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04 God is Great /
Our Multiplier God
12 IofReturned
to the Times
19 The God of Comfort /
My Life in His Hands

05 The Blessing of Service /

The Power of the Holy Spirit
13 The Value of Life /
I was Healed
20 IThe
Was Able to Forgive /
Unity of the Holy Spirit /
My Ture Identity

06 II Can Dance Again /

Recovered my Hearing
14 The Holy Spirit Keeps
Working / My God of Peace
21 Summer International Retreart
2022 Gallery of Picture

07 God Gave Me a New Heart /

I Kneel Before Him
15 Now I Have New Strength /
God Spoke to Me /
24 Library
The Lord Is My Deliverer

08 IGod’s
Believed and Prayed /
16 The Lord is My Keeper /
I Received New Tongues

09 God Provides /
My Father’s God
17 Great is His Mercy /
The Miracles Have not Ceaced

10 The Lord Surprised Me /

The Lord is my Protector
18 The Father Who Guides Us /
The Lord is in Control

11 IThe
Received a Miracle /
Lord Multiplied my Offering

President and Founder Design and Art Proofreading Digital Link Creation Mobile app:
Apostle Dr. Sergio Enríquez Steve Rompich Ligia Ávila Daniel Figueroa iPhone / iPad / Android
Analu Valenzuela Gustavo Salguero
Editorial Director Rafael Cruz Tamara de Salguero Translation Coordinator Ebenezer Ministerios
Paola Enríquez, B.S. Xiomara Fajardo Mario Vinicio Martínez Garzaro
Photography Víctor Mena
Editorial Coordinator Analu Valenzuela Ester Aragón Translators
Diego Figueroa Ligia Ávila Jazmin Golden
María José de Morales Coordination Support Joel Garcia
Director of Design and Content Elizabeth de Pérez
David Guarcas Cover Design Heidy de Molina Photographs
Luisa Barreda Alfredo Ríos The photographs used in this
Steve Rompich Coordinator issue were provided by the
Melany de Batz Diego Figueroa Media Department of Ministerios
Melissa García Ebenezer, zone 5, Guatemala.

Claudia de Moya
Department of Pastors’ Assistance,
Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala
efore this Summer Retreat, in February 2022, I
Ana Julia de Sagastume
was diagnosed with diabetes, inherited from my Department of Pastors’ Assistance Coordinator,
mother. Since then, the Lord was speaking to my Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala

heart. After that, one day, in the Women’s Church Service,
I received a prophecy regarding faith and the Holy Spirit’s hen I was asked to coordinate the Department
Gifts, specifically Health; and sister and deaconess Carol of Pastors’ Assistance, I was glad because
de Villagrán taught us that one of the Holy Spirit’s gifts many pastors told me that they wanted to be
was faith, and that we should yearn for it; so I did, and the part of this blessing. Some of them told me, “I will be more
Lord baptized me with a new kind of Tongues’ Gift. Thank than happy to help,” and they truly did. I was shocked to
God, I had the privilege to serve, at the summer retreat, see how pastors offered up and went far away to bring not
in the Pastors’ Assistance department, and many of them
only food for lunch or snacks, but even things to decorate,
prayed for me. Although, I couldn’t physically assist the
and nicely, put everything together for the rest of ministers
whole week to the summer retreat, I was not away from
and their families.
it. On Thursday evening, April 14, 2022, the Lord spoke to
my heart and told me: “Today, I heal you.”
We were able to witness the miracle of the multiplication,
A lot of doubts came to my mind, but in another Women’s given by God. Sometimes, some brothers and sisters
Church Service teachings, again, they talked about thought that we would not have enough provision, but
faith which is “the anticipation of the victory, and a with previous experiences, we have watched how God
thankful behavior before victory.” Days later, I went to took care, so that everyone fed sufficiently and were fully
an appointment with the doctor who confirmed that my blessed. This year was very special because we were able
blood sugar is now stable, and I don’t need any other test. to see, serve and greet many ministers, which is a great
Interestingly, on April 5th, several tests were carried out, bless.
a week before our Summer Retreat, and the blood test
stated, “Stable Glycosylated Level”. God multiplied our forces continuously to serve with joy.

Do we have a great God, don’t we? Now, I celebrate the

great miracle I received during the impartation of the
Holy Spirit (before the Summer Retreat), and then, God
confirmed it during the Summer Retreat.

God bless you.


Pastor Ericka de Enríquez
Department of Pastors’ Assistance Coordinator,
Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala
had the privilege of supporting the Department of
Pastors’ Assistance during our Summer Retreat in
zone 5 Guatemala. We were distributing snacks to the Carol de Villagrán
Deaconess of Abigail Women´s Department,
participating ministers, so they can refresh themselves and Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala
continue receiving God’s blessings. Even though, we were

located in a small area with a limited equipment, we were he Sunday before the Summer Retreat 2022,
able to make it functional. We worked with a cooperative during the impartation of gifts of the Holy Ghost,
the Lord healed my daughter and me from migraine:
and helpful team of brothers and sisters, who prepared “Suddenly, during this service, I felt a big and sharped
small snacks, soft drinks, and coffee for the pastors. In this headache; it was so extreme that I thought I would die, but
team, I had the privilege to work with my three children, then, God took this pain away from me.”

