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NAME: Cabria, Allyssa Marie C. DATE: December 19, 2022

COURSE / SECTION: BSP 2101 SR CODE: 21-69712

I. A World of Ideas
Identification. Answer the following item by supplying the correct answer on the blank.
Cuneiform Script 1. This is a syllabary and alphabet illustrate the development of information processing to deal with
larger amounts of data in ever greater abstraction.
Media Globalization 2. This refers to how most national media systems have become more internationalized, becoming
more open to outside influences, both in their content and in their ownership and control.
Electronic Media 3. They may include television, radio, internet, fax, CD-ROMs, DVD, and any other medium that
requires electricity or digital encoding of information.
Digital Media 4. This is considered the most important media influencing globalization.
Writing 5. This is humankind’s principal technology for collecting, manipulating, storing, retrieving, communicating and
disseminating information.
Global Media 6. This is a term that expresses the idea that people throughout the world are interconnected through the use
of new media technologies.
Marshall Macluhan 7. Who coined the term global village?
World Music 8. This is defined as the umbrella category which various types of traditional and non-Western music are
produced for Western consumption.
Human Speech 9. Of all forms of media, this is considered the oldest and most enduring.
Printing Press 10. This is a device that allows for the mass production of uniform printed matter, mainly text in the form
of books, pamphlets and newspapers.

True or False. Identify whether the statement is correct or not. Write True if it is correct, False if not. Underline the what
makes the statement incorrect, then provide the corrections.
True 1.Written and orderly arrangement of documents pertaining to religious, cultural, economic and religious practices
are done through script for dissemination to other places.
False 2.The introduction of cellphones was a defining moment in globalization. (Television)
False 3.Lands and culture were learned by people through rituals. (Travels)
False 4.The term electronic media is often used in reference to print media. (Contrast)
True 5.Music participates in the reinforcing of boundaries of culture and identity.
True 6.On going globalization processes such as economic, political, and cultural are revolutionized by a host of new
media in the beginning of the 19th century.
True 7.The change in popular music is not the outcome of globalization but rather popular music industry is a part of
globalization phenomena.
True 8.In the 20th century, the only available mass media in remote villages was the radio while film was soon
developed as an artistic medium for great cultural expression.
True 9.Human ability to move from one place to another and to adapt to a new and different environment are facilitated
by the sharing of information of other peoples.
True 10.The following are the companies involved in globalization: Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook.

II. Global Population and Mobility

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer.
A 1.Forced international migration has historically occurred for two main cultural reasons
a. slavery and political instability
b. poverty and absence of legal protection
c. lack of income and environmental threat
d. employment and education
D 2.According to European Commission, which of the following is greatly affected by climate change?
a. agriculture
b. environment
c. economy
d. migration
D 3.The following are the contributions of remittance to economic growth, except:
a. contributes to foreign exchange earnings
b. improves sending countries’ credit worthiness
c. expands access to international capital markets
d. serves as savings in financial institutions
A 4. Which of the following acts as push factor for migration in a nation state?
a. lack of political rights and prevalent exploitation of a particular group or community
b. environmental threat and agricultural disruption
c. lack of political protection and resurgence of military elements
d. employment opportunities and educational grants
B 5.In contemporary time, the following are considered to be the major socio-political factors of migration, except:
a. situation of war
b. political conflict
c. oppression
d. lack of socio-political rights
A 6.In conflict or post–conflict situations, remittances can be crucial to the following, except:
a. survival
b. sustenance
c. debt
d. reconstruction
A 7. Forced international migration persists because of political instability resulting from;
a. cultural diversity
b. political war
c. sovereignty
d. cross-border conflict
A 8. This term refers to people moving from one area to another within one country.
a. internal migrants
b. immigrants
c. refugees
d. petitioned
C 9. This term refers to people crossing the borders of one country to another.
a. refugees
b. petitioned
c. international migrants
d. internal migrants
D 10.This refers to persons or groups of persons who, for compelling reasons of sudden or progressive changes in the
environment are obliged to leave their habitual homes, either temporarily or permanently.
a. internal migrants
b. international migrants
c. immigrants
d. environmental migrants
C 11.This term refers to persons of groups of person returning to their country of origin after having been
international migrants in another country.
a. Immigrants
b. international migrants
c. returning migrants
d. internal migrants
A 12.This term refers to the migration of people into a country in violation of the immigration laws of the country.
a. illegal migration
b. internal migration
c. international migration
d. migration law
A 13.Dependency ratios started to disappear due to
a. decline in global birth rate
b. increased rate in migration
c. increase in mortality rate
d. decline in old age structure
A 14. During the 19th century, these two regions had an increased in share in the world’s population, from 22.0 percent
to 33.0 percent
a. Europe and West
b. US and Japan
c. Africa and China
d. Philippines and India
B 15. Which is NOT true about global cities?
a. important nodes in a variety of global networks
b. major beneficiaries of globalization
c. with populations of over 5 million
d. with high influx of immigrants

