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Dr. Yanti Fitria, S. Pd., M. Pd

Tiok Wijanarko, M. Pd

Compiled By:

Tiara Anggun Az Zahra 21129494

Rahma Wadina 21129462





1 2 3 4
1 Systematics of writing/neatness of writing.
2 Focus question
3 Depth of discussion
4 Completeness of concept creation
5 Presentation creativity
6 Presentation skills
Adequacy of references (minimum 2 books, 3 accredited journals, and
1 international journal)
8 Mendeley reference
9 Index

Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His mercy and
grace, as well as health so that the author can complete this paper with the title "Designing
and Creating Science Student Worksheets". We as the author would like to thank Mrs. Dr.
Yanti Fitria, S. Pd., M. Pd., and Mr. Tiok Wijanarko, M. Pd. as supervisors of the
Elementary Science Education course so that this paper can be completed on time.
The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this paper. For this
reason, the author expects criticism and suggestions from readers for better paper
improvements in the future.

Padang, 12 April 2023

Group 10

ASSESSMENT ASPECT .................................................................................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER I .....................................................................................................................................5
A. Background .......................................................................................................................5
B. Problem Statement ............................................................................................................5
C. Purpose of Writing............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II ...................................................................................................................................7
DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................................7
A. Understanding Student Worksheets (LKS) .......................................................................7
B. LKS components ...............................................................................................................8
C. Characteristics of Student Worksheets (LKS) ..................................................................8
D. How to Create Student Worksheets (LKS) .......................................................................9
E. Types of LKS................................................................................................................... 10
F. Benefits and Functions of Student Worksheets (LKS).................................................... 11
G. Implications of Student Worksheets in Learning ........................................................... 12
H. Sample Science Student Worksheet (LKS) ..................................................................... 12
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................ 15
CLOSING ...................................................................................................................................... 15
A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 15
B. Suggestion ....................................................................................................................... 15
BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................................... 16

A. Background
In general, LKS is a worksheet that contains information where students can
do something related to what they are learning to achieve a learning goal. Where LKS
function as a guide or guide for students so that students can make observations and
discoveries, besides that LKS also makes students think more critically. To improve
the quality of education, there needs to be special attention to various aspects. These
aspects include teacher professionalism, student development and growth, educational
and teaching objectives, educational programs and curriculum, teaching planning,
teaching and learning strategies, and learning media. Learning media has various
forms and functions, LKS or student worksheets are one of the print media that are
used as guidelines in learning and contain tasks that must be done by students in
certain studies. Most LKS in schools or educational institutions only transfer an
answer from the material that is parsed at the beginning of the page. This kind of
Student Worksheet is inefficient and not good for the student learning process because
students are only glued to a description in LKS without analyzing a problem or
problem, so it can increase student activity in the learning process can optimize
learning outcomes. In today's modern situation, many media other than LKS can
make it easier and can be quickly accepted by students. However, that does not mean
LKS media cannot be used because of more sophisticated media such as audio-visual
media, etc. Therefore, in this modern era, we must know the nature of the LKS so that
later students can learn effectively in the learning process.

B. Problem Statement
1. What is the meaning of Student Worksheets (LKS)?
2. What are the components of Student Worksheets (LKS)?
3. What are the characteristics of student worksheets (LKS)?
4. How to create Student Worksheets (LKS)?
5. What are the types of Student Worksheets (LKS)?
6. What are the functions and benefits of Student Worksheets (LKS)?
7. What are the implications of student worksheets on learning?

C. Purpose of Writing
1. Explain the meaning of Student Worksheets (LKS)
2. Describe the components of the Student Worksheet (LKS)
3. Describe the characteristics of Student Worksheets (LKS)
4. Explain how to make a good Student Worksheet (LKS)
5. Explain the types of Student Worksheets (LKS)
6. Explain the functions and benefits of Student Worksheets (LKS)
7. Explain the implications of LKS on learning


A. Understanding Student Worksheets (LKS)

Student Worksheets are sheets that students use as guidelines in the learning
process and contain tasks done by students in the form of questions and activities that
students will do. In principle, student worksheets are not assessed as a basis for
calculating report cards, but only given reinforcement for those who complete their
assignments and given guidance for students who have difficulties. Contain problems
(problem-solving) so that students can develop their mindset by solving these
problems. Student worksheets are materials.
According to experts, several definitions of LKS are:
1. Dhari and Haryono’s (1988) Student Worksheet (LKS) is a sheet containing
guidelines for students to carry out learning activities on certain subjects (Dhari,
2. Devi et al (2009: 32) student activity sheets (LKS) are sheets containing tasks that
must be done by students. This activity sheet is usually in the form of instructions
and steps to complete a task. Activity sheets for science subjects must be adapted
to the science learning approach, one of the recommended approaches is the
process skills approach.