and some friends’ children who were willing to help in any This is my testimony:
task needed. See these young people learn to serve is a
huge responsibility because transmit the service attitude, It was a Holy Supper Sunday, we were worshiping the
Lord, before the prophecies took place, and during the
to do things with love, is very important to serve with joy Holy Spirit movement, our apostle came to the pulpit, and
and willingness. I was calm, without any headache, but suddenly, a big and
sharped headache started (usually, this type of pain starts
Food preparation became moments to share pleasant from soft to sharp, but this pain was very sharped). I was
so scared because I thought I’d have a stroke, I have never
experiences of the service, how much we enjoyed it, and experienced something like this in my life, but it suddenly
the way to sow that seed in the following generations; so, disappeared.
they can serve with excellence, humble and attentive heart.
The prophecies ended and my family and I took our seats,
In conclusion, we do not do our service as for men, but as in the first front row. During our apostle preaching, my
to our Lord. A lot of pastors left very happy, expressing daughter, who also suffers from migraines, somewhat
hereditary, asked me for a migraine pill, and I found it
their gratitude, and blessing us for the attention received.
curious. There, I understood that God had done something
Serving tables, as Paul said (Acts 6:3), is a very special with me and with my daughter. When Holy Supper time
and important blessing, and I feel very happy and grateful came, I just said: “Lord, I take this Holy Supper with faith,
and as a seal of healing, so these migraines disappear in
for being part of this team of servants.
the Name of Jesus.”

This is for God’s glory!



Erika Asencio

eloved brothers and sisters, I would like to share
with you all a personal healing miracle, from God,
during the Summer Retreat 2022. Four years
ago, I had a serious motorcycle accident, and I broke the HEARING
shinbone and fibula of my right leg. I had two surgeries: Marcos Díaz
in the first one, I had a nail and four screws from the Church of Christ Capernaúm
Ministerios Ebenezer, Chimaltenango, Guatemala
knee up to the ankle, and in the second one, due to a

negligent practice, I was left with a crooked bone, a hole
work as a mechanic and one day, I was repairing
in the middle of the leg, and a missing bone. I had a lot a very rusty chassis and accidentally a very small
of pain and difficulties to walk. The doctors told me that piece of rusty metal got into my ear. I started felling
I needed another surgery that would be quite painful and an annoyance, but I thought I was something normal, so I
dangerous. I decided to trust in God and in His healing poked my ear and I realized that this action was pushing
the metal deeper and deeper. A few moments later, I
miracles and don’t go through another surgery.
started to feel an intense and strong pain in my ear and
head, so I went to get checked. The doctor told me that
During our Summer Retreat 2022, I left my house very
he had to remove a garbage from my ear through an ear
happy because I knew in my heart that God would do a
wash. During the procedure, my inner ear was greatly hurt
healing miracle in my life, and my leg will be completely and caused me stronger earaches and headaches. I also
healed, and He did. That was an awesome day because visited several specialists who told me that I could lost
when I went back home, I did not have pain anymore. After 60% of my hearing capacity. Their diagnosis made feel
dancing all day, I felt as good as if there was no broken very sad because at church I am supporting the Sound
bone in my leg, and when I touched my crooked bone, it Department. Later, I began to use hearing aids to help me
listen better and overcome difficulties. I was so willing to
was totally straight! Now, thank God, I can run, jump, and
serve in the Summer Retreat 2022.
walk without pain. I have been healed.
Thank God I was able to do it, and during the prayers
Brothers and sisters, when I had the accident, I asked God: for left-handed people, I recovered my hearing capacity
Why me? Now, God has revealed me what happened, He again. One minister introduced his finger in my ear and
wanted me to see His glory poured out on me through a told me that God was giving me back what had been taken
healing miracle, love, and mercy that day. This is the God from me, and that my life had been prolonged. My ear
inflammation went down, and headaches disappeared.
I love and praise.

The Lord made a miracle in me.


I feel stronger, and I don’t longer have the mentioned
symptoms. I even feel more sensitive to the Holy Spirit
during my pray time.

I thank God for the opportunity to testify God’s blessings

in my life. I also want to thank our apostle and the group of
ministers who make possible all these blessed activities.
Glory to God.

“Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit
within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your
flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit
within you and bring it about that you walk in My statutes,
and are careful and follow My ordinances” (Ezekiel 36:26-

NEW HEART God bless you brothers and sisters.

María Eugenia Macario de Calderón

od bless you beloved brothers and sisters. Our
lord has told us, through the Bible, that His Spirit
would help us when we pray, and for years I
have asked the Lord for a new heart. God recently took
me to Ezekiel 36:26 which says that God will give us a
new and sensitive heart and remove the insensitive heart.
A few months ago, due to a tough routine, I started to feel
suffocated when running or jogging. Three years ago, I
had a great-results heart test, thank God, and I tried to do
another test, but I did not do it.

We prepared ourselves to attend to the Summer Retreat

2022 since we are living in Quiché, Guatemala for work
reasons. God gave us the opportunity to assist at the
retreat on April 14, 2022, at the 5th service, where apostle I KNEEL BEFORE HIM
German Ponce was preaching about the new things we Kimberly Maldonado
Church of Christ Capernaúm
must receive from God. The lord told us to receive all the Ministerios Ebenezer, Chimaltenango, Guatemala
new things He has prepared for us. The apostle quoted

Ezekiel 36:26, and through this, God told me again that suffered from knee swelling and pain for a lot of time.
he will give me a new heart. The apostle asked us to past This situation did not allow me to kneel down during my
to the front to receive God’s blessings, and there, I had a pray time, and when I was able to do so, I was not able
vision where I was receiving an excellent-condition heart of to stand up by myself. But the day Apostle Billy Bunster
flesh inside an opened medium size box. One time, I had prayed for the congregation healing, he prayed for me and
the opportunity to see in television a real heart with a lot declared healing of my knees.
of fat accumulated, but the one I saw was not like that, it
was clean and new. I stretched out my hands and received Now, I can kneel down and get up on my own with no
the box with this new heart, understanding that it is by faith problems. Glory to God!
that we receive the promises of our Lord. Beloved brothers
and sisters, I am very grateful and happy with my new
heart, I know that our beloved God is changing my heart
and He has proven it to me. Despite of the daily efforts,


