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idea of transmutation grew out of the practical receipts of

one charge and the next the plate stood in repose for the

entered his name as a student of medicine. He repaid the

with the Rhine is about 181 m., during which distance it

in the treaty of Washington, which was signed on the 8th

of Oregon so far as they should be applicable, created the

than by using a ladle. Before loading, a piece of the

condition of the fleet as is confided to them, and the additional

origin is uncertain, but its meaning is ``wild'' or ``uncivilized.''

Adrian brought William I. of Sicily into dire straits; but

means of support independent of her husband. Permanent

cell-wall of Gedogonium, treated with sulphuric acid and

ALLOCUTION (Lat. allocutio, an address), a name given to the

a passage between the stacks, so that it can be opened and

when all the other cities of Asia Minor had surrendered.

condition of extreme partial albinism and become almost complete

advertisement. It hardly attempts to reason with the

him for this new command, as was proved by his carrying his

court in that district (U.S. Rev. Stats. sec. sec. 587, 589 and

been discovered; and the properties of this medium, as deduced

1457 he arranged a marriage between his eldest son John, and

orthodox Thomism of the Roman Catholic Church, Aristotle

Interrogationes Sigewulfi Presebyteri in Genesin (ed. G.

intelligent attention towards the close of the period. The

manufacturing was accompanied by economic distress among the

political matters; that, assuming the fraudulent character

are very much employed as laboratory instruments and also as

north of Mozambique, but does not appear to have

Sir Ralph, when the enterprise against Holland was resolved

ii., 2nd ed. (London, 1899); L. Doncaster, ``Inheritance

Algerie et Tunisie (2nd ed., Paris, 1897); J. A. Battandier

all to 40,000 crowns. If, therefore, he died in the public

the Panja (or Oxus) river, a long, straight, snow-clad spur

other chief rivers, are generally unfavourable to navigation,

God). His own belief in Mahomet and his doctrines was

that are employed provided that they are not positively

in the 5th century before Christ. The successful measure of

Although a Roman he preferred Greek authors, and wrote in Greek

by the Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie (1893).

August ``in so far that from the date of the present agreement

the Greek States, ii. p. 646; W. Robertson Smith (Religion

Grivola (E). . . . . . . . . . 13,022 (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,424

investigation of the quality of the articles supplied and the

for inflation, hydrogen gas is on account of its lightness fat

in Paphlagonia in the early part of the 2nd century A.D.

religious nature. His first considerable painting, ``The

replacing the cock or hammer which held the flint by a smaller

Berber element in its population. The full Arab name is El

banked-up earth, are found, e.g. at Silchester (Calleva).

its greatest development in Oran and is much expanded in the

publishers have seriously considered the advisability of

altar ``Yahwehnissi'' (``Yahweh my banner'' or ``memorial''),

see G. Bredig (Zeit. fur phys. Chem., 1894, 13, p. 289).

A cone-shaped sharp-pointed bullet, named the Spitzer bullet,

has a relation to Dhamma similar to that of by-law to

Italy. It was apparently not formed until the middle ages,

monsoon precluded the immediate renewal of the attempt; but

m. W.S.W. of the city) and gas supplles, electric lighting and

1859. He began practice at Cleveland, Ohio, but early in

were found suitable for reduction to the metallic

favour. Carlyle said that he found in them ``a healthy breath

of ``Pompey's Pillar,'' where there is a good deal of open

have told us about the limitations of the powers of pictorial

compounds, only the fluoride is amenable to electrolysis

King John attains supreme power.

shops. Each family has its own dwelling-place and a small

of the letters have become similar that diacritic points

he was the real though unofficial representative of England

covenants. From the time when he was bidden to leave his

called Trikanda or the ``Tripartite.'' It contains 10,000


pure by careful selection. The slightest tincture of red

he was appointed by the governor of Michigan, and in 1903 was

Baden (q.v.) and Schinznach, while at Rheinfelden there are

hiber Albus it was strictly observed in the days of Edward

a solution of nitrous acid, they are converted into phenols;

cell of a filament and the lateral outgrowth of one of

are given by Eusebius (Eccl. Hist. i. 13), who declares

children, including some who had fled to Holland to escape

period, but was attacked in 173 and in part transferred to the

valuable service he rendered to music was in his theoretical

recent times this power has altogether ceased, although a

recent period the material was valued as an amulet. It

occurs in the thymus gland; globin occurs in combination as

effective. The same objection to over-massiveness might

the instigation of Athene, awarded the prize to Odysseus.

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