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Using the statical moment method, first divide the area into units for
which the area and location of the centroid are readily determined. The
division chosen here is shown in Figure A.2b with the two parts labeled 1
and 2. How cross sections are subdivided will not change the location of
the centroid.
The second step is to choose a reference axis about which to sum statical
moments and from which the location of the centroid is readily measured.
A convenient reference axis for this shape is one at either the top or
bottom of the shape. With the bottom chosen the distances from the
centroids of the parts to this reference axis are shown in Figure A.2b.
The computation next proceeds to the determination of the unit areas
and their statical moments. This work is summarized in Table A.1, which
shows the total area to be 80 in.2 and the total statical moment to be 520
in.3 Dividing this moment by the total area produces the value of 6.5 in.,
which is the distance from the reference axis to the centroid of the whole
shape, as shown in Figure A.2c.
 Consider the area enclosed by the irregular line in Figure A.4a. In this area, designated A,
a small unit area a is indicated at z distance from the axis marked X–X. If this unit area is
multiplied by the square of its distance from the reference axis, the result is the quantity
az². If all of the units of the area are thus identified and the sum of these products is
made, the result is defined as the second moment or the moment of inertia of the area,
designated as I.
 The moment of inertia is a somewhat abstract item, less able to be visualized than area,
weight, or center of gravity. It is, nevertheless, a real geometric property that becomes an
essential factor for investigation of stresses and deformations due to bending. Of
particular interest is the moment of inertia about a centroidal axis, and—most
significantly—about a principal axis for the shape. Figures A.4b, c, e, and f indicate such
axes for various shapes.
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures
 Values for moment of inertia can often be obtained from tabulations of structural
properties. Occasionally, it is necessary to compute values for a given shape. This may be
a simple shape, such as a square, rectangular, circular, or triangular area. For such shapes
simple formulas are derived to express the value for the moment of inertia.
 Rectangle. Consider the rectangle shown in Figure A.4c. Its width is b and its depth is d.
The two principal axes are X–X and Y–Y, both passing through the centroid of the area.
For this case the moment of inertia with respect to the centroidal axis X–X is
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures
Determination of the moment of inertia of unsymmetrical and complex
shapes cannot be done by the simple processes illustrated in the
preceding examples. An additional step that must be used is that involving
the transfer of moment of inertia about a remote axis. The formula for
achieving this transfer is as follows:
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures
Example 6. Find the moment of inertia of the T-shaped area in Figure A.7 about its
horizontal (X–X) centroidal axis.
Moment of Inertia of Geometric Figures

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