Modified True or False. Identify whether the statement is correct or not. Write True if it is correct, False if not. Modify
the word or phrase that makes it incorrect.
True 1. Specialized organizations play a major role in the transmission of remittances.
True 2.The rise of internationalization of capital accelerates the formation of global cities.
True 3.In some part of the world, political instability is responsible for migration of people.
True 4.According to World Migration Report in 2018, most international migrants in 2015 were of working age between
20 to 64.
True 5.Return migration has always put impacts on, at various levels, of economy as well as society in whole.
True 6.Ecological change assumes a contributing part in influencing populace movement, especially on international
True 7. Birth rate decline can also be caused by a transition in values; not just because of the availability of
False 8.The birth rate decline in developed countries started in thelate19thcentury in western Europe. (Northern)
True 9. Death rates may remain consistently low or increase slightly due to increases in lifestyle diseases.
False 10. Unless the society develops new technologies to increase food production, any fluctuations in birth rates are
soon matched by mortality rates. (Death)
True 11. It was only in the 18th century that mortality decline in Africa and Asia, with the exemption of Japan.
True 12. The United Nations (UN) anticipates the population growth will double between 2011 and 2100 in high-
fertility countries, which are currently concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa.
True 13. Use of contraception may not always be attributed to decline in birth rate.
True 14. World cities are categorized as such based on the global reach of organization found in them.
False 15. Ecological change forces millions of human creatures to leave their homes and even their homeland every year.
(Social Conflict)

III. Towards a Sustainable World

Matching Type. Match the items in column with those in column B. Write the letter before the number.
C 1. depredation a. increased birth rates
D 2. waste disposal catastrophe b. loss of biodiversity
A 3. overpopulation c. dumping of urban waste; defiling of sea and
rivers by oil spills
E 4. extinction of particular species d. excessive amount of waste unloaded in
B 5. massive deforestation e. Destruction of million-year-old ecosystem
H 6. deadly acid rain f. CFC’s in the atmosphere
I 7. water pollution g. genetic modification in food production
F 8. ozone layer depletion h. fossil fuel combustion; massive rotting of
vegetables filling up garbage dumps
J 9. oxygen reduction in atmosphere i. industrial and community waste residues
seeping into underground water tables, rivers
and seas
G 10. radical food system alteration j. deforestation