Fredy Vinivio Moreno
Department of Worship and Workers,
Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala

OR MORE THAN fifteen years, I had been suffering
from intestinal bleeding, and during that time, I Nancy Elizabeth Patricio Miranda

had several colonoscopies and endoscopies that
showed chronic colitis (inflammation of the colon). This ROTHERS AND SISTERS, MAY GOD continue
was due to taking many medications that caused me
to bless you. I want to share with you this great
excessive constipation. I have seen several acquaintances
pass away from bowel cancer (my mother-in-law is one of blessing. When reviewing the pictures I took
them). However, the Lord told me many times, “My grace is during the International Summer Retreat 2022, I noticed
sufficient for you.” I always relied on that word. I also went that in one of them, there was something supernatural
through difficult times, in which I burst into tears, and only
my wife and children knew and prayed for me in those very that caught my attention. That is why I decided to share
difficult stages of my life. my testimony, so that the Name of Jesus Christ may be
glorified, and the Church, the body of Christ, may be
Before the Summer Retreat, I had some bleeding for about edified.
twenty consecutive days, but on Tuesday, April 12, at the
Pastors’ Retreat, the gift of healing was imparted to the
ministers, who were then sent to impart that gift to the In the image, you can see a reflection of the sky in the
sheep, and I was there. Before that, Apostle Sergio asked surface of a tambourine and clouds like a beautiful sunset,
us to pray for someone we had in mind, and I did it with which is very impressive. It is amazing because it was 7:07
all my heart. Later, pastors and other ministers who were
p.m.; it was nighttime. When I researched, I found several
in the temple prayed for us. I believed and prayed for my
faith to be increased and believed in the impartation. In Bible verses related to the sky and clouds: “And the Lord
the afternoon, when I went to the bathroom, I realized that went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them
I no longer had any bleeding. Since that day, I have been the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light;
getting better and better.
to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the
I continue to take fiber, but I am in the process of having cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the
another colonoscopy to certify with medical tests what the people” (Exodus 13:21-22 KJV).
Lord has done in my health, and I believe He will complete
His work. I also suffer from gastritis and waist problems
In the image, we can see a kind of sunset, a kind of fire
because of an accident I had when I was young, but I know
that God is good and takes care of me. My desire is to lighting up the sky. Undoubtedly, the presence of God
continue to serve Him with all my heart, and I know that He was in the Retreat, guiding and surrounding us. The Lord
will complete his work in my life. Amen. visited and vindicated each person in a very special way.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the
man who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:8 NASB)

was determined to pay the property all at once (it was in
one of the most prestigious areas of the country). The sale
was made, and I immediately received the payment. I can
say that this was not how I asked: “God, get me out of debt
so I can enjoy the retreat”. On the contrary, it was just how
God decided: “Serve me, and I will get you out of debt.”
With the profit I received, I was able to pay everything
I owed, and I even invested in another business that
became my source of livelihood.

I can testify that God is in complete control, even during

difficulties we cannot resolve. There was no way I could
get out of these debts (which were not a result of bad
management). Thank you for your attention. I hope this
GOD PROVIDES is edifying to anyone who is passing through a financial
Samanta Mendoza desert, unaware that it is God who will surely show his

eternal and infinite glory.
ECEIVE A WARM GREETING. I work as a real
estate broker, and for about four months, I had not
been able, under any circumstances, to do any
business. On the contrary, on several occasions, properties
were booked, but the business did not materialize. I became
frustrated and did not understand what was happening
because I had in my real estate portfolio properties of such
a category that I had never had before. I used to close deals
all the time, but now that I had more properties in different
categories, I could not complete anything. As a result, I got
into debts that I could not pay. I never stopped attending
church services. On the contrary, the Holy Spirit made
me seek to be under the shadow of my Heavenly Father
even more earnestly. I began to serve in a department two
Sundays before the Summer Retreat. I wanted to enjoy the
whole week, so I prayed that the Lord would allow me to
go to the Retreat without debts so that I would have peace
of mind. But nothing happened. I was informed that my
Ana Lucía Valenzuela Rosales
department would serve every day. I was worried because
Rhema Magazine Editorial,
I had not settled a single debt. On the contrary, that week, Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala

I had one more debt to deal with. I said I was only going to
attend one day. However, as I was working on the work of URING THE PREACHING “The Deliverer, Part
the Lord, I realized that there was a lot to do, and for that III”, the Lord blessed me with the therapy of
reason, I decided to serve each day that my authorities forgetting. I really could not forget the painful
told me to. moment of having lost my dad in 2021. I remembered again
and again the last time I saw him (when he was admitted
I served the whole week, except for the last service on to the hospital because he was very ill with COVID-19).
Saturday. I was very exhausted after an entire week of Now, I can remember him and thank God for the time He
service. But it was then that the Lord spoke to me when allowed me to share with him. It has not been easy for me,
Apostle Sergio referred to Isaiah 40:1, which states that but the comfort of the Holy Spirit has been supernatural!
our warfare has ended. On Monday, after the Retreat, I
showed one of the best properties for sale, and the client

the required documents, paid the fine, and went to the
company where the licenses are issued. I was afraid that
I could not do it because it had been confiscated, but they
only sent me to file a report with the police, and I returned.
Finally, there was no reason in the system to deny my
driver’s license, and I received it without problems, that
same day.

