MTFE Operations Service Center CEO Incubation Support Program v2

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MTFE Operations Service Center CEO Incubation

Support Program

With the rapid implementation of the group's global strategy around the world,
many team leaders have benefited from the dividends of the group's global
strategy, and the outstanding performance of AI intelligent trading has provided
diversified investment advisory services for investors pursuing financial freedom.

In order to discover more outstanding community team leaders with potential,

ambition, entrepreneurial spirit, service awareness and to benefit more ordinary
investors with the development of the group, the group's board of directors has
recently made a resolution to launch the Operations Service Center CEO
Incubation Support Program.

Details are as follows:

1. Cumulative number of daily active trading users in the team (1st members +
2nd level members + 3rd level members) reaches 30, the official customer
service of the group will share the contact information of the group's CEO
Assessment Officer with you. You can contact them and submit your team's
marketing and promotion plans for review. After the review by the CEO
Assessment Officer, it will be forwarded to the group. Upon obtaining
approval from the group, the group will provide a marketing budget support
of $100.

2. Cumulative number of daily active trading users in the team (first-level members +
second-level members + third-level members) reaches 50, the official customer
service of the group will share the contact information of the group's CEO
Assessment Officer with you. You can contact them and submit your team's
marketing and promotion plans for review. After the review by the CEO Assessment
Officer, it will be forwarded to the group. Upon obtaining approval from the group,
the group will provide a marketing budget support of $200.

3. Cumulative number of daily active trading users in the team (1st members + 2nd
level members + 3rd level members) reaches 70, the official customer service of the
group will share the contact information of the group's CEO Assessment Officer with
you. You can contact them and submit your team's marketing and promotion plans
for review. After the review by the CEO Assessment Officer, it will be forwarded to
the group. Upon obtaining approval from the group, the group will provide a
marketing budget support of $300.

After obtaining support from the group's marketing and promotion resources, you can
use the marketing budget for seminars or charity events to expand the influence and size
of your team. If your daily active users show significant growth within two weeks after
the event, outstanding team leaders with good overall performance will be considered
for more resource support by the group.

When the cumulative number of daily active trading users in the team (1st members +
2nd level members + 3rd level members) reaches 100, the group will provide funding to
help you establish the Operations Service Center, and you will receive comprehensive
resource support and assistance from the group. For details, please refer to the "MTFE
Global Operations Service Centre Job Content of CEO Candidates".

The final interpretation right of the 《MTFE Operations Service Center CEO Incubation
Support Program》belongs to MTFE Group.

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