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Goos-Hänchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts of polarized vortex beams

Konstantin Y. Bliokh,1,2,∗ Ilya V. Shadrivov,1 and Yuri S. Kivshar1

Nonlinear Physics Center, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
Institute of Radio Astronomy, 4 Krasnoznamyonnaya Str., Kharkov 61002, Ukraine

Corresponding author:

Compiled August 18, 2018

arXiv:0810.2855v2 [physics.optics] 23 Dec 2008

We study, analytically and numerically, reflection and transmission of an arbitrarily polarized vortex beam on
an interface separating two dielectric media and derive general expressions for linear and angular Goos-Hänchen
and Imbert-Fedorov shifts. We predict a novel vortex-induced Goos-Hänchen shift, and also reveal direct
connection between the spin-induced angular shifts and the vortex-induced linear shifts. c 2018 Optical
Society of America
OCIS codes: 240.3695, 260.5430, 080.4865.

Reflection and transmission of plain waves at an inter-

face separating two homogenous isotropic media are de-
scribed by the well-known Snell’s and Fresnel equations.
However, the problem becomes tricky for confined beams
with a finite spectral distribution. Interference of partial
plain waves propagating at slightly different angles and
obeying individual Snell and Fresnel formulas, results in
such effects as the longitudinal Goos-Hänchen (GH) [1,2]
and transverse Imbert-Fedorov (IF) [3, 4] shifts, which
displace the output beams within and across the propa-
gation plane, respectively (see Fig. 1).
While the GH shift was explained and calculated soon Fig. 1. (Color online) Geometry of the beam reflection
after its discovery [2], the transverse IF shift was asso- and transmission at an interface. Projections of the GH
ciated by significant controversies over about 50 years. shifts, −hX r i cos θ, hX t i cos θ′ , and the IF shifts, hY r,t i,
The direct calculation of the IF effect was first performed are shown by white arrows.
for the reflected beam [5–7] and later generalized to the
transmitted beam [8, 9]. It was shown that the IF shift
is closely related to the spin angular momentum carried angular GH shift [18] and predict novel vortex-induced
by a polarized beam and conservation of the total angu- GH shift related to the angular IF shift. Second, we ver-
lar momentum in the system [10, 11] (see also [12–14]). ify all theoretical results by direct numerical simulations.
Despite long history of the theoretical studies and experi- We consider the reflection and refraction of an opti-
ments [4,15,16], analytical expression for the IF shift of a cal beam at an interface separating two media, as shown
polarized Gaussian beam was derived in the correct form in Fig. 1. In addition to the coordinate system (x, y, z)
only recently [13, 14], and these results have been con- attached to the interface, we employ the coordinate sys-
firmed both experimentally [17] and theoretically [18]. tems of individual beams (X a , Y a , Z a ), where a = i, r, t
In addition to the usual linear shifts, angular GH and denotes incident, reflected and transmitted beams, re-
IF shifts caused by the beam diffraction have been de- spectively. The Z a axis attached to the directions of the
scribed [14, 18]. Recently, this description of the IF ef- a-th beam as determined by the Snell’s law. The inci-
fect has been extended to the case of higher-order vortex dent beam propagates in the (x, z) plane, so that Y a = y
beams carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum [19]. (see Fig. 1). We also define the wave number in the first
The vortex-induced IF shift is proportional to the vor- medium, k, the angle of incidence, θ, the angle of refrac-
tex charge, but it also significantly depends on the beam tion, θ′ = sin−1 (n−1 sin θ), as well as the relative permit-

polarization. Such IF shift was calculated [19] and meas- tivity ε, permeability µ, and refractive index n = εµ
ured experimentally [20] for p and s polarizations only, of the second medium.
when the spin IF effect vanishes. We assume that the incident beam is a uniformly
The main purpose of this Letter is twofold. First, we polarized Laguerre-Gaussian beam with the waist lo-
derive explicit analytical expressions for both linear and cated at the interface, so that the transverse (X i , Y i )-
angular IF and GH shifts in the most general case of component of its electric field has the form
an arbitrarily polarized vortex beam. We unveil a direct  
relation between the vortex-dependent IF shift and the Eitrans ∝ ek X̂i + e⊥ Ŷi Ln,m (X i , Y i , Z i ). (1)

