Christie Hamilton

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Name: Christie Hamilton

Race/R.C.C.: Mutant Human

O.C.C.: Headhunter Assassin
Level: 2
Exp: 2,201
Alignment: Aberrant
Age: 19
Height: 5’9” (175.7 cm) [1.757 m]
Weight: 220 lbs. (81.6466 kg)
Gender: Female
Eye color: Light grey
Hair color: White
Measurements: B93 W59 H88 cm (B37" W23" H35")
Blood type: Type B
Birthday: February 14
Chinese Zodiac Year: Earth Snake
Chinese Zodiac Month: Tiger
Chinese Zodiac Hour: Dragon
Western Zodiac: Aquarius
Disposition According to Chinese Zodiac: Christie Hamilton has she has Leadership qualities, and she
is Honorable & Powerful, Opportunistic, and she is & is filled with Energy but she is never satisfied..

Land of Origin: North America (Inyo National Forest - Coyote Flat, California)
Character's Family Background: Raised by Parents: Family was hard-working middle class and
dedicated to the ideals of then- country. Character is still attached to the family and tries hard to live up to
their ideals.
Birth Order: First of Twins
Disposition: Christie Hamilton seems to be a laid-back, fun-loving kind of girl; she has Leadership
qualities, and is Opportunistic, but is never satisfied; she is Honorable & Powerful & is filled with
Energy. Christie Hamilton is a self-reliant lone wolf, & is always on the move.
Childhood Environment: Countryside, small town or village. (Inyo National Forest - Coyote Flat,
Social/Economic Background: Laborer/Middle Class
The Cause of the Mutation: Dimensional Energy from the Rifts
When Extraordinary Abilities First Manifested: Early Adulthood
Appearance: The character looks like an average athletic Hispanic/White American human female, that
has done extensive physical conditioning, other than that very unremarkable, her body is a cross between
a Olympic class acrobat/gymnast and a runner, but she moves like a panther on the prowl, she is almost
always is wearing her utility belt and battle harness where ever she goes,
Animals (most, anyway) will not recognize the Christie Hamilton as a human or as a predator. Deer will
graze and birds will continue to chirp in the Christie's presence.
The Christie Hamilton is completely invisible to all forms of mechanical detection, photographic devices
and sensors including radar, motion detectors, heat sensors and cameras (appears as a bit of data
corruption in digital media). This means she is invisible to robots and all mechanical sensors and optic
systems, and can walk through electrical eyes, light/laser sensors, motion detectors, scanners, and
cameras, and not activate them or be photographed. An alarm will be triggered only if a physical contact
is broken. Even Positronic Robots and bionic sensors & optics are useless, they see only a slight blur that
is hard to follow or target. Likewise, lie detectors, metal detectors, x-ray machines, EKGs, Cat-Scans,
retinal scanners, bionic implants, and any detection or scanning device directed at her will not work.
Devices used by The Character work perfectly.
Disadvantages & Limitations:
The power is always on.
Life-saving medical equipment (Nano-tech included) is powerless to help the character, and even
automatic doors and toys with sensor eyes do no respond to the character - of course, machines and
devices that require manual command input still work.
The character can never be photographed

Any person who looks at Christie Hamilton who fails a save of 15, M.E. bonuses applying, will be hard-
pressed to remember anything at all about her even if Christie Hamilton talked with them, saved them
from a dragon, or ate their children. The description will be on the tip of their tongue, but they just won't
quite remember what she looked like or what she did. This power tends to result in descriptions like
"average height, average build, wearing ... something beige. I think." Anyone who uses Total Recall or
has a combined I.Q. and M.E. of 30 or more will be able to remember normal details about the
unnoteworthy character, but not an extraordinary amount of detail.

P.S.: 40 (Lift: 800 lbs. Carry: 1600 lbs.)

P.P.: 36
P.E.: 50 (Maintain: 500 minutes)
Speed: 30
P.B.: 17
I.Q.: 24
M.E.: 30
M.A.: 36
H.P.: 56
S.D.C.: 200
M.D.C.: 15[bones]
I.S.P.: N/A
P.P.E.: 10
Chi: 62
Save vs. Poison: +8
Charm/Impress: 35%
Skill Bonuses: +10%
Save vs. Coma/Death: +55%
Trust/Intimidate: 98%
Save vs. Psychic attack/Insanity: +8
Save vs. Mind Control/Possession: +10
Save Vs. Pain: +13
Save Vs. Magic: +8
Save vs. HF: +10, +2 at levels 2, 4, 8, 12 and 15.
Speed: of X 20 = yards (3 feet) per minute (600) x .681818181818 = mph (20.45) kph= (36) yards
(3 feet) per 15 seconds (150) yards (3 feet) per second (20) Maintain x10 P.E. in minutes= (500)
Swimming Speed: P.S. X 3 = yards per minute (150) x .681818181818 = mph (34) yards per 15
seconds (38) yards per second (2) Maintain swimming speed at: P.E. x 10minutes (500)
Leap High: 10 feet, +2 per level of experience.
Leap Length: 10 feet, + 2 feet per level of experience.
Falling Distance:

Combat Stats:

Parry: +5 (13)
Dodge/Automatic Dodge: +4
Strike: +2 (10), +1 to Strike with Ground-fighting skills on a failed Initiative roll, +1 to strike on "called"
shots at levels 2, 5 and 11.
Roll w/ Punch/Fall/Impact/Toss: +20, +2 at levels 4, 9, 11 & 14, Half damage from failed Roll/w
Punch/Fall/Impact failed rolls.
Break fall: +3
Maintain Balance: +3, +1 at levels 2, 6, and 11
Vault: +1
Pole Vault: +1
Initiative: +1, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Backflip/Somersault (Dodge/Attack/Escape): +
Pull Punch: +6, +2 to pull punch at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12.
Disarm: +3, +2 to disarm in hand to hand combat, and on Called Shot.
Grabbing/Throwing techniques: +1
Damage: +25
Roll: +1
Hold/Lock, Pin/Incapacitate, or Entangle: +2 (10) to Hold/Lock, Pin/Incapacitate, or Entangle (this
bonus applies both to the initial strike and for keeping ahold of the opponent, and breaking free of a hold).
Attacks per Melee: 6
The character is naturally more athletic, and gets +2 to Athletic Feats at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 14.

Pin/Incapacitate on a roll of 18
Hand Attacks:
Human Fist (Punch): 1D4+ (25)
Knife Hand: 1D6+ (25)
Palm Strike: 1D6+ (25)
Power Punch: 1D10+ (25), Automatic Crit
Backhand: 1D4+ (25)
Roundhouse Punch 1D8+ (25)
Uppercut 1D8+ (25)

Foot Attacks:
Kick Attack: 1D8+ (25)
Snap Kick: 1D6+ (25)
Roundhouse Kick: 2D6+ (25)
Crescent Kick 1D10+ (25)
Axe Kick: 1D10+ (25)
Sweep Kick – Forward: 1D4+ (25), + Automatic Knockdown
Sweep Kick – Backward: 1D4+ (25), + Automatic Knockdown
Tripping/Leg Hook: Knockdown
Jump Kick: 1D8+ (25), Automatic Crit
Flying Jump Kick: 1D10+ (25), Automatic Crit