Student worksheets are the simplest printed learning materials because the
component of the content is not in the teaching material but in the development of
questions and exercises. LKS is very well used in the framework of heuristic and
expository strategies. In heuristic strategies, LKS is used in guided discovery methods,
while in expository strategies, LKS is used to provide development exercises. In
addition, LKS as a support to improve student activities in the learning process can
optimize learning outcomes.

The role of LKS in the learning process is as a tool to provide knowledge,

attitudes, and skills to students. The use of LKS allows teachers to teach more
optimally, provide guidance to students who have difficulties, provide reinforcement,
and train students to solve problems. (Dhari and Haryono, 1988) As for students, the
use of LKS according to Dhari and Haryono (1988) is useful for:

a) Increase student activity in following the teaching and learning process.

b) Train and develop process skills in students as a basis for the application of
c) Helps to obtain notes on the material learned through the activity.
d) Helps increase information about the concepts learned through systematic
student learning activities.

The thing that needs to be considered in developing printed learning materials,

especially student worksheets, is the development of GBPP printed teaching materials
that have been developed previously, especially in competency analysis to the initiator
of its achievement. The development of indicators in GBPP must truly represent the
standard of competence and basic competence because later these indicators will be
used as a guide in making problems. The material in the student worksheet is only a
summary but already covers what the students will understand.

The exercises and questions developed must use various forms and techniques
so that they are not boring. It must also be included how the steps are taken if the
question is in the form of an essay or assignment.

The types of student worksheets are divided into two, namely:

a. LKS closed, student activity sheets are used in classroom learning regularly and
systematically. For example, usually, after the teacher delivers the material,
students are given worksheets that must be completed by students, the teacher can
use this closed student worksheet
b. LKS is open, which is a student activity sheet that is not bound by the rules. So,
students are told to solve the problems in this LKS in their way along with the
teacher's instructions.

B. LKS components
In general, according to the Ministry of National Education (2008), the components
of LKS consist of
1. Heading
2. Study Instructions
3. Competencies to be achieved
4. subject matter
5. Supporting Information
6. Work tasks and steps
7. Evaluation

C. Characteristics of Student Worksheets (LKS)

1. LKS has problems that students must do, and activities such as experiments or
going into the field that students must do.
2. Is printed teaching material.
3. The material presented is a summary that is not too broad in discussion but already
includes what will be done or done by students.
4. It has components such as a preface, introduction, table of contents, etc.
D. How to Create Student Worksheets (LKS)
In making worksheets, students need to pay attention to several important
requirements and things, including the following:
1. Have goals to be achieved based on GBPP, AMP, and handbooks/packages,
contain trained processes and capabilities, and prioritize essential materials.
2. The layout must be able to show the sequence of activities logically and
systematically, show the parts that have been followed from beginning to end, and
the design is attractive.
3. The phrasing of sentences and words meets the following criteria: simple and easy
to understand, short and clear, new terms should be introduced, and long
information/explanations should be made in the learner's note sheet.
4. Illustrative drawings and schematics should help learners show how, to arrange,
and assemble to help students think critically.

Student Worksheets that can be used by students optimally are good LKS. According
to Darmojo and Kaligis (1991), good LKS requirements include three aspects, namely:

