a
carriers, seeking to take account of the multitude of technological op­ dispatch model framework for the integrated simulation of gas and
tions as well as the usage competition (plate-tank-debate as well as electricity grids. They model the interconnections between the elec­
competition between heat, electricity and transportation sector). tricity and gas sector by means of NG demand for power generation,
Ref. [46] for example compares 55 different conversion technologies electricity demand for gas compressors, for underground storage as well
for the energetic use of biomass, including the treatment of biogas to as for LNG terminals.
biomethane as well as the gasification of woody biomass in a circulating Market models comprise for example the World Gas Model as
fluidised bed linked to a cogeneration plant (direct use of SynGas). The described in Refs. [69–72]. It is a deterministic market model, analysing
author aims at comparing the conversion technologies especially the worldwide gas market for the upcoming three decades simulating
regarding their energy efficiency, costs, substitution potential and CO2 the different market participants (e.g. producers, retailers, pipeline op­
footprint. He then integrates the technologies under investigation in the erators, storage operators, traders, customers and the like). The market
linear optimisation model TIMES (cf. e.g. Ref. [58]) in order to optimise participants all try to maximise their profits. The different countries are
the use of available biomass resources in different scenario frameworks modelled as single nodes, very important or big countries as multiple
(with and without subsidies on renewables, with and without CO2-tar­ nodes. Modelling the market participants and their behaviour and in­
gets) until the year 2030. terests in high detail, the model allows optimising investments in
Ref. [47] investigates a sustainable bioenergy strategy until 2050 for pipelines, storages and LNG-terminals under different scenario-based

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

boundary conditions such as changes in demand or supply structures as performances of the plant types on an hourly basis. Special focus lays on
well as prices and costs. Other worldwide gas market models include the the interaction of the plants with their feedstock markets (electricity and
COLUMBUS model explained in Refs. [62,73] and the linear optimisa­ biomass market). Sections 3.2 and 3.3 explain the optimisation steps.
tion model MAGELAN in Ref. [74]. Section 3.2 presents the NLP optimisation approach used in the gas
Other models lay their focus on the European market, such as the market model. Here, the interaction of the renewable gas plants and the
GaMMES model [75] or NATGAS [76]. GaMMES models the European gas market are considered especially regarding the mutual influence on
market including the most important foreign producers. The gas market prices and operating conditions. Varying monthly gas prices, the gas
is divided into the upstream and a downstream level of the supply chain: market model maximises the consumer surplus. Section 3.3 introduces
The upstream level consists of producers as well as dependent and free the expansion planning, aiming at an optimisation of the ideal increase
traders that all have market power. The downstream level includes the or decrease of renewable gas plant constructions under a given set of
consumers that are supplied by the traders. The competition is modelled scenario-based boundary conditions.
as a Cournot-Nash-Oligopoly. Storage and transportation are regulated The sequence of operation starts with the execution of the plant fleet,
by global operators. Special feature of GaMMES is the integration of which simulates the renewable gas plants’ performance parameters (e.g.
substituting energy carriers such as coal or oil, moderating the market supply curves, total amount of gas produced, costs) for one year on an
power of gas providers. For a detailed review and comparison of hourly basis. After this year the simulation run pauses and the optimi­
different gas market models, see Refs. [61,75]. sation steps are executed. In the first place, the expansion planning
The current gas market models focus on the modelling of the future identifies the ideal number and type of renewable gas plants to be built
of the conventional gas market, considering changes in conventional in the upcoming simulation year. Subsequently, the gas market model
supply and demand structures. However, in possible future gas markets optimises storage operation and gas prices on a monthly basis for the
with an increased share of renewable gases and a progressive sector next year. The results from expansion planning and gas market model
coupling, the arising new suppliers certainly will have an impact on the are then implemented in the plant fleet which again simulates the
gas market. The approach presented here aims at considering those plants’ performance data for another year.
3.1. Plant fleet
3. Modelling approach in MIREG
The plant fleet simulates the performance and operation of the
The hereby proposed modelling approach combines system-dynamic renewable gas plants under consideration. This serves as the data basis
simulation with MILP and NLP optimisation techniques. It is a pure for the optimisation steps and allows a detailed evaluation of different
market model, searching for the economic optimum without taking into scenarios. The plant fleet consists of a system-dynamic model of the
account gas or electricity networks. Fig. 1 displays the schematic setup renewable gas plants (section 3.1.1), which interact with the electricity
of the MIREG model. Section 3.1 presents the simulation parts of the (section 3.1.2) and biomass market (section 3.1.3). The implementation
model. This includes the plant fleet, which simulates the parameters and of the model is realised in the multimethod simulation environment