Special Attacks:
Body Flip/Throw: 1D6+ (25)
Crush/Squeeze does 1D4+ (25)
Body Block/Tackle: 1D4+ (25), and opponent must Dodge or Parry to avoid being Knocked down.
Suplex/Hip Toss maneuver: 1D4+ (15), damage and the opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being
knocked down (lose one melee attack if knocked down).
Pistol Whip: 1D4 pistol+ (25)
Knee: 1D6+ (25)
Forearm: 1D4+ (25)
Elbow: 1D4+ (25)
Head-butt: 1D+ (25)
Clothesline: 1D6+ (25), +50% K.D.
Agony Strike: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the
influence of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in
agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it
will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of
attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike,
parry and dodge.
Pain Strike: By manipulating the nerve centers the martial artist can induce terrible pain, shooting
throughout the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit
Points (not S.D.C.) per each minute affected.
Paralysis Strike: This attack immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop
functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still
use psionics but only if he has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they
cannot cast spells while paralyzed.
Pins & Needles Strike: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and
needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily
cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5%
skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm,
that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -
25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush
and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5%
skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also
have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using
this attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill
penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries,
even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is
impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.
Release Strike: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either
vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker
chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions.
Stun Strike: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is
cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.
Dragon Power Punch: 3D4+ (25)
Tiger Kick: 2D8+ (25),
Leopard Hand Strike: 2D4+ (25)
Snake Snap Kick: 1D10+ (25)
Crane Elbow Strike: 2D4+ (25)
Dragon claw to the throat: Crush and tear out throat. (1D6+25)*4 to hit points. Additional 4 hit points
lost per minute. Equivalent to double critical damage and shock.
Forearm to the temple: Potentially lethal if the attacker breaks the temporal bone. (1D6+ 25)*2 to head
SDC and another half of that to hit points. Speed, attacks, and skills reduced by 25%. Equivalent to
medium injury and shock.
Tiger palm to the nose: Drive the cartilage into the brain. (1D6+25)*3 to hit points. Additional 2D6 hit
points lost per minute. Equivalent to triple heavy injury and shock.
Snake hand to the eyes (or crane hand or mantis hand etc.): Poke out the eyes. (1D4+25)*2 to hit points.
Additional 2 hit points lost per minute. Blindness with all its penalties! 50% chance of irreparable damage
to the eyes. Equivalent to triple medium injury and shock.
Panther paw to throat: Crush the throat. (1D6+25)*3 to hit points. Double medium injury and shock. [On
the other hand, you can just use the table for normal death blows...]
Dirt in the Eye: This is the typical "pick up a handful of dirt and throw it in his eye" move. Requires a
strike roll of 15 or better. If successful, the opponent is stunned, losing one action, and suffers a -4 to all
combat rolls until he gets his eyes washed.
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. Requires a strike
roll of 13. If successful, the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving
throw fails, the victim loses initiative and two attacks. Inflicts 1D4 damage.
Eye Gouge: This is an attempt to plunge one of your thumbs into the opponent's eyes. Requires a strike
roll of 14. If successful, the opponent must roll a saving throw versus pain, or be incapacitated for 1D4
melee rounds. He will be blind in that eye for 3D6 hours, and there is a 75% chance of permanent
blindness. Inflicts 1D6 damage.
Nose Bite: This is an attempt to bit the tip of the opponent's nose off. Requires a strike roll of 16. If
successful, the victim will be stunned for 1D4 melee rounds, losing initiative and two attacks, and he will
suffer a -3 penalty to all actions. Inflicts only 1D3 damage, but bleeds at twice the normal rate.
Foot Stomp: This is simply bringing your foot down on the opponent's arch. Requires a strike roll of 14. If
successful, the victim is reduced to 75% normal Spd., loses initiative and one action for 1D4 melee
rounds. There is a 25% chance that the foot will be broken, in which case, the penalties remain until it is
healed. Inflicts 1D6 damage.
Groin Slap: (used against someone who is holding you, this is a "slap" to the groin. Requires a strike roll
of 13 or better, inflicts 1D6 damage, plus the victim must Save vs. Pain, or lose Initiative and 1-2 attacks),
Groin Kick with Hammer Strike: (This requires two strike rolls. The first is for a kick to the groin, which,
if successful, inflicts 1D8 damage, and a Save as per the Groin Slap, followed up by a Hammer Fist to the
face or back of the neck for 1D8 damage).

The character is a skilled boxer & will Automatically Knockout opponents on a natural twenty for 1D6
melee rounds. Unlike normal Knockout/Stun this does NOT have to be declared before the strike roll.

If the character with this skill declares a simultaneous attack in melee combat, he may negate his
opponent's attack if he successfully strikes. That is, his opponent's attack doesn't count at all! The strike
must be a Punch, Snap Kick or a simple weapon Thrust. Also, there is no time to put any real force
behind the strike, so no P.S. bonus applies to damage. See the rules for simultaneous attacks for details.

No penalties to strike, parry or dodge while up to waist high in water (or similar substance). Only -2 to
strike, parry or dodge while up to chest high in water.
Halve the Prowl penalties from armor types.
The character can actually swim while in full armor at only -8%.
This skill is much revered, giving the character the ability to function properly in full clad armor, in
bodies of water. The character trains heavily in combat katas while up to chest deep in lakes and rivers.
The flow, weight and pressure of the water against the bulk and weight of the armor eventually fail to
impede the character. Provides the following bonuses:
No penalties to strike, parry, or dodge while up to waist high in water (or similar substance).
Only -2 to strike, -2 to parry, or -2 to dodge while up to chest high in water.
Halve the Prowl penalties from armor types.
The character can actually swim while in full armor at only -8%.

Special O.C.C. Abilities:

Headhunter Assassin O.C.C. Special Abilities:

1. Bonuses: The character's combat training and background provides the following bonuses.
+2D6+6 to S.D.C.
+1D4 to M.A. and P.S. attributes.
+1 melee attack/action per round.
+1 on initiative at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
+2 to disarm in hand to hand combat or Called Shot.
+2 to pull punch at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12.
+1 to strike on "called" shots at levels 2, 5 and 11.
+2 to save vs. mind control and possession, but remains vulnerable to other types of psionics and magic.
+5% to save vs. Coma & Death.
+2 to save vs. Horror Factor at levels 2, 4, 8, 12 and 15.

2. Recognize Weapon Quality: This is the standard Military Skill ability as described under the
Headhunter Techno-Warrior
O.C.C. (includes the +25% bonus).
Recognize Weapons Quality: The ability to determine the level of a weapon’s quality,
including craftsmanship, weight, balance, edge, metal strength and so on. The character can also
recognize if the weapon is crafted by a dwarf, kobold or other master weapon smiths, and if it
may have bonuses to strike, parry or damage, or other special (magic) properties. Although the
person may be able to tell that a weapon is superbly crafted, with bonuses, it is impossible to
determine exactly what these bonuses are until used in combat or intense practice. Reduce the
skill ability by ½ if the item is not actually handled (seen but not touched/examined.)
Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience. (60%)

3. Headhunter's Find Contraband: This is the standard skill enabling the character to track down all
types of contraband with an emphasis on electronics, armor, weapons, and cybernetics/bionics.
Base Skill: 53% +3% per level of experience when hunting down weapons, armor, bionics and
electronics/computers. -5% for finding all other types of contraband. (63%)
4. Contacts: The character starts with none, other than a few rumors regarding possible contacts. With
time, the Headhunter is likely to develop a network of "contacts" pertaining to arms dealers, underground
dealers of surveillance equipment and electronics, smugglers, Operators/Mechanics, Cyber-Docs and the
operators of Body-Chop-Shops, and Assassins. If he is a regular client, the particular "dealer" is likely to
offer to sell him additional information and goods. When a strong relationship is established, the contact
is likely to offer the character a 10%-20% discount and first rights of refusal to rare, experimental and
powerful (stolen) items. This may also apply to various other criminal or underground groups, thieves,
safe-houses, and scoundrels (Forger, Safecracker, Assassin, etc.). G.M.s, use your discretion. Role-
playing should be required.

O.C.C. /R.C.C. Abilities:

Major: (2)

Minor: (4)
Stealth Ability

The character is completely invisible to all forms of mechanical detection, photographic devices and
sensors including radar, motion detectors, heat sensors and cameras (appears as a bit of data corruption in
digital media). This means he/she is invisible to robots and all mechanical sensors and optic systems, and
can walk through electrical eyes, light/laser sensors, motion detectors, scanners, and cameras, and not
activate them or be photographed. An alarm will be triggered only if a physical contact is broken. Even
Positronic Robots and bionic sensors & optics are useless, they see only a slight blur that is hard to follow
or target. Likewise, lie detectors, metal detectors, x-ray machines, EKGs, Cat-Scans, retinal scanners,
bionic implants, and any detection or scanning device directed at him/her will not work. Devices used by
the character work perfectly.
1. Other Abilities & Bonuses:
The character tends not to be noticed even by people.
+10% to prowl, palming, and concealment.
2. Disadvantages & Limitations:
The power is always on.
Life-saving medical equipment (Nano-tech included) is powerless to help this character, and even
automatic doors and toys with sensor eyes do no respond to this character - of course, machines and
devices that require manual command input still work.
The character can never be photographed.
Range Limitations of the Cloaking Power: Self and all possessions on his/her person. At third level the
character can extend this aura of protection to include one additional person or large object (motorcycle,
jet pack, cart, etc.), provided that the individual or item remains within 1m of him/her.

