Leaf and Spike Wheat Disease Detection & Classification Using An Improved Deep Convolutional Architecture

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Leaf and spike wheat disease detection & classification using an improved
deep convolutional architecture

Article  in  Informatics in Medicine Unlocked · June 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.imu.2021.100642


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4 authors, including:

Lakshay Goyal Anupam Singh

University of Petroleum & Energy Studies University of Petroleum & Energy Studies


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Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (2021) 100642

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Leaf and spike wheat disease detection & classification using an improved
deep convolutional architecture
Lakshay Goyal a, Chandra Mani Sharma a, Anupam Singh a, Pradeep Kumar Singh b, *
School of Computer Science, UPES, Dehradun, India
Department of Computer Science, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, India


Keywords: Wheat is the third most harvested and consumed grain in the world. However, a large part of wheat crop becomes
Wheat disease classification spoiled due to diseases. There are over two dozen of wheat diseases that are harmful to the crops. Therefore, the
Deep learning manual diagnosis of these diseases becomes very challenging. Automatic wheat disease classification can be
Crop health
helpful in improving the quantity and quality of the crop yield. Further, it can be a useful mechanism for crop
Image understanding
Supervised learning
quality assessment, and pricing. Deep learning based image analysis has applications in disease diagnosis and
classification. The spike and leaves are the most affected parts of a wheat plant. Majority of diseases can be
recognized by the characteristics of these parts. The paper presents a novel wheat disease classification method.
A new deep learning model is trained to accurately classify wheat diseases in 10 classes. The proposed method
has a high testing accuracy of 97.88%. Furthermore, it gives an improvement of 7.01% and 15.92% for the
accuracy metric over the other two popular deep learning models – VGG16 and RESNET50, respectively.
Experimental results establish that the proposed method performs better on other parameters such as precision,
recall, and f-score.

1. Introduction and related work learning methods are said to be end to-end approaches as they do not
need handcrafted features as input. On the other hand, the underlying
Across the globe, wheat is the third biggest consumed grain after operations can extract and learn features on their own. In recent times,
maize and rice. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture deep learning models have been widely used in image classification.
Organization (UNFAO), one in every 10 people in the world suffers from There exist many pre-trained deep learning models that have been
severe malnutrition due to the scarcity of food. In many developing trained on massive datasets.
countries, the per hectare yield of grains is very low as compared to in Many aspects of human life are influenced by the quality of food
developed countries[1]. Further, this disparity can be attributed to the grains. There is a global food shortage, and developing countries,
use of advanced tools and techniques in fields. At present the fourth particularly in Asia and Africa, are struggling to combat hunger and
industrial revolution is disrupting every thing. Artificial intelligence, malnutrition. Low crop production affects the overall well-being of rural
machine learning, IOT, and edge computing are playing a vital role in families [27]. With advancements in information and communication
revolutionizing the agriculture sector [2]. Precision agriculture is aided technologies, newer technological solutions are reaching farmers’
by these technologies, resulting in reduced resource wastage and hands. Artificial intelligence powered mobile applications are becoming
increased profits[3]. The appropriate diagnosis of wheat diseases and useful in this regard, Uzhinskiy et al. [27] proposed one such deep
timely remedial action can save the grains from wastage. Moreover, it learning based mobile application for wheat disease classification.
can ensure the good quality of the wheat yield that eventually gives Pathogens are the primary cause of wheat diseases that result in crop
maximum profit to farmers. Deep learning can solve the problems of yield loss [28]. Pathogens affect the visible and invisible parts of the
image classification with acceptable accuracy. These methods are con­ wheat plant.
trary to the traditional feature-based supervised learning approaches The visible parts are the leaves, stems, and spikes, while the invisible
like support vector machines, random forests, etc. Supervised deep parts are the roots. Azimi et al. [28] investigated the correlation between

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: lakshaygoyal425@gmail.com (L. Goyal), cmsharma.its@gmail.com (C.M. Sharma), anupam.singh@ddn.upes.ac.in (A. Singh), pradeep_84cs@
yahoo.com (P.K. Singh).

