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(UNF) TUTeriaL s# NUMERICALS ON ORIFICES Tatimetee" discharges water under of" discharges ifthe measured rate §° (65631) bs). A bharp-edged orifice: of a head of 4,5m..Find the cocfficién’ Se _, of flow is 11.76 litres per seconds (M'& S'= 97 Given> Oy= 76 Ys gol _ a = UFEXLO™ M Ye = O01l86 7% “We knwe that a Bas cy alagi C4 = _ 0-096 My x 005 x fax 9.8ix OS OO Fs eo ; C4 = 0+ 63% qos A jet of water issuing :froi“an orifice 2.5 om dianete: constant head of 1.5n,falls 04915m-vertically before it strik ground at a-distence Of 2,28 agured novizontally Tron Determine Cd, Cy & Cc for the,or: Sontrecta. . The discharge -was ara t 79 bEMOZ it fice. (We S 9.6) ov E26 : FE Gen = Op = 02 Vninte 7G 238, 4 = 102xlo~ ms x mi 4 minite Go seconds 7 Qu=_ 9-001F wie, 4 We know that + Boz ca 75H = a ©: 001% = 0-638 c My (0: 025) (Dag RPE 2 \e Water discharges at the rate of 982 Litresfthrough a 12om dia vertical sharp 'gdged ontfice placed undorieheonstant hoad of 10 motr ‘A point on the jet, measured from the vera contracta of the jet has co-ordinates4, 5m, Hori gontal and .0.54m.vertical. -Find the coc*fici2t Cu, Co & Cd. Also: derji¢/ the’ foxmula ‘bod, co\" i Given> 8.= 9e-2 Uc Qa = 00982 Ys X= AS 4 ysorsym = 60-0982 THX Girdaxgarxio Cy = 0-62 = 0968 co a = 0-62 0-968 = 064 A tank Jha: the other and “im ap: above the found that's fron ‘the :vel solh let the verFical distonce whee ge intercept each ether fox lower one orifice is ym 2. for UPrer Lortfie is (y +4)™- 2 & XSBETm- fox upper orifice ae | eer —od | x(a $08 away onifice G= 65) —o Gx YI42-22 As both the ovifices ate Het tant cy will be some. Fer beth, Therefore, eqprating cand 2) amd Sqnorung bath tha side, a Be Ax(gix bo Uxyx22e 1224 + W225 2:22 $225 2224 W224 ies, 1122, y 1 Yeh2um. i Cy= | x Sy _ [@6s) [ tek tour afc] XL22¥2.22 GY = ows ss hown in the tankifeisg ovjets interseot a planc For .twororifices Ange de ase eae + igtans for ier cece APF to Ge (= i i a, —O & fox lower one orifice G= |X © Accu Ay 02. ssuming bath the orifices ideitiad cguoh = 7 7 heng Q.= 1x00 L HISEXI06 Lene , 157m? | [hire 36x24 ec ond, Cox 017g MK Ca= 0-66 (Head) H = om. Area of orifice = 26h xc") [erin ans theed ged by two ci eagured: tothe centre o; discharge of 15210 | 4 \ 4 | ® We pena That Qa= C4 o.fegH O14 = O66 % 2x Bid x J 2xgalxog A= ols. 66 K2XK MS 19-620 +9 = 0696 a5 dt=0:399 d= 0 IGqam- d=19:98tm. , te’ ne the tat 0 s ro +] x A D> ss sTnea Oia ts He ihereeatanta teed ait” Setstesotce ats ema be apumel © ENT) Pig bao gaert 5 ay be taken a AiR peCssuRE Glatt) 25%) = [ Y= 85K G/ 3810 oll fam - ¥= 8340 Nolin pitts H3) Fo 834 kal D f nes = 0-025m - Qin, Nir queue = eS Kg x 8h x looae con® cme Ime = 144415 KN Aigurtene me BE ppresus = 102K Jem p> 100-7 Kian [After cofelstion a meritioned above — of few ‘tet V bethe velochty pot oxifice (Ve. at sec@) So by Continuik, E . : Q= ar v=_@ Myx @:025)" Apply ing Bernoulli's tition byw se fect n R@® (Neglect (Taking dtm lnoum vm Rigs) tosses) igthe boy Mea ae bey vA