Completion Type. Fill the blanks with word or phrase to complete the statement.
1.The global food security situation and outlook remains delicately imbalance amid surplus food production and the
prevalence of hunger.
2.Food production outpaced food demand over the past 50 years due to expansion in crop area and irrigation.
3. Climate change poses complex challenges in terms of increased variability and risk for food producers and the
energy and water sectors.
4.There is a need to look beyond agriculture and invest in affordable and suitable farm technologies if the problem of
food insecurity is to be addressed in a sustainable manner.
5. Proactive interventions and policies for tackling food security are discussed which include issues such as agriculture
for development, ecosystem services from agriculture, and gender mainstreaming .
6. Demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today and the challenge of food security requires the world to feed 9
billion people by 2050.
7. Global food security means delivering sufficient food to the entire world population.
8. The security of food also means the sustainability of society such as population growth, climate change, water
scarcity, and agriculture.
9.The closest aspect of human life associated with food security is the environment .
10. A major environmental problem is the destruction of natural habitats , particularly through deforestation.
11.Decline in water supply is caused by degradation of soil or desertification .
12. Virtual water is the use up of water to produce consumer products.
13. One of the models and agenda being pushed by different organizations to address the issue of global food security is
through sustainability .
14. The destruction of the water ecosystem may lead to the creation of climate refugees , people who are forced to
migrate due to lack of access to wated due to flooding.
15. Instead of dealing with the causes of global warming, there is some interest in “technological fixes” such as solar
shield .

IV. Global Citizenship

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
D 1. Both rights and obligations link the individual to the
a. family
b. community
c. church
d. state
A 2. Opponents of globalization blame the so-called
a. Westernization
b. human capitalism
c. ASEAN integration
d. none of these
B 3. This cyber public was formed as a protest against the violence, discrimination, and hatred experienced by Chinese
residents in Indonesia after the1997Asian financial crisis
a. World Social Forum
b. Global Huaren
c. Amnesty International
d. Taliban
D 4. Resistance to globalization has the following attributes except
a. Democratic
b. Complex
c. contradictory
d. ambiguous
D 5. In political organization, increased transparency has been aided by various mechanism such as the following
a. transnational justice system
b. civil society
c. international tribunals
d. human amnesty
B 6.This approach to global economic resistance involves the systematic government intervention in foreign trade
through tariffs and non-tariff barriers.
a. Free trade
b. Trade protectionism
c. Fair trade
d. none of these
A 7. A significant influence on WSF has been that of cyber activism, which is based on
a. cultural logic of networking and virtual movements
b. citizen’s initiatives and community action groups
c. transnational justice systems and international tribunals
d. political movements and global alliances
C 8. This approach to global economic resistance aims at a moral and equitable global economic system whereby price
is negotiated transparently by both producers and consumers.
a. Trade protectionism
b. Free trade
c. Fair trade
d. none of these
A 9. World Social Forum (WSF) is an annual meeting of civil society organizations that aims to
a. address lack of democracy in economic and political affairs
b. raise awareness on the condition of those in the marginalized societies
c. proposes alternatives for the anti-globalization and altermundo activists
d. All of these
A 10. According to van Peski, global citizenship is a moral and ethical disposition that
a. guides the understanding of individuals or groups of local and global contexts
b. provides awareness on the rights and responsibilities of a global citizen
c. reminds individuals or groups of locals of their relative responsibilities with in various communities
d. entails rights and obligations

Modified True or False. Identify whether the statement is correct or not. Write True if it is correct, False if not. Modify
the word or phrase that makes it incorrect.
False 1. Increasing aid is the only measure that is required to help the bottom billion. (only one of the many)
False 2. Increased in trade barriers would reduce the economic marginalization of the bottom billion and their nations.
True 3. Trade protectionism involves the systematic government intervention in foreign trade through tariffs and non-
tariff barriers.
True 4. When it comes to dealing with political globalization, increased accountability and transparency are the key
False 5. The diversity of elements involved in WSF allows for the development of concrete political proposals.
True 6. International norms and standards can be adapted to provide the needs of the bottom billion.
True 7. The idea of global citizenship demands the creation of rights and obligations.
True 8. The dynamics of globalization demands the efforts of the whole array of inter-governmental organizations.
False 9. Fulfilling the promises of globalization and the solution to the problems of the contemporary world lies on
single entity or individual. (does not lies)
True 10. Reduction of trade barriers would also reduce the economic marginalization of these people and their nations.

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