Here Ln,m is the Laguerre-Gaussian solution of the scalar Here we denote Kxa and Kya as the X a and Y a wave
parabolic wave equation which contains an optical vor- vector components in the a-th beam, D = kw02 /2 is the
tex of charge m: Ln,m ∝ X i + i sign (m) Y i [21], Rayleigh length, w0 is the minimum beam waist, and
whereas polarization components form the normalized the derivatives of the energy reflection and transmission
Jones vector in the basis of p and s modes: (ek , e⊥ )T , coefficients (7) are explicitly calculated (for the p and s
|ek |2 + |e⊥ |2 = 1. polarizations) in [19].
The main characteristics of the reflected and trans- Now we consider a polarized incident beam with vor-
mitted beams are determined by the Fresnel coefficients, tex, m 6= 0. Such beam carries intrinsic orbital angular
Rk , R⊥ , Tk , and T⊥ . The amplitude reflection and trans- momentum (AM) Li = mẐi (in units of h̄) per one pho-
mission coefficients R, T and the corresponding energy ton [21]. From the Snell’s laws it follows that the AMs
reflection and transmission coefficients Qr,t are given by of the reflected and refracted beams are given by [19,22]

cos θ′
1 cos θ
q q
r r t
R = |Rk ek |2 + |R⊥ e⊥ |2 , T = |Tk ek |2 + |T⊥ e⊥ |2 , L = −mẐ , L = + mẐt . (9)
2 cos θ′ cos θ
n cos θ′ 2
Qr = |R|2 , Qt = |T | , Qr + Qt = 1, (2) As was shown by Fedoseyev [22] for a particular cases of
µ cos θ
p and s polarization, the IF shift of vortex beams con-
The Jones vectors of the secondary beams are sists of two contributions. The first one is a polarization-
 r     t    independent shift that comes from the difference in the
ek 1 Rk ek ek 1 T k ek
= , = . z-components of intrinsic AM at the reflection and re-
er⊥ R R⊥ e⊥ et⊥ T T ⊥ e⊥
fraction which is compensated by the transverse shift
producing an extrinsic AM [10–14]: hY r,t i1 = (Lr,t z −
To derive the lateral shifts of an arbitrarily polarized
Liz )/k sin θ. Taking into account that Liz = Li cos θ,
vortex beam, we use the basic results obtained for polar-
Lrz = −Lr cos θ, and Ltz = Lt cos θ′ , one obtains [19, 22]:
ized Gaussian beams (m = 0). In the regime of the total
internal reflection, sin θ > n, the Fresnel reflection coeffi- m
hY r i1 = 0, hY t i1 = tan θ(1 − n−2 ). (10)
cient become complex: Rk,⊥ = exp(iϕk,⊥ ), and the GH, 2k
hXi, and IF, hY i, shifts are described by the Artmann
The second contribution is essentially polarization-
and Schillings formulas [2, 5]:
dependent. Here we demonstrate that it is directly re-
lated to the angular GH shift (7). Indeed, as is shown
2 ∂ϕk
r 1 2 ∂ϕ⊥
hX itot = |ek | + |e⊥ | , (4) in [18], the angular shift (7) induces an imaginary
k ∂θ ∂θ
shift in the Gaussian envelope of the beam: X r,t →
cot θ
hY r itot = − [σ(1 + cos δ) + χ sin δ] , (5) X r,t − iDxr,t hKxr,t i0 /k (where Dxr = D and Dxt =
k D cos2 θ′ / cos2 θ [14]). It can be readily seen that this
where σ = 2Im(e∗k e⊥ ) is the helicity of the incident beam imaginary shift produces a real shift of the vortex in the
(degree of circular polarization), χ = 2Re(e∗k e⊥ ) is the orthogonal direction:
degree of linear polarization inclined at π/4 with respect   r,t
to the incident plane, and δ = ϕ⊥ − ϕk . We note, that r,t r,t r,t r,t Dx r,t
γ X + i sign (m) Y − γ hKx i0 .
the shifts here and below in the paper are given in the k
coordinate system of the respective beam.
Here the coefficients γ r = −1 and γ t = cos θ/ cos θ′ ac-
In the regime of partial reflection and transmission,
count for the deformations of the vortex in the secondary
sin θ < n, the Fresnel coefficients are real, and the GH
beams: charge flip in the reflected beam and an elliptic
shift vanishes, hX r,t i = 0, while the IF shifts are given
deformation of the transmitted beam. As a result, the
by the equations derived in [13, 14]:
centers of gravity of the reflected and transmitted vor-
cot θ (Rk + R⊥ )2 tex beams experience the IF shift
hY r i0 = −σ ,
2k R2 D r cos θ′ D t
2 2 ′
cot θ Tk + T⊥ − 2Tk T⊥ cos θ / cos θ hY r i2 = m hKx i0 , hY t i2 = −m hKx i0 . (11)
hY t i0 = −σ . (6) k cos θ k
2k T2
The net IF shift of an arbitrarily polarized vortex
In addition, the reflected and transmitted beams un- beam is the sum of the contributions (6), (10), and (11):
dergo angular shifts, which can be considered as the
shifts in the wave vector space. Generalizing results of hY r,t i = hY r,t i0 + hY r,t i1 + hY r,t i2 . (12)
[14, 18], these shifts can be written as
This is the first main result that describes the total
1 d ln Qr cos θ d ln Qt polarization- and vortex- dependent IF shift.
hKxr i0 = − , hKxt i0 = , (7)
2D dθ 2D cos θ′ dθ Similarly to the vortex-induced IF effect (11) associ-
cot θ Rk − R⊥
2 2 2
cot θ Tk − T⊥ ated with the angular GH shift (7), there exists a re-
hKyr i0 = χ , hK t
y i0 = χ . (8) ciprocal effect of the vortex-induced GH shift caused by
2D R2 2D T2

