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Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 4

Task 1 Read the text about “At the summer camp” and put the actions in order. Прочитайте
текст о “В летнем лагере” и приведите действия в порядок

At the summer camp

I go to the summer camp every summer. Our camp is very nice. It is near the lake. We
live in small houses. In the morning we get up, make our beds and have breakfast. Then we
play, swim or walk. In the evening we see films, sit near the fire, read interesting books or talk. I
like our camp very much.
make our beds 2
get up 1
read interesting books 5
have breakfast 3
see films 4

Task 2. Match the words with pictures. Сопоставьте слова с картинками

1. Diving ____ С
2. Surfing ____ В
3. Waterskiing ____А
4. Sailing ____Д

A. B.

C. D.

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