The Object-Oriented Approach: Junaed Sattar September 24, 2008

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The Object-Oriented Approach

Junaed Sattar September 24, 2008 Lecture 4


object-based and object-oriented approach to software creation

Why OOP? OO basics, terminology Why OOP with C++?

Why do we need an OO approach?

Adaptation to change

non OO approach can be robust, structured but lacks flexibility maintainability (a.k.a. service packs) extensibility (newer releases of software) distributed design and development

Better handling software demands

C++ as an OO language?

Great choice, because:

has a large community of users multiparadigm (remember?) performance legacy code access and reuse

Large user base

thriving community of developers high quality compilers, development aids documentation, forums, organizations


Does not need to be OO

unlike Java

Non OO (i.e. procedural) approach can be used as deemed necessary

small subroutines, programs

Performance & Legacy Code

properly written C++ programs are memory and performance optimized

fast code, small memory footprint OO design leads to easy performance tuning makes it easy to port C code to C++

C++ is ~98% compatible with C

OO Fundamentals

Objects Classes Inheritance Polymorphism

Objects ... and classes?!

Aren't they the same thing? Classes are like blueprints; they are the specifications, not instantiations Objects are like houses built from blueprints. It really exists.


The packaging unit in OO programming localizes (i.e. packages) data and member functions

i.e. combines states and services on those states

Why do we need this?


Easier to apply changes

changes in abstraction/concept inevitable make changes to one place when needed

Logical association becomes functional, syntactual

imagine a software specification of a car service accelerate should only affect state speed

OO and N-OO

floatspeed=0.0; //thisisaglobal ... voidAccelerate() { speed+=0.1; }

classCar{ floatspeed; ... ... voidAccelerate() { speed+=0.1; } }


Qualities of an object?

not just a package for data and methods fundamental purpose is to provide services hence should be alive, responsible, intelligent


Must do some useful thing

contrast with dead data in procedural languages dead data are declared but lie in memory, not used most of the time data must not be garbage i.e. uninitialized dynamic memory

Must maintain a coherent state


Others should be able to delegate tasks

objects are self contained inner workings are protected should perform task in a reliable, consistent manner


Should know how to perform task

provides services to other users removes complexity from many to few


Should know how to perform task

provides services to other users removes complexity from many to few o.e. why not airplane rentals?

First steps

Write down requirements

roles and responsibilities what services to provide? why does it exist? is it required?

simplifies design process, streamlines project

C++ class syntax

classClassName{ private: //memberdataandmethods (declarations/definitions) protected: //memberdataandmethods (declarations/definitions) public: //memberdataandmethods (declarations/definitions) };

Public elements

accessible from outside the class NOT accessible from outside the class we'll see soon.

Private elements


Example Class: declaration

classVehicle{ private: intnPass; doublegasCapacity; boolHybrid; floatfSpeed; public: Vehicle();//Constructor ~Vehicle();//Destructor boolLoadPassengers(intnp); voidAccelerate(); boolisHybrid()const; floatGetSpeed()const; };


By default, class members are private

specifying private at the start of the declaration is optional can have many more, just an example for now two special ones

Has four data members (states)

Has six methods

More Synopsis

Constructors are called when object is created

always called during instantiation compiler provides default (invisible) dummy constructor provide our own when data initialization is required compiler provides default as well perform data clean up in here

Destructors are called when object is destroyed


Providing our own constructor (and/or destructor) will disable the default constructor given by the compiler.

Even More Synopsis

What are those consts after the methods?

constant member functions, or methods cannot change member variables C++'s way of enforcing read-only access to member variables will generate compiler error if changes to class member variables are made in constant methods

Example Class: definition

Vehicle::Vehicle{ nPass=5; gasCapacity=100; Hybrid=true; fSpeed=0.0f; } boolVehicle::LoadPassengers(intnp) { if(nPass<=np)nPass=np; } voidVehicle::Accelerate(){ fSpeed+=5.0; } boolVehicle::isHybrid()const{returnHybrid;} floatVehicle::GetSpeed()const{returnfSpeed;}

An alternative declaration/definition
classVehicle{ private: intnPass; doublegasCapacity; boolHybrid; floatfSpeed; public: Vehicle(){ nPass=5; gasCapacity=100; Hybrid=true; fSpeed=0.0f; } ~Vehicle(){};//Destructor boolLoadPassengers(intnp) { if(nPass<=np)nPass=np; } ...

voidAccelerate(){ fSpeed+=5.0; } boolisHybrid()const{returnHybrid;} floatGetSpeed()const{returnfSpeed;} };//classdeclarationends

Inline functions

Avoids the overhead of the function call

expanded by the preprocessor like a macro in C equivalent to a C define preprocessor statement also can use the inline keyword

Alternate syntax
classVehicle{ ... boolLoadPassengers(int np) { if(nPass<=np) nPass=np; } classVehicle{ ... boolLoadPassengers(int np); }; inlinebool Vehicle::LoadPassengers( intnp) { if(nPass<=np) nPass=np; }

Inline functions

Use inline for short, frequently-used methods Functions that contain static data, loops, switch statements, or recursive calls cannot be inlined


Creating an object

intmain(){ Vehicleferrari; ferrari.Accelerate(); ... return0; }

Can only access public methods or data Privates are hidden (i.e. encapsulated)

Next class

More about access protection encapsulation object pointers and dynamic objects

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