Inputs (Scenarios) 3.1.1. Description of renewable gas plants

The MIREG framework considers a multitude of technological op­
- current plants tions to produce renewable gas using both biogenous resources and
- construction, price and performance parameters electricity. Technologies converting biomass include the fermentation of
- boundary conditions (e.g. demand and price projections) wet biomass (corn, manure, or residues) to biogas and its subsequent
CO2 separation to biomethane (BioCH4). The framework also considers
Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) plants gasifying ligneous biomass (short
Optimisation rotation forestry (SRF), forest residues (FR), straw, or imported wood
pellets (IP)) with different gasification technologies (Güssing-type dual
gas market expansion planning fluidised bed (DFB) with/without Absorption Enhanced Reforming
(AER) [77], Heatpipe-Reformer-type (HPR) [77–81]). The gasification
monthly gas annual plant
step produces a hydrogen-rich synthesis gas (SynGas) which subse­
prices construction
quently passes through a methanation step. Technologies converting
electricity to gaseous energy carriers cover Power-to-Hydrogen plants
with different electrolysis options (Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cells (SOEC)
Simulation [82–85], Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis [86]) as well as
electricity market partial steam methane reforming (SMR), where methane is partially
reformed to hydrogen at low steam-to-carbon (S/C) ratios using
hourly electricity
prices renewable electricity [87,88]. It has to be noted that hydrogen from
plant fleet partial SMR is not a green gas as it is – at least given the current gas mix –
hourly performance processed from fossil methane. However, as it uses renewable electricity
data biomass market for the reforming process it represents a technology to store green
annual biomass electricity in gaseous energy carriers and is therefore considered in the
prices model. Furthermore, Power-to-Methane plants where the renewable
hydrogen from electrolysis is converted to methane by means of either
catalytic or biological methanation [89–92] need to be considered.
The technologies produce synthetic methane or hydrogen which is
injected into the gas grid in the model. Additionally, a Güssing-type
projections until 2050 (CO2 emissions, prices, gas mix) gasifier producing synthesis gas from forest residues is considered. This
gas is directly combusted for the provision of process heat in order to
Fig. 1. Schematic setup and main resulting parameters of the model parts in substitute NG in some industrial applications, similar to historic coal-
the MIREG model. derived town-gas applications of the last century. A schematic

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

representation of the different conversion paths considered in the model computing monthly gas prices – situations to start-up and shut-down in
is displayed in Fig. 2. an hourly cycle. The assigned lifetimes are fixed values dependent on the
The technologies cover different discretised power ranges and respective technology. An overview of the most relevant parameters
technological maturities. The different plants are individually simu­ describing the different technologies can be found in Table A 1 in the
lated, clustering plants of the same generation to reduce simulation supplementary data.
time. One of the main parameters to be calculated is the levelised costs of
the renewable gas cLCOG produced by the single plants. 3.1.2. Electricity market model
/ To access consumption costs of PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 and their
∑( ∑(
cLCOG = inv ⋅ a + coper + cvar
(1) behaviour with varying demand and production, an electricity market
t t model is integrated in MIREG. This model is based on the results of Refs.
[102–104]. The authors investigate the effects of renewable energies on
The annual depreciation of capital expenditure is derived from the
the day-ahead spot market in Germany from 2011 until 2013. In order to
investment inv and the annuity factor a, as commonly used in energy
reconstruct historic stock market prices without wind and PV power, the
system models (e.g. in DIMENSION [93], MARKAL [94] or TIMES [58]).
authors characterise the non-renewable generation system by its mar­
The investment is determined using the learning curve approach (cf. e.g.
ginal cost curve. This curve represents the marginal costs for each
Refs. [95–98] for PtG-H2 and PtG-CH4, and Refs. [99–101] for bio­
conventional power offered or realised during a year. It therefore allows
methane and SNG). This allows to consider economies of scale. Oper­
approximating the hourly day-ahead electricity price setting in at a
ating costs coper are considered as a fixed percentage of the total
certain power of non-renewable electricity production based on historic
investment depending on the technology. Variable costs cvar are mainly
market data. A dual exponential function was used to approximate the
determined by electricity costs for PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 and biomass
costs for SNG, SynGas and biomethane. Those values are calculated
(( )/ ) (( )/ )
endogenously (cf. section 3.1.2). Variable costs in MIREG also take into p = 0.5 ⋅ exp Pel,conv − k1 k2 − exp Pel,conv − k3 k4 + k5 (2)
consideration costs for heating, auxiliary materials and disposal as well
as possible revenues for excess heat. Additionally, CO2 costs are included determining the factors k1 to k5 using regression analysis (R2 = 0.595
in the variable costs using the scenario-based development of CO2 pri­ for the data fitting; RMSE = 15.3 € /MWh when testing the function with
ces, assuming that all gas producers have to pay for CO2 emitted during the year 2018). The expectable hourly marginal day-ahead price p
their production steps. therefore can be determined by calculating the hourly production of
The operation decisions of the different PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 plants conventional, non-renewable power generation Pel,conv . This value in
are modelled using a simple decision rule: The plants are running only turn is the difference of the total supply Pel,tot and the hourly wind Pel,Wind
when it is economically feasible, meaning that their marginal costs are and PV Pel,PV production. The total supply is based on the hourly
below the current gas market price computed by the gas market model resolved electricity demand of Germany in the year 2017, taken from
(cf. chapter 3.2). The plants therefore simulate the costs at which they ENTSO-E [105]. Additionally, the endogenously calculated consump­
could produce gas in the corresponding hour. As soon as those costs are tion of PtG-CH4 Pel,PtGCH4 and PtG-H2 Pel,PtGH2 plants must be added.
below the current gas market price obtained from the gas market model
they start running. The marginal costs consider variable consumption Pel,conv = Pel,tot + Pel,PtGCH4 + Pel,PtGH2 − Pel,Wind − Pel,PV (3)
costs, only. Regional weather data from the Climate Data Center (CDC) of the
The productivity of the plants is based on time dependent effi­ German Meteorological Service [106] in hourly resolution allow deter­
ciencies. Those allow taking into account progress in research and mining the volatile production of wind and PV. The currently installed
development. Furthermore, the model comprises dedicated efficiencies capacities are allocated to the weather locations using their postal codes,
for each of the discretised power classes of the renewable gas plants (see as presented in Table A 2 in the supplementary data. The development of
Table A 1 in the supplementary data). The simulation does not consider the electricity market’s installed renewable capacities and the total en­
start-up and shut-down times. This assumption is mainly due to the ergy consumption Pel,tot is taken from scenario A of the network devel­
chosen time steps in the model but seems to be justifiable especially opment plan electricity of the German Federal Network Agency (v2019)
when investigating flexible PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 production. SNG and [107] and allocated to the postal codes based on the current distribution.
biomethane plants produce at constant annual marginal costs in the The performance of wind and PV plants are then modelled fundamen­
model and therefore do not face – given the gas market model tally, using exemplary data sheets and system data (PV: SUNTECH

renewable electricity

partial SMR
(wind, PV, hydro)

gas grid

catalytic CO2
corn, residues, ...)
biomass (wood,

HPR SynGas
treatment SynGas


Güssing + AER

Fig. 2. Renewable gas conversion paths considered in the MIREG model.

