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Name: Sango Miroku

Race: Dragon-Knight
O.C.C.: Shadow-Warrior
Level: 5
Alignment: Taoist
Age: 20
Height: 5’2.6” [158.8 cm], {DW 6’6”}
Weight: 104 lbs, {6 tons}
Gender: Female
She appears to be an Asian human in every aspect. The only way you can really tell the difference
between a human and a dragon knight is her hair. A dragon knight's natural hair color is the color of
dragon clan they come from, {Black, Gold, Blue and Red Striped.}}
Silver Dragon Tattoo on the left forearm (made with actual silver), Gold Tiger Tattoo on the right forearm
(made with actual gold)

Basic Stats:
P.S.: 35 {Fire//Shadow Dragon Whelp: 49}, Fire/Shadow Dragon: 51}, {Water Dragon Whelp: 44},
{Water Dragon: 46}, {Holy Dragon Whelp: 59}, {Holy Dragon: 61}, {King Dragon: 65}
P.P.: 30 {Holy/Fire Dragon Whelp: 34}, {Gold Holy/Fire/Water Dragon: 46}, {Shadow Dragon
Whelp: 54}, {Shadow Dragon: 56}, {Water Dragon Whelp: 44}, {King Dragon: 60 }
P.E.: 40 {Holy Dragon Whelp: 64}, {Holy Dragon: 56}, {Shadow Dragon Whelp: 54}, {Shadow
Dragon: 56}, {Fire Dragon Whelp: 54}, {Fire Dragon: 56), {Water Dragon Whelp: 44}, {Water Dragon:
46}, {King Dragon: 70}
Speed: 100 {Holy Dragon Whelp: 140}, {Holy Dragon: 160}, {Shadow Dragon Whelp: 240},
{Shadow Dragon: 260}, {Water Dragon Whelp: 180}, {Water Dragon: 200}, {Fire Dragon Whelp: 180},
{Fire Dragon :200}, {King Dragon: 320}, {Shadow Form: 1000}
P.B.: 24
I.Q.: 24
M.E.: 35
M.A.: 26
H.P.: 760, +3D6x10 per level of experience. {Fire/Water/Shadow Dragon Whelp: 808},
{Fire/Water/Shadow Dragon: 856}, {Holy Dragon Whelp: 820}, {Holy Dragon: 880}, {King Dragon:
S.D.C.: 220 plus bonuses from physical skills. {Fire/Water/Shadow Dragon Whelp: 252}, {Fire/
Water/Shadow Dragon: 284}, {Holy Dragon Whelp: 260}, {Holy Dragon: 300}, {King Dragon: 2220},
{Shadow Form: 1020}
M.D.C.: 980 +3D6x10 per level of experience. {Fire/Water/Shadow Dragon Whelp: 1060},
{Fire/Water/Shadow Dragon: 1140}, {Gold Dragon Whelp: 1080}, {Gold Dragon: 1180}, {King Dragon:
8980}, {Shadow Form: 1780)
I.S.P.: 5680, +3D6x10 per level of experience. {SF: 4720, +1d10*10+10 per level of experience.]
P.P.E.: 5600 + 1D6x10 per level of experience. {GDW: 5710}, {SDW: 6600}, {SF: 6520}
Chi: 8998, {Dragon Whelp: 24064}, {Full Dragon: 26624 }
A.R.: 10, {Dragon Whelp: 12}, Full Dragon: 14}, {King Dragon: 16}, {Shadow Form: 11}
Skill Bonuses: +10%
Save vs. Coma/Death: 50, [GDW: 74}, {SDW: 64}%
Trust/Intimidate: %
Charm/Impress %
Save vs. Poison & Magic: +12
Save vs. Psychic attack/Insanity/Illusions: +12
Save Vs. Pain: +10
Save Vs. Illness/Diesase: + 12
Save vs. HF: +10
Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute (2000) x .681818181818 = mph (68.18) yards per 15 seconds
(33) yards per second (500)
Gold Holy Dragon Whelp Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute (2800) x .681818181818 = mph (95.45)
yards per 15 seconds (700) yards per second (47)
Gold Holy Dragon Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute ( ) x .681818181818 = mph ( ) yards
per 15 seconds ( ) yards per second ( )
Shadow Dragon Whelp Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute (4800) x .681818181818 = mph (163.64)
yards per 15 seconds (1200) yards per second (80)
Shadow Dragon Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute (5200) x .681818181818 = mph (177) yards
per 15 seconds (1300) yards per second (87)
Water Dragon Whelp Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute (2800) x .681818181818 = mph (95.45)
yards per 15 seconds (700) yards per second (47)
Water Dragon Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute ( ) x .681818181818 = mph ( ) yards per 15
seconds ( ) yards per second ( )
Fire Dragon Whelp Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute ( ) x .681818181818 = mph ( ) yards
per 15 seconds ( ) yards per second ( )
Fire Dragon Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute ( ) x .681818181818 = mph ( ) yards per 15
seconds ( ) yards per second ( )
King Dragon Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute (6400) x .681818181818 = mph (218 ) yards
per 15 seconds (1600) yards per second (107 )
Shadow Form Speed: of X 20 = yards per minute (20000) x .681818181818 = mph (681.82)
yards per 15 seconds (5000) yards per second (333)

Combat Stats:
Attacks per Melee: 6
Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact: +14
Maintain Balance: +9
Pull punch: +8
Disarm/Throw: +12
Pull punch: +8
Dodge/Automatic Dodge/Circular Dodge: +18 (GD: +19}, {SDW: +23}, {SD: +24}, {WD: +29}, {FD:
+19}, KD: +28}
Parry: +10 (GD: +11}, {SDW: +15}, {SD: +16}, {WDW: +20}, {WD: +21}, {FD: +11}, KD: +20}
Vault: +8
Back Flip: +8
Strike: +19 (GD: +20}, {SDW: +24}, {SD: +25}, {WD: +30}, {FD: +20}, KD: +29}
Initiative: +8
Damage: +22
{Holy Dragon Whelp: +44},
{Holy Dragon: +57},
{Shadow Dragon: +37},
{Water Dragon: +32},
{Fire Dragon Whelp: +44},
{Fire Dragon: +47},
{King Dragon: +70}

l. Viper Stance: Muscles taut, legs ready to spring in any direction, and with one arm up and the other
down, ready to take advantage of any weakness. Special Confers a pit viper’s ability to see in the infrared
spectrum of light and thermal imaging, so the Stance can be used blindfolded, in total darkness, or against
otherwise invisible opponents, since the "heat signature" of every nearby being is easy to sense. Range of
Thermal Vision: 60 feet. Mega-Damage: Fang Fingers: inflict P.S. +3D6 M.D. to Mega Damage
opponents and structures or P.S. +5D6 S.D.C./Hit Points to S.D.C. targets. M.D.C.: P.E. x10 + 10 M.D.C.
per level. Combat Bonuses: +Six attacks per melee round total, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to damage, +4
to roll with punch/fall/impact while in this Stance. Pull punch is not available.
2. Rat Snake Stance: Leaning backwards, with the legs apart and knees bent, one hand above the head
twitching toward the opponent, the other hand at waist level and back. Mega Damage: Knuckle Punch
does P.S. +2D6+l0 M.D.C. to Mega Damage foes and structures or P.S. +3D6 damage to S.D.C./Hit Point
targets. M.D.C.: Character’s P.E. x10 +20 M.D.C. per level Combat Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round
to the character’s usual number, +4 to strike, +3 to party, and +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact when in
this Stance.
3. Art of Melting: Like a snake, the character learns to swiftly and silently melt away into his
environment. This is especially important when moving in or out of the water, when even the slightest
splash can draw unwanted attention. Also used for traveling over or slipping into/under sand, gravel, dry
leaves, etc., without making a sound (equal to a Prowl skill of 60% +3% per level of experience). If out of
sight or concealed by darkness, she/he is not likely to be discovered until the character attacks or makes a
sudden motion. If visibility is compromised, or if some detection device or ability raises an alert or
locates the character’s position, the base chance for successful escape is 70% plus 2% per level of
experience. Note that the character must have the Swimming Skill in order to use this ability while
in deep water.
4. Chilling Touch: The Vapor. The character may attack with claws doing P.S. +5D6 M.D. per strike or
with his Chilling Touch. The Touch counts as four of the characters melee attacks but is devastating.
First, it does P.S. +3D6 damage direct to Hit Points (P.S. +4D6 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures).
Second, it causes its victim’s skin to turn gray and shrivel. Third, the victim feels cold to the bone, and
loses initiative and half his attacks per round for the next two melees.
Deception (also an invisibility technique)
Ninjutsu, Capoeira. Drunken Style Kung Fu and even Aikido will use feints and deceptive body
movements to gain advantage over an opponent. Any martial art can incorporate deceptive techniques, if
the instructor is willing to teach them (or even knows how), Deception is not necessarily a sinister thing
— it’s just another way of manipulating an opponent, and isn’t that what all martial arts are about? A
character with this power may use it at any time, at no cost in actions. He weaves the deceptions into his
normal movements. By spending three (3) Chi, once per melee, he can force his opponent to make an
attribute check vs. his ME. (Attempt to roll under it on a D20; 20 automatically fail). If the attribute check
fails, the opponent has a -2 to dodge or parry any of the martial artist’s techniques that round. More Chi
must be spent and new attribute checks must be made each melee round. The martial artist may affect as
many people as he is in hand to hand combat with, at multiple Chi costs.
This is the art of finger weak-point attacks to organs and muscles.
Similar to Atemi, except that the primary purpose of Kosshijutsu is to inflict damage. Kosshijutsu strikes
are done using Fore-Knuckle Fist, Finger Tip Attack, Chuk, Crane Fist, Gou Strike, Negative Gou, and
Spear Hand to target sensitive organs and muscles. If a style does not have one of these hand strikes, this
martial art power cannot be taken. A Kosshijutsu attack can only be used once per melee round and
requires a 16 or better to strike. A successful attack results in doing damage directly to Hit Points and the
target must save vs. pain at -2/hit or lose consciousness. If the roll is less than 16 the strike fails but still
does normal damage to the target.
This is the art of bone breaking. Characters with this skill are trained in the techniques, required force and
knowledge of where to strike in order to shatter bones. A Koppojutsu attack can only be used once per
melee round and requires a 15 or better to strike. A successful attack results in the target bone being
broken, doing damage directly to Hit Points. If the roll is less than 15 the strike fails but still does normal
damage to the target. Can be done with any hand strike except Finger Tip Attack/One Finger Attack,
Spear Hand, any Claw Strike (including Black Tiger Claw Strike, Claw Hand, Bear Slap, Crane Fist,
Duo-Claw Strike, and Eagle Claw Hand), Push Open Hand, Two Palm Push, and Sticky Hands.
This is the technique for seeing in the dark. Training includes on techniques such as not looking at lights,
paying attention to movement in peripheral vision, and how to study objects at night by not looking
directly at them. A character with this skill can detect movement at night up to 30 feet plus one foot per
level of experience. Discerning what an object is at night is also possible with a 25%+4% per level of
experience chance.
Mang Dou (Blind Fighting)
The character is trained to fight while completely blind.
Bonuses: All negative modifiers for blindness are reduced to zero, +1 to Mental Endurance, +1 to
Rearward Attacks, Sense of Direction: 75%.
Art of Clouding the Mind: The character learns to use directed Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P. to cloud the minds of
observers. The character can simply stand in full view, stare into the eyes of an observer, and then . . .
vanish. It only works for a single melee action, so it is important to figure out where the next hiding place
will be after this little disappearing trick. In addition to the physical invisibility, the character is also
momentarily protected from observation by those who can track Chi, P.P.E., I.S.P. or living spirits.
Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P. Cost: 2 I.S.P. per person affected. More than one person can be "clouded" provided they
look into the character’s eyes or face.
Negative Chi Strike: (available to any martial art offering the one-finger-tip attack and Zenjorike powers
must be selected as Zenjorike power). Upkeep of one action/melee, to a maximum of melees equal to
level (thus three melees for a third level master...). When activated, this can be the only Chi based power,
or martial arts power used during the melee, this will even negate Dragon Chi and similar powers.
Activating the power costs 2 actions, and must be the master's first two actions of the melee (being struck
or dodging will disrupt activation). Once active, the martial artist will be able to put up to his level in
Negative Chi into each One-Finger-Tip Attack used that melee (amount must be designated before the
strike, martial artist must be charged with negative Chi before activating the power to be useful). The Chi
is expended even if the strike is unsuccessful. If successful, the physical strike does no damage; however,
the sudden blast of negative Chi is fairly powerful and draining. Every three points of Chi invested in the
attack deals 1D4 points of damage directly to Hit Points. Only Multiples of three can be invested in the
attack. Any attack dealing maximum damage (4, 8, 12, 16. respective to # of dice) will require the victim
to save vs. Pain or lose 1 melee action; this only applies to Non-Chi Masters. The attack cannot be done
from a distance, as a death blow, nor with the Dim-Mak; however it can target specific limbs; (arm, head,
etc... damage appropriately). If a limb is reduced to 0 H.P., treat as through broken. If the victim rolls with
impact or break falls they suffer no damage. Chi masters will recognize this power on a successful
perception roll.))
The Wyrm Shaped "Essence Bolt,” as it is known, is the concentration of mind and body on focusing
Chi into a destructive force. The result is something like plasma, except that it is mystical in nature.
Fireball: 1d6 damage to SDC, Hit Points, and Chi. A regular Fireball uses up 2 Chi, and any extra chi
points used will add damage to either SDC or Chi on a 1 for 2 bases. Only martial art Strike bonus can be
used; however there is a +3 to strike because it is partially mentally directed. If the victim parries he takes
half damage anyway. Also he cannot roll with the punch regardless of whether he parried or not. For
every level of the Black Wyrm student, damage is increased by one. The range of the fireball is 20 feet,
plus 2 every level. The Fireball takes up 2 actions.
Against nonorganic substances, the fireball becomes especially destructive. Multiply all damage by 2.
The Black Wyrm master can only use the fireball 4 times per round.
Invulnerable characters are especially vulnerable to the fireball, taking quadruple damage and save vs.
pain at -4 or be dazed(-6 to hit, parry, and dodge, and lose initiate. and half their attacks for 1d6 rounds).
Characters who are immune to fire still take damage.
The fireball can be used in place of a parry, meaning that he has a chance to strike his opponent before he
himself is hit, thus disrupting the attack. The parrying fireball can only be used against somebody
attacking from long range doing something like a jump kick or leap attack, but gains an additional +3 to
strike and the attacker cannot defend.
5th level the Black Wyrm Master can maneuver the fireball, gaining an extra attack at 5th level and every
2 levels afterward.
Wyrm Shaped Battle Aura: This is a form or aura effect used in battle that acts like a force field
protecting the user from all attacks: 100+100 (SDC/MDC)/lv
Cost: 10+/Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. invested acts like a force field 10chi to activate positive chi is white colored,
negative chi is black colored, while aura is up emitted light equivalent to true sunlight up to 1000ft radius,
12damage from touch/Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. invested duration is 4+1hrs/ Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. invested, absorbs
15chi either positive or negative chi/chi point invested.
Black Wyrm’s’ Scales Armor: P.E. + M.E. x10+10+10/lv 1hr+1hr/lv +5parry ( )( )Cost: 10
Black Wyrm’s’ Scales Attack: this is a technique that turns the Dragons’ Scales Armor in to an attack
the user rolls a 1d100 +1d10 per level to see how many scales are fired then rolls 1d10/scales for the
damage range is 2000 +200 feet per lv, the Dragons’ Scales Armor is taken off when the attack is used
auto hit no roll needed to strike cost is 100Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Black Wyrm’s Claws: These are special claws on the hand that are made of pure chi typically 3-3ftlong
blades that are invisible -10 s/p/d/r against attack provides a bonus of +5p/s/int can link to melee
weapons to provide bonus to damage and to extend reach.
The damage is: P.S.+1d10+removes 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. from target/blade
Elemental Aura: This is a form of battle aura that has an elemental effect infused in it, it can link to
battle aura, also provides immunity to element used:
Fire (red):+12protection/chi +12 damage/chi 1ft radius/chi
Water/ice (blue):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi
Earth/acid (brown):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15ppe/chi
Metal/electricity (silver):+50protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi
Wood/poison (green):+5protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15isp/chi
Wind/gas (yellow):+5protection/chi +12damage or KO 2d6melee/chi 20x20x20 cloud/chi 20+20ft/lv/chi
Mana (gold):+7protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi, Will absorb 15 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Dragon’s Breath (Mouth Energy Blast):
<elemental aura can link to determine energy type>
This attack fires a powerful shot from the mouth of the martial artist. It is very similar to the Galick-Ho
but not as strong.
Damage: 1D8 M.D. per level of experience.
Range: 6000’ (1828.8 m) +200’ (61 m) per level of experience.
Cost: 11 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per strike
Wyrm: Fist:
The Martial Artist learns to channel his Chi/Ki into a powerful punch, jab or open hand strike that inflicts
an additional 1D4x10 M.D. (in addition to normal hand to hand damage) to supernatural beings, demons,
elementals, and creatures of magic, including dragons! This attack costs Chi and counts as two melee
attacks/actions and can be combined with a power punch.
Cost: 5 Chi/P.P.P. /I.S.P. per strike.
Wyrm: Kick:
The Martial Artist learns to channel his Psionics into a powerful kick that does 1D6x10 MD. (in addition
to normal hand to hand damage) to supernatural beings, demons, elementals and creatures of magic,
including dragons. The attack counts as two melee attacks/actions and can be combined with a power
punch kick.
Cost: 8 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per attack
Wyrm Leap Punch:
A powerful leap punch that inflicts 3D4x10 M.D. to supernatural beings, elementals and creatures of
magic, including dragons. This must be the character's first and only attack for that melee (the leap
concentration and focus uses up all other attacks). All the character can do after the kick is defend
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per kick.
Wyrm Leap Kick:
A powerful leap kick that inflicts 3D6x10 M.D. to supernatural beings, elementals and creatures of magic,
including dragons. This must be the character's first and only attack for that melee (the leap concentration
and focus uses up all other attacks). All the character can do after the kick is defend himself.
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per kick.
Wyrm Spirit Fist:
Effect: A punch, jab or open hand strike that unleashes a powerful telekinetic force that inflicts the
equivalent of the character's normal M.D. punch.
Range: five feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Counts as a normal melee action/attack. Cannot be used
as a power punch.
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per strike.
Wyrm Spirit Kick:
Effect: A kick strike that unleashes a powerful telekinetic force that inflicts the equivalent of the
character's normal M.D.C. kick.
Range: five feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Counts as a normal melee action/attack. Cannot be used
as a power kick.
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per strike.
Wyrm’s Aura (Lunar Flare):
This technique generates a tremendous amount of light that can temporarily blind any nearby creatures.
The light is extremely bright and causes intense pain to any targets within the area of effect. Any person
that looks at the flare with open eyes will suffer 1D10 points of damage directly to their hit points (or
mega-damage to M.D.C. creatures) [x 4 damage to those damaged by sunlight] and will be blinded for
2D4 minutes. Also, those affected will see light spots for the next 1D4 hours. Targets that can regenerate
suffer only half as long as those who cannot regenerate. Targets affected suffer all standard penalties for
being blinded, but suffer double the penalties for the first 1D4 melee rounds because of the intense pain
generated by the light. The martial artist that created the light is immune to its effect, but can still be
affected by Lunar Flares created by others.
Duration: 1D4 melees per level of experience.
Cost: 5 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P.
Lunar Strike: 1d10*10 +P.S. +punch cold damage; Cost is: 5 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P.
Wyrm Strike: 1d10*100 +P.S. +Fire damage Cost is: 50 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P.
Hiryu-Shoten-Ha (Flying Dragon Ascension Wave)
The character who knows this ability must maintain an ice cold demeanor in battle (they must be calm,
rational, their Chi as ice no matter the provocation). They move around their opponent in a spiral pattern,
using Chi to manipulate the air around them in specific patterns. This takes an entire melee round, which
the character cannot attack, anyone and is -5 to parry. This is useless, however, unless their opponent is in
a battle rage (they are excited, angry, their Chi is as fire flowing out of them). The final action of the
move is a twisting uppercut thrown by the character using the Hiryu-Shoten-Ha with a release of Chi once
the center of the spiral is reached. The clash of temperatures, with the Chi boost, creates a small tornado,
“the Heaven-Blast of the Dragon” or “Flying Dragon Ascension Wave,” that hurls the character’s
opponent away in a mighty blow (3D6xl0 S.D.C./M.D.C.), landing 3D4xl00 feet away. It takes 10 points
of Positive Chi to use this ability. This also has an animalistic form, with a serpentine eastern dragon
forming the tornado.
(Note: It is important to remember that despite the Chi manipulation used in this technique, the Hiryu-
Shoten-Ha is not magical in any sense of the word. It is simply a Chi-assisted natural phenomenon: the
induction of cold air into a hot medium, thus creating a vacuum that turns the surrounding air into a
spiral whirlwind--the exact same phenomenon that creates tornadoes in nature. )

Wrist/ankle break: This is can only be used in combination with a trapping maneuver against a high
attack. When an opponent’s hand/foot is entrapped the character uses a quick snap or twist of the wrists to
break an opponent’s wrist/ankle. A successful attempt does 1d6+P.S. to HP damage, and unsuccessful
attempt does 1d6+P.S. to SDC damage.(special a Wrist/Ankle break will not normally kill)
Against midsection attacks: The knee and elbow are used to strike the limb/weapon between them doing
combined elbow and knee strike damage to that limb/weapon. Against low attacks: The feet are used to
parry the attack while applying counter pressure, this causes an opponent to make a test of balance to see
if he remains standing. An opponent’s roll to maintain balance must be higher than the characters roll to
trap. Failure means an opponent suffers the penalties of a trip/leg hook,
Air Tackle: 1d6 per 3ft fallen and knockdown. Tackles an opponent whether in the air or on the ground
and slams them to the ground.
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. Requires a strike
roll of 13. If successful, the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving
throw fails, the victim loses initiative and two attacks. Inflicts P.S. +1D4 damage direct to the H.P.
Agony Strike: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the
influence of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in
agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it
will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of
attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike,
parry and dodge.
Pain Strike: By manipulating the nerve centers the psionic can induce terrible pain, shooting throughout
the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit Points (not
S.D.C.) per each minute affected.
Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are
completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still use psionics but only if he
has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they cannot cast spells while
Pins & Needles Strike: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and
needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily
cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5%
skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm,
that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -
25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush
and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5%
skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also
have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using
this attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill
penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries,
even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is
impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.
Release Strike: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either
vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker
chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions.
Stun Strike: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is
cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.
Jodo Strike: A powerful thrust with the point of the staff, or blunt end of a spear, to the side of the temple.
The blow is so painful and jarring that it inflicts an extra 1D6 damage and, for a moment, everything goes
black: the victim of the Jodo strike loses initiative, loses one melee action and there is a 01-50% chance
that he will drop whatever weapon he was holding (only drops one weapon if using paired weapons —
victim's choice of which).
The martial arts master must focus and deliberately aim at and strike the temple (the player should
announce his intentions before he rolls to strike). A roll of 18 or higher (including bonuses) is necessary
to have full effect. Any roll that hits his opponent, but is under an 18 hits, but misses its mark and only
inflicts normal damage
Rising crescent: 3d6, attack/escape combination, opponent loses initiative, uses 2 attacks
Air drop: 4d6 per 1ft of height fallen, used on opponents below, uses both feet, with arms upward, can be
tacked on the end of a double axel flip
Aerial stomp: 1d6 per 2ft of height above opponent and knockdown unless already on ground
Kawasu 1 & 2:
Can use a melee weapon which are skilled in to deflect any thrown missile at a rate of 1 per 3 PP within 1
combat melee and the character;
Can use a melee weapon which are skilled in to deflect any arrows or bolts at a rate of 1 per 4 PP within 1
combat melee
{Human Form: 13 thrown or catch, 10 w/ weapon or bare-handed}
{ Holy Dragon/Fire Dragon Whelp Form: 14 thrown or catch, 11 w/weapon or bare-handed}
{ Gold Holy/Fire/Water Dragon Form: 18 thrown or catch, 15 w/weapon or handed}
{ Shadow Dragon Whelp Form: 21 thrown or catch, 17 w/weapon handed}
{ Shadow Dragon Form: 22 thrown or catch, 17 w/weapon or bare-handed}
{Water Dragon Whelp Form: 18 thrown or catch, 14 w/weapon or bare-handed}
{King Dragon Form: 23 thrown or catch, 18 w/weapon or bare-handed}
Suplex/Hip Toss: 2D4 damage and the opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being knocked down (lose
one melee attack if knocked down).
Pin/incapacitate on a natural roll of 18 (roll 1D20).
Crush/Squeeze: does 1D4 damage
Body Block/Tackle: does 1D4 damage and opponent must Dodge or Parry to avoid being Knocked down
Sense of Balance: Base Skill:55% +4% per level –
Critical Strike/Knockout/Stun on Natural 19 or from Behind, The character will Automatically Knockout
opponents on a natural 19 for 1D6 melee rounds. Unlike normal Knockout/Stun this does NOT have to be
declared before the strike roll.
Penalties for being blind are -5 instead of -8.
(2) Kick and Hold of choice.
The PC can now jump from great heights and land safely, usually by throwing themselves into a roll.
+10ft +1ft per level. Add Leap – Escape
No penalties to strike parry or dodge while up to waist high in water (or similar substance).
Only -2 to strike, parry or dodge while up to chest high in water.
Halve the Prowl penalties from armor types.
The character can actually swim while in full armor at only -8

The character has learned to fight from seated or kneeling positions. Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Parry, and
Dodge when in a seated or kneeling position.

All negative modifiers for blindness are reduced to zero, +1 to Mental Endurance, +1 to Rearward
Attacks, Sense of Direction: 75%.

At 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th levels, the character may EXCHANGE any of his combat moves for any
other from another style.
At 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th level, the character may EXCHANGE his level advancement bonus for
that of another style.
Both exchanges are at the character's option, and subject to GM approval (i.e., if the character has
never even MET an Eagle Claw Kung Fu practitioner, it's unlikely s/he would learn the Eagle Claw
technique, or learn any of Eagle Claw's LAB's)

The character is able to select a new technique from any martial art form (only those techniques listed
under COMBAT SKILLS) at levels1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15.

The character is able to deftly return to his feet after being knocked down. He loses no actions when he
is the victim of a knock-down attack with no loss of attacks..

The character has been trained to fight from the ground. He loses no actions when he is the victim of a
knock-down attack, unless he chooses to get up, and he can attack from the ground with no penalty.

