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1. Tick the correct answer: ( )
a. Keep your things (arranged/scattered).
b. Play Football in the (house/playground).
c. Water is (important/useless).
d. (Follow/Break) rules of the game.
e. When wind blows slowly and softly it is called (storm/breeze).
2. F/B:
a. We should drink ___________ water.
b. We should not was clothes in _________.
c. We must not play with ___________ object.
d. Moving air is called ___________.
e. We need air to ___________.
f. Do not play with __________.
3. True or False:
a. Drinking dirty water can make us. ___________
b. We cannot see air but can feel it. ____________
c. Computer need air to breathe. ____________
d. We should never throw garbage into lakes and rivers. ________
4. Q/A:
a. Where do you get water from?
b. What safety rules you should follow at home?
c. What makes the air dirty?
d. Can you see air?
5. What does these lights indicate?
Write in front of each light.

Red light says ______________

Yellow light says _______________
Green light says ______________

h. Mum went into the ___________.

3. Q/A:
a. Where did the crabs live?
b. What did the Mum tell the children to do?
c. Why did Mum and Anu laugh?

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