I understood that the gift God would give me was my job.

My employers are nice people. During the first week, they
invited us to lunch. Also, it was my birthday, and they
bought pizza and a cake for all! Now, I understand why
God made me wait so long. He was going to put me in
the right place at the right time. The lesson I learned is

THE LORD that things do not come when we want them to, but in the
perfect time that God wants, and He even has special
SURPRISED ME details for us.

Jonatan Sosa

YOU. I had been unemployed since August last
year, and in December, I found out that I was
going to be a father. My wife was six months pregnant, and
in March, my daughter was born. I had several temporary
jobs; I had many interviews, but no company would call
me back. I was frustrated by the fact that I didn’t have a
permanent job. However, at a baby shower, we received
lots of diapers and baby wipes. My daughter is bottle-fed,
and the milk cans are given to me in threes. I know that only
God can do this. During the week of the retreat, starting on
Wednesday, I began to ask the Lord to provide me with a
job, but I felt that He was not listening to me. On Friday,
April 15, at the last service, I went to the front to pray, and I
told God that I felt He was not listening to me, and I asked
him to forgive me if I had done something wrong. Suddenly,
I received a message telling me to take comfort, that God PROTECTOR
had never left me alone and that, in those days, He would
Edna Emilsa Picholá Carrillo
give me a gift. Department of Order,
Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala

The Monday after the Summer Retreat, I was lying in my
room. It was ten o’clock in the morning when, suddenly, O THE HONOR and glory of God, I was healed
I received a phone number to call for a job opportunity. of an allergy to UV rays from sunlight. I used to
I spoke to a lady who told me to get there as quickly as spend most of the day indoors. However, while
possible for an interview. I left in a hurry, feeling very serving under the sun for four days during the Summer
peaceful on my way. I knew that job was going to be for
Retreat, amazingly, I did not suffer from any allergies, nor
me. I arrived at the place and filled out the application.
did I have any outbreaks or reactions. My skin remained
Afterwards, I was interviewed, and they asked me if I
healthy, and from that day on, all the symptoms that used
had a valid driver’s license. I didn’t have it. It had been
to bother me so much have significantly decreased.
confiscated because it was expired, and I had not been
able to renew it. Fortunately, the lady gave me Q250 to
renew it. I was worried, because I had to pick up the license
at the municipality of zone 18, but with faith, I went to get


Mildred Castro


RECEIVED A MIRACLE of healing in my body at the
close of the Summer Retreat on Saturday, April 16th.
I spent more than eight days feeling very sick from my
colon, and despite that, I was going during the week of
Caroly Rosales
the retreat to serve and receive; enjoying myself greatly.

But on Saturday, April 16, the pain increased, to the point
N DECEMBER 2021 I lost my job, and for this reason,
where I could not walk. I live alone in San José Pinula
my mom lent me her car so I could attend the Summer
and my son, who is a doctor, lives in the Guatemalan
Retreat and be able to serve God. I went with practically
capital. He told me to come urgently to do some imaging no money, and of course, I had to put gasoline in my
tests; thinking it could be peritonitis. My daughter and her mother’s car; I didn’t know what to do to get money for
husband took me to the emergency room, where my son gasoline, I had worked as a taxi driver, but I no longer had
works, but when we were arriving, I asked them to take me access to that vehicle. At the beginning of the retreat, a
to the retreat first, and that, when we got out of there, we sister told me to bring her and drop her off at her house
would go to the hospital. There was no longer any need to after serving and that she would pay for the trip, I agreed,
go back to the hospital because the good Father worked but I did not intend to charge her. As I picked her up, she
in me! handed me a twenty-quetzal bill, which was quite folded,
although I did not want to receive it, since it is a blessing
Despite the fact that for more than eight days I had a lot and an offering to God, to help our brothers and sisters.
of pain and I was taking medications that did not solve However, when I arrived at the gas station to put the
anything, until today, I have not had any pain. This twenty quetzales in my mother’s car, which according to
me the sister gave me, I was amazed, since I didn’t have
happened at the end of the retreat when our apostle
twenty, but sixty quetzales!
blessed us and asked us to pray for people who had some
ailment, and although I still felt very bad, I remembered a In addition to that surprise, I had found lying on the street,
relative who was diagnosed with cancer, and my children another twenty quetzals. With that, there were already
laid hands on me for apostolic instruction and thus, the eighty quetzales for gasoline, and well, I was left with my
Father worked in me. Blessed be his Name! mouth open at the wonders of our Lord, since he gave me
his blessing for my gasoline, and also, of being able to
As Acts 4:20 says: “for we cannot but speak of what we transport my sister. That is part of the blessing I received
have seen and heard.” in my life at the retreat and I wanted to share it with you.

Maratha! God is good and wonderful!


believed with all my heart, so I started listening to them
and they filled my life again. I decided again to go to the
retreat, but I couldn’t find parking for my motorcycle. I
felt very sad, I left and approached the other side of the
street, and listening to the praises that were sung I raised
a prayer from the depths of my heart: “I have looked for
you, I have looked for you”. My tears fell and I kept praying
and remembering what I felt in previous experiences with
my Lord God. Determined, I took another turn, and when
I came back I managed to find a parking lot. I went in
extremely happy and I really enjoyed the praise. When the
moment of adoration arrived, precisely part of those two
praises were sung, of which I was reminded that I sang

I RETURNED TO THE passionately to God, and at that moment, I completely

poured myself out in adoration!
When the time of the gifts arrived, a message said: “I have
Jonatan Salazar
descended tonight to seal your heart because I have come

