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® Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER RIVER BRAHMAPUTRA Glient National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL} ‘Authority Engineer |: AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Grade of Concrete : Source of Cement : Source of Flyash : Source of Coarse Aggregate : Source of Fine Aggregate : Source of Chemical Admixture : CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-806) MS50(S) India Cements Limited- Coromandel King NTPC Bongaigaon Raidak River Bed Champa River SikaPlast 424 PR e Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER ‘Gicat National Highways & ifrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer |: AECOM Asta Company Limited In Assocation with PADECO Co.Ltd [EPCContradtor |: Larsen & Toubro Limited | CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-806) DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: 1 Grade of toner esos) Ti_Trgee Mean Sten 505 mate, (S001 95) wha (aspera 170427 and le 17005 MORTAR tic Type of once nc (Standard Concrete) ive Type of Cent [OPCS grade conforming 15269-2015 (Retired 2020) vironment pons Conon Severo (Aspe table of R-L12-2020 able of 4562000) ‘Mavi Water/ Cement Rati [5 (spr able 14.2 of RT12-2020 6 able 1700-2 of MoRTAIN Eh Rev) i Minkoum Cement conten cerentRows cmt [260 Cs portale 142 of R-112-2020 abi 1700-2 oF MoRTEN St ev) i” Maximum Came conten (ecadngany mira admire]; |45Dig/n? (As per d-1325 of 12-2020 8d 17083 of Wo Sth Rev] i._Typeofineral aaure Ryash conforming 59012 (are): 2013 (eatfrmet 2017) "Minimum Fah Content (of lamas of cmerows) ao (spr ca 8 of R12-2020& 175.2 of MORTAH 3H Revision) [L_ Maxim Fy Conte (ofa mass oFermntous) Ssbchs er A843 fARCA2- 2020 171.2 of MRA Reson) ‘il Typeof Cheri Admire Superaier onformingi IS 51031999 (Reafred 2018) | wil Retenion Tne 0 min xiv, Work the tne of placement of Cnet FS pap de 71g OREN Ravn (ESR Pe Te Method of Placing one Pap oom or direct chue T_Typrof care Aaaregate orubed angular aggregate To Type Fine Agron Nata sand Tr Maximum Nominal sof ave Agree be ed oo _Degrov af St Corea ond ‘e_Skcture/parof ature nwhch hr mics propor tobe ued [ey bor nye ny tnas Hoc ese ss Pe sPPrvad avin "TEST DATA FOR MATERIAL [A cement 1 Brand of Cement rain Cemented Coronandel ing i _Type af Cement 52) i Spee graviy of ement Bas: 1W._3 Days Compressive Suength (PA) 4 rom ions etre) ‘7 Days Compressive Strength (MP3) 17.36 rom couse tree) "Days Compressive Seren P5) [Mineral admixture -Fyash iL Sour ofa Specie rai oD (Coarse Aggregate Soar of Goa Agee Raiak River dea dm oar ageane fear i teieel fmm Cars agreRe feast Wanreooraoe gy Dat ete ho io mm Conraeagregte has: D,Fine Aggregate River Sand 1 Source of River Sond [carpe ver ih_Grading Zone of River Sand fone Tis Specie gravy 52 Wate absorption 5) 26 Chemical Admixture- Superplasticier Soaree/Brand of chee admire [Shainin pve bd pace: SQaWer iC Pr Rae aiaracae i pt oy fo ema Tora Gomracion Rarer Tar ery age Reena Tie ame a heme SLRS SSS sna a of ome AX ~ @ Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Client {ational Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer _ |: AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contractor : Larsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-806) Design Calculations. |A. Selection of Water Content : As per Table-4 of IS 10262 : 2019, approximate water content corresponding to 20 mm nominal maximum size of angular coarse [aggregate & 50 mm slump range is equal to 186 kg/m’ without use of Superplasticiser. As per clause 5.3 of IS 10262 : 2019, for achieving desired workability other than 50 mm slump, estimated water content from table- |4 should be increased or decreased by about 3% for each increment or decrement of 25 mm slump respectively. Estimated water content for target workability of 150 mm = 186 + ((12/100)x186)= 208.32 kg/m" As per Clause 5.3 of 1S 10262 : 2019, superplasticizing admixtures usually decrease water content by 20-30% and above at lappropriate dosage. Based on trials conducted, an admixture dosage of 0.42% can reduce water content by 21.0% Hence the required free water content = 208.32- ((208.32x21)/100)}= 164.57 kg/m’ Say 165 kg/m" 1B. Calculation of Cementitious Content : |As per table 14.2 of IRC:112-2020 & table 1700-2 of MoRT&H Sth Rev, maximum water cement ratio = 0.45 for 20 mm nominal Size laggregate corresponding to moderate exposure condition. Assuming free water cement ratio= 0.30 ‘Therefore, Cementitious content = (165 +030) kg/m?= S50 kg/m" ‘Therefore proposed Cementitious content 550 kg/cum, which is greater than minimum cementitious content requirement of 360 kg/m’. Hence OK as per table 14.2 of IRC:112-2020 & table 1700-2 of MoRT&IH Sth Revision. As per clause 18.4.3 of IRC:112-2020 & Clause 1715.2 of MoRT&H Sth Rev, minimum flyash content is 20 9% & maximum flyash Icontent is 35% by weight of total cementitious material. ‘Assuming flyash content 110 kg/m: (which is 20% of total cementitious content), ]OPC content = (550-110) kg/m? = 440 kg/m? , which is lesser than maximum OPC content limit of 450 kg/m?. Hence OK as per cl- 14.3.255 of IRC:112-2020 & cl-1703.3 of MoRT&H Sth Rev. Hence, OPCContent= 440 kg/m? & — FlyashContent= —110_kg/m* C. Calculation of Admixture Dosage : Admixture dosage at 0.42% of total cementitious is = (0.42/100*550) kg/m 231 kg/m? Which is lesser than 1% by mass of total cementitious material. Hence OK as per Cl 10.3.3 of Amendment 4 of IS 456 : 2000 for Polycarboxylate(PC) based admixture. D. {As per table-5 of IS 10262 : 2019, volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate corresponding to Zone-II fine lageregate & water /cementitious ratio of 0 is = 0.62 {As per cl- 5.5.1 of IS 10262: 2019, proportion of volume of coarse aggregate should be increased at the rate of 0.01 for every |decrease in water/cementitious ratio by 0.05. In present case, water/cementitious ratio = 130 ‘Therefore,corrected proportion of volume of coarse agg. = 0.62 + (0.01/0.05*(0.50-0.30))= 0.66 Proportion of volume of Coarse aggregate content to volume of total aggregate= 0.66 Propagtion of volume of Fine aggregate content to volume of total aggregate= (1-0.66)= 0.34 Ss _ SO WOOO NY “¢Z — ® Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER [Client ; National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer _ |: AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd [EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-806) Design Calculations calculation of Coarse aggrevate & Fine aggregate Content: = Volume of concrete = 1m? + Volume of entrapped ai 6 for 20 mm maximum nominal size aggregate (As per table-3 of IS 10262: 2019} 0.01 m° |= Volume of Cement = (Mass of Cement/ Specific gravity of Cement) = ((440/3.15)/1000) m?