Suplex/Hip Toss: 2D4+35 to damage and the opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being knocked
down (lose one melee attack if knocked down).
Back Hand: 2D6+52
Claw Hand: 2D8+71
Duo-Claw Strike: 5D6+71
Power Block/Parry/Claw: 2D8+71
Fingertip Attack: 1D6+52
Two-Finger Strike: 2D6+52
Fore-Knuckle Fist: 2D8+52
Double-Knuckle Fist: 3D6+52
Duo-Knuckle Strike: Stun
Palm Strike: 2D8+52
Double-Fist Punch: 3D6+52
Knife Hand: 2D8+52
Ridge Hand: 2D8+52
Spear Hand: 2D8+71
Thumb Drive Fist (Boshi Ken): 2D6+71
Sweep Punch (Barai Zuki): 2D6+52+ Automatic Knockdown
Power Punch: 3d20+52+ Knockback 1D10 feet*
Push Open Hand: 2D8+52+ knockback 1 foot per chi point used
Gut punch: 1d8+52+the victim has 1% chance to throw up (lose 1d4 attacks and initiative this and next
round) per point of damage
Strike (Punch): 2D6+52
Uppercut: 3D6+52
Jab: 3d6+52
Straight Punch: 4d6+52
Roundhouse Strike: 3D6+52
Forward Sweep: 0, automatic Knockdown
Backward Sweep: 0, automatic Knockdown
Sweep Kick: 1D6+52, automatic Knockdown
Power Sweep: 2d6+52+Automatic Knockdown *
Kick Attack: 5D6+52
Tripping/Leg Hook: 0, automatic Knockdown
Tai Kick: 2D6+52
Axe Kick: 4D6+52
Crescent Kick: 4D6+52
Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick): 1D6x23+52*
Roundhouse Kick: 5D6+52
Power Kick: 4d20+52+ Knockback 2D10 feet)*
Side Kick: 2d8+52
Snap Kick: 2D8+52
Shin Kick: 2D8+52
Wheel Kick: 4D6+52
Jump Kick: 1D6x23+52*
Flying Jump Kick: 1D6x24+52*
Flying Reverse Turning Kick: 1D6x24+52*
Head Bash: 2D6+35
Elbow: 2D6+35
Forearm: 2D6+35
Knee: 2D8+35
Choke: 2D8+35
Neck Hold/Choke: 2D6+35
One-Hand Choke: 2D8+35
Crush/Squeeze: 2D6+35
Body Block/Tackle: 2D6+35
Butjapgo Chagi (hand/kick): 2D8+52/1D6x25+52*
Body Throw: While usually used on a cooperative partner, this judo-type flip can be used on an
opponent, doing 4D6+35, plus the victim loses initiative and one attack that melee
Snap-Lock: (SPECIAL! Once the Martial Artist has his opponent in a lock, he can choose to treat it as if
the opponent had chosen to break out of the lock, thus releasing the opponent, albeit with a broken limb).
Arm & Leg Hold (Dalmah Haz Hanadu): This is a two-handed hold with one arm wrapped around one
leg while the other arm locks up one of the opponent's arms. Can be done standing or ground-fighting.
Arm & Neck Hold (Goguz Caprazi): This is a two-handed hold with one arm wrapped around the neck
while the other arm locks up one of the opponent's arms.
Arm & Torso Hold (Ic Kazik): This is a two-handed hold with one arm wrapped around the torso while
the other arm locks up one of the opponent's arms.
Clothing Hold (This hold involves grabbing the opponent's clothing rather than a body part. The victim
can be held on the ground or in a standing position.).
Hold with Legs (Ashi Garami): Using both legs, the attacker grabs on to the opponent's arm, leg, or
body and attempts to immobilize him. If the Strike is successful, then the victim is helpless until released.
Holds do no damage. Neither the attacker nor the victim can attack, parry or dodge while hold is
working. It's easy for the attacker to hold the victim so that some third character can attack unopposed.
Getting out of a hold requires agility. Both the victim and the attacker roll twenty-sided and add in their
P.P. attribute score. The person doing the hold also gets to add in all his bonuses to hold and to Strike.
High roll wins ! If the attacker wins, then the hold continues. If the victim wins then the hold is released
and combat can continue. Can be used with Arm Hold, Leg Hold, or Body Hold, cannot be used with
Neck Hold or Automatic Hold.
Joint Breaks: A joint break is an attempt to lock up a limb and break it. Attempting a break takes one
attack, and both combatants roll as they would for Holds or Locks. Results of a successful break vary
according to the joint in question:
(Note that while damage is done directly to hit points, breaks will never reduce hit points below 1; broken
limbs are terribly painful, but almost never kill you.
Finger Break: Minor problem. 1D4 damage to hit points, the only hand strikes possible are Palm Strikes
and Knife Hands.
(Note that while damage is done directly to hit points, breaks will never reduce hit points below 1; broken
limbs are terribly painful, but almost never kill you.
Wrist Break: 1D6 damage to hit points cannot use that hand. Elbow strikes and parries still possible.
Overall penalties include -2 P.P. and -3 P.S.
(Note that while damage is done directly to hit points, breaks will never reduce hit points below 1; broken
limbs are terribly painful, but almost never kill you.
Elbow Break: Serious problem. 2D6 damage to hit points, cannot use that arm. Reduce P.P. and P.S. by
(Note that while damage is done directly to hit points, breaks will never reduce hit points below 1; broken
limbs are terribly painful, but almost never kill you.
Ankle Break: 1D6 damage to hit points. Speed is ½, -4 to Dodge. No kicking are possible unless ground
(Note that while damage is done directly to hit points, breaks will never reduce hit points below 1; broken
limbs are terribly painful, but almost never kill you.
Knee Break: Serious problem. 2D6 damage to hit points, Speed is 1/3, -6 to Dodge. No kicks are
possible unless ground fighting.
(Note that while damage is done directly to hit points, breaks will never reduce hit points below 1; broken
limbs are terribly painful, but almost never kill you. )
Sleeper Hold: Works just like a normal Neck Hold, but functions as a Knockout/Stun. Every melee round
attack the defender must roll above a 15 on a D20 (P.E. bonuses apply) to remain conscious. Failure to
save means results in being knocked unconscious for 1D6 melee rounds! A successful save means the
character remains conscious but his head is full of cobwebs. It will take 1D6 melee round for his head to
clear, and in the meanwhile, the character loses two melee attacks and all combat bonuses are reduced
by half. Plus the stunned character's Speed and skill performance are reduced by half.
Thigh Lock: Performed like a Leg Hold, but treated as an Elbow Lock for escape purposes.
Centrifugal Throw (Langzug/Langziehen or Long Pull): Usually performed by grapplers with a weight
and height advantage, the opponent is grabbed and spun in a short circle using centrifugal force to be
flung to the ground. Damage is 4D8+35, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative
and losing the next melee attack/action. Being knocked down causes the character struck to be knocked
1D6+65 feet away from where he was standing at the moment of the attack. The defender cannot use
Maintain Balance in an attempt to keep from being knocked down. As an attack, it is possible to throw the
victim of a body flip/throw into something or someone. If the two bodies collide, then they both take the
same amount of damage, lose initiative, are knocked down and lose one melee attack..
Double Twist Throw: In this Body Flip/Throw, the opponent's leg or head is twisted in one direction,
while the rest of the body is pulled or pushed in the opposite direction. Standard damage is 4D6+35, with
the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the next melee attack/action. Being
knocked down causes the character struck to be knocked 1D6+35 feet away from where he was standing
at the moment of the attack. Maintain Balance does not work against this throw. It is not possible to
throw the victim of this body flip/throw into something or someone else with this throw.
Entering Throw (Irimi Nage): Using a sudden forward movement, the character upsets the opponent's
balance. Standard damage is 4D4+35, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and
losing the next melee attack/action. This Throw can only be used to knock someone down; it cannot be
used to throw them into something or someone else.)
Hand Throw (Te Nage): Using a quick grab, pull, or push, the character upset the balance of a moving
opponent. The throw is almost entirely based upon timing and pre-existing momentum. Very easy if done
properly and appropriately timed and done, nearly impossible against a set opponent. Standard damage
is 4D4+35, with the opponent knocked down, losing initiative and losing the next melee attack.. This
Throw cannot be used to throw them into something or someone else. However, this throw can be used to
disarm an attacker by using the flipping action to turn the arm and bend the hand to make the attacker
drop his weapon (no damage), or to flip him in such a way that no damage is inflicted, but the attacker
drops his weapon. Bonuses to disarm can be applied to this maneuver along with any Body Flip bonuses.)
Hip Throw (Koshi Nage): Using a turning motion, the opponent is thrown over the hip, using one's own
body as a fulcrum. Standard damage is 4D6+35, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the
initiative and losing the next melee attack/action.. As an attack, it is possible to throw the victim of a Hip
Throw into something or someone. If the two bodies collide, then they take the same amount of damage,
lose initiative, are knocked down and lose one melee attack. Another unique aspect of this ability is that it
can be used to disarm an attacker by using the flipping action to turn the arm and bend the hand to make
the attacker drop his weapon (no damage), or to flip him in such a way that no damage is inflicted, but
the attacker drops his weapon. Bonuses to disarm can be applied to this maneuver along with any Body
Flip/Throw bonuses.)
Joint Throw (Kansetsu Nage Waza): By using pressure against a joint, the character throws the
opponent off the ground. Standard damage is 1D6+35, with the opponent knocked down, losing initiative
and losing the next melee attack. As an attack, it is possible to throw the victim of a Joint Throw into
something or someone. If two bodies collide, then they both take the same amount of damage, lose
initiative, are knocked down and lose one attack. Another unique aspect of this ability is that it can be
used to disarm an attacker by using the flipping action to turn the arm and bend the hand to make the
attacker drop his weapon (no damage), or to flip him in such a way that no damage is inflicted, but the
attacker drops his weapon. Bonuses to disarm can be applied to this maneuver along with any Body Flip
Lifting Throw: Using the entire body for leverage (instead of picking the opponent up as with a Pickup
Throw), the character lifts the opponent high off the ground. Standard damage is 4D4+35, with the
opponent knocked down, losing initiative and losing the next melee attack. It is possible to throw the
victim of this body flip/throw into something or someone else with this throw.
Overstep Throw (Uebersprung ): By moving part or all of the attacker's body behind the opponent and
applying leverage, the character throws the opponent off the ground. Standard damage is 4D6+35, with
the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the next melee attack/action. Being
knocked down causes the character struck to be knocked 1D6+35feet away from where he was standing
at the moment of the attack + stun 1d6 melee rounds.. It is not possible to throw the victim of this body
flip/throw into something or someone else with this throw.
Pickup Throw (Tsuri Nage): Using leverage, the character lifts the opponent high off the ground, turns
and slams them forcefully down. Costs two melee actions to use. Standard damage is 4D6+35, with the
opponent knocked down, losing initiative and losing the next melee attack.. As an attack, it is possible to
throw the victim of a pickup into something or someone. If two bodies collide, then they both take the
same amount of damage, lose initiative, are knocked down and lose one attack.)
Push-Pull Throw(Bodenlaetz): Similar to the Double Twist Throw, the character pulls one part of the
opponent's body while simultaneously pushing against another portion of the opponent's anatomy.
Standard damage is 4D6+35, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the
next melee attack/action. Being knocked down causes the character struck to be knocked 1D6+35 feet
away from where he was standing at the moment of the attack. Maintain Balance does not work against
this throw. It is possible to throw the victim of this body flip/throw into something or someone else with
this throw.
Push Throw (Tannerschwung): This is the most basic form of a knockdown Body Flip/Throw. Damage
is 4D4+35, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the next melee
attack/action. Being knocked down causes the character struck to be knocked 1D6+35feet away from
where he was standing at the moment of the attack. A character's damage bonuses are also added in. It is
possible to throw the victim of this body flip/throw into something or someone else with this throw.
Reverse Hold/Throw: (This move can only be performed if the opponent has successfully applied a Hold
to the character. Instead of getting out a hold normally, the character can attempt to reverse the hold and
leverage the opponent away. Using this leverage, the character throws the opponent off the ground. This
requires agility. Both the character and the opponent roll twenty-sided and add their P.P. attribute. The
person doing the hold also gets to add in any bonuses to hold and strike. If the person doing the hold
wins, the hold continues. If the person attempting the reverse hold/throw wins, then they have a chance to
throw the person doing the hold. Standard damage is 1D6+35, with the victim ending up knocked down,
losing the initiative and losing the next melee attack/action. A character's damage bonuses are also
added in. The person doing the hold cannot attempt to defend normally with Parry, Dodge, etc. After a
reverse hold/throw, a victim who succeeds with a Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact or Break-fall takes no
damage and is not knocked down, but still loses one melee attack. With a Break-fall the damage is
reduced in half, even if the roll fails. This Throw can only be used to knock someone down, it cannot be
used to throw them into something or someone else.)
Rolling Sacrifice Throw: Another defensive throw done after one has been knocked off balance. Unlike
a normal Rolling Throw, the opponent is NOT launched with the legs, but rather dragged down on top of
the character. Unlike other Body/Flip Throws, this one does no damage, though the opponent is knocked
down, losing initiative and losing the next melee attack/action. Maintain Balance does not work against
this throw+ the opponent is stunned 1D6 melee rounds.
Rolling Throw: This is a defensive throw done by grabbing one's opponent and rolling onto one's back,
using the legs to push the opponent into the air. Standard damage is 4D6+35, with the victim ending up
knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the next melee attack/action. Being knocked down causes
the character struck to be knocked 1D6+35feet away from where he was standing at the moment of the
attack, + the opponent is stunned 1D6 melee rounds.
Rotating Throw (Schlungg): Usually performed by grapplers with a weight and height advantage, an
opponent in a hold is rotated with enough force to throw them to the ground. Damage is 2D4+35with the
victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the next melee attack/action. Being
knocked down causes the character struck to be knocked 2D6+35feet away from where he was standing
at the moment of the attack. (It is not possible to throw the victim of this body flip/throw into something or
someone else with this throw.)
Sacrifice Throw (Sutemi Nage): Using the momentum of the character's own fall, the character throws
the opponent to the ground. Standard damage is 2D4+35) with the opponent knocked down, losing
initiative and losing the next melee attack. A failed Sacrifice Throw puts the character in a prone
position, either beneath the opponent or at the opponent's feet, with the character knocked down, losing
initiative and the next melee attack, and no chance to use Roll or Break-fall to recover. This throw cannot
be used to disarm an opponent or throw them into another target.)
Scooping Throw: Basically, this functions as a Tripping/Leg Hook, done with the arms rather than the
legs, where the attacker attempts to grab his opponent's legs and then lift them off the ground. Standard
damage is 2D6+35, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the next
melee attack/action. Being knocked down causes the character struck to be knocked 1D6+35feet away
from where he was standing at the moment of the attack.
Shoulder Throw (Seoi Nage): 2D6+35, with the opponent knocked down, losing initiative and losing the
next melee attack. it is possible to throw the victim of a body flip/throw into something or someone..
Another unique aspect of this ability is that it can be used to disarm an attacker by using the flipping
action to turn the arm and bend the hand to make the attacker drop his weapon (no damage), or to flip
him in such a way that no damage is inflicted, but the attacker drops his weapon. Bonuses to disarm can
be applied to this maneuver along with any Body Flip bonuses.)
Sweeping Throw (Harai Nage): Using swift motions against the opponent's legs to break their balance,
the character knocks the opponent off the ground. Does no Damage! Is purely a Knockdown attack with
the opponent knocked down, losing initiative and losing the next melee attack? (This throw cannot be
used to disarm an opponent or throw them into another target.)
Takedown Throw (Breinzer): This move is similar to the Pickup Throw, but can only be performed from
a Body Hold where the opponent has been picked up off the ground. Standard damage is 4D6+35, with
the opponent knocked down, losing initiative and losing the next melee attack. Victims can attempt to
defend normally with Parry, Dodge, etc. After a body flip/throw, a victim who succeeds with a Roll with
Punch/Fall/Impact or Break-fall takes no damage and is not knocked down, but still loses one attack.
With a Break-fall the damage is reduced in half, even if the roll fails. As an attack, it is possible to throw
the victim of a pickup into something or someone. To determine success, roll another strike. The second
victim, the one who's getting hit with the thrown body, can attempt to defend with Parry, dodge etc. If two
bodies collide, then they both of them take the same amount of damage, lose initiative, are knocked down
and lose one attack.)
Automatic Flip/Lock (Katagatame): This move can be performed in place of a Parry. That means that
instead of blocking or deflecting the blow, the character attempts to leverage the attacker's own force into
a flip, followed by the application of a Wrist Lock. First, the character must beat the attacker's Strike just
like a parry, but using the bonuses for Body Flip/Throw and any Hold bonuses. If the Body Flip works,
then the character must roll to strike for the application of the Wrist Lock. No Strike or Damage bonuses
allowed. Failure means taking full damage from the attack without a chance to Roll/w
Carrying Pin: A variant of Pin/Incapacitate (or Body Hold) wherein the character picks his opponent off
the ground. The opponent can then be carried, but each step away from the initial position costs an
attack/action per melee.
Defensive Clothesline: The player sidesteps the attacking target while extending his arm. This acts as
both a Dodge and attack. First, roll to dodge the attack, then, if that's successful, roll for the clothesline.
This is the art of finger weak-point attacks to organs and muscles.
Similar to Atemi, except that the primary purpose of Kosshijutsu is to inflict damage. Kosshijutsu strikes
are done using Fore-Knuckle Fist, Finger Tip Attack, Chuk, Crane Fist, Gou Strike, Negative Gou, and
Spear Hand to target sensitive organs and muscles. If a style does not have one of these hand strikes, this
martial art power cannot be taken. A Kosshijutsu attack can only be used once per melee round and
requires a 16 or better to strike. A successful attack results in doing damage directly to Hit Points and the
target must save vs. pain at -2/hit or lose consciousness. If the roll is less than 16 the strike fails but still
does normal damage to the target.
This is the art of bone breaking. Characters with this skill are trained in the techniques, required force and
knowledge of where to strike in order to shatter bones. A Koppojutsu attack can only be used once per
melee round and requires a 15 or better to strike. A successful attack results in the target bone being
broken, doing damage directly to Hit Points. If the roll is less than 15 the strike fails but still does normal
damage to the target. Can be done with any hand strike except Finger Tip Attack/One Finger Attack,
Spear Hand, any Claw Strike (including Black Tiger Claw Strike, Claw Hand, Bear Slap, Crane Fist,
Duo-Claw Strike, and Eagle Claw Hand), Push Open Hand, Two Palm Push, and Sticky Hands.
Knife Hand Knock-Out
This attack does no damage, but knocks out opponent for 2D4 Melee Rounds, This attack can only be
performed on someone already controlled with a Joint Lock. This attack requires a normal Strike roll.
Crush/Squeeze: does 1D4+35.
Body Block/Tackle: does 2D4+35 damage and opponent must Dodge or Parry to avoid being Knocked
Disarm punch: Using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's arm briefly; just long
enough to cause them to drop their weapon or other carried object. Does the character's normal punch
damage (1d4+52 or higher; N&SS/MC characters may use the Fore-Knuckle, Double Knuckle, and
Power Punch strikes as well), and acts as a Disarm attack. The disarm punch takes two attacks.
Knockdown Kick: A called shot (12+ with bonuses) is required; lower rolls do normal damage but do
not cause the Disarm effect. Rolling with a Disarm punch means it does normal punch damage, but does
not cause a Disarm. At the GM's option, the Disarm punch may be used to force opponents to break
Locks, Holds, and similar attacks, as well.    
Knockdown Punch: A called shot (12+ with bonuses) is required; lower rolls do normal damage but do
not cause the Disarm effect. Rolling with a Disarm punch means it does normal punch damage, but does
not cause a Disarm. At the GM's option, the Disarm punch may be used to force opponents to break
Locks, Holds, and similar attacks, as well.    
Knockdown Attack: Using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's leg briefly; just
long enough to force them to fall. This attack may be performed with a kick or with a blunt weapon
(commonly a nightstick or similar instrument). Does normal damage for the application method (i.e.,
normal kick or weapon damage), and the opponent loses initiative and one attack. Requires a called shot
(12 or higher, bonuses included). Rolls under 12 which hit do normal kick damage only. Successfully
rolling with a knockdown kick means the character does not fall, but suffers normal damage. Maintain
Balance rolls are at -5 vs. a knockdown kick of this type.    
Blade Hand: that does 1d4+52.
Dragon Power Punch: 3D4+71*
Tiger Kick: 2D8+71
Leopard Hand Strike: 2D4+71
Snake Snap Kick: 1D10+52
Crane Elbow Strike: 2D4+35
Dragon claw to the throat: Crush and tear out throat. (1D6+71)*4 to hit points. Additional 4 hit points
lost per minute. Equivalent to double critical damage and shock.
Crane forearm to the temple: Potentially lethal if the attacker breaks the temporal bone. (1D6+ 35)*2 to
head SDC and another half of that to hit points. Speed, attacks, and skills reduced by 25%. Equivalent
to medium injury and shock.
Tiger palm to the nose: Drive the cartilage into the brain. (1D6+71)*3 to hit points. Additional 2D6 hit
points lost per minute. Equivalent to triple heavy injury and shock.
Snake hand to the eyes (or crane hand or mantis hand etc.): Poke out the eyes. (1D4+71)*2 to hit points.
Additional 2 hit points lost per minute. Blindness with all its penalties! 50% chance of irreparable
damage to the eyes. Equivalent to triple medium injury and shock.
Panther paw to throat: Crush the throat. (1D6+71)*3 to hit points. Double medium injury and shock. [On
the other hand, you can just use the table for normal death blows...]
Dirt in the Eye: This is the typical "pick up a handful of dirt and throw it in his eye" move. Requires a
strike roll of 15 or better. If successful, the opponent is stunned, losing one action, and suffers a -4 to all
combat rolls until he gets his eyes washed.
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. Requires a strike
roll of 13. If successful, the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving
throw fails, the victim loses initiative and two attacks. Inflicts 1D4 +(35/52/71).
Eye Gouge: This is an attempt to plunge one of your thumbs into the opponent's eyes. Requires a strike
roll of 14. If successful, the opponent must roll a saving throw versus pain, or be incapacitated for 1D4
melee rounds. He will be blind in that eye for 3D6 hours, and there is a 75% chance of permanent
blindness. Inflicts 1D6+71.
Nose Bite: This is an attempt to bit the tip of the opponent's nose off. Requires a strike roll of 16. If
successful, the victim will be stunned for 1D4 melee rounds, losing initiative and two attacks, and he will
suffer a -3 penalty to all actions. Inflicts only 1D4+35, but bleeds at twice the normal rate.
Foot Stomp: This is simply bringing your foot down on the opponent's arch. Requires a strike roll of 14.
If successful, the victim is reduced to 75% normal Speed., loses initiative and one action for 1D4 melee
rounds. There is a 25% chance that the foot will be broken, in which case, the penalties remain until it is
healed. Inflicts 1D6+52.
Chi Awareness/Senses/Sight:
Chi Awareness (positive):
The ability to sense the level and type of chi in others, The range of Chi Awareness is limited to 400ft.
The character will be able to instantly recognize any of the following conditions:
(1) A person with zero chi.
(2) A person with only 1 or 2 points of chi.
(3) Anyone with more than 10 points of chi.
(4) Anyone with chi skills (Arts of Invisibility, Body Hardening, Katas or Martial Art Techniques).
(5) Anyone with Chi Mastery skills.
(6) Anyone with more chi than the character’s own
(7) The presence of negative or positive chi in any person, place or thing. Living things are usually
charged with positive chi... This is the force of life and healing that makes it possible for things to grow
and survive. Negative Chi is used by those trained in Snake Style or Tien Hsueh. This negative chi is
not necessarily evil, but it is based on the forces of non-life, and it prevents healing in living things.
Chi Vision/Sensés:
Range: Equal to the normal visual range.
100ft for Robots
300ft for undead
600ft for normal living creatures
900ft for empowered/augmented creatures
1200ft for supernatural creatures
12000ft for gods
This sense covers all life-forces from animals and plants to sentient beings and supernatural beings. All
life-force patterns are different and the form of life is recognizable by the complexity of the pattern and
its intensity.
Duration: Constant
the character can actually see life-force energies their varying colors, patterns, complexities and
Life-force Color & Meaning:
Orange: Afraid
Red: Angry
Light Blue: Calm
Bright Crimson: Enraged
Violet: Excited
Vermilion: Happy
Black: Hateful
Blue: Love
Silver: Sad
Gold: Healthy
Grey: Ill
Rapidly rippling colors: Meta abilities present
Myriad Sparkles: Magic Use
Dark stain in center of aura: Undead or Necromantic magic
Spirit's aura overlays mortals: Possessed
The character can sense the number of life-forces, the type of creature, and their general location when
within range. The character can also recognize specific patterns that he has sensed before at 70%
accuracy, +4% per level. A recognized pattern can then be tracked with 50% accuracy, +3% per level,
whether it is within range or not, roll once every 200 meters.
It is difficult to surprise this character as he is bound to sense any animal or living being within. The more
powerful the life-force, the easier it is to sense. When within the limits of the character's sensing range for
the type of creature add a +2 to initiative and a +1 to parry and dodge
When the creature comes close enough the character will automatically know what type of creature it is,
its exact location, speed, direction and whether he has sensed it before. Within one tenth of the normal
sensing range for the type of creature add an extra melee attack, +6 to initiative, and +3 to parry and
Empowered Staff/Sword/weapon:
When used on an ordinary blade-staff, staff, broomstick, pole, or fallen tree branch, sword, or any
weapon; this makes the item into a psionically/mystically charged weapon. Mega-Damage: P.S. +2D8
M.D.C. to Mega-Damage targets, or P.S. +2D8 S.D.C. to S.D.C. targets. M.D.C.: Roll Chi used +1D6x10
to determine the item’s strength in M.D.C.; applicable only if the weapon itself is targeted for destruction.
Duration: The enchantment lasts for a minimum of one day. At the end of each 24 hour period, a roll
under 10 on a twenty-sided die (no bonuses) means the power wears off. If the Empowered Staff saves for
a full week, seven times in a row, the effect is permanent. Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. Cost: 22.
Breaking Point:
Cost: 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Damage: 1d6 points of damage per level of Exp times 10 MDC/HP. (6D6), or up to 800 pounds per level
of experience (4800) of inorganic hard materials is utterly destroyed if rock/wood up to 300 lbs. per level
of experience (1800) if metal (6d6x10/level of experience)
Damage reduction (Kinetic only): -1d6 points of damage per level of Exp times 10 MDC/HP. (6d6)
Saving throw: Sentient rock/metal/wood creatures, magic object and other borderline creatures roll a save
versus magic 12 or less, or suffer normal damage. The attack counts as two actions. Any creature within 5
feet of the blast point receives 1/5 damage. The character takes no damage from this technique. Masters
of this technique are MDC in MDC type environments.
(Special Note: You may sacrifice all your attacks and Spend Ki/Chi/ISP/PPE for a focused punch or
kick strike to do quadruple damage: Every Chi spent while concentrating on the target gives either an
additional +1 to strike or +1 to damage (must decide before using it).
Bakusai Ten-Satsu (“v Point Kill”):
This hideous and debilitating variant of the Bakusai Tenketsu was accidentally discovered by an enemy of
Ryoga Hibiki, Ryo Muhoshin (at least, in two known universes it was). Muhoshin had devoted his life to
the defeat of Ryoga and had determined that the best way to do it was to beat him at his own game—
learning how muse Ryoga’s weapons, Ryoga’s moves, even Ryoga’s attitude, against him. To beat
Ryoga, he had to know Ryoga better than Ryoga knew himself.
In his training, he found that the Bakusai Tenketsu did work against bone, a substance with enough
calcium in it to be affected by the stone-shattering aspect of the power. The problem with the Bakusai
Tenketsu was that it worked by touch, forcing Clii into the pattern of an object through the medium of
touch, making such an attack utterly useless against living beings; after all, there was all that soft tissue in
the way.
Muhosh’m noticed that Ryoga could channel the Bakusal Tenketsu through his umbrella by treating it as
an extension of his own body. Through extensive and harsh training, Muhoshin duplicated this feat and
then went one better: by attaching a sharpened spike or needle to the umbrella’s tip, he could use the
umbrella as a piercing weapon (like a spear). Then, when the spike would hit an opponent’s bone, he
would channel Chi through it, shattering the bone like fragile china. This method of combat became even
more dangerous when used against a particularly vulnerable spot like the skull or spine. Only two of the
megaverse’s “Ryo Muhoshins” are thought to know this technique; one of them has since been reduced to
little better than a vegetable, and the other has reformed,
Author’s Note: Complicated? Read “ Series and “The More Things Change/The Pursuit of Happiness
You’ll be glad you did.
Of course, a true Hibiki would never use the Baskusai Tensatsu training they so arduously pursue for such
an evil purpose; however, they do feel that the best way to keep the Bakusai Ten-Satsu out of the hands of
people who would misuse it is to keep it safely within the family. Most Hibikis who learn this technique
do so entirely on their own, by accident (much as Muhoshin did), and then only find out where it really
came from after questioning an elder.
By spending five Chi a user of the Bakusai Ten-Satsu (who must be of an alignment worse than
Scrupulous, and an Unprincipled Hibiki will only use this move for self-defense) may charge a piercing
weapon (a spike-tipped umbrella is traditional) with destructive force. If the strike against a target is an
unmodified 17-20 (natural 20 only for head and spine shots), and is not parried or dodged, then the
Bakusai Ten-Satsu takes effect; otherwise the Chi is simply lost and the weapon must be recharged. The
strike on a Bakusai Ten-Satsu acts precisely as a called shot, hitting whatever portion of the victims
anatomy is desired.
The victim is permitted a saving throw to avoid the worst effect If successful, the target merely takes an
extra three dice of damage from the weapon (i.e.; if the weapon normally did 1D6 SDC, it does 4D6 SDC
on this strike) and a small hole is cored through the bone struck (it will heal in a few days); the shot
wasn’t precise enough to trigger a breaking point. If unsuccessful’, too bad--they had more than enough
chances already.
An unsuccessful save means that the bone’s breaking point was triggered, shattering the bone into
fragments and flechettes; this strike inflicts 1D4x 10 SDC damage (which cannot “spill over” into HP)
and an extra 3D6 damage straight to hit points. In addition, the bone struck is broken so badly that heavy
medical care (or magic healing) is required to repair it; otherwise, that bone is rendered permanently
useless--and whatever it was supporting. Bakusai Ten-Katsu strikes near vital organs may have more
dangerous effects (a saving throw versus Coma/Death would not be inappropriate). A shot to the skull or
spine grants +5 to the save (the skulls plates are flexible and strong and the spine is mostly nerve tissue
and fluid); if failed, let your sickest desires as GM take over--an instant frontal lobotomy or life in a
wheelchair are the kindest things you can do.
As a final note, there are over two hundred bones in the average human body (though most of them are in
the hands and feet) and a Bakusai Ten-Satsu strike is necessary for each and every one of them (with
some exceptions--an exploding bone will likely destroy very small surrounding bones).
Atemi Abilities: Er Qiao An Xi Tien Hsueh (2 Strike Knockout Atemi):
This is exactly what the name says, a 2-part atemi strike that produces unconsciousness in the target. To
use this attack the character must make 2 consecutive strikes within the same melee round, each roll to
strike must be a natural 9 or better. If successful the unconsciousness lasts 2d6 melees.
Atemi Abilities: Burning Pain:
The character is able to strike the victim's nerves in such a way as to cause great pain, but little actual
damage. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 13 or better. If successful, the victim must roll a
saving throw versus Pain (13+), or be incapacitated for as long as the attacker maintains the hold, plus
1D4 melee rounds after release.
Jua Jin (Grabbing the Muscle/Tendon) –
The martial artist learns the best points at which to grab the surface muscles and tendons of the body, and
trains in the grips best suited to ripping those fibers from their moorings. The character may choose to
attack an arm, leg, or the neck. For arm or leg attacks, a called shot is required (13 or better, plus
bonuses). If successful, the strike does normal damage directly to hit points, and the target receives
penalties appropriate for the torn muscle or tendon (see Nightspawn, or 'Bane if you must, p. 39). A Jua
Jin attack to the neck is essentially a Death Blow attack, and is treated as one, except hat the character's
required Death Blow roll is reduced by one (i.e., if you have Death Blow on natural 20, a 19 is
ok...).Limitations - the Jua Jin attack can only be performed with a claw hand strike. At the GM's option,
the Crushing Grip Body Hardening Exercise or a minimum PS or Hard Chi expenditure (yes, Hardened
Chi works just fine with Jua Jin) may be required.
Kagyaku Kyusho or Atemi Pain Strike:
This is a debilitating attack used to distract and impair the target. On a successful strike the victim must
make a saving throw vs. pain a successful save means the character has managed to overcome the pain
and can continue to function at an impaired level for 1D6 melee rounds +1 melee per level of experience.
Reduce speed by 40%, melee attacks/actions are reduced by half, skill performance is -30% and reduce
all combat bonuses and maneuvers by half. These penalties remain in effect for 2D6 melee rounds. Note:
The character can try to roll again to save vs. pain when the above time elapses. Another successful roll
means he or she can continue for another 1D6 melee rounds +1 melee per level of experience. However,
pushing oneself like this can cause greater injury and damage. A failed roll means he can not continue
collapses and falls unconscious for 1D6 minutes. When he awakens he suffers from the full range of
penalties from pain and cannot roll to save vs. pain again for this injury. A failed roll generally means that
he succumbs to the pain and is either incapacitated by it -- kicking and screaming or just pass out. The
character will pass out on a saving throw result of 1, 2, 3, or 4. If conscious the pain is incapacitating:
Reduce speed by 30% and then an additional 1D6x10%, melee attacks/actions are reduced to two (or one
if the character has less than four attacks), skill performance by half and all combat bonuses and
maneuvers are reduced to zero; no initiative. These penalties remain in effect for 2D6 minutes. Pain
medication will dull the suffering considerably, but clouds one's mind and abilities so the penalties remain
in effect.
Nerve Destruction:
This is a combination of Neural Atemi and Tamashiwara. In a nerve destruction attack an opponent's
nerve clusters are struck hard enough to permanently disable them. A nerve destruction attack must be a
fore-knuckle fist and the first (and only) attack of the melee round. The character chooses one of the
opponent's limbs (arm or leg) and must roll a natural 14 or better to strike. If successful the opponent
takes (1D6 + bonus) damage and the targeted limb is disabled for a number of days equal to the amount
of damage taken. If the amount of damage the opponent takes is greater than his P.E. then the limb is
permanently disabled. There is a (100-amount of damage) % chance that the damage can be repaired
through surgery. If the attacker misses (Rolls 4 or less or the attack is dodged.), he takes 1D6 damage and
the arm used in the attack is hyperextended at the shoulder and elbow.
Dim Mak:
Available to characters with the Tien-Hsueh Martial Art Form automatically. One of the most insidious
attacks in the history of martial arts, a successful Dim Mak dooms the victim to a slow and wasting death
this works by disrupting the body’s natural ability to regenerate chi and therefore loses the ability to heal.
Gradually the victim’s Chi wears away to zero. At zero chi the victim cannot recover S.D.C. or hit points,
becomes more and more vulnerable to injury, disease and death. Unable to heal themselves, the characters
are in serious peril and a legendary cure must be sought.

Characters must use a one finger attack in order to deliver the Dim Mak. A Strike, Parry, and Dodge rolls
work in the usual way. If successfully parried or blocked Dim Mali is avoided. If the parry or dodge roll
fails the character is struck, but can try to roll with the Dim Mak attack to avoid full damage. A successful
Roll/w Punch/Fall/Impact means the victim takes one (1 point of damage, plus the attacker’s damage
bonus, direct to hit points, but is not afflicted by Dim Mak.
(NOTE: Character’s with good alignments will never use Dim Mak. It’s just too evil. See the Game
Master Section for finding a cure to Dim Mak).
Agony Strike: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the
influence of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in
agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it
will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of
attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike,
parry and dodge.
Pain Strike: By manipulating the nerve centers the martial artist can induce terrible pain, shooting
throughout the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit
Points (not S.D.C.) per each minute affected.
Paralysis: This attack immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning.
Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still use psionics
but only if he has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they cannot cast
spells while paralyzed.
Pins & Needles Strike: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and
needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily
cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5%
skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm,
that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -
25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush
and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5%
skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also
have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using
this attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill
penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries,
even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is
impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.
Release Strike: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim
either vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The
attacker chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee
Stun Strike: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is
cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.
Jodo Strike: A powerful thrust with the point of the staff, or blunt end of a spear, to the side of the
temple. The blow is so painful and jarring that it inflicts an extra 1D6 damage and, for a moment,
everything goes black: the victim of the Jodo strike loses initiative, loses one melee action and there is a
01-50% chance that he will drop whatever weapon he was holding (only drops one weapon if using paired
weapons — victim's choice of which).
The martial arts master must focus and deliberately aim at and strike the temple (the player should
announce his intentions before he rolls to strike). A roll of 18 or higher (including bonuses) is necessary
to have full effect. Any roll that hits his opponent, but is under an 18 hits, but misses its mark and only
inflicts normal damage
Duatsu or (Healing Atemi):
Includes a thorough study of the art of acupuncture (healing by inserting needles into the body). The
result is the ability to resuscitate a character by touch alone. Duatsu can be used to instantly reverse the
effect of any other Atemi attack, except Dim Mak! It can also be used to snap a character out of a Knock-
Out, Stun, Paralyze or any other form of temporaty shock. It only takes one melee round attack/action to
perform Healing Atemi. Note: Healing Atemi does nor restore hit points, SDC. or Chi.
Atemi Kansetsu Waza or (Grasping Hand):
The character can, at will, dislocate the joints of any opponent. These are damaging bone-locking
techniques that have been outlawed by most martial arts. The attacking character must first Succeed in a
hold or joint lock maneuver. The victim takes no damage on the first attack/action that melee of the hold,
But the rest of that melee and subsequent melees, this hold inflicts 2D6 damage per melee round. The
character also gets an additional bonus of + I to damage at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14 levels,
Enlightenment Strike:
In a two-handed move, the martial artist pushes his palms toward the victim, pulling the hands apart an
instant before they would contact the face. The result is that the victim will instantly be freed from any
possession spell or entity, Chi Control or mind controlling spell. The move uses up ALL the
actions/attack of an entire melee round and must be done within striking distance from the victim.
Chi Block:
This is a strike that disrupts the victim’s ability to control his own Chi. Once disrupted, the victim is
blocked from doing anything that requires Chi, including Chi combat, Chi magic, and even Chi-Gung
Body Hardening. It will take 2D6 minutes of intense, uninterrupted concentration, or 1D6 minutes of
continuous meditation for the victim to regain control over Chi.
A successful Chi Block requires a roll to strike of 10 or better, without benefit of attribute and combat
bonuses. The opponent can attempt to patty or dodge and, if successful, will avoid any damage. If the
victim manages to roll with punch/fall/impact, instead of the Chi Block, the character will lose 3D6
Points of Chi (Positive or Negative, whichever the victim is currently charged with).
Since the exact location of the “Chi Control Center” is different from person to person the Atemi expert
must observe his opponent before attempting this attack. If the adversary is seen engaging in combat or in
any form of Chi control, it will only take a single melee round to discover the exact spot. Otherwise, if the
victim is simply engaged in normal activities (eating, walking, sleeping, etc.), the Atemi expert will need
to observe the victim for at least ten minutes.
Tien Hsueh Amnesia:
This ability will not work in com bat situations. Victims must either be willing and passive partiç pants,
or must be rendered unconscious before the Tien Hsueh Amnesia can begin.

Short-Term Amnesia: If successful, the victim will forget all the events of the preceding 1D6+5 minutes.
Note: The memories of the “lost” time will NEVER be recovered. It will be as if the character never
experienced the events of that time period. This is the only Tien Hsueh Amnesia that is permanent.
Traditionally, Short-Term Amnesia is done on those who have witnessed either the forbidden or the
horrific, and when the victim volunteers to have their memory ‘erased’ forever.

Alignment Amnesia: The victim remembers everything, including his or her name and previous life, but
somehow “for gets” his/her alignment/moral view of life. To those who can detect alignment, the
character will seem uncommitted and un-formed, as if he had never figured out what alignment to be
come. Usually this is used as a means of infiltrating an enemy group (i.e.: it allows “good” alignments to
sneak into evil groups or “evil” alignments to pass undetected among principled and scrupulous).
Lasts 1D6 days.