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

STP200S-24/Ad+, Wind: Vestas V112–3.3). WTPm is a function of demand structure as will be shown in section
3.2.1. The costs Cm are determined by supply which will be explained in
3.1.3. Biomass market model chapter 3.2.2.
The driver of variable costs of technologies running on biogenous The main outcome of the optimisation is the final monthly gas price
resources are their substrate procurement costs. The latter depend pm which is the sum of the average monthly gas price pm and the monthly
heavily on supply and demand in a market characterised by usage price change optimised Δpm .
competitions and restricted potentials. A high utilisation factor of the
available biomass potential results in increasing prices. In order to take pm = pm + Δpm = pa ⋅zm + Δpm (6)
this effect into account, a modified sigmoid function is used as suggested
The ratio zm of monthly gas prices pm and the annual average gas
by Ref. [49]. It indicates the resulting substrate prices psub as a function
price pa is derived from gas prices at the European Energy Exchange
of the utilisation factor ρ, the factor between the minimum and
(EEX) in the years 2012–2016. The schematic setup of the model as well
maximum price k as well as the average reference price psub .
as its interface to the plant fleet is displayed in Fig. 3. As the gas market
psub = psub ⋅(1 + k ⋅ ( − 1 + 2 / (1 + exp( − 12 ⋅ (ρ − 0.5))))) (4) model is executed ex-ante for an upcoming year, the plants’ hourly
performance and price data from the plant fleet of the previous year are
At an utilisation factor of ρ = 0.5 the resources are traded with the aggregated to monthly supply curves and used for the optimisation of
reference price psub . In line with Ref. [49], the factor k = 0.5 is defined. the upcoming year. Plants which are newly being built are assumed to
The current reference price psub and maximum potentials for the have the same supply curve as the newest already existing plant.
different substrates are taken from literature. Table A 3 in the supple­ To respect the constraints of both mathematic modelling and market
mentary data displays the considered ranges of potentials as well as the and to mimic the market’s behaviour, the following boundary condi­
reference prices psub . psub itself is a function of time, as biomass prices are tions are predefined for the optimisation:
also supposed to rise over time. The annual increase in the reference
prices is based on Ref. [108]. • The demand of all consumers must be negative at all time, as it is
There is a multitude of other approaches for modelling biomass taken from the system.
markets in literature, such as static cost-resource-curves. This concept is
explained in Refs. [109,110] and applied in Refs. [111–113]. In this Dg,m ≤ 0 (7)
approach, the potentials of the different renewable energy carriers are
identified with high spatial resolution, clustered by their economic
properties and sorted by their expected costs. Subsequently, new plants • The residual demand prior to the injection of renewable gas must be
are filled into this scheme, beginning at the most economic location negative.
[110]. Due to the national focus of the model and the resulting high DRG,m ≤ 0 (8)
computation efforts and complexity of highly resolved
cost-resource-curves, the simplifying approach of superordinate sigmoid
curves is applied in MIREG. • The storage level always must be positive, but below the maximum
storage capacity.
3.2. Gas market model
0 ≤ Fm ≤ Fmax (9)

A transformation from a fossil only gas market to a market with

multiple renewable gas technologies comes along with changes both in • The storage operations are smaller than the maximum charging and
supply and price structures, as also shown in Ref. [114]. In order to discharging values.
dynamically include the impacts of the changing energy system on the
resulting gas prices and storage operations, a non-linear economic − stmax ≤ stm ≤ stmax (10)
equilibrium optimisation model is proposed. This model allows simu­
lating the behaviour of a strategically acting storage operator,
compensating the high seasonal changes in demand by strategically • No inter annual arbitrage is possible: the annual operation of the
storing and releasing gas. storage needs to be balanced, i.e. the filling level in the end of a year
The economic gas market model optimises the monthly gas price F12 is the same as in the beginning of the year F0 .
depending on supply and demand, with the supply parameters of the F12 = F0 (11)
renewable gas plants being simulated endogenously in the plant fleet. In
doing so, it controls the operation of the plants in turn as they produce
gas in situations where their production costs are below the current gas • The demand must be met at all time.
price only. Contrarily to the electricity market where the production and
Dm = Sm + stm (12)
consumption of energy needs to be balanced at every time step, there is
no such constraint for the gas market due to its large storage capacities.
During times with high demand (especially in wintertime) those reserves
empty to fulfil the demand without full dependency on gas production
and imports, whilst at low demand (summertime), the storage refills
3.2.1. Modelling demand structures
again. The gas market model needs to represent this strategic behaviour.
In a first step, the monthly WTPm is derived by solving the integral of
The proposed optimisation model therefore maximises the consumer
the demand curves until the equilibrium price. The total monthly de­
surplus CSm – which is defined as the difference between willingness to
mand is divided into the groups households, industry and power stations
pay WTPm and costs Cm – for the whole upcoming simulation year by
with different shares in the gas consumption and varying elasticities. In a
varying monthly gas prices by a factor Δpm and by determining storage
first step, the model derives the average monthly reference demand Dg,m
operations stm .
for each of those groups g, which sets in at the reference price, from the
( ) ( )
∑ ∑ total annual gas consumption Da . Da is an exogenous scenario-based
max CSm = max (WTPm − Cm ) (5) parameter, taken from Ref. [115]. The value is multiplied with the
Δpm ,stm Δpm ,stm
relative monthly gas consumption per group Xg,m to consider seasonality
m m