* = 0140 mm |+ Volume of flyash = (Mass of Flyash/ Specific gravity of Flyash) = {(110/2,07)/1000} m* = 0.052. m’ + Volume of Water = (Mass of Water/ Specific gravity of Water) = {(165/1.00)/1000} m> =0165 om + Volume of Chemical Admixture Mass of Admixture/ Specific gravity of Admixture) {(2.31/1.09)/1000} m? = 0.0021. m’ | Volume of all-in aggregates = {(1-0.01)-(0.140+0.052+0.165+0.0021)) m* = 0.6309 m° Hence, Volume of total Coarse aggregates in 1 m' mix= (0.63090.66) m* = 0.4164 m° & Volume of total fine aggregates in 11m! mix= (0.63090.34) m? = 0.2150 m* From combined coarse aggregate blending, we get 20 mm : 10 mm = 65:35, So, 20:mm Coarse Aggregate = 65% 10mm Coarse Aggregate = 35% | So, 100 ig of Coarse aggregate mix contains 65 kg 20 mm & 35 Kg 10 mm by weight as per blending proportion So, volume of 100 kg coarse aggregate mix = {(65/2.671 + 35/2.651)/1000) = 0.0375 m* 0, 0.0375 m? of Coarse aggregate mix contains 65 Kg 20 mm & 35 Kg 10 mm. ‘As calculated earlier, Volume of Coarse aggregate in 1m” concrete mixis 0.4164 m' Hemce, mass of 20 mm aggregate in 1 m’ concrete mix=(65/0.0375*04164) Kg= 721 kg/m’ (35 /0.0375*0.4164) Ke= 388—_kg/m! Hence, mass of 10 mm aggregate in 1 m* concrete mi Hence, mass of fine aggregate (Natural Sand) = (0.2150*2.582"1000) Ke= S55_—_kg/m! |F. Design Summary Material Weight (kg/m) Cement 240 Fy Ash iio 2mm Agaregate 7a TO mm Aggregate 38 River Sand 355 Free Water 168 ‘Ramisture (0425) 23 Note:The proposed mix have the slump value ws laboratory mixing lab tempareture and humility condition which may differ rom mis Produced om plant To maintain the slump as pe pacing requirement, Dosage of Superplasticizer maybe varied For LAT Construction Representative | _ For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative tame “wh ame. SRS ne Gone PASEROS opens SSS pan Oy ie owe SRA ote © Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER ene atonal ghways infrastructure Development Corporation United (NID). Pautkorfy Engineer |: AECOM Asia Company Limited Assodatlon with PADECO Codd EPCcontacor | Larsen ToubroLinted CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-806) Nate on toons Concrete Grae MID. = MSO) cement | ones umas/annay_[ RARCHRERE mie 1%, ‘oinevo inal A Fra TP Bongo locin oral “Adar Qetab Coane Aes] 20mm Tia ier ed Talbueamine : 2140-088 10280 ane Aareene| 10mm Toa er ed Nooteibrtten |e os a Chapa ver Temperate; indagnee es ee Trial Batch Fraction ssp WA ‘NMC EMC Correction | Corrected Weight Batch (mn) come) “0 0 rs sh no 10 06 i am A 0 ma to 0 ie [7 m0 we wom ass) 8 us ° us [4 a aa wa sand eo os ie ° a [70 a0 7 fae) ie 18 wee eat admire 2a 2a ous raat 0) zat aun [esr Observation - Batch 01 Observation - Batch 02 Observation - Batch 03 Sap [rempeame| [aoc] me remem] ae] me) Romper ~~ (om) ‘of Mix (°C) be (mum) Mix (°C) ™ (um) Mix (°C) wont olsen] [tar | cota Ea int [ elles [288 30mm | cates [256 | [aomin | — cotare 2 Wan [Calle 2a sown] tolapse | 262 | [omin | 220 260 omin | Callpee | 269 omn | a0 [aa | [oomn | 200 ea wan [20 we ‘a0min [210 | 202 | [izomn| 200 1 ain] 30 a ‘somin [aw | 208 | [asomn| 10 ma vsomin| 0 ae oom [ee 20a] [tema a0 729 twoain] 150 209 Remarks: Mivlooks cohesive & Romogoncous, fre from bleeding & seggregation. For LAT Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative ver ok as — ae he JDates SBS 2 aoe RAG HS pa Fame: ate: a Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER lent National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) authority Engineer | AECOM Asla Company Limited In Association with PADECO Go.Lid EPC Contractor —[larsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-806) | Material Tie Source Concrete Grade /MixID. ; MSO(S) Cement ‘OP C-53 (Wk-35/2022) Ke | RAIN. mainevo Mineral Adi Tash NTPC Bongngnon | Location forTral | “Adsbar QCiab rr a Raak RWver Hed TalDetedTine 24-40-2002, 1020 AM Coarse Agareate 10mm asdak Riverbed Noofaukestaken 18 Tine Aagregate [River Sand Champa River Temperature of Water; “adegreet Superlascaer [ Salat 24 PR Sian oe Trial Batch Fraction sso wa Nae THC | correction | corrected weight | — Bebo") 0.036 eement a) HO 0 1588 yah a) 10 0 396 20 mm ee Cd 7a 108 0 08 74 78 Be 0mm Aa) 208 Ls 0 aus 45 sae a} Natura Sand Ed 126 3 126 70 8 1078 wate 165 189 04 ea Water reducing Adin) 23 2a 088 roa ee Bei weit on727 ‘Cube Test Report - Normal Curing method TER genne Forme] Wows oeany [vad | Gomprmihe | ny ‘Semen | “aS | team) | eon _|svengncurn| “tua [ems] aor | i208 [saa susn-or [2 | aioe | uo | sais | _se00 5837 a [eos | 2897 [tae [saa ees [or [aro _ 8200 ony | eaen-o2 [3] eae | eae | _1200_| 5609 sae [eas | eso | atse | saa 7 [verse | 409 | szas | ss0 posn-o2 [Te | verze | or | _azze [sa ssn oon [en [eer | 9720 T pres] at | se | asa pows-o1 [72] estas [1609 | 71st caso aaa? | ae iss [core 7 Lens | sis | tee | 788 nevays | vatn-o2 [7s | ezie] ea [tis ste ose ef ais [ee [a7 | onse 7 [cai] | as | aot povn-os [Tap aay 2a? [seer | _7a0e ras a cesst | aes [see | oa nema: yer SSGSS TOTES Ta pap oF MOR Rae THAT eine best 25 dys hal een speed raters eeng yt crrent arm eiercestength sS0 MPa speciein ale 170-1 of MORTH Sth Rv. and Current margin 13 Pa 35 a eet er tr MSO ramconcrtc the mean sven fe ie cabs a 23 days shal xed (015. 35)or 95 MP eee ao ene cas a28 days coming 67.00 MPa, which exceed the specie ceria of 59 MPa Henes OK For AT Construction Representative FoF Autor Engineer Representative For Client Representative | Name: - ot Name: SS SEAS YOY TWome: stgaature: & Loy] |seatate Ne DONS EY sieratre She Ws 7 bate: bate: C Oo LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER FS Sa DEUTER DATTA [Gene National Highways & ifrstracture Development Corporation UmitedInsnoe = [authorty Engineer AECOW/ Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Covlid Pc contractor Larsen & Toubra Ud SIEVE ANALYSIS OF COARSE AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE {As Pers 2386 (Part 1) - 1963] aboraton jbo Biel [a [Bote of simiing 2ie-2a— [Ryne of mater Cooke oxfQuegtate samp by LET-ADSE DG, AE- Mosaddix, (Source of ezereeate Ponders bate of testing ite 2a [Location -P Stockymnd- [rested by [LB-T-ADS ADB, AE- mosadliie. posed ve Comcsede - INDIVIDUAL GRADATION of 20 mm Aggregate Seam aaTieiisaie ss aa Retained Sot Passing Speclication ins sper abi? at Wien) (co1a7a) | comuatve (100 eas) 1539 2016 med z 3 z a Wm © 2 © two 100 20mm | 3st ETS) Be Crh aed 3.108 10mm Wa23 88-4 GILT Bho eet 275mm] 1063 £64 44-44 O1S$ ee o-5 emacs j ' INDIVIDUAL GRAOATION of 10 mm Aeregate { Woof sons taer i) = LOTPS gs. a | Retained or aesng Seeitestion ims as per Tale? of | wlan) olan) | cimiawew tioveaia) 15383: 2016 z z 3 a = om Tas mm ° 6 6 (we 200 iomm | 1ote Teed 10.6 Goce — 35.100 pens] ects vos | W5F Ta = 0-20 smn] 443 696 Erie} 2 o-5 7 = ' c . ‘COMBINED GRADATION of 20mm & 10mm Aaaregste lending Percentage 2omm= Bey, wmm= 36%, Fw eR cig, ie) Retaned ‘of Posing Speciation ls sper Table of wile colar) | Camuaivem (Go0-caa} 13383-2036 z 3 = n = For Graded Agg of 20 im Nomial So aD ° 6 © two 7 100 20mm as vi Vs 4g25 = 30-100 women | Cue eed erat 238 4750) 3341 33-4 Ae3r 0-30 Remar For LAT Contracion Reporte Tor Rithoniy Engineer Representaive—] For Cent Rapressrtatve aa wy frome: SOSARRERR SQA ne =o fieratre SX SSSA TA ture: pees TROND pe ot 7) LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Faent No LBW /OPSRTOF OS REV 5 Ra Oats SOOT TO [cient National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer ‘AECOM Asia Company Limited in Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro td SIEVE ANALYSIS OF FINE AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE. [fs Per iS: 2386 (Part 1) -1963), Laboratory joe ne 2022 pate ot samting Ze 2 ripe of meters Wolved Saad. amped ey 3T-AD, AE-SaKSK. Source of agareeate al ; bate of texting 2-402 Location Be Shocked: _[rested by LET AD, RE- Sahih oem icealet é Wt Of smple taken) gm= (roe g/ aes ot Pasing Sevesee T wrigmi | stcoiarm | camiatvess | o0eol4) ki aaiiineaieadininiaens z 2 A 3 5 Zonet pf [toed Zoned room | 6 ° ° wo 100 100 200 100 47mm | 20 20 20 18:0 | 90100 0.100 sorc | ssa00 zasmm | 124 at | tet $59 | sss 75.100 ss.100 | 9500 sasmm | so so | ot | 809 30-70 55.90 75-100 | go.t00 woomic | Zor gor} aq-3 | soy | sa 3559 60.79 20-100 some | 352 | 302 | eqs | iss | 520 #30 1240 1550 fe some | tor tet | a6 54 oo oo 10 ous a eS & = a 2 2 lconfirmed zone: ji 2:64 Fineness Modulus Remarks [oecifcstion timits: As por C-1008 of MoRT&i Fifth Rev, fineness modulus of fine aggregate should be in between For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative pate: aistonr Name: WORATESIA ES perature A SRI sNnoture: ate: >SAQ 2. loate © LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER (Client National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited INHIDCL) [Authority Engineer 'AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO [EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Ltd. BLENDING OF COARSE AGGREGATE TO GET COMBINED AGGREGATE GRADATION ‘horatory ob ne, 7 [bate of samoling 2102002 "ype of material Coarse Agareaare [saree by Teint Source of aggregate Raidak [Date of testing 24-10-2022 Location ‘Adabari QC tab ested by Tointy Bera Posen eR wwe mmo Proposed use Tia ix of Conerete Blending proportion of Coarse age A= 20 mm 60.00% ‘action In Mix (8y wt) ATO mm “000% 9% Passing of individual conate Posing Specification Limit as per IsSieve Sie Aas Combined % Passing an Coarse Aer. | Coarse Ags | Coarse Ae. | Coarse Ags (For Graded Ags. of 20mm | 10mm | 20mm | 10mm 20 mm Nominal Sze) rm % * % * * Lower tirit [Upper Lit 400 100 100 000 | 40.00 100.00 100) 100 _ 200 9731 100 seao_ | 4000 98.38 30) 100 100 360 90.00 5.16 36.00 a6 5 38 475 056 947 036 379 a8 0 10 Combined Coarse Agoragate Gradation Curve 100.00 g Design Combined percentage passing Upper Limit as per 18383: 2016 Lower Limitas perlS 383: 2016 100 1.8. Sieae in mm 000 For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative Name SSIES VQ frome: senatur> SST OLAS AH signature: Date: SILAS, ate © LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No.:L&1/OPBP/OF 12 Rev 1, Rev Date: 30 072003] (Gient National Highways & infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) thority Engineer "AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.tid EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Lid BLENDING OF COARSE & FINE AGGREGATE TO GET ALL IN AGGREGATE GRADATION Laboratory ob ne. - [Pate of amping 02022 Source of Coarse Agwreaate (CA) dak Semsed by Teint Source of Fine Anaregte (FA) Chama [Date of testing Boaz siending Proportion of CA to FA Cee ” (CAA), By volume FA: 35%, [fexes fay Binding Proportion of A "mm 60% ronal ese Sai 7 (20, 10 mm), By weight 30mm 40% ee Tal sol Sone ein 300% Pralelenngrrovorion fa te ae. — ao jon Me TA River Sond 35.00% 26 Passing of Individual Agregate Proportionate Passing SpaceationUimitas per 7 — Combined’ | Table-0 15383 2016 Issieve Ste [Coarse Age | Coarse Aee.| Fine Aas. | Coarse Aas | Conse as. | Fine Aue. | Passing | for20mm nominal size graded 20mm | 10mm | iersand | 20mm | 10mm | RWverSand eco mm % = % % * x x lower iit | Upper tit 400 300 300 aoo| 2000 | 2500 | 3500 | 10000 100 100 200 va | 10 ao | 2795 | 2600 | 3500 | 989s 8 100 4 oss | 947 | 3800 | 02 | 246 | 3430 | 3598 0 50 0.600 oo | a | som | oo | om | was | a7 20 5 0150 oo | oo | sao | ooo | oo | 129 189 ° 6 I ‘Alvin-Agerogate Gradation Curve 20.00 Design Combined percentage passing ; ‘ Upper tiie as & 4000 pers 353: 2036 2 + tower Umit a et 2000 | 18383:2016 0 ao a 21 (evemenen 16 0 1000 remota: For UBT Construction Representative Tor Authoriy Engines Representative For Gent Represents ham: Name SERS NS BBS fares sree LA, SRS OR senate bate: Sl late: SAW, bate: © LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No. L&7/DPBP/OF 79 Rev, Rev Date: 30.07.202i| cient National Highways & infrastricture Develaprnent Corporation Limited {NHIDCL) [authority Engineer |: AECON Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contactor Larsen & Toubro Ltd SILT CONTENT BY WASHING/MATERIAL FINER THAN 75 MICRON [As Per IS : 2386 (Part 1)- 1963} [Bionionsbme [ane >> [re [bate of anaine ine-aa [Type of material Walvual Sond + Sampled by 1S ADE LD, AE Moseddik. [Source Champa: Date of testing pete en BP stockynd « ested by [ST AO ADB, AE- Sask. Proposed use Concete Description ‘Sample 2 ‘Sample 2 Sample 3 |Weight of sample taken, A (gm) soo $00 sto Weight of oven dried sample retained after sieving through 75 microns seve, 8 (gm) 495 Aq” 496 [silt Content (%) = 100*(A-8)/ Ln. bo oe lAverage itt Content (%) 0-93 Speciation Limit: As per Table-2of i 383 2036, Sha not be more than 3% for uncrushed fine aggregate. an: Sotishedey For L&T. Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative Name: eds ay Date: 2i-tor2 2— ‘o D Name: SARERLNA WS “LS, Date: leurs: Ns IHR, Date: ® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No. L&T/DPBP/OF 118 Rev 4, Rev Date: 30.07.2023| [client ‘National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer 'AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PANFCN Ca Ite [EPC Contractor Tarcen R Toulbro Ltd SPECIFIC GRAVITY & WATER ABSORPTION. {By Wire Basket Method) [As per IS: 2386 (Part Il) - 1963] |Specifcation Limit of Water Absorption : Maximum 2% Remark: Laboratory job no. Date otsampling | (2 te-22. Sig _Fonmrewste Demir oppure. [sampieaby ier ADs ROB AE- * Source of aggregate Galak Date of testing tee [cation 8.0 Shedayaud rested by eer ADS ROB. AE SaKShy Propored use (ean cuke Description sample 1 Sample * ‘sample s Temperature of water °C 2a 2A 6 Weight ofthe saturated sample in water, (gm) 18.2804 VESq 23, Weight ofthe saturated surface dry ssmle in alr gm) 2960 ae Weight of the oven dried sample in air. (am) 28404 2a Specitic gravity = C/ (&-A) 2 ete 21663 ‘Apparent Specie Gravity = /(C-A) atss 2438R e 0 ‘Water absorption (%) = 100 x(8-CV/6 ber (03 rf ‘Avorage Specific Gravity =| 2. GA.1 Average Apparent Spectic Gravity +] 2.46 average water absorption (=| | - 03 For L&T Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative paki | Sa Signatur ome: yysreree| ty) 0) 9 foue name: SAS SOA ine ignaure: Ay VSR NS ARR. om LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR i ANF BRIDGF FROM DHURRI TO PHULRARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER ora No CE /DPOPTOF TIA REVS, Rev Date SOUT-20H [cient National Righwaye& infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDGL] [authority Engineer "AECOM Asia Company Limited In Assocation with PADECO EPC Contractor arsen & Toubro lta SPECIFIC GRAVITY & WATER ABSORPTION (By Pycnometer) tee [As per 1S: 2386 (Part Ml) - 1963] isboratory ob no bee ofsemping —_[tBtoa a sive of ageregate 16 rtm ORY NGRAM [Sampled by LET-ANSRDB AE~ Salish: nurce of aggregate Retdnk « Date of testing (ye Tlocation BP Sheckeyud Tested by LST- ADE RDB. AL- Sehish+ roposea vse Coutuke. Description Sample sample 2 sample 3 Tanewatins of mtr" 244° Aa Pyenometer Bottle Number = = Weight ofthe seturated surface dry sample nal, Aig) nee 123 Weight of Pycnometer Bottle + Water + Sample, 8 (gm) 224313 224 boy ‘Weight of Pycnometer Bottle + Water, C (gm) (suv (s47 ‘Weight of the oven dried sample, D (em) Wsr-y ree! ‘Spetific Gravity = D/[A - (B- C)] Deseo 24st & ‘Apparent Specific Gravity = D/{0-(8-C)) Vtse 24s Water Absorption (% of dry wt) - 100% (A. DY/D. bis eu : Averane Specie Gravitv=| 2» Gy ‘Average Apparent specific Gravity =| 2 #3 ‘Average Water Absorption (8)=| 9 | 5 Specification Limit of Water Absorotion : Maximum 2% Remarks For L&T constriction Representative | For Authority ineer Representative For Gient Representative ame be senban | Rarmpotlywed|name: SSSR QAR me signature: seme A SLOW signature: pare: Wrtor2a | qa [(a[tfoate: NNO Date: fr © LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANF RRIDGF FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER re c/a Re cia Saito enc Sip rare cabanas BS) sth Fageear aR Als Company Linkedin Assan wth PADEGO Cad ere contotor Taser & Toubo te SPECIFIC GRAVITY & WATER ABSORPTION [By Pycnometer] [As pers: 386 (Par i) 1963) ea = stax ot owarepate Nakwal Sead [Sampled by LeT- A0s RDB 1 AE- Salish cade, lacked: bateoftestne [ltr torn cocxtion B+ Steclsyand. ested by Le T-AO & BOA. AE - Sal's, [Proposed use Cantules Description - Sample 1 ‘Sample 2 ‘Sample 3 7 ‘Teripermareoftaeear"c pete gait Pome enter oe = Seite ar ay aE NE on tis Weight of Pyenometer Battle + Water + Sample, B (gr) inet | Wangs ‘Weight of Pycnometer Bottle + Water, C (gm) iL tia. Weight of the oven dried sample, D (gm) SAV 36 Cot s9 spetific Gravity = O/TA-(8-)) ps3 2-s8I GU ‘Apparent Spectic Gravity = D/1O- (B-CI} oe Dee Water Absorption (9% of dry wt) ~ 100x(A 0)/D 29 2 ‘Average Specific Gravity =| 2+ S22 Rain Arona carr ane average Water Absorption 8) 9g scecinston unio Watt Absoration: Manon 28 tou FoEURT ConsTaGion Represeatin”|— For Athan Fie! Rapranetae Tor Cen Represent harmed «ob bu ame: S TAIN EAN name: senate senate: Xx SBE senate Die: Au staise (fel foate: \SAgeia. ate: ® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED 7 CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER | Format No.2 /OPBP/OF 09 Revi, Rev bate 30.07 202 iene ational Fighorays&ifasrocure Development Corporation Limited (WHC) [authority Engineer 'AECOM Asia Company United In Assocation with PADECO Cad f Jeccontractor Larsen & TovbroLid ‘AGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE TEST {is Per IS: 2386 (Part 8) - 1963} laboratory eb Wo Date Saree Zea Hrpe of tert Cogate Semped LST-ADS 206, dé- Sake [Source of aggregate Rardale- |Oate Tested Atos 22 bocation BP Steclepand: [Tested By AT ADs £6. AE- Moscallin, [Proposed Use Concrete Description Test Testa Tex Weve of Oven dry sale passing 125 rm and etaned on 1D mm § sieves, Ws (am) 355" 356 | Jweemotracton psig on 236mm seve afters test Wa (gr) qe A Weight of ration retained on 2.36 mm Sieve aftr the test, Ws(¢m) 293 285° a= WW + 5), - - } [Aesregate Impact Value (A.V) = (W/W) x 100 (86) 20.28 19-44 _ frre Atv asuny, Note: it W,>1 gm, cscard and retest SPeciication Limit: As er 1s 383 : 2016, Specification nits for aggregate to be used in Concrete For wearing suraces : Mak 30% For other than wearing surfaces: Max 45% C For Grdse MGS & above : Max 22% Remarks For Lr Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative Iname: —— | two SSS pete pa AAD. foe: 7 SO LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Fo NTP TOF 9 Re Ree OT elon tor aia & ante Dowapnea porns a Putsory Engineer COM hla Company ined nsession tk Paseo EFC Conracior Tan & Tou AGGREGATE Impact VALUE Test (As Pert 2386 (Par) 3963) Laboratory Job No. 21022 Ji [Date Sampled 2itor2e pe oFmeri Te wes rar Sapieg sy Lat OL ROB, Ae- SNe owe ofaereane Paidnk one Tee Zine Location BP Sheockymd [rested By UT ADLEDG, BE-metd OK, |Proposed Use Cowcute. F Oesation Tear Tez Teas tr t Oven dy srae ating 25m and WanadonTOweS Soa log) ee ene DS ero : ae, 34q x ei ot rete using on 236 nn sive seth tes lg % 4 eit ot acted on 236 seve arth, gn ak 2a eee W000), = E eerste act Value (A LV) = (Wa) 100(3%) 259 22-06 i laverage Value of Av 2483 hcte:ifwa>i1pm ancrd nave ree tink as peris 2632036, pee inks or gga be edn concute For wenn sees: ae For therthan went sures Menace c For Grdoe MES above: Mast temas For consictonReprsentnoe For Athy Ener Rerseninive For Cen hepeerive tame ab, heme: TA SETRRQA AE, ceitine OY ler: MASON OVE ote: 3 isto.p2— oO Date: LENS es: 42 LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRITO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format N07 (&T/D°BP/OF 10 Revi, Rey ates TOT IOH| [cient atonal Highways & itantracture Development Corporation United PRNGeTT Jauthory Engineer: AECOM Asia Company United in saeiatior etPSaoeeeS Sete EPC Contactor | tarsen-& Toubra tid FLAKINESS & ELONGATION INDICES AsPeris: lsbortoryiobne. | 2he an] osteetsemoine [pa tes 2a_ Type oF Material to mm take. [sampled ay LT-ADS LOB, AE- Moseddin. [Source ofaperenate | Baidalee Date of Testing 2btevn Location BoP Sbocheyend estes wy LST- ADS KDB, AE- Musaddik. 5 Concale. i IS Sieve Size (mm) Weight of aggregate | Weight of aggregate ‘Weight of aggregate ee | estatiah | setevortnanes (ncn ese Pasig eta et ‘hikes supe (8) souge(€) after eterton on fem) temp thickness gauge [Dj (gm) | a 5 sa 0 0 aS as 2s 28 2 20 16 a4 6 25 25 10 26 1s 4 a 0 63 cs 33 ny 23 Ge Total Weight str 38 313 oe [nakcsrwaectriewarste = ye gg wr eoneton ndex(en)=B/cei00 = 1g fw [F& E\Contined =3h6o * Seeteaon uit :Asperis 33 2036, Coribined akiness &clongaton nex sha nov exaoca son remarts or Construction Representative or Authority Engineer Representative For Cnt Representative Name:cdl hime AREAS A Sere: A a erate: YA: SSSSIQNIOB ates Date: 211022 qQ joate: TAWA, owe: @® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO. PHULBARI OVER i BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER | Forint No BY TOPERTGF TO Rav, RO ate SOOT OT Ie atonal Highways & Infesnucure Devlopmen Corporston Tater wmGeS Jauthory Engineer: AECOM Asia company Linited In ssodiaton with OSCR EET PC comractor ——IrTarsen & Toute FLAKINESS & ELONGATION INDICES [As Per 5: 2386 (Part 1) -1963] | [etecten ict [aneaa (14 pate ot smpting 2a [Type of Material Zomm 4 ag [sampled By HET-ADS LDB.AE-Musoddix, [sourcetacereeste | Pasdale. ost oF Testing Bho htocation BP Stock yond ested by L2T- ADF LOB. AE- mosaddik, _ epee Cow cute: a 1S Sieve Sie (mmm) Weigh of aggregate | Weightotazaresate | weigh of aaregate SE | eet | catericin (eee astng Retained rally Wiekness gauge 6) eauge(c] after retention en ‘em tom) ticness gauze 1} fm) = 0 0 / 20 us — S 25 20 2615-5 gi 25345 i i 20 6 124 150 vo tas 14 i 16 = 93° 208 Fan 149 | 25 20 499 1%6 303 Et 1” 63 240 i. ag 0 Tet 55305 aay GES 22. [fe _ [Flakiness index(Fi)= B/AK100 = 13-59 9% _[Beveatonindex(e=O/Ext60 = 13.00 [Fa eicomtinea 7 26°50» | Sestenton uni: As pers 3832016, Combined Makiets elongation dorsal av encana Jom remarks For LA Consruction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For Geng Representative ame: A, a hone A SARI, i fem | RRIF ree ARSON. OQ Pate: 2h 40.22 [Date: TNL. oa: )) AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. S IN: UT3100AS2018PTCOIa749 avian TEST REPORT aS SRF NOATIATA inno: [¥]ef3]3]9[o|2] Joo[o] o]o[o[sfolapr [customer Namie and Address Report Nor ‘ATL/MECH7/0208-22/803 larsen & Toubro Limited laboratory Marks Aug 2225/08 [Dhubr-Plbar ridge Project, Vil Adar Pat 2, Post-Chegaehars,Os.~Dhubri(Assam)- |DateotRecetving: scene ‘ef No-LRT/OPBe/QCTPT/2022.054 Date ofCompletion: o2-092022 Name Of Work Testing of Coarse Aggregates (20mm & 20mm Agzrexats) 2.09200 hub = Phulbar Bridge Project on River rshmeputra NA-127B 25.06.2022 02.00.2022 SeipleDeserptin: Product Name - 20mm Aepegates Sout: Ridak Riverbed Viemagur Gaher) MH Na ii¥ AG Re poe RESULTS rm suv] aus parameters vesrueruop | ossenven vaune | REQUIREMENT |, 1 Sounds by Nau, % 306i) 3963 1a samen Ye “isind ost epoten> Alok Kumar Jha e Checked by ‘Authorized Signatory ct re Page Or of Oi] ema [3] The resus Este fer only to tested samples and applicable parameters. Endorsement of products neither nfered nor inpled (2) Tua Habit of cur Lab smite to the voiced amount. . Bisa tbe cesioysater0sas ton eda cece oes | [AV Tis teportis nt tobe reproduced whol orn part and can not be soe aan evidence in the cout of Law ands sed any advertising mela without aur specal permission in writing. [5] Report refer tot sige subratted 16 Us and not dawn by Us nies mentioned otherwise No. 1, Tamulbari, Panikhaiti, Guwahati -781026, Assam Phone sst-sansozToe0To00043002, E-mail:, Website : Lab : RZ-24, Plot No. 323, Gi IM: +91 9871917955 T : 011 25304852 E : anshu Test Report 10.3, Dabri Village, New Dethi-110045 Issued to: 1C688622000822003F Larsen & Toubro Limited Job No.: 220822003 Dhubri-Phulbari Bridge Project. Date of Receipt: 22/08/2022 Vill. Adabari Part:2, post-Chayalchara, Letter Ref. No.: L&T/DPBPAQC-TPT/2022-053 Dist- Dhiubri (Assam)-783324 Dr. 20/08/2022 Period of Testing: 23/08/2022 - 02/09/2022 Date of Report: 02/09/2022 ‘Sample Description: Coarse Agareg | Name of Work: Testing of Coarse Auer Beahmaputra NH- 1278, Name of Ageney: Larsen & Toubto