This power affects the bonding element of molecules, making the person and additional material on their
person (see below) intangible - seen but not touched. While intangible, the character is seen as a
semitransparent, ghost image of themselves. They are perfect spies, being nearly invisible and silent, and
nothing short of energy fields can stop them. Their appearance allows can be a bit harrowing.
1. Abilities:
Limited Invulnerability: Intangibility means that punches, kicks, sticks and stones, bullets, heat lasers (IR
& UV), missiles, explosive force, and most attacks pass right through harmlessly.
The character can walk through almost any substance, stone, steel, earth, machines, force fields, etc.,
without affecting it or themselves. Energy fields however cannot be passed through (the character's
molecular state is repelled by the energy field).
In the character's state they can walk on the dense molecules of smoke or fog (and thus into the air), as
well as walk on water. This requires intense concentration and uses up three actions every round of
Passing through electrical devices has a 25% +5% per level chance of short circuiting them, rendering
them useless. Most components must be replaced and 1d6x10+40% of all information is lost on hard
drives. Against energy weapons (and any device that operates on electricity or computer chips), moving
through them has a 70% +3% per level chance of rendering the device inoperative for at least 2d6+8
minutes (10-20). After the third level the character can concentrate (-2 on initiative and loses one action)
to negate this effect.
Through partial intangibility, the character can reduce his weight to one- third of the normal value. After
level five, drop this to one- tenth. The weight- shift requires ten seconds to perform (and to un- perform).
Provides a +3 to roll with punch, fall, or impact and falls do less damage according to the weight
reduction (if, for some reason, the character chooses not to become intangible).
Can turn any part of his body intangible (or tangible in an intangible state). The character can perform
skills with intangible limbs (phasing through plates and unphasing the fingers) but suffers a -25% penalty
or more if he cannot see what he is doing with his hands (X-ray vision is a real bonus here). He cannot
use this for combat without practice (see below).
The character can shift from tangible, to partially tangible, or intangible in a matter of seconds (counts as
one action).
At level one, the character can make extra non-living matter intangible. The limit is 50 kilograms plus 10
kilograms per level with a range of touch. If the character discontinues contact with the phased matter it
instantly reverts to solidity (could be very harmful or even deadly if phased into a person, -4 strike
penalty if used as an attack). Making an object intangible or tangible requires one action. The range is
touch, and extra matter can be made intangible for up to ten minutes per level of experience.
At level three, the character can make living matter intangible. The limit is 50 kilograms plus 10
kilograms per level with a range of touch. If the character discontinues contact with the phased matter it
instantly reverts to solidity (and will probably die if inside an object at the time). Making a person
intangible or tangible requires two actions. The range is touch, and extra matter can be made intangible
for up to ten minutes per level of experience.
At level five the player may select one of these two alternatives: either a pretty dangerous ability or a
pretty deadly one! At level nine the other option is gained.
Option One: it is possible to engage in melee combat by turning only fists or legs tangible (tricky indeed!)
The concentration required causes the loss of one melee action and a -2 on initiative. Attempts to hit the
character's limbs must be called strikes with -4 penalties. Successful hits means the character takes full
Option Two: Though the character can choose to pass though living matter without harming it, he can
partially materialize for an offensive effect. Passing through anything can be deadly for both the
character, and the victim if the 'anything' is a living creature! This special ability usually takes places as
what is called a 'phasing' punch or kick.
Both the character and the victim make a saving throw of 15 or higher (add P.E save bonuses, the
character gets an extra +1 to save at levels six and nine). If the victim saves no damage is taken and the
intangible being is 'fought off' or 'rejected.' If the character saves successfully he takes no damage -
failure means 1d6 hit points of damage. If both fail the saving throw the victim and phaser's bodies get
mixed up and die instantly. If both succeed the saving throw then both are rejected with no damage.
The damage of such an attack is 1d6 per full two levels of experience (meaning 2d6 at level five and 3d6
at level six), direct to the victim's hit points. It is not possible to regenerate phased damage - it must be
healed back normally and super ability/ magic/ psionic healing works at half strength. Striking at the
victim's brain or heart is pretty deadly. If the victim fails the above save throw (or the damage is enough
to deplete the victim's hit points) he immediately goes into a coma. Recovery from the coma is made at
+20%, but medical attention is required (could be conventional, holistic, or paranormal, but not
Clearly, option two is more deadly - for both parties involved!
2. Other Abilities & Bonuses:
+1d6 to M.A.
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.
Intangible Auto-Dodge, the character can simply phase through an attack. And then become tangible
again, consuming no actions, and has a +3 to do so (P.P. and combat training bonuses do not apply, but
any bonuses directly relating to Auto-Dodge of course apply).
+20% to Prowl
Horror Factor: 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls.
3. Vulnerabilities & Limitations:
The character is not completely invulnerable when intangible. Electricity, ion blasts, and particle beams
stimulate and agitate molecules, inflicting half damage. Photon beams severe molecules with impudence,
doing full damage! Intense heat, fire, or plasma does 1/3 its normal damage. Psionics have full effect, as
well as most forms of magic.
Cannot float or glide into the air.
This is another pseudo-psi power that makes a person inconspicuous. There is no bonus to prowl or hide,
but a person who fails a save of 15, M.E. bonuses applying, will be hard-pressed to remember anything at
all about the character even if the character talked with them, saved them from a dragon, or ate their
children. The description will be on the tip of their tongue, but they just won't quite remember what he
looked like or what he did. This power tends to result in descriptions like "average height, average build,
wearing ... something beige. I think." Anyone who uses Total Recall or has a combined I.Q. and M.E. of
30 or more will be able to remember normal details about the unnoteworthy character, but not an
extraordinary amount of detail.
Stealth Ability:
The character has several small abilities that comprise his unnatural stealth.
(Note: that none of these abilities work in combat to much adrenaline and such).
Gains a bonus of +30% to Prowl skill, or use that as a base if the skill is not possessed. He can even jog
(running at half speed) while prowling and make no more noise than if he were walking.
He can mask his body heat to be equal with those of his surroundings, thus becoming invisible to thermo-
vision and heat sensing devices. Body temperature can be varied (plus or minus) by 3 degrees Celsius at
level one, plus 1 degree per level of experience. This ability requires concentration (-2 on initiative and
loss of one melee action).
His 'natural odor' is almost imperceptible, causing a -30% to attempts to track him, or sense by smell
alone (or require a difficult perception roll).
He can slow down his heart rate, breathe almost noiselessly, and move so silently that attempts to hear
him suffer a -30% penalty (or require a difficult perception roll).
His natural stealth gives him a +4 bonus to perception, +10% to Detect Ambushes, +10% on Tracking,
and +10% to Track Animals.
Animals (most, anyway) will not recognize the character as a human or as a predator. Deer will graze and
birds will continue to chirp in the character's presence.
Characters with this power are able to attach themselves to any solid surface by their fingers and hands,
toes and feet. This means that the person can walk on walls or ceilings, can climb any surface effortlessly,
and is terrific at catching fly balls.
The only limits to this power are the character's own strength and speed. Attempting to carry a heavy load
greater than his/her P.S.x5 in kilograms (4500 kg; 9921 lbs.) will cause the character to fall off whatever
they are adhering too. Speed climbing and crawling along walls and ceilings is equal to half the running
speed (In the case of Extraordinary or Super Sonic Speed, climbing is 1/4 their maximum speed).
Restrictions: Loose rocks, crumbling plaster, ice, oil or other slippery stuff will prevent adhesion. -15%
when the character is wearing shoes or gloves.
+10% to Prowl when climbing on the ceiling or wall (Can't move faster than a quarter of climbing speed
and prowl)
+15% to Palming, Pick Pockets, and Concealment
+5% to acrobatics and/or gymnastics
+1 to P.P.