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

hourly performance monthly supply optimisation of monthly demand

and price data curves monthly gas market curves
domestic NG


imported NG storage filling level


MWh month

PtG-CH4/H2 PtG-CH4/H2 gas prices


power plants
h MWh month



h MWh

plant fleet gas market

Fig. 3. Schematic setup of the proposed gas market model and its interface to the plant fleet.

and the general share yg of the respective consumer group at the total where qm is the slope of the monthly demand curve
consumption. Values for Xg,m and yg are based on Ref. [116], assigning /( )
about 50% of the German gas consumption to industry and the service qm = − pm
( )
yhh ⋅ εhh + yind ⋅ εind + yps ⋅ εps ⋅ Dm (16)
sector, 30% to households and 20% to power stations. Thus, the average
monthly reference gas demand of consumer group g is
and tm is the ordinate intercept
Dg,m = Da ⋅yg ⋅Xg,m (13)
tm = pm + qm ⋅Dm (17)
Accounting for the production of SynGas, which can replace natural
gas in some industrial applications, the industrial NG demand decreases 3.2.2. Modelling supply structures
by the amount of SynGas produced. The resulting monthly demand Dg,m In the second step of the gas market model, the monthly costs Cm are
of each group considering the final gas price is then derived using linear calculated from the supply structure. The model includes gas originating
elasticity functions. from renewable gas plants, fossil imports, domestic German fossil gas
/ production and storage activities. For the determination of the supply of
Dg,m = Dg,m + εg ⋅Δpm pm ⋅Dg,m (14) fossil gas from domestic sources, the model uses an elasticity function.
Ref. [76] estimates that gas demand elasticity are in the range of ε = Sdom,m = Sdom,m + εdom ⋅Δpm pm ⋅Sdom,m (18)
0 to ε = − 0.650, depending on the respective consumer. For domestic
households, the elasticity is close to zero as their possibilities to switch The final supply Sdom,m from domestic sources is a function of the
fuels or to reduce demand are very limited. Industrial customers have a monthly price variation Δpm and the price elasticity εdom accounting for
high inertia to react on short-term changes of gas prices as well. A deviations from the monthly average reference production Sdom,m at the
reduction of demand is often linked to a reduction of productivity for monthly reference price pm . Parameter studies show the best correlation
industrial processes. In contrast, gas-fired power stations strongly react with the gas market’s behaviour at an supply elasticity of εdom = 0.1. The
to gas price changes as their position in the merit-order and hence their trend of a decrease in domestic gas extraction forecasted in the network
profitability is directly linked to fuel costs. Elasticities for households development gas [117] is extrapolated linearly to consider the declining
and industry are therefore assumed to be close to zero while values for German gas resources leading to the assumption that domestic gas
power stations are expected to be in the range of − 0.650. Holding all production reaches its end by 2040. The imports of fossil gas Sim,m are
other parameters constant, varying demand elasticities in the range of determined using an elasticity function as described in equation (18),
their assumed values and comparing the resulting gas prices with his­ too. Based on Refs. [118,119], the import supply elasticity is set to εim =
toric values leads to values of εind = − 0.100 for industrial consumers, 0.8.
εhh = − 0.025 for households and εps = − 0.650 for power stations. For In the model, the gas storage aggregates the total storage capacities
the year 2015 for example this parameter setting leads to a RMSE = of the German gas sector which is assumed to remain constant during the
2.96 € /MWh. entire simulation period. It is assumed that no inter annual arbitrage is
Integration of the sum of the demand Dm of all consumer groups g possible, i.e. the filling at the beginning of each year reaches a constant
leads to WTPm
predefined filling level F. Comparing the average January’s level of the
WTPm = 0.5⋅D2m ⋅qm + tm ⋅Dm (15) gas storage between 2010 and 2017 in Ref. [120], this factor is set to F =
0.7. Furthermore, the model considers storage operation costs modelled

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

using storage losses lst,m . Those are entirely economical and are assumed investment decision making processes, an economic optimum is targeted
to occur fully during the filling process of the gas storage. in the expansion planning by minimising the overall costs Ctot of gas
{ supply. In doing so, only costs for new plants are considered, as already
(1 − ηst )⋅stm , stm < 0
lst,m = (19) existing plants cannot be deconstructed in the model and therefore are
0, stm ≥ 0
not a variable for future costs.
Biogenous renewable gases (SNG and biomethane) are considered to ( ( ) )
minCtot = min x ⋅ Cvar + CCAPEX + Coper + CNG (23)
be constant producers in the model. That is, they are assumed to produce x x