Full Amnesia: The victim remembers absolutely nothing from his or her life previous to the Tien Hsueh,
nor any shred of identity. Although the character still has all hisTher usual skills, abilities, and bonuses,
he/she won’t remember what they are (they just occur when needed). Because of the total loss of memory,
the victim is easy prey for anyone who wants to ‘fill in” their memory. The amnesia lasts three hours per
experience level of the character who caused the amnesia in the first place.
Puppet Dance Tien Hsueh:
The first step for the attacker is to get a good grip on the back of the victim’s neck. This can be done with
any sort of combat “grab” or just by moving a hand into place when the intended victim is unaware or
Once the attacker has a hand on the back of the victim’s neck, it takes another roll to strike (normal
bonuses allowed) and a single melee action for the Puppet Dance Tien Hsueh to be activated. The victim
has one last chance to dodge/pull away, but there is no possibility of a roll with punch/fall/impact.
Mastering complete puppet control over his victim usually takes about one full melee round of
experimentation with finger pressure. The puppet victim is completely aware but helpless. The attacker
maintaining the puppet hold can manipulate his victim like a living puppet via pressure from his finger on
the neck
— The perfect hostage hold. The victim can be made to walk, skip, dance, open doors, or otherwise move
around. The arms can be made to move, gesture, pick up or drop objects, scratch, point, etc. Even the face
can be made to change gestures, with forced smiles, frowns, winking and blinking, mouth movements and
the like. In fact, the only things the Puppet Dance can’t do is get the victim to speak, although humming
and grunting are possible. The victim can be forced to fight, but such actions will be terribly slow and
clumsy. Note The puppet has only two melee actions per round and has no combat or attribute bonuses
available (natural rolls only). Skill performance is at -60%.
As long as the Tien Hsueh expert maintains the hold, the victim will be manipulated like a puppet.
However, the attacker cannot perform any other Tien Hsueh, cannot use Chi, and will have difficulty in
combat because he’ll be distracted by the manipulation of his puppet (- attack per melee round, -2 on
initiative and -2 to dodge). The attacker can continue to talk normally, walk around (with the victim), and
use the other hand to fight, parry, shoot, or perform skills (one-handed of course).
Once the hold is released, the victim will be instantly back in charge of his/her own body and will
remember (and resent) having been manipulated.
Kotegaeshi or (Paralyzation Defense Atemi):
This defensive technique allows the character to perform a paralysis attack (as per N&S rules, page 132)
in place of a parry, as a countermove against the following Holds and Locks; Arm Hold, Finger Lock,
Wrist Lock, Arm Lock, and Elbow Lock. It costs one melee action to do and is considered a defensive
move for the purpose of combat (which means a tie allows this move to be performed successfully).
Atemi Abilities: Er Qiao An Xi Tien Hsueh (2 Strike Knockout Atemi):
This is exactly what the name says, a 2-part Atemi strike that produces unconsciousness in the target. To
use this attack the character must make 2 consecutive strikes within the same melee round, each roll to
strike must be a natural 9 or better. If successful the unconsciousness lasts 2d6 melees.
Yang Qi Bi Tien Hsueh (Positive Chi Block Vital Point):
This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using
positive chi. For this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to
successfully roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 positive
chi. (For more information see Mystic China page 150.)
Yin Qi Bi Tien Hsueh (Negative Chi Block Vital Point):
This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using
negative chi. for this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to
successfully Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 negative
chi. (For more information see Mystic China page 150.)
Positive Chi Block Vital Point:
This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using
positive chi. for this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to
successfully Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 positive
chi. (For more information see Mystic China page 150.)
Negative Chi Block Vital Point:
This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using
negative chi. for this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to
successfully Roll/w Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 negative
chi. (For more information see Mystic China page 150.)
P.P.E. Block Vital Point:
This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using P.P.E.
For this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully
roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 P.P.E. (For more
information see Mystic China page 150.)
Geometric Defense:
The Geometric Defense is a combination of defensive Kime and Warrior Spirit. The duelist circles
around their opponent in a defensive stance, blocking each attack made by the opponent with ease.
This is done in a precise manner and with as little emotion as possible. The opposing duelist will
perceive the flowing, almost dance-like defenses as nearly impenetrable, as every move is countered
by a specific and defined motion. Rather than roll a 20-sider to parry as usual, the defender rolls
against Advanced Mathematics (at +20%). The attacker's strike roll is subtracted from the character's
Mathematics score. Every successful roll results in a blocked attack, in what is effectively a Circular
Parry or Multiple Dodge. If all attacks are blocked, the end effect, besides not getting hit, will be a
perceived indomitable defense. This boosts the character's MA to 17 or +4, whichever is higher.
Attackers must roll over the character's Trust/Intimidate score or will be at -4 to Strike for the rest of the
combat. [Mathematics - Advanced: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (100%)]
Geometric Attack
This "kata" represents the scientific and mental processes of the attack in the Spanish School. Similar
to Kime, Geometric Attack is the single minded focus towards a given goal. The Duelist spends one
melee round circling around their opponent, striking and defending as normal. The difference is that
the duelist is not really trying to hit their opponent. What they are trying to do is work their opponent
into a position where they can strike with maximum effect. What that advantage is exactly depends on
the specifics of the battlefield. It could mean that the defender ends up standing on slippery ground, an
obstacle sits behind the defender (preventing retreat), a bright light sits behind the attacker, or any
other advantage that may come to hand. Use of this kata requires a roll against Advanced Mathematics
(at +20%, due to the relative ease of geometry as opposed to advanced calculus). If successful, the kata
begins. The melee round continues, with both sides maneuvering for position. While defenses remain
the same, all attacks made by the duelist are made at -5 to Strike (total, no other bonuses apply). If any
succeed, the kata is disturbed and the duelist can not attack for the rest of the round and is at -3 to
Parry and Dodge. At the end of the melee round, the opportunity comes and the duelist makes his real
strike roll. The defender is at -5 to Parry or Dodge (total) the blow. [ Mathematics - Advanced: Base
Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (100%)]
I.S.P. Block Vital Point:
This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using I.S.P.
for this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully
roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 I.S.P. (For more
information see Mystic China page 150.)
Kyuba-Jutsu (Art of the Bow and Horse):
This training allows the character to ride and shoot a bow at full gallop without penalty. Likewise, the
character's balance and bow handling is
such that he can shoot a bow without penalty from a moving vehicle, in
mid-air, or from an awkward position (a swaying rope bridge, hanging upside
down, leaping and shooting, etc.)
Kuji Kiri (Finger Weaving):
This is a method of hypnotizing an opponent by intertwining the fingers
in a rhythmic manner. The target must save vs. psionics or be hypnotized (use the modifiers for
K.O./Stun). The opponent receives a -1 to save at levels 5, 9, & 13. At 7th level this skill can be done
using the entire body, with a -2 on the target's save.
Kawasu 1 & 2:
Can use a melee weapon which are skilled in to deflect any thrown missile at a rate of 1 per 3 PP within
1 combat melee and the character;
Can use a melee weapon which are skilled in to deflect any arrows or bolts at a rate of 1 per 4 PP within
1 combat melee
Pin/incapacitate on a natural roll of 18 (roll 1D20).
Deception: A character with this power may use it at any time, at no cost in actions. He weaves the
deceptions into his normal movements. By spending three (3) Chi, once per melee, he can force his
opponent to make an attribute check vs. his ME. (Attempt to roll under it on a D20; 20 automatically
fail). If the attribute check fails, the opponent has a -2 to dodge or parry any of the martial artist’s
techniques that round. More Chi must be spent and new attribute checks must be made each melee
round. The martial artist may affect as many people as he is in hand to hand combat with, at multiple
Chi costs.
Tamashiwara(“Art of Breaking”):
This is the Ninjas & Super spies’ version of Breaking boards, bricks, ice, wood or bones, and
eventually, glass —it makes no difference to this character what it is; they are likely to break it.
Characters practice breaking wood; bricks, stones, ice and glass, and they use their fists, feet, elbows,
knees and even foreheads. However, this skill goes beyond looking for the weak point in a target. In
this kind of attack the AR. and S.D.C. of the object are irrelevant because the martial artist is really
breaking the Chi of the object. The character actually learns to break the Chi of an object—which
occurs the moment before impact. This ability does not burn up any additional attacks or actions. It is
an addition to a normal attack, but it has varying modifications to combat depending on the outcome.
A natural roll to strike is necessary and depending on what the character is trying to break (living
beings or inanimate objects), effects will vary. Against inanimate objects, a roll of 1 to 4 will mean the
object was not broken and instead the character takes full damage, instead of the object! A roll of 5-13
means the object takes half damage and the character takes half damage, but at least the object
breaks. This usually happens when the Chi of the object is broken upon impact, instead of breaking it
right before impact. A roll of 14-20 is perfect shot—the character breaks the object no problem, without
taking damage! It does not matter how much damage was inflicted, the desired effects were achieved
(broken in half, has a hole in it, shattered, etc.). Nor does an objects A.R. matter (this includes natural
A.R.’s as well) this ability completely bypasses them. Using this skill on living beings is particularly
deadly. A roll of 1 to 4 means the character only did normal damage (if a natural A.R., then effects are
unchanged—treat it as if the character did not use this skill). A roll of 5-13 means the character did
double the normal damage (if a natural A.R., then the character bypasses it and does full normal
damage to the character, but takes none themselves). A roll of 14-20 means a perfect shot, the victim
takes double the normal damage direct to Hit Points (effects are unchanged with a natural A.R.). This
ability may only be used once per melee, because it strains the character and if the roll (against either)
was 1 to 4, they lose their next available initiative. Also, this ability can only be used as the characters
attack; it may not be used with Combo Parry/Attack (or Dodge /Attack), Power Parry or any Attack
Modifications. If find weakness and iron hand is also possessed then always breaks objects with no
damage to character using tamashiwara. When attacking another person; A roll of 14 or higher means
successfully punching or kicking another human being inflicting double damage (plus damage bonus)
directly to hit points (not SDC) +1d4x10 to power punch

NOTE: The character must already have the death blow ability to take this ability. However, to even
have a successful strike requires a roll of 14+ with bonuses, and the attacking character can neither
dodge nor roll, only parry. Unsuccessful death blows that are not parried or dodged, inflict 1D4 damage
plus bonuses to SDC. Successful death blows inflict the following (roll percentile): [All blows also have
a 30% chance of instant coma and possible death within 1D6 minutes, except for snake hand to the
eyes] this attack power can be a layered attack, and bypasses armor its effects are:
Dragon claw to the throat. Crush and tear out throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*4 to hit points. Additional
4 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to double critical damage and shock.
Crane forearm to the temple. Potentially lethal if the attacker breaks the temporal bone. 1D6+ damage
bonuses)*2 to head SDC and another half of that to hit points. Speed, attacks, and skills reduced by
25%. Equivalent to medium injury and shock.
Tiger palm to the nose. Drive the cartilage into the brain. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points.
Additional 2D6 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to triple heavy injury and shock.
Snake hand to the eyes (or crane hand or mantis hand etc.). Poke out the eyes. (1D4+damage
bonuses)*2 to hit points. Additional 2 hit points lost per minute. Blindness with all its penalties! 50%
chance of irreparable damage to the eyes. Equivalent to triple medium injury and shock.
Panther paw to throat. Crush the throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Double medium injury
and shock. [On the other hand, you can just use the table for normal death blows...]
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. Requires a
strike roll of 13. If successful, the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving
throw fails, the victim loses initiative and two attacks. Inflicts 1D4 damage.
Eye Gouge: This is an attempt to plunge one of your thumbs into the opponent's eyes. Requires a strike
roll of 14. If successful, the opponent must roll a saving throw versus pain, or be incapacitated for 1D4
melee rounds. He will be blind in that eye for 3D6 hours, and there is a 75% chance of permanent
blindness. Inflicts 1D6 damage.
Agony: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the influence
of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in agony.
Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it will
take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of attacks
per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike, parry
and dodge.
Blind: Temporarily knocks out the victim's optic nerves, rendering that person quite helpless. Victims are
-10 to strike, parry and dodge.
Deafness: Can be caused by manipulating the eardrum. Victims cannot hear anything, and are -6 to parry
or dodge attacks from behind. In addition, the shock of suddenly becoming deaf makes them -3 to strike,
parry or dodge any other attacks, and they automatically lose the initiative on all attacks while deaf.
Ecstasy: This attack is a very dangerous reversal of the Agony attack. While the Agony attack activates
all of the victims pain centers, the Ecstasy power does the reverse and activates all of a victims pleasure
centers. The attack creates the same effects to a targets activity that the agony attack does but does it for
the opposite reasons. For the first minute, the victim will be able to do nothing but writhe in pleasure.
After that initial minute, the target takes another full minute to regain full composure and during that time
the number of his attacks will be reduced by half, speed will be reduced by half, and will have a penalty
of -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and has a 10% chance of victim being addicted to it per application
The big danger of the power is not the effect the power has in combat but that some psychics have used
the spell to profit off of victims similarly to the way drug dealer will addict people to drugs. They can do
this by using the power for free or a reduced price and then once the person is addicted, they raise the cost
of the power astronomically or make the person do jobs for them under the threat of not using the power
anymore. The process of addiction takes from two to four weeks normally. The other disadvantage is that
addicts of this power will get no save against the power even if it is cast on them in combat
Rumored and only whispered is that some psychics have used the powers agony and ecstasy together. For
every two sessions of this, the target must save against insanity. If this power combination is used often
for over two months, their pleasure and pain centers will get mixed up and whenever a person feels pain,
they will feel pleasure as well (GM's choice of actual effects).
Mute: Impairs the victim's vocal cords, making speech impossible. Victims are likely to be shocked and
panic, making them -2 to strike, parry and dodge for the first melee ONLY.
Orgasm: Effect: Probably the gentlest and most pleasurable incapacitation attack to date that functions
by stimulating the victim's body into feeling an intense sexual orgasm. While under the power of the
attack the victim will have no melee actions, can barely move, and cannot make any intelligible sounds
other than a faint moan of pleasure. There is no physical damage inflicted by this attack , although the
character may wish to clean their shorts shortly after succumbing to the spell's effects. After the brief
incapacitation period, the victim will need another 1D4 minutes to regain their composure. Until such
time the characters attacks per melee and speed will be reduced by half. They will also suffer a -1 penalty
to all combat bonuses and -5% to skill performance. Only one person may be affected per use of this
attack. It should be noted that although this attack suffers from a shorter incapacitation time than the
Agony attack, of which it is derived, it is more sought by characters of good alignments who would not
bring such pain as the Agony attack on any living creature while at the same time, totally incapacitating
the victim of the attack.
Pain: By manipulating the nerve centers the psionic can induce terrible pain, shooting throughout the
body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit Points (not
S.D.C.) per each minute affected.
Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are
completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still use psionics but only if he
has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they cannot cast spells while
Pins & Needles: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and needles"
sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily cut off and
then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5% skill penalty
from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm, that particular
arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -25%, other skills
will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush and is very
distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5% skill penalty
unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also have a
temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using this
attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill penalty.
Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries, even if
affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is impervious to
all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.
Release: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either
vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker
chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions, must
have art of offense and art of defense to gain
Stun: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is cut by
half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.
Tissue Manipulation: Affects the tissue's connecting nerve fibers which can cause a variety of effects.
By irritating the nerve fibers, a victim will suddenly feel itchy, as if breaking out in a severe rash.
Through endothermic manipulation the victim can also be made to suddenly feel cold or hot while
everyone around him feels fine. ALL three conditions are more annoying or frightening than physically
impairing. In each case the victims are -1 to strike, parry and dodge.

(Special Note: You may sacrifice all your attacks and Spend Ki/Chi/ISP/PPE for a focused punch or kick
strike to do quadruple damage: Every Chi spent while concentrating on the target gives either an
additional +1 to strike or +1 to damage (must decide before using it).
Vacuum Blades
Cost: 10 PPE.
Requirements: Chi Control, minimum 7 attacks.
Damage: 1d4x5 per level experience. (1D4x24)
Permanent statistic change: A side effect of the training is that the character can survive 10 minutes
per level of vacuum or airlessness. (60minutes [1Hr])
By the use of Chi the character swipes his hands in an X shape in the air in front of him. The air is
disrupted leaving two traveling "blades" of vacuum and negative Chi. this is actually a physical cutting
attack that is very difficult to parry, requiring a magical weapon, a countering Chi technique, or
dodging to avoid the attack.
Find Weakness (neutral):
A character can “focus” Chi on an opponent (or an object) and eventually “feel” any inherent weak
nesses. The first melee round the character must devote his/her energies on “focusing” the Chi. this
might be thought of as a sort of combat meditation. During this first melee of intense concentration, the
martial artist cannot attack/strike, but only defend. The next melee round, the character can add a + 1 to
Strike and a + 2 to Damage on the person or object of the focus. As long as focus is maintained on that
one target only, the bonuses will remain for all subsequent combat melees until the opponent is
defeated or a new opponent is engaged. This skill requires no expenditure of Chi points, and can be
used so long as the character isn’t drained of Chi.
Cloth Hardening
With this ability, a clothed Chi Master is never truly unarmed--even a naked Chi Master will have
weapon handy if his opponent is clothed. By channeling Chi into the pattern of a piece of cloth or
clothing, that cloth becomes as hard and sharp as a steel blade, while retaining the weight and
flexibility of cloth! Using this technique, belts, bandannas, bamboo umbrellas, and even shoelaces can
become weapons of destruction. As an added bonus, because of the resiliency and give that cloth has,
a supernaturally strong wielder need never worry about his weapon breaking at a sensitive moment.
The final use of this power is one that most Hibikis disdain out of pride: turning their clothing into
One point of Chi is enough to “charge’ a square foot of cloth (so it would take one Chi to activate a
single bandanna or a belt, while a towel would require four or five), making it a weapon. By spending an
additional one Chi per object charged, that weapon may be made rigid like steel, so that it can be used
for parrying or blocking. The size of the cloth determines the amount of damage it does: a bandanna
(thrown or used for slashing) will inflict I D4 SDC; a sword-belt will do 2D4 SDC; a tightly-wrapped
towel will do 2D6 SDC as a club or 2D4 SDC as a slashing/piercing whip-style weapon.
A thrown cloth weapon will retain its charge for 100 feet, plus 5 feet per level of experience, before
returning to its normal state. A thrown weapon may act as a boomerang, returning to the character
after being thrown, for five Chi. the base amount of Chi is enough to keep a melee weapon charged for
one melee round per level of experience, plus one additional round for each point of Chi spent. (A
melee weapon will only retain its charge for one round if dropped and must be filly recharged when
recovered.) As with any melee weapon, the wielder’s strength attribute adds to the damage inflicted.
Finally, a user of this power may transform their clothing into armor with the consistency and weight of
cloth, but the protection value of plate armor. The activation cost of this power is ten Chi, and costs
two Chi per melee round to sustain. While activated, this power gives the user’s clothes an armor
rating of 15 and 250 SDC; rolling over the armor rating means that a hit has landed on an unprotected
area or slipped between seams. Wearing less than a fill suit of clothes or filly covering clothes may
decrease or increase the minor rating as the GM sees fit. (Rifts Note: In Rifts, this cloth armor provides
non-environmental MDC protection of 100 MDC; the armor rating remains to determine if a blow lands
on an unprotected area of the body.)
At the GM’s option, repeated use of this power on a single object may make it act like a weapon
permanently or even increase its weight to an amount equivalent to that of steel. Such a feat would
require near-constant use of a single weapon and a Chi expenditure of something like one hundred Chi
(not necessarily all at once).
Battle Aura (Superior):
Protection:100+100 (SDC/MDC)/level, +20/chi invested acts like a force field, also the battle aura
absorbs 15chi either positive or negative chi/chi point invested, also characters take 1/10damage while the
battle aura is up. In some dire instances certain huge energy attacks cannot be avoided, by concentrating
all his energy into the into the battle aura this last ditch technique can reduce the damage by1/10 (700)
Cost: 10Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. to activate
Positive chi is white colored, negative chi is black colored, while aura is up emitte light equivalent to true
sunlight up to 1000ft radius, 12dmg from touch/chi invested
Duration: 4, +1hrs/chi invested,
Chi/Manna Claws:
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Damage: 2d10+50 + removes 20 ISP/Chi/PPE from target/blade typically 3-3ftlong blades that are
invisible -10 s/p/d/r against attack provides a bonus of +5p/s/int can link to melee weapons to provide
bonus to damage and to extend reach
Duration: until the battle is over.
Elemental Aura:
This power can be linked to battle aura, also provides immunity to element used
Fire (Red):+12protection/chi +12 damage/chi 1ft radius/chi [85% chance to ignite combustibles]
Water/Ice (Blue):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi
Earth/Acid (Brown):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15ppe/chi
Metal/Electricity (Silver):+50protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi [Save vs electrical attack is the
same as saving against non-lethal poison, 16 or higher. The character must save each time he or she is
- 8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2D4 melees. The duration of the impairment is increased 2D4 melees
for every hit (*5% chance to fry other electrical systems)]
Wood/Poison (Green):+5protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15isp/chi
Wind/Gas (Yellow):+5protection/chi +12damage or KO 2d6melee/chi 20x20x20
Cloud/chi 20+20ft/lv/chi
Manna (Gold):+7protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs
Butterfly Kiss:
Cost: 30 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. per base transfer
Butterfly kiss allows the hero to concentrate his entire strength into one powerful touch/strike. This touch
can be delivered with a slap, the flick of a finger, or a light tap, but in any case inflicts damage at full
force as if the character had just delivered a clobbering punch. The advantage of this attack is that the
super being doesn't exhibit any obvious combat action while beating the snot out of somebody. In fact, he
may look like a clumsy buffoon or even as if he's trying to help someone. In addition, the Focused Touch
can deliver a full punch impact (ordinary punch or power punch) to a tiny area with a tap of his finger.
This will punch through a glass window and plaster like a bullet, pound a nail into wood, shatter china
and glassware, and inflict double damage to a lock, hinge, or any small object.
With every physical blow, the super being sends his opponents flying with a discharge of kinetic energy.
While the character does not have to be super strong for this ability to function, the stronger the super
being is, the more damage he does and the farther his opponents are flung. ONLY apply the amount of
damage that would be inflicted by the character's physical blows/punches/kicks and blunt weapons (club,
chair, tree, car door, etc.). Do not include the damage from blade weapons, bullets or energy blasts.
Note: Calculate the damage that would have been done, even if the opponent is resistant or immune to it,
in order to determine the distance he is knocked back. If an opponent is knocked down, he loses initiative
and one melee attack.

Range: Hand to hand combat; self, or touch only

Range/Distance Thrown: Hand to Hand Combat. The distance that the opponent is knocked back on a
successful strike is based on the damage done by the melee attack in question.
01-20 points of damage - target is knocked back 1D6 feet (0.3 to 1.8 m).
21-40 points of damage - target is knocked back 2D6 feet (0.6 to 3.6 m).
41-80 points of damage - target is knocked back 4D6 feet (1.2 to 7.3 m), and there is a 01-60% likelihood
of being knocked down.
81-120 points of damage - target is knocked back 6D6 feet (1.8 to 11 m) and is knocked down.
121-160 points of damage - target is knocked back 1D6x10 feet (3 to 18.3 m) and is knocked down.
161-200 points of damage - target is knocked back 2D6x10 feet (6.1 to 36.6 m) and is knocked down.
Those thrown and knocked down by this powerful attack lose initiative and two melee attacks.
201 or more points of damage - target is knocked back 3D6x10 feet (9.1 to 54.9 m) and is knocked down.
Those thrown and knocked down by this powerful attack lose the initiative and two melee attacks.
Note: The distance knocked back is doubled if the hero has Supernatural P.S. Also note that the character
can use handheld weapons in conjunction with this power, but doing so does not increase the distance
knocked back.
Duration: Remains until canceled or the character is rendered unconscious.
Punch Damage: 2D6 per punch, or 4D6 for a power punch attack; plus any bonus for a P.S. of 16 or
Kick Damage: 6D6 damage per kick or 1D6x12 for a power kick attack; plus any bonus for a P.S. of 16
or higher.

With his/her full P.S. bonus, including any additional damage from having "super" strength.
In the alternative, a Focused Touch (and just a touch, like a pat on the back, a tap on the shoulder) can be
used as a powerful pushing force to shove another character falling forward or backward as if he was
pushed with great force. The victim is hurled 2D4 yards/meters, loses initiative and two melee attacks, but
suffers only 1D4 damage from the fall. Great for creating distractions, pranks and causing trouble.

Plus damage from blunt weapons. If the super being strikes with a large, heavy object, like a car, tree or
brick wall, when knocked back the opponent will sustain an additional 4D6 points of damage from the
Attacks per Melee: Each punch/kick counts as one melee attack, a power punch/kick counts as two.
Bonus: The character's usual hand to hand combat bonuses to strike apply to Energized Punch/Kick
attacks; +1 to strike with fists/feet and arms/legs, +1 to disarm and +9 to pull punch, and inflict less
damage than the maximum amount (any amount desired). Also roll to pull punch in order to hit an
opponent without the subsequent Knock Back Attack taking place.
3. Parry/Deflect: The energy fields can be used to parry/block incoming ranged weapons such as arrows,
bullets, lasers, energy beams/blasts, and similar attacks that are not area effect attacks (cannot parry a
grenade or rocket blast). The character cannot parry missiles, volley attacks, area effect attacks or
bursts/sprays of projectiles. Roll a normal parry at +2, plus any P.P. attribute bonuses (no other parry
bonuses apply). If successful, the attack is deflected and hits the ground 4D6 yards/meters away. The
character cannot accurately deflect the attack into a specific enemy target or location. Such a deflection
may hit an ally or innocent bystander (up to the G.M.) if used in a crowded area.
The protective Energy Fists also allow the character to parry melee weapons with his energy covered
hands, even energy-based melee weapons, like a flaming sword, Psi-Sword, energy blade, plasma axe,
etc., without fear of damage or injury.
4. Energized Leaps: 12 feet (3.6 m) high and across, increase distance by 50% with a running start.
(Special Note: You may sacrifice all your attacks and Spend Ki/Chi/ISP/PPE for a focused punch or kick
strike to do quadruple damage: Every Chi spent while concentrating on the target gives either an
additional +1 to strike or +1 to damage (must decide before using it).
Unseen Cut:
An unusual technique, but strangely effective, Now while the attack only does Sword damage X2 it the
attack does more damage than opponents limb can stand then the limb is severed, but done so neatly( like
a razor cut) that there is and 85% chance that they do not notice, until they move.. at which point they
take and added 10 points of damage and Lose 3 melee attacks writhing in pain.( For the 15% that do
notice. If they have any sort of increased healing, Bio regeneration and the such they must remain
PERFECTLY still and wait until 10 S.D.C./ H.P./ M.D.C. is healed before they can move again. The
limb is still useless until completely healed but at least they still have the limb.
Damage: Blade x2
Cost: 12 chi per cut
1000 Blades:
This technique is a bit misleading; however the results are still just as deadly. It a Strike is so fast that the
opponent actually sees what look like 10 swords coming at them. Not only Incurring –12 to dodge this
attack, but there is No parry for the attack due to the number of blades coming at you.
Damage: blade damage x 10
Cost: 50 chi per strike
Taiyoken (Aura Flare):
This technique generates a tremendous amount of light that can temporarily blind any nearby creatures.
The light is extremely bright and causes intense pain to any targets within the area of effect. Any person
that looks at the flare with open eyes will suffer 1D10 points of damage directly to their hit points (or
mega-damage to M.D.C. creatures) and will be blinded for 2D4 minutes. Also, those affected will see
light spots for the next 1D4 hours. Targets that can regenerate suffer only half as long as those who
cannot regenerate. Targets affected suffer all standard penalties for being blinded, but suffer double the
penalties for the first 1D4 melee rounds because of the intense pain generated by the light. The martial
artist that created the light is immune to its effect, but can still be affected by Aura Flares created by
Duration: 1D4 melees per level of experience.
Chi/I.S.P. /P.P.E. Cost: 5
Healing Touch:
The martial artist can heal others simply by touching them. This power can close wounds, clear the body
of any toxins (both normal and magical), and dispel any magic curses, but cannot regenerate limbs or
bring people back from the dead.
Chi/I.S.P. /P.P.E. Cost: 1 for every 10 hit points / S.D.C. / M.D.C. points healed.
Dimensional Cloak
Cost: 20 PPE/Chi/ISP.
Duration: 10 minutes per level. (60minutes [1hr])
Permanent statistic change: Sense dimensional anomalies, rifts etc.
originally used for evil and perverse purposes, it is hoped that someday the name of this technique will
have the original taint purged through noble actions. It is doubtful. The user becomes invisible as he
has removed himself from our plane of existence. He can see, hear, and talk but has no other ability to
interact with the people he watches as long as he employs this technique. Physical barriers also seem
immaterial to a user of this technique. Magical, psionic, and dimensional barriers seem to reflect
themselves into whatever dimensional hole the martial artist has thrown himself and will stop bar his
progress. Of course he is also invulnerable and undetectable (unless you’re a Shifter, Temporal Wizard
etc.). Variants: Time does not seem to affect to user in that place. It might even be possible to hibernate
or go into some state of suspended animation and just wait out a bad millennium or two.
1000Unseen Cuts:
An unusual technique, but strangely effective, It a Strike is so fast that the opponent actually sees what
look like 10 swords coming at them. Not only Incurring –12 to dodge this attack, but there is No parry for
the attack due to the number of blades coming at you. Now while the attack only does Sword damage
X20 it the attack does more damage than opponents limb can stand then the limb is severed, but done so
neatly( like a razor cut) that there is and 85% chance that they do not notice, until they move.. at which
point they take and added 10 points of damage and Lose 3 melee attacks writhing in pain.( For the 15%
that do notice. If they have any sort of increased healing, Bio regeneration and the such they must remain
PERFECTLY still and wait until 10 S.D.C./ H.P./ M.D.C. is healed before they can move again. The
limb is still useless until completely healed but at least they still have the limb.
This technique is a bit misleading; however the results are still just as deadly.
Damage: Blade x20
Cost: 62 chi per cut
Zanzoken (Blurring) [x10]:
This technique allows the martial artist to dematerialize and quickly move to another spot close by. The
technique leaves a silhouette of the martial artist for in their original location for a fraction of a second,
causing the "blur" effect. This technique can be used in two ways. The first way is to use it to seemingly
teleport to a new location within a range of 100' (3.1 m) per level of experience. Using Zanzoken in this
manner requires the use of a melee attack. The second way to use this technique is in response to an
incoming attack, just like how the martial can dodge in response to an incoming attack. If used in this
way, the martial artist moves very quickly away from the incoming attack, providing the martial artist a
large bonus to dodge, and moving the martial artist 100' (3.1) per level of experience from his original
location with a blur-like effect. This range is also doubled if this technique is taken twice. This second use
of Zanzoken does not require a melee attack to activate, but dodging an attack still wastes the marital
artist's next melee attack as normal, unless they already have Automatic Dodge. This technique does not
enable the martial artist to teleport through an object, but instead creates an incredible burst of speed that
allows the martial artist to move from one location to another very quickly. (600 feet)
Duration: Instant
Bonuses: If used in response to an attack, the martial artist gains the combat ability of auto-dodge and +8
to dodge. However, no bonuses to dodge are used when using the auto-dodge combat ability. If taken
twice, the martial artist gains an additional +4 when dodging normally and +2 when using the auto-dodge
combat ability.
Chi/I.S.P./P.P.E. Cost: Permanently reduces the martial artist’s Chi/I.S.P./P.P.E. by 20 points, this cost is
paid only when this technique is selected, but the martial artist must have at least 2% of his base
Chi/I.S.P./P.P.E., rounding all fractions up, in his reserve in order to use this ability. For example, if the
martial artist had a base of 140 Chi/I.S.P. /P.P.E., then he must maintain 3 points of Chi/I.S.P./P.P.E. in
reserve in order to use this technique.
Body Training:
Sometimes a martial artist will hear of a danger that will threaten him at some point in the future. In order
to meet this danger, a martial artist often trains hard to become strong enough to defeat this unknown
danger. With this technique, the martial artist is able to focus his mind and body on the task of training.
The artist can train for any length of time that they wish in intervals of hours, but for every day that they
spend training they must rest for an entire day at the end of their training, rounding extra hours up to the
nearest day. For example, if a martial artist trained for 30 days and 6 hours, they would require 31 days of
complete rest. During this rest period, the martial artist is mentally and physically exhausted and all of the
physical attributes, except for P.B., are reduced to 5 each until the rest period is over.
For every day that the martial artist spends training, he gain 12 training points (0.5 training points per
hour) multiplied by the current level of gravity in g’s. For example, training for 10 days at 100g (100
times Earth’s gravity) will result in 12,000 training points. Training points can only be accumulated over
a single training period and must be used at the end of that training period or they are lost. It costs 50
training points to increase a physical attribute by one point, 30 points to increase hit points by one point,
20 points to increase S.D.C. by one point, 25 points to increase M.D.C. by one point (for M.D.C.
creatures only), 20 points to increase Chi, I.S.P., or P.P.E. by one point, 20 points to gain a minor super
power, 40 points to gain a major super power, x3 I.S.P. in points needed to activate a psi power to gain it
as a permanently on/at will power, x3 P.P.E in points needed to gain a spell at will/always on power or
250 points to gain one psychic ability from either the Healing, Sensitive, or Physical categories, or a Chi
Mastery Technique, and 300 points to gain one Super Psionic power or Psi-Fighter Technique or Oni
Ninja Technique, or Ki Manipulation Technique or from any category except Legendary Ki Techniques
and Power Increasing Techniques.
Duration: Permanent
Chi/I.S.P./P.P.E. Cost: 10 for each day spent training, with a minimum cost of 10 Chi/I.S.P./P.P.E.
Cloth Hardening:
With this ability, a clothed Chi Master is never truly unarmed--even a naked Chi Master will have
weapon handy if his opponent is clothed. By channeling Chi into the pattern of a piece of cloth or
clothing, that cloth becomes as hard and sharp as a steel blade, while retaining the weight and flexibility
of cloth! Using this technique, belts, bandannas, bamboo umbrellas, and even shoelaces can become
weapons of destruction. As an added bonus, because of the resiliency and give that cloth has, a
supernaturally strong wielder need never worry about his weapon breaking at a sensitive moment. The
final use of this power is one that most Hibikis disdain out of pride: turning their clothing into armor.
One point of Chi is enough to “charge’ a square foot of cloth (so it would take one Chi to activate a single
bandanna or a belt, while a towel would require four or five), making it a weapon. By spending an
additional one Chi per object charged, that weapon may be made rigid like steel, so that it can be used for
parrying or blocking. The size of the cloth determines the amount of damage it does: a bandanna (thrown
or used for slashing) will inflict I D4 SDC; a sword-belt will do 2D4 SDC; a tightly-wrapped towel will
do 2D6 SDC as a club or 2D4 SDC as a slashing/piercing whip-style weapon.
A thrown cloth weapon will retain its charge for 100 feet, plus 5 feet per level of experience, before
returning to its normal state. A thrown weapon may act as a boomerang, returning to the character after
being thrown, for five Chi. the base amount of Chi is enough to keep a melee weapon charged for one
melee round per level of experience, plus one additional round for each point of Chi spent. (A melee
weapon will only retain its charge for one round if dropped and must be filly recharged when recovered.)
As with any melee weapon, the wielder’s strength attribute adds to the damage inflicted.
Finally, a user of this power may transform their clothing into armor with the consistency and weight of
cloth, but the protection value of plate armor. The activation cost of this power is ten Chi, and costs two
Chi per melee round to sustain. While activated, this power gives the user’s clothes an armor rating of 15
and 250 SDC; rolling over the armor rating means that a hit has landed on an unprotected area or slipped
between seams. Wearing less than a fill suit of clothes or filly covering clothes may decrease or increase
the minor rating as the GM sees fit. (Rifts Note: In Rifts, this cloth armor provides non-environmental
MDC protection of 100 MDC; the armor rating remains to determine if a blow lands on an unprotected
area of the body.)
At the GM’s option, repeated use of this power on a single object may make it act like a weapon
permanently or even increase its weight to an amount equivalent to that of steel. Such a feat would require
near-constant use of a single weapon and a Chi expenditure of something like one hundred Chi (not
necessarily all at once).
Bean Jam Blowout:
Cost: 50 Chi/I.S.P./PPE.
Range: 10ft per level of experience level. (60)
Area Affect: 5ft per level of experience level. (30)
Creates a directed tornado-like funnel that sweeps the opponents, and carries them hundreds(1d6x100) of
feet away, taking 1d4 MDC/HP damage per level of Exp, are knocked down and confused for 2 rounds (-
5 strike, parry, & dodge) and suffer the effects of Wind Rush. Opponents/objects weighing over 10 tons
are merely knocked down for a round (15 sec). Once targeted the only way to escape the effects of the
funnel is to roll a natural 18, 19, or 20 dodge. Takes four attack actions.
Pressure Points:
Cost: 40 Chi/I.S.P./P.P.E.
Requirements: Chi Control, biology minimum 50%, minimum 20 PP, +10 Strikes, See Aura.
Permanent statistic change: +2 Strikes, Psychic Diagnosis.
All living things have Chi. this energy flows in channels throughout the body, if they are blocked odd,
usually bad, things happen to the body. Likewise if this energy is made to flow more smoothly or
redirected along more efficient routes usually creatures have very good things happen to their state of
health. These paths are well known in the human body along with the pressure points and the correct
amount of Chi to use for various effects. On a successful roll of the martial arts analysis skill the pressure
point is applied correctly with the desired results, if the roll is failed there was either no effect or a
drastically different one than what was expected. Even if the roll succeeds and unwilling participant gets a
save vs. magic15 (only count PE bonuses toward save) or less to resist what was done. The effects of
these pressure points vary to a huge degree from blindness, deafness, dizziness, paralysis, muteness, pain,
paralysis, confusion, amnesia, full body cat tongue, etc. The effects of these last 1 minute to 48 hours per
level experience or until countered. The more beneficial results such as healing negate poison,
regeneration, or faster PPE/ISP recuperation are far more fleeting last a mere 1d6 minutes per level
experience. It seems it really is easier to destroy than to create. Very few people know all these pressure
and those who do guard this knowledge jealously. After all who would you trust with the power to cripple
or heal with a touch. Although meant for the human body, with enough study of a particular race's
anatomy and Chi flow it is possible to use these points on non-humans. Without such study there is no
chance of successfully applying pressure points to a non-human race. After several weeks of study (roll
1/10 martial arts analysis skill once per week) the character may apply this skill to the race he has been
studying and expect 1/5 martial arts analysis skill roll chance of success. This study may be repeated until
the character has his normal chance success.
Regenerate Cost: 20 PPE. Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience. Requirements: Chi Control,
Biology minimum 25%. Through control of his/her own Chi the character can regenerate even
devastating damage very quickly. The character can instantly heal 1d6x10 HP/MDC for 50 PPE. Healing
rate: 2d6 HP/MDC per minute on self or up to 2 others touched. (Also works on battle auras if activated)
Two Finger Gesture: (Negative Chi Mastery)
This works like a long-distance Choke attack. A blast of negative Chi is directed at the enemy in a single
gesture of the fist. The character must have the either the "Choke," "Neck Hold/Choke," "One-Hand
Choke," or "Two-Hand Choke" combat attack, and must make his normal, unmodified roll to strike on a
Twenty-Sided die in order to succeed with the attack. The target cannot parry, but can try to dodge the
attack, if seen. When Two Finger Gesture is used as a telekinetic force to attack and damage, the amount
of force available varies according to the number of Chi points expended. Two points per melee round
attack gives the character a force equal to 1D6 points of damage directly to hit points. Can be attempted
but once per melee round, and takes the place of all physical attacks for that melee. Once Two Finger
Gesture is successful, the attacker can continue applying it as long as he likes, doing 1D6 damage per two
points of chi direct to hit points, for each of his remaining attacks per melee. In addition, the victim of the
choke must Save vs. Pain (14+) at every attack; failure results in unconsciousness. The victim of a choke
attack cannot reduce damage by using Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact or Breakfall. The victim can try to
break free of the hold. There is one way to get out of the Two Finger Gesture. Someone must
knock-out/stun or kill the person doing the Two Finger Gesture. Range is 35 feet (10.7m) maximum.
When using this attack, the attacker can do no defensive moves, including Parries, Dodges, or Rolls. In
other words, the attacker just stands there and ignores all other attacks. Critical or Knockout/Stun attacks
from the rear can also be done to someone using this ability.
One Finger Chi or Negative Empty Chi:
The character can “focus” negative Chi into a completely disembodied force. This can then be used to
attack from a distance, without the character actually touching the target. Maximum range is 300 feet .
Roll 11 to strike as usual, but the physical bonuses to strike do not apply, instead the Chi force is +3 to hit
its target (mentally directed), Knock-Outs, Critical Strikes and Death Blows are not possible with the One
Finger Chi attack.

