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DAILY LIVING DUAS TA'AWWUDH A'udhu billahi minash-Shaytanir-rajim I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the Outcast.

TASMIYAH Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. KALIMAH TAYYIBAH La ilaha illallahu Muhammadur-Rasulullah There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. KALIMAH SHAHADAH Ashhadu al-la ilaha illallahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. KALIMAH TAMJID Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar. Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-'aliyyil-'azim. Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is none worthy of worship besides Allah and Allah is the Greatest. There is no power and might except from Allah, the Most High, the Great. KALIMAH TAWHID La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahulmulku wa lahulhamdu yuhyi wa yumitu biyadihil-khayru wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadir. There is none worthy of worship besides Allah, who is Alone, and He has no partner. His is the Kingdom and for Him is all praise. He gives life and causes death. In His Hand is all good, and he has power over everything. KALIMAH RADD AL-KUFR Allahumma inni a'udhubika min an ushrika bika shay'anwa ana a'lamu bihi wa astaghfiruka lima la a'lamu bihi tubtu 'anhu wa tabbaratu minal-kufri washshirki walma'asi kulliha aslamtu wa amantu wa aqula la ilaha illallahu Muhammadur rasulullah. O Allah, I seek protection in You from that I should join any partner with You knowingly. I seek Your forgiveness from that which I do not know. I repent from it (ignorance). I free myself from disbelief and enjoining partners with You and from all sins. I submit to Your will. I believe and declare that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. IMAN MUJMAL Amantu billahi kama huwa bi'asma'ihi wa sifatihi wa qabiltujami'a ahkamih. I believe in Allah as He is through His names and His attributes (qualities) and I accept all His orders. IMAN MUFASSAL Amantu billahi wa mala'ikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wal-yawmil-akhiri wal-qadri khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi ta'ala wal-ba'thi ba'dal-mawt. I believe in Allah and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day, and the Fate--good or bad--is from Allah, the Most High, and the raising after death. DUA FOR WUDU Bismillahi walhamdulillah. In the name of Allah, all praises are due to Allah. DUA AFTER WUDU Ashhadu al-la ilaha illallahu wahadahu la shareeka lahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah who has no partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. Allahummmaj'alni minat-tawwabina waj'alni minalmutatahhirin. O Allah, make me amongst the repentants and those who love to be clean. DUA BEFORE SLEEPING Allahumma bismika amutu wa ahya. O Allah, with Your name I die and live. DUA AFTER WAKING UP Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilayhin-nushur. All praises are due to Allah who has given us life (consciousness) after taking it away and to Him is (our) raising (on the Day of Judgement). DUA BEFORE ENTERING THE TOILET Allahumma inni a'udhubika minal-khubuthi wal-khaba'ith. O Allah, I seek protection in You from the filth and impurity. DUA AFTER LEAVING THE TOILET Ghufranak. Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi adhhaba 'annil adha wa 'afani. I seek Your pardon. All praises are due to Allah who has taken away from me discomfort and granted me relief. DUA BEFORE EATING Bilmillahi wa 'ala barakatillah. In the name of Allah and upon the blessings of Allah. DUA AFTER EATING Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi at'amana wa saqana waja'alana minal-Muslimin. All praises are due to Allah who has given us to drink and eat and made us Muslims. DUA AFTER BOARDING A VEHICLE Alhamdu lillahi subhanal-ladhi sakhkhara lana hadha wa ma kunna lahu muqrinina wa inna ila rabbina lamunqalibun. Praise be to Allah! Glory be to Him who has subjected this (vehicle) for our use, though we were unable to control it. And surely we will return to our Lord. DUA WHEN THINGS ARE IN ONE'S FAVOR Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi bini'matihi tatimmus-salihat. All praise is due to Allah with whose grace all good works come to completion. DUA WHEN SNEEZING Alhamdulillah. All praises be to Allah. ONE WHO HEARS SOMEONE SNEEZE Yarhamukallah. May Allah have mercy on you. THE SNEEZER'S REPLY Yahdikumullah. May Allah guide you!

