Summative Assessment For Unit 6 "Traditions and Customs" 3/2 Summative Assessment For Unit 6 "Traditions and Customs" 3/2

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Name ________________________________ grade_____

Name ________________________________ grade_____ Summative assessment for unit 6 “Traditions and Customs” 3\2
Summative assessment for unit 6 “Traditions and Customs” 3\2
I. Reading I. Reading
Task 1: Read the words and circle/ underline the odd one out. Task 1: Read the words and circle/ underline the odd one out.
Сөздерді оқып, артық сөзді шеңберле. Сөздерді оқып, артық сөзді шеңберле.
1.Pizza, cake, banana, fries, book
1.Pizza, cake, banana, fries, book 2. Salad, cheese, chicken, milkshake, sandwich
2. Salad, cheese, chicken, milkshake, sandwich 3. Tomato, pear, grapes, apple, banana
3. Tomato, pear, grapes, apple, banana Score: 3/___
Score: 3/___ Task 2:
Task 2: Read the text and match: Мәтінді оқып, сәйкестендір:
Read the text and match: Мәтінді оқып, сәйкестендір: For breakfast English people often have porridge with milk and sugar. They don’t
For breakfast English people often have porridge with milk and sugar. They don’t eat much bread. They usually have toasts. They drink tea with milk.
eat much bread. They usually have toasts. They drink tea with milk. Five o’clock tea is a national habit. English people have tea with biscuits, apple
Five o’clock tea is a national habit. English people have tea with biscuits, apple pie, fruit or fruit salad or sandwiches. The English people drink little coffee. Tea is
pie, fruit or fruit salad or sandwiches. The English people drink little coffee. Tea is their favourite drink.
their favourite drink.
1.For breakfast English people have A. tea
1.For breakfast English people have A. tea 2.They usually have B. porridge
2.They usually have B. porridge 3. Their favourite drink C. toasts
3. Their favourite drink C. toasts Score: 3/__
Score: 3/__ II. Writing Жаз.
II. Writing Жаз. Жемістер, алма, көкөністер--_____________________
Жемістер, алма, көкөністер-_____________________ Балық, ет- -_____________________
Балық, ет -_____________________ Нан, йогурт-____________________
Нан , йогурт -____________________ Жұмыртқа, сүт- _________________________ Score:4
Жұмыртқа, сүт- ______________________ Score: 4/___
Total: 10/________
Total: 10/________

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