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Biology 12 Name: ______________________ Date: _______________

The Scientific Method and Biology Write Up Example - the Buffer Lab (Part 1)

Scientific Method Definition Buffer Lab – PART 1 - Example

IV = the factor that is changed; The buffers (water, NaCl, milk,

manipulated variable chemical buffer)

DV = the factor that you measure; is

pH. (The difference between the
the result of the IV being changed;
initial and final pH)
responding variable

Controlled Variables; standardizing Amount of buffer solution in each

variables = all the factors that are test tube, concentration of acid added,
kept the same. size of drops added, type of pH paper

Test tube with water. (We know

EC = is the group that has no IV water is NOT a buffer, so, you can
applied or no treatment is given. Is use this result to compare the ability
used to compare your results to. of the other buffers to maintain a
constant pH.)
Hypothesis = If the IV is changed, If HCl is added to 4 buffers/solutions
then the DV will be affected (describe (water, NaCl, milk and chemical
how). buffer), then the pH of the chemical
buffer will change the least/ maintain
the most stable pH.

Procedure 1: Test the ability of buffers to stabilize pH

1) Obtain and label four test tubes with:
i) water,
ii) 0.1 M NaCl,
iii) skim milk, and
iv) chemical buffer.
2) Predict how you think each will perform as a buffer in Table 1.
3) Place 5 ml of each solution into the appropriately labeled tube.
4) Use pH paper provided to measure the pH of each of the solutions in the tubes and record these initial
values in table 1.
5) Add 2 drops of acid (1 M HCl) to the first tube. Cover with parafilm and invert tube to gently mix
Day – rev 2018
6) Measure the pH of the acidified solution and record in table 1.
7) Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of the remaining tubes.

Table 1. Testing the Buffering Capacity of Solutions

Solution Initial pH (= step 4) Final pH (= step 6)
Water 6.5 1
0.1 M NaCl 7 4
Skim milk 7 5
Chemical buffer 7 7
Additional Observations:

Scientific Method – Lab Guidelines Buffer Lab – PART 1 - Example
Part 1 – Explain your results (3 parts)
 Claim The purpose of this experiment was to test the
Restate the purpose and hypothesis and ability of various buffers to stabilize pH. The
then state if the data accepts or rejects the data confirms that the chemical buffer pH
hypothesis. changed the least after HCl was added to it.

 Evidence Looking at Table 1, the chemical buffer pH

Here you support you claim by referring to remained unchanged. The pH was 7 both
your data table and your results. This may before and after HCl was added to it.
include a comparison of YOUR results to
expected results and/or the rest of the class. (Although not part of my hypothesis, you
You may also include research from other could add the results for the other 3 buffers
sources (from other reading material, here...) The pH of the water showed the
scientific journals, textbook, class notes greatest change. The initial pH was 6. After
etc) 2 drop of 1.0M HCl was added, the pH
dropped to 2.

 Reasoning The definition of a buffer is a chemical which

Provide Reasoning that links your evi- is resistant to changes in pH. As the pH of
dence to your claim. I.e. Explain the re- the chemical buffer did not change after
sults and find sources that agree with your drops of acid were added to it (the reason),
findings. we can conclude the chemical buffer was the
most effective buffer and the solution that
was best able to stabilize the pH (link to the
claim). Conversely, water had the greatest
change in pH from before to after drops of
HCl were added. This indicates water is not
able to stabilize or resist changes in pH.

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Part 2 – Discuss relevant theory The BC Biology 12 text states, “buffers resist
Here, you provide connections to current pH changes because they can take up excess
learning. The lab is being done for a pur- hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxide ions (OH-)
pose. What concepts have we been dis- (Mader 31). In this lab, we added hydrogen
cussing in class is this lab trying to demon- ions by added 2 drops of 1.0 M HCl to various
strate? Does it connect to previous ideas solutions. The lab introduction states, “A
or other topics we have already discussed buffer is a chemical or a combination of
in Biology 12 or other courses? This can chemicals that work to keep pH within a
sometimes be incorporated into Part 1, the limited range.” As the pH of the chemical
Explain your Results section. buffer did not change, the pH was maintained
within a limited range.

This lab demonstrates the ability of various

solutions to stabilize pH. Based on the
solutions we tested from most to least
effective As we learned in class
Part 3 Error – did not measure 5ml for each solution,
– Sources of experimental error measured one and drew a line. Could change
the amount of sol’n in each test tube and
- suggest how experiment could be results.
improved What else???

Improve – measure each solution

Day – rev 2018

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