a. Didactic terms
Student Worksheets as a form of means of taking place in the teaching and learning
process must meet didactic requirements, meaning that they must follow the
principles of effective teaching and learning, namely:
1) pay attention to individual differences, so that a good LKS can be used by
students who are slow, medium, and clever
2) emphasizes the process of discovering concepts so that LKS serves as a
guideline for students to find out
3) have a variety of stimuli through various media and opportunities for students
to write, draw, discuss, use tools, and so on
4) can develop social, moral, and aesthetic communication in children. So, it is
not solely shown to be familiar with academic facts and concepts. For this
purpose, a form of activity is needed that allows students to relate to others.
b. Construction requirements
What is meant by construction requirements are conditions related to the
use of language, sentence structure, vocabulary, level of difficulty, and clarity
which in essence must be appropriate in the sense that it can be understood by the
user or student.
1) use language appropriate to the student's maturity level
2) Use clear sentence structure
3) have a lesson order that suits the child's ability level
4) avoiding overly open-ended questions
5) does not refer to source books beyond student readability
6) provide enough space to give students the freedom to write and draw on LKS
7) Use simple and short sentences
8) Use more illustrations than words
9) have a clear learning goal and benefit from that lesson as a source of motivation
c. Technical requirements
1) Writing
Using printed letters and not using Latin or Roman letters, using rather
large bold letters instead of regular letters underlined, using no more than 10
words in one line, using frames to distinguish command sentences from
students' answers, trying to make the ratio of letter size to image magnitude
2) Picture
Images that can convey the message/ content of the image effectively to
LKS users. What is more important is the clarity of the content or message of
the image as a whole.
3) Appearance
Appearance is very important in an LKS. If an LKS is displayed in full
words, then there are a series of questions that must be answered by students,
this will create a boring impression that it is uninteresting. If displayed with the
image alone, it is not possible because the message or content will not arrive.
So, the good one is LKS which has a combination of images and writing.

E. Types of LKS
According to Sadiq (Widiyanto, 2008: 14), LKS can be categorized into 2,
namely as follows:
1. Unstructured Student Worksheets
Unstructured student worksheets are sheets that contain facilities for subject
matter, as a tool for student activities used to deliver lessons. LKS is a teaching aid
that can be used to accelerate learning, encourage learning, and contains a little
point, written or oral to direct work to students.
1. Structured Student Worksheets
Structured student worksheets contain information, examples, and
assignments. LKS is designed to guide students in a course of work or subjects,
with little or no guidance to achieve learning objectives. In LKS has been prepared
instructions and directions, this LKS cannot replace the role of teachers in the
classroom. The teacher keeps supervising the class, encouraging learning, and
giving guidance to each student.
Structured LKS example:
a. Conventional LKS
This LKS is now used in schools in general in the form of print out in the form
of books.
b. LKS Interactive
These LKS are created and run with the help of computer hardware or CD
players. This LKS can provide feedback responses for students.

F. Benefits and Functions of Student Worksheets (LKS)

The role of LKS is very large in the learning process because it can increase
student activities in learning and its use in geography learning can help teachers to
direct students to find concepts through their activities. In addition, LKS can also
develop process skills, improve student activities, and can optimize learning outcomes.
1. Assist teachers in developing lesson plans
2. Activating students in the teaching and learning process
3. As a guideline for teachers and students to add information about the concepts
learned through systematic learning activities
4. Help students obtain notes about the material to be learned through learning
5. Helping students to add information about the concepts learned through systematic
learning activities.
6. Train learners to discover and develop process skills
7. Enable learners in developing concepts

Benefits specifically as follows:

1. For practice purposes, students are given a series of practice tasks/activities.

Worksheets like this are often used to motivate students when doing practice tasks.
2. To explain the application (application) Students are guided to a method of solving
problems with the framework of solving certain questions. This is useful when we
explain the solution to application problems that require many steps. This
worksheet can be used as another option for the question-and-answer method,
where students can check the answer to the question themselves.
3. Students are assigned to collect specific data, then analyze that data. For example
in statistical research.
4. In this worksheet students are guided to investigate a particular situation, find
patterns in that situation, and then use general shapes to make an estimate. The
results can be checked by observation from a simple example.
5. For open-ended research, the use of student worksheets involves several students
in research in a particular field.

Student worksheet functions (LKS)

1. From the perspective of students, LKS functions as a means of learning both in the
classroom, in the practice room, and outside the classroom. So that students have
a great opportunity to develop abilities, apply knowledge, train skills, and process
themselves with teacher guidance to get their acquisition.
2. From the teacher's point of view, student worksheets in organizing teaching and
learning activities have applied the method of learning students, with a high level
of student activity. LKS is one of the many media used in the teaching and learning
process in schools. In teaching subjects, LKS media is widely used to provoke
student learning activities. Because with LKS students will feel given moral
responsibility to complete a task and feel they have to do it, especially if the teacher
gives full attention to the results of student work in the LKS. The teacher does not
give answers, but students are expected to be able to solve and solve problems in
the LKS with guidance or guidance from the teacher.

