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Program to checkfor deflection ofa beam or slab - using deflection calculation method

Cncrete grade fck, =

Steel grade, fy =
Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es =
Type of beam =
Span of the beam
UDL on the beam
Central point load on SS beam or point load at tip of cantilever
Applied service moment=
Width of flange of the beam, b f =
Width of rib the beam, bw =
For a rectangular beam, consider bf=bw. For slab, consider bf=bw=1000 mm and use reinforcement per meter length of slab. F
Overall depth of the beam =
Effective cover of tenssion reinforcenment, d' t =
Effective depth, d =
Effective cover of compression reinforcenment, d' c =
Comp. ressionreinforcement No Dia +
2 20
Area of compression reinforcement, provided, A sc =
Percent compression reinforcement p c =
Tenssion reinforcement No Dia +
2 25
Area of tenssion reinforcement, provided, A st =
Percent tenssion reinforcement p t =
Quantity pt-pc=
Calculation of short term deflection:

Moment of inertia of a gross section, I gr =

Flexural tensile stength, fck
Distance of extreme compression fibre from N.A., y t=
Cracking moment Mt=
Short term static modulus of elasticity of cocrete, E c =
Modular ratio, m = Es/Ec
Transformed area of compression steel A TC =
Transformed area of tenssion steel A TT=
Coefficents of quadratic equation to find x: A=
Depth of natural axis, x = x=-B√B2-4AC/2A

Moment of inertia of a cracked section I r = (bx3/3)+ATC*(x-d'c)^2+ATT*(d-x)^2

To simplify the calculation, assume lever arm z = d-x/3
Effective moment of inertia, leff. l eff. =lr/1.2(Mt/app. Service mom.)*(z/d)*(1-x/d)*(b w/bf)
Also Ig ≥ Ieff. ≥ Ir
Therefore I eff =
The short term deflection at the tip of the cantilever beam
(wl4/8Ec Ieff)+(P I3/3Ec Ieff)
The short term deflection at the centre of simply supported beam loaded with udl
(5wl4/384Ec Ieff)+(P I3/48Ec Ieff

The short term deflection in this case =

Deflection due to shrinkage
k₃= 0.5 for cantilevers
0.125 for simply supported members
0.72*(pt-pc/√pt) ≤ 1.0 for 0.25 ≤pt - pc < 1.0
0.65*(pt-pc/√pt) ≤ 1.0 for 0.25 ≤pt - pc ≥ 1.0

In the absence of data, assume

ψ7 = k₄(∑cs/D)
acs = k₃ψcs l^2
Deflection due to creep:
Creep deflection due to permanent loads is obtained from following formula
acc(perm) = ai,cc(perm) - ai(perm)
acc(perm) = creep deflection due to permanent loads
aicc(perm) = initial plus creep deflection due to permanenet loads obtained using an elas
ai(perm) = short term deflection due to permenent loads using E c
Assuming age of loading
Age of loading Creep coefficient
7 days 2.2 creep coefficinet, q=
28 days 1.6
365 days 1.1 E ce = E c/(1+q)
Varriation Log(base10)
Note that long term modulus of elasticity of cocrete is used.
Modulur ratio, m = Es / Ece =
Transformed area of compression steel , A TC =
Transformed area of tenssion steel, A TT =
Coefficent of quadratic equation to find x: a=
Depth of natural axis, x = x=-b±√b2-4ac/2a
Moment of inertia of a cracked section I r = (bx3/3)+ATC*(x-d'c)^2+ATT*(d-x)^2
To simplify the calculation, assume lever arm z = d-x/3
Effective moment of inertia, leff. =
Assume percentage of permanenet load =
Permenent load , w, perm

ai,cc(perm) = (w l3/8Ec Ieff)+(P I3/3Ec Ieff)

ai(perm) = short term deflection due to permenent loads using E c

acc(perm) = ai,cc(perm) - ai(perm)
Total long term deflection due to initial load, shrinkage and creep is
= 9.32 + 1.57 +
ection calculation method
20 N/mm2
500 N/mm2
200000 N/mm2
3.6 m
20 kN/m
0 kN
129.6 kNm
250 mm
250 mm
ment per meter length of slab. For any beam, the anchor bars on compressin face may be considered as compression steel.
550 mm
40 mm
510 mm
40 mm
No Dia
0 16
628 mm2
No Dia
1 25
1473 mm2

bD^3/12 3466145833 mm4

0.7√fck 3.13 N/mm2
D/2 275 mm
fck lgr / yt 39.45 kNm
5000√fck 22361 N/mm2
(m-1)Asc 4986 mm2
mAst 13169 mm2
0.5b 125
ATC + ATT 18155
(ATC d'c+ATTd)*-1 -6915630
-B√B2-4AC/2A 173.55 mm

2015245462 mm4
452.15 mm
*(z/d)*(1-x/d)*(bw/bf) 1971931448 mm4

2015245462 mm4
9.32 mm
(wl4/8Ec Ieff)+(P I3/3Ec Ieff)
(5wl4/384Ec Ieff)+(P I3/48Ec Ieff) 0.97 mm

9.32 mm

k₃= 0.5
k₄= 0.444

ecs = 0.0003
ψ7 = k₄(∑cs/D) ψcs 2.421818E-07
acs = k₃ψcs l^2 acs = 1.57 mm

et loads obtained using an elastic analysis with an

28 days

creep coefficinet, q= 1.6

E ce = E c/(1+q) 8600 N/mm2

(m-1) Asc 13979 mm2
m Ast 34262 mm2
0.5b 125
ATC + ATT 48241
(ATC d'c+ATTd)*-1 -18032780
-b±√b2-4ac/2a 233.06 mm
4203703789 mm4
432.31 mm
3966186161 mm4
Ig ≥ Ieff. ≥ Ir
I eff = 3466145833 mm4
UDL 12 kN/m
Point load 0 kN/m
(w l3/8Ec Ieff)+(P I3/3Ec Ieff) 8.45 mm
5.592 mm
2.86 mm
2.86 = 13.75 mm

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