O.C.C. Skills:
Language & Literacy: (American) Base Skill: 83% +1% per level of experience) (94%).
Language/ Literacy: 3 of choice (Spanish/Dragonese/Techno-can) Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of
experience. (95%)
Mathematics: Basic: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Oxygen Conservation: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Vacuum Survival: Base Skill: Time of survival: Seconds equal to P.E. +20 seconds, and +5 seconds per
level of experience. (85 seconds) [1minute 25seconds)
Radio: Basic: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
Basic Electronics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Basic Mechanics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Radio: Scramblers: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Radio: Surveillance Systems & Tailing: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Contacts: Skill: 6% + 2% per level of experience. (28%)
Trap/Mine Detection: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Add +50% when using special
detection equipment to locate mines/ explosives, or +10 to locate other types of traps with detection
equipment. (60/110/70%)
Tracking: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (70%)
Tracking: Humanoids: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Track Animals: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Search: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Streetwise - General: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Add a +15% bonus if the character
has Research and or Computer Hacking and/or other Computer-related skills. (70%)
Streetwise - Con Games: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Add a +15% bonus if the
character has Research and or Computer Hacking and/or other Computer-related skills. (60%)
Streetwise - Drugs: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Add a +15% bonus if the character
has Research and or Computer Hacking and/or other Computer-related skills. (65%)
Streetwise - Gambling: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Add a +15% bonus if the
character has Research and or Computer Hacking and/or other Computer-related skills. (60%)
Streetwise - Networks: Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. Add a +15% bonus if the
character has Research and or Computer Hacking and/or other Computer-related skills. (55%)
Pilot: Boat: Motor and Hydrofoils: Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Pilot: Hover-cycle: Base Skill: 60% + 4% per level of experience. (84%)
Skilled boxers will Automatically Knockout opponents on a natural twenty for 1D6 melee rounds. Unlike
normal Knockout/Stun this does NOT have to be declared before the strike roll.
One additional attack per melee.
+2 to Parry/Dodge,
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall,
+1 to P.E.,
+1D4 to P.S.,
+3D6 to S.D.C.
Pin/Incapacitate on a roll of 18, 19, or 20
  Crush/Squeeze does 1D4 damage
  Body Block/Tackle does 1D4 damage and opponent must Dodge or Parry to avoid being
Knocked down.
  +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall,
+2 to P.S.,
+1 to P.E.,
+4D6 to S.D.C.
If the character with this skill declares a simultaneous attack in melee combat, he may negate his
opponent's attack if he successfully strikes. That is, his opponent's attack doesn't count at all! The strike
must be a Punch, Snap Kick or a simple weapon Thrust. Also, there is no time to put any real force
behind the strike, so no P.S. bonus applies to damage. See the rules for simultaneous attacks for details.
In learning anticipation, the character has probably taken a bit of a beating; add +1D4 to S.D.C.
Impact Zone:
+2 to Roll/w Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 at levels 4, 11 and 14.
+2D6 S.D.C.
Half damage from failed Roll/w Punch/Fall/Impact failed rolls.
+1 to Strike with Ground-fighting skills on a failed Initiative roll.
+3 to Save vs. Pain.
Cross Training:
Character bonuses:
+1D4+2 to P.S.
+2 to P.P.
+1D4+1 to P.E.
+1D6+2 to Speed.
+2D6 to S.D.C.
As well, the character is naturally more athletic, and gets +2 to Athletic Feats at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and
14. The character gets +1 to Maintain Balance at levels 2, 6, and 11, and +1 to Roll with
Punch/Fall/Impact at level 1, 4, and 9.
Tai Chi:
Add +2D6 to base Chi.
Add +2 to Maintain Balance.
Add +1 to Grabbing/Throwing techniques.
Add +1 to Roll.
Add +1 to M.E. (learning to stay relaxed).
Security Systems: Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience. (45%)
Intelligence: Base Skill: 32% + 4% per level of experience. (56%)
Computer Operation: Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (90%)
Detect Ambush: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Detect Concealment: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Perception: Base Skill: (IQ + 20) % + 5% per level of experience. (69%)
Read Sensory Equipment: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (69%)
Weapon Systems (General): Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (89%)
Navigation (Air): Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (89%)
Navigation (Land: Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (89%)
Navigation (Sea): Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (89%)
Pressure Point Control Tactics.
Bonuses: +2 to Hold/Lock, Pin/Incapacitate, or Entangle (this bonus applies both to the initial
attack/defense and to subsequent attempts to maintain or break the hold). If the character does not possess
one or more of the above attacks, the training includes an Entangle attack.   
Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 20 (if the character already has a Knock-Out/ Stun attack, from Hand to Hand
training, Boxing, ect, reduce the target number by one.   
Knockdown attack - using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's leg briefly; just long
enough to force them to fall. May be performed with a kick or with a blunt weapon (commonly a
nightstick or similar instrument). Does normal damage for the application method (i.e., normal kick or
weapon damage), and the opponent loses initiative and one attack. Requires a called shot (12 or higher,
bonuses included). Rolls under 12 which hit do normal kick damage only. Successfully rolling with a
knockdown kick means the character does not fall, but suffers normal damage. Maintain Balance rolls are
at -5 vs. a knockdown kick of this type.    
Disarm punch/kick - using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's arm briefly; just long
enough to cause them to drop their weapon or other carried object. Does the character's normal punch
damage (1d4 or higher; N&SS/MC characters may use the Fore-Knuckle, Double Knuckle Punch, and
Power Punch, Snap Kick, Wheel Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Axe Kick, Power Kick strikes as well), and acts
as a Disarm attack. The disarm punch takes two attacks. As with the Knockdown attack, a called shot
(12+ with bonuses) is required; lower rolls do normal damage but do not cause the Disarm effect. Rolling
with a Disarm punch means it does normal punch damage, but does not cause a Disarm. At the GM's
option, the Disarm punch may be used to force opponents to break Locks, Holds, and similar attacks, as
+1 to Save vs. Pain       
Prowl: Base Skill: 46% + 8% per level of experience. (181%, +10% to Prowl when climbing on the
ceiling or wall (Can't move faster than a quarter of climbing speed and prowl).
Stalk/Capture: Base Skill: 10%/20% + 5% per level of experience. (40/50%)
W.P. Energy Pistol (paired/sharpshooter): Includes lasers and all types of energy firing small
arms. Aimed: +5 to strike. Burst: +2 to strike. Wild: no bonuses or penalty.
W.P. Sharpshooting Bonuses: All bonuses are in addition to conventional W.P. bonuses of +3 aimed, +1
The Sharp Aimed Shot (applicable to both the single shot and the aimed burst shot): +1 to strike with a
P.P. 20 and every additional five (5) P.P. points above 20, but the bonuses are only applicable when the
appropriate type of weapon is used. Aimed shots only. No bonuses for shooting wild.
The Sharpshooter's Called Shot: The sharpshooter's aimed shot bonuses are NOT applicable when
using this special "Sharpshooter's called shot." Instead, the sharpshooter uses the following superior
bonuses: +1 to strike with a P.P. 18 and every additional three (3) P.P. points above 18, but the bonuses
are only applicable when the appropriate type of weapon is used and this special called shot counts as two
melee attacks/actions. Aimed shots only.
Quick Draw: +1 to initiative with a P.P. 18 and every additional four (4) P.P. points above 18, but the
bonuses are only applicable when the appropriate type of weapon is used.
The Bonus Attack: +1 additional shooting melee attack when using that specific weapon for the entire
melee round.
Can fire a traditional two-handed weapon, like a rifle, one handed.
Accurately shoot while riding a horse or moving vehicle (normally a wild shot), but strike
bonuses are half and a called shot is impossible (-8 to strike and strike bonuses do not apply).
Shoot accurately while standing on head or hanging upside down; all bonuses applicable.
Roll or somersault and come up shooting (normally a wild shot), no bonuses nor penalties to
strike; straight roll of the dice.
Recognize Weapon Quality: 45% +5% per each additional level of experience.
Weapon Repair: 65% +5% per each additional level of experience for that particular model of weapon. -
20% for other types unfamiliar to character.
W.P. Energy Rifle: Includes all long range energy firing rifles. Aimed: +4 to strike. Burst: +1 to
strike. Wild: no bonuses or penalty.
W.P. Sharpshooting Bonuses: All bonuses are in addition to conventional W.P. bonuses of +3 aimed, +1
The Sharp Aimed Shot (applicable to both the single shot and the aimed burst shot): +1 to strike with a
P.P. 20 and every additional five (5) P.P. points above 20, but the bonuses are only applicable when the
appropriate type of weapon is used. Aimed shots only. No bonuses for shooting wild.
The Sharpshooter's Called Shot: The sharpshooter's aimed shot bonuses are NOT applicable when
using this special "Sharpshooter's called shot." Instead, the sharpshooter uses the following superior
bonuses: +1 to strike with a P.P. 18 and every additional three (3) P.P. points above 18, but the bonuses
are only applicable when the appropriate type of weapon is used and this special called shot counts as two
melee attacks/actions. Aimed shots only.
Quick Draw: +1 to initiative with a P.P. 18 and every additional four (4) P.P. points above 18, but the
bonuses are only applicable when the appropriate type of weapon is used.
The Bonus Attack: +1 additional shooting melee attack when using that specific weapon for the entire
melee round.
Can fire a traditional two-handed weapon, like a rifle, one handed.
Accurately shoot while riding a horse or moving vehicle (normally a wild shot), but strike
bonuses are half and a called shot is impossible (-8 to strike and strike bonuses do not apply).
Shoot accurately while standing on head or hanging upside down; all bonuses applicable.
Roll or somersault and come up shooting (normally a wild shot), no bonuses nor penalties to
strike; straight roll of the dice.
Recognize Weapon Quality: 45% +5% per each additional level of experience.
Weapon Repair: 65% +5% per each additional level of experience for that particular model of weapon. -
20% for other types unfamiliar to character.
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (paired/sharpshooter): Includes plasma ejector, rail guns, and similar
high tech, mega-damage weapons. Aimed: +5 to strike. Burst: +2 to strike. Wild: no bonuses or penalty.
W. P. Knife:
Bonuses: +1 to strike at levels 2, 7, 11, and 15; +1 to strike when thrown at levels 1, 7, 11, and 15; and +1
to parry at levels 2, 4, 8, 11, and 15. -paired (includes Vibro-Blades)
W.P. Blunt (Stick): Training with all types of blunt weapons including mace, hammers, cudgels, pipe,
staff and clubs. Bonuses: +1 to strike at level one. Add +1 to strike at levels 3, 5, 8, 11 and 14. +1 to
parry at levels 2, 6, 9, 12 and 15. +1 to throw at levels 4, 7, 10 and 13.
W.P. Staff: Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at level one. +1 to strike at levels 4, 7, 10 and 14. +1 to parry
at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14. +1 to throw at levels 4, 8 and 14. –paired
W.P. Improvisation (Stick): This is simply the ability to use any available materials at hand and use
them as effective weapons. This includes the use of dirt to temporally distract/blind your opponent, the
use of sharpened tree branches to use as spears. With this skill almost anything can be a deadly weapon.
Damage: 1d6+P.S. SDC. Bonuses: +1 to strike and damage at level one, and an additional +1 to strike and
damage at levels 4, 8, and 13.
W.P. Unarmed: Training with attacking without any types of weapon save the hands and feet. Bonuses:
+1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12.
W.P. Claws: Bonuses: +1, +1to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, & 14. +1, +1to parry at levels 2, 4,
6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, & 14.
W.P. Small Thrown Weapons: [Weapon Mastery, Paired] Bonuses when thrown or slung: +1 to strike
at levels1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 13. Characters who select both W.P. Small Thrown Weapons and W.P. bow, or
W.P. crossbow (See W.P. Archery), or W.P. spear get the usual bonuses for that W.P., plus a bonus of +1
to strike at levels 2, 5, and 10. Rate of Fire: Equal to the character's normal number of hand to hand
combat attacks. Note: The character loses all bonuses and rate of fire is half when riding on horseback.
Typical Effective Range & Damage per Projectile Weapon Type:
Boomerangs: 60 feet (18 m) — 1D6 damage
Dart: 30 feet (. 19 m) — One point of damage.
Throwing Sticks and Knives: 40 feet (12.2 m) — 1D6 damage
Throwing Irons and Axes: 40 feet (12.2 m) — 2D4 damage
W.P. Sword:
Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at level one, an additional +1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.+1 to
parry at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 5, 10 and 14. W/Fencing/Weapon
Mastery/Swordsmanship/Paired, (includes Vibro-Blades)
W.P. Paired Weapons (All Weapons Known)
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (Quickie Krav Maga).
O.C.C. Related Skills: 