a constant amount of gas SRGc,m at a constant (within one simulation The total costs consist on the one hand side of variable costs Cvar ,
year) price. The full load hours are uniformly distributed throughout the depreciation of capital expenditure CCAPEX and operating costs Coper of
whole year. The performance data of those plants are calculated the renewable gas production facilities. The depreciation of capital
endogenously for each generation in the plant fleet, depending on the expenditure is calculated using the annuity method. Variable costs
current scenario parameters and the status quo of the simulation. For the mainly include expenses for CO2 and resources. For each of them, the
integration of those plants, a differentiation between two cases is made scenario-based price predictions are considered in the optimisation. If
depending on the modes of subsidies chosen: the lifetime of a plant ends within the simulation time, the whole costs of
the plant are considered. Otherwise, only the costs within the simulation
• Subsidised plants: The total possible production is assumed to be fed period are included. This way, no data beyond the final year 2050 need
into the gas grid. The required subsidies (i.e the difference between to be forecasted. The gas demand of a simulated year that cannot be met
the production costs of the renewable gas and the current monthly by renewable gas plants according to the optimum expansion path x is
gas price) is then calculated to assess the exogenous costs of such a assumed to be satisfied by domestic and/or imported natural gas.
• Non-subsidised plants: These plants have to actively participate in Sdom,a + Sim,a = Da − SRG,x,a (24)
the market (i.e. they only produce gas when their marginal costs are
The costs CNG for this gas include CO2 prices. Here, scenario-based
lower than the actual market price).
price projections are considered, too.
Some major assumptions need to be considered in the expansion
From imports, domestic natural gas, constant renewable gas pro­
planning of MIREG:
ducers and the beforehand planned storage operations, the monthly
residual demand DRGv,m which has to be provided by volatile renewable
• Renewable gas plants can only be built in the beginning of a year.
gas providers PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 can be derived.
Their lifetime is determined when being built and can neither be
DRGv,m = Dm + Sdom,m + Sim,m + SRGc,m + stm + lst,m (20) extended nor reduced.
• As the gas storage decouples supply and demand temporally, the
For each PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 plant and its corresponding genera­ annual distribution of producing and consuming gas is not consid­
tion, monthly supply curves are derived from hourly marginal costs ered in the expansion planning.
simulated endogenously in the plant fleet. This allows to include the • Imported and domestic NG are treated equally regarding price and
volatile nature of prices of those technologies in the model but also to emissions.
consider technological process by distinguishing between plants of
different years of construction. The values are converted into cumulated The following boundary conditions are established:
density functions which then are approximated with a cotangent func­
tion, where α, β, γ and δ are fitting coefficients determined by means of a • Annual gas demand is fully met by supply. Not inter annual arbitrage
least squares analysis using a Levenberg-Marquardt-algorithm. possible.
SRGv,m = α⋅tan− 1 (β⋅pm + γ) + δ (21) • The maximum amount of plants is restricted by the potential avail­
able. This is important for biogenous gases. Usage competitions be­
Ultimately, the monthly costs Cm can be calculated by multiplying tween the different plants are considered.
the sum of the different gas supplies (imported and domestic NG, • The maximum annual installation rate of all plants is restricted in the
renewable gas from constant and volatile producers) with the final model. However, this maximum rate cannot be exploited from the
monthly gas price pm . beginning. In order to consider first- and late-mover effects, the
( )
Cm = Sdom,m + Sim,m + SRGc,m + SRGv,m ⋅pm (22) annual installation rate is additionally restricted as a function of the
currently existing number of plants as well as the TRL of the
3.3. Expansion planning
• The maximum share of hydrogen in the gas grid is restricted to 2%-
vol [121]. This limits the maximum amount of Power-to-Hydrogen
The development of the plant fleet is an endogenous parameter in the
plants in the model. As the model does not comprise a grid repre­
MIREG model resulting from a MILP expansion planning minimising the
sentation, this threshold is considered on balance.
total costs of the gas supply. Based on the historic performance data from
• Not all technologies considered in the model are ready for the mar­
the plant fleet as well as scenario-based assumptions on the development
ket, yet. As suggested in Ref. [100], the large Güssing-gasifier with
of e.g. gas prices and demand, the expansion planning optimises the
AER can be built in 2025 at the earliest.
type, amount and timing of constructions of new renewable gas plants in
the beginning of each simulation year. To take into account the long-
4. Results
term planning behaviour of investment decisions, the optimisation al­
ways optimises the full time horizon until 2050, with only the decisions
The main outcome of the MIREG model is the economically opti­
for the upcoming simulation year being implemented in the plant fleet
mised change in the German gas mix resulting from different de­
(rolling planning). The exogenous scenario parameters gas demand, gas
velopments in market conditions as well as funding strategies and
price and CO2 prices are taken from Ref. [115].
amounts. Furthermore, varying governmental strategies such as envi­
An optimal expansion path x ∈ Zn×o takes into account a mixture
ronmental targets leading to different biomass potentials can be
between economic, environmental and social aspects. x is a matrix
considered. The coupling with a detailed simulation model allows the
containing integer values for the expansion of each plant type n for each
time-resolved evaluation of effects on CO2 emissions of the gas
year o until 2050. As the economic aspect is the predominant one in the