When negative Chi is used as a telekinetic force to attack and damage, the amount of force available
varies according to the number of Chi points expended. One point per melee round gives the character a
force equal to 3 points of S.D.C. damage. Victims of this attack cannot Parry or Dodge, so any strike roll
above a4 hits, but can Roll/w Punch/Fall/Impact to reduce the damage. There is no limit to the number of
negative Chi that can be “pumped” into this attack. Negative Empty Chi can only be used once per melee
round, and takes the place of all physical attacks.
Activate Negative Chi:
The negative Chi flares up, influencing the cells of the victim’s body and does the reverse of healing,
spreading brutal damage. Victim takes 3d6 damage directly to hit points for every point of Negative Chi
infecting the body. For example, if the victim is already infected with 4 points of Negative Chi, then that
character would take 12D6 points of damage, direct to hit points every time Activate Negative Chi was
used. Cost: Each use of Activate Negative Chi costs 1 point of Negative Chi.
Activate Positive Chi:
The Positive Chi flares up, influencing the cells of the undead or Negative chi using victim’s body and
does the reverse of healing, spreading brutal damage. Victim takes 3d6 damage directly to hit points for
every point of Positive Chi infecting the body. For example, if the victim is already infected with 4 points
of Positive Chi, then that character would take 12D6 points of damage, direct to hit points every time
Activate Positive Chi was used. Cost: Each use of Activate Positive Chi costs 1 point of Positive Chi.
Chi Awareness (positive):
The ability to sense the level and type of chi in others, The range of Chi Awareness is limited to 400ft.
The character will be able to instantly recognize any of the following conditions:
(1) A person with zero chi.
(2) A person with only 1 or 2 points of chi.
(3) Anyone with more than 10 points of chi.
(4) Anyone with chi skills ( Arts of Invisibility, Body Hardening, Katas or Martial Art Techniques).
(5) Anyone with Chi Mastery skills.
(6) Anyone with more chi than the character’s own.
(7) The presence of negative or positive chi in any person, place or thing. Living things are usually
charged with positive chi. This is the force of life and healing that makes it possible for things to grow
and survive. Negative Chi is used by those trained in Snake Style or Tien Hsueh. This negative chi is
not necessarily evil, but it is based on the forces of non life, and it prevents healing in living things.
Radiate Positive Chi:
The character emits light simply by releasing the primal nature of Positive Chi, that of the sun’s energy.
The Chi can be coming from the character or, if the character also has Dragon Chi, it’s possible to fuel
Radiate Positive Chi from another source. Note that creatures who are vulner able/damaged by sunlight
will have to do their own version of save vs honor factor (13; but only affects creatures of darkness).
here are the 3 possible ways of
Radiating Positive Chi:
Radiant Eyes: The Positive Chi pours out of the eyeballs, turning them into miniature globes of
sunlight. The beams act like the beam of a flashlight, pointing in whatever direction the character is
looking. The light will NOT interfere with the character’s vision and will even aid eyesight by providing
illumination. The light will be bright enough to clearly illuminate objects up to 500 feet away (a little
better than an automobile’s headlights). Creatures vulnerable to sunlight will be affected by the direct
glare of the eyes just as if they were outdoors on a sunny day. Cost: 2 points of Positive Chi per melee
Radiant Flesh: The entire character glows with a yellowish, sunny light, illuminating the area as if the
character welt a window thrown open to the sun. All creatures of darkness within 300 feet will be
affected and everything within that range will be clearly lit, as if by full daylight. Cost: 4 points of
Positive Chi per melee round.
Tide of Radiance: As with Radiant Flesh, the character will glow brightly and will illuminate an area up
to 3000 feet in diameter. Even more significantly, all the natural Negative Chi of the area will be
neutralized! Since the area around the character becomes effectively one of Positive Chi (although with
only a fraction of a point of Positive Chi in the environment — too small an amount to be tapped by
Dragon Chi opponents who depend on a Negative Chi background can be at a severe disadvantage.
Cost: The current level of Negative Chi plus four points in Positive Chi per melee round. For example, if
the area has a malignancy of 5 points of Negative Chi, the character will have to spend 9 points of
Positive Chi per melee round to neutralize it.
Heal the Mind:
By flooding the mind with a current of positive Chi, it’s possible to attempt a curing of many mental ill
nesses. Note that a character can’t do self-healing with this ability.
Saving Throw: The subject must roll a save vs. psionic attack/insanity with no ME, bonus. If the roll is
successful, the healing fails. All attempts to Heal the Mind are automatically it sisted by the subject, no
matter how much he may want to be cured.
Cost: All types of Heal the Mind have the same cost, one point of Positive Chi per attempt.
There are the three ways that Heal the Mind can be used:
Temporarily Healing Insanity:
Heal the Mind cannot permanently cure such mental afflictions. However, it will temporarily stop the
character from experiencing the usual negative effects of their insanity. For example, a character with a
ghost phobia will not be affected by the phobic panic for as long as the healing lasts. Aside from the
temporary relief from the symptoms o the insanity, this is a useful in that it allows some characters to
come to their senses, realize that they have been acting irrationally and seek some kind of long-term
help. (Note: It’s impossible to heal an insanity that a character is either born with, or comes about as a
result of the character’s own guilt/self-blame or self-hatred, even temporarily. Duration: 1d4 hours per
level of the Chi Master.)
Healing Induced Madness/Insanity:
This permanently heals a character that has been driven Insane by some outside influence, such as
results from physical and/or mental torture, drug induced hallucinations, illusions, and magic. By
restoring the mind to its proper state, any outside influences are eliminated. This includes changes
brought about by hypnosis (for example, this will expose a post-hypnotic suggestion), suggestion,
enslavement, or other forms of mind control and psionic manipulation. 6/foot dropped

All Swords/Staff/Blunt can be used Prone, or standing. With a bonus of: Strike: +12, Parry: +14,
Initiative: +9, Throw: +8, Damage: +54

+1 is added to one combat move at levels 4, 8, and 13.

Snap Kick: 1d6 damage.

Karate Kick: 2d4 damage.
(2) Kick and Hold of choice.
Suplex/Hip Toss: 2D4 damage and the opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being knocked down (lose
one melee attack if knocked down).
Pin/incapacitate on a natural roll of 18 (roll 1D20).
Crush/Squeeze: does 1D4 damage
Body Block/Tackle: does 1D4 damage and opponent must Dodge or Parry to avoid being Knocked down
Sense of Balance: Base Skill: 55% +4% per level (103%)
Critical Strike/Knockout/Stun/Body-flip/Throw on Natural 18 or from Behind, The Character will
Automatically Knockout opponents on a natural 18 for 1D6 melee rounds. Unlike normal Knockout/Stun
this does NOT have to be declared before the strike roll.
Add 3 Levels onto W.P. Bo Staff/Blunt/Sword.
Penalties for being blind are -5 instead of -8.
The PC can now jump from great heights and land safely, usually by throwing themselves into a roll.
+10ft +1ft per level. Add Leap – Escape
No penalties to strike parry or dodge while up to waist high in water (or similar substance).
Only -2 to strike, parry or dodge while up to chest high in water.
Halve the Prowl penalties from armor types.
The character can actually swim while in full armor at only -8

Special O.C.C. Abilities:

Alter Physical Structure: Liquid Shadow (no I.S.P./P.P.E./Chi cost)

This power is the incredible ability to transform into a being of living oily looking shadow as well as the
ability to manipulate and control aspects of darkness.

1. Dark Aura:
Range: Self
Duration: there is no time limit and maintaining it does not require a melee action. Activation requires
one melee action.
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as one melee action to initiate or turn off
The character effectively absorbs all light reflecting off his person rendering him a wavering shadow.
While in use, the character gains the following benefits:
Opponents are -7 to strike with any ranged attack, -5 with melee combat in a very dark area (no
moonlight, shadows everywhere).
Opponents are at -5 to hit with any ranged attack, -3 with melee combat in a dimly lit area (moonlight,
lots of shadows).
No special bonuses in daylight or well-lit areas (a walking shadow in broad daylight is easy to see).
Shadow meld at will (as per sub-ability two of Darkness Control, HU 272).
Darkness blasts do no damage.

2. Shadow Meld:
Same as ability number two listed under the Darkness Control major super ability (HU 272).
3. Night-vision: Same as the super vision minor ability.

4. Energy Expulsion Shadow Blasts:

Range: 500ft +100ft per level
Damage: 3d6 +1d6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Counts as one hand to hand attack.
Bonuses: +5 to strike aimed or +3 on a wild shot.

The character is able to generate a bolt of pure darkness and hurl it at a target. The blast is sort of an anti-
laser, but is neither energy nor a kinetic attack. Anyone who is impervious to attacks from darkness (like
someone possessing a special Nightbane artifact) is also impervious to this power. The dark bolt is quite
similar to the Shadow Blast Nightbane talent, but requires no expenditure of P.P.E.
Creatures of supernatural evil (vampires, Nightlords, Necrophim, etc.), any being filled with Negative
Chi, and those in possession of a magical weapon of chaos (evil rune sword) take no damage from this

Note: The possessor of the power is not necessarily evil, but his attack is sometimes resisted because of
the evil in others. As a side note, I'd give this ability to any character with Darkness Control.

5. Two-Dimensional Form:
Range: Self
Duration: Infinite
Attacks per Melee: Becoming 2-D or returning to 3-D counts as one melee action.
Restriction: Must have a surface to travel along - cannot stand unsupported in the 2-D form. A floor is
okay - the character appears as a pool of darkness.

The character has the amazing ability to transform into a living shadow. In this form the character is
invisible to heat, motion, and many other kinds of sensors. He weighs a mere 1/16th of his normal mass
(which means 1/4 of the shadow form mass) and can travel under doors, through cracks, etc. Gases and
fumes do half damage, plus the character is immune to drugs that must be ingested or injected.

In the 2-D form the character is +20% to Prowl (+50% in dark shadowy areas), but is unable to physically
attack. Area- effect abilities can still be used. His speed in the 2-D form is limited to a Speed. Attribute of
100, about 70 mph. The character can take him/herself and up to 100lbs of non- living matter into the 2-D

6. Body of Shadow:
Range: Self

In a darkened room the character is +2 on initiative and +1 to parry and dodge (tough to see him).

The shadow form has a natural A.R. of 11. Punches by beings with a normal P.S. do no damage. Attacks
by beings with Exceptional, Superhuman, and Supernatural Physical Strength, explosives, and
conventional weapons (whether melee or projectile) do half damage.
Impervious to all darkness- based attacks. , Lasers and light- based attacks do double damage! , Energy,
electricity, fire, heat, cold, ice, and sound/ vibrations do full damage. Magic and psionics also have full
Suffers no penalties due to pressure, whether at the bottom of the ocean floor or in the environment of
space. Character weight is reduced to one quarter of the normal value. The character's body also radiates
no heat, so he is invisible to thermo-vision and infrared vision.

The character gains a bonus of +800 to S.D.C. The shadow form S.D.C. recovers 1d10*10/hit/round
automatically S.D.C... If the character can rest within a large shadow (covering the whole body) he can
recover quicker - 1d20*10/hit/round auto per action of absorption.

In Rifts® worlds, the APS: Shadow character instead gets M.D.C.: P.E.*10+ 1d10+100 +1d10+100/lv
M.D.C. The character regenerates 1d10*10/hit/round automatically

Supernatural Hearing: The character is much more sensitive to a broader range of sound levels
compared to a human. Little will escape the shadow warrior's attention within a 3000 foot range. +4 to
save versus ambush/sneak or back attack, +3 to initiative. Can also identify specific sounds known to
them. Range: 3000 foot radius. Base Skill: 58% +3% per level of experience.
Supernatural Sight: Night-vision, See the Invisible, Infra-red, Ultra-violet, Aura, True Sight, Hyper,
Thermo, Astral , & Total darkness 5000 feet (152 m).
Supernatural Smell: Similar to a Dog-boy, the shadow warrior shares the canine's olfactory abilities on a
supernatural level. The character can follow a scent trail that is up to six (6) days old and is able to
recognize certain items or persons by smell alone.
• The character is able to recognize and accurately identify general/common/known smells, including
gases, food, and other distinctive odors. Range: 2000 feet radius. Base Skill: 65% +3% per level of
• Identify specific odors, including the scent of specific individuals, objects or other creatures. Range:
2000 feet radius. Base Skill: 50% +2% per level of experience.
• The shadow warrior can actually smell magical and psychic energies, as well as supernatural creatures.
Range: 2000 feet radius to detect magical/psychic energies; one-half mile (.8 km) per level of experience
to detect ley lines. 2000 feet radius to detect specific types of paranormal creatures. Base Skill: 80% +2%
per level of experience to detect magical/psychic energies, 55% +3% per level of experience to detect
specific types of paranormal creatures.
Radar Sense: 3600ftr Sense objects in total darkness; including shape:75+5%/lv, distance: 65+5%/lv,
direction: 55 +5%/lv, and speed: 45 +5%/lv.
The character Does not touch the ground in shadow form instead they hover 1 foot above the ground and
can fly up to a height of 10,000ft and can run/fly at mach1 speed (770mph)
Exceptional Agility& Balance: Agility and a Sense of Balance, for this character comes so naturally.
This character has great reaction timing, good flexibility and excellent reflexes. This, in essence,
translates into a high P.P. Raise the characters P.P. to 15 +1D6+2 or if already higher add +1D6+2 to it.
Also, add +4 to all initiative rolls and one more attack per melee. And just for an added bonus…add +1
to all combat rolls, +6 all escape moves, +4 to maintain balance.
Layout Tracking: This is an ability unique to this power. It allows a character to memorize the terrain of
an area just by glancing at it (takes one melee attack). At that point, they can do any feats in that area
without seeing where they are going! They have a base chance of 75%+5% per level to successfully
perform layout tracking and it has a 600foot radius maximum. +3 to P.S., +3 to P.E., +4 to speed, +10to
H.P./S.D.C./M.D.C. +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to roll w/punch/fall/impact, This is applied
as a roll over the strike roll when knockdown is imminent. A successful roll means knockdown was
avoided. +1 to parry, dodge, pull punch, and +2 to roll with punch/ impact. +15% to the Gymnastics and
Acrobatics skills (or gets both at the base level without the bonuses - just the skills). +5% to the Prowl
and Climbing skills (or gets both at -5% to the base level). +5% on all vehicle control rolls. The
character can run across slippery surfaces at half speed with no chance of falling, or full speed with a 30%
chance of slipping. When falling (whether from climbing or flying) the character gets a chance to right
himself in half the normal time (or a second roll to do so).
Combat Sync: The character is so comfortable with feats of agility that they can perform any acrobatic,
gymnastic and/ or feats of balance in combat with no penalties! So, they can forward flip and front kick
someone or backflip and fire a gun at someone, with no penalties, full bonuses apply.+6int +5 to damage
Exceptional Leaping: The ability to leap at quadruple (x4) the character's normal range. All abilities
from the Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills are automatically gained and at 98%. One amazing side effect
is the seeming ability to run part way up a wall before jumping off (as in the Matrix movie, can fall x4
leaping distance, +10% all physical skills.
Extra dimensional Storage: The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket
dimension. It travels near the character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The
character cannot place himself in the pocket. It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them
into the pocket. The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of M.E.x100lbs +200lbs per
level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass. Can place one living creature in it at
the third level of experience and any number of creatures after the sixth level - useful for putting bad guys
in a portable holding cell! Physical combat is not possible in the pocket dimension. The character (well,
his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional anomalies. Those same
beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer objects in the character's
personal one. Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (1000ft range) and
dimensional envelopes (100ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a
base chance of 20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level. If combined with the ability to summon a
personal weapon, the character can store the weapon in his dimensional pocket. The character can sense
what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket dimension are instantly
known to the character - it's like reaching into his mind, so he's going to know. He'll even wake up out of
a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Shadow black Intelligent sentry ball= <75> 1-6 +6/lv 1d20*50 10ftw beam 6000ft 5a +10p/s/int
500 MDC will attack all people not designated by creator as friendly can only face one direction.
Shadow black Intelligent seeker ball= <50> 1-6 +6/lv 500mdc used vto seek out information and
used to scout out areas can link to creator so creator can see thru their eyes totally in tangible
Shadow black Sonic boom= <25> 1/h 1-1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv 1-20ftr 4000ft +5s can be used to
counter an attack if you have anticipation skill
Shadow black Sonic blitz= <250> sonic boom x10/h
Shadow black Fire ball= <15> 1/h 1-1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv 1-10ftr 4000ft +5s can be used to
counter an attack if you have anticipation skill
Shadow black Plasma blitz= <150> fireball x10/h
Shadow black Kinetic Charge= <15> wp/armor/20ftr area mdc touched +1d10*10 dmg/act held
Shadow black Royal flush= <150> x10 power kinetic charge
Shikomi-zue= <1> 1/h-f ps +punch/kick +1d10/lv
Shadow black Rush bird= <1> bite +claw +1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv +5p/s/int
Shadow black Rush dog=<1> bite + claw +1d10*10 + 1d10*10/lv +5p/s/int
shadow black Shockwave= <63> 1-100ftr point blank range kb900ft +1d6*90
Shadow black Hadouken= <10> 1/h 1-1d4*10 +1d4*10/lv +kd and kb 1ft/dmg point/lv 4000ft +5s
can be used to counter an attack if you have anticipation skill
Shadow black Ultimate weapon= <26 > 1/h 15min/lv 1d20*10+10 +1d20*10+10/lv +5p/s/int
Shadow black Ultimate Stars= <13> 3/h 5min +5min/lv 1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv +5p/s/int

R.C.C. Abilities:

Book-Wyrm Familiar: Felyn’Zebey Zau-ath (White Dragon Child of The Dragon)

These small, dragon-like creatures are common magical familiars throughout North America. Small, yet
intelligent, these creatures are a fine asset to any wizard yearning for a good familiar. They are very
catlike in personality; honest yet with an attitude. They come in a multitude of colors and are almost as
varied as their larger "cousins."
They got the name "Book-Wyrm" from being commonly found in the presence of wizards. They are also
notorious for sprawling on bookshelves when resting.
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist. (Aberrant)
I.Q.: 4D8+6, (23)
M.E.: 4D6+3, (21)
M.A.: 2D6+4, (13)
P.S.: 4D6+6, (25)
P.P.: 4D6+8, (32)
P.E.: 4D6+10, (28)
P.B.: 3D6+9, (18)
Spd: 4D6+12 when running on the ground; 6D6+12 flying. (27R/30F)
Spd: of X 20 = yards per minute: (540R/600F). X .681818181818 = mph: (18.41R/20.45F). Yards per 15
seconds: (135R/150F). Yards per second: (9R/10F)
M.D.C.: P.E. x5 +12D6+80 (264)
A.R. (in non-Mega-Damage worlds): 18
S.D.C. (in non-Mega-Damage worlds): P.E. x3 +6D6+80 (182)
H.P. (in non-Mega-Damage worlds): P.E. x2 +6D6+50 (124)
Horror Factor: 6, but only if they have never been seen before.
P.P.E.: P.E.x5 + 4D6x10
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, sense of smell and hearing, night vision 400 feet (12.2 m), Climb 90%,
Prowl 85%, Swim 80%, can leap 30 feet high and 40 feet long.
Combat: Two attacks per melee. +8 to Parry/Strike/Dodge/Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
Bite: P.S. +6D6 M.D.C.
Power Bite (takes up all attacks): P.S. +8D4 M.D.
Claw Strike: P.S. +6D6 M.D.C.
Tail Slap: P.S. +3d6 M.D.C. + 90% chance to knock opponent down
Fire Breath: 1D6x10 + 90% chance to light combustibles on fire 1000ft range
Ice Breath: 1D6x10 1000ft range
Lightning Breath: 1D6x10 90% chance to fry unprotected electronics 1000ft range
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, attacks against the Book-Wyrm are -2 to strike if it is stationary, or -8 if it is
moving due to its small size, speed, and erratic movement, +2 to Perception checks.
Magic: Can cast all spells known by master
Psionics: Telepathy, Sixth sense, Speed Reading, total Recall (no I.S.P. cost).
Life Span: will live till master dies.
Languages: All known By Master
Habitat: Originally from a tropical forest in another dimension.
Size: 1.25 feet (0.35 to 1 m) feet plus tail: 12 inches (0.3 m).
Weight: 6 Lbs (2.7 to 11 kg).
(Special this Book-wyrm can merge with the characters special tattoo on her wrist for safety and when not out and about for sleeping)

Natural Abilities: Dragon Knights have the ability to turn into different types of dragons. They get one
dragon form at levels 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, &15. Immunity to their chosen Dragon forms Elemental attack
Psionics: Major Psionic; player can select a total of six psychic powers from each the sensitive, physical,
and healing categories. Super is not available. Select an additional two at levels 5, 10, &15.
(Special Note: The psionic powers are only available in Dragon form.)

Scarlet Peppers: This spell created 20 +20/level crystals that look like small black peppercorns, that can
be placed where ever you wish then later when willed they explode, or they can be thrown like a grenade
+5 to strike with them. These are great for using to sabotage a fuel or ammo area.
Damage: 1d6x10, +1d6x10/level + 1d6x6 /action for 10 actions
Blast Radius: 5ft radius blast
Range: 120ft + 5ft/level
Duration: permanent until willed to explode
Cost: 5

TAG: this spell places a magical marker on the characters target that makes it so that any other spells that
target the opponent tagged automatically hit unless the opponent can roll a natural 20 to dodge.
Range: line of sight
Duration: 5minutes + 5 minutes /level
Cost: 10

Catalyst: This spell makes any chemical reaction do x10 it’s effect (example: a grenade thrown after this
spell is placed on it does x10 damage.)
Range: touch or line of sight
Duration: permanent
Cost: 25

Interphase: This spell causes the target to go intangible and invisible superior for the duration of the spell.
Range: touch or line of sight 2000ft
Duration: 2 days (48hrs) + 2days/level of the caster or until the caster will the duration to end
Cost: 90

Clothe: this spell creates a set of clothing of the casters choice out of thin air for anyone to wear.
Duration: instant and permanent
Cost: 20

Dark Matter Dim: this spell makes it so that the recipient leaves no bio-e trace of themselves or any
footprints or shadows for the duration of the spell
Range: touch or line of sight 2000ft
Duration: 4 hours + 4 hours/level

Mordin’s Armor: This spell creates a invisible, weightless, noiseless, fully environmental armor that is
totally immune to Fire, Cold, Plasma, and Electrical Attacks on the recipient.
M.D.C.: 120 + 20/level
Duration: 4 hours + 4 hours/level
Range: touch or line of sight 1000ft
Cost: 30

Silica Cocoon: This spell places a blue crystal cocoon around the target placing the target in a death like
suspended animation
It has many uses imprisonment and or to save a person’s life until true medical help can be brought to
The cocoon has 15 + 15 M.D.C. per level of the caster if the cocoon is broken before the duration is up or
if the caster wills the spell to end then the person in the cocoon is instantly released from the suspended
Range: touch or line of sight 2000ft
Duration: 1 year + 1 year per level
Cost: 50
Nova: This spell creates an explosive blast with the equivalent power of a nova the blast placement is +5
to strike.
Damage: 1d6x10 + 1d6x10/level
Range: 500ft + 500ft/level
Blast Radius: 200ft + 200ft/level
Cost: 120

Nova Crystals: This spell created 10 +10/level crystals that look like small 5 credit gems, that can be
placed where ever you wish then later when willed they explode with the force of a supernova, or they
can be thrown like a grenade +5 to strike with them.
Damage: 1d6x40 +1d6x20/level
Blast Radius: 30ft
Range: 120ft + 5ft/level
Duration: permanent until willed to explode
Cost: 10

Fire Breath (fire):

Required Level:1
Required items: Dragon Tooth
Effect: this is a fire breath attack that hits a group of foes
Damage: 2D6+2 per level of experience.
Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience..
P.P.E. Cost: 3
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +4 to strike with fire breath.

Ice Breath (cold):

Required Level:1
Required items: Dragon Tooth
Effect: this is an ice breath attack that hits a group of foes
Damage: 2D6+2 per level of experience.
Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience..
P.P.E. Cost: 3
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +4 to strike with ice breath.

Bolt Breath (energy):

Required Level:1
Required items: Dragon Tooth
Effect: this is a lightning breath attack that hits a group of foes
Damage: 2D6+2 per level of experience.
Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience..
P.P.E. Cost: 3
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +4 to strike with bolt breath.

Unholy Breath (Shadow):

Required Level: 6
Required items: Dragon Tooth
Effect: this is a shadow breath attack that hits a group of foes
Damage: 2D6+2 per level of experience.
Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience..
P.P.E. Cost: 3
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +4 to strike with unholy breath.
Holy Breath (Light):
Required Level: 1
Required items: Dragon Tooth
Effect: this is a light breath attack that hits a group of foes
Damage: 2D6+2 per level of experience.
Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience..
P.P.E. Cost: 3
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +4 to strike with holy breath.

Air Slash (energy):

Required Level:1
Required items: Dragon Claw
Effect: A sword of air that strikes opponents at a range, or can be linked to an existing weapon to enhance
damage and or range.
Damage: 3D6+1 per level of experience.
Range: 30 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 4
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15.

Fire Slash (fire):

Required Level:1
Required items: Dragon Claw
Effect: A sword of fire that strikes opponents at a range, or can be linked to an existing weapon to
enhance damage and or range.
Damage: 3D6+1 per level of experience.
Range: 30 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 4
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, &15

Ice Slash (cold):

Required Level:1
Required items: Dragon Claw
Effect: A sword of ice that strikes opponents at a range, or can be linked to a existing weapon to enhance
damage and or range.
Damage: 3D6+1 per level of experience.
Range: 30 feet per level of experience.
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, &15

Bolt Slash (electricity):

Required Level: 1
Required items: Dragon Claw
Effect: A sword of lightning that strikes opponents at a range, or can be linked to an existing weapon to
enhance damage and or range.
Damage: 3D6+1 per level of experience.
Range: 30 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 4
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15.

Holy Slash (Light):

Required Level: 1
Required items: Dragon Claw
Effect: A sword of Light that strikes opponents at a range, or can be linked to an existing weapon to
enhance damage and or range.
Damage: 3D6+1 per level of experience.
Range: 30 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 4
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15.

Unholy Slash (Shadow):

Required Level: 1
Required items: Dragon Claw
Effect: A sword of shadow that strikes opponents at a range, or can be linked to an existing weapon to
enhance damage and or range.
Damage: 3D6+1 per level of experience.
Range: 30 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 4
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15.

Stone Skin:
Required Level:2
Required items: Dragon Scale
Effect: Covers the caster's body with a thick layer of scales which gives a natural A.R. and extra
S.D.C. /M.D.C. to the user; Natural AR: 10+1 at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15; S.D.C. Added: P.E.x10 +10, +10
per level of experience.
Duration: 1 round per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 8
Saving Throw: None
Range: Self

Mage Armor:
Required Level: 2
Required items: Dragon Scale
Effect: Covers the caster's body with a protective layer of light which gives the user a defense against
Magic, Save vs. Magic: +1 at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15
Duration: 1 round per level
P.P.E. Cost: 8
Saving Throw: None
Range: Self

Psi Armor:
Required Level: 2
Required items: Dragon Scale
Effect: Covers the caster's body with a protective layer of darkness which gives the user a extra defense
against psionics.
Save vs. Psionics: +1 at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15
Duration: 1 round per level
P.P.E. Cost: 8
Saving Throw: None
Range: Self
Power Break (energy):
Required Level:2
Required items: Dragon Claw, Dragon Tooth
Effect: This spell creates a sword of light that weakens an opponent; Penalty: Opponent gets a penalty to
their melee damage of -1 per level
Duration: 1 round per every other level
Range: 20 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 6
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, &15

Mind Break (energy):

Required Level:2
Required items: Dragon Claw, Dragon Tooth
Effect: This spell creates a sword of light that weakens an opponent; Penalty: Opponent gets a penalty to
their psionic damage of -1 per level, and Opponent loses 10 I.S.P. per level of experience of the caster.
Duration: 1 round per every other level
Range: 20 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 6
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15.

Magic Break (energy):

Required Level:2
Required items: Dragon Claw, Dragon Tooth
Effect: This spell creates a sword of light that weakens an opponent; Penalty: Opponent gets a penalty to
their psionic damage of -1 per level, and Opponent loses 10 I.S.P. per level of experience of the caster.
Duration: 1 round per every other level
Range: 20 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 6
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, &15.

Speed Break (energy):

Required Level:2
Required items: Dragon Claw, Dragon Tooth
Effect: This spell creates a sword of light that weakens an opponent; Penalty: Opponent gets a penalty to
their parry and dodge of -1 per level and -10 to their movement speed.
Duration: 1 round per every other level
Range: 20 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 6
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, &15.

Wyrmkiller (energy):
Required Level:3
Required items: Dragon Venom
Effect: This spell creates a spear of light that does heavy damage to dragons
Damage: 3D6+1 per level (double damage vs dragons)
Range: 30 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 10
Saving Throw: successful dodge, +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, &15.
Required Level:3
Required items: Dragon Blood
Effect: This spell magically heals target, especially effective on dragons; H.P./S.D.C./M.D.C. Recovery:
2D6+1 per level (quadruple on dragons)
Range: 20 feet per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 10
Saving Throw: None

Required Level:3
Required items: Dragon Blood
Effect: This spell causes the user to slowly recovers the caster's H.P. and S.D.C. and M.D.C. over time;
H.P. /S.D.C./M.D.C. Recovery: 2D4+1 per level each round, also lost limb are also recovered while this
spell is in effect
Duration: 1 minute per level
P.P.E. Cost: 15
Saving Throw: None
Range: Self

Blood Lust:
Required Level:3
Required items: Dragon Venom
Effect: causes the caster to deal more damage; Damage: +1 damage added to dragon magic spells per
level OR +1 physical damage added to your attacks per level. Plus whichever of the two you pick you get
-1 parry/dodge per level.
Duration: 1 round per level
P.P.E. Cost: 12
Saving Throw: None
Range: Self

Required Level: 4
Required items: Dragon Saliva
Effect: This spell magically heals a group of people; HP/SDC Recovery: 2d4+1 per level and harms the
Range: 10 feet per level of experience
P.P.E. Cost: 18
Saving Throw: none

Required Level: 4
Required items: Dragon Saliva
Effect: This spell removes any status ailments
Effect: Heals target of all status ailments
Range: 20 feet per level of experience
P.P.E. Cost: 16
Saving Throw: None
Required Level: 4
Required items: Dragon Spike
Effect: This spell covers a group of people with a protective layer of light
Bonus: +1 save vs magic at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, &15; and +1 to save vs psionics at level 1, 4, 8, 12, &15
Range: 10 feet per level of experience
P.P.E. Cost: 16
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving Throw: None

Steel Light:
Required Level: 4
Required items: Dragon Spike
Effect: This spell covers a group of people with a thick layer of scales
Natural AR: 9+1 at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, &15, S.D.C. Added: P.E.x10 +10, +10 per level of experience.
Range: 10 feet per level of experience
P.P.E. Cost: 16
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving Throw: None

Night Sight:
Required Level: 5
Required items: Dragon Eye
Effect: This spell allows the caster to see in the dark; Effect: Night sight 400 feet +10 feet per level of
Range: Self
P.P.E. Cost: 20
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None

Far Sight:
Required Level: 5
Required items: Dragon Eye
Effect: This spell allows the caster to see very far away, like a hawk; Effect: Vision Range 1200 feet + 25
feet per level of experience
Range: Self
PPE: 20
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None

Iron Skin:
Required Level: 5
Required items: Dragon Scale, Dragon Claw, and Dragon Blood
Effect: This spell covers the body with a protective layer of damage resistant scales; Bonus: -1 physical
damage dealt to caster per level, and +1 magic/psionics damage dealt to caster by spells per level.
Duration: 1 round per level of experience
P.P.E. Cost: 25
Saving Throw: None
Range: Self
Magic Guard:
Required Level: 5
Required items: Dragon Scale, Dragon Tooth, and Dragon Venom
Effect: This spell covers body with a protective layer of magic resistant scales; Bonus: -1 magic/psionics
damage dealt to caster by spells per level, and +1 physical damage dealt to caster per level.
Duration: 1 round per level of experience
P.P.E. Cost: 25
Saving Throw: None
Range: Self

Dragon Talents:
Energy Eater: (x10)This Talent allows the Dragon to drain P.P.E. or I.S.P. from an opponent by
biting them. The Dragon has one point of P.P.E. or I.S.P. restored per point of damage dealt.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 30 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Life Eater: (x10)This Talent allows the Dragon to drain M.D.C. from an opponent by biting them.
The Dragon is healed by one point of M.D.C. per point of mega damage dealt. In S.D.C environments this
becomes an H.P. / S.D.C. drain.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 12 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Breath Bomb: (x10)This Talent allows the Dragon to spit out his breath weapon as a concentrated
blast, which deals its damage to a 100 foot radius, +50 feet per level.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 7 Chi/P.P.E./ I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 5 Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P.

Breath Weapon: (x2)This Talent allows the Dragon to take one of his or her breath attacks and
use it as a melee weapon! The breath weapon deals half its normal damage, and lasts one melee per level.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 12 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Redirect Breath: This Talent allows the Dragon to expel his or her breath weapon from a part
other than their mouth. For Example, the Dragon can redirect the attack to shoot out of his hands. Dragon
hatchlings sometimes shoot their breath weapon out of their behind, making for the deadliest fart ever.
This Talent is very popular.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 8 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 5 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Alter Weight: When used with shape-shifting, the Dragon's weight has no relation to its size. The
Dragon could be full size and only weigh as much as a person, or it could weigh its full weight when the
size of a bunny.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 24 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 16 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Extra Alternate Form: {{Rat: Black/Brown/White (common, Rabbit:

Grey/Brown/Black//White/Jack, Field Mouse, Skunk (Stinkers), Tiger, Wolf: Northern
Timber/Grey/Red, Domestic Cats, Leopard, Panther & Jaguar}}
This Talent gives the Dragon an extra Alternate Form. This form can be any shape, and can be
held indefinitely. You may select this talent multiple times, each time selecting a different alternate form.
If and animal form is chosen you also gain all of it’s abilities innate to that form.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 60 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 40 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Size: Body: 6-9 feet (1.8 to 2.8 m) plus tail which measures about 36 inches (0.9 m).
Weight: 400-700 pounds (180 to 320 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 4D6+24
S.D.C.: 4D6+30
Attacks Per Melee: 4
Damage: Claws do 2D6+8 points of damage. Bite does 2D6+2 points of damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative. +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, and +7 to save vs horror factor.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 400 feet (122 m). climb 50%. swim 80% (tigers like the water). prowl
70%. track by smell or sight 60%. and leap 15 feet (4.6 m) high and 30 feet (9 m) long.
Speed: 22 (about 15 mph/24 m). but can run at a speed 50 (35 mph/56 km) in short bursts.
Average Life Span: 12-20 years
Habitat: Forest and jungles.
Behavior: Tigers are shy, nocturnal creatures and usually live alone. Tigers respect each other's territory
and seldom fight among themselves. Their home territory is usually about 6 square miles (9.6 km). They
feed on wild pigs, deer, antelope, sheep, cattle and occasionally, humanoids. Males and females associate
for only a few days after mating. Litters of 2 or 3 young are born after a gestation of 3-4 months. The
young may stay with their mother for several years. Tigers love water and are excellent swimmers. Tigers
are powerfully built a tiger can drag prey weighing a ton!

Wolf: Northern Timber

Size: Body: 5-6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m), tail: 14-20 inches.
Weight: 60-130 pounds (27 to 59 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 4D6+12
S.D.C.: 3D6+24
P.P.E.: 6D6
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 3D6+4 points of damage; claws 1D4.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +6 to strike. +4 to dodge and +8 to save vs honor factor.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 40 feet (12 m), prowl 60%. Track (by smell) 90%., can smell prey one
mile (1.6 km) away, swim 65%. can leap 4 feet (0.9-1.2 m) high and 10 feet (3 m) long. and like most
canines. can perform a leaping pounce.
Speed: 50 (about 35 mph/56). but maximum speed is 55 (37.5 mph 60 km).
Average Life Span: 14-20 years
Habitat: Forest and steppe.
Behavior: These large animals associate in packs of 6 to 20 members. but often hunt alone or in pairs.
Although they tend to shy away from areas of humanoid habitation. some solitary individuals venture into
farm areas and small towns and will attack the unwary. They feed on a variety of animals both large and
small. but moose. elk, and deer are their favorites. Litters of 2 to 6 young are born in dens in the central
home territory after a gestation of about 9 weeks.