Wilderness Survival: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)

Advanced Prowl: Stealth:
This skill represents an advanced form of the basic Prowl skill that focuses on moving with complete
silence. Characters with this skill learn many special techniques that allow them to move without making
any significant sound, and to avoid visual detection while moving due to good use of cover and
camouflage. A character with Advanced Prowl: Stealth can remain silent while moving across any type of
flooring, in any type of terrain, or in any type of clothing (so long as all "noisy" items like metal clasps
are silenced). The character also learns ways of covering up any noises they do make (such as timing the
noise with other external noises), the avoidance of noise sources (such as squeaky flooring, disturbance of
animals, small twigs, etc.), and even how to imitate simple animal calls or other sounds in order to signal
comrades. The end result of all of this is an unparalleled level of silence and stealth when on the move.
As long as no one suspects the character’s presence or is actively looking for them, any attempted prowl
by the character is considered automatically successful. lf someone is looking for the character(s) or
suspects something is going on, the base skill level to remain undetected is 50% +3% per level. If the
character has specially prepared custom clothes and shoes designed for maximum silence and mobility
(such as a clandestine ops suit or ‘ninja’ suit), they gain an additional +10% bonus to the base skill level
(see Camouflage, Concealment, Prowl, and Perception below). (123%, +10% to Prowl when climbing on
the ceiling or wall (Can't move faster than a quarter of climbing speed and prowl))
This skill costs one (1) Rogue, Espionage, or equivalent skill selection and cannot be taken as a
Secondary Skill. Prerequisite: Prowl (basic) and a P.P. of 14 or higher. Bonuses: Character gains a +1 to
P.P. as the necessary training greatly increases one’s balance and body awareness.
Advanced Prowl: Hiding:
The Advanced Prowl: Hiding skill represents the mastery of stationary evasion of visual detection.
Characters with this skill learn how to become one with their surroundings. These characters study how
objects appear and how people perceive them, and train themselves to meld in with that perception. ln
addition, the character learns how to remain motionless for hours at a time, often in uncomfortable
positions under despicable conditions. Many times characters using this skill will have to stay motionless
or moving imperceptibly for hours in order to avoid detection. Characters with this skill also learn
advanced camouflaging techniques and the advanced use of cover and concealment. Any attempt to
remain undetected while stationary (““hiding") is considered an automatic success as long as no one
suspects the character’s presence or is actively looking for them.
lf someone is suspicious or looking for the character, or the character attempts to move more than two (2)
feet (0.6 m) per melee round, then the character’s chance of remaining undetected is 40% +3% per level.
lf the character is in a specially made, custom camouflage outfit or costume specifically tailored for that
specific environment (such as a custom "Ghillie Suit"), they gain a +l0% to the base skill (see
Camouflage, Concealment, Prowl, and Perception below). (103%, +10% to Prowl when climbing on the
ceiling or wall (Can't move faster than a quarter of climbing speed and prowl)
This skill costs one (1) Rogue, Espionage, or equivalent skill selection and cannot be taken as a
Secondary Skill. Prerequisite: Prowl (basic) and a P.P. of 12 or higher. Bonuses: Character gains a +1 to
P.E. as the necessary training greatly increases one’s patience, fortitude, and tolerance to discomfort.
Swimming - Basic: Base Skill: 50% + 8% per level of experience. (88%)
Climbing: Base Skill: 50% + 8% per level of experience (90%)
Provides the following:
+1 to P.S.,
+1 to P.E.,
+1D6 to S.D.C
Rappelling: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (90%)
Provides the following:
+1 to P.S.,
+1 to P.E.,
+1D6 to S.D.C
This skill is much revered, giving the character the ability to function properly in full clad armor, in
bodies of water. The character trains heavily in combat katas while up to chest deep in lakes and rivers.
The flow, weight and pressure of the water against the bulk and weight of the armor eventually fail to
impede the character.
Provides the following bonuses:
No penalties to strike, parry or dodge while up to waist high in water (or similar substance). Only -2 to
strike, parry or dodge while up to chest high in water.
Halve the Prowl penalties from armor types.
The character can actually swim while in full armor at only -8%.
This skill is much revered, giving the character the ability to function properly in full clad armor, in
bodies of water. The character trains heavily in combat katas while up to chest deep in lakes and rivers.
The flow, weight and pressure of the water against the bulk and weight of the armor eventually fail to
impede the character. Provides the following bonuses:
No penalties to strike, parry, or dodge while up to waist high in water (or similar substance).
Only -2 to strike, -2 to parry, or -2 to dodge while up to chest high in water.
Halve the Prowl penalties from armor types.
The character can actually swim while in full armor at only -8%.
This is the native Filipino form of wrestling. Dumong was a fighting form concentrating with grappling
techniques, implementing take down maneuvers. It can be compared to a mix of Greco-Roman and a bit
of Sumo wrestling. Many moves centered around holds to the waist or belt, each attempting to unbalance
the other. This was considered a form of sport, but had many uses in battle, as well. The entire back had
to be squarely pinned for victory.
Provides the following bonuses:
Suplex/hip toss maneuver does 1D4 damage and the opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being
knocked down (lose one melee attack if knocked down).
Pin/incapacitate on a natural roll of 19 or 20 (roll 1D20).
Sense of Balance: Base Skill: 55% +4% per level (Or a +10% added to the skill).
+2 to roll with toss or fall.
+1 to P.S.
+1 to P.P.
+1 to P.E.
+4D6 to S.D.C.
Surfing: Base Skill: 50% +5% per each level of experience. (65%)
A pre-rifts skill common too many Polynesian islands and other coastline countries. This is the art of
riding a long thin board (of varying composition) along the waves of surf. Such a leisurely activity
actually requires a high degree of balance, timing, strength and endurance. This skill is quite common
amongst the younger populace residing near an ocean. Many believe that surfing brings together man and
nature to a level of "oneness" and is even considered a form of spiritualism.
With the surge of magic in recent times, this skill is quite common on land as well, with riders utilizing
TW boards to transverse the air currents. Related skills include snowboarding and skate boarding (same
principles and bonuses, just different terrain or medium utilized).
Provides the following bonuses:
+1 to P.S.
+1 to P.E.
+1 to P.P.
Sense of Balance Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level (Or +10% added to it).
+1 to roll with fall
+5% to Swim Skill
Acrobatics & Gymnastics:
Provides the following abilities:
Characters with Gymnastics can leap 8 feet upwards and 9 feet across, with an additional +4 feet per
level. Fearless of Heights.
(Note: Characters with Leap Attack can use these distances in a strike .)
Sense of Balance: Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (110%)
Walk Tightrope or High Wire: Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Climb Rope: Base Skill: 80% + 2% per level of experience. (132%)
Climbing: Base Skill: 50% + 8% per level of experience (90%)
Back Flip: Base Skill: 70% + 8% per level of experience. (100%)
Rings & Bars: Base Skill: 60% + 3% per level of experience. (80%)
Prowl: Base Skill: 46% + 8% per level of experience. (184%, +10% to Prowl when climbing on the
ceiling or wall (Can't move faster than a quarter of climbing speed and prowl).
+5 to Roll with Punch/Fall,
+3 to P.S.,
+2D4 to P.P.
+3 to P.E.,
+4D6 to S.D.C.
Kick Boxing:
May add the following strikes to the usual list of available hand to hand attacks: Roundhouse, Axe Kick,
Elbow, Forearm, and Knee.
Add+1D8 to S.D.C.
Add +1 to P.E.
Add+1 to P.S.

Select +2 additional skills at levels 3, 7 and 12. All new skills start at first level proficiency.

Communications: Any (+5%)

Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any, except Robot Electronics.
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Mechanical: Any, except Robot Mechanics & Weapons Engineer.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%).
Military: Any (+5% to Demolitions and Trap skills only)
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any (+5%)
Science: Math, Astronomy and Chemistry only (+10%).
Technical: Any (+5%)
W.P.: Any including Paired Firearms and Sharpshooting as described in Rifts® New West™, but each
counts as two O.C.C. Related skills; these two New West skill cannot be taken as Secondary Skills.
Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills: 

Lore: {Witches/Undead} Base Skill: 10% + 5% per level of experience. (25%)

Lore: {D-Bee/Demons & Monsters/Ghosts & Faeries} Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of
experience. (40%)
Mountaineering: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Spelunking: Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
Urban Survival: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Arctic Survival: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Desert Survival: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (60%)
Sub-Zero Conditioning: Bonuses: +4 to all save vs. cold rolls, +3D6 S.D.C. +1D6 P.E.