Limited RFINo.: 3581, Rev-RO, Date 20/0812 | Source: Raidak River Bed (HHemagui Crusher) | (@5 (20mm & 10mm agregates) for Dhubri ~ Phulbari Bridge Project on River | Test TestMethod —-|-‘Test Result | Requirement As Per 1S 383:2016 w [ir Seana Toa | (By MgSO. 18 2386(P-V)}:1963 RA:2016 2 18.0 Max (B) | Chemical Composition - | BS 812(P-117):1988 oo14 0.04 Nax. out 2, | Sulphate Content, % BS 812(P-118):1988 1016 with respect to above test Remarks: The Sample conforms to IS 3: **End of Repor Page 01 of O1 «symm rr man faut ei tect JR) 1 Aotearoa eminence . @ manda sibgletory 5 Certified Laboratory eke AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. Sx GIN : U73100AS2018PTCO18749, Teme avian ar mT SRF ROTATE juin ne: [v]e]s]s{[0]2] 2] ooo] o[o[olelola[r atone Rane and eS Report Na ‘L/Mecoa0 3/062 laren Tube ned stort Man: Angles, ost bee je, i ane ra2.Pon-esuoin-ondnn —ipacurmacanng ohana an) De ottompltion: szosaerz fethovirforapiactranizass_ones:200:2022 Driecttepore. Grosaore "one of Wo Testing cone eer Om ee) feiodetTesing Sez oononzo2 ‘Dhubri - Phulbar Bdge Project. on River Brahmaputra NH-1278 [Sample Description: 10mm Aggregates Source: Radak Riverbed Hemagurl Crusher) RFINow 3581 Rev-RO, Date 20.0832 ‘RESULTS REQUIREMENT saikiand Stn ‘TEST PARAMETERS TestmerHop | onsERVED VALUE | REQUIREMENT Conformity 4 Sounds by NaxSO4, % 15258645) 1963 16s 12M, Yes ‘exend of est Raporteae We Ha ae thockadley ‘Authorized Signatory Page £01 of 01] [Renan (a) The resus Usted refer ony to tested samples and appcable parameters. Endorsement of products nether inferred ar ile (2) Tota sabi of our Lb limited to the nviced amount {a} Samples willbe destroyed after 90 days from the date of test certifeate ues otherwise spied (a) Tht report isnot tobe reprodaced whelly rin part and can at be used as an evidence the cout of Law and should not be ‘sed in any advertising mesa witout au sped permision In wrtg. {51 Report eler athe sample submited to us and nt drawn by us unless mentioned otherwise 4, Tamulbarl, Panikhaiti, Guwahati -781026, Assam 275907000043002 E-rall:civimaterialavian@gmallcom, Website: Phone : +91 Lab : RZ-24, Plot No. 323, Gali No.3, Dabri Village, New Delhi-110045 M: +91 9871917955 T : 011 25394852 E : Test Report | ULR No. TC688622000822004F Tssued to: Larsen & Toubro Limited Job No.: 220822004 Dhubri-Phulbari Bridge Project, | Date of Receipt: 22/08/2022 Vill: Adabari Part:2, post-Chagalehara, Letter Ref, No.: LA T/DPBP/QC-1P1/2022 Dist- Dhubri (Assam Dt. 20/08/2022 Saniple Description: Coa regate 10mm Name of Work: Testing of Coarse Aggregates (20 Brahmapatra NH-127B. Name of Ageney: Larsen & Toubro Limited RFI No.: 3581, Rev-RO, Date 20/08/2022 Source: Raidak River Bed (Hemaguri Crusher) 1 & 10mm agregates) for Dhubri ~ Phulbari Bridge Project on River it | Requirement As Per Test Method | 15 383:2016 (A) Physical Tes — T. | Soundness, % loss in weight i = oe (i) By MgSO: | 1S 2386(P-V}:1963 R/A:2016 La 18.0 Max. 1 (B) | Chemical Composition 7 TA. | ehtorite Content 6 ~assizeur7javss | 0s 004 Max Remarks: The Sampie conforms to IS 383:2016 with respect to above test. End of Report** Page 01 of Ot AS. ae @ tht Authorized. Signatory ff ate mercer ae fu OMEGA Consultant Services Testing Laboratory ros! 3 Ren rr, Thala eth Kon Proc an Smee cay Bes wa Seen aon senate? ULR No: TC680922000003724F I Format No. OCS/QR-68_ TEST REPORT )P-00016-02/01 Date: 31.10.2022, Fist no-CeTiOPaPrGC-TeTIc07= 074 Produc Spectcaton Date 12102002 lasvedto WeLarsen& Toubro Lined Fest Spctcaon THIC, Dhubri ~ Phulbari Bridge Project | Drude (0), Assam Joescipicn : tomm Coarse egrets samp forthe folowing Ses/Stamp/Mark > Sales frsenpiee) ters, fren) Source: Ralak riverbed (Hemaguri Crusher) RFI Number! 9973, Rev Rt, Dated 42.10.2022 biect + Tesingof torn Coarse apgegte for Orb = Phuban ee Projeat on Fiver Brehm NH- ‘28 rest Deltriou Mater Isamsie Recoved on 2510-2022 Parameters [aneie Tosiedon.” ; 23.10.202210 zatozte2 _ "TiS BY ali a a Tare Deon WS Wi eG ens PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Building, nfastracture & Construction Materials > Coarse Anareaate A) Del " i Req, as per 1S:565-2076 H CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS: (for Crushed Coarse | Method of Test | Aggregate) 1 Coal 8 Ligne (%) Ni 1.00 Max aden, tet 2. Clay Lumps (%) 0.08 1.00 Max. es Rees t a5 ‘3 Material Finer than 75 mic 1S Sieve (%) NI 1.00 Max | stea Resezaor | 3 duly tested as par relevant specification and found satisfactory with Remarks: The above submitted sampie respect tothe above test parameter. ‘The test report rates tothe Sample(s) submitted by Customer. 4 Lablity fr return of sample(s) ceases after ifteen days unless adviced by concerned authority. ‘The reprodustlon ofthe report except in fll ie nvalié without written approval ofthe laboratory management. 1 The teat results referred in cariiate are based on observations & measurements under the stated environmental condtions. ‘he Test Report cannot be wsod as an evidence i the court of Law, without writen permission ofthe laboratory. ‘Tne Yost Repart without fmboseing le INVALID. OMEGA Consultant Services ween ovr Testing Laboratory neat ‘Contacts: (033) 24971903, m.(r91) 9830020028 / (151) 8432219707 = Ea omegalabitestogmal con (lose. oesKuNReaTaPaoore-o7e7— OS a sea0m ——1 rest) Ref. Ne. LETIOPEPIOC-TPTi2022-074 [Product Specifeation : 153632016 ] Date: 12.10.2022 | (Amendment No.2-2018) (issued 1: M/s ~ Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test Specification Tabulated Below ‘THIC, Dhubri ~ Phutbari Bridge Project Dhue (0), Assam [Description : 10mm Coarse aggregate sample forthe folowing Seal /Stamp/ Mark (if : Sealed jsample(s) tests, fry) ‘Source: Raldak riverbed (Hemaguri Crusher) RFI Number: 3973, Rev - Ri, Dated 12.10.2022 Isubject Testing of 10mm Coarse aggregate for Dhubn — PPhulbari Bridge Project on River Brahmaputra NH- 1278, [Test ‘Total Percentage ofall Deletorious Materials (Except |Sample Received on: 28.10.2022 [Parameters Mica) [Sample Tested on 26.10.2022 10 28.10.2022 | ‘This is Gory thal the above sample (6) has/have been fested with the Tellowing results PHYSICAL PROPERTY Building, infrastructure & Construction Materials > Coarse Agarenate 7 Reg. a8 por 16:383-2016 Method of CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS HloeGrosied Gterse Mecrsestlh;| rare 0.08 Tol Peerage of at 200 Nx 18:389-2016 Daceroueree {All Individual data report in (Tabie-2) TENET EA OCSKUNZ22/10P.00016.02/01) L I ‘Remarks: The above submitted sample was duly tested as per relevant specification and found satisfactory wih respect t> ‘the above test parameters. SR ‘Propared By 006 End of Report Nett Tye tat report retates tothe Sample(s) submited by Customer. be00. {ltt tr return of sampe(s) ceases after fifteen ays unless adviced by concenesautority. ‘Tine reproduction f the report except ful is raid without writen approval of te aboratory management. ‘Hine tow rests refered in coritcate ave based on observations A maanurementa under the sind eaviranmantal conditions. ‘The Yect Report cannot be wand ar an evidence the cour of Law, without writen permission ofthe laboratory. ‘he Test Report without Embossing INVALID. Branches & Sample Collec ‘Ganganarayan Appartment, Dargacha, Uarpaly (Naas Primary Schoo), Hala, PurbeMedinipr, WB. Pin-721602 ‘ana » Plot Ne-1122, Word No. 23, VEL- hatha (Oppose CET Calege) .S.-Khandaghr, Osahs, Pn ~ 751003 Shahan « lew (Mant Rahat Morag Home), Ml View Road, Barat, Ranch, Pin - #34009 ophsiays C/O: Dopantistyngioh, Ward 23, Mouse Mo. 90, Kanchi 1/0 Ohrendra Chandra Das, Est Side of Contra! Jl, PO. Dnalerwar, PS. ast Agartala, Dit.