Skunk (Stinkers)
Size: Body: ll~15 inches (0.3 to 0.4 m) . tail: 7-10 inches.
Weight: Up to 2 pounds (0.9 kg).
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 2D6
S.D.C.: 1D6
P.P.E.: 2D6
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 1D4 points of damage. The animal also shoots a chemical spray which has a terrible
stench that is repugnant to most animals, including humans. The Range of spray is 10 feet (3 in) but the
overwhelming stink is powerful within a 100 foot (30.5 m) radius and can be smelled from five times that
distance. The spray causes victims to gag and be nauseous. Penalties: -4 on initiative. -2 to strike. dodge.
and parry for 2D4 minutes and prowl or hiding is impossible.
After that time the stench is only distracting (-2 on initiative), although it is impossible for the person
covered by the spray: to prowl or hide and nobody will want to be near him. The smell lasts for 32 to 72
hours. '
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 400 feet (122 m). prowl 20%. climb 45%. and swim 40%.
Speed: 10
Average Life Span: 3-6 years.
Habitat: Woods and grasslands.
Behavior: This animal is notorious for its pungent anal gland secretions which it uses against its enemies,
it’s highly visible markings serve to warn enemies, as does its habit of raising its tail before spraying. The
skunk is a nocturnal animal and feeds on mice, insects, eggs, and carrion. A litter of 5 or 6 young are born
in early May.

Wolf: Gray:
Size: Body: 34% feet (0.9 to 1.4 m); tail: 12-19 inches.
Weight: 50-100 pounds (23 to 45 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 4D6+6
S.D.C.: 2D6+20
P.P.E.: 5D6
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 2D6+3 points of damage. Claw lD4 damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative. +5 to strike. +4 to dodge, and +5 to save vs horror factor.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 30 feet (9 m). prowl 50%. Track (by smell) 88%. can smell prey one mile
(1.6 km) away, swim 65%. can leap 3-4 feet (0.9-1.2 m) high and 8 feet (2.4 m) long, and like most
canines, can perform a leaping pounce.
Speed: 50 (35 mph/56), maximum speed is 55 (37.5 mph/60 km).
Average Life Span: 14-20 years
Habitat: Tundra, steppe, open woodland and forest.
Behavior: This intelligent animal usually associates in family groups or packs of 6 to 30 members,
although they often hunt alone or in pairs. The pack hunts together, cooperating to run down prey such as
deer, elk, moose, ox, or wild horses, and they also eat small animals. Social standing is determined and
maintained by ritualized gestures and postures. Mated pairs remain together for life. The female gives
birth to a litter of 3 to 8 pups after a gestation of 8 weeks. Wolves can be partially domesticated. but
remain dangerous because their jaws are twice as powerful as domestic canines and they tend to be large
and aggressive.

Leopard, Panther & Jaguar

Size: Body: 4-6'/2 feet (1.3 to 2 m), p us tail: 3'A-4'lzft (1.1 to1.4 m).
Weight: 125-200 pounds (57 to 91 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 4D6+10
S.D.C.: 3D6+l6
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Claws do ZD4+4 points of damage, bite 1D6+2 points of damage.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +5 to strike, +3 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to save vs horror factor.
Natural Abilities: Night vision: 600 feet (183 m). climb 90%. prowl 90%, track by smell or sight 50%.
exceptional hearing and eyesight. and can leap 12 feet (3.6 m) high and 40 feet (12.2 m) long.
Speed: 22, with spurts of speed 50 (35 mph/56 km) for 1D4 minutes.
Average Life Span: 10-15 years.
Behavior: Leopards are solitary creatures and hunt either by day or night. They swim and climb well and
often rest and stalk prey in ms. Leopards prey on antelope. primates, birds. fish. and livestock. Large prey
are often dragged up into a tree and the leopard may return several times to the same kill. Females have
regular fertile periods and litters of 1-6 young are born after a gestation of 3-4 months. The young are
independent after 18 to 24 months.

Domestic Cats
Size: Body: l'/4-3'/4 feet (0.35 to l m), plus tail: 12 inches (0.3m).
Weight: 6-25 pounds (2.7 to ll kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 2D6
S.D.C.: 2D6
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Claws do lD4 points of damage; bite does 2 points of

Bonuses: +2 on initiative. +3 to strike. +2 to parry. +3 to dodge,

+1 to save vs horror factor.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision and sense of smell. Night-vision 40 feet (12.2 m). climb 70%. prowl 70%.
swim 40%, can leap 5 feet (1.5 m) high and 6 feet (1.8 m) long.
Speed: 16. with bursts of speed 22 for lD4 minutes.
Average Life Span: 8-14 years.
Habitat: House pet.
Note: There are a large variety of domestic cats from small to large. short hair to long hair.

(Eagle: Booted or Bald

Size: 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet tall (0.75 to l m): 9-15 pounds. wing span: 7-10 feet (2.1 to 3.0 m).
Hit Points: 4D6+10
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Talons do 2D6+2 points of damage. bite does 2D4 damage; dive attacks do double damage.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative. +4 to strike, and +4 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Fly, exceptional vision (2 miles/3.2 km), night-vision 400 feet, prowl (silent swooping
attack) 64%. track by smell 46% and track by sight 80%.
Speed: 50, but can reach speeds of 88 to 110 (60 to 75 mph) in bursts lasting 2D4xlO minutes. The eagle
can dive at an astounding speed of 220 (150 mph/241 km).
Average Life Span: 15 to 30 years
Value: 50 gold for its feathers; some hunt eagles for sport and stuff them for trophies.
Habitat: Seacoasts, rivers, lakes and dense forests and mountain forests.
Range: All areas worldwide.
Behavior: These birds generally feed on fish and hunt alone or in pairs. Pairs remain mated together and
reestablish bonds each year with courtship displays. They nest in the same location year after year. The
Bald eagle, Golden eagle and Booted eagle are the largest of their kind.
Field Mouse
Size: Body: 3-6 inches. plus a 2-3 inch tail.
Weight: Up to half a pound (0.23 kg).
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 104
S.D.C.: 1D4
P.P.E.: lD4
Horror Factor: 8; people are startled and frightened by these harmless creatures.
Attacks Per Melee: l
Damage: Bite does one point of damage.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative and +6 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m), climb 65%, swim 60%. and prowl 90%.
Speed: 10
Average Life Span: 1-3 years.
Habitat: Woodland and cultivated land.
Behavior: These animals are active day and night. Although most above ground activity takes place at
night. They feed on a large variety of plant material. Litters of up to seven young are born in November
and March.

Rabbit: Brown/White Hare

Size: Body: 17-30 inches (0.4 to 0.7 m). with a 3-4 inch tail.
Weight: 2-4 pounds (1 to 2 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 2D4+2
S.D.C.: 2D4+2
P.P.E.: 2D4
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does one point of damage, Legs/Claws does 1D4 damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike. and +5 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m), prowl 65%, and leap three feet (0.9 m) high and 12 feet
(3.6 m) long.
Speed: 25, and is able to reach a speed of 50 (30 mph) in bursts lasting 204 minutes.
Average Life Span: 8-10 years.
Habitat: Open country, farmland, and woodlands.
Behavior: This fast running animal is active mainly at dusk and during the night. During the day it rests in
a shallow depression concealed in vegetation. They feed on leaves, buds, roots, berries, and bark. Brown
hares are generally solitary. Females produce several litters each year. Usually 1-6 young are born.

Rabbit - Jack
Size: Body: 18-25 inches (0.5 to 0.6 m). tail: 2-5 inches.
Weight: 2-5 pounds (1 t02kg) ‘ -
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: lD6+4
S.D.C.: 2D6
P.P.E.: 2D4
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does one point of damage. Kick with rear legs/claws does lD4+l damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative. +2 to strike and +5 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 200 feet (61 m). prowl 40% and leap three feet (0.9 m) high and 15 feet
(4.6 m) long.
Speed: 16 (can reach speeds of 66 (45 mph/72 km) in short bursts lasting 204 minutes. .
Average Life Span: 8-10 years.
Habitat: Prairie. cultivated land. and arid scrub.
Behavior: These strong runners have powerful hind limbs and prefer to run to avoid predators rather than
taking cover. They feed on succulent green plants in summer and more woody plants during the winter.
There are generally several litters each year with l to 6 young in each. The average gestation period is 43

Rat: Black/Brown/White (common)

Size: Body: 8-12 inches (roughly 0.3 m) and an 8-10_inch tail.
Weight: Up to 2 pounds (9 kg
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: lDé+2
S.D.C.: 1D8+22
P.P.E.: 2D4
Horror Factor: 10; people are startled and repulsed by rats.
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does lD4 points of damage.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike. and +4 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Night-vision 200 feet (61 m). swim 65%, climb 70%. acrobatics 35%, and prowl 80%.
Speed: 11
Average Life Span: 2-4 years.
Habitat: Associated with humanoids. living in burrows under houses in sewers, and feeding on garbage.
Behavior: This animal is found everywhere humanoids are and is the cause of many diseases,
such as plague, typhus, and rabies. Its diet is extremely wide ranging. from insects and carrion to
plants and garbage. It reproduces every 6 weeks or so, with litters of 3-10 young
Holy Hatchling/Whelp:
Required Level: 1
Attacks per melee: +2
Natural A.R.: 12
H.P.: +60
S.D.C. /M.D.C.: +40
P.S.: +24
P.P.: +14
P.E.: +24
Speed: +40
Damage: +9
Strike: +0
Parry: +0
Dodge: +0
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D.C. per minute, impervious to
light/laser/holy (does no damage, including M.D. magic light/holy/laser energy in fact it heals them, x2
damage from dark/shadow/unholy based attacks), teleport self-88%, dimensional teleport 32%, Flight,
Hatchling/Whelp Breath (Holy) & Natural Weapons: Damage: 4D6x2 +2 per level of experience (double
damage vs evil creatures or beings, and heals good creatures and beings.).Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of
experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience. Claws: +2D6 / Tail: +1D8 / Bite: +2D4, all dragon
magic, All Space Magic, All Chi Magic, All Healing Spells, All Light Based Spells.
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.

When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the

Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.

If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.
With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost: 20
Hatchling/Whelp (Height/Length/Weight): 6 high x 6 feet long and 6 ton]
Holy Dragon:
Required Level: 4
Attacks per melee: +4
Natural A.R.: 14
H.P.: +120
S.D.C. /M.D.C.: +80
P.S.: +26
P.P.: +16
P.E.: +26
Speed: +60
Damage: +11
Strike: +1
Parry: +1
Dodge: +1
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D. per minute, impervious to light/laser/holy
(does no damage, including M.D. magic light/holy/laser energy in fact it heals them, x2 damage from
dark/shadow/unholy based attacks), teleport self-88%, dimensional teleport 32%, Flight, Dragon Breath
(Holy) & Natural Weapons: Damage: 4D8x8 +8 per level of experience (double damage vs evil creatures
or beings, and heals good creatures and beings.).Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet
area per level of experience. Claws: +2D6 / Tail: +1D8 / Bite: +2D4, all dragon magic, All Space Magic,
All Chi Magic, All Healing Spells, All Light Based Spells.
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.

When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the

Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.

If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.

With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost: 40
Upkeep: 20

Shadow Hatchling/Whelp:
Required Level: 1
Attacks per melee: +4
Natural AR: 12
H.P.: +48
S.D.C.: +32
P.S.: +14
P.P.: +24
P.E.: +14
Speed: +140
Damage: +0
Strike: +5
Parry: +5
Dodge: +5
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D. per minute, impervious to
shadow/dark/unholy/black laser (does no damage, including M.D.C. magic shadow/dark/unholy/black
laser energy in fact it heals them, x2 damage from light/holy/laser based attacks), teleport self-88%,
dimensional teleport 32%, Flight, Hatchling/Whelp Breath (unholy) & Natural Weapons: Damage: 4D6x2
+2 per level of experience (heals evil/dark creatures/beings, and does double damage vs good/light
creatures and beings). Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience.
Claws: +2D6 / Tail: +2D8 / Bite: +2D4, all dragon magic, All Chi Magic, All Shadow Magic, All Space
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.

When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the
Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.

If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.

With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost: 20
Upkeep: 10
Hatchling/Whelp (Height/Length/Weight): 6 high x 6 feet long and 6 tons
Shadow Dragon:
Required Level: 4
Attacks per melee: +5
Natural A.R.: 14
H.P.: +96
S.D.C.: +64
P.S.: +16
P.P.: +26
P.E.: +16
Speed: +160
Damage: +1
Strike: +6
Parry: +6
Dodge: +6
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D. per minute, impervious to
shadow/dark/unholy/black laser (does no damage, including M.D. magic shadow/dark/unholy/black laser
energy in fact it heals them, x2 damage from light/holy/laser based attacks), teleport self-88%,
dimensional teleport 32%, Flight, Dragon Breath (unholy) & Natural Weapons: Damage: 4D8x8 +8 per
level of experience (heals evil/dark creatures/beings, and does double damage vs good/light creatures and
beings). Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience. Claws:
+3D6 / Tail: +3D8 / Bite: +3D4, all dragon magic, All Chi Magic, All Shadow Magic, All Space Magic.
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.

When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the

Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.

If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.

With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost: 40
Upkeep: 20
Dragon (Height/Length/Weight): 24 feet high, 24 feet long and 24 tons

Fire Hatchling:
Required Level: 1
Attacks per melee: +3
Natural A.R.: 12
H.P.: +48
S.D.C. /M.D.C.: +32
P.S.: +14
P.P.: +4
P.E.: +14
Speed: +80
Damage: +10
Strike: +0
Parry: +0
Dodge: +0
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D. per minute, impervious to fire (does no
damage, including M.D. magic fire and plasma energy in fact it heals them, x2 damage from water based
attacks), teleport self-88%, dimensional teleport 32%, Flight, Hatchling/Whelp Breath (fire) & Natural
Weapons: Damage: 4D6x2 +2 per level of experience (heals fire based creatures or beings, does x2
damage to water based creatures or beings). Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area
per level of experience. Claws: +2D6 / Tail: +1D8 / Bite: +2D4, all dragon magic, All Fire Elemental
Magic, All Chi Magic, All Healing Magic.
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.

When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the

Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.
If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.

With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost::15
Upkeep: 7
Hatchling/Whelp (Height/Length/Weight): 6 high x 6 feet long and 6 tons
Fire Dragon:
Required Level: 4
Attacks per melee: +4
Natural A.R.: 14 /
H.P.: +96
S.D.C. /M.D.C.: +64
P.S.: +16
P.P.: +16
P.E.: +16
Speed: +100
Damage: +11
Strike: +1
Parry: +1
Dodge: +1
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D. per minute, impervious to fire (does no
damage, including M.D. magic fire and plasma energy in fact it heals them, x2 damage from water based
attacks), teleport self-88%, dimensional teleport 32%, Flight, Dragon Breath (fire) & Natural Weapons:
Damage: 4D8x2 +2 per level of experience (heals fire based creatures or beings, does x2 damage to water
based creatures or beings). Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of
experience. Claws: +3D6 / Tail: +2D8 / Bite: +3D4, all dragon magic, All Fire Elemental Magic, All Chi
Magic, All Healing Magic.
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.

When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the

Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.

If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.

With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost::30 / Upkeep: 15
Dragon (Height/Length/Weight): 24 feet high, 24 feet long and 24 tons

Water Hatchling:
Required Level: 1
Attacks per melee: +3
Natural A.R.: 12
H.P.: +48
S.D.C. /M.D.C.: +32
P.S.: +14
P.P.: +14
P.E.: +14
Speed: +80
Damage: +0
Strike: +0
Parry: +10
Dodge: +0
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D. per minute, impervious to ice & water
(does no damage, including M.D. magic ice/water energy in fact it heals them, x2 damage from fire based
attacks), teleport self-88%, dimensional teleport 32%, Flight, Hatchling/Whelp Breath (water) & Natural
Weapons: Damage: 4D6x2 +2 per level of experience (heals water based creatures or beings, does x2
damage to fire based creatures). Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of
experience. Claws: +2D6 / Tail: +1D8 / Bite: +2D4, all dragon magic, All Water Elemental Magic, All
Chi Magic, All Healing Magic.
Spit Dragon Pearl:
Range: 50 feet +50 feet per level of experience' spit, or as per PS thrown.
1D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. per Chi point spent
2D6 Chi per Chi point spent (when it is first spit)
Bonuses: +8 when spit, or As thrown object when thrown.
(Special Note: the pearl can also be kept and sold earning money equal to 100 credits/dollars per chi point invested into the
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.
When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the

Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.

If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.

With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost: 15
Upkeep: 7
Hatchling/Whelp (Height/Length/Weight): 6 high x 6 feet long and 6 tons
Water Dragon:
Required Level: 4
Attacks per melee: +4
Natural A.R.: 14
H.P.: +96
S.D.C. /M.D.C.: +64
P.S.: +16
P.P.: +16
P.E.: +16
Speed: +100
Damage: +1
Strike: +1
Parry: +11
Dodge: +1 /
Abilities: Night-vision 100 feet (30.5 m; can see in total darkness), excellent color vision, see the
invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regeneration 1D4 x 10 M.D. per minute, impervious to ice (does no
damage, including M.D. magic ice energy in fact it heals them, x2 damage from fire based attacks),
teleport self-88%, dimensional teleport 32%, Flight, Hatchling/Whelp Breath (water) & Natural
Weapons: Damage: 4D8x2 +2 per level of experience (heals water based creatures or beings, does x2
damage to fire based creatures). Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of
experience. Claws: +2D6 / Tail: +1D8 / Bite: +2D4, all dragon magic, All Water Elemental Magic, All
Chi Magic, All Healing Magic.
Spit Dragon Pearl:
Range: 50 feet +50 feet per level of experience' spit, or as per PS thrown.
1D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. per Chi point spent
2D6 Chi per Chi point spent (when it is first spit)
Bonuses: +8 when spit, or As thrown object when thrown.
(Special Note: the pearl can also be kept and sold earning money equal to 100 credits/dollars per chi point invested into the
Phase Sight:
This character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment,
disguise, illusion or invisibility (yes, you can see the invisible) and recognize what dimension or universe
they originate from. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, but not the exact nature
of the magic aside from whether it is harmful or helpful. +see aura
Phase Skin:
The character is able to survive not only in the pressure less environment of outer space, but also in high
pressure ones. He does not have to breathe, that is under conscious control. He is also immune to the
ravages of crossing dimensions and time.
Teleport: (Standard, Blink, Distance, Dimensional):
The super being can instantly transport him/herself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limitation: Self and an additional 1000 lbs., (450 kg) per level of experience, and or 2 people
Number of Teleports per Melee Round:
As often as 5 times per round (15 minutes) each teleportation counts as one melee attack, unlimited when
blinking, and once per 10 minutes when dimensional teleporting.
Chances for a Successful Teleport:
While teleportation can be very handy, it can also be extremely dangerous, especially if the area one is
teleporting to is unknown to him.
Teleporting to a familiar location or one that is clearly visible from one's starting point: 100%; -6% if
'porting to a place seen live via television or similar actual time transmission.
A place seen only a few times (2-6 times before): 88%.
The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for
teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has
been visited a few times.
A place seen only once: 50% +1% per experience level.
A place never seen, but described in detail: 38%.
A totally unknown place: 12%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport:
01-60: Totally wrong place. No idea of present location; 3D4 miles beyond the normal range.
61-85: Teleports 300 feet (91 m) above ground level. The ensuing fall does 1D6 damage for every 30 feet
(9 m) of height; that's 1D6x10 damage from maximum height.
86-00: Teleports into an object; instant death.
Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always
travel to a random dimension at will.
Range: Maximum distance of five miles (8 km) for standard, 300 miles per level of experience, for
distance, 18ft +2ft per level of experience for blink, another dimension for dimensional.
Duration: Instant for standard, blink, and dimensional, but only one dimensional teleport can be
performed per ten minutes. Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no
other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +6 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 15.
If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next
melee (enemies lose track of the character).
Information of different Teleportation modes:
for Distance Teleportation:
The character is highly skilled at transporting him/her-self too far away locations. The success rate is
100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way
of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport
to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll
fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport ones-self with no additional weight requires a
melee of concentration.
For Blink Teleportation:
This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no
risk of failure, as the character's subconscious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential
teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his
teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good
against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
for Dimensional Teleportation:
The character is capable of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport
himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension,
70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to
a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did
not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target
dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons)
the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the
character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of
dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlands, Hades, Dyval, Phase World, and Wormwood.
The character's aura is able to extend the effect of the character's super abilities to certain objects
carried and clothes worn. His super powers extend through his aura. Thus, a person who can transform
into electricity or water affects their clothes too. A shapeshifter can alter their form while wearing full
environmental armor. A person with growth or shrinking abilities needs not find a set of clothes to suit
them - their clothes and armor are affected just as if they were part of the character's body.

When dealing with armor and super powers, use the higher A.R. of the two. As for the S.D.C., count the
armor's S.D.C. as a bonus and subtract damage from that first. Remember, the character's armor takes
on the same traits as the character himself (if the character is impervious to fire and heat, so is the

Electronic and mechanical devices do not change with the character, but they aren't damaged either. This
includes firearms, energy weapons, binoculars, flashlights, and other such objects. Personal items
(watches, glasses, wallets, rings) are affected easily. Assume that the character's aura affects normal
amounts of clothes and personal items, one suit of armor worn, and a couple melee weapons. If an object
is dropped after being affected (whether by Growth or by Alter Physical Structure: Electricity) it retains
the character's properties until the character discontinues use of their super abilities.

If the character possesses the Alternate Form minor ability (described above) or shapeshifting, the Bio-
Aura kicks in when the change begins. The character's clothes and armor are not damaged by the
transformation into another form, but do not exist in the alternate form either. When the character turns
back into the human shape, the clothes and armor are there just as if nothing happened.
With this power, copies of clothing and personal items can be made for clones via the Multiple
Beings/Selves power. Modern weapons and armor (complex structures) are not duplicated.

Bio- Aura has the effect of 'negating' the influence of worn clothing and objects so that they don't count
towards weight or object limitations, leaving more 'space' or weight available for use.
Extra Dimensional Storage:
The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the
character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place
him/herself in the pocket.
It takes one melee action to pull objects out of or put them into the pocket.
The pocket dimension has a maximum storage capacity of where there M.E. is the number of kilograms
that can be stored, plus 5kg per level of experience - the size of the object matters not, just the mass.
The character (well, his pocket at least) can be sensed by beings and spells that can sense dimensional
anomalies. Those same beings might have the ability to reach into dimensional pockets, and could pilfer
objects in the character's personal one.
Characters with an M.E. of 15 or higher can sense dimensional pockets (100ft range) and dimensional
envelopes (10ft range). They can also attempt to reach into them, once per melee, with a base chance of
20% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.
The character can sense what is going on inside the pocket. Further, those attempting to open the pocket
dimension are instantly known to the character - it's like reaching into his/her mind, so he/she's going to
know. He/she'll even wake up out of a deep sleep to see who is trying.
Heightened Sense of Hearing & Smell & Supervision: Advanced Sight:
Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
At 20m he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 45m he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10
decibels. At 110m the audible perception is grealy taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal
conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.
Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception.
If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 3m. Continue to reduce
by 1.5m for every additional ten decibels, with an exceptional sense of smell that enables the character to
identify any smell he/she comes in contact with.
The dragon character has a super sharp crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an
eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a
face/costume up to 3km away.
Range for hearing and smell senses: 110m radius (double when in flight)
Range for sight: 3km+1km per level of experience (double when in flight)
Other Abilities Include:
Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level
Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level
Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is
trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).
Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize/identify specific odors: 70%+4% per level of experience (+10% for very common odors)
Recognize poisons, toxins and chemicals by scent: 50%+4% per level of experience. Note: Some poison
gases are odorless/tasteless/colorless
Recognize a person by scent alone: 50%+3% per level of experience.
Track by scent: 40%+3% per level. Reduce by 10% in a city. Roll for every 200 meters.
Difficult to surprise this character as he is likely to smell a person, robot, animal or vehicle 30m before it
reaches him, especially if the wind is blowing in his direction (triple range).
+1 to strike with any ranged attack.
+1 to parry
+3 to dodge
+7 to initiative
+6 to Perception

The dragon has actual wings that give him/her the power of flight. Unfortunately, wings are difficult to
conceal (average wing span is 3.5-5.5m). They are incredibly hard to conceal. Wings can be carefully
folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort. Wings that are pulled back and strapped in place
impair the characters mobility.
-1 on initiative.
-1 to strike.
-1 to parry.
-1 to dodge
Reduce on foot speed by 10%
Bonuses in Flight:
Applicable only if there is room for the character's wings - he can hover several inches above the ground
during combat in order to use full bonuses.
Speed - 300kmph (Approximately 83 meters a second) plus 40kmph (approximately 18 meters a second)
per level of experience.
Acceleration is 20mph an action.
+2 to P.B.
Add one extra attack per round
+4 to strike
+4 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 120kmph
+6 to dodge when flying 121kmph or faster.
+8 to damage for every 30kmph of speed.
+80 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Attacking a wing is a called shot. No S.D.C. equals crippled
wing. Wings heal 1d4+4 S.D.C. per day and membranes, feathers, and tissue will regrow in 1d4 weeks.
P.P.E./Chi Cost: 30
Upkeep: 15
Dragon (Height/Length/Weight): 24 feet high, 24 feet long and 24 tons
Breath Attack Talents:

Breath Bomb: This Talent allows the Dragon to spit out his breath weapon as a concentrated
blast, which deals its damage to a 10 foot radius, +5 feet per level.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 7 Chi/P.P.E./ I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 5 Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P.

Breath Booster: This Talent allows the Dragon to boost his or her breath weapon's damage or
range. For each 10 P.P.E. or I.S.P. spent, the Dragon can increase the range of a breath weapon by 50%
or the damage of the Breath Weapon by 1 die of damage. Non-damaging breath weapons have their
potency increased by 25% for every 10 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 10 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 10 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. per boost

Breath Weapon: This Talent allows the Dragon to take one of his or her breath attacks and use it
as a melee weapon! The breath weapon deals half its normal damage, and lasts one melee per level.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 12 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Extra Breath Attack: This Talent allows the Dragon to use a new breath weapon. Damaging
breath attacks cannot deal more damage than the Dragons own breath attacks. Non-damaging breath
attacks can simulate spells and psionics. An example would be paralyzing gas. The Permanent and
Activation P.P.E. / I.S.P. cost will vary from breath attack to breath attack. This talent may be selected
multiple times. Each time, you select a different breath weapon.
Permanent Cost to Gain:

Redirect Breath: This Talent allows the Dragon to expel his or her breath weapon from a part
other than their mouth. For Example, the Dragon can redirect the attack to shoot out of his hands. Dragon
hatchlings sometimes shoot their breath weapon out of their behind, making for the deadliest fart ever.
This Talent is very popular.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 8 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 5 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Spread Breath: This Talent allows the Dragon to spread out its breath weapon in a cone. For
every ten feet the breath weapon travels, its width expands by 5 feet. The downside is that the breath
attack will be at half power.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 13 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Shape-Shifting Talents:

Alter Weight: When used with shapeshifting, the Dragon's weight has no relation to its size. The
Dragon could be full size and only weigh as much as a person, or it could weigh its full weight when the
size of a bunny.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 24 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 16 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Extra Alternate Form: This Talent gives the Dragon an extra Alternate Form. This form can be
any shape, and can be held indefinitely. You may select this talent multiple times, each time selecting a
different alternate form.
Permanent Cost to Gain: 60 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Cost to activate: 40 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.

Prowl: Base Skill: 66% + 8% per level of experience. (130% (150% when moving slowly)
Climbing: Base Skill: 70% + 8% per level of experience. (124%)
Rappelling Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (104%)
Sense of Balance: is the ability to maintain grip, hold or footing 90% + 5% per level. (140%)
Climb Rope: 90% + 5% per level of experience. (120%)
Roll 80%+1% per level of experience. (94%)
Cat Leap 65%+3% per level of experience. (87%)
Speed Vault 60%+5% per level of experience. (90%)
Monkey Vault at 50%+5% per level of experience. (80%)
Revere Vault at 40%+5% per level of experience. (70%)
Superman at 55%+5% per level of experience. (85%)
Dash Vault 50%+5% per level of experience. (80%)
Precision 45%+5% per level of experience. (75%)
Rocket Vault at 50%+5% per level of experience. (80%)
Triple Kong 40%+5% per level of experience. (70%)
Wall Flip 35% +5% per level of experience. (65%)
Rings & Bars: 60% + 3% per level of experience. (82%)
Walk Tightrope or High Wire: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (90%)
Stilt Walk: 50%+5% per level of experience. (80%)
Back Flip and Somersault: Back flip: 90% + 8% per level +4 to dodge quickly by flipping out of harm's
way or over one's opponent. Always ends in a tumble and crouched stance. Like all dodges, it takes place
of one attack that melee. However, because the tumbler has flipped a fairly great distance, the attacker
also loses one attack, as he must turn around or lunge forward to renew his attack. (124%)
Pole Vault: 8 feet for every other level of experience. Success ratio is 50%+5% per level. Failure means
only half the intended height is achieved, or the tumbler has vaulted into a wall or other solid object (2D4
damage). (80%)
Vault is a skill where the character runs, gains enough acceleration over a certain obstacle and uses either
a hand or foot to “vault” over the obstacle. Timing is critical in the use of a vault but it can propel the
character either up to gain a hand or foothold, or over an obstacle that a character without this skill cannot
climb. Like several skills the GM requires a 1D20 roll to determine a successful vault;18 for a difficult
vault, 14 for a tough vault, 12 for a standard vault, 8 for a mediocre vault and 4 for an easy vault. A failed
vault means not climbing it, and being trapped or requiring successive attempts. Vaults can be attempted
once per melee action unless there is a failure; then it costs three melee actions before the next Vault can
be attempted (hope you have the climbing skill if you need to climb fast).
Language/Literacy (English, Elemental, Trade2, Trade1, Trade6, Dragonese, Japanese, Chinese,
Tibetan, Latin, Gobbley, Elvish, Demogogian, Faerie) (98%)
Literacy (Runic): Base Skill: 55% +5% per level of experience. (+98%),
Mathematics - Basic: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (100%),
Mathematics - Advanced: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (100%)
Military Etiquette: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (85%)
Intelligence: Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience. (90%)
Detect Concealment: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Detect Ambush: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Perception: Base Skill: (IQ + 20) % + 5% per level of experience. (74%)
Navigation (Land, & Air): Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (90%),
Research: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (85%)
Strategy & Tactics (Military): Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience. (80%)
Lore (Demon & Monster, Alien, Magic, Psychic, Dragon, Faerie, Witch, Undead): Base Skill: 25% +5%
per level of experience. (55%),
Camouflage: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Escape Artist: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Disguise: Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience. (60%)
Hiding: Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience. (60%)
Philosophy: (Ninja Code of Honor, Buddhism, Shinto, Ninpo, Taoism)Base Skill: 36% + 6% per level of
experience. (90%)
Heraldry (+15%),
(6) Weapon Proficiencies of choice,
Escape Artist (+30%)
Hiding (+30%)
4 W.P. of choice –paired/weapon mastery and sharp shot where applicable,
W.P. sword-paired & mastery & fencing+2lvs,
W.P. thrown-paired and mastery/sharpshot+2lvs
H2H: Black Wyrm.,

R.C.C Related Skills:

Swimming: Basic: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Pick Locks: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Pick Pockets: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
Streetwise - General: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (0%)
Disguise: Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience. (80%)
Fortress Design & Penetration: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Geography: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
Meteorology: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Strategy & Tactics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Blind-Fighting: Base Skill: 10% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Advanced Prowl: Stealth (Arctic, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Swamp, Urban, Wilderness)
This skill represents an advanced form of the basic Prowl skill that focuses on moving with complete
silence. Characters with this skill learn many special techniques that allow them to move without making
any significant sound, and to avoid visual detection while moving due to good use of cover and
camouflage. A character with Advanced Prowl: Stealth can remain silent while moving across any type of
flooring, in any type of terrain, or in any type of clothing (so long as all "noisy" items like metal clasps
are silenced). The character also learns ways of covering up any noises they do make (such as timing the
noise with other external noises), the avoidance of noise sources (such as squeaky flooring, disturbance of
animals, small twigs, etc.), and even how to imitate simple animal calls or other sounds in order to signal
comrades. The end result of all of this is an unparalleled level of silence and stealth when on the move.
As long as no one suspects the character’s presence or is actively looking for them, any attempted prowl
by the character is considered automatically successful. lf someone is looking for the character(s) or
suspects something is going on, the base skill level to remain undetected is 50% +3% per level. If the
character has specially prepared custom clothes and shoes designed for maximum silence and mobility
(such as a clandestine ops suit or ‘ninja’ suit), they gain an additional +10% bonus to the base skill level
(see Camouflage, Concealment, Prowl, and Perception below). (82%/92% with special stealth suit)
Advanced Prowl: Hiding (Arctic, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Swamp, Urban, Wilderness)
The Advanced Prowl: Hiding skill represents the mastery of stationary evasion of visual detection.
Characters with this skill learn how to become one with their surroundings. These characters study how
objects appear and how people perceive them, and train themselves to meld in with that perception. ln
addition, the character learns how to remain motionless for hours at a time, often in uncomfortable
positions under despicable conditions. Many times characters using this skill will have to stay motionless
or moving imperceptibly for hours in order to avoid detection. Characters with this skill also learn
advanced camouflaging techniques and the advanced use of cover and concealment. Any attempt to
remain undetected while stationary (““hiding") is considered an automatic success as long as no one
suspects the character’s presence or is actively looking for them.
lf someone is suspicious or looking for the character, or the character attempts to move more than two (2)
feet (0.6 m) per melee round, then the character’s chance of remaining undetected is 40% +3% per level.
lf the character is in a specially made, custom camouflage outfit or costume specifically tailored for that
specific environment (such as a custom "Ghillie Suit"), they gain a + l0% to the base skill (see
Camouflage, Concealment, Prowl, and Perception below). (72% 82% with special stealth suit)
Principles of Magic:
Base Skill: 36% plus 2% per additional level of experience for non- mages, Mystics, Warlocks, Acolytes,
and similar O.C.C.s (haven't actually studied magic), but 60% plus 2% per additional level for any
practitioner of magic. (78%)
Important Notes: This spell is generally limited to magicians. Some characters will have a different base
skill, depending on the O.C.C. Consider this skill a prerequisite to all others in the Magic category except
for Lore: Magic and Divination.

Taken from Through the Glass Darkly (Nightbanetm World Book Three) page 9. All hermetic (the kinds
of mages that study to learn magic) practitioners of magic get this skill automatically at the above base
skill. A hardcore magician (like a Sorceror, Wizard, or Metamage) might get a +5% or +10% bonus.
Warlocks, Mystics, Shamans, and similar kinds of magicians (who learn spells through meditation and
enlightenment) get this skill at the lower base skill (see above also).

This skill allows a practicioner of magic the ability to recognize most spells when cast, a better chance of
recognizing enchantments, true runes, wards, and magic circles (get a +1% per level bonus on rolls for
these if the Lore: Magic skill is possessed), and the skills necessary to analyze magical objects, items,
scrolls, and books to learn about them (see the Magical Investigations section, page 36, of Through the
Glass Darkly).

Mystic Investigation:
Base Skill: Add the I.Q. and the M.E. as the base skill proficiency, plus 4% per additional level. Do not
add the I.Q. skill bonus. (75%)
Requires: Math: Basic, Math: Advanced, Literacy, Principles of Magic and at least three sensory
enhancing spells (such as See Aura, Sense P.P.E. tm, and Sense Evil). If the Research skill (Technical
category) is possessed, add a one- time +5% bonus.
Based On: The Magical Investigations passage of page 36, Through the Glass Darkly.

All magicians have the capacity to study and discover the secrets of powerful magic objects and arcane
texts. Normally, the character must make a successful Principles of Magic roll or roll less than his I.Q. on
2d10 for each attempt to determine a specific power or function of the object of inquiry. Three
consecutive failures when determining an aspect of the object means that it will remain hidden until
further insight is gained (like another experience level or 25,000 points).

Characters with the Mystic Investigation Skill, however, have had formal training in the analysis of data,
the research involved in finding hard information, and have developed a variety of personal techniques
they employ in the scrutiny of magical things. They use the stated base skill, but if they fail they are not
prevented from further study until attaining another experience level. They can continuously study an
object until they discover all its secrets!

Study usually requires 4-7 days for simple things, one to two weeks for complex objects, a month for
challenging, dangerous, or mystically obscured objects, and 1d4 months (or more) for the most powerful
magical objects. Roll once on this skill per 6 hours of study – success means that the player can ask the
GM one question (within reason) about the object, or the GM might tell the player something that would
make him want to ask new questions.