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

producing system. The gas market model enables to assess the changes supplementary data.
on gas prices resulting from these scenarios. Results show that given the current market conditions and their
This section focuses on the possible effects of different market con­ expected changes in the BAU, a significant increase in the share of
ditions and funding strategies on the development of the German gas renewable gases by 2050 is not to be expected. Merely, the share of
mix. biomethane increases in the scenario from 1% to 12%. This leads to a
mitigation of 18% of CO2 compared to a fossil only supply in 2050
4.1. Scenario definition mainly due to the CO2 credits and therefore negative emissions from the
use of manure. The main reason for the low increase in renewable gas is
In order to assess the impact of different funding strategies and that price projections for fossil gas predict too small prices for renewable
market conditions a business as usual (BAU) case serves as a reference. gases to enter the market. A stronger increase in CO2 prices than ex­
The base projections of those parameters in the BAU are taken from pected in the BAU (reaching 76 € /tCO2 in 2050 [115]) reduces this ef­
Ref. [115] (Fig. 4). These prognoses are in line with other literature. fect: Doubling the CO2 prices leads to a share of approximately 23% in
Predicted gas prices in Germany for 2050 range from 32.4 € /MWh [56] gas production or 28% of CO2 mitigation (especially due to SynGas
to 73.3 € /MWh [122] (value used in BAU: 36.6 € /MWh [115]). CO2 additionally replacing some fossil gas applications), quadrupling to
prices in 2050 vary from 30 € /tCO2 to 100 € /tCO2 [123] (value used in more than 50% in gas production or 54% of CO2 in the model. CO2 prices
BAU 76 € /tCO2 [115]). Literature assumptions for NG consumption are in 2050 would then reach a level of 152 €/tCO2 or 304 €/tCO2
ambiguous: While some studies predict an increase in gas demand (e.g. respectively.
Ref. [124] up to 794.4 TWh in 2035) other studies assume a decrease (e. The annual development of gas production in the BAU compared to
g. Ref. [122] to 497.8 TWh in 2050). The value used in the BAU repre­ the scenario assuming a development of 200% and 400% of the pre­
sents a decrease in gas consumption to 510.9 TWh in 2050 [115]. dicted CO2 prices is displayed in Fig. 6. Additionally, a 400% CO2 price
Based on the BAU, the following scenarios are defined: scenario considering the lower biomass potential in Table A 3 is shown
to analyse sensitivity on available biomass resources. Biomethane plants
• Increasing CO2 prices: The CO2 price scenarios assumes that all gas are the first to be built in all scenarios due to their technological read­
suppliers have to pay for the emissions occurring during their pro­ iness and availability. In the BAU, no additional technologies enter the
duction. For NG, an emission factor of 250 kgCO2 /MWh including its market until 2050. In the midterm, SNG and SynGas are built with rising
production and perfect combustion (meaning at 100% efficiency) is CO2 prices. The potential for SynGas plants is realised first, as the
considered [125–127]. The scenarios suppose a 200% and 400% absence of the methanation step is economically beneficial. PtG-CH4 and
development of CO2 prices compared to the BAU (cf. Fig. 4). PtG-H2 do not play a role until the end of the simulation period, whereat
• Increasing gas prices: In the gas price scenarios the exogenously the potential for PtG-H2 is exploited first. By that time, the ratio of
determined increase of fossil gas prices is 150% and 200% of the electricity and gas prices has reached a point at which the plants are able
development in the BAU (cf. Fig. 4). This refers to rising extraction to run economically feasible. A large contribution of renewable gases in
costs or a governmental penalisation of NG (e.g. by additional tariffs the scenario with 400% CO2 prices comes from imported biomass: In
or taxes). 2050, some 13% are provided by SNG plants using imported pellets as
• Investment subsidies: Since renewable gas technologies (except for feedstock (black and darkish grey). In the 400% CO2 price scenario the
biomethane) did not yet find broad application their high specific overall available biomass potential is almost fully exploited by 2042.
investment can be an inhibitor of their expansion. The investment The upper potential has to be considered a very ambitious value. The
subsidies scenarios assume a governmental partial financing of the comparison to the moderate biomass potential scenario shows consid­
investment, hence the costs for erecting new renewable gas plants erably lower shares in renewable gases (53% vs. 35%).
decrease by 25% resp. 50%. Similar developments as in the CO2 price scenarios can be seen in the
• Agricultural subsidies: In these scenarios a governmental funding scenarios with a higher increase in fossil gas price. In the scenario with
supports growing and providing agricultural feedstock for energy an increase of 150% with regard to the BAU, the average fossil gas price
purposes. This leads to a reduction in biomass costs by 15% and 25% in 2050 is 73 €/MWh (91 €/MWh for the scenario with a 200% increase).
with regard to the BAU. This leads to possible shares of 22% resp. 45% of renewable gases. In the
results of the scenario, parts of the expansion of SNG plants are shifted to
4.2. Scenario results PtG-CH4 compared to the CO2 price scenarios. With 150% fossil gas
prices, SNG does not play a role at all as gas market prices do not reach a
The structure of the gas production in 2050 under the funding level allowing an economic operation. The main barrier are the high
schemes presented in section 4.1 is displayed in Fig. 5 and compared to costs for substrate provision and investment of this technology. PtG-CH4
the status-quo in 2017. Colour grading represents different feedstock and PtG-H2 start entering the market by 2045 in this scenario.
within the same technology. In 2017, around 1% of the German gas Little positive effects can be observed from investment and agricul­
consumption was provided by renewable gases, almost exclusively by tural subsidies. A reduction of the specific investment by 50% only
biomethane plants [128]. The biomass potentials assumed in the results slightly effects the share of PtG-CH4 in the scenario. Still, with the pre­
presented in Fig. 5 refer to the upper boundaries in Table A 3 in the dicted fossil gas and CO2 prices, renewable gas in these scenarios is too

annual gas demand (in TWh)


2.5 60
2.0 50
CO2 prices (

40 400
20 200
0.5 historical historical historical
forecast [115] 10 forecast [115] forecast [115]
0.0 0 0
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Fig. 4. Development of gas prices, CO2 prices and gas demand (based on lower heating values) in the BAU (values from Ref. [115]).

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

SynGas FR
SNG HPR straw
80% SNG Güssing SRF
SNG Güssing FR

Share in Gas Supply

60% BioCH4 residues
BioCH4 manure
BioCH4 corn
40% PtG-H2


BAU 200% 400% 150% 200% 25% 50% 15% 25%
BAU CO2 Prices Gas Prices Investment Subsidies Agricultural Subsidies

Fig. 5. Structure of the predicted gas supply in 2050 with different funding strategies and amounts compared to the status-quo in 2017.

Fig. 6. Annual development of gas supply under different boundary conditions (a: BAU, b: 200% CO2 prices, c: 400% CO2 prices, d: 400% CO2 prices at lower
biomass potential).

expensive to act on the market economically. This is especially crucial when it comes to Power-to-Methane and
Power-to-Hydrogen options which interact between the electricity and
5. Discussion gas market. Using simulation techniques, this interaction can be
executed frequently mimicking plant operators’ decision making pro­
The proposed combination of simulation and optimisation allows to cess. The integration of optimisation techniques allows to approximate
take advantage of both techniques: The system-dynamic approach market effects without the exogenous specification of too many pa­
relying on the simulation of individual renewable gas plant types and rameters. Especially the penetration of renewable gases into the previ­
generations in a market environment in high temporal resolution en­ ously oligopolistic gas market and the effects of the diversification in the
ables to model the technologies’ performance data in a very detailed supply structure can be taken into account with the approach presented.
way. This helps to provide input data which are endogenously calculated In existing approaches, this point remained considered only sparsely due
and adjusted to the respective scenario and simulation progress to the to the strong focus on the electricity market and/or the depiction of grids
optimisation steps. Furthermore, it enables the detailed and time and networks.
resolved evaluation of the effects of different scenarios on the plant fleet. The gas market model relies on deterministic, predefined values (e.g.