Special Martial Arts Form:

Quickie - Krav Maga:

This is a relatively unique style of fighting developed by Imi Lichtenfeld in the 1940's (around 1948 ), in
Israel. Lichtenfeld felt that existing martial arts were not quite adequate for street fighting, so he began to
study how people responded to attacks, and developed this style based on the body's natural movements.

Krav means “combat", "fighting", or "battle". Maga translates as "touching" or "in contact", and Krav
Maga is usually translated as "Combat Contact". This is the official fighting style of the Israeli Defense
Forces, and was initially secret. But in 1963-64, the style became open to civilians, and has since spread
to places such as Brazil, the USA, France, Norway, and England. It teaches it's students a philosophy of
independence and self-confidence. It has four main principals: Courage, Emotional Stability, Patience,
and Self-Respect. In combat, the philosophy ranges from "don't get hurt", to" kill the other guy before he
kills you". One of the more unique aspects of Krav Maga is that it adapts to the student, instead of the
student adapting to it. This is part of what makes it popular.

Today, the style is taught to all kinds of people, from children to elderly people. Most of the students
study the self-defense aspects, but never really get into the street fighting techniques. It has become
popular with many law-enforcement officials and military personnel, including the F.B.I., the C.I.A., and
several Brazilian Special Forces units.

Krav Maga first appeared about 40 years ago. It was created by the Israeli Defense Forces to teach self-
defense to many people with varying abilities in a short amount of time. Krav Maga utilizes techniques
from Aikido, Boxing, Judo, Jujitsu, and Karate. The style builds on natural reflexes so the student can
build up a number of simple, effective techniques for different situations, especially grappling. Krav
Maga has no Katas or specific sequences that must be followed. Students use the basic sequence of moves
with dynamic moves to fend off an attack, the idea being to adapt and improvise. Students are also taught
effective striking techniques. Punching is taken from boxing as opposed to the traditional martial art
styles and low kicks to knee and groin are emphasized. Defense against stick, knife, gun, and bayonet
rifle are also taught. As training continues, techniques to deal with multiple armed opponents are
introduced. Situations do not have specific sequences since predicting the actions of people is nearly
impossible, so the student is taught to cope with any situation. In addition, hostage situations, covert
debilitation, and assassination are taught.

Entrance Requirements: No Alignment Restrictions. Minimum Attributes are: I.Q.: 8, P.P.: 10.
Skill Cost: 6 Years (4 Years as a Secondary Martial Art Style).
Costume: Casual sweat pants, tennis shoes, and a white t-shirt; Or a Standard Gi
Stance: Initially none. Students are taught to react from various natural positions, such as sitting, or lying
down. Once combat starts, the student assumes a stance with his feet spread shoulder's-width apart. The
majority of his weight is carried on the front foot. His body is turned slightly (providing a smaller target,
and protecting the groin), and his hands are at shoulder level, in front of his face.

Character Bonuses:
Add +3 to P.S.
Add +3 to P.P.
Add +3 to P.E.
Add +1 to M.A.
Add +15 to S.D.C.

Combat Skills:

Attacks per Melee: 4

Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Maintain Balance.
Attack Moves: None
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, And Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Break fall, Circular Parry, Combination Parry/Attack, Multiple Dodge, Disarm.
Hand Attacks: Punch, Knife Hand, Palm Strike, Power Punch, Backhand.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Snap Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Crescent Kick, Tripping/ Leg Hook.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick, Flying Jump Kick.
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Groin Special Attacks, Death Blow, Choke, Knee, Forearm, Elbow, Body
Flip/Throw, Combination Grab/Kick,
Agony Strike: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the
influence of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in
agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it
will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of
attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike,
parry and dodge.
Pain Strike: By manipulating the nerve centers the martial artist can induce terrible pain, shooting
throughout the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit
Points (not S.D.C.) per each minute affected.
Paralysis Strike: This attack immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop
functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still
use psionics but only if he has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they
cannot cast spells while paralyzed.
Pins & Needles Strike: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and
needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily
cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5%
skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm,
that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -
25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush
and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5%
skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also
have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using
this attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill
penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries,
even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is
impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.
Release Strike: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either
vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker
chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions.
Stun Strike: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is
cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.
Dragon Power Punch: (3D4+P.S. damage)
Tiger Kick: (2D8+P.S. damage),
Leopard Hand Strike: (2D4+P.S. damage)
Snake Snap Kick: (1D10+P.S. damage)
Crane Elbow Strike: (2D4+P.S. damag
Dragon claw to the throat: Crush and tear out throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*4 to hit points. Additional
4 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to double critical damage and shock.
Crane forearm to the temple: Potentially lethal if the attacker breaks the temporal bone. 1D6+ damage
bonuses)*2 to head SDC and another half of that to hit points. Speed, attacks, and skills reduced by 25%.
Equivalent to medium injury and shock.
Tiger palm to the nose: Drive the cartilage into the brain. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points.
Additional 2D6 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to triple heavy injury and shock.
Snake hand to the eyes (or crane hand or mantis hand etc.): Poke out the eyes. (1D4+damage bonuses)*2
to hit points. Additional 2 hit points lost per minute. Blindness with all its penalties! 50% chance of
irreparable damage to the eyes. Equivalent to triple medium injury and shock.
Panther paw to throat: Crush the throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Double medium injury
and shock. [On the other hand, you can just use the table for normal death blows...]
Dirt in the Eye: This is the typical "pick up a handful of dirt and throw it in his eye" move. Requires a
strike roll of 15 or better. If successful, the opponent is stunned, losing one action, and suffers a -4 to all
combat rolls until he gets his eyes washed.
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. Requires a strike
roll of 13. If successful, the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving
throw fails, the victim loses initiative and two attacks. Inflicts 1D4 damage.
Eye Gouge: This is an attempt to plunge one of your thumbs into the opponent's eyes. Requires a strike
roll of 14. If successful, the opponent must roll a saving throw versus pain, or be incapacitated for 1D4
melee rounds. He will be blind in that eye for 3D6 hours, and there is a 75% chance of permanent
blindness. Inflicts 1D6 damage.
Nose Bite: This is an attempt to bit the tip of the opponent's nose off. Requires a strike roll of 16. If
successful, the victim will be stunned for 1D4 melee rounds, losing initiative and two attacks, and he will
suffer a -3 penalty to all actions. Inflicts only 1D3 damage, but bleeds at twice the normal rate.
Foot Stomp: This is simply bringing your foot down on the opponent's arch. Requires a strike roll of 14. If
successful, the victim is reduced to 75% normal Spd., loses initiative and one action for 1D4 melee
rounds. There is a 25% chance that the foot will be broken, in which case, the penalties remain until it is
healed. Inflicts 1D6 damage.
Groin Slap: (used against someone who is holding you, this is a "slap" to the groin. Requires a strike roll
of 13 or better, inflicts 1D6 damage, plus the victim must Save vs. Pain, or lose Initiative and 1-2 attacks),
Groin Kick with Hammer Strike: (This requires two strike rolls. The first is for a kick to the groin, which,
if successful, inflicts 1D8 damage, and a Save as per the Groin Slap, followed up by a Hammer Fist to the
face or back of the neck for 1D8 damage).
Holds/Locks: Arm Hold, Automatic Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Automatic Leg Hold, Wrist Lock, Automatic
Wrist Lock, Body Hold, Automatic Body Hold, Neck Hold, Automatic Neck Hold, Snap Lock,
Automatic Snap Lock, Choke, Crush/Squeeze, Paralysis Attack..
Weapon Katas: W.P. Stick (Blunt), Knife, Short Staff, Long Staff (Military personnel learn to use their
rifles as staffs also), (both paired and in combination paired interchangeably).
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Rear.

Skills Included In Training:

Language: Hebrew.
Physical: Athletics, Pressure Point Control Tactics (by Lee Casebolt )
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Stick (Blunt), W.P. Knife, W.P. Staff. (both paired and in combination
paired interchangeably)
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time:
Chito Ryu (3 Years), Chuong Nhu (2 Years), Gensei Ryu (3 Years), Goju Ryu (3 Years), Hakko Denshin
Ryu (4 Years), Hontai Yoshin Ryu (5 Years), Isshin Ryu (4 Years), Kajukenbo (4 Years), Kito Ryu (4
Years), Kodokan Judo (4 Years), Kokikai Aikido (4 Years), Sankukai (4 Years), Seidokan Aikido (6
Years), Shito Ryu (3 Years), Shorei Ryu (3 Years), Shorin Ryu (4 Years), Shorinji Ryu Karate (4 Years),
Shotokan (4 Years), Shukokai (3 Years), Sosuishitsu Ryu (4 Years), Tomiki Ryu Aikido (3 Years), Uechi
Ryu (4 Years), Wado Ryu (5 Years), Yoseikan Aikido (5 Years), Yoshinkan Aikido (5 Years), Yoshokai
Aikido (5 Years).