Received 9 April 2021; Received in revised form 15 June 2021; Accepted 15 June 2021
Available online 19 June 2021
2352-9148/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
L. Goyal et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (2021) 100642

Fig. 1. VGG16 architecture.

Fig. 2. ResNet50 architecture.

the fusarium head blight (FHB) and morphological & biochemical fea­ During training, these methods need large amounts of data, and are very
tures in wheat lines using a statistical and machine learning approach. resource-intensive. Overfitting is the other common issue, wherein the
Some research is being done in the area of in-field wheat disease model exhibits a wide gap in training and test accuracy. It happens due
recognition [4]. developed a wheat disease diagnosis system using a to the model memorizing the examples, rather than learning from them.
weakly supervised approach and also presented a wheat disease dataset. Dropout and regularization can help to mitigate overfitting, as can
Genomic changes can help increase resistance to certain types of dis­ having as much data as possible. Transfer learning can improve classi­
eases. It is a different discipline altogether. However, the intervention of fication performance when data and computational resources are scarce
artificial intelligence can make the exploration of new methodologies [26].
easier. Transfer learning refers to using the weights of a pre-trained model
González-Camacho et al. [5] discussed machine learning applica­ that might not have been trained on the same dataset. For a typical
tions in wheat rust resistance crop genome selection. Further, Azadbakht image classification task, there are many pre-trained deep learning ar­
et al. [6] also used machine learning for wheat disease classification. chitectures available, such as VGG16, VGG19, RESNET 50, MobileNet
Different machine learning techniques, such as support vector machines V2, and others. A deep learning model’s classification accuracy is
(SVM), k-Neighbors classifier (KNN), decision forests, linear discrimi­ affected by the size of the dataset, the variety of the data, and the degree
nant analysis (LDA), naive Bayes classifier, convolutional neural net­ of class imbalance [7]. analyzes the impact of the dataset’s size & variety
works, recurrent neural networks etc, have been used for wheat disease on a model’s performance [8]. uses deep learning models for disease
classification [15–19]. Support vector machines and decision forests classification [9]. presented a survey on deep learning approaches for
have performed better as compared to the other feature selection based different crop plantings.
methods. Deep learning models do not require explicit feature extrac­
tion, and it can be done as part of learning. 2. Deep learning for image classification
These approaches are capable of extracting and learning from these
features on their own. This is why deep learning approaches are called There are numerous deep learning architectures available for image
end-to-end machine learning approaches and are very useful for crop classification and comprehension [10]. have presented a detailed dis­
disease classification applications [20–25]. Convolutional neural net­ cussion of plant disease detection. Various types of pandemics, pan­
works are the core deep neural networks that perform well for image demics, pandemics, diseases, and detection methods have been
classification tasks. In the recent past, these methods have performed discussed in their work. A survey on various deep learning algorithms
better than the traditional supervised learning approaches for classifi­ and their applications is discussed in the work of [11]. Further [12],
cation. Researchers have attained many improvements in deep learning presented another survey on deep learning in medical image analysis. In
network models. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) overcome the limi­ the work of [13,14], the applications of machine learning in image
tations of CNNs. Furthermore, long-short term memory (LSTM) is an understanding have been discussed.
enhancement to the RNNs. In this section, we briefly explain two such popular architectures,
Nevertheless, deep learning classifiers also have some limitations. namely VGG16 and ResNet 50. These architectures have been primarily

L. Goyal et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (2021) 100642

Fig. 3. (a). Schematic flow diagram of the proposed system for what disease classification
Fig. 3(b). The proposed deep learning model for supervised learning.