- West Agartala, Pin 798007 "race Rand Shion, Meghalaya, Pla - 793004 OMEGA Consultant Services Testing Laboratory | ‘oe Seatac Tatra, leper Roa 70083 | contact (939) 2457 1900, (493) 98300 | - (0) 197 S900 (51 SODCOROCB/ (VSL) BODE? TLR Ne: Tesa0~=2NO0NOST IAF Format No, OCSIOR-68 ‘TEST REPORT | ‘TLaT/OPaPIAC-TPriz022-074 1S852016 Date: 12.10.2022 (Amendment No.2-2018) lssuedto ;- Mis—Larson & Toubro Limited fest Specification: Tabulated Below ‘THC, Dhubr ~ Phulbart Bridge Project DDhubn (0), Assam Description "20mm Coarse aggregate sample for the folowing fpfeamoiets) tots ‘Source: Raldak riverbed (Hemaguri Crusher) RPI Number: 3973, Rev ~ Rt, Dated 12.10.2022 eal /Stamp/Matk : Sealed [Subject “Testing of 20mm Coarse aggregate for Dhubri = | PPhulbar Bridge Project on River Brahmapuare NH: | 1278. ‘Test Deletorious Materials [sample Received on ; 25.10.2022 | [Parameters lsample Tesiedon 26.10.2020 __ 29.10.2022 “Tis 1s Gary tha he above sample (6) RasThave been ested with The folowing resus HYSIC/ NES > Coarse Aggregate, A) Deloterious Materials Analysis: | Req, a8 per 1S:385-20 CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS {forCrushed Coarse | Method of Test | Aggregate) F 41 Coal & Lignite(%) Ni 1.00 Max sz 2, | | 2. Clay Lumps (%) 0.06 41.00 Mix. eee ‘3, Material Finer than 75 mic, IS Sieve (%) Nil 1.00 Max. ioe eel I Remarks! The above submilied sample was duly tested as par relevant epeciication and found salisfacory with respect to the above test parameters. Prepared By Z “a the test roport relates tothe Sampla(s) submited by Customer. ‘Lihue fer reture of camplo(s) ceases after teen days unless adviced by concerned authority, SHRM Ielcuon of te report cacept in fll invalid without written approval of te laboratory management. 1 hs et rent aera cerita ovo terns 8 taro nn itg erent anions. t Flepertcannet be used ae am evidence in the cour f Law, with written permission of the ll ‘be Test Report without Emboscing le INVALID, OMEGA poe Copsuean Services HEAD OFFICE & LABORATORY. Testing Laboratory ie pee et me foot ‘JOB 10 No. OCSKIIN202270P 00016-01102 Date: 31.10.2022 | “Page tof] [RetNo 1 CETIOPEPIGC-TPT/20%2-074 [Procuct Specification 18:383-2016 Date: 12102022 (Amendment No.2-20'8) |ssuedto :M/s—Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test Speciation ‘Tabulated Below ‘TIC, Ohubr ~ Phuiban Bridge Project Dhubr (0), Assam [Descristion : 20mm Coarse aggregate sample forthe folowing |Seal/Stamp/Mark if : Sealed lof sample(s) tests. lany) ‘Source: Raldak riverbed (Hemagur! Crusher) RFI Number: 3973, Rev ~ Rt, Dated 12.10.2022 ‘Subject Testing of 20mm Coarse sggregate for Dhubr ~ PPhulber Sridge Project on River Brahmaputra NH- 1278. res Total Percentage ofl Dltaous Matra Exes Sample Racebedon 25 102022 ae) [ample Tested on: 28:102022 0 28102022 Th carl Ta above aro (5) ahaa bean ibd wh i lavigne PHYSICAL PROPERTY ‘Building, Infrastructure & Construction Materials > Coarse Aggregate fag anperisises2nte | matod ot CHARACTERISTICS. FINDINGS: (tor Crushed Coarse Aggregate) | Test + 0.08 Teta Prcentgeo Isaes20%6 Deere Mitra | andi data repos n st he (rae) eaten OCSKIJN/2022/10P-00016-01/01) i Remarks: The above submitted sample was duly tested as per relevant specication and found salisfactory with respect to the above test parameters, a a ones - #09 End of Report +%¢¢———-—- se om eel cn Ae, a Be se pr eee ct re sRemerrraneretn melee ieee usta rent etre oe the stated environmental conditions. Fee pe ee per gee Soe caine tence mermerenenrnae inkipsaenra . Branches & Sample Collection Cantres = =. ace ‘est Bengal Ganganarayan Appartment, Durgachak,Utarpally (Mant Primary Schoo), ald, Porbe-Medinipu, Dieho Plat Mo1122, word Ne. 23, Vi Ghathia (Opposite CET College), .S.-Khandagit, Osis, Pin 731003 Hl View (ear Rahat Nursing Noma), Ml Vew Road, Brit, Ranch, Pn - #34008 — ‘01 Dhirendra Chandrs Da, Eat Sie of Canta al, P.O Dhalanwar, PS East Agartala, Dit- Went Agartala, Pin 79900; owes Ne. 390, Kencs Trae Rou, Shillong, Meghalaya, Pn - 793004 (GOVT. REGISTERED TEST HOUSE) 1so ofisas 3 aA NDICATIVE CONSULTANT INDIA a EMAIL : ‘TEST REPORT Date: 23.08.2021 Report No ICVKL/RN/493/2021 Format No.: ICUFM/KIS8 ‘Customer Name Mis. Larsen & Toubro Limited ‘Sample ID No. RISC. 1401 L& T Construction- Heavy Civil &1402 Infrastructure Address Dhubri- Phulbari Brahmaputra River Bridge | Sample Received on [> [23.072001 Project, Dhubei(), Assam Customer Representative |: | Mr. MukoondoDutt Test started on = | a07 2021 ‘Name & Contact Number_| "| Mob No.- 9650493924 Test Completed on 71.08.2021 Pryject Nan. ~ | DHUDRETHULDARI BRIDGE FROJECT OVER RIVER BRAHMAFUTRA ON NH 1275 Towards Sustainable Growin Project Address Gila Letter Ref. No. & Date L& T- Dhubri- Phulbari DPBP/ QC-TPT/2021-30, Date- 16.07.2021 ‘Work Order No. Date == Subject = | Joint sampling with AE- Condueting Physical & Chemical testing of Coarse aggregates, for Dhubri- Phulbari bridge project over River Brahmaputra on NH-127B. ‘Sample Deseription ‘01 Bag of each 20mm & TOmm Coarse Aggregate (20 Kg). Sample Identification |: | Source :- Raidak “Test Method 1S 2386 (P-VIN:1963 (RA 2016) “Test Specification + [18 383: 2016 CHEMICAL TEST: ALKALI AGGREGATE REACTIVITY sk Ww Ws Se vi \ Vs Re No. Paraweter (gm) | (gm) | (mittimotesitt) | (mb) | (mi) | (mb) — | (millimotesstt.) 20 mm Coarse 0.0117 | 0.0007 2 2 | 156 20 235 i Aggregate fmm Coarse | 9.0123 | 0.0009 41 20] 153 20 247 Aggregate The obaning vale of Re wo be used together with Se Vale Yo evaluate We aka easy OT aurea Wy - Weight of the Silica in gm found in 100 ml of the dilute sola, = Weight ofthe Sica in gm found inthe blank, S. - Coneenteation of Sica in original filtrate. Vr -Vob of HC usd in titration. Vs—Vob of HCH used in blank. = Kedoeon oF alkalinity. N- Normality of HCL for the solution = 0.08, © ON Feretndicative Cofsult}nt India “Test Wiinessed By: Nil $ Estimated Uncertainty: Not Required NotI, Some fx nt drown by Mis Indignnve Consultan naa 2. Sample submited and identified by cusiomer a Coarse Aggregate (20mm & Homan, Source: Raidak River 43. Testresuls shown i ths tes report relate only fo te sample 3) oly. 4 The west results referred i est report are based on observations & measurements under the stated environmental conditions 5. The reproduction of the report except ful invalid without writen approval ofthe laboratar {6 Retention period of teste samples from he deo sue: 9O Days. 7Dleterions Materials & Sondnes are nor wader NABL scope Page 1 of End af apart ‘mee= CENTRALLABORATORY : HPL Link Road, Basudevpur, Knanjanchak, Haldia, Purba Medinipur, PIN-/21602 AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. SS GIN : U73100AS2018PTCO18749 Teese avian TEST REPORT aye SRENOATIFAT [oumno: — Tr]els]e]5Jolalz]olo[o[ofolo[afopayr Customer Name and Address Report oz ‘ATL/MECH/0209-22 804 Larsen & Toubro Limited aboratory Mark: aug 2225/05, Pb Phulbar edge Project Vi: Adar Pat:2,Poxt-Cagulcara,Dist—Ohubri(assom)_|bate otReceing: neeerale |assam)~ 703828 Date of completion: — 02:09.2022 Ret No. LkT/0P8°/A-TPT/2022-035 Dated: 20.08.2022 Date ofeport: 07.09.2022 "Name Of Werk: Testing of Fine Aguregates (Natural Sand for Dhubl - Phulber Bridge lod of Testing: 25.08.2022 t 0209-2022 Project on River Brahmaputr NH-1278 Sample Debtibtion: Five Aggregates (Natural Sand) Source? Gharipa Rat WA Na 3543 Rev RO, Date 7OORTE RESULTS REQUIREMENT] _TESTPARAMBTERS tesrmerHop | onservep vauue | REQUIREMENT © Conformity 1 Soundness byt, % ss2ss6(e9) 1963 us 10M. ves Taind a To Reprieve ‘Alok Kumar tha ‘Authorized Signatory Checked by [Rema Page sor oro] (a) The resus ste refer ony fo tested samples and applicable parameters. Endorsement of product smelter inered nor Implied. Giealaiyctewcninietetemsindanont os Bimini ernaere ton eden nasties (a) Thereprienate be reped.ed whol rin gaan an ot be ued aan evece te cour aw snd should ot be ‘dn ary averting media wAFou or spec pemisson ning (o,Reort fer tothe sme ssbnteg to and re wm by ures enone there Patta No. 1, Tamulbari, Panikhaiti, Guwahati - 781026, Assam a4go02teorossbea0t2 E-mall: lvimaterial avian@gmail com, Website: www Phone : 491. Lab : RZ-24, Plot No. 323, Gali No.