Vv ee Marce, Vi ls therelocity ak sexD, whith 4s ngglegible im : -compayison With wo at tbean “be tken_ as Zero vt yo 2 2 Was + gh IO + (Ofoge conse) +0 ash AT e-3y 2x9.81 WANS — loo Fy2 = GF Joo 2 = _ _____- B34 B34 OUT «Gort 19.62 Q2= Bq 3 Xloo* Q= 5654xI0° - = 56S Ue Became fonP= 10} amcter (4a a em 44 082 of specific gravity O75 T1008 -tngough 4 d 0.65. XL whose ‘ooatficients of volacity ane contzae biome gpace ie the ie YY vely- - at pressure: the air be pumped: in on ake hoight: © voly, August, prosumer tne Jet may be SOB Pia: g S-9-)I-19° 1 above the centre of tho orifice as cauet Dalim, foam + Gen G= 0-95, Cc=065 (P)powes = (0 lop. Wwe Know that Cy aOvX Cer y= 645K = O62 lt H be tothe trial Fuad (in m qoil). Aequiced fo get lot P, &@ be the discharge nm god Be ne geh We know that Q= Galan Q= 0:62 X 74, & @osh mf2x94% H Q= °° BF —O We know thack WP m Yom) H 7s r = Q.xfow _xo76)ey * Tati 10S, TS enmed QH = 1—® & oid mons xing Cin MKS) | a ® Faking Fron 4 OR substibcting- imag @® t 0-0138 SA Hat H= 4-378 put this Vadue in 2,0 Qe t= at OS4S mY Now, at sec@ »Pressure head sequined ian metas ofcil pill be Paix = 4g 27 = 143M Pai = 14:43% @75«98 (> poi 108 S76_KAL (0 m wide and 0.60 at: A large rectangular onfice 0-4 0,90m vertically below upper edge in a horizontal position unit - 2 @) oii vertical side wall of a large tank, 'S discharging to almosP ) E of flow through the orifice ifits discharge coefficient is 0.65 @ (0.755m*s} (Na-3.13) wl ee @ e & Criven-> We knew they fora lorge vertical rectangular. orifice Diserorgy- Tosrrula ib given by a= 26055 [Ho 44%) Qaz 2 yo : ‘3 £O-6SXO [real xfus 09%] as O15 4g H/s. & OE Mm - Q2: A vertical circul orifice SOmm ae Fa ae diameter is fitted with a sharp edged ci off, the time taken to lower . When the flow of water into the tank oe Determine the rate of flow in I head from 2m to 0.75m was 26 a S, through the orifice under a steady he: . seconds, ad of 1.5m (6.5 Ws] (Na-3.14) Ne Cireulag te (26m, —>. ls ! Time tabon ty ke Rory ‘aving Ie had Paey 2 mrhy- m deep placed with the the water surface in here. Calculate the rate mn = ‘ = 283 goard, a we Know wo trate of Entiyig, atank, fr a. Kiad am.to o7Cm 6 te on Het 1X) 5 2 1008 7 SW ogi Say “A es oe) ga £ . _ 2.602 a PT43” Cd = Obl! on Now, uit Know hat dicehange formula aifice is giver Py * Gaz Gy aN aH “a K ond H As Abe Bead Zoos which _4« |S. | Qyx Obl x yea tlals | Qa= 6° rs to | Qa = 6'5I Q3: A sharp edged orifice, Scm in diameter, in the vertical side of large tank discharge under a head of S.m. if Co=0.62 & Cv=0.98, determine (a) The diameter of the jet at venacontracta (b) The velocity of jet at venacontracta (c) The discharge in m/s [Ans: 3.94cm, 9.71m/s, 0.0119m*s] (Do | 6.15) . . | Given> we C,=0:62 , Cy=0-98 1 Cys CK = 042X088 =0-6076 t F=Ed-008m | 3 Soe x@¥ 2 | syetrw tit C= 08 7 7h = 06 | “ 22 oGexesr A oniteacta) d= 2 23M 1 = Vay Vans = 098 | Wwe also Know Ail > Cv ig? Fax = Vn. = 9-06 FeV: = 9-H m/c. we know thit clischaege formula for an ovifice As Qe xOlagh = 0-60%6 x Ryo 08x f2> = 0-0/18 % - Q4 Find the diameter of a circular orifice to dischar 2 2.Amusing 2 coefficient of eischarge 0.60. I the onifice is in vertical plane and the the jet fall 0.25m in a horizontal distance of 1.3m from the venacontracta, find [Ans. 6 82cm, value of the coefficient of contraction. { 0.715} (Do-6.16) so Given> Qq= orols MHS: , Ga06 we tnaw thet A Discharge thagh an — anifice as giver by: Qi= Caalgn > . a= Qo s¥xdt= angt d?