N TUESDAY, April 12, our apostle said: “Write to give you a heart of flesh sensitive to my Word, because

down this date as well as all the days of the I have been destroying all these days, that heart of stone

retreat, since you will be marked and you will not and I have used the hammer of my Word so that you are

forget these extraordinary days.” I believed it with all my no longer the same. Today I tell you that you are going to

heart and received it in the Name of Jesus Christ. get up strong, that all those thoughts that made your life
impossible, today are strictly prohibited from continuing in
On Wednesday the 13th, even though I was working, I you because I have come to renew your strength. I have
listened to the message and the ministry of the apostle come to renew your mind so that there is a Metanoia in you
and I felt something strong in my being, the desire to return because your walk will be beautiful, different from the one
home, since I had been away from the ways of God for a you have had, as today I have increased your faith, and
long time. On Friday the 15th, I was able to go to the last even if the enemy rises, I have complete victory for you.”
service of the retreat, since I was on shift all week at my
job. However, I was not calm due to some work pressure Since that day, April 16, I have had a genuine change in

and left before the service ended. This made me feel very my life. Blessed be my Lord. 

sad because according to me, I could not receive what

God had for me.

On Saturday the 16th, I was desperate and sad at work

because I couldn’t go to the retreat, —I was like that all
morning and part of the afternoon—. Many thoughts
passed through my mind that tormented me: “I sing praises
and I don’t feel anything and I sing them just to sing, why
don’t I change? I want to come back”. In my desperation I
decided to participate in the retreat on Facebook, I received
two services and both spoke to my life. Specifically, the
preaching of Pastor Jorge Jaenz, where he spoke exactly
why many times we do not change and how we should sing
praises with the soul and with understanding. I understood
that this is because it is difficult to remove these bad habits
from our lives. So, I left where I was and remembered
that before I used to hear certain praises that I sang and

in the different ministrations imparted by the servants of
God. I wanted the pain to go away and that there would
be no complications in my vertebrae later because the
blow was quite strong; the muscle was practically a stone
that had become a hindrance to my life. But, in one of
the ministrations given by our Apostle Sergio Enríquez, I
received the priestly blessing described in Numbers 6:24-
27, I remember that he began by saying: “May the Lord
bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine
upon you...” When our apostle finished saying that sentence
I felt how my spine thundered and I could feel light, even
the muscle on my right shoulder softened and was no
longer stiff, the pain that I experienced for more than two
years when I turned my head or raised my face was gone.

THE VALUE OF LIFE Today I am grateful to God and together with my wife
Antonio Barcárcel Camey and family, we ask him to continue to abundantly bless
Associate Pastor,
our apostle and his family. Glory to God, because
Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala
we can experience his miracles, let’s believe Him!

S CHRISTIANS we must analyze our walk,
evolve, and have new daily experiences
with God, we only require effort and
dedication, but above all love him above all things.

One Saturday I was invited to a Koinonia with some

brothers from Ebenezer Ministries, where I was able to
have an experience that would mark my Christian walk in
a special way since the passage described in Psalm 90:12
came to mind: “So teach us to number our days that we
may get a heart of wisdom.” Being in this fellowship with
my brothers and participating in certain physical exercises,
unfortunately, I fell to my left side and my body hit the
shoulder blade split with the clavicle, and possibly a stone
or the weight of my body, caused a nerve to sever, causing
strong electric shocks, which ran through my body; from
my head to my feet in a matter of seconds. That was I WAS HEALED
something inexplicable, I felt that my brain could explode.
Bella Toledo
While the brothers ran to help me, only my right arm had

movement, and the rest of my body did not respond. Asking
Y NAME IS Bella. I was going through a time
the Lord Jesus for his mercy, I was able to hold my left arm,
of physical and spiritual illness, where my
since it moved from side to side, without control. Instantly,
pregnancy affected me a lot. I got the flu, and I
a thought came to me: “I’m going to be paralyzed and won’t
was about to lose my baby; in addition to this, I was going
be able to walk.” Later, from my feet to my head, I began
to have sensitivity again, I gained strength and they helped through a severe depression where I wanted to take my

me to stand up; everything happened in a few minutes. own life. But on Saturday the 16th, I was watching the
As a consequence of this episode, I had pain in my neck retreat on Instagram, and I felt how the Word of God filled
—a muscle in the shoulder on the right side completely me to the depths of my heart and how it penetrated my
hardened—, I had been in treatments, therapies, and bones. I was completely free and healthy. 
massages, but with no improvement. For more than two
years I suffered pain, —even to turn to see to the right side
or raise my face to the heavens—, until the retreat of the
Year of Vindication arrived in which I tried to receive healing



Luis Carlos Beltrán
University Department
Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala
ON WEDNESDAY, April 20, after the Summer
Helim Orozco
Retreat, during a Karate-Do jumping training, I