-3, Dabri Village, New Dethi-110045, M ; +91 9871917955 T : 011 25394852 E : Test Report ied fo ULR No 1008220055 ] | Larsen & Toubro Limited Job No. 005 Dhubri-Phulbari Bridge Project Date of Receipt: 22/08/2022 Vill: Adabari Part:2, post-Chagalchara, Letter Ref, No.: L&T/DPBP/QC-TPT/20 Dist.» Dhubri (Assam)-783324 Dt. 20/08/202 Period of Testing: 23/08/2022 0209/2022 | Date of Report: 02/09/20: : Fine Agar Name of Work: Testing of Fine Aggregates (Natural Sand) for Dhubri NH-127B. Name of Agency: Larsen & Toubro Limited 3583, Rev-RO, Date 20/08/2022 Phulbari Bridge Project on River Brahmaputra Test Result | Requirement As Per 1S 383:2016 Physical Test 1. | Soundaess, loss in weight (i) By Mgso, 1S 2386(P-V):1963 RYA:2016 | 1.15 15.0 May, ] pssia-tiny1988 013 2. | Sulphate Content, % BS 812(P-118):1988 0.10 0.5 Max. Remarks: The Sample conforms to IS 3.2016 with respect To above tes **End of Report** Page 01 of OL AS. adh flor Authorized, Signatory ieee enieeomeome @ 5 Certified Lal OME Sera aae caume cee GA 9 sxeees Consultant Services atime ye A per 80/186 9082057 Testing Laboratory wh ond Prana Takara Hien, ata 70063 ia ‘conta; (033) 24971803, M Ena ‘ULR No, TCSBOS22B00005725E. T Format No, OCSIOR-&9 TEST REPORT. JOB 10 No, OCSHIINIZO22/10-00077-0F [Date 34102022 | Page Toft Fel. No.7 LATIDPAPIGG-TPTI2022.075 Product Speciicaton —- 1S:382-2076 Date: 12.10.2022 (Amendment No2-2018) Issuedto: M/s—Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test specication ‘Tabuiated Below TIIC, Dhubr ~ Phutber Bridge Project ‘Dhubi (0), Assam lbescrston : Fine agorepate Natural Sand) sample forthe Seal Stamp/ Mark : Sealed ‘Sample(@) folowing texts. lan) Source: Cham; i RFI Number: 3974, Rev —R1, Dated 12:10.2022 (subject “Testing of Fine aggregate (Natural San) for Dhubri— Phulbari Bridge Project on River Brahmaputra NH- 1278. [rest Deloterious Materials Sample Recawedon = 25.10.2022 [Parameters [Semple Tested on: 28.10.2022 t0 20.10.2022 “hiss carly Tal he Sore sample (6) Pathave been ested win he ToTowing resus PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ‘Building, Infrastructure & Construction Materials > Fine Angrenate Deatoue Marie Anais, Reg. as por'6:289-2018 CHARACTERISTICS rrnow10s | oc Rbt tots Satacarepen | Matiod oF Test 1, Coal & Lignite (3) 9.03 SoM, 18:2386 (P-2)-1963, = - Rest 2021 2, Clay Lamps (6) N 00Max. - 52886 P1083, 2 Matera Fier tan 75 mi. 1S Sieve () 402 00 Max ‘Saou 202 rma: Te Sbove ei sale was Gi tstd spe relevent pectin and found atfacton wt ropes to the above test parameters Se Prepared 6) ‘df 0 End of Report #4. ¢¢—— gst 2 os Ox Te ; J 4 Bd 1 fine Font Report cannot TINS ToS negrt without Embossing Is INVALID. OMEGA sits many Consultant Services WeAD OFFICE & LABORATORY Testing Laboratory 1 304 Rk, tap, tata r86 X soo See fe ote, mapa reaps ees bcc 0 37 0 095) ENSUES / NI BEET ‘csnlnedtegmszon Aon. Reg. Test House Email JOB 16 No, OCSK/INZ02370P-00017-02 Date: 34.10-2022 Paget ori —_) [Ret No. TRTIOPBPIOC-TPT/2022-075 [Product Specifeston 153832016 Date: 12102022 (Amendment No.2-2018) (ssuedto :-M/s~Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test Specincation Tebulated Below ‘THI, Ohubs ~ Phutbar Bridge Project hub (0), Assam [Description : Fine aggregate (Natural Sand) sample forthe _|Seai/Stamp/Matk (f : Sealed samples) folowing tosis. lany) Source: Champa River RFI Number: 3974, Rov — Rt, Dated 12.10.2022 Subject: Testing ot Fine aggregate Neural Sen) fr On ~Phubar Blige Poet on River Srahmepts Ni- ‘a7. est Shale Content & Total Percentage of al Deietrous [Sample Received on 26.10.2002 Mater (Except Mica) [sale Teseson = 29:102022 0 20.102022 | This is to cry tht he above sample) haaiave boon sie wih tha Tlowing ane PHYSICAL PROPERTY > Bie Aaarenate -Dalatrious Materials Analysis: Rog, as por 8:389-2016 charactenisrics FNoWGS (orUncrushed Fine | Method of Test | Aauregato) | ASIC 1238 1, Shale Content (%) 002 1.0 Max ee (ast 048) tar 2,Total Percentage oft Deletecus | y ivdl cata reported — isaeozo18 Materials Excoot Mia) (%) inOCSKINzoRaOP- i (rave) 0017-1) 4 Remarks: The above submited sample was duly tasted as per relevant specification and found satisfactory wih reepeak the above test parameters eh. Prepared By ‘eeu Segat_ Gangamarayer Apartment Durack, arpa (haa Primary Shea) Mali Pur Media, WA P-723602 ‘Dacha Plt acitaa word mo. 2 VL Guts (Oppeste CET Clg), P= Knog, Oa, Pin- 731003, “thn arta age) es ant oc Ped nr nr har nant aa Dar, Fa ga Dat Wat gta PH oye yank, Ward Ho 73, ous e398, Kec’ Trac an, Sho, Mahe P7304 grains) OMEGA epteecepeone Consultant Services aie. Testing Laboratory | 256A, 4.6, Rowd, Purtasan, Thakurpakur, Herideypur, Nothate - 700063 ontct (33) 3037 1908, (281) SascOROE2ET TSO) See Ernst onepeatinostepmacos (WLR Wo. Texmosaz0G0004ERIF oral Wo, OGSIOR-8 7 TEST REPORT ones INEUESROG OOS Pry) — | Dale BATT ROO [Baga tat 11 CeTiOPEIGO-TPT002 080 Proaus T5000, Real 2020 Date. 18102022 Spucteaton Wis: LAT Construction Tet Speciation OnvbrrPhulban frge Project Dhubr (0), Assam | Dessipton - OPC 63 Coment Week No 282022) sample | eli Siamp/Mamk Sealed Brand/Source: Coromandel King (The india Cements Limited), Vishrupuram Works, Nalgonda, Chennai ‘of sample(e) forthe folowng tess tram) / RFI No. 4082 Rew-RO, Date 10.10.22 | | subject Testing of Cement for Dhubr-Pruibari Bridge Project on fiver Brahmaputra NH-1278. | test Consistency, Density, Seting tme, Fineness, | Sample Recewed on 26.10.2022 Parameters Soundness & Comprsesive Stensth Geeutecl a aedoadioen 26.11.2022 “Tis isto eerily that He above eariole(S) hasThave boon tested wih the Tolowing resus PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Building, frasructure & Construction Materials > Ordinary Portland Gement (§3 Grade) = 7 aaa par 7 ‘CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS | ying S0iSubetaozn |_ Method of Tost +. Consistency 6) 270 Not Spectes [2 Dens 5 ‘Smaart (P-17)- 1988 2 bere ane oo vests SR [ ESeing Tine mines) | 3a Seting me nina) 7 3oMin_]isaoai @-5p 1088, |b) Ft Seting tren rinuts) 25 00 ax Rest2019 | raee a ISRO aS, ‘Fineness f Comer (HKG) ate 28 oa Ea |[EScundnass of Cement i 1 154057 (P3) 1988, || a) Le-chateler expansion (mm) 10 10 Max, rape Rete | Aa 3489, 35.81, 3566] 7 7 ) 724 1H Avg 86. osnaing of) a8 = 6 pate sonra : [a Sie Fens vg. 68.5 (Rounding off) EM 1 J ‘Remarks: The above ubmilled sample was duly tested as pat relevant specication resgect 10 the above test parameters, id ound salistactory wih OMEGA steal A sageront bye he pe 159/18€ 170252017 Consultant Services sa Testing Laboratory {Sah m6 an Pree, Tarr te OC [on hasan Top. art toe mms Contacts (033) 487 1903, (83) ‘mall et ULR No: Te880822000000266F Format No.: CS/QRIG7 | TEST REPORT ‘Job TOs OCSK/IN2022/100-00008 (Chemical) Date: 07112022 [Page Tort Ret No. TRTIDPBPIOC-TPT/2022-080 Product Specification 15 2682078, ] Date: 19.10.2022 Reaf 2020 Issued To > Mls- LAT Construction Test Specitcation Is: 4032-1985, ‘Dhubri-Phuibari Bridge Project Reat2019 Dhubri(D), Assam Description OPC 63 Cement (Week No. 36/2022) sample for | Seal /Stamp/ Sealed ‘of Sample(s) the folowing tests. Mark (any) 2a rman ng (The India Cements Limited). | Grape i cra | pateererticartio fect: ‘Tewdrgf Cart br Dr Pratl Brg Projet on va Brtrecuee Teal Ratio of perceriage of ne fo prconnge oT] Sample recewed on ze. s0.2002 Parameters Sica, Alina ion Ove Rateer | percetace of Amina total fron Oxde, | Sampletodudon 26. so02240 Inelble veskiue, Magnesia Tt uur aio anee conte Loss on ignition, Toll Chane | Gontn. = “Ths ito er at He BOGV erie (6 hathave Bae ose WH lowing ETS CHEMICAL PROPERTIES | Butaing materia: o Coment [— a REG.AS PER) Ccuaracrenismics FINDINGS | 1s: 269.2016, Reat2020 noses | {Rao of pereriage Too porcarige of Sia, Aa & Wan | Gade when ealcuate y be ome, | 20707 80 ost 080-102 ARR TAG, Foss FD Reto of Percentage of Aluminato that of on Ox 1 ten | Bnsoluble residue (% By Mass) 1.65 6.00 Max, ‘A Mognesia(% By Mass) 1.20 6.00Max 1 Taal Suphr Conan cacuaied as Spas MvaraaSO.