= 4. 638Fxto> d= 0» 0681 m = b8iem. we alse know thet TE cE - — (43% xox aye i. (4x02 x24 8? QS: A tank has a circular orifice 20mm diameter in vertical side near bottom. The & 4amk contains water to a depth of 1m above the orifice with oil of relative density 0.8 for a depth of 1m abdve the water. Acting on the upper surface of the oil is an air pressure of 20kN/m? gauge. The jet of water issuing from the orifice travel a horizontal distance of 1.5m from the orifice while falling a vertical distance of 0.156m, if the coefficient of contraction of the orifice is 0.65, estimate the value of the coefficient of velocity and the actual discharge through the orifice. ' [Ans: 0.97, 1.72dm*/s] (Do-6.18) | vsbm. _ be 1-5 gt Chen > d= o-02m- . , C2 06S First Cenyerting 20KR in meters ms weckor, park Q *% 20 = 981% Boats [.. Toutn= 9:81 KM, | Ahrccity, = 21038" Now converting dom a oil column inte motes ok watt peavh p= O8X OBI XS KPa Fimaty, = PL = o8X9-8t*1 so.am Toast 9-3) sa, Fetal Cenviutt Head clbput Hae aufice in the af Ge (eetess mato of \ccitey is H= 3:85am we know thet foomulo for colyi cient of velocity In terms of, por zended and vertical dy te\ce_is gen bay = j = | Gs 4x0156 x 5-838 Cy= 0-969 * OOF (- G= AX = 093K O45 Gy2O-63 “ Actual dachage trough Hu ovifice is Qa= Ga gH = bax Ay Qoz? x) xasik FOE &= LAT xITB MBG. Qa= 151% dm. [ tm= 404m 2 dna 1s3dm3) svar Anotifice has to be placed mithe side ofa tank so'that the jet will be a2 raximum herizontal distance at the level ofits base. If the depth ofthe liquid in the tankisD, whstis the position of orifice 7 (2)Show that the jet from tno orifcesin the side of a tank will be intersect at the level ofthe baseifthe head on the upper orfie is equal forthe height af the lower orifice above the base ‘| D 4 iN — | we Know + Sqporung bot the wh - Oe = Cy 2 HH = 4 ey (D-H) "See Oak da ww ote ote eo [aes HH] 7 MOK vn oa. oo =O ekg the above value of Loo an Ave ea &) 9% XO = 4ey* on ss "(> — oi) SG) | As ao ¢ Therefrce D—2H =O CuFe 2h =D wy oc eo \ \ so Q8:Derive an expression for the rate of flow of a larg orifice A large rectangular orifice 0.4m wide and 0.6mm veep, placed with the upper edge in a horizontal position 0.9m vertically below the water surface In a vertical side wall of the tank, is discharging to atmosphere, calculate the rate of flow through the orifice if discharge coefficient is 0.85 og ™ We Phew that He din chodas Toma trougl, rectangular esifice is en hy a eee large S= 2 aay [ 434] 2 ones cour IIO6? x [ 05). 9)%| 3S HT = 04549 My Oy % OSS 10%.

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