The means of study is likely to be a personal thing. Cybermages tm might look at their funky blueprints and
strange observation devices, a hermetic magician might walk around and get ‘attuned to the energy
vibrations of the area,’ a fire warlock might meditate in a room full of candles, etc. GMs might encourage
the player to come up with a unique method of study for the character.

Recognize Enchantments:
The mage can recognize the influence of magic that charms, hypnotizes or otherwise causes mind control
(including trances, domination, compulsion, quest, etc). This ability also includes identifying magic
sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food, and supernatural or magic possession. Base Skill: 35% + 5%
per level. (65%)
Recognize Magic:
The mage may recognize that an area is under an enchantment or that an object is magic due partially to
intuition and a "feel" for the aura of magic, but also due to inscriptions, magic symbols and general
design. The character may believe that something has mystic properties but he does not know what
powers it has or how to use it. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level. (50%)

Communications: Any,
Domestic: None,
Espionage: Any (+5%),
Horsemanship: None,
Medical: First Aid only (+5%),
Military: Any(+10%),
Physical: Any,
Rogue: (Any, but only if evil),
Science: Any,
Scholar/Technical: Any (+10%),
Weapon Proficiencies: Any,
Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: 

Prepare Doku: Base Skill: 34%/26%+4% per level of experience. Add +4%if the character also knows
holistic medicine.
Use/Recognize Poison: Base Skill: 24%/16% + 4% per level of experience. Add +4% if the character
knows Holistic Medicine.(68/46%)
Ninja Psychological Warfare: Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience. M.A. and/or P.B. bonuses
can be used to adjust this percentage, GMs use your judgment in such cases. One recommended format is
to add +5% to the skill for each point of M.A. or P.B. over 16 that the character possesses.
Ninja Navigation and Time Telling: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (80%)
Ninja Wilderness Survival Techniques: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (80%)
Ninja Psychological Warfare: Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience. M.A. and/or P.B. bonuses
can be used to adjust this percentage, GMs use your judgment in such cases. One recommended format is
to add +5% to the skill for each point of M.A. or P.B. over 16 that the character possesses. (180%)
Hotarubi: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (80)
Ninja Armorer: Base Skill: 25% + 4% per level of experience. (51%)
Noroshijutsu: Base Skill: 55%+5% per level of experience. (85%)
Ninja Cryptographic Codes: Base Skill: 35%+5% per level of experience. (65%
Kinesthetic: Base Skill: 30% + 3% per level of experience. (52%)
Use/Recognize Poison: Base Skill: 24%/16% + 4% per level of experience. Add +4% if the character
knows Holistic Medicine.(70/50%)
Hojo-Jutsu: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Ninja First Aid Techniques: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (80%)
Ninja Horsemanship: 54% +4% per level of experience. (80%)
Survival (Arctic, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Swamp, Urban, Wilderness): Base Skill: 30% + 5%
per level of experience. (60%)

+2 at levels 2, 5, 6, 9, 13, &15

Special Martial Arts Form:

Black Wyrm

Black Wyrm seeks to tap into the Yin power of darkness, building up forces of the negative Chi.
The Black Wyrm Master will stand his ground in combat, swaying slowly from side to side, examining
the opponent. When attacked, the response is to whip back or slump to the side. At the first sign of an
opening, the master attacks with a single finger strike, channeling dark Chi into the enemy's body. This
strike can leave the victim crippled, damaged or merely gasping for air. And a light stroke from the
master can reverse all the damage.
Throughout the world there are less than fifty masters and students of Black Wyrm Style, each keep their
training secret. To enter into their dark studios requires a blood oath of loyalty. Betrayal is rewarded with
a sentence of death.
Black Wyrm Style primarily utilizes the One Finger Attack combined with Negative Chi Strike.
(An alternative to this combination is: Combining Hard Chi with the one finger strike, when powered
with negative Chi, GM's may declare this does damage direct to H.P.)
There was a time, back before the Coming of the Rifts, when those who studied Black Wyrm Style were
thought to be evil, or at least suspect. However, in Rifts China, after having proven themselves again and
again in conflicts with the Yama Kings and their demons, those who study the Black Wyrm have proven
themselves heroes. Yes, their practice is still shaded with elements of Yin Energy and deception, but no
one can doubt the courage of Martial Artists willing to stand up to the worst terrors of Rifts China.

Training in Black Wyrm focuses on Hichojutsu (jumping), and Senban Nage (blade throwing),
Kosshijutsu (nerve strikes and manipulations), and Koppojutsu (bone breaking), even to the point of
developing Kosshijutsu methods for use with weapons. Circular, fast, and strong movements, at long
combat ranges combined with lots of grabbing, movement, and throwing characterize this school.
Weapons taught include Bo, Hashi, Jitte, Katana, Kodachi, Sai, Shuriken, Tanto, and Yari. Several special
kicks, punches, and throws are used in this style. One of these characteristic strikes is the Bufu Ni Sente
Nashi (from this side there is not the first strike).

The Genjutsu (illusion) skills taught in Black Wyrm were created by the Mikkyo Oda Tsuke (1348-1437).
While meditating, Tsuke was able to project his thoughts into the mind of an assistant. This came as
powerful surprise to Tsuke, and he began to further develop his mental skills to further the effects of
creating illusions. After many years of study and experimentation, he was able to pass the skill on to the
practitioners of Black Wyrm. NOTE: Only 40% of Black Wyrm practitioners have the skills capable of
learning Genjutsu.

Entrance Requirements: No Alignment or Attribute restrictions, but Honorable Alignments will tend to
avoid this style. Requires minimum I.Q. 10, M.E. 12 and P.P. 7.
Skill Cost: 16 Years (14 Years as a Secondary Martial Art Style).

Costume: Shinobi Shozoku: The ninja outfit consists of jacket, hakama (loose pants), hand gauntlets,
sandals, tabi socks, double belt, leg ties, separate leg and arm pieces, and quilted groin and body
protector. Numerous pockets are designed for concealing shuriken and other Ninja items. Also comes
with a two-part hood. All of the clothing is relatively loose, with ties around the waist, wrists and ankles.
(For just the clothing, A.R.: 8 and S.D.C: 15) For fighting operations on the battlefield there were chain
mail jackets and leggings. Chain mail guards for the wrists, hands and neck along with a metal chin guard
completed the armor. Armor triples the price of the outfit. (For chain mail armor additions, A.R. 13 and
S.D.C. 59) The clothing is traditionally died one of several colors, depending on the environment in
which the shinobi is working: the default color is off-black for night and utter blackness, brown for fields
and forests, gray for stone and urban settings, and white for snow. True black is not available, the closest
being a nearly black, dark red or dark indigo, dark brown or rust colored, due to the available dyes. For
more theatrically inclined ninja, the following colors are available; blue for ninja which clumsy,
incapable, or poor, red and/or orange for villainous ninja (especially ninja assassins), grey for neutral
ninja, white for good ninja and evil ninja attempting to mend their ways, and no color or shinobi shozoku
at all for powerful ninja. Reversible forms of shinobi shozoku may be made (or bought), with a second
color or even a complete set of faux garb that can be used as a disguise (such as common bonge garb,
priests’ garb, etc.) when the garb is turned inside out. A second color on the reverse of the garb adds
+50% to the listed cost; having a set of faux garb on the reverse doubles the cost of the shinobi shozoku.

Black Wyrm Masters tend to cultivate very long fingernails, up to 2 inches (5 cm), especially on the index
fingers. Style without the long finger nails, masters may be identified (20% chance by other martial
artists) by the brand of a snake on each of their palms running down the middle finger.

Stance 1: Boshidoko no Kamae: This is the basic fighting stance. The body is sideways to the opponent,
with the left leg forward, right leg back (body weight 50/50 on each leg) with foot at 90 degrees to body.
The left hand is leading, but still fairly close to the body, the fist forming the boshi ken. The right hand is
clenched into a fist and up over the head.
Stance 2: Ichi Monji no Kamae: The left leg is forward, right leg back (knees bent, taking 65% of body
weight) with foot at 90 degrees to body. The body should now be sideways to the opponent. The left hand
comes up and points at the opponent. The right hand stays at the rear clenched in a fist at belt height just
forward of the hip.
Stance 3: Upright, feet at right angles, slightly apart, hands held over chest, one cupping the other with
index fingers extended.

Character Bonuses:
Quadruple Normal Chi
Add +14 to M.E.
Add +6 to M.A.
Add +10 to P.P.
Add +1 to P.S.
Add +5 to P.E.
Add +4 to Speed.
Add +5 to S.D.C.

Attacks per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Maintain Balance, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
Attack Moves: Leap, Double axel flip: Twice the height and length of a backflip, does a 180 degree
rotation starting with feet, ending with feet.
NOTE: I have seen this done in my kendo class in real life, Rising crescent: 3d6, attack/escape
combination, opponent loses initiative, uses 2 attacks, Air drop: 4d6 per 1ft of height fallen, used on
opponents below, uses both feet, with arms upward, can be tacked on the end of a double axel flip, Aerial
stomp: 1d6 per 2ft of height above opponent and knockdown unless already on ground, Air catch: 2d6
and knockdown. Catches any opponent in the air and slams them to the ground, Air tackle: 1d6 per 3ft
fallen and knockdown. Tackles an opponent whether in the air or on the ground and slams them to the
Basic Defense Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, Parry.
Advanced Defense Moves: Automatic Dodge, Disarm, Multiple Dodge, and Combination Parry/Attack ,
Automatic Leap Dodge: The martial arts ability to use the leap as an automatic dodges! It can be
combined with back flips, cartwheels and somersaults. +8 to leap dodge plus any P.P. bonus and
additional leap dodge bonuses
Each leaping dodge uses up one melee attack, but can be done indefinitely to avoid attack and damage as
if it were a parry. This maneuver is designed to be strictly defensive and to frustrate one's opponent(s). A
frustrated or angry opponent tends to become reckless, will tire himself out foolishly, and focus on his
opponent rather than what's happening around him (like being lured into a trap, or not seeing others move
past him, sneaking up, etc.). Martial Artists typically chide their opponents with remarks like, "What's the
matter? Can't you hit a moving target?" "Is that the best you can do?" "My, you are slow." "Oh ho, you
almost got me that time." "Whoops, missed again?" "Aren't you getting tired swinging that weapon so
much?" "Would you like me to stand still and fight? No, I think not." And so on.
Timed leap: Advanced blade-staff users are skilled at timing their leaps to their best advantage. This is
usually done to cause an opponent to swing, miss the martial artist, but strike a tree, rock, building,
vehicle or another opponent rushing in from behind or from the side. This is a dangerous maneuver
because missed timing means the character's dodge missed and he is struck by his opponent. Only a +6
bonus for a timed leap and P.P. attribute bonuses are applicable to this maneuver. Do not use any other
dodge bonuses.
, Counter movement: Uses 1 attack/action:
A non-offensive technique that can save the characters butt in certain situations that have a simple
solutions, but no specific counter. A few good examples are:
1. An opponent sweeps the character, and instead of hitting the ground the character springs off his
hands back onto his feet.
2. You are on the ground and an opponent is in the process of an aerial stomp. You raise your feet and
propel your opponent back into the air.
3. An opponent throws you. You can either use the moment to perform a cartwheel, or a flip.
Hand Attacks: Claw Hand, Fore-Knuckle Fist, Palm Strike, One-Fingertip Attack. Thumb Drive Fist,
Two-Finger Strike.
Basic Foot Attacks: Backward Sweep, Kick Attack, Snap Kick, Tripping/Leg Hook.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick , Air drop: 4d6 per 1ft of height fallen, used on opponents below,
uses both feet, with arms upward, can be tacked on the end of a double axel flip, Aerial stomp: 1d6 per 2ft
of height above opponent and knockdown unless already on ground
Special Attacks: Choke, Death Blow (REVISED!), Death Strike, Hip Throw, Shoulder Throw, Sweeping
Throw, Leap Attack,
Wrist/ankle break: This is can only be used in combination with a trapping maneuver against a high
attack. When an opponent’s hand/foot is entrapped the character uses a quick snap or twist of the wrists to
break an opponent’s wrist/ankle. A successful attempt does 1d6+P.S. to HP damage, and unsuccessful
attempt does 1d6+P.S. to SDC damage.(special a Wrist/Ankle break will not normally kill)
Against midsection attacks: The knee and elbow are used to strike the limb/weapon between them doing
combined elbow and knee strike damage to that limb/weapon. Against low attacks: The feet are used to
parry the attack while applying counter pressure, this causes an opponent to make a test of balance to see
if he remains standing. An opponent’s roll to maintain balance must be higher than the characters roll to
trap. Failure means an opponent suffers the penalties of a trip/leg hook,
Air Tackle: 1d6 per 3ft fallen and knockdown. Tackles an opponent whether in the air or on the ground
and slams them to the ground.
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. Requires a strike
roll of 13. If successful, the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving
throw fails, the victim loses initiative and two attacks. Inflicts P.S. +1D4 damage direct to he H.P.
Agony Strike: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the
influence of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in
agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it
will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of
attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike,
parry and dodge.
Pain Strike: By manipulating the nerve centers the psionic can induce terrible pain, shooting throughout
the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit Points (not
S.D.C.) per each minute affected.
Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are
completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still use psionics but only if he
has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they cannot cast spells while
Pins & Needles Strike: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and
needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily
cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5%
skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm,
that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -
25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush
and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5%
skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also
have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using
this attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill
penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries,
even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is
impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.
Release Strike: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either
vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker
chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions.
Stun Strike: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is
cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.
Jodo Strike: A powerful thrust with the point of the staff, or blunt end of a spear, to the side of the temple.
The blow is so painful and jarring that it inflicts an extra 1D6 damage and, for a moment, everything goes
black: the victim of the Jodo strike loses initiative, loses one melee action and there is a 01-50% chance
that he will drop whatever weapon he was holding (only drops one weapon if using paired weapons —
victim's choice of which).
The martial arts master must focus and deliberately aim at and strike the temple (the player should
announce his intentions before he rolls to strike). A roll of 18 or higher (including bonuses) is necessary
to have full effect. Any roll that hits his opponent, but is under an 18 hits, but misses its mark and only
inflicts normal damage
Rising crescent: 3d6, attack/escape combination, opponent loses initiative, uses 2 attacks
Air drop: 4d6 per 1ft of height fallen, used on opponents below, uses both feet, with arms upward, can be
tacked on the end of a double axel flip
Aerial stomp: 1d6 per 2ft of height above opponent and knockdown unless already on ground
Kawasu 1 & 2:
Can use a melee weapon which are skilled in to deflect any thrown missile at a rate of 1 per 3 PP within 1
combat melee and the character;
Can use a melee weapon which are skilled in to deflect any arrows or bolts at a rate of 1 per 4 PP within 1
combat melee
Holds/Locks: Arm Hold, Automatic Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Automatic Leg Hold, Wrist Lock, Automatic
Wrist Lock, Body Hold, Automatic Body Hold, Neck Hold, Automatic Neck Hold..
Weapon Kata: W.P. Bo (Staff), W.P. Jitte (Forked), W.P. Katana (Large Sword), W.P. Kodachi (Short
Sword), W.P. Sai (Forked), W.P. Shuriken (Thrown), W.P. Tanto (Knife), W.P. Yari (Spear).
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull punch, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Behind, Knock Out/Stun, Knock
Out /Stun from Behind, Deathblow, Deathblow from behind.
Hand Attacks: One-Fingertip Attack (Special! Does absolutely no damage but serves to channel Chi
attacks directly to Hit Points.).
Skills Included in Training:
Martial Art Abilities and Powers: (Deception, Kosshijutsu, Koppojutsu, Ankokutoshijutsu, Mang Dou
(Blind Fighting), Art of Clouding the Mind, Negative Chi Strike, The Wyrm Shaped "Essence Bolt,”,
Wyrm Shaped Battle Aura, Black Wyrm’s’ Scales Armor, Black Wyrm’s’ Scales Attack, Black Wyrm’s
Claws, Wyrm: Fist, Dragon’s Breath (Mouth Energy Blast), Elemental Aura, Wyrm: Kick, Wyrm Leap
Punch, Wyrm Leap Kick, Wyrm Spirit Fist, Wyrm Spirit Kick, Wyrm’s Aura (Lunar Flare), Lunar Strike,
Wyrm Strike, Hiryu-Shoten-Ha (Flying Dragon Ascension Wave), plus Select seven (7) abilities each
from among Arts of Invisibility, Atemi, Martial Arts Techniques, and Body Hardening. And Chi Mastery.
Also select two Zenjorike Powers.
Martial Art Powers: Except for Ankokutoshijutsu, Deception, Kosshijutsu, Koppojutsu,
Ankokutoshijutsu, Mang Dou (Blind Fighting), Art of Clouding the Mind, Negative Chi Strike, The
Wyrm Shaped "Essence Bolt,”, Wyrm Shaped Battle Aura, Black Wyrm’s’ Scales Armor, Black
Wyrm’s’ Scales Attack, Black Wyrm’s Claws, Wyrm: Fist, Dragon’s Breath (Mouth Energy Blast),
Elemental Aura, Wyrm: Kick, Wyrm Leap Punch, Wyrm Leap Kick, Wyrm Spirit Fist, Wyrm Spirit
Kick, Wyrm’s Aura (Lunar Flare), Lunar Strike, Wyrm Strike, Hiryu-Shoten-Ha (Flying Dragon
Ascension Wave; any number of Martial Art Powers can be traded, on a one-for-one basis, for Basic
Skill Programs (excluding Physical).:
Automatically receives:
Deception (also an invisibility technique)
Ninjutsu, Capoeira. Drunken Style Kung Fu and even Aikido will use feints and deceptive body
movements to gain advantage over an opponent. Any martial art can incorporate deceptive techniques, if
the instructor is willing to teach them (or even knows how), Deception is not necessarily a sinister thing
— it’s just another way of manipulating an opponent, and isn’t that what all martial arts are about? A
character with this power may use it at any time, at no cost in actions. He weaves the deceptions into his
normal movements. By spending three (3) Chi, once per melee, he can force his opponent to make an
attribute check vs. his ME. (Attempt to roll under it on a D20; 20 automatically fail). If the attribute check
fails, the opponent has a -2 to dodge or parry any of the martial artist’s techniques that round. More Chi
must be spent and new attribute checks must be made each melee round. The martial artist may affect as
many people as he is in hand to hand combat with, at multiple Chi costs.
This is the art of finger weak-point attacks to organs and muscles.
Similar to Atemi, except that the primary purpose of Kosshijutsu is to inflict damage. Kosshijutsu strikes
are done using Fore-Knuckle Fist, Finger Tip Attack, Chuk, Crane Fist, Gou Strike, Negative Gou, and
Spear Hand to target sensitive organs and muscles. If a style does not have one of these hand strikes, this
martial art power cannot be taken. A Kosshijutsu attack can only be used once per melee round and
requires a 16 or better to strike. A successful attack results in doing damage directly to Hit Points and the
target must save vs. pain at -2/hit or lose consciousness. If the roll is less than 16 the strike fails but still
does normal damage to the target.
This is the art of bone breaking. Characters with this skill are trained in the techniques, required force and
knowledge of where to strike in order to shatter bones. A Koppojutsu attack can only be used once per
melee round and requires a 15 or better to strike. A successful attack results in the target bone being
broken, doing damage directly to Hit Points. If the roll is less than 15 the strike fails but still does normal
damage to the target. Can be done with any hand strike except Finger Tip Attack/One Finger Attack,
Spear Hand, any Claw Strike (including Black Tiger Claw Strike, Claw Hand, Bear Slap, Crane Fist,
Duo-Claw Strike, and Eagle Claw Hand), Push Open Hand, Two Palm Push, and Sticky Hands.
This is the technique for seeing in the dark. Training includes on techniques such as not looking at lights,
paying attention to movement in peripheral vision, and how to study objects at night by not looking
directly at them. A character with this skill can detect movement at night up to 30 feet plus one foot per
level of experience. Discerning what an object is at night is also possible with a 25%+4% per level of
experience chance.
Mang Dou (Blind Fighting)
The character is trained to fight while completely blind.
Bonuses: All negative modifiers for blindness are reduced to zero, +1
to Mental Endurance, +1 to Rearward Attacks, Sense of Direction: 75%.
Art of Clouding the Mind: The character learns to use directed Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P. to cloud the minds of
observers. The character can simply stand in full view, stare into the eyes of an observer, and then . . .
vanish. It only works for a single melee action, so it is important to figure out where the next hiding place
will be after this little disappearing trick. In addition to the physical invisibility, the character is also
momentarily protected from observation by those who can track Chi, P.P.E., I.S.P. or living spirits.
Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P. Cost: 2 I.S.P. per person affected. More than one person can be "clouded" provided they
look into the character’s eyes or face.
Negative Chi Strike: (available to any martial art offering the one-finger-tip attack and Zenjorike powers
must be selected as Zenjorike power). Upkeep of one action/melee, to a maximum of melees equal to
level (thus three melees for a third level master...). When activated, this can be the only Chi based power,
or martial arts power used during the melee, this will even negate Dragon Chi and similar powers.
Activating the power costs 2 actions, and must be the master's first two actions of the melee (being struck
or dodging will disrupt activation). Once active, the martial artist will be able to put up to his level in
Negative Chi into each One-Finger-Tip Attack used that melee (amount must be designated before the
strike, martial artist must be charged with negative Chi before activating the power to be useful). The Chi
is expended even if the strike is unsuccessful. If successful, the physical strike does no damage; however,
the sudden blast of negative Chi is fairly powerful and draining. Every three points of Chi invested in the
attack deals 1D4 points of damage directly to Hit Points. Only Multiples of three can be invested in the
attack. Any attack dealing maximum damage (4, 8, 12, 16. respective to # of dice) will require the victim
to save vs. Pain or lose 1 melee action; this only applies to Non-Chi Masters. The attack cannot be done
from a distance, as a death blow, nor with the Dim-Mak; however it can target specific limbs; (arm, head,
etc... damage appropriately). If a limb is reduced to 0 H.P., treat as through broken. If the victim rolls with
impact or break falls they suffer no damage. Chi masters will recognize this power on a successful
perception roll.))
The Wyrm Shaped "Essence Bolt,” as it is known, is the concentration of mind and body on focusing
Chi into a destructive force. The result is something like plasma, except that it is mystical in nature.
Fireball: 1d6 damage to SDC, Hit Points, and Chi. A regular Fireball uses up 2 Chi, and any extra chi
points used will add damage to either SDC or Chi on a 1 for 2 bases. Only martial art Strike bonus can be
used; however there is a +3 to strike because it is partially mentally directed. If the victim parries he takes
half damage anyway. Also he cannot roll with the punch regardless of whether he parried or not. For
every level of the Black Wyrm student, damage is increased by one. The range of the fireball is 20 feet,
plus 2 every level. The Fireball takes up 2 actions.
Against nonorganic substances, the fireball becomes especially destructive. Multiply all damage by 2.
The Black Wyrm master can only use the fireball 4 times per round.
Invulnerable characters are especially vulnerable to the fireball, taking quadruple damage and save vs.
pain at -4 or be dazed(-6 to hit, parry, and dodge, and lose initiate. and half their attacks for 1d6 rounds).
Characters who are immune to fire still take damage.
The fireball can be used in place of a parry, meaning that he has a chance to strike his opponent before he
himself is hit, thus disrupting the attack. The parrying fireball can only be used against somebody
attacking from long range doing something like a jump kick or leap attack, but gains an additional +3 to
strike and the attacker cannot defend.
5th level the Black Wyrm Master can maneuver the fireball, gaining an extra attack at 5th level and every
2 levels afterward.
Wyrm Shaped Battle Aura: This is a form or aura effect used in battle that acts like a force field
protecting the user from all attacks: 100+100 (SDC/MDC)/lv
Cost: 10+/Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. invested acts like a force field 10chi to activate positive chi is white colored,
negative chi is black colored, while aura is up emitted light equivalent to true sunlight up to 1000ft radius,
12damage from touch/Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. invested duration is 4+1hrs/ Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. invested, absorbs
15chi either positive or negative chi/chi point invested.
Black Wyrm’s’ Scales Armor: P.E. + M.E. x10+10+10/lv 1hr+1hr/lv +5parry ( )( )Cost: 10
Black Wyrm’s’ Scales Attack: this is a technique that turns the Dragons’ Scales Armor in to an attack
the user rolls a 1d100 +1d10 per lv to see how many scales are fired then rolls 1d10/scales for the damage
range is 2000 +200 feet per lv, the Dragons’ Scales Armor is taken off when the attack is used auto hit no
roll needed to strike cost is 100Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P.
Black Wyrm’s Claws: These are special claws on the hand that are made of pure chi typically 3-3ftlong
blades that are invisible -10 s/p/d/r against attack provides a bonus of +5p/s/int can link to melee
weapons to provide bonus to damage and to extend reach.
The damage is: P.S.+1d10+removes 20 Chi/P.P.E./I.S.P. from target/blade

Elemental Aura: This is a form of battle aura that has an elemental effect infused in it, it can link to
battle aura, also provides immunity to element used:
Fire (red):+12protection/chi +12 damage/chi 1ft radius/chi
Water/ice (blue):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi
Earth/acid (brown):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15ppe/chi
Metal/electricity (silver):+50protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi
Wood/poison (green):+5protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15isp/chi
Wind/gas (yellow):+5protection/chi +12damage or KO 2d6melee/chi 20x20x20
cloud/chi 20+20ft/lv/chi
Mana (gold):+7protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15chi/ppe/isp/chi
Dragon’s Breath (Mouth Energy Blast):
<elemental aura can link to determine energy type>
This attack fires a powerful shot from the mouth of the martial artist. It is very similar to the Galick-Ho
but not as strong.
Damage: 1D8 M.D. per level of experience.
Range: 6000’ (1828.8 m) +200’ (61 m) per level of experience.
Cost: 11 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per strike
Wyrm: Fist:
The Martial Artist learns to channel his Chi/Ki into a powerful punch, jab or open hand strike that inflicts
an additional 1D4x10 M.D. (in addition to normal hand to hand damage) to supernatural beings, demons,
elementals, and creatures of magic, including dragons! This attack costs Chi and counts as two melee
attacks/actions and can be combined with a power punch.
Cost: 5 Chi/P.P.P. /I.S.P. per strike.
Wyrm: Kick:
The Martial Artist learns to channel his Psionics into a powerful kick that does 1D6x10 MD. (in addition
to normal hand to hand damage) to supernatural beings, demons, elementals and creatures of magic,
including dragons. The attack counts as two melee attacks/actions and can be combined with a power
punch kick.
Cost: 8 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per attack
Wyrm Leap Punch:
A powerful leap punch that inflicts 3D4x10 M.D. to supernatural beings, elementals and creatures of
magic, including dragons. This must be the character's first and only attack for that melee (the leap
concentration and focus uses up all other attacks). All the character can do after the kick is defend
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per kick.
Wyrm Leap Kick:
A powerful leap kick that inflicts 3D6x10 M.D. to supernatural beings, elementals and creatures of magic,
including dragons. This must be the character's first and only attack for that melee (the leap concentration
and focus uses up all other attacks). All the character can do after the kick is defend himself.
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per kick.
Wyrm Spirit Fist:
Effect: A punch, jab or open hand strike that unleashes a powerful telekinetic force that inflicts the
equivalent of the character's normal M.D. punch.
Range: five feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Counts as a normal melee action/attack. Cannot be
used as a power punch.
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per strike.
Wyrm Spirit Kick:
Effect: A kick strike that unleashes a powerful telekinetic force that inflicts the equivalent of the
character's normal M.D.C. kick.
Range: five feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Counts as a normal melee action/attack. Cannot be
used as a power kick.
Cost: 10 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P. per strike.
Wyrm’s Aura (Lunar Flare):
This technique generates a tremendous amount of light that can temporarily blind any nearby creatures.
The light is extremely bright and causes intense pain to any targets within the area of effect. Any person
that looks at the flare with open eyes will suffer 1D10 points of damage directly to their hit points (or
mega-damage to M.D.C. creatures) [x 4 damage to those damaged by sunlight] and will be blinded for
2D4 minutes. Also, those affected will see light spots for the next 1D4 hours. Targets that can regenerate
suffer only half as long as those who cannot regenerate. Targets affected suffer all standard penalties for
being blinded, but suffer double the penalties for the first 1D4 melee rounds because of the intense pain
generated by the light. The martial artist that created the light is immune to its effect, but can still be
affected by Lunar Flares created by others.
Duration: 1D4 melees per level of experience. 5 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P.
Lunar Strike: 1d10*10 +P.S. +punch cold damage; Cost is: 5 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P.
Wyrm Strike: 1d10*100 +P.S. +Fire damage Cost is: 50 Chi/P.P.P./I.S.P.
Hiryu-Shoten-Ha (Flying Dragon Ascension Wave)
The character who knows this ability must maintain an ice cold demeanor in battle (they must be calm,
rational, their Chi as ice no matter the provocation). They move around their opponent in a spiral pattern,
using Chi to manipulate the air around them in specific patterns. This takes an entire melee round, which
the character cannot attack, anyone and is -5 to parry. This is useless, however, unless their opponent is in
a battle rage (they are excited, angry, their Chi is as fire flowing out of them). The final action of the
move is a twisting uppercut thrown by the character using the Hiryu-Shoten-Ha with a release of Chi once
the center of the spiral is reached. The clash of temperatures, with the Chi boost, creates a small tornado,
“the Heaven-Blast of the Dragon” or “Flying Dragon Ascension Wave,” that hurls the character’s
opponent away in a mighty blow (3D6xl0 S.D.C./M.D.C.), landing 3D4xl00 feet away. It takes 10 points
of Positive Chi to use this ability. This also has an animalistic form, with a serpentine eastern dragon
forming the tornado.
(Note: It is important to remember that despite the Chi manipulation used in this technique, the Hiryu-
Shoten-Ha is not magical in any sense of the word. It is simply a Chi-assisted natural phenomenon: the
induction of cold air into a hot medium, thus creating a vacuum that turns the surrounding air into a
spiral whirlwind--the exact same phenomenon that creates tornadoes in nature.)

Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Japanese: Gikan Ryu dialect.

Philosophical Training: Taoism, Buddhism, Shinto, Ninpo
Cultural: Calligraphy, Geomancy, Chinese Mythology, Japanese Mythology, Dance: Chinese Court
Physical: Acrobatics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, Swimming, Tumbling.
Survival: Forest-wise, Wilderness Survival.
Temple: Meditation.
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Bo (Staff), W.P. Jitte (Forked), W.P. Katana (Large Sword), W.P. Kodachi
(Short Sword), W.P. Sai (Forked), W.P. Ninja-to (Short Sword), W.P. Shuriken (Thrown), W.P. Tanto
(Knife), and W.P. Yari (Spear). (All W.P.s are Paired and Weapon Mastery and Swordsmanship where
applicable and interchangeable paired.
Philosophical Training: Taoism (Yin of the Yin-Yang),
Ninpo: This is an eclectic combination between a code of honor and a spiritual path of seeking
The ninja code of honor stresses four areas, motivation towards the mission, loyalty to the clan and ryu,
improvisation through awareness, and disguising one's true nature. Motivation to the mission is stressed
by accepting missions only from the ninja's chunin, considering the enemies of the employer as one's own
enemies, never refusing or questioning a mission, failure not being an option in the mission, putting the
mission before oneself, killing in a mission when necessary and avoiding killing when not necessary,
escaping when captured, killing one's self when escape is impossible, resisting when suicide is
impossible, and taking the life of a comrade rather than allowing them to be captured. Loyalty to the clan
and ryu is achieved by never betraying the clan, putting the clan before oneself, not striking another
member of the ryu, aiding a genin of the ryu, and not ever leaving the ryu, even to the point of killing
ninja who do leave the ryu. Improvising through awareness is achieved by always observing other people
and knowing one's surroundings with the thought that one is always being observed and being mentally
and physically alert enough to make use of anything at hand. Disguising one's true nature is accomplished
through maintaining disguises, never revealing one's true self, speaking in circumlocutions and
obfuscation while in public, using code words and metaphors which jeopardize neither one's self or the
mission. Due to the unique requirements of the ninja code of honor, the character does not have to have
an alignment with a discipline of honor.
A ninja's path toward spiritual enlightenment stems from the mixing of Ekkyo (I-Ching divination),
Gogyo Sestsu (five elements of Taoism), In-yo (yin-yang) duality of Taoism (in-yo do, where the yin
philosophy of yin-yang is stressed, but balanced with inner yang), Kyojutsu Tenkan Ho (the ability to
'interchange falsehood and actuality'), Mikkyo Buddhism, moral strength, naturism (studying and
understanding the workings of nature), Onmyodo (divination and astrology), perseverance when facing
overwhelming numbers, Seishin (purity of heart, taught to embody a sense of completeness), Shugendo
(the mixing of Mikkyo Buddhism with Taoism and Shintoism), and sincerity. The ultimate goal of this
spiritual path is to strive for peace, harmony and enlightenment in all things.

If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time:
Gyokushin Ryu (7 Years), Koto Ryu (5 Years), Kukishinden Ryu (8 Years), Kumogakure Ryu (6 Years),
Shinden Fudo Ryu (7 Years), Takagi Yoshin Ryu (5 Years), Togakure Ryu (7 Years, Asayama Ichiden
Ryu (3 Years), Enmei Ryu (3 Years), Fudo Ryu (4 Years), Fukushima Ryu (4 Years), Ganritsu Ryu (2
Years), Gyokko Ryu (6 Years), Gyokushin Ryu (7 Years), Hakko Denshin Ryu (4 Years), Kashima Shin
Ryu (3 Years), Koto Ryu (5 Years), Kukishinden Ryu (8 Years), Kumogakure Ryu (6 Years), Shinden
Fudo Ryu (7 Years), Takagi Yoshin Ryu (5 Years), Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-Ryu (4 Years),
Togakure Ryu (7 Years)).