G. Implications of Student Worksheets in Learning

With the Student Worksheet (LKS) media, it is hoped that it can make students
active and responsive, as well as creative. LKS can be used on learners to observe
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor students. It can also be used in the process skills
approach, where students practice collecting as many concepts about the material to
be learned through LKS and then discussed to obtain conclusions about the definition
and characteristics of the material studied. The use of LKS as a learning medium is
carried out optimally, which is used as a source of information acquisition and media
in practice questions. The implementation of the process skills approach is carried out
according to the learning design chart with the process skills approach through LKS
media. The learning process is carried out by first dividing students into groups.
Learning is carried out using various methods, namely concept discovery methods,
discussion methods, and question practice methods. The application of each learning
method is adjusted to the characteristics of the subject matter at each meeting.

H. Sample Science Student Worksheet (LKS)

Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)

Perubahan Wujud Zat
Kelompok :
Kelas :
Nama Anggota :
Tanggal :
Waktu : 2 x 35 menit
A. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami beragam sifat dan perubahan wujud benda serta berbagai cara
penggunaan benda berdasarkan sifatnya.
B. Kompetensi Dasar
Mendeskripsikan terjadinya perubahan wujud zat (padat cair dan gas!
C. Indicator
Menjelaskan proses terjadinya perubahan wujudzat (padat, gas, cair)
D. Tujuan
Untuk mengetahui perubahan wujud zat (padat, gas, cair)
E. Alat dan bahan
1. Lilin
2. Kapur Barus
3. Korek api
4. Penjepit
5. Es Batu
6. Gelas ukur
7. Kompor spritus
8. Kaki tiga
F. Petunjuk kerja
1. Nyalakan sebatang lilin, amati perubahannya!
2. Matikanlah api pada lilin, diamkan sebentar dan amati perubahan yang akan
3. Jepit sebuah kapur barus, kemudian panaskan di atas lilin yang menyala!
4. Amati perubahan yang akan terjadi pada kapur barus tersebut!
5. Letakkan es batu ke dalam gelas ukur!
6. Amati perubahan yang terjadi pada es batu setelah dipanaskan!
7. Tuangkan air ke dalam gelas ukur, kemudian panaskan si atas kompor
8. Amati perubahan yang terjadi pada air yang dipanaskan!
9. Turunkanlah gelas ukur yang berisi air panas, kemudian tutuplah gelas
10. Amati uap air yang menempel pada tutupnya!
G. Hasil Pengamatan
Tulis hasil pengamatan kelompokmu pada tabel di bawah ini!
Perubahan Wujud Nama Perubahan Wujud
No Perlakuan Zat
1 Lelehan lilin
2 Gas menjadi cair

3 Air yang dipanaskan

4 Menyublim

H. Pertanyaan
1. Apakah semua zat pada percobaan di atas mengalami perubahan wujud?
2. Jelaskan secara singkat perubahan wujud zat dari padat menjadi gas dan dari
gas menjadi cair!
I. Kesimpulan


A. Conclusion
A student Worksheet (LKS) is a worksheet that contains information, orders,
or instructions from teachers to students to work on a learning activity in the form of
work, practice, or in the form of applying learning outcomes to achieve a goal. The
LKS component consists of the LKS number, activity title, objectives, tools and
materials, work procedures, data tables, and discussion materials. The steps for
preparing LKS include analyzing the curriculum, analyzing the syllabus, analyzing
RPP, and compiling LKS. The requirements that must be considered in LKS include
communicative language, format, and language must be clear, have a clear purpose,
and have content that requires thinking and information processing. The function of
LKS is as a guide or guide for students so that students can make observations and
discoveries, besides that LKS also makes students think more critically. The benefits
of LKS can be used to develop process skills, develop scientific attitudes, and arouse
students' interest in the surrounding nature LKS is divided into unstructured and
structured Student Worksheets.
B. Suggestion
In writing this paper, we realize that there are still many mistakes and errors
in terms of writing and the preparation is still far from perfect. Therefore, we look
forward to suggestions and constructive criticism for the preparation of the next
paper. And we also hope that this paper can be accepted.

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Usman, Moh Uzer dan Lilis setyawati. 1993. Upaya Optimalisasi Kegiatan Belajar

Mengajar. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya

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