the angular IF shift (8). In a manner, similar to the dis-
cussion above, we obtain (a) (b)

k <X >

k <Y >
0.4 r


D r cos θ′ D t t
hX r i = −m hKy i0 , hX t i = m hKy i0 . (13)
k cos θ k 0.2 0

This is the second main result of this Letter. It predicts

t -2 r
a completely new type of the GH shift, which occurs in
the regime of partial reflection, in a sharp contrast to the 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
usual GH effect (4). The vortex-induced GH effect van-

D < Ky >
D < Kx >
ishes for p, s, and circular polarizations of the incident -1 0

beam and reaches maximal values for linear polarizations
inclined at π/4 angles: χ = ±1. r
It can be shown that the angular GH and IF shifts, -3 -0.5

Eqs. (7) and (8), acquire additional factor (1 + |m|) in -4 r

the case of incident vortex beam: (c) (d)
-5 -1
r,t r,t 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
hKx,y i = (1 + |m|)hKx,y i0 . (14) θ (deg) θ (deg)
The above equations (4)–(8) and (10)–(14) describe all
the main shifts of polarized vortex beams with an axially- Fig. 2. (Color online) Numerical (curves) and theoreti-
symmetric intensity profile. One may observe that the cal (symbols) results for the linear and angular IF and
angular shifts (7), (8), and (14) fulfil conservation laws GH shifts of the reflected (r) and transmitted (t) vortex
for the x and y components of the total linear momentum beam with complex polarization, as a function of the
in the system [23]: angle of √incidence θ. Parameters
√ are: n = 1.5, µ = 1,
ek = 1/ 3, e⊥ = (1 + i)/ 3, and m = 1. For the
− Qr hKxr i cos θ + Qt hKxt i cos θ′ = 0, wavelength of 632nm, hX r i = 44nm for θ = 40deg and
Qr hKyr i + Qt hKyt i = 0, (15) hY r i = −240nm for θ ≃ 90deg. These values are propor-
tionally enhanced for higher m.
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