Fig. 4. Snapshot of deep learning from the data.

used for object recognition tasks in images. However, with the help of different categories, including Convolutional layers, Max Pooling layers,
transfer learning and parameter tuning, they are sufficiently good at Activation layers, etc. In fact, there are 13 Convolutional layers, 5 Max
other tasks, including video classification, semantic segmentation, re­ Pooling layers, and 3 dense layers, totaling 21 layers. However, there are
gion of interest extraction, image indexing and retrieval, etc. Later in the just 16 wt layers in the architecture. A softmax classifier follows two
experimental results, we used VGG16 and ResNet 50 for Wheat Disease completely connected layers, each with 4096 nodes. The width of the
Classification. Here, we will describe them briefly. network begins at a small value of 64 and increments by a factor of 2
after each pooling layer. VGG16, on the other hand, has 140 million
2.1. VGG16 deep learning architecture The pre-trained VGG16 model has been trained on a very large image
dataset (ImageNet) and can be used as a transfer earning model to solve
The VGG16 is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based deep similar problems in image recognition (see Fig. 1).
learning architecture consisting of 16 wt layers. These layers fall under

L. Goyal et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (2021) 100642

Fig. 5. Samples selected from the collected dataset LWDCD2020.

this model is used for the labeling of the unseen samples.

Table 1 Fig. 3(b) shows the proposed deep convolutional model for wheat
The composition of Large Wheat Disease Classification disease classification. Convolutional neural networks can work effec­
Dataset (LWDCD2020). tively for solving image classification problems, when convolution,
Wheat Disease Class #Images pooling, and regularization activities are applied along the path of the
Karnal bunt 1150
signal processing pipeline. The proposed model has been trained using
Black Chaff 1100 over 12 thousand images of wheat diseases. Eventually, the trained
Crown and Root Rot 1040 model accepts an image and can label it with disease class (or with
Fusarium Head Blight 1270 ‘healthy wheat’, if it matches with this class).
Healthy Wheat 1280
For training, it inputs a 224 × 224 pixel RGB image. The model has
Leaf Rust 1620
Powdery Mildew 1230 convolutional layers having a kernel size of 3 × 3. To reduce the size of
Tan Spot 1220 the training vector space, max pooling is applied. The Proposed model
Wheat Loose Smut 1100 contains 21 convolution layers, 7 max-pooling, and 3 fully connected
Wheat Streak Mosaic 1150 layers. The activation functions used in the convolutional layer are ReLU
(Rectified Linear Unit) and Leaky ReLU. The activation function used in
2.2. ResNet50 deep learning architecture the dense layers is the ReLU. There are two fully connected layers, which
are then followed by a SoftMax classifier and Dropout (0.5). The opti­
ResNet 50 (Residual Networks) is 50 layers deep, another neural mizer used is Adam. The Convolution stride used is of one pixel. The
network architecture model. The central idea of ResNet is to present a width of the network begins at an estimation of 64 and increases by a
supposed “characteristic alternate way of association” that avoids at factor of two after each pooling layer. The proposed architecture learns
least one layer. The architecture of ResNet 50 has been shown in Fig. 2. around 25, 305, 356 parameters. The layers with trainable weights are
In the standard ResNet50 model, there are a total of 23, 587, 712 pa­ only the convolution layers and the fully connected layers. Max pooling
rameters. Out of which, there are 23, 534, 592 trainable and 53,120 non- layer is used to reduce the size of the input image where softmax is used
trainable parameters. to make the final decision. These convolution layers and pooling layers
help to identify the features and they will be followed by the dense
3. Proposed methodology for wheat disease classification layers for learning and prediction later. At the end of the Dense layer
SoftMax, the activation function is used that normalizes a distribution
Fig. 3 (a) shows the architecture of the proposed system for wheat dynamics from K amount of composite functional concatenations. Each
disease classification. The training dataset is streamed to the deep layer of nodes trains on the output produced by the previous layer.
learning model (shown in Fig. 3 (b)), wherein the model learns the Therefore, nodes in each consecutive layer can recognize more complex
discriminating features of the 10 different classes of data (see Fig. 5) (see and detailed features.
Fig. 4). Algorithm. DS: Data set having 9 different classes of wheat diseases
The weights (parameters) in the model are updated in the backward and 1 class of healthy wheat. The training set contains around 1200
pass to back-propagate the error that is calculated with the predicted images for each class
value and the expected value. The training process is repeated over a Iij: Representing i th image in a given category (3 channels)
finite number of iterations, called epochs. Once training stops, the
model’s accuracy is noted and it is exported to the disk. Subsequently,

L. Goyal et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (2021) 100642

Fig. 6. The prediction results for Wheat Loose Smut, Tan Spot, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Rust, Healthy Wheat, Fusarium Head Blight, Crown & Root Rot, Black Chaff,
Karnal Bunt, and Wheat Streak Mosaic.