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

regarding elasticities, demand developments, reference prices or storage results mainly regarding the plant erections. In this approach, these
capacities). Those are either adjusted to historical values or obtained prerequisite was assumed to be fulfilled at any time.
from literature projections. This deterministic approach simplifies the Same as in the gas market, the spatial allocation of production ca­
optimisation processes but has the potential not to sufficiently take into pacities to weather locations in the electricity market remained rough,
account future changes and disruptions in market conditions. As an as the total production capacity was assigned to six weather stations.
example, changes in future electricity markets (e.g. the decrease of nu­ The integration of further locations could increase the model accuracy.
clear and coal-fired power stations or a strong increase of CO2 prices) The electricity market model as such is based on historic pricing
would change the place of gas-fired power stations in the merit-order. mechanisms and structures for predicting future prices. Indeed, the
This in turn could affect their bidding behaviour and hence alter the changes in renewable energy production are considered but the con­
demand elasticity of gas-fired power stations εps . Furthermore, as the ventional power plant fleet as well as boundary conditions (e.g. com­
total annual gas consumption is another exogenous parameter, the in­ modity prices) are assumed to remain as is. While this seems negligible
crease of gas consumption coming along with the above-mentioned for near future predictions, in the far future it may lead to forecasting
hypothetical change in future electricity markets is not considered as errors.
well. The assumed maximum of 2%-vol hydrogen in the grid refers to
In order to evaluate the possible impact of the exogenously defined limitations in German gas networks with filling stations for CNG (com­
parameters on the results of the gas market model, Table 2 presents the pressed natural gas) vehicles connected. However, there is no general
results of a sensitivity analysis. Relevant parameters from the supply, national legislative restriction for hydrogen blending into the gas
demand, storage and price dimension are varied in order to observe their network as [129] highlights. In light of maximum values for Germany
effects on the relevant outputs. The observed outputs include the ranging from 0.2 to 10%-vol of hydrogen blending [129], it is uncertain
resulting average final gas price and the maximum gas price spread. The if the limitation of 2%-vol will remain steady until 2050. In addition to
first directly impacts the profitability of renewable gases in the model as potential technologies allowing for higher shares of hydrogen in the
their operational hours are simulated in dependence of the resulting gas existing gas grid, a parallel infrastructure e.g. by means of liquid
market price. The latter comprises the difference between the optimised hydrogen or dedicated hydrogen pipelines is thinkable. Furthermore,
maximum and minimum monthly gas price of a year and is hence a applications (especially in industry) to date using fossil NG from the gas
criterion for the variability of resulting gas prices. The BAU parameter network could produce hydrogen on-site to replace their demand for NG
setting of the first simulation year 2018 serve as reference case. In order [130]. This would allow to further increase the share of hydrogen in the
to allow for comparability, the sensitivities of the outputs are indicated gas mix. In scenarios where PtG-H2 plants are built at all this factor has
as change in gas price (in €/MWh) per percent (based on the BAU) of direct implications of the results of MIREG. Raising the limitation of
change of the respective input parameter. The analysis shows nearly hydrogen in the grid to 10%-vol in the scenario with 400% CO2 prices
perfect linear correlations which enables to describe the sensitivity by increases the contribution of PtG-H2 to 16.2 TWh in 2050 (compared to
this parameter. 3.0 TWh with the 2%-vol restriction). Due to the cost degression of the
The analysis indicates that the most sensitive inputs on the average electrolyser capital expenditures also the contribution of PtG-CH4 in­
final gas price in the gas market model are the average monthly NG creases (in 2050 from 27.1 TWh to 30.7 TWh). The results of PtG-H2 in
import, the annual gas consumption and – obviously – the average NG the simulated scenarios hence need to be apprehended in light of the
price. The scenarios in section 4.1 only consider different average NG assumption of a 2%-vol hydrogen limitation.
prices so far. In future work, the other parameters should be considered Applying the model on the development of different market condi­
in detail in a scenario analysis in order to further investigate their impact tions and funding strategies shows that if renewable gases are supposed
on the overall results. The definition of NG imports has a high impact on to account for a significant share of gas consumed in Germany, they
the maximum gas price spread as well. Due to its large contribution to either need to be funded substantially or market conditions have to
the gas mix, the supply elasticity of NG has a high effect on price vari­ change. In the scenarios with around 20% of renewable gases in 2050,
ability. The underlying value therefore was chosen carefully in accor­ the resulting market price in the gas market model was found to be in the
dance with literature. Storage parameters, demand elasticities as well as range of 60 €/MWh to 65 €/MWh. In scenarios with some 50% of
parameters describing the domestic NG production do not show high renewable gas, gas prices reached levels of 100 €/MWh in 2050. This
influence on the relevant output parameters. exemplifies the efforts that have to be undertaken in order to promote
With regard to the regional dimension, in a first step the model does renewable gases when they are supposed to actively act on the gas
not take into account the spatial scale and therefore the grids. Especially market. However, in order to achieve climate goals for the whole energy
when modelling PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2, the availability of CO2 sources as system, renewable energies in the gas sector are unavoidable. The ne­
well as an appropriate gas and electricity connection could alter the cessity to replace NG by green gas is even increased given the discussion