While leaving house for special work/object/purposes A reliable tradition from Hazrat Ali (a.s.) states that when a person enters his house he should offer salutation and if his household is not present he should say: ASSALAMO ' ALAINA MINA RABBENA May there be peace on us from our God. Dua For Concentration Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Allahumma inni asaluka yaa mudhakkira-l khayr wa faailahu wa-l-aamimira bihi dhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan. Blessings of God be upon Muhammad and his progeny. O God, I ask you, the one who mentions goodness and actualizes it and commands it, remind me of that which the shaytan makes me forget. Recite This Dua Everyday For Victory And Prosperity Ya sayyedas-sada-te, ya mojeebad-davate, ya rafead-darajate, ya vali-yal hasanate, ya ghaferal-khatiate, ya moti-yal masalate, ya qabi-lat-tavbate, ya sameal-asvate, ya alemalkhafiyate, ya dafeal bali yate. O the chief of all chiefs! O the acceptor of prayers! O the elevator of ranks! O the master of virtues! O the forgiver of sins! O the granter of requests! O the excerptor of penance! O the hearer of all voices! O the one who knows all mysteries! O the remover of calamities! Turning on/off lights Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq advised the believers to switch on lights in the house before sunset, as according to the Holy Prophet it is makru (undesirable) to enter a dark house, and at the time of turning on the lights recite the following dua'a. O our Allah, let light illuminate our path when we walk among human beings. Do not keep us away from Your light on the day of judgement. Let there be light for us, because You are light. There is no God save You. ALLAAHUMMAJ-A'L LANAA NOORAN NAMSHEE BIHEE FIN NAASI WA LAA TAH'RIMNAA NOORAKA YAWMA NALQAAKA WAJ-A'L LANAA NOORAN INNAKA NOORUN LAA ILLAAHA ILLAA ANTA At the time of switching off the lights recite the following dua'a. O Our Allah, bring us for the from the darkness unto the light. ALLAAHUMMA AKRIJNAA MINAZ' Z'ULUMAATI ILAN NOORI WHEN LOOKING INTO A MIRROR Allahumma anta hassanta khalqi fahassin khuluqi Oh Allah, You have made my body beautiful so beautify my character also. FOR MORNING AND EVENING Allahumma bika asbahna wa bika amsayna wa bika nahya wa bika namutu wa ilaykan-nushur. O Allah, with Your help I have started the day and with Your help I have started evening. With (Your pleasure) we live and die and to You is (our) raising (on the Day of Judgement). AFTER DRINKING MILK Allahumma barik lana fihi wa zidna minhu. O Allah bless us in it and increase it for us. DRINKING WATER Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq advised the believers to recite the following dua'a at the time of drinking water. S'ALAWAATULLAAHI A'LAL H'USAYNI WA AHLI BAYTIHEE WA AS'H'AABIHEE WA LA'-NATULLAHI A'LAA QATALATIHEE WA A'-DAA-IHEE Blessing of Allah be on Husayn, his family and his friends; and may Allah curse those who killed him and opposed him LEAVING THE HOUSE It is stated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that a person who will recite the following prayer when leaving the house, God will accomplish all his worldly and spiritual tasks of salvation: Transliteration: BISMILLAHE HASBIYAL-LAHO TAVAK-KALTO ALAL-LAHE, ALLA-HOOMMA AS-ALOKA KHAIRA OMOORI KOOLLEHA WA A'OOZO BEKA MIN KHIZ-YID DOONYA WA AZABILAKHERAH I begin with the name of Allah, Allah is enough for me and him only I rely. Oh Allah I pray Thee for the welfare of all my affairs and seek Thy shelter from the evils in this world and the torments of the Day of Judgement. DUA WHEN SEEING A CHEERFUL MUSLIM Adhakallahu sinnak. May Allah always keep you cheerful. ON THANKING SOMEONE Jazakallahu khayra. May Allah reward you well. OR Barakallahu fik May Allah bless you.

WHEN GOING TO THE MARKETPLACE Bismillahi Allahumma inni as'aluka khayra hadhihis-suqi wa khayra ma fiha wa a'udhubika min sharri ma fiha. Allahumma inni a'udhubika an usiba fiha yaminan fajiratan awsafqatan khasrah. In the name of Allah. O Allah, I ask You for the benefits of this market and for the benefits in it. I seek Your protection from the evils of this market and from the evils in it. O Allah, I seek Your protection from a false oath in this market and from a transaction of loss. WHEN A DOG BARKS A'udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim. I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the Outcast. AT THE TIME OF SUNSET Allahumma hadha iqbalu laylika wa idbaru naharika wa aswatu du'atika faghfirli. O Allah, this is the time of the coming of Your night and the time of the going of Your day, and the time of asking for those that ask from You, so please forgive me. On bidding someone farewell Astawdi'ullaha dinaka wa amanataka wa khawatima 'amalik. I give in trust to Allah your religion and your belongings, and the results of your deeds. DUA FOR INCREASING KNOWLEDGE Rabbi zidni 'ilma. My Lord, increase me in knowledge.

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