hurt my lower back, that day I returned home very OR A LONG TIME, I have been struggling with
sore, the pain worsened, and I had to always be upright. anxiety, but I knew that God would do great things
We prayed with my wife that night for a healing miracle at the retreat, and that’s why I went. On Thursday
from God so I wouldn’t have to go to the doctor. the 14th in the morning I felt a lot of oppression in my mind
and I got completely discouraged because I expected to
On Thursday the 21st, I woke up with a lot of pain, but feel free, so I prayed to my God and said: “I don’t want to
at 5:30 in the morning, I joined the morning prayer, — be like that anymore, I can’t do it anymore, do something
for me.”
as I do most of the time—, and I began to pray when our
Apostle Sergio Enríquez prayed specifically for the back In the fourth service in the afternoon Prophet Hugo García
pain and injuries. He even mentioned that he was praying preached and at the end, he ministered freedom for
for a specific back at the time. My wife tells me, “Look, the thoughts, I went to the front because I knew that it was the
apostle is praying for you now.” I knew that the apostle was opportunity that God was giving me to be free. I spoke with
all sincerity to my Lord and I know that from that day he
praying for me, and I put my faith in it, I touched my back
began to perform a miracle in my life. Of course, I have not
and felt a slight warmth. Then he finished the prayer, and
obtained complete freedom from this anxiety in practice,
I said, “I was healed, the Lord did the complete work of but as our Apostle Sergio has taught us, He has already
healing on my back.” So, I began to bow down and jump for given me the check and I am cashing it. Now, I walk in
joy, delight, and wonder. From that moment, I was healthy, faith, knowing that the day will come when my mind will
and I told my family. Even with my faith activated, I prayed be completely free since little by little I have been able to
for some of them who had physical ailments to freely give see how those walls are falling because I am no longer the
same as before.
what I received freely.

That same day, our apostle ministered peace in the last

The following Monday, I went to my workouts and trained
service, and now I have experienced a peace that, despite
as I had never been hurt. difficulties and discouragements, I feel confident that He
is with me always.
Glory to God, who even after the week of the retreat,
continued to work what was ministered and received there!

On Friday, April 15, in the last service, my God spoke to
me in praise with the last song of the psalmist Genesis
Campos. Here, the Lord made me return to the year 2020
—when with that song I returned to his path—, and I heard
a voice that told me: “Do you remember that with this song
you came back to me.” And when the spiritual gifts came,
God used me.

And on the last day, Saturday, April 16, I was dancing

when God spoke to me for the second time: “See behind
your back. In my time and not in yours, you will be singing
to people as you see now.” Since I was little, I have
wanted to be in the praise team. I know that God used
me in those two points because what I felt was something
extraordinary; it was not me but the Lord who worked in
me. The retreat was a great blessing!


Carlos Hernández
Ministerios Ebenezer, El Monte, California

OD BLESS YOU. I want to tell you about my
experience at the Summer Retreat. It was a
miracle that the Lord allowed me to travel to the
retreat since my wife could not go, as she was recovering
from surgery. My surprise was much greater to have had
the experience of the filling of the Holy Spirit, to the level
that I consider it to be “completely filled with his Spirit.”
This is my great miracle because I cannot stop thinking
about the magnitude of his presence that I felt, even sitting
in my chair on Esplanade Five, sometimes I felt that the
Lord opened the heaven to me and took me with Him. It
was the strength that I needed to obtain. Blessings.
Marlene Capriel

EARS AGO, I had problems with my womb; I
also suffered from a lot of dizziness and difficulty
walking. Currently, I am helping several people;
For example, on my website, I am visited by people who
have cancer, anxiety problems, depression, panic attacks,
diabetes, etc. Although I was not able to personally attend
the retreat, on the Friday before the retreat, the Lord told
me: “Get ready because I will give you my instructions very
soon.” To the glory of God, at the Pastors’ Retreat, they
talked about the Othniels, whom God would raise at this
time. I received that ministry. Currently, I am very happy
and grateful to the Lord, I no longer have so many dizzy
spells, and I can now walk better and work on my own
business, so the freedom ministrations at the retreat were
a great blessing for my life and my family since I know that

GOD SPOKE TO ME they acted powerfully in all aspects of my life.

Geovanny Martínez Blessings!

HE SUMMER RETREAT of the year 2022 was a
great blessing for my life because I received all the
ministrations, but there were two that filled me a lot

ministrations, and she told me that she knew that the Lord
was going to vindicate me.

I finished the retreat with inexplicable joy, even without

work, but with the certainty that God, who is so great,
was going to pour out his blessings surely on my life and
family. The following Monday, I sent several emails, and
they started calling me for some interviews. On Tuesday
they called me at four in the afternoon from the expanding
company and made an appointment for Wednesday
morning. That day my job was confirmed. Now, I have
been working since April 22 in a much calmer position,
with better pay and time to serve the Lord.

This is our God and the word that He delivers for my house,
THE LORD IS MY Ebenezer Ministries.

KEEPER Blessings
Mario Mejía
Department of Servers and Organization,
Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala

OOD DAY AND BLESSINGS to each of you.
I will tell you my testimony of this retreat and
the vindication that the Lord gave me. I had
been working for a company for three years, I got two
promotions there and everything was going well, but on
March 31 of this year, I was fired without the corresponding
wake-up call process. I felt unappreciated, since I worked
shifts from six in the morning to eight at night, almost every
day. At the time of saying goodbye, they told me that there
would be a certain relationship —because they would give
me some clients to work with—. I kept my faith and hope
completely in the Lord, and to the honor of God on April 1, I
got offers from three companies and interviews. As of April I RECEIVED NEW
4, these interviews were not attended, since we decided
with my wife that I would take a break and time to serve
Cindy Elizabeth Batres Martínez
fully in the 2022 Summer Retreat.