Table 2 Table 3
Accuracy measures of proposed method. Architectural comparison of different models.
Karnal Bunt 0.97 0.98 0.97
Black Chaff 0.98 0.98 0.98 PROPOSED 650 24 21 conv + 3 fc 98.62% 97.88%
Crown & Root Rot 0.98 0.98 0.98 MODEL layers
Fusarium Head Blight 0.98 0.98 0.98 VGG16 528 16 13 conv + 3 fc 94.66% 90.87%
Healthy Wheat 0.98 0.98 0.98 layers
Leaf Rust 0.99 0.98 0.98 RESNET- 100 50 49 conv + 1 fc 93.66% 81.96%
Powdery Mildew 0.98 0.98 0.98 50 layer
Tan Spot 0.97 0.98 0.97
Wheat Loose Smut 0.97 0.97 0.97
Wheat Streak Mosaic 0.96 0.97 0.96 • Define all the layers in model mentioning the sequential order and
other hyper-parameters
• Apply non-linearity using ReLU and LeakyRelu and pooling for
DS_Labels = {Karnal bunt, Black Chaff, Crown and Root Rot, Fusa­
dimensionality reduction
rium Head Blight, Healthy Wheat, Leaf Rust, Powdery Mildew, Tan
• To mitigate overfitting use Dropout
Spot, Wheat Loose Smut, Wheat Streak Mosaic}
Step 3: Model Compilation and Training
Step 1: Load and Preprocess Data
• Compile the model with loss as Stochastic Gradient Descent and opti­
• Load images and resize them into 224 × 224 dimensions
mizer as Adam
• Convert it into numerical vectors after standardization
• Do train test split of data
For epoch_no 1 to 1000.
Step 2: Define Model

L. Goyal et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (2021) 100642

Fig. 7. Accuracy and loss of proposed model with VGG16 and RESNET50.

• Model learns from the data and updates the weights using SGD 3.1. Dataset: large wheat disease classification dataset (LWDCD2020)
• Record loss and accuracy after each epoch
Step 4: Prediction Labeling For training the system, we use a large collection of images. A part of
• Load the trained model and label binarizer these images (around 40%) were collected on field and others have been
• Load the image and preprocess it reused from the preexisting openly available datasets. The newly
• Predict the label for image curated dataset (LWDCD2020) has around 12,000 images of nine classes
• Use majority polling to decide the label of wheat diseases and one normal class. The images have been pre-
processed for dimensional uniformity. More detailed description of the
dataset has been given in Table 1. To differentiate healthy wheat from
diseased ones, one more class was added to the dataset which contains

L. Goyal et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (2021) 100642

the images of healthy wheat. All images in LWDCD2020 almost only accuracy is reported to be 98.62%. There is a considerable improvement
include one sort of disease as which this picture was commented on. in performance, when compared with other deep learning methods. In
LWDCD2020 images include complex backgrounds, various capture comparison with VGG16 and RESNET50, accuracy is improved by
conditions, various characterization for a distinct stage of disease evo­ 7.01% and 15.92%, respectively. Therefore, the proposed techniques
lution, and similar features between different wheat diseases. The can be used as a good tool for wheat disease classification.
following stage was to improve the dataset with augmented images. The
prime reason for a given examination is to prepare the network to Declaration of competing interest
become familiar with the features that separate one class from the
others. Hence, when utilizing more augmented images, the opportu­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
nities for the network to gain proficiency with the correct features has interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
been expanded. the work reported in this paper.

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