Level Advancement Bonuses:

1st: +3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 to Parry, +2 to Doge, +1 to Strike.
2nd: +1 Strike, +2 Parry, +1 to Disarm, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
3rd: +1 to Damage, +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 Attack per Melee, +1 Maintain Balance, Knock-Out/Stun on
Natural 20.
4th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 Damage, +1 Dodge, +1 Disarm..
5th: +1 Strike, +2 to Holds*
6th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 Parry, +1 to Disarm, Critical Strike on a 19 or 20.
7th: +2 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Dodge, +1 to Damage, knock-Out/Stun on Natural 19
8th: +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Maintain Balance, Death Blow on Natural
9th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 Attack per Melee, +2 Disarm.
10th: +2 Parry/Dodge, and Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact. .+1 to Damage.
11th: +2 to Disarm, +1 Strike, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 18, Death Blow on a Natural 20.
12th:+1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 Attack per Melee, Critical Strike on Natural 18.
13th: +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Holds*, Death Blow on Natural 19.
14th: +1 to Strike, +1 Dodge, +3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
15th: +1 Strike/Parry, +2 Disarm, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 17.


A modern, effective, & practical self-defense art that deals well with multiple attackers and new or
unexpected situations. that can be learned in a short time, this is hard to beat. Good overall technique for
those in a hurry. Unfortunately, it is weak on the mystical, inner aspects.
* Applies to all of the maneuvers listed under Holds, above.

Special Martial Abilities:


Standard Equipment Carried: 

Magic enhanced Armored Jumpsuit: (no prowl penalty, Matte Black black/w red trim),
Head: 30
Arms (2): 40
Main Body: 45
Legs (2): 60
Weight: 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)
Has Null Aura worked into it so that it does not register as magical? With hidden utility belt/w 40
pouches & a hidden battle harness/w 40 pouches built in.
Penalties: Full Mobility, has no penalties to prowl, swim, or gymnastics.
[Turns into a Set of Green tattoos on the characters back when not needed, if destroyed it will completely
regenerate in 4 hours]
Black Market/Market Cost: 40,000 credits
(1) Hidden Battle harness/ w40pouches[Holds: (1) Set of superior lock picks (+10% to Lock pick skill),
(1) Set of hand and foot spikes <+40% climb skill +1d6*10 damage combat>, (12) Each silver/iron/steel
wood throwing stars 1d6, - (8) Hidden Pockets for documents, -(2) Pistol Holster (Gun not included), -
(10) Ammo storage boxes, (8) Iron small vibro knives: 1D6+6, (8) Silver plated small vibro knives:
(1) Hidden Utility belt/ w40 pouches [Holds: (1) lg. flashlight, (1) pen flashlight, (1) Ninja Emergency
Kit, -6in survival knife w/compass (1D6), -Mini power screwdriver, -Small night scope (20 x powers, lasts
15 min before needing a recharge), -Mini tape recorder, -Stun gun (can be used 3 times before needing a
recharge), -Gas Mask/w 10 (30min filters), -Wire cutters, -Mini camera, - (8) Hidden Pockets for
documents, -(2) Pistol Holster (Gun not included), -(10) Ammo storage boxes, -Short range Walkie-
Talkie, (16) Hand grenades,]
(1) Hidden Spine Sheath [Holds: (2) Silver Vibro-Ninja-to: A standard-looking long sword. The
generator is in the handle. Average length: 3 feet (0.9 m). Average weight: 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg). Typical
Damage: 4D6+(25) Bonus. M.DC.: 100]
(1) Backpack [Holds: A hatchet for cutting wood, (1) Tent, (1) Rolled up Bedroll, (1) Gas mask/w (10)
air filters, (1) Tinted high-impact polarized goggles, (1) Tinted high-impact polarized sunglasses, (2)
RMK, (2) IRMSS kits, (2) Canteens (single gallon), Freeze-dried combat rations (1D4+4 week supply),
(1) Set of hand and foot spikes (+40% climb skill) +1d6 damage combat>, And some personal items].

(1) Knapsack: [Holds: NG-S2 survival pack, (2) Mace: A stinging chemical spray that blinds one's
opponent (much better than hair spray). Victims are -6 to strike, parry and dodge. Effective Range: 4 to 6
feet (7.2 to 1.8 m). Duration: 4D4 melees., with about 20 sprays before empty (20 reloads), (8) Tear Gas:
This extremely potent irritant temporarily impairs vision and respiration, causing eyes to burn and water
profusely, skin to burn (a sensation, not in actuality), and making breathing very difficult. Victims are -6
to strike, parry, dodge, and lose any chance for initiative. Effects are immediate. Saving Throw: None
(gas masks counter the gas effectively). (20 reloads), (8) Knockout Gas: These are tranquilizers;
anesthesia-type mists that will induce drowsiness within 1 D4 melees and sleep within 1 D4 minutes.
Saving Throw: If a character makes a successful saving throw vs toxins, his body has successfully fought
off the effects of the gas and is unimpaired. However. the player must roll once for every minute (four
melees) that the character is exposed to the gas (20 reloads)]

NG-SR3 ‘Marksman’ Collapsible Sniper Laser Rifle:

The Marksman is the precision laser rifle that Northern Gun’s Research & Development division turned
out after years of studying Wilk’s and Triax products. The leaders of that design team, Jeff Bunde,
Michael Smith and Matthew Newton, produced a surprisingly sophisticated and compact weapon for an
NG design.
The rifle is collapsible, breaking down into five component parts (takes 15 seconds/one melee round) that
fit neatly inside a briefcase or bag, or can be concealed amongst one’s garments.
Banned for sale within the Coalition and Free Quebec, the SR3 is highly sought out by assassins and hit
men across the continent.
(Note: Comes standard with a basic telescopic sight and passive Night-vision scope (both 2,000 foot/610
m range).
Weight: 8 lbs. (3.6 kg).
Range: 2,400 feet (731.5 m).
S.D.C. Damage: The weapon has an S.D.C. setting that inflicts
1D6x10 S.D.C. per shot.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. on the medium setting or 4D6 M.D.
for the high intensity laser setting.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Payload: A standard E-Clip provides enough energy for 5 high intensity, or 10 medium M.D. shots;
S.D.C. firing drains far less energy. It takes five S.D.C. blasts to drain the same power as a single medium
M.D. blast. Long E-Clips double the payload.
Bonus to Strike: +5 to strike on an Aimed shot.
Reloads: (10) Long E-clips.
Cost: 32,000 credits

NG-L5 Laser Rifle:

The standard amongst Northern Gun’s laser rifles and a strong seller for many years, is the creation of
Becky Northaven and Kimihoro Hamaura. The L5 is remarkably durable and resilient in the field, (it was
on the market for two full years before a client reported a misfire). However, it can be quite a burden for a
soldier to carry. NG’s technicians have been cutting the weapon’s weight down with each production
block, and the new Block III rifles are slimmer and lighter, but still tough enough to be used as a club if
Weight: Block One: 14 lbs. (6.3 kg). Block Two: 12 (5.4 kg), and
10 lbs (4.5 kg for the NG-L5 Block III).
Range: 1,600 feet (488 m).
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 10 shots standard clip or 20 shots long E-Clip.
Reloads: (10) Long E-clips.
Cost: 16,000 credits.

(2) NG-33 Laser Pistol:

A trusty side arm offered by Northern Gun, the NG-33 has been upgraded by NG engineers led by
Jonathan Harris and Thomas Schrupp over the years to develop a slightly more powerful weapon, but still
retains all of its signature NG ruggedness and dependability.
Weight: 4 lbs. (1.8 kg).
Range: 800 feet (244 m).
Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. per blast for the original Block I weapon.
2D4 M.D. for the NG-33 Block II; same price.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 20 shots.
Reloads: (10) Long E-clips.
Cost: 6,500 credits.

(2) NG-35 Heavy Laser Pistol:

Northern Gun is known for their heavy, durable infantry weapons, but most laser pistols are typically
light, small guns.
To appeal to its customer base of macho types and individuals with enhanced strength, an NG design
team spearheaded by Robert Edmunds and Phillip A. Compher has created a new high powered laser
pistol. The NG-35 is a big, bulky weapon with good range, good firepower and is still sturdy enough that
it can be used just fine as a cudgel. No one will mistake it for a Triax or Wilk’s product, which is how
Northern Gun likes it.
Weight: 4.5 lbs (2 kg).
Range: 800 feet (244 m).
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 14 shots, 22 with a long E-Clip.
Reloads: (10) Long E-clips.
Cost: 19,500 credits.

(2) Saddlebags,

HX-288 Street Tornado Hover-cycle:
The Street Tornado is a fast, sleek hover vehicle that is a cross between a conventional hovercycle and a
military rocket bike. It has one heavy-duty jet thruster in the back, plus four directional thrusters and ten
tiny directional jets (mostly in the undercarriage) for excellent speed and control. Unlike most
commercial hover-cycles which do not exceed 200 mph (320 km) or a height of 20 feet (6.1 m), the HX-
288 can rocket to speeds in excess of 300 mph (480 km) and an altitude of 2000 feet (610 m). This makes
it suitable for high speed chases, street use, and able to reach the roof tops of buildings and skyscrapers.

