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Communities in Control

"This is not about making people sit in meetings

on wet Tuesday nights, it is about helping citizens
to get involved when they want to on their own
terms - paving the way for a new style of active
politics that not only gives people a greater say
but ensures that their voices are heard and that
their views will make a is an agenda
for empowerment that reaches right across the

Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP, Prime Minister

The Government's new White Paper (policy document)
Communities in Control: Real people, real power
published in July sets itself the aim of passing power into the hands of local communities,
giving real control over local decisions and services to a wider pool of active citizens.

The document details support to be made available to encourage empowerment

including a new duty to promote democracy and extending the recently adopted duty
to involve. A £7.5m Empowerment Fund will be made available to support third sector
organisations at a national level to help local communities turn ideas into action. A £70m
Communitybuilders Fund to enable community-based organisations to have 'spaces'
where people can come together to discuss their local concerns and channel them
effectively into local decision-making. Organisations will be supported to bid for and run
local services tailored to their own particular neighbourhood.

By Autumn 2008 measures will be in place in pilot areas to increase community and
citizen access to information from local authorities. A Digital Mentor Scheme will be
piloted to encourage groups to develop websites, podcasts, photography and online
publishing tools.

A new duty on local councils to respond to petitions will allow citizens to call for action
and to take their own initiatives in calling for improvements and/or new initiatives.
Councillors will be given new rights to champion community issues through Councillor
Call for Action powers. Participatory Budgeting will devolve funding to more local
control to be spent on priorities determined at a neighbourhood level.

Empowering Young People will see the extension of a Young Advisers programme
who will have direct access to Government Ministers. A scheme for young people to
'shadow' Ministers will be piloted next year. A £6m investment will create a new national
body for Youth Leadership which will work directly with the DCLG (Department of
Communities and Local Government). A Young Muslims Advisory Group is being
The Executive Summary, complete publication and other useful documents can be
downloaded directly from the Department of Communities and Local Government Website or from

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