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Economic disruption: Computing technology is crucial to a wide range of industries, from banking and

finance to manufacturing and transportation. Without this technology, many sectors risked collapsing,
resulting in severe economic disruption and the loss of jobs.

Loss of personal data: Many people use computing technology to store and retrieve important personal
information, such as photos, papers, and financial information. If people don't have access to these
devices, they risk losing access to this data forever.

Infrastructure collapse: Computing technology is essential to the operation of infrastructure systems

such as water treatment plants, electrical grids, and transportation networks. Without these
technologies, these systems would malfunction, resulting in significant disruption and perhaps
devastating outcomes.

Loss of cultural and scientific knowledge: The great majority of the world's cultural and scientific records
may be hard to maintain and access without access to computing technology, if not impossible. The way
history, science, and other topics are studied and understood might suffer as a result of this.

Communication breakdown: Without computer technology, it would be difficult or impossible for

people to communicate over long distances. In addition to limiting access to information and resources,
this might lead to the breakdown of social and economic structures.

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