Despite everything that had happened, there was a ELOVED SIBLINGS. In the retreat, the Lord gave
position that caught my attention in an expanding company me new tongues, and while I was in that process,
that was consistent with what I had been working for but I felt the presence of someone next to me and
with more flexible hours and an attractive salary. With when I opened my eyes, I did not see anyone, but I still
faith, I sent my resume the same Monday, April 4; but they felt him. I experienced that presence twice. Also, when
didn’t answer me, so I stopped my job search and focused brother Jorge Jaenz ministered the worship and the new
fully on the retreat. On Wednesday, April 13, our Apostle song, I began to sing with my new tongues. Blessed be our
Sergio Enríquez ministered forgiveness and indicated God because he has poured out his grace on us. The Lord
that all injustice would be settled by the Lord. Also, when
bless all the brothers and sisters who allowed themselves
he ministered, he said that we would be honored in front
to be guided by Him.
of those people; even the next day he indicated that if
someone had been unjustly fired, he would be vindicated,
but forgiven, with the thought of moving on. I received
those words with faith, even my mother was listening to the



Ingrid Echeverría


ELOVED SIBLINGS, receive blessings from the
Lord. In January of this year, I was diagnosed
with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This bacterium NOT CEASED
left my gastric mucosa damaged, thus triggering severe Pastor Loida de Sierra
gastritis. Despite taking a lot of medication and a strict Church Hijos de Guerrero
Ministerios Ebenezer, Villa Nueva, Guatemala
diet, there was no improvement, and I only felt that my

condition was getting worse. But I had promises from the
OD BLESS your lives greatly. I want to share
Lord that I would be completely healed.
the healing that I received from our God on

I want to testify to you that God spoke to my heart to be at Thursday, April 14, in the sixth service of the

the retreat on Thursday morning, April 14, because it would retreat, with the theme: “Therapeutic Forgetfulness,” given

be the day of my healing. During the ministry, I could feel a by our Apostle Sergio Enríquez. I went to the retreat on

great conviction in my heart that the Lord was healing me Monday and Tuesday, but I arrived with a fever and severe

and from that day on, all the ailments I felt disappeared. I pain since the week before the retreat I had an infection,

give glory and honor to the Lord for my healing because and I also had an intense headache. On Wednesday, the

once again, he healed me. pain was much stronger, so my body lost balance and I
couldn’t sleep; my family was already very worried.
New are his mercies every morning!
By faith, I went to the retreat on Thursday. I went to the
altar because our apostle ministered that our sleep would
be in peace. Now, I give the glory to God because he did
his healing work in me, the infection disappeared, and the
fever and body aches and headaches went away. Blessed
be God because the time of miracles is not over. I ask God
to shower abundant blessings on you and your family.




Pastor Patty de Muralles

OR MORE THAN FIVE years, I have suffered from
problems in my spine to the point of not being
able to carry out daily activities, such as standing
for a long time, bending over or tying my shoes, getting CONTROL
dressed, walking, running, or carrying heavy things. I have
Ana Luisa Enríquez Rosales de Escobar
suffered from asthma for more than twenty years, and Fasting and Prayer and Ministry Treasures,
climate changes affect me a lot. At the Pastors’ Retreat, Ministerios Ebenezer Zone 5, Guatemala
on Tuesday, April 12, my husband, Pastor Israel Muralles,

prayed for me, and while he prayed, another brother
interceded for God to increase our faith. My husband put UR MIRACLE began prior to the retreat since we
his hand on my spine, and I felt a fire burning me; then were able to serve as part of the Department of
he put his hands on my back, and I felt strong pain in my
Treasures of the Ministry to host some brothers
lungs, which I could not bear. As my husband prayed for
me, I know I was filled with the Holy Spirit. At that time, I in our house. Instantly at my job, they gave me a bonus
did not feel any improvement, but our apostle said that in that was overdue for two years. In addition, we decided to
the next few days, the healing would be completed.
host three brothers from Mexico, whom we had received
The week after the retreat, I became very sick with a cough in 2018. That same day, we were assigned the two people
and had problems with my lungs, but in the days that we had requested. So, where there was food and lodging
followed, my lungs cleared, and I even stopped hearing
characteristic asthma whistle in my chest. On Wednesday, for two, five people were housed.
while I was at work, I moved some furniture from one level
to another, but I didn’t realize that I no longer felt pain. The amazing thing was that the money they gave me at
On Thursday, April 21, when I went to work, I realized that
work was enough to feed all of them, us who are four and
I could move, and turn my waist and bend over without
difficulty. I went with my family on a trip, and I was able to other people who at times came to my house —at least ten
carry my backpack with weight on my back, in addition to more people, since we live near the church and it was easy
my purse; we walked a lot as well as went up and down
for them to rest there. In total, we fed nine people during
many stairs, and I had no problems. Activities that days
ago, I would not have been able to do. the three meal times daily, apart from the guests; but the
miracle does not end there. When the four sisters and the
As my husband prayed for me, he also received healing
in his body. I am grateful for our healing. God is the same young man who were with us left, a person gave us an
yesterday, today, and forever. I give glory to God because offering; this offering was an amount very similar to what
now I can walk, run, go up and down the stairs, and lead a we spent on the food we gave to our brothers and friends.
normal life. The Lord healed me!

something beyond my physical body; it was a ministry to
my soul. I cried, but it was from happiness because I know
that I have the comfort of God constantly with me. What
I felt was so beautiful that only those who have felt it can
be clear about what it means. Before, I couldn’t talk about
my dad’s passing. But now, I can help those who have that
emptiness left by the death of a loved one, speaking about
my testimony and telling how it was that the Holy Spirit
comforted me with his love, strength, and courage.

Glory to God for the life of our apostle and the revelation
that has been given to him to use digital media and
constantly transmit the message of salvation of Christ
Jesus. God bless all the brothers and sisters who are part
of Ebenezer Ministries. Blessings.

Dulce Martínez

LESSINGS SIBLINGS, I want to tell you about
the beautiful miracle that I received from our Lord
through his great mercy. I am from the municipality
of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, belonging to the State of Chiapas,
Mexico; where I have lived all my life.