Level Advancement Bonuses:

1st: +4 to Automatic Dodge, +1 to Throws, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +1 to Thrown Weapons,+5 to roll
with punch/fall/impact, +6 to strike, and critical strike from behind.
l. Viper Stance: Muscles taut, legs ready to spring in any direction, and with one arm up and the other
down, ready to take advantage of any weakness. Special Confers a pit viper’s ability to see in the infrared
spectrum of light and thermal imaging, so the Stance can be used blindfolded, in total darkness, or against
otherwise invisible opponents, since the "heat signature" of every nearby being is easy to sense. Range of
Thermal Vision: 60 feet. Mega-Damage: Fang Fingers: inflict P.S. +3D6 M.D. to Mega Damage
opponents and structures or P.S. +5D6 S.D.C./Hit Points to S.D.C. targets. M.D.C.: P.E. x10 + 10 M.D.C.
per level. Combat Bonuses: +Six attacks per melee round total, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to damage, +4
to roll with punch/fall/impact while in this Stance. Pull punch is not available.
2. Rat Snake Stance: Leaning backwards, with the legs apart and knees bent, one hand above the head
twitching toward the opponent, the other hand at waist level and back. Mega Damage: Knuckle Punch
does P.S. +2D6+l0 M.D.C. to Mega Damage foes and structures or P.S. +3D6 damage to S.D.C./Hit Point
targets. M.D.C.: Character’s P.E. x10 +20 M.D.C. per level Combat Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round
to the character’s usual number, +4 to strike, +3 to party, and +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact when in
this Stance.
3. Art of Melting: Like a snake, the character learns to swiftly and silently melt away into his
environment. This is especially important when moving in or out of the water, when even the slightest
splash can draw unwanted attention. Also used for traveling over or slipping into/under sand, gravel, dry
leaves, etc., without making a sound (equal to a Prowl skill of 60% +3% per level of experience). If out of
sight or concealed by darkness, she/he is not likely to be discovered until the character attacks or makes a
sudden motion. If visibility is compromised, or if some detection device or ability raises an alert or
locates the character’s position, the base chance for successful escape is 70% plus 2% per level of
experience. Note that the character must have the Swimming Skill in order to use this ability while
in deep water.
2nd: +4 to Automatic Dodge, +1 to Damage, +2 to Throw, +1 to Strike, +1 to Roll with
Punch/Fall/Impact. +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +1 to initiative
3rd: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Leap (add four feet of distance), +1 to Throws, Select 2 additional
Atemi, Arts of Invisibility Ability and Chi Mastery Ability (including advanced).
4th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Thrown Weapons, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power, Double
existing Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P., critical strike on natural 19 or 20.
5th: +2 to Strike Death Strike on a Natural 20 Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power. Select one
additional Zenjorike Power, +2 to strike, Knockout from behind, double the character’s Permanent
Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P. Base. Chilling Touch: The Vapor. The character may attack with claws doing P.S.
+5D6 M.D. per strike or with his Chilling Touch. The Touch counts as four of the characters melee
attacks but is devastating. First, it does P.S. +3D6 damage direct to Hit Points (P.S. +4D6 M.D. to Mega-
Damage creatures). Second, it causes its victim’s skin to turn gray and shrivel. Third, the victim feels cold
to the bone, and loses initiative and half his attacks per round for the next two melees.
6th: +1 to Leap (add four feet of distance), +1 to Strike, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact,
+1 attack per melee, +1 parry/dodge, Gain Dim Mak Attack, death blow on roll of natural 20.
Spitting Python Stance: Low and coiled body, with legs bent down, one arm brushing the ground, and
the other held at face level. Hands coiled inwards, with thumbs and forefingers touching. Special:
Includes Death Blow if a Natural Twenty is rolled for either type of Python Jab. Mega Damage: Python
Jab Long Distance, a bolt of psychic energy that is launched with a quick hand gesture as if the opponent
were standing directly in front of him, but can hit targets as far away as 100 feet (30.5 m). P.S. +4D6
M.D. to Mega-Damage foes and targets, or P.S. +3D6 S.D.C./Hit Point damage to S.D.C. targets. Python
Jab Hand to Hand must make physical contact but inflicts SD6 M.D. to Mega-Damage targets, or 4D6
damage to S.D.C./Hit Point targets. M.D.C.: The character’s P.E. x10 +30 per level. Combat Bonuses: +1
attack per melee round can be used for the long-distance strike, but all others will be used for hand to
hand close combat. Bonuses: +6 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to damage, and +3 to roll with impact when
using this Stance, but pull punch is not available.
7th: +2 to Damage, +3 to Throws, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, +1 to Automatic Dodge, Select 2 additional
Atemi, Arts of Invisibility Ability and Chi Mastery Ability (including advanced).
8th: +2 Attack per Melee, +1 to Thrown Weapons,+1 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +1 to parry, +1
to dodge, +1 to Automatic Dodge, +1 to initiative, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power.
9th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Parry. +1 to Dodge.+1 to Automatic Dodge, +1 to Leap (add four feet of
distance),Double existing Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P., critical strike on natural 18 or better. Death Strike on a
Natural 19 or 20,
10th: +1 attack per melee round, +2 to Strike,+1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Select One (2)
Additional Martial Art Power, Death Strike on a Natural 18.
11th: +1 to Throws, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge,+1 to Automatic Dodge, +1 to Roll with
Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Leap (add four feet of distance).Select one additional Zenjorike Power.
Cobra Stance: Very relaxed Stance that doesn’t seem at all snake-like. Legs are loose, the arms curled
slightly inward at the waist. Hands are open with thumbs tucked tightly into the palm. Special Paralysis
Attack: Every strike is an attempt to hit one of the body’s nerve centers in the neck, back or solar plexus
(or, if against a machine, robot or power armor, some vital joint that will seize up the machinery or
knockout a weapon system). The victim can attempt to roll with punch/fall/ impact and, if successful,
reduce the effect to damage without paralysis — P.S. +2D8 MDC, or P.S. +1D8 damage direct to Hit
Points. if the victim fails to avoid or roll with the strike, there is no damage, but the victim’s body, or part
of his body (i.e., a specifically targeted limb/arm/leg) will be paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds. M.D.C.:
The character’s P.E. +20 M.D.C. Combat Bonuses: +4 attacks per melee round total, +5 to strike, +3 to
parry, +3 to roll with impact when using this stance.
12th: +2 attack per melee, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to Automatic Dodge, +1 to strike. +1 attack, +1
roll w/ punch/fall/impact, +1 to Leap (add four feet of distance), +2 to Damage, Select One (1) Additional
Martial Art Power.
13th: +1 to Thrown Weapons, +1 to Strike, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge,
+2 to Automatic Dodge, Select 2 additional Martial Arts Powers. Death Blow (Can be used whenever
desired (i.e. No Natural Number required), however, character must announce intentions to use the Attack
per Melee, costs two melee attacks).
14th: Double existing Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P., +1 parry, +1 to dodge, +1 to Automatic Dodge, +2 to
Throw, .Death blow on a natural 17, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power
15th: +1 to roll with Attack/ punch/fall/impact and +4 to Strike, +4 to Damage. Add 2D4xl0+24 to the
character’s Permanent Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P. Base, +1 to Leap (add four feet of distance), Death Blow (Can be
used whenever desired (i.e. No Natural Number required), however, character must announce intentions
to use the Attack per Melee, costs two melee attacks).

Level of Ability: Roll on the following table to determine Genjustu abilities:
10-24 Major Ability: The character is limited to Genjustu abilities levels one through six, but I.S.P.,
duration, range, and other considerations continue to increase as the Gikan Ryu practitioner progresses in
experience beyond sixth level. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E. number as the base, plus
rolling 2D4x10 and adding it to the base number. The character also gets an additional 10 I.S.P. points for
each level of experience, starting at level one.
25-40 Master Ability: All levels of genjutsu powers are available to the master Gikan Ryu Genjutsu
practitioner as he increases in experience. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E. number as
the base, plus a roll of 3D6x10 added to the base number. The character gets 12 additional I.S.P. points
for each level of experience.
41-00 No Ability: The character gets none of the genjutsu powers.
Genjustu Level Advancement Bonuses:
1st: Automatically receives the psionic abilities of Telepathy, Empathy, and Mind Block, gains the
Illusionist ability of Simple Sound (Old Ones, page 20), +2 to save vs. illusions, +1 to save vs. Mind
Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor.
2nd: Gains the Illusionist ability of Advanced Sound (Old Ones, page 20).
3rd: Gains the Illusionist ability of Visual Images (Old Ones, page 21).
4th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Sound & Image (Old Ones, page 21), +2 to save vs. illusions, +1 to
save vs. Mind Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs.
5th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Smells & Odors (Old Ones, page 21) and the ability of Senbonken
(Thousand Swords: This illusion creates the image in the target or targets that he (or they) are surrounded
by a number or duplicates (of the character using the ability) equal to the one half of the character's M.E.,
rounded down.).
6th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Image, Sound & Order Combo (Old Ones, page 21).
7th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Taste, Image, Sound & Order (Old Ones, page 21).
8th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Mass Hypnotic Illusion (Old Ones, page 21), +2 to save vs. illusions,
+1 to save vs. Mind Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs.
9th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Touch (Old Ones, page 22).
10th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Multiple Images with Sound (Old Ones, page 22) and the ability of
Nimanzakura (Twenty Thousand Cherry Blossoms: This illusion creates the image of a swirling mass of
small objects (cherry blossoms, snowflakes, tree leaves, etc.) surrounding the target and making it
impossible to see very far. Victims who fail their saving throw are -6 to all combat rolls.).
11th: Gains the Illusionist ability of All Five Elements (Old Ones, page 22).
12th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Multiple Images with Sound and Order (Old Ones, page 22), +2 to
save vs. illusions, +1 to save vs. Mind Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs.
13th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Multiple Illusions with All Five Elements (Old Ones, page 22).
14th: Gains the Illusionist ability of The Panorama (Old Ones, page 22).
15th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Magnified Illusion (Old Ones, page 22) and the ability of Akuma Fu
(Devil Form: This is an illusion of the character seeming to grow in ferocity and size, taking on the form
of a great devil, completely detailed. The devil illusion has a Horror Factor of 15.).

Why Study Black Wyrm?

Masters of illusion, combining deadly nerve attacks with weapons, this style also contains decent armed
and unarmed capability. With two Zenjorike powers, Black Wyrm is by far the greatest mystic form in the
martial arts. Deadly negative Chi attacks more than offsets the relatively weak physical moves. This style
is also favored by kunoichi (female ninja).

Special Martial Abilities:

Standard Equipment Carried:

(1) Backpack,
(1) Backpack [Holds: A hatchet for cutting wood, (1) Tent, (1) Rolled up Bedroll, (1) Gas mask/w (10)
air filters, (1) Tinted high-impact polarized goggles, (1) Tinted high-impact polarized sunglasses, (2)
RMK, (2) IRMSS kits, (2) Canteens (single gallon), Freeze-dried combat rations (1D4+4 week supply),
(1) Set of hand and foot spikes (+40% climb skill) +1d6 damage combat>, And some personal items].
(1) Utility belt/w 40pouches,
(1) Battle harness/w 40 pouches,
(4) Sets of clothes,
(2) Sets each of brown and black and grey monks robes,
(1) Box of 300 <1> meal food pellets,


Attack Gauntlets/Blaster:
Made of Dragon Skin leather with an internal reinforcement of a light alloy metal, they cause +1d4 points
of damage, plus +10% of Knock Out. Plus a character's Strength bonus, if any.
Also the gauntlet can be powered up to add extra damage to hand to hand attacks.
A series of emitters around the glove generate a magnetic field around the fist that contains a low level
particle charge. This particle charge can be released in one of two ways. The first is upon impact with a
solid target. The second is when the user releases the magnetic charge at which point the particle charge
explodes outward and hits it target at range.
These energy attacks can be fired from the Gauntlet:
Fire bolt :( 5) 1d10 x10 + 1d10 x10/lv 1000ft + 5strike 80% ignite fires and combustibles
Spark ball (5) 1d10 x10 + 1d10 x10/lv 1000ft + 5strike 80% fry electronics including hardened
Ice blast:(5) 1d10 x10 + 1d10 x10/lv 1000ft + 5strike
Mana bolt:(5) 1d10 x10 + 1d10 x10/lv 1000ft + 5strike
Chi bolt: :(5) 1d10 x10 + 1d10 x10/lv 1000ft + 5strike
Earth quake (30) 1d10 x10 + 1d10 x10/lv 1-200ftr 1000ft +5strike
Shockwave:(30) 1d10 x10 + 1d10/lv + knockdown and knockback 1ft/damage point 1-50foot radius no
Also any powers focused thru the gauntlet can be doubled.
M.D.C.: Indestructible
Range: touch or 2000' (610 m) underwater, 4000' (1220 m) through atmosphere, and 32,000' (9760 m) in
Damage: +5D6 to punch or 2D 4 x 10 per blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand-to-hand attacks (usually 4 to 6).
Payload: Conditionally unlimited, can fire 40 blasts each type of energy before the blaster is exhausted,
but it recharges at a rate of 1 blast per melee round or can be fully repowered by characters with energy
expulsion powers
Turns into a tattoo on right wrist when not needed
(2) White spider silk cloth wristband with 100 needles pinned around it 1S.D.C. damage (500Chi),
(2) Silver Survival knife: Damage: 1D6+P.S.
(2) Iron Survival knife: Damage: 1D6+P.S.
(2) High-quality ancient weapons of choice,
(2) Daggers. 1D6+P.S.
(200) smoke & flash 20ftr pellets,
(10 each) Iron/Steel/Wood/Silver Throwing Stars 1d6,
(10 each) Iron/Steel/Wood/Silver Throwing Stars 1d6*10 +5 to strike,
Dragon King Sword (greatest) (Katana)
Gives access to All Clans Combined:
Chi Storage: 500
Average length: 3 feet (0.9 m).
Average weight: 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg).
Typical Damage: 5D6(+2per level of mastery) [+12] +P.S. Bonus.
Dragon Swords:
Dragon Swords are artifacts created by capturing the spirits of dead dragons and locking them within the
confines of powerful runes on swords specially crafted by alchemists to contain entities. Each dragon
sword is unique because each differs depending on what kind of dragon was captured by the blade.
Dragon swords take half of the experience you earn, and gets stronger as you slowly master its abilities.
One who has fully mastered a dragon sword will have the power to turn into the type of dragon that the
spirit inside the sword is.
* A fully mastered dragon sword will no longer drain half of all your experience.
Also the Dragon form gained from a mastered sword is now accessible without need for the sword and at
no cost permanently. (Meaning even if the sword is passed on to another the previous master of a Dragon
Sword is now permanently able to use the Dragon form at will.)
* The level of the dragon sword is your level of mastery over the blade, so if you mastered the dragon
sword and someone else acquired the blade, they would have to master the sword from scratch.
* All dragon swords are indestructible and have all basic rune powers.
* There are 6 known types of dragon swords.
* Dragon Swords do between 2D6 to 5D6 damage, plus 2 damage per level of mastery over the blade.

Ancient King Dragon:

Attacks per melee: +6
Natural A.R.: 16
H.P.: +600
S.D.C.: +2000
P.S.: +30
P.P.: +30
P.E.: +30
Sped: +220
Damage: +20
Strike: +10
Parry: +10
Dodge: +10
Size: 96 feet high, 96 feet long, and 100 tons
Abilities: Flight, immune to Magic, Psionics, & Elemental abilities possessed, Ancient Breath (essence):
6D20x20 +20 per level of experience. Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per
level of experience]. (heals creatures or beings of nature, does x2 damage to creatures of magical or
supernatural origin.), Ancient Breath (unholy): 6D20x20 +20 per level of experience. Range: 1 - 200 feet
per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience]. (Double damage vs good creatures or
beings, and heals evil creatures or beings), Ancient Breath (earth): 6D20x20 +20 per level of experience.
Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience]. (double damage to
wind based beings or creatures, heals earth based creatures or beings), Ancient Breath (fire): 6D20x20
+20 per level of experience. Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of
experience]. (Double damage to water or ice based creatures or beings, heals fire based creatures or
beings), Ancient Breath (wind): 6D20x20 +20 per level of experience. Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of
experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience]. (Double damage to earth based beings or creatures,
heals wind based creatures or beings), Ancient Breath (water/ice): 6D20x20 +20 per level of experience.
Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of experience]. (doubledamage to
fire based creatures or beings, heals water based creatures or beings), Ancient Breath (holy): 6D20x20
+20 per level of experience. Range: 1 - 200 feet per level of experience, 1 - 20 feet area per level of
experience]. (Double damage vs evil creatures or beings, and heals good creatures or beings.)
King dragons gain the psionic powers of: Aero-kinesis, Cryo-kinesis, Flora-kinesis, Gyro-kinesis, Geo-
kinesis, Hydro-kinesis, Oxy-kinesis, Photo-kinesis, Plia-kinesis, Pyrokinesis, Sonic-kinesis (Audio &
Echo) all at ¼ I.S.P. cost;
This ability enables the character to use psychic energy to sense and influence air and wind.
1 Analyze Air: The psychic can sense whether or not the air is polluted/contains or other substances. The
exact nature of the additive or pollutant may be unknown, but he will know if that is not completely
natural. When analyzing air, first roll to determine 1) Pure or Breathable 70% +5% per level. 2) Second,
roll for general nature of the pollutant; this identifies whether it is non-lethal (not deadly, but will cause a
reaction if breathed), or poisonous (deadly or harmful if breathed). Success ratio in identifying the general
nature of the pollutant is 35% +5% per level. Range: 10 feet (3 m), may analyze air that is contained or on
the other side of a rift, Duration: One minute (4 melees) I.S.P. Cost: 2 per minute.
2 Wind Rush: You can create a short, powerful wind gusting to high speeds, and can direct it at a specific
target or area. The wind is so powerful that it will stagger or knock people down, blow away all objects in
its path weighing less than 30 pounds, and break ordinary window glass. Directed at one specific target,
the wind is a hard hitting, focused blast that has a 70% likelihood of knocking down a person/items
weighing up to 300 pounds. If a wide (20 foot or 6.1 m) gust of wind, the likelihood of being knocked
down is marginally less; 60%. Everyone caught in the wind is staggered (if not sent sprawling), speed is
reduced to 25% normal speed, one attack per melee is lost, and all attempts to attack are -6 to strike. Items
weighing 30 pounds or less will be sent flying 3D6x10 feet away. Vehicles or characters weighing over
300 pounds have no fear of being knocked over, but speed and strike are still reduced because of the force
of the wind. Both attacks count as two actions and are at +3 to strike Range: 300 feet (91.4 m), Duration:
One melee, I.S.P. Cost: 15.
3 Whirlwind: You can summon winds to create a rotating windstorm of limited intensity. Moving in an
inward and upward spiral motion, the winds will suck, hurl, and dash to the ground anyone or anything
within a 20 foot radius. Anyone caught in the wind can not attack or speak for one melee. They will be
snatched up and hurled approximately 20 feet (6.1 m), taking 4D6 S.D.C. damage. The wind will affect
anything weighing less than 700 pounds Range: 20 feet (6.1 m), Duration: 8 melees, I.S.P. Cost: 10.
4 Change Wind Direction and Speed: You can change the direction and speed of the wind in a small area
by manipulating air currents. Range: 320 foot (97.5 m) radius, Duration: 4 minutes per level, I.S.P. Cost:
5 Control Weather: You change the weather in the local area. It takes 10 minutes to activate the power
and an additional 10 minutes for the changes to take affect. The current, natural weather conditions are
determined by the GM. You can call forth weather appropriate to the climate and season of the area you
are in. Some conditions at certain times should never be allowed, like snow during summer or a heat
wave in the winter. However, one could create a winter thaw or a cold spell during summer. Range: 10
miles (16 km), Duration: 4D12 hours, I.S.P. Cost: 40
(x5 range and x2 duration, half ISP cost).

Effect: This Psionic power Gives the Psionic the power allows you to mentally control and create the cold
and ice from thin air (from water or water vapor).
Range: See below
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: See below
I.S.P. Cost: See below
1: Reduce Temperature: The psychic can reduce the temperature of an area or object by 10 degrees per
level each melee. Range: 10 foot (3 m) radius per level, Duration: Instant, but temperature may increase
or decrease naturally, I.S.P.: 5.
2: Temperature Dip: Same as the Thermo-kinetic ability, only it has half the I.S.P. cost.
3: Freeze Water: Range/Area of Effect: 100 feet +20 feet per level. Takes 1 minute I.S.P. Cost: 2 I.S.P.
per 10 Gallons.
4: Generate Ice and Snow: Same as the Freezer Ability, only with twice the I.S.P. cost.
5: Frost Jet: 20 feet. 6 I.S.P. for 3D6, though furred creatures or those with Summon Inner
Strength active takes half damage. An Ice blast costs 8 I.S.P. and ignores this limitation.
Snowballs cost 1 I.S.P.
6: Drop Temperature: cools the air, -5 degrees Fahrenheit per 4 I.S.P. lasts 5 minutes per level, over a 20
foot area.
7: Ice Sheet: May coat an object or area with ice. 200 feet radius +20 feet per level up to thirty feet away
per level. I.S.P. Cost: 4 mildly distracting to people, but very hard to run on (-15% to Balance).
8: Immune to Cold: 5 I.S.P. lasts 20 minutes +10 minutes per level
9: Chill Touch: for 6 I.S.P. the psychic can cause a frostbite touch. Damage: 1D6 and the target must roll
their P.E. or lower on a 1D20 or loses 1D4 H.P., and is -1 to strike, parry and dodge for one minute. By
expending 12 I.S.P. this attack may be done at up to 10 feet away. Effects are cumulative.
10: Soul Freeze: Fist: Effect: The Cryo-kinetic learns to channel his psionics into a powerful A punch,
jab or open hand strike that inflicts an additional +1D4x10 M.D.C. + can cause a frostbite touch. Damage:
1D6 and the target must roll their P.E. or lower on a 1D20 or loses 1D4 H.P., and is -1 to strike, parry and
dodge for one minute. By expending 12 I.S.P. this attack may be done at up to 10 feet away. Effects are
cumulative. (in addition to normal hand to hand damage) to anything or anyone struck and, incidentally,
other Psi-fighters This attack costs I.S.P. and counts as two melee attacks/actions and can be combined
with a power punch.
I.S.P. Cost: 5 per strike.
11: Soul Freeze: Kick: Effect: The Cryo-kinetic learns to channel his psionics into a powerful kick that
does +1D6x10 M.D.C. + can cause a frostbite touch. Damage: 1D6 and the target must roll their P.E. or
lower on a 1D20 or loses 1D4 H.P., and is -1 to strike, parry and dodge for one minute. By expending 12
I.S.P. this attack may be done at up to 10 feet away. Effects are cumulative. (in addition to normal hand to
hand damage) to anything or anyone struck and, incidentally, other Psi-Fighters. The attack counts as two
melee attacks/actions and can be combined with a power punch kick. I.S.P. Cost: 8 per attack
12: Ice Dagger: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Dagger; of creator’s choice, made out of Ice per
hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can never be loaned
to another person, these daggers can also be thrown.
Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage: 1d6*10 +1d6*10/lv can be linked to a regular dagger and can be
thrown. Range: 1000ft. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:5
13: Ice Stars: Effect: This power psionically creates 3 throwing stars made out of Ice per hand the
character has that can be thrown 1000ft +4 to strike with them. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage:
1d4*10 +1d4*10/level can be linked to a regular star. Range: 1000ft. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to
initiative. I.S.P. Cost:10
14: Ice weapon: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Weapon; of creator’s choice, made out of c per
hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can never be loaned
to another person. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage: 1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv +5p/s/int can be linked
to a regular weapon. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:20
15: Ice sword: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Sword; of creator’s choice, made out of Ice per
hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can never be loaned
to another person. Duration:5min +5min/leve l. Damage: 1d8*10 +1d8*10/lv +5p/s/int can be linked to a
regular sword. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:15
16: Ice bird: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions bird
and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw then
run to a safe distance till summoned again, the Bird will be covered in a blue glow while it has been
enhanced. Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level. Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level. Bonus: +5
to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
17: Ice Animal: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions
animal and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1
claw then run to a safe distance till summoned again, the animal will be covered in a blue glow while it
has been enhanced. Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*10 + 1d8*10/level. Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level.
Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
18: Ice dog: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions dog
and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw then
run to a safe distance till summoned again, the dog will be covered in a blue glow while it has been
enhanced. Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level. Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level. Bonus: +5
to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiatives. I.S.P. Cost: 4
19: Ice blast: Damage: 1d10*10/lv or freeze opponent into a 20ft block of ice no actions capable of being
performed until released for 20actions +1d10/actions. I.S.P. Cost: 150

This power is a derivative of Geo-kinesis, and allows you to control plants. Seeds are something that may
be needed to use some of the abilities. This power is quite common in South America and any other
heavily forested areas; Will not work on magical or M.D.C. plants, such as a Millennium Tree. 10% of all
Psi-Druids and 5% of all Biomancers with psionics have this power.
1: Animate Plants: All plants within 10 feet (3 m) per level start to move on their own. This can be used
to create a variety of effects, such as vines wrapping around something, trees uprooting themselves and
moving about, and other such things. Same as the spell, Animate Plants. Duration: 1 melee per level,
I.S.P. Cost: 20.
2: Wooden Armor: You take one tree seed, and make it grow around you into a type of armor. It is
completely flexible, form-fitting, and is considered light armor (-5% to prowl). Soft wood has 10 M.D.C.
per level of experience. Hard wood has 20 M.D.C. per level of experience. Beans of Life have 20x the
M.D.C. value of hardwood and any harmed by the sun/positive Chi touching the armor take damage as if
being hit with direct sunlight. When the duration elapses, the armor turns back into a seed. Duration: 1
melee per level, I.S.P. Cost: 10.
3: Vine Whip: You take a vine seed, and make it grow into a supernaturally strong whip The whip deals
1d4 mega damage, +1 per level. Double the damage if the vine has thorns, like a Rose or Blackberry
(bramble). When the duration elapses, the whip turns back into a seed. Duration: 1 minute per level, I.S.P.
Cost: 5.
4: Grow and Shape Plants: You can control the growth and shape of all plants within 10 feet (3 m) per
level. The plants can grow into any sort of design you can imagine. They can also encase foes or wrap
around them. One could also turn a tree into a house. Functions the same as the Biomancer spells,
Accelerate Plant Growth, Shape Plants, and/or Shrink Plants. Duration: 1 melee per level, but effects are
permanent I.S.P. Cost: 25.

Range: See below
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: See below
I.S.P. Cost: See below
This ability enables the character to use psychic energy to sense and influence rocks and soil and can
utilize the earth for a power source:
Double range, duration, M.D.C., and damage if used by a Dwarf.
1: Analyze Stone and Soil: The psychic can sense whether or not the ground is polluted and what kinds of
minerals it contains, as well as how fertile the soil is. When analyzing earth, first roll to determine:
(1a.) Supportive of Plant Life: Base Skill: 70%+5% per each additional level of experience. This tells
how fertile the soil is, how well it is aerated and the drainage rate of water.
(2) Mineral Resources: Base Skill: 60%+4% per each additional level of experience. This tells if the soil
or stone contains certain minerals, like gold and silver, or gems. Dwarves get a +10% bonus to all sensory
Range: Self/20 feet (6.1 m)
Duration: One minute
I.S.P. Cost: 2 per minute.
2: Wall of Earth: The Psychic can create a wall that’s 18 feet long, 12 feet high, and 3 feet thick (5.5 x 3.7
x 0.9 m). Those measurements increase by the amount mentioned each level (so at level two, the
measurements would be 36 by 24 by 6 feet). The measurements can be adjusted to anywhere in between.
A dirt wall has an S.D.C. of 200, a stone wall has an S.D.C. of 400. All attacks strike the wall and do full
damage to its S.D.C. Range: 100 feet (30.4 m), Duration: Instant I.S.P. Cost: 6.
3: Tower of Earth: The Psychic can call forth a great mound of stone that will shoot up out of the ground,
carrying anything and anyone on it skyward. The tower's height is 12 feet per level, and the width of the
top is 6 feet per level (1.8m / 3.7m). Victims pushed skyward are temporarily knocked off balance, losing
two attacks, and are -5 to strike, parry, and dodge for the first melee. After that the victim can attack as
normal. If the victim falls he will take 1D4 damage to his/her S.D.C. per 12 foot section of height.
Intended targets can dodge, but are -10 to the attempt because of the surprise of the attack. Range: 100
feet (30.4 m), Duration: Instant, I.S.P. Cost: 25.
4: Rend Earth: The psychic can split the earth like a mini-earthquake, creating a fissure that is 15 feet
wide, 20 feet deep, and 40 feet long (4.7 x 6.1 x 12.2 m), all per level. These measurements can be
adjusted to anywhere in between. Falling into the chasm deals 2D6 damage to S.D.C. per 20 feet of depth
Climbing down takes 2 melees per 20 feet, and climbing up takes 1 minute per 20 feet. Note that the
psychic can manifest this power again to close the fissure. Structural damage and a large crack in the
ground will be all that remains. Range: 140 feet +40 feet per level, Duration: Instant, I.S.P. Cost: 15.
5: Shape Earth: The psychic can weaken the bonds between rocks, allowing them to be mentally molded
into any shape. You can create tunnels, caves, or buildings, sculptures. In the case of sculptures, a
Sculpting check is needed, with a +20% bonus. Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level, Duration: Instant, I.S.P.
Cost: 25.
6: Encase: The psychic can encase an opponent in stone. The opponent cannot be bigger than 3 cubic feet
per level. Of course, you could partially encase a foe, namely their legs. A successful dodge roll will
allow the target to avoid this attack, but they are at a -3 penalty. This will not work on airborne targets.
Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level, Duration: Instant, I.S.P. Cost:5.
7: Tunneling: the psychic may dig and tunnel at a speed of 6 through earth for 4 I.S.P. this rate
doubles for every 5 extra I.S.P. expended. Movement through rocky ground is halved, and
tunneling through rock is impossible.
8: Survey: For 6 I.S.P. and one minute of concentration, the psychic can feel for 1 mile per level
the content of the earth below them per level over an 8 foot radius per level.
9:l Shape Stone: for 10 I.S.P., the psychic gains the ability to shape stone with their hands. The psychic
has an Art/Sculpt skill Base Skill: 30%+5% per level (+20% to the Geo-kinetic) for 5 minutes per
10: Stone Throw: The psychic can expend 5 I.S.P. to hurl a lump of earth with +3 to strike,
causing 3D6 damage.
11: Stone Telekinesis: as regular Telekinesis & Super Telekinesis, but can only lift and manipulate stone
and earth.
12: Earth Rumble: The psychic can shake the local earth for 8 I.S.P. This shaking lasts 1 round
per level where everyone else (including allies) is -2 to strike, parry and dodge. The local earth
is a radius of about 30 feet, with a center up to 50 feet away.
13: Ground-burst: Causes the ground to erupt under a victim, throwing them sky-wards and doing
2D6 S.D.C. and costing the victim 1 action. -4 to dodge 10 I.S.P. or 15 I.S.P. to hurl the victim
twice as far (2D6 feet +2 feet per level) and double damage.
14: Sand Cloud: Causes debris to fly around an area, creating confusion, -3 to strike, parry and
dodge, and loss of 2 attacks. 10 I.S.P. covers a 10 foot radius per level. Can be used on a
person, which causes it to move with the target. Target gets a save at -3.
15: Magnetic shockwave:
Effect: This psionic power sends out a 5 hit shockwave in a 5 foot wide straight line path hitting all in
path spiking those hit up into the air 5 times knocking them up 20 feet into the air for every hit, if the first
hit lands all other hits land AUTOMATICALLY I.S.P. Cost: 125 Range: 5ftpath 6000ft Damage:
1d6*30/hit +automatically knocking down & knocking back 1ft/damage point/hit Bonuses: +5 to Strike
16: Shockwave Kongou Kokuretsu Zan (金剛國裂斬, "Land-Rending Vajra Slash"):
Effect: This is a special combat technique where the Psionic sends out an Omni-directional wave of pure
energy in this case fire or plasma. I.S.P. Cost: 63. Damage: 1d6x90 + Automatic Knock down & Knock
back 900ft. Range: Point Blank. Area of affect: 1-100ft radius
(x5 range and x2 duration, half ISZP cost).

This ability enables the character to use psychic energy to mentally control gravity. It requires that you
have levitation.
1. Negate Gravity: Gravity is completely negated within the area of effect. Range: 100 feet (30.4 m) with
a radius of 10 feet per level (3 m), Duration: 1 minute per level, I.S.P. Cost: 10.
2. Antigravity: Gravity is reversed within the area of effect. Everything rises instead of falls. Has the same
range, duration, and I.S.P. cost as no. 1. Can be countered with Negate Gravity.
3. Heaviness: Gravity is greatly increased. Everything weighs twice as much, speed and PP are cut in
half. Has the same range, duration, and I.S.P. cost as no. 1. Can be countered with Negate Gravity.
4. Gravity Well: The psychic can cause a rapid spike in gravity levels within a 10 foot (2 m) radius,
dealing 1d6 mega-damage per level to all within that area. Body armor or vehicles provide no protection
(but force fields will). Combined with Antigravity, this will be an explosion of gravity, dealing the same
damage, but also throwing everything under 5000 pounds out of the well. Can be countered with negate
gravity. Range: 100 feet (30 m), Duration: Instant, I.S.P. Cost: 20.
5. Flight: This allows the psychic to fly at a speed equal to his own x3. This is essentially a psionic form
of anti-gravity propulsion. Range: Self, Duration: 10 minutes per level, I.S.P. Cost: 20 (x2 range,
duration, and damage, half ISP cost), and Astral Bolts.

Range: Varies.
Duration: Varies.
I.S.P.: Varies.
This ability enables the character to use psychic energy to sense and influence water.
1. Sense Chemical Impurities: The psychic can sense whether or not water is polluted or contains other
substances. The exact nature of the additive or pollutant may be unknown, but he will know that it is not
completely natural. When sensing water, first roll to determine: 1) Pure or Drinkable (nonhazardous/tap
water) 70% +5% per each additional level of experience. 2) Roll for general nature of the pollutant; this
identifies whether it is a chemical/drug (not deadly, but will cause a reaction if drunk) or poison/toxin
(deadly or harmful if swallowed). Success ratio in identifying the general nature of the pollutant is 35%
+5% per each additional level of experience. Range: Self/six inches (0.15 m). Duration: One minute (4
melees). I.S.P.: 2 per minute.
2. Boil Water. The psychic can increase the temperature of water, raising it to boiling level within one
minute (four melees). Up to one gallon (3.8 liters) can be affected. Once set a boiling, it will take the
usual amount of time to cool. This power cannot be made to boil the water or blood in a living creature.
Range: 8 feet (2.4 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experience. Duration: One minute (4 melees). I.S.P.: 3
per gallon of water.
3. Water Spout: An ability that enables the psychic to control and hurl water. The effect can be used to
make water bubble (but not heated), shoot straight up like a geyser or a water blast hurling across a room
like a short, powerful spray from a garden hose. Up to one gallon of water per level of experience can be
manipulated and hurled up to a distance of 20 feet (6 m). Note: The fluid must be 75% water to be
controlled, such as punch, hot coffee, chicken soup, tea, lemonade, etc. Forget about hurling ice (frozen
does not count), paint, gasoline, or cake batter.
Making water leap with a life of its own can be startling to others and can make a great distraction if
handled right. Hurling normal water or a cool drink into somebody's face/eyes will momentarily blind and
surprise the individual, causing him/her to lose initiative and one attack that melee. Hurling hot or boiling
water on the body (especially the crotch) will have the same results. Hurling boiling water in the face is
horribly painful, causing 2D4 damage, loss of initiative, loss of all at-
tacks for 1D6 melees and temporary blindness for 3D6 melees (-10 to strike, parry and dodge). Characters
of a good alignment will not hurl boiling water in the face unless under an absolutely life and death
Hurling Range: 20 feet (0.6 m). Duration: Instant. I.S.P.: 5. Bonus: +1 to strike. Making water bubble or
rise up like a fountain can be maintained for up to 30 seconds (2 melees). Note: The psychic can influence
up to one gallon (3.8 liters) of water per level of experience up to 20 feet (6 m) away, whether he can see
it or only feel its presence.
4. Sense Water. The character can sense the presence of any water exposed to the open air automatically
at no cost of I.S.P. Range: 20 feet (6 m). Duration: Permanent. I.S.P.: None. Note: Underground rivers,
airtight containers, etc. cannot be sensed.

Range: See below
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: See below
I.S.P. Cost: See below
The psionic control of air.
1 Create Fog: 30 feet x 30 feet x 6 feet high. (+2 feet per level) 4 I.S.P. lasts 6 minutes +2 per
2 Air Strike: Can blast air hard and fast at a target. Doing 2D4 S.D.C. damage out to 35 feet. +4
to strike. 4 I.S.P.
3 Float: as the physical power. Duration is doubled
4 Extract Air: The PC can extract air from water or Ice. this costs 3 I.S.P. per gallon. One person
usually requires four gallons per hour. For 2 I.S.P. it can renew an air supply from
contaminated (smoky etc) air, and for 8 I.S.P. can renew breathed air.
5 Air Bubble: can create a bubble of air. in air this costs 1 I.S.P. per minute and protects from
gasses and smoke. For 3 I.S.P. per minute, this air bubble can be put in water and moves at a
Spd. of the psychic's M.E.
6 Fingers of the Wind: the psychic for 2 I.S.P. have little wind hands perform a variety of small
tasks (P.S. 2) for 2 minutes per level.
7 Gusts: For 20 I.S.P. the psychic can cause gusts to blow over a 50 foot area. This lasts 4
minutes per level and affects all beings in the area (can be used to power ships briefly though).

Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
Saving Throw: None
I.S.P. Cost: Varies
Photo-kinesis is an ability that gives a psychic the power to manipulate light
1: Manipulate Light levels: The character can use this psychic ability to change the lighting in a 50 foot
radius, from pitch black to blinding levels. The light generated can be used to ward off vampires. Can also
be used to amplify light-based attacks, such as Lasers. Light may be increased or decreased by up to 25%
per level. Range: 50 foot (15.2 m) radius, Duration: 1 minute, I.S.P. Cost: 3 per minute.
2: Parry Lasers: The character can use this psychic ability to parry lasers and other light beams by
bending the light around him, or a 10 foot (3m) area, to deflect the beam. Roll just like a normal parry.
Range: 10 feet (3 m), Duration: Instantaneous, I.S.P. Cost: 2.
3: Glow: The character can imbue a nonliving, inanimate object with psionic energy that causes it to give
off light. This light can be either a dim glow or blindingly bright! Those who look upon the blinding light
are -8 to strike, dodge, and parry (same penalties if you raise light levels to blinding). Range: touch,
Duration: 3 minutes per level, I.S.P. Cost: 2.
4: Focus Light: The character can focus surrounding light into an intense ray, dealing 1d6 M.D. per level.
Range: 100 feet +10 feet per level, Duration: Instant, I.S.P. Cost: 8.
5: Photon Sword: This ability creates a sword of light energy. Its length is half your height (or length),
and deals 2d6 M.D., +1d6 per level. Range: Self, Duration: 5 minutes per level, I.S.P. Cost: 20.
6: Diffract Light: The character can separate white light into any of the seven colors of the rainbow, or
all. Duration: 1 melee, Range: 10 feet, I.S.P. Cost: 1 per melee.
7: Hologram: You can create several holograms, or completely alter the way light travels in the area,
making it look very different. You can even make yourself or others invisible. Note that you must
concentrate to maintain the illusion. Range: 10 foot (3 m) radius per level, Duration: As long as you
concentrate, I.S.P. Cost: 5 per melee.
8: Laser sword: Effect:This power psionically creates 1 Sword; of creator’s choice, made out of Light
equal to the power of the sun; per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a
characters hand, and can never be loaned to another person.
I.S.P. Cost:15 Duration:5min +5min/lv Damage: 1d8*10 +1d8*10/lv +5p/s/int can be linked to a regular
sword Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative
9: Laser weapon: Effect:This power psionically creates 1 Weapon; of creator’s choice, made out of Light
equal to the power of the sun; per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a
characters hand, and can never be loaned to another person. I.S.P. Cost:20 Duration:5min +5min/lv
Damage: 1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv +5p/s/int can be linked to a regular weapon Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to
parry, +5 to initiative.
10: Laser Dagger: This power psionically creates 1 Dagger; of creator’s choice, made out of Light equal
to the power of the sun; per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters
hand, and can never be loaned to another person, these daggers can also be thrown. I.S.P. Cost:5
Duration:5min +5min/lv Damage: 1d6*10 +1d6*10/lv +5p/s/int can be linked to a regular dagger
Range: 1000ft Bonus: +4 to Strike
11: Laser Stars: Effect:This power psionically creates 3 throwing stars made out of Light equal to the
power of the sun; per hand the character has that can be thrown 1000ft +4 to strike with them. I.S.P.
Cost:10 Duration:5min +5min/lv Damage: 1d4*10 +1d4*10/lv +5s/int can be linked to a regular star
Range: 1000ft Bonus: +4 to Strike
12: Laser dog: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions dog
and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw then
run to a safe distance till summoned again, the dog will be covered in a red glow while it has been
enhanced I.S.P. Cost: 4 Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level
Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative
13: Laser bird: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions bird
and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw then
run to a safe distance till summoned again, the Bird will be covered in a red glow while it has been
enhanced I.S.P. Cost: 4 Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level
Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative
14: Laser Animal: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions
animal and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1
claw then run to a safe distance till summoned again, the animal will be covered in a red glow while it has
been enhanced I.S.P. Cost: 4 Damage:
Bite: P.S. +1d8*10 + 1d8*10/level Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry,
+5 to strike +5 to initiative
15: Splitting Cat Hairs or Multi-Image: I.S.P. Cost: 25 Requirements: Chi Control, minimum 15 M.E.
Permanent statistic change upon gaining this power: +2 ME, detect illusion 5% per level experience.
Effect: This psionic technique makes up to 4+1 image per level experience of the character. The images
split and rotate around the target. They are indistinguishable from the real form in all but the sense of
touch. The character may attack at will and the subject will still be unable to tell truth from fiction. Each
time an image is attacked roll 100%/image to see if the real character is aimed for. Even if the character is
hit once the enemy must still roll the same percentage to choose the correct image next time.
The only weakness in this technique is that the images all rotate about a single point and are therefore not
as effective on multiple attackers, when there are multiple opponents they only need a natural 18 strike
roll to actually hit the real fighter.
Area affect attacks also work well since for the character to actually hit hand-to-hand all images must be
within 10feet. If attacking is not an issue or the character has a long distance weapon the maximum radius
is 5 feet, per level of experience.
16. Optic blast: The psionically generated ability to generate huge bolts of energy, light and force and
discharge them at will, from the eyes of the Psi-Fighter. The character is immune to the damage and
power of a reflected back shot from this power.
Starting at lv 3 the character can also add in the following additional effects into the power when it is
being used for an additional +5 I.S.P. per effect:
Affects Insubstantial: Different from the phasing modification, the power gains the ability to affect nearly
all beings like astral travelers, intangible or APS: Mist super beings, and some supernatural beings and
entities (ghosts are a good example). (Note the difference between seeing the insubstantial enemies and
attacking them. The character may need some means of visual enhancement. The attack still affects
physical beings. Mist- form vampires and other beings with unique vulnerabilities do not take damage
from this effect (unless the mutant has abilities that can normally harm vampires).
Armor Piercing: The blasts are super- focused and able to punch through tough structures. For strike
purposes, treat them as you would armor piercing bullets - good for those pesky APS: Metal fellows! Add
a +2 to strike at level one, +1 more at levels four, eight, and twelve. Apply this bonus only when attacking
targets with an armor rating, natural or from body armor. Think of it more as lowering a high A.R. rather
than as a strike bonus. A natural roll of 18-20 will partially penetrate forcefields (does half damage to the
field and half to the thing inside it) and will even do half damage to invulnerable beings! Each armor
piercing blast has 25% of the normal attack range.
Continuous: Cannot be chosen until level three or beyond. The character needs only one successful strike
per melee to hit with the power, and the victim suffers damage until a successful dodge of the attack roll
is made. He cannot attack anything else in any way, though he can drop a current continuous attack on
one target and move to another (with a new strike roll, of course). The main drawback to a continuous
attack is the virtually complete lack of defense. Knockdowns, explosions, and unconciousness will
obviously interrupt the continuous attack, as will intense pain and stun attacks.
When using this special effect, the character's dodge bonuses are reduced to a maximum of +2 and only
two dodges per melee can be made (speedsters can add an extra +1 and get a third dodge per melee). Only
normal dodges can be made - not automatic or multiple ones. Parries are not possible. To keep the
continuous attack on, it may be necessary to chase the target.
Further, the character must use three melee actions to initiate a continuous attack - a failed strike means
he must concentrate and try again. If the strike roll is 4 or less it fails as normal. While continuously
attacking, the character cannot perform any other attack or utilize special powers that require
concentration - no shape-changing, no using control powers, no bending light, and no super speed attacks.
The only powers that can be utilized during a continuous attack are instinctive and/or automatic ones like
the Personal Force Field, Sense Super Powers, and extraordinary attributes.
Though there are several limitations to this effect, the benefits are impressive. For the strike roll add the
P.P. bonuses and the normal energy expulsion attack bonuses. Also add a +1 to strike for an M.E. of 16-
21, a +2 to strike if the M.E. is 22-27, or a +3 bonus for an M.E. of 28 or higher. The strike is one made of
experience and intense concentration. The victims can still dodge but that dodge must be a normal dodge -
automatic dodges aren't effective against this. The victim may use up any number of attacks trying to
dodge the assault, but he must tie or exceed the continuous attack strike roll. Apply the rules for natural
20's as normal (a natural 20 continuous strike can be a real problem!)
Against moving targets a new strike roll must be made each consecutive melee, but the new strike roll
requires no melee actions! All the character's attacks are devoted to damaging the target. Stationary
targets don't require additional strike rolls. On consecutive melees, if the strike roll fails even once the
character must start all over. For the total continuous damage in a melee roll the damage of one attack and
multiply it by the number of melees spent attacking, plus one more.
An Example: A third level mutant with four melee attacks and a pure energy attack doing 6d6 per level
has an M.E. of 22 bonus and a +1 P.P. bonus. If he does a continuous attack, he uses his first three melee
attacks to continuously strike with a total bonus of +6. That leaves him one melee action to dump some
damage on an enemy.
If the enemy fails to dodge, the attacking character will roll 6d6 and multiply the result times two (one
melee action of attacking plus one more). Every consecutive melee that the character makes a successful
strike roll, the damage is applied. On the consecutive melees, the character does 6d6 times five damage
(four melee actions plus one more)!
Cutting Torch: It isn't possible to use this effect during combat - not the focus here. Instead, the character
can tune his attack powers to a beam just a few millimeters wide - perfect for cutting. The beam can do
anywhere from a point of damage up to half of the normal damage times the number of melee actions -
per melee applied! A strike roll must still be made every melee, but if the roll is between 1 and the target's
A.R. then only half damage is done to the target (a quarter of the normal attack power maximum).
This could also be utilized as a torture device by evil beings (victims are -4 to save vs. pain or -20% to
resist interrogation) but the target must be non- moving, tied up or otherwise bound.
Range of this effect is only five inches, plus one inch per level of experience. The control is so fine after
level three that it is even possible to utilize this for surgery and electronics work (depending on the
power). Note that the attack form need not be limited to fire and energy. A cold/ ice sound, or vibration
attack can be used to 'crack' targets instead of cut them. Radioactive energies could break down atomic
bonds and swiftly separate the matter along the path desired.
(Note: To cut a passage through a wall or door, only a third of the (per 10ft square section) has
to be depleted.) Explosive Effect: When the attack hits a target it virtually explodes, doing full damage to
the target and half damage to everything within a 4ft +1ft per level radius. The primary victim also suffers
knockdown - the loss of their next attack and no initiative. This penalty applies even if the victim is
immune to the attack form. The explosive blasts have half the normal range.
Note: this power automatically gains these extra effects at no additional cost.) Dodge Enhancement: A
unique defensive use of the attack power! It is tuned to provide an acceleration away from an oncoming
attack. While in use, the power can't be used to attack with - instead, the character uses it as a dodge
booster, providing an additional +3 to dodge at level one, +1 more at levels two, five, and nine. Reduce
the bonus by half on an automatic dodge. Thus, a blast of flame or pulse of radiation can propel the
character away from an oncoming attack. As an alternative use, if the character does not have an
automatic dodge he can instead use the dodge enhancement to provide an automatic dodge with a +2
bonus (does not increase - use only for those without an automatic dodge ability).
Counterblast: Beyond using the attack power to strike, the character has learned to use it to interrupt
oncoming projectile/ energy/ ranged attacks. The character can 'parry' one such attack per counter parry at
level one - normally, parrying such an attack has a -6 penalty but the level one character does so with no
penalty at all! At levels two, four, six, eight, ten, and twelve add a +1 to parry with a counterblast. No
other bonuses can be added to the parry roll. The counterblast parry counts as one melee action.
The types of energy or attack power involved do not matter, to keep things simple. A counterblast can
parry any kind of ranged attack (from arrows and bullets to energy blasts and missiles), and does half the
normal damage (useful to know with missiles) with half of the normal range. If used to parry a melee
attack the character takes no damage from the melee attack, but the attacker takes the standard damage
(which is half the normal damage of the usual attack). This effect is especially useful if the character has
the Anticipation skill. I.S.P. Cost:25/4 actions. Duration:5min +5min/lv. Range: 4000ft. Attacks per
Melee: Each Full Power Blast Counts as a full melee attack. Incremental Blasts can be fired equal to the
characters hand to hand. Incremental Blasts: The character can limit his bursts from level one. 1D6 -
1d10x10. Damage: 1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv/Action Held +knock back 5 feet per damage point done
+5p/s/int can be linked to a regular sword. Bonuses: +5 to Aimed strike, +3 for wild shot, can be used to
counter an attack if you have anticipation skill
17: Mega optic blast: This power is the equivalent to the Optic Blast psionic power only that the damage
and range is x10 and the beam is a 20 foot wide cone hitting all in its path, and the power and damage
cannot be regulated it is a all or nothing power attack. I.S.P. Cost: 100/4 acts. Damage: Optic Blast x10
power. Perquisite: must have Optic Blast Power to gain it. Attacks per Melee: Each Blast Counts as a full
4 melee action attack.
18: Bend Light: The Photo-kinetic warps incoming laser attacks, forcing them to pass by. This skill acts
like an Automatic Parry, but only effects lasers or their equivalents. Laser attacks parried in this manner
are in no way neutralized and continue on their course as if the psychic had dodged. At 1 st level of
experience the Photo-kinetics’ only bonuses to psionically parry lasers are gained from their M.E. (an
M.E. of 24 would give a +5 bonus to parry, P.P. and Hand to Hand bonuses do not apply), but every 3rd
level of experience he gains a +1 to parry them. Range: Self. Duration: Instant. I.S.P.: 1 per parry attempt.
Manipulate Ambient Light:
Effect: Raise or lower surrounding light level by 10% per level of experience (A 10th level Photo-kinetic
could surround himself in an area of total darkness). Lasers, nothing more than beams of coherent light,
are similarly affected. Using this form of photo-kinesis a psychic of high enough level could completely
nullify any damage inflicted by a laser weapon or double its strength. Range: 5 feet (1.5m) radius per
level centered on the psychic Duration: 1 minute per level of experience. I.S.P. Cost: 10
19: Light Aversion Cloak: By bending light around him/herself, a psychic can effectively make
him/herself invisible. If absolutely motionless, a photo-kinetic remains 100% unseen so long as
concentration is maintained. Increase likelihood of being spotted by 10% per 1 foot traveled per melee
round (A psychic moving 5 feet (1.5m) per melee would have a 50% chance of remaining successfully
cloaked). See the Invisible and similar abilities can also see through the power.
Range: Self. Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience. I.S.P. Cost: 10
20: Taiyoken (Solar Flare): Effect: This technique generates a tremendous amount of light that can
temporarily blind any nearby creatures. The light is extremely bright and causes intense pain to any
targets within the area of effect. Any person that looks at the flare with open eyes will suffer 1D10 points
of damage directly to their hit points (or mega-damage to M.D.C. creatures) and will be blinded for 2D4
minutes (-10 strike, parry, and dodge). Also, those affected will see light spots for the next 1D4 hours.
Targets that can regenerate suffer only half as long as those who cannot regenerate. Targets affected
suffer all standard penalties for being blinded, but suffer double the penalties for the first 1D4 melee
rounds because of the intense pain generated by the light. The Photo-kinetic that created the light is
immune to its effect, but can still be affected by Solar Flares created by others. Duration: 1D4 melees per
level of experience. I.S.P. Cost: 5
21. Flash: Effect: As long as there is even the slightest amount of nearby light, a Photo-kinetic can
amplify it dramatically to generate a flash of brilliant illumination. Victims of the flash are blinded (-10
strike, parry, and dodge) for 1D4 melees, but even those who manage to look away in time, considered a
dodge with the Photo-kinetics’ M.E. determining any strike bonuses, are momentarily effected (-1 strike,
parry, and dodge) for 1 melee. Range: 100 feet (30m) with a 5 foot (1.5m) radius of effect. Duration:
Instant. I.S.P. Cost: 2
22: Laser Beam: By focusing ambient or artificially created light, the Photokinetic generates beams of
damaging intensity. Beginning at 1st level of experience, psionic laser beams inflict 1D6+1 S.D.C. or
1D4+1 M.D. Each subsequent level the beam's potential damage can be increased by 1D6+1 S.D.C. or
1D4+1 M.D. Beams are +3 to strike. Range: 50 feet (15m) per level of experience. Duration: Instant.
I.S.P. Cost: 1 per 1D6+1 S.D.C. beams, 3 per 1D4+1 M.D.C.

Range: A few feet
Duration: 1 minute per level
I.S.P. Cost: 20
Effect: This power weakens a solid to the point that it is as soft as clay. You can mold it, shape it, and
then let it harden once the duration elapses. You could also weaken an M.D.C. door and then annihilate
it. One cubic foot of softened material has about 1/100 th its M.D.C. or 1/10th is S.D.C. Some have
reversed this power to harden, doubling M.D.C. and converting S.D.C. to M.D.C.

Range: Varies, See Below.
Duration: Varies, See Below.
I.S.P.: Varies, See Below.
Pyrokinesis is a psychic power that gives a character the power to manipulate fire.
1: Fire Immunity: The psychic can endure great heat and fire with minimal ill effect. Damage is to None.
Magic fires do no damage. Range: Self. Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience. I.S.P. Cost: 2.
2: Spontaneous Combustion: The ability to create a spark that will ignite combustible material, such as
paper, old rags, dry grass, gasoline, etc. Note: Human hair should not be considered a combustible
material. This is a slow fire, starting with a tiny spark and growing. Initially, it is not a roaring blaze.
Range: Can be ignited up to 30 feet away (9m). Duration: Instant; fire will last and spread until it is put
out or there is nothing to burn. I.S.P. Cost: 2.
3: Fuel Flame: The character can feed the fire with psychic energy, doubling it in size. Affects a 10 foot
(3 m) area per level. Range: Up to 30 feet (9m) +5 feet (1.5 m) for each additional level of experience.
Duration: Instant. 1.S.P.: 4.
4: Extinguish Flames: The power to instantly put out an area of fire. Affects a 15 foot (4.5 m) radius of
fire. Range: Up to 30 feet (9 m) away +5 feet (1.5 m) per each additional level of experience. Duration:
Permanent until set on fire again. I.S.P. Cost: 4.
5: Create Flame: The incredible ability to create fire out of thin air. Can be an 8 foot (2.4 m) pillar of fire
affecting a 4 foot (1.2 m) diameter or a 6 foot (1.8 m) high wall of fire stretching six feet (1.8 m) long +1
foot (0.3 m) per each additional level of experience. Damage: 4D6 M.D. from the pillar, 6D6 M.D. from
the wall, plus both have a 72%
likelihood of setting any combustibles they touch ablaze (including cloth, rugs, curtains, furniture, etc.).
Range: Cast up to 30 feet (9 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per additional level of experience. Duration: 2 minutes per
level of experience; longer if it sets other things on fire. 1.S.P.: 20. Or
6: Sense Fire: The psychic can sense or feel the presence of fire and pinpoint its exact location. Range:
100 feet (30.5 m) +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Duration: 2 minutes of extreme sensitivity when
he/she can pinpoint the exact location of every fire in the area. Base Skill: 90% success ratio. A failed
roll means only 2D4x10% of the fires can be located by sensing. I.S.P.: 2 per every two minutes.
7: Plasma sword: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Sword; of creator’s choice, made out of Plasma
per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can never be
loaned to another person. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage: 1d8*10 +1d8*10/lv can be linked to a
regular sword Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The wielder can control the
amount of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D8. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to
initiative. I.S.P. Cost:15
8: Plasma weapon: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Weapon; of creator’s choice, made out of
Plasma per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can
never be loaned to another person. Duration:5min +5min/lve el. Damage: 1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv
+5p/s/int can be linked to a regular sword. Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze.
The wielder can control the amount of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D10. Bonus: +5 to
strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:20
9: Plasma Dagger: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Dagger; of creator’s choice, made out of
Psionic Energy per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and
can never be loaned to another person, these daggers can also be thrown. Duration:5min +5min/lv
Damage: 1d6*10 +1d6*10/lv can be linked to a regular dagger Furthermore, it will set any combustibles
it touches ablaze. The wielder can control the amount of damage taken by opponents by increments of
1D6. Range: 1000feet. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:5
10: Plasma Stars: Effect: This power psionically creates 3 throwing stars made out of Plasma per hand
the character has that can be thrown. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage: 1d4*10 +1d4*10/lv +5s/int
can be linked to a regular star Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The wielder can
control the amount of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D4. Range: 1000feet. Bonus: +5 to
strike, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:10
11: Plasma dog: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions
dog and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw
then run to a safe distance till summoned again, the dog will be covered in a orange glow while it has
been enhanced
Damage: Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The wielder can control the amount
of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D6/1D8. Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level. Claw:
P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level. Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
12: Plasma bird: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions
bird and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw
then run to a safe distance till summoned again, the Bird will be covered in a orange glow while it has
been enhanced
Damage: Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The wielder can control the amount
of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D6/1D8. Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level. Claw:
P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level. Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
13: Plasma Animal: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or
companions dog and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite
and 1 claw then run to a safe distance till summoned again, the dog will be covered in a orange glow
while it has been enhanced. Damage: Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The
wielder can control the amount of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D6/1D8. Bite: P.S.
+1d8*10 + 1d8*10/level. Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level. Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to
strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
14. Fire Ball: Another fire creation ability is the hurling of a fire ball. Damage: 1D6x10 S.D.C. or 6D6
M.D., Range: 30 feet (9 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per each additional level of experience. Duration: Instant.
Bonus: +2 to strike. I.S.P.: 25.
15: Fire ball:
Effect: this power creates a ball of fiery energy that explodes on impact with its target affecting a large
area 1 fireball can be created in each hand to hit same target or hit 2 separate targets, Furthermore, it will
set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The wielder can control the amount of damage taken by opponents
by increments of 1D10. Damage: 1-1d10*10 +1d10*10/level. Range: 1-10foot radius blast 4000feet
Bonuses: +5 to strike can be used to counter an attack if you have anticipation skill. I.S.P. Cost: 15
16: Plasma Blitz:
Perquisite: must have Fireball. Damage: fire ball x10/hand. I.S.P. Cost: 150
17: Soul Flame: Fist: Effect: A punch, jab or open hand strike that inflicts an additional 1D4x10
M.D.C. fire damage (in addition to normal hand to hand damage) to supernatural beings,
demons, elementals, and creatures of magic, including dragons and, incidentally, other Psi-
fighters This attack costs I.S.P. and counts as two melee attacks/actions and can be combined
with a power punch. Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The wielder can control
the amount of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D4. I.S.P. Cost: 5 per strike.
18: Soul Flame: Kick: Effect: The Psi-Fighter learns to channel his psionics into a powerful kick
that does 1D6x10 M.D.C. fire damage (in addition to normal hand to hand damage) to
supernatural beings, demons, elementals and creatures of magic, including dragons and other
Psi-Fighters. The attack counts as two melee attacks/actions and can be combined with a
power punch kick. Furthermore, it will set any combustibles it touches ablaze. The wielder can control
the amount of damage taken by opponents by increments of 1D6. + I.S.P. Cost: 8 per attack.

Sonic-kinesis (Audio & Echo):

Effect: This power allows the psychic the power to mentally control sound.
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
Saving Throw: None
I.S.P. Cost: Varies
1: Manipulate Ambient Sound: While not allowing the psychic to actually create sound, this power does
allow for the increase or decrease of all sounds within range. Sonic energy can be dampened or
heightened by 10% per level or experience. Using this power a high level psychic could completely
muffle all sound within range, nullifying sonic attacks and granting a bonus to prowl (+5% per 10%
lowered if light and other environmental conditions are satisfactory) or fill an area with nearly deafening
white noise that doubles the damage of sonic effects and disorients opponents (-4 initiative, and -1 strike,
parry, and dodge).
Range: 5 feet (1.5m) per level centered on the psychic
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
I.S.P. Cost: 10
2: Modify Sound: This allows the psychic to alter an existing sound. You can make the sound louder,
quieter, or take on something completely different. For example, you could make a spell-caster’s voice
sound like fart noises (quite debilitating). Range: 10 feet per level, Duration: 1 melee per level, I.S.P.
Cost: 2
3: Modify Volume: This allows the psychic to increase or decrease the volume of sound within an area, by
up to 15 decibels per level. Range: 10 feet per level, radius of 5 feet per level, Duration: 1 melee per level,
I.S.P. Cost: 2
4: Create Sound: This allows the psychic to create a noise. It can sound like anything you want, but will
have only 30 decibels (normal human conversation), +15 decibels per level. Range: 10 feet per level,
Duration: 1 melee per level, I.S.P. Cost: 5
5: Thunder Crash: This ability triggers an explosion of sound, which can deal as little as 4D6 S.D.C.
damage, or as much as 1D4 mega damage, +1 per level. Range: 10 feet per level, radius 5 feet per level,
Duration: 1 melee per level, I.S.P. Cost: 10
6: Sonic Pulse: This is a smaller, more concentrated burst of sound. It deals 1D6 mega damage per level
to a single target. Range: 100 feet per level, Duration: Instant, I.S.P. Cost: 10
7: Sonic boom: Effect: The user throws a crescent-shaped wave of sonic energy with a quick arm motion.
The arm motion varies with the user
1 sonic boom can be created in each hand to hit same target or hit 2 separate targets, the balls also have a
80% chance of deafening opponents for 6 rounds. Rate of fire: 1/hand equal to the characters hand to
hand. Damage: 1-1d4*10, +1d4*10/level. Range: 1-20ftr 4000ft. Bonuses: +5to strike, this power can be
used to counter an attack if you have anticipation skill. I.S.P. Cost: 25
8: Sonic blitz: Perquisite: must have Sonic Boom. Damage: sonic boom x10/hand. I.S.P. Cost: 250
9: Soul Scream: Fist: Effect: A punch, jab or open hand strike that inflicts an additional ID4x10 M.D.C.
sonic damage (in addition to normal hand to hand damage) to supernatural beings, demons, elementals,
and creatures of magic, including dragons and, incidentally, other Psi-fighters This attack costs I.S.P. and
counts as two melee attacks/actions and can be combined with a power punch. I.S.P. Cost: 5 per strike
10: Soul Scream: Kick: Effect: The Psi-Fighter learns to channel his psionics into a powerful kick that
does 1D6x10 M.D.C. sonic damage (in addition to normal hand to hand damage) to supernatural beings,
demons, elementals and creatures of magic, including dragons and other Psi-Fighters. The attack counts
as two melee attacks/actions and can be combined with a power punch kick. I.S.P. Cost: 8 per attack
11: Sonic Animal Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions
animal and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1
claw then run to a safe distance till summoned again, the animal will be covered in a green glow while it
has been enhanced. Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*10 + 1d8*10/level. Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level.
Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
12: Sonic bird: Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions
bird and infuses is with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw
then run to a safe distance till summoned again, the Bird will be covered in a green glow while it has been
enhanced. Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level. Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level.
Bonus: +5 to dodge, +5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
13: Sonic dog:
Effect: This power Psionically summons the characters pet or familiar or companions dog and infuses is
with a portion of psionic power to do 2 psionically enhanced attacks 1 bite and 1 claw then run to a safe
distance till summoned again, the dog will be covered in a green glow while it has been enhanced
Damage: Bite: P.S. +1d8*20 + 1d8*20/level. Claw: P.S. +1d6x10 +1d6x10/level. Bonus: +5 to dodge,
+5to parry, +5 to strike +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost: 4
14: Sonic weapon: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Weapon; of creator’s choice, made out of
Sound per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can never
be loaned to another person. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage: 1d10*10 +1d10*10/lv can be linked
to a regular sword. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:20
15: Sonic sword: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Sword; of creator’s choice, made out of sound
per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can never be
loaned to another person. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage: 1d8*10 +1d8*10/lv can be linked to a
regular sword. Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:15
16: Sonic Dagger: Effect: This power psionically creates 1 Dagger; of creator’s choice, made out of
sound per hand the character these weapons can never be knocked out of a characters hand, and can never
be loaned to another person, these daggers can also be thrown. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage:
1d6*10 +1d6*10/lv can be linked to a regular dagger.
Range: 1000ft. Bonus: Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:5
17: Sonic Stars: Effect: This power psionically creates 3 throwing stars made out of Sound per hand the
character has that can be thrown. Duration:5min +5min/level. Damage: 1d4*10 +1d4*10/lv can be linked
to a regular star. Range: 1000ft per level. Bonus: Bonus: +5 to strike, +5 to initiative. I.S.P. Cost:10
18: Sonic Resistance: The psychic is immune to all S.D.C. sonic attacks. Effects (penalties, duration, and
damage) of all magically generated or mega-damage sound are halved. Range: Self. Duration: 5 minutes
per level of experience. I.S.P. Cost:2
19: Sonar: The psychic gains a kind of sonic radar sense for the duration of this power. So long as the
Sonar ability is maintained the psychic gains the following bonuses (+4 initiative, +2 strike, parry, and
dodge), suffers no penalties from blindness or darkness, cannot be caught by surprise, and gains an
additional attack per melee, but no other Audio/Echo-kinetic powers can be used during this time.
General shape and distance of objects within range can be sensed by the psychic. Heavy rain, sandstorms,
or loud areas (crowded marketplace, busy highway, rock concert, etc.) render the Sonar ability useless.
Part of this power involves the psychic hyper-sensitizing their sense of hearing, creating a vulnerability to
debilitating sonic attacks. While using Sonar, the psychic suffers double penalties from any particularly
loud noise such as the that generated by the Thunderclap spell or the firing of a Glitterboy's Boom Gun.
Range: 50 feet (15m) per level (double range underwater). Duration: 2 minutes per level. I.S.P. Cost: 5.
20: Sonic Boom: To use this power the psychic must create sound in some way. A short whistle or even a
snap of the fingers will do. By psionically amplifying this bit of noise dramatically the psychic creates
a deafening sonic boom not unlike that generated by the firing of a Boom Gun. Victims without any
type of sound/ear protection will be temporarily deafened for 2D4 minutes and are -8 initiative and -3
parry and dodge. Even victims within power armor or enclosed vehicles are deafened, suffering the
same penalties but for half the normal duration. The duration of successive sonic booms is cumulative.
S.D.C. glass up to twice the maximum range away is shattered by the boom. Area of Effect: 20 feet (6m)
+5 feet (1.5m) radius per level centered on the psychic. Duration: Instant. I.S.P. Cost: 20
21: Sonic Burst: The psychic creates an intense burst of damaging sound by shouting loudly, magnifying
its sonic energy, then directing it outward in a focused stream. Range: 30 (9m) + 5 feet (1.5m) per level in
a 1 foot (30cm) +1 foot (30cm) wide path per every 3rd level of experience (3rd, 6th, 9th, etc)
Duration: Instant Damage: 1D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. per 1 I.S.P. to a maximum of 1D6x10 S.D.C./M.D.C.

P.P.E. Cost: 80; once sword is mastered 0

Upkeep: 40; once sword is mastered 0

Dragon Sword Experience Table:

Level 1: 0-500,
Level 2: 501-1000,
Level 3: 1001-1500,
Level 4: 1501-2500,
Level 5: 2501-3500,
Level 6: 3501-4500,
Level 7: 4501-6000,
Level 8: 6001-8000,
Level 9: 8001-10,000,
Level 10: 10,001+


(1) Shadow Shinobi Warrior Battle Armor [Dark Blue and Brown]:
This armor is made from special high strength fibers and is in a quilted design. Inside the quilts are some
special high strength ceramic plates which reinforce the armor. Normally, a hard helmet is worn over the
armor for greater protection. The armor is not considered to be environmental. The cloth armor is
available in most colors but green, blue; red are the most common colors.
M.D.C. by location:
Main Body: 150
Head: 30
Arms (2): 40
Legs (2): 60
Weight: 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)
Penalties: Full Mobility, has no penalties to prowl, swim, or gymnastics
Black Market/Market Cost: 40,000 credits
Enchantments on it:
Camouflage: Armor has the ability to blend in with its environment. Not as complete as the spell
Chameleon but always on. Camouflage gives a +10% bonus to prowl and -20% against detection rolls
such as the detect ambush skill.
Environmental: This enchanted on armor is very similar in nature to the "Environmental Tent." The
magical feature will protect the wearer from most weather and keep a comfortable temperature of around
70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). It protects from both heat and cold, making them popular in
northern areas, jungles, and deserts. While the armor will protect the wearer from rain, it will not protect
the person from getting wet if they are immersed in water such as from crossing a river or from getting
caught in flooding water. It will still keep the wearer at a comfortable temperature and when the person is
no longer immersed, all water soaked into the armor (but not other garments) will be repelled to the
outside of the armor and drip off. The armor will not provide protection from drowning or from gas
attacks. The armor usually does not clean them self but can be designed to repel dirt and to magically stay
Teleport onto Wearer: The armor can be teleported onto the wearer effectively allowing the person to
don the armor instantly. Still costs one attack for the teleport. Normal versions of the feature allow the
Armor to teleport up to 120 feet (36.5 meters) but alchemists in the Western Empire have a version that
can teleport up to 500 miles (805 km). The armor bonds with a specific wearer though the use of a drop of
the wearers blood. The teleport ability takes 72 hours before the armor can link with the wearer. Until
then, the armor cannot teleport onto the wearer. Cannot teleport from an area covered in a Mystic Energy
Drain ward 500 mile (805 km) range.
Shape-Changer: This potent magic enables the magical armor to transform into a less dangerous looking
shape For example: The magical armor can transform turns into asset of full body tattoos when not
needed however, the rune weapon/Armor transforms back into its deadly, true appearance, complete with
runes, whenever it is drawn for combat! [Turns into a set of body tattoos when not in use]
Built into the armor set
(1) set of retractable hand and foot spikes (+40% climb skill +1d6*10 damage combat),
Sharp Ridges: The armor plates edges are razor sharp and can cut those who are not careful. Anyone
attempted a punch, kick, or grab without some form of protection will get cut. Person attack will have
1D4 points of damage inflicted against them. This is SDC damage and does not become MDC damage in
MDC environments.
Retractable Forearm Claws (3 each forearm): Similar in abilities to Griffon Claws and inflict 6D6 per
double claw swipe in addition to any strength or other bonuses. Weapon inflicts S.D.C. normally but will
inflict M.D.C. in M.D.C. environments. Claw can be used to parry with +1 to initiative and climb with
+10% to climb rolls. Unlike griffon claws, the claws are not indestructible; however, the claws can only
be damaged by magic weapons and are considered of master quality. If a claw is destroyed, it will
regenerate within ten minutes unless the armor is destroyed
200mdc force field/phase field takes ¼ all damage done to it regenerates 10pts/hit/min auto if fully
destroyed will reform in 6 hrs. is soul bonded so that when the wearer is killed or destroyed it fades away
into nothingness
(1) Hidden Battle harness/ w40pouches[Holds: (1) Set of superior lock picks (+10% to Lock pick skill),
(1) Set of hand and foot spikes <+40% climb skill +1d6*10 damage combat>, (12) Each silver/iron/steel
wood throwing stars 1d6, - (8) Hidden Pockets for documents, -(2) Pistol Holster (Gun not included), -
(10) Ammo storage boxes, (8) Iron small vibro knives: 1D6+6, {down the left leg}, (8) Silver plated small
vibro knives: 1D6+6{down the right leg}]
(1) Hidden Utility belt/ w40 pouches [Holds: (1) lg. flashlight, (1) pen flashlight, (1) Ninja Emergency
Kit, -6in survival knife w/compass (1D6), -Mini power screwdriver, -Small night scope (20 x powers, lasts
15 min before needing a recharge), -Mini tape recorder, -Stun gun (can be used 3 times before needing a
recharge), -Gas Mask/w 10 (30min filters), -Wire cutters, -Mini camera, - (8) Hidden Pockets for
documents, -(2) Pistol Holster (Gun not included), -(10) Ammo storage boxes, -Short range Walkie-
Talkie, (16) Hand grenades,]
(1) Hidden Spine Sheath [Holds: Dragon King Sword (greatest) (Katana)
Chi Storage: 500//Average length: 3 feet (0.9 m). //Average weight: 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg). //
Typical Damage: 5D6(+2per level of mastery) [+12] +P.S. Bonus. ]

(2) Silk Mail Cloth Fiber Armor (Shinobi Shozoku) [Blue & Brown]
This armor is made from special high strength fibers and is in a quilted design. Inside the quilts are
special high strength ceramic plates which reinforces the armor. Normally, a hard helmet is worn over the
armor for greater protection. The armor is not considered to be environmental. The cloth armor is
available in most colors but green.
M.D.C. By Location:
Main Body: 45
Head: 30
Arms (2): 25
Legs (2): 40
Cloak/Zarape: 20
Weight: 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)
Penalties: Full Mobility, has no penalties to prowl, swim, or gymnastics.

Money: 1d10*100 credits, 1d8*100 trade items and gems, 1d6*100 bmi

Dragoon/Dragon Knight Experience Levels:

Level XP
1 0
2 2250
3 4500
4 9000
5 18000
6 36000
7 75000
8 150000
9 300000
10 600000
11 900000
12 1200000
13 1500000
14 1800000
15 2100000
16 2400000
17 2700000
18 3000000
19 3300000
20 3600000

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