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Student Assessment


Student Details

Student ID SA7211 Group SACIIIECECG2


Conditions of  For this assessment, the student will have access to the relevant learning
Assessment resources, listed under the learning resource of this document.
 Responses to the questions must be typed.
Student  Read the tasks outlined below and follow the instructions.
Instructions for  All parts of each research task must be completed and correct.
Completion  The questions within this assessment relate directly to the integrated
knowledge contained within the unit of competencies and are fundamental to
the student’s knowledge and performance evidence. Use of correct grammar
and spelling is required to demonstrate foundation skills, so please ensure to
proofread your answers prior to submission.
 APA referencing must be used where original sources have been used. Do
not copy and paste text from any of the online sources. SCEI has a strict
plagiarism policy and students who are found to breach copyright, will be
penalised. Please refer to APA referencing guide
guide.pdf or
 Write your Name, student ID, the assessment task and the Name of the unit
of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment
Assessment  Students will be provided a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity
Procedure to seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment.
 Students may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment
task. Should students feel they need more time to complete the assessment,
they must negotiate the time needed with the assessor prior to the
assessment due date.
 Following the assessment, responses are to be assessed and marked as
appropriate. Where responses have been assessed in one (1) or more tasks
as unsatisfactory, students will be required to resubmit these tasks. For
more information, detailed information can be found in PP77 Assessment
Policy and Procedure.
Due Date  The trainer/assessor will provide a date and time for this assessment
schedule on the first day of the unit delivery.

The assessment task

Research Task 1
Access the Early Years Learning Framework Outcome 1.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
Page 28 of 38 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0
Student Assessment

a. Explain four (4) ways you could promote a sense of belonging and connectedness in children’s
learning environments where you role model cultural awareness and equality.
promoting student identity
sharing student successed
promoting their pride achievement
encourage children diversity

b. Access the National Quality Framework and National Quality Standards and locate the standard that
relates to the inclusion of the child’s culture in the services program.
National Quality Standard 1 - Educational program and practice

c. Provide four (4) examples for each of the following, of how this standard can be demonstrated or
reflected in an Early Childhood setting.
● As part of the learning environment:
- planting in the garden
- outdoors activity
- reading
- home corner
- arts and crafts
- dress-up

● In the services policy and procedures

- inclusion and practice
- education program
- services policy

Research Task 2: In relation to cultural competence in early childhood, investigate the relevant learning
frameworks and provide a response to the following:

a. List three (3) methods you would use to identify the cultural identities of the children, families and
local community members who may access the service to build up collaborative relation with them.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
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CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0
Student Assessment

communiction conversation

b. List three (3) methods you would use to critically analyse the impact of diversity and inclusion on the
effectiveness of the service’s curriculum and related activities and relationships as noted in the
relevant frameworks.
- completing evaluation form such as survey form
- analying feedback
- jotting

Research Task 3: You are to research your own family background and provide a brief (300 word)
explanation of the following:
● Significant events which may influence your personal values, beliefs and attitudes.
Ramadan fasting Month might be 30 days or 1 month. From sunrise to dusk, fasting
during Ramadan means abstaining from all food and drink, including water and chewing
gum. Muslims are advised to consume something called suhoor before sunrise. We
celebrate Eid after a one-month fast. It celebrates the end of Ramadan's month-long fast
from sunrise to sunset.

● Aspects of your own environment which can influence your own cultural identity
Ramadan, according to legend, is the month in which Allah contacted the prophet,
Mohammed, and gave him the passages of the holy book, or Qu'ran. As a result, prayer is
extremely vital throughout Ramadan. Muslims pray at night whether it is Ramadan or not,
but the tarawih, or Ramadan nocturnal prayer, is more important.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
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CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0
Student Assessment

● The impact your personal background may have on how you interact and form relationships with
people from other cultures.
Eid is an Arabic term that means "festival" or "feast," and the Islamic calendar has two
major Eids: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

Eid al-Fitr, often known as the 'Smaller Eid,' is a three-day festival that commemorates the
conclusion of Ramadan, or fasting.
n addition to celebrating Eid, Muslims are obligated to pay charity, known as Zakat al-Fitr,
so that the impoverished can also rejoice.

According to Professor Laachir, Eid al-Fitr is a festival of "togetherness and forgiveness,"

revitalising the communal spirit and encouraging Muslims to seek forgiveness.

Furthermore, it provides an excellent opportunity for children to have fun, meet new
friends, and become acquainted with the culture.

Research Task 4: In the community where you live, investigate the cultural diversity and provide a
response to the following (provide the link where information was sourced):

a) Identify the cultural makeup % and languages spoken within the community
● There are people in the community from:
Indonesian community in Australia, we have community Indonesian in Australia. We are
from Indonesia but we have different background likes religion. we have food gathering
every eid celebration and christmas .

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
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CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0
Student Assessment

● Language Spoken
normaly we use indonesian language but we have different accent based on our

b) List how the community is inclusive of all cultures.

- specific community event celebrations
- food gathering
- cultural festival

c) Provide the reference as to where information was sourced from.

the information was sourced from my Facebook group Indonesian community in Australia.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
Page 32 of 38 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0

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