A special whisper mode quiets the powerful engine to purr softer than a new car, giving the rider some
measure of stealth even on his hovercycle (-30% on the pilot’s Prowl skill when flying along at 40
mph/64 km or slower). Weapon systems include a front laser turret and 4-6 mini-missiles, the latter
mounted on the stubby wings. A very popular vehicle, second to the NEMA motorcycle.

HX-288 All-Purpose Hovercycle

Nickname: The “Street Tornado” or just, “Tornado.”
Class: Aerial Military Combat Hover Vehicle.
Crew: One.

M.D.C. by Location:
Laser Turret (1; front) - 22
Front Windshield (1) - 10
Headlight (1) - 5**
Rocket Jet (1; rear) - 65
Large, Rear Directional Jets (4, two on each side) - 15 each
Tiny Directional Jets (10) - 2 each **
Tail Fin (1) - 25
Wings (2) - 35 each **
Main Body – 118

Every item marked by a single asterisk is small and/or difficult to strike. An attacker must make a “called
shot” to hit and even then he is -4 to strike.
Destroying one of the wings or tail inflicts a piloting skill penalty of -10% and reduces speed by 20%;
accumulative damage and penalties for losing both wings and/or tail.

Destroying one set of the rear directional jets negates the +2 to dodge bonus and reduces speed by 40%
(or -20% per each of the four jets).

Destroying both inflicts a piloting penalty of -70%.

Destroying the rocket engine, only, means maximum speed is 250 mph (400 km).

Destroying six or more of the tiny directional jets will eventually make the vehicle wobbly and -10% on
piloting Skill. 1

Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

Speed: Flying: 250 mph (400 km) maximum without the rocket thrusters engaged. 350 mph (560 km)
with the thrusters engaged. Cruising speed, however, ranges between 70 and 150 mph (112 and 240 km).
VTOL capable, can hover stationary, move in a straight line, up and down; retractable landing gear.
Maximum altitude is limited to about 2000 feet (610 m).
Water: The Street Tornado can also skim across the surface of water at a speed of 210 mph (336 km/
178.5 knots) or greater, but is ‘not submersible.
Flying Range: The nuclear power supply provides the vehicle decades of life and it can be flown
continuously for 12 hours without fear of overheating.

Statistical Data:
Height: 6 feet (1.8 m).
Width: 6 feet (1.8 m) from wing tip to wing tip.
Length: 13 feet (3.9 m).
Weight: 1000 pounds (450 kg).
Cargo: Only enough to stow an energy rifle, three E-Clips and a backpack (usually hooked to the outside),
but it can pull up to one ton of cargo (reduce speed by 30% and rocketing is not possible without losing
the cargo).
Power System: Nuclear, average cycle’s energy life is 20 years.
Cost & Availability: Exclusive to NEMA and select Special Forces of regional police. Any found outside
of NEMA were found or stolen and sell for upwards of 900,000 credits or equivalent in trade.
(Rare Note: Commercial hover-cycles usually have gasoline and electric engines or are solar powered,
have a maxi mum speed of 200 mph (320 km), a maximum hover height of 20 feet (6.1 m; typically ride 3-
5 feet/0.9 to 1.5 m above the ground), but could jump 100 feet (30.5 m) across and 40 feet
(12.2 m) high. Main body has the equivalent of 6-12 M.D.C., with all other parts being S.D.C., there is no
laser weapon, nor rocket thruster, and maximum range is 600 miles (960 km) per energy charge or 300
miles (480 km) per tank of gas. Solar engines recharge constantly, provided there is sufficient sunlight,
with batteries topping off after six hours, but cost 20% more.)

Costs: 400,000 credits, an extra 100,000 for maximum (12) M.D.C.

1. Sensors/Communications: Long- and short-range radio and short-range radar (can track 48 targets
simultaneously), Heads-Up Display, and video communications.

2. Bonuses: +2 to dodge and +5% to do aerial tricks and maneuvers. Also see Pulse Laser for strike
bonus, combat troops as a means of transportation, observation and troop support. The vehicle is a
slightly oblong, circular, open-air platform that can be covered with a light, semi-transparent bubble top
(15 M.D.C.), but usually goes topless. Since most combat troops wear body armor of some sort, the cover
is usually seen as a nuisance. Special drains and light M.D.C. materials protect the interior from weather
damage. A large, high-powered spotlight is commonly mounted on a turret in the middle of the vehicle,
but a weapon such as the Laser Cannon of the MX-366 Street Bruiser ATV, rail gun (any), mini-missile
launcher or other weapon and smaller spotlight can be substituted. However, the standard four double-
barreled laser turrets provide considerable fire power. Each laser turret is usually manned by an individual
gunner for maximum fire power, but the pilot or co-pilot can fire one turret at a time from a master
control. The center light and/or weapon system is usually operated by the pilot or co-pilot (it has 360
degree rotation and a 90 degree arc of fire). A pair of small lights are located at four locations around the
platform and though recessed, can be pointed in a 30 degree arc in all directions to illuminate multiple
areas at night.

The reliable and quiet platform can hover as close to the ground as two feet (0.6 m) or as high as 500 feet
(152 m), has VTOL capabilities, and retractable landing gear. A trio of large jets are recessed in the
undercarriage to provide lift and speed along with eight concealed maneuvering jets in the lower ring of
the vehicle. The versatile hover vehicle is frequently used to insert and extract reconnaissance squads,
haul cargo, Evac the injured and function as an observation platform as well as being used by special
teams, Intel-Agents and Military Specialists.

The character starts off with:
2l0, 000 in credits
160, 000 in gems
220, 000 in black market salable items.

Cybernetic Implants:
Silver Retractable Vibro-Blades (large): (modified to work with powers)
Concealed in the forearm until extended for combat, there are a total of three on each hand extending out
of an access portals right on top of the hand. The claws can reach a length of 1 ½ feet and can be drawn
out by the character any length from 1 inch to the full length. The character can draw them out separately
(i.e. just the middle one, the outside two, the first one etc.) As the claws are part of the skeleton of the
character, it does not take an attack to draw them out or retract them. (Characters with this cannot use any
other knuckle weapon).
The blades are used like a short sword, they add +3D6+ (25)M.D.C. damage/blade to hand to hand attacks

Cyber-Armor (modified to work with powers): This is a unique lightweight armor that is grafted right to
the skin. The armor plates are less than an eighth of an inch thick and form fitted around the contours of
the body. Cyber-armor is only grafted to the chest, shoulders, shoulder blades, and thighs for two reasons.
One, the body needs to breathe through skin pores and secondly, additional armor would greatly impair
movement (reduce attacks, bonuses, and speed by half).
The rest of the body is not protected. Consequently, this is one of the few mega-damage armors that has
an armor rating; A.R. 16. A roll above the A.R. 16 means an unprotected portion of the body has been hit
and damaged. Adds 20 pounds (9 kg) to body weight.
Cyber-Armor: (Modified to work with powers)
Chest: 100 M.D.C. A.R. 16.
Shoulders: M.D.C., A.R. 16.
Shoulder blades: 100 M.D.C., A.R. 16.
Thighs: 100 M.D.C. A.R. 16.
XAN-BCE-04 (modified to work with powers): The BCE process is a special chemical augmentation
derived from the Titan Juicer process. Like the Titan Juicer, the characters bone structure is laced with
track metals and chemicals to harden them into superhuman bone structures. However unlike the Titan
Juicer process, the bone lacing is a non-lethal cybernetic enhancement, it has no major penalties: such as a
reduced life spans or any of the other similar problems inherent with Juicer conversions. However, that is
not to say the process is not without its share of risks and penalties.
Weight: N/A part of the character, but add +6d6 pounds to the characters weight.
Mega-Damage: The Process makes the characters skeleton an M.D.C. structure. As a result the character
will never break a bone, chip a tooth, or break a nail. The character can still be killed from S.D.C. attacks
because their organs (unless replaced) are still S.D.C.; however their bones will remain permanently. The
characters skeleton has a M.D.C. value of 15 M.D.

The metal has invaded the characters cells, and allows them to heal much faster than normal. The
character heals one hit point or S.D.C. for every point of P.E. the character has, every hour! For example
a character with a P.E. of 18, could heal 18 points of S.D.C. or hit points per hour! (50)

Headhunter Assassin:
1st level: 0,000-2,200
2nd level: 2,201-4,400
3rd level: 4,401-8,800
4th level: 8,801-17,600
5th level: 17,601-27,800
6th level: 27,801-37,900
7th level: 37,901-55,100
8th level: 55,101-75,200
9th level: 75,201-100,300
10th level: 100,301-145,500
11th level: 145,501-190,600
12th level: 190,601-245,700
13th level: 245,701-295,800
14th level: 295,801-345,900
15th level: 345,901-415,100

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