Table 2
Results of the sensitivity analysis of the gas market model.
input parameter variation output change (in €/MWh⋅%−input)

category parameter unit min BAU max average final gas price maximum gas price spread

price average NG price pa €/MWh 19.0 30.4 40.0 0.305 0.095

supply average monthly NG import Sim,m TWh/m 15 50 85 -0.398 -0.123
average monthly domestic NG production Sdom,m TWh/m 0 5 10 -0.022 -0.001
supply elasticity NG imports εim – 0.2 0.8 0.9 0.012 -0.234
supply elasticity domestic NG production εdom – 0 0.10 0.28 2.12 E-05 -0.001
demand total annual gas consumption Da TWh/a 570 640 780 0.239 0.065
demand elasticity households εhh – -0.140 -0.025 0 -2.04 E-04 0.002
demand elasticity industries εind – -0.3 -0.1 0 -2.09 E-04 -0.001
demand elasticity power stations εps – -0.75 -0.65 0 -0.002 0.035
storage maximum storage capacity Fmax TWh 150 259 330 8.74 E-07 -1.2 E-04
storage start filling level F0 % 35 70 85 1.07 E-05 -8.14 E-05

S. Kolb et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110696

on upstream methane leaks in NG production. An increasing number of cheap) for renewable gases to compete on the market without subsidies.
studies (e.g. Refs. [131,132]) question the low CO2-emissions allocated However, given the recent developments in the German energy
to NG, especially pointing at the insufficient data basis for emissions sector gaseous energy carriers are supposed to remain of high impor­
during extraction. tance. In the electricity sector, the government’s plans are to phase out
Furthermore, the model results imply that the available potential of nuclear power until 2023 and coal-fired units until 2038 at the latest.
renewable gas in Germany is not sufficient to meet a demand in the The decline in dispatchable power generation increases the importance
magnitude of today’s gas consumption in an environmentally respon­ of flexible gas-fired power stations, inter alia to bridge dark doldrums.
sible way. In fact, strong increases in CO2 and gas prices turn out to Chemical storage options such as renewable gases are supposed to play a
strongly promote the propagation of especially biogenous renewable key role here. Renewable gases can also contribute to defossilising other
gases at first, but this expansion practically stagnates when the available sectors. In the heating sector, 49.5% of the housing stock was equipped
biomass potential is exploited. Importing biomass (or SNG directly, cf with gas heating in 2019, 36.7% of new housings were built with gas
[133]) is an option which could help here. Also for PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2, heating [144]. Gas infrastructure is well-developed in this sector and
resources are a limiting factor: The results indicate that the planned thus gas is supposed to continue playing a major role. In mobility
expansion of renewable electricity in Germany is not sufficient to keep renewable gases constitute a way to defossilise applications where the
electricity prices on a level that PtG-H2 and PtG-CH4 can become high energy densities of liquid and gaseous energy carriers outweigh the
competitive on the gas market in each scenario before 2040. advantages of electric mobility (e.g. in aviation or shipping).
However, it has to be mentioned that the business case for PtG-H2 Indeed, there is a clear need for renewable gases and the techno­
and PtG-CH4 in the model is to purchase electricity at the day-ahead logical options are known. Thus, the main objective is to derive sus­
market and sell the produced gas in the same time step. Other busi­ tainable, economically and socially acceptable transition paths towards
ness cases were not within the scope of this study but would certainly a green gas market.
affect the economic performance of Power-to-Methane and Power-to-
Hydrogen. Those include but are not limited to CRediT authorship contribution statement

• the possibility to act as auxiliary service or as a flexibility option on Sebastian Kolb: Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal anal­
the balancing power market, ysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - re­
• the integration of a methane storage in order to decouple prices on view & editing, Visualization. Thomas Plankenbühler: Methodology,
the electricity and gas market in terms of time, or Software, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
• the integration of a hydrogen storage (which would allow to run a editing. Jonas Frank: Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investi­
smaller methanation unit at high full load hours for continuous gation. Johannes Dettelbacher: Software, Validation, Formal analysis,
production, e.g. in industrial applications). Investigation. Ralf Ludwig: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data
curation. Jürgen Karl: Conceptualization, Resources, Writing - original
Still, renewable electricity potential in areas near the equator for draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Supervision. Marius
example is significantly higher than in Germany. Possible solutions Dillig: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation,
therefore might be to produce renewable gas in such areas and then Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
import it. Recent studies show the economic and environmental po­
tential of such options (cf. Ref. [134]for a LCA and Ref. [135] for a
technical analysis of PtG-H2 from Qatar, Refs. [136,137] for a Declaration of competing interest
techno-economic assessment of PtG-H2 from Patagonia, Refs. [138,139]
comparing PtG-H2 from different locations). Blue hydrogen is an option The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
to be considered as well [140]. Having said this, for a transition towards interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
a green gas supply, European and/or international solutions have to be the work reported in this paper.
searched for.
The simulation runs also shows that renewable gases always have to Acknowledgments
be seen as a combination of different technological options in order to
achieve a noteworthy contribution. Even though the public opinion of This research was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Eco­
biogas and biomethane has suffered in the last years in Germany (inter nomic Affairs and Energy within the “SustainableGas” project (www.
alia due to the high share of biogas/biomethane from energy crops and under the funding code 03ET4033A. Responsibility
the consequential discussion on monocultures and its potential negative for this publication lies with the authors.
impacts on the environment and landscape aesthetics [141–143]), from
an economic point of view it is the short-term option to green the gas mix Appendix A. Supplementary data
as it is already available. SNG and SynGas might help in the mid-term
and PtG-CH4 and PtG-H2 as solutions in the longer term. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
6. Conclusion
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