In the year 2020, my dad passed away due to the

pandemic. The moment of his death had been so deeply
embedded in my memory that every time they gave me
their condolences, I felt something very painful. While
looking for something to help me cope with my life, I found
the YouTube channel of Apostle Sergio Enríquez, and it
was the year of reconciliation; on that occasion, he spoke of
handing over our burdens to the Lord and letting ourselves
be embraced by his love because he is our Father; From Carlos Rosales
Church of Christ Capernaúm
that moment I began to follow the channel during all the
Ministerios Ebenezer, Chimaltenango, Guatemala
retreats that have been broadcast, up to the current one.

On January 10, 2021, the Year of Recovery, they notified
HE LORD ALLOWED ME to serve him in the
me that they had taken possession of an urban piece of
land that my father, before he died, had left in my name. Summer Retreat, and for this, I needed to request
But through the Prophetic Proclamation, the Lord gave me authorization from my place of work. After the
the confirmation that I would get it back. I log in to all the retreat, the Lord performed a great miracle in my life, since
morning prayers to pray together with all the people, and he opened a door for me to move up to a better position
God always answers the requests. He is always faithful. in my company; this without my request. These promotion
processes can last up to three months, but they gave it to
Having said the above, I share the experience I had during
the transmission of the International Summer Retreat me in one day; they simply called me from the company’s
2022, when Apostle Sergio preached on April 14 about human resources and sent some tests to my phone. I did
the memory on the topic: “A Therapeutic Forgetting.” Here, them, and the next day they sent me the contract to review.
they called all those who had a very great sadness so that
the Holy Spirit would comfort them, and I asked for it, I Beloved siblings, this is how our Lord manifests himself.
asked for it so strongly within my heart that there was an When we least expect it, he lets us know that nothing
inexpressible cry within my soul and the breath of life that
escapes from his hands.
only the Lord gives. I felt it as strongly as when my dad
hugged me with love, strength, and courage, and it was

and filled my life again. Before the retreat, we needed to
be more united with the Lord, and we longed to be filled
with that unity that only He can give in every aspect,
marriage, and Church.

But that day, we were moved to another dimension in our

marriage because of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. After
the retreat, we can say that his Spirit of unity has fallen on
us, opening the doors of blessing and unity for my family.

I bless the ministry that God has granted our Apostle

Sergio Enríquez to direct, which is a blessing for the entire
body of Christ.


Carina Yanes

IN MY NUCLEAR family, we had the desire to participate

in the retreat, but it was not possible. We set out to follow
the transmissions, and so we did. In one of the sermons,
the Apostle Sergio spoke about forgiveness —which
makes us forget— and I forgave. God brought people to
my mind to forgive them; it was something extraordinary.
The next day another pastor was ministering, and when he
began to pray, I had a release as there was someone else
I hadn’t forgiven yet; it was a very beautiful thing for me to
be free of that. I hope my testimony is a blessing for those
who have not yet forgiven someone. Greetings!
Zuly Carranza

N SATURDAY, April 16, at the closing of our
glorious retreat, at the moment of praise, while I
was dancing outside the tent looking at the sky
and contemplating what the Lord was doing; some clouds
in the shape of angels landed. This caught my attention
due to the ministration we had from our beloved Apostle
Sergio in the last service of the retreat. Without a doubt,
many of us were transferred to another dimension, seeing
things differently. What is written in Haggai 2:9 ESV is
fulfilled: “The latter glory of this house shall be greater than
the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will
give peace, declares the Lord of hosts.”
HOLY SPIRIT In my case, I felt that the identity of a daughter was given
back to me.
Ezequiel Hernández

OD DID AN extraordinary work in our marriage
during the retreat. Specifically, the last day, in the
evening service. The Holy Spirit baptized my wife
Pas. Julio Herrera
Apo. Pedro Rodriguéz Los besos que equipan
Trasiego ministerial a la novia

Apo. Billy Bunster

Apo. Sergio Enríquez
Ministración de la llenura
La llegada del libertador del Espíritu Santo

Apo. Mario Rivera Apo. Sergio Enríquez

La Jornada del Alfa y Omega El Libertador

Apo. Edwin García

Prof. Hugo García
La reivindicación del fuego
del Espíritu Santo Huesos secos

Apo. Sergio Enríquez Apo. Sergio Enríquez

La llegada del libertador II El Libertador II

Apo. Haroldo Herrera Pas. Nelson Dávila

El Espíritu del Señor La batalla de los Baales
está sobre mi

Apo. Sergio Enríquez Pas. Ramiro Monterrozo

La llegada del libertador III La obra de los dedos de Dios

Apo. Luis Ponce

Ministros Tau
Apo. Sergio Enríquez Apo. Billy Bunster
El Libertador III La reivindicación

Apo. Gerardo Santiago Apo. Apo. Sergio Enríquez

El castigo de nuestra paz La llegada del libertador

Prof. Tito Pérez Pas. Willy Carréra

La Jornada del Alfa y Omega La Jornada del Alfa y Omega

Prof. Hugo García Apo. Fredy Franco

Corazón de rey Tiempo de enderezar
y estirpe de reina lo torcido

Apo. German Ponce Pas. Estuardo Brán

Toma lo nuevo La era del Shaday

Pas. Carlos Lemús

Apo. Sergio Enríquez
El Libertador Cambio de naturaleza
Una generación de libertadores

Apo. Juan Castillo Pas. Ricardo Díaz

Tiempos de recompensa ¡Escrito está!

Apo. Fernando Campos Pas. Jorge Jaenz

La rueda de la creación Escribiendo en tierra

Apo. Salomón Castro Apo. Sergio Enríquez

Salvados del infierno Enemigos de la lluvia

Evan. Hector Dubón

El mejor proyecto de vida

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