% as 28 seo Loss on ton By Mass [276 400 Max 7 Toa Choris ( By Mase oor Oo Max REMARKS: The above subriied sample was ly iosied 65 par Telovart specification and Young SalsTactary wif Tespea tothe above test parameters. oY 909° End of report $946 “4 The test report relates tothe Sample(s) submited by Customer. ‘abit for return of sample(s) ceases ater iteen days unless advice by concerned authority 4 The reproduction of the report except ia full ts nvahs without written approval ef te laboratory management. + The test results referred in certiiate are based om observations & mansurements under the sated susron 2 the Test Report cannot be ured ae an evidene ‘bre Test Report without Embesin fo INVALID. without writen permission af the laboratory é re LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED ‘CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRITO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Foret No. CBT/DPSP/OF 20 Rov Rev Gate S007 ZU) | ene Tata Highways & infrastructure Development Corporation Umited (NHIOCT) PauthoryEngawer ‘AECOM Asia Company United in Assocation with PABECO Co-Ut | (eecconractor Taren & Toubro Ud t REPORT labarmeryiab ra: West [bate of amping oc [Type of Cement OPCS Hunde [Sampled by if = ADERDB , AE- SAnsh ¥ Brand af Cement Cong 1a Date of resting pea ‘i [Week no. ion Festeaby barca) BES 3 « INITIAL & FINAL SETTING TIME [As pers: 4031 (Part )- 198) Tinsel] Bawton (nine) |Panetation of newt Tinesf | Duwi jinan [ron nat meen tate, | otrewanon | fomustr saan | fom be bton of Talne, | station | am weer ang te nerd coed fn il ceeeeoeeal|h eeiae tolen | trortoeomme | WN < T22) 0 pan © 1 1S+36 peal 2G Lee eee ae © 2 [thes pel pee wo 31s pe Tae i % 2 aye P| pe men | 8 at - (eyessep te ee 3 = a CCL CaS 6 (it seting tine of Cement Go inate) TH wa) Final Setting tine of Cement (in minute) > 286 waar [Specified limit for OPC Maximum 600 minutes Pfeil OF nim ites COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST OF CEMENT MORTAR CUBES {As pers: 4031 (Part 6) 1988], Date of casings 2010 EL [Site of Specimen: Cubical specimen of size 70.6 x 70.6706 min/s area of cube 4584 dp seg 7 dye Strength an any enh Dect 23:1 Te RR CP Doe EW ST a saxuire | comp Beene re Mas fare ad] _Comp. snath cuvere | Mentcon) | turer | | “essay | Seengih | cube |My “an y 21 4R13 q 246 44:35 + 24 Eran 208 MES x. 236 Mbt z 247 5S 5 2 U233 6 232 Merce 5 ey 40-59 [ava: Compressive Strength (MPa) =W2-4Q [ave Compressive Strength (MPa) =f 36 [Avg. Compressive Strength (MPa) = 54-44 For lat Construction igpreventatve For Authority Engineer Representative For client Representative ame: as snare: pate: oa Fir fname SX: SEIN Berner ESSN RNA ag DAC KT MEAT, 1915 loate: T 7) LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No (&T/DPSP/OF 78 Rev 0, Rev Date: 30.07.2023] [cient National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [authority Engineer "RECOM As Company Limited In Assocation with PADECO Co.Ltd lepc contactor Larsen & Toubro tt. [is pers: 1727] FINENESS TEST OF FLYASH / PARTICLE RETAINED ON 45 MICRON SIEVE aboratory 1b No, watere / [pote Sampled Beto Isouree NTPC Lincked + lsampled By eT ADSA DB, AE- sabch uke Wo. jrnsa3 tek, Dews- 35S bate rested (gilorre ie BoP oteeleyond rested By [ae fide €d8 fe ~ Satish: Proposed Use Comerte predodion: Deseription Sample 1 sample? lWelght of ntl sample taken, Ws (ar) too feo lia of sample etained after washing on AS veron Sieve ater oven eying WY (gm) 24 26 Finenessparties pasting tirowsh 4 micron seve 6) (w= Wa) / Ws) x 200 cn 44 average Fineness) “a lave Parties retained on 45 microns Sieve (8) (W/W) «300 2 re satisdedey : (Cian eng Saco te wating ape vere uid specication Lit: As per table-2 of 153812 {Part 3) 2013, Maximum Parties retained on 45 micron (wet sieving) IS seve is 34% bate: 5, \Q dann. Tor ConsiroclonRepeseneatve | _Fov Anbar Egos Representative hire awe Rane: ACRE Aisne. sate seraure: “7 SEES OLED, |sgnaure: ate: OMEGA ettetenmssiouty ons tind, Gove of tne Consultart Seivieds eaten Sse er 80/1 0252087 Testing Laboratory as ‘ Tessie 2564 M6. Ron Purtasan hakurpat, Naver, Kata 700063 [296 WG Rond, Pataca, Tahu, Haiwpey ata 700083 ‘omactx: (O73) 2497 1903 m, (491) du3a20628 / M¢o53) 8482218707 Sma: mepelsbintos@@ymalicom ‘ULR No, TCESOE2Z0GONOSAOF I Format No, OCSIORH | Ce = TEST REPORT. 7 7 a “JOB 15 Na, OCSRIINRORBIOOR-00H (Physical 7) [Bator @7.402022 | Page Toft} No C - _ Product Specification 1S.3812 (Par-1)-2013 | | Root 2017 lesuedio --MWS~ Larsen & Toubro Limited Fest Specicstion Tabulated Below “THC, Dhubyi ~ Phusbas Bridge Project Dube (D), Assam 1Descistion Fly ash sample for the following tests, sample(s) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongeigacn, Salakatl, Assam, RFI Number: 3818, Rev RO, — ISeat Stamp! Mark : Sealea litany) ltjct Tetn of lash or Dna - Pula Bigs Project on | River Branmaputa NH 1273 ‘rest Fineness, Parle retain on 48 micron, Soundhess by Sample Received en - 22.09:2022 Jrmarters AutuoveExpension 8 Speci Gravy LeeetiTonen, Oa a peonacea i SSa aT ST T wl wii Ta es PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ‘Building, infrastructure & Construction Materials: » FlyAsh 7 fash —s —s eaunAcreniones rmemes |e SNE eot0279,| wapad ett | nh Fineness-Specific surface in NFIkg by 18:1727-1967, | Blain's Permeability method = ‘Reaf2018 2. Paice tan on 4 micron lee wat. 2 ioe we israr198r ‘sieving), in percent. aa ws Reef:2018 on | T isaost pay 0e |. soundness by Atociee Expansion. (h) | 002 oem ~ eat20t8 7 7 . 18:1727-1967, 4. Space Grvty 2or Net spected ~ | STING ‘Remarks: The above submited sample wos dy tested as par relevant speciicalon and found satsfactoy with respact to the above test parameters, ain... Propared By 249 End of Report 94400—— (x Reviewed & found ok. ay 4s Sr oa weer (LET) Tt Le ts ee tye teat eport relates to the Surple(s) subited by Custemer. wot sample(a} ceases ater nies advices by concerned author {imcteaionet the reper escent una witea te prov aerloy managamen Aon ee ee eet secret inn ieee nan naan roaeooerr ‘Dine Tet Report without embossing te INVALID. OMEGA sa papel wesut ence ecco Consianrseias Satetenemsncrmnnan ‘Testing Laboratory 2364 6. Roa, Pasar Tahu, Maree, Kats - 700062 196, Boal Puasa, Thrpvar Wardour, alts 700082 ‘contacts: (033) 2887 1903, m. (291) Sos0O20628 / (083) 832249707 ‘mals emegelabine8@gmaiicomt ‘ULR Wo. Tessowzz000003«90F —— r Formate ocsian-32 | = TEST REPORT [ D0a1B No: OeSKiaN20220BR.00071 (Chemical) [Data 04-90 202% Page tors Feet No. LaTOPEP/OC-TPT2022 062 — Prosuet Spectenion 15.9512 (Par-t}-20%3, | Date. 19092022 | Real2017 | lesuodto --M/8~ Larsen & Toubro Linted Fret Speciation Tabulated low | TLIC, Drubri~ Phulbarl Bridge Project hubs (0), Assam [Descristion > Fly ash sample forthe fallowing tests. lseai /Stamo/ Mark: Sealed lotsampie(s) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongaigaon, Salakati, Assam|(f any) RFI Number: 9818, Rey RO, —~ Isubject “Testing of Fy ash for Dhubri ~ Phutbar Bridge Project ‘on River Brahmaputra NH-1278. Test Slicon dioxide, Aluminium Orie, ron Oxice lsample Received on - 22.00.2022 Parameters Magnesium Oxide, Total Sughur as SuiphurtH0%i3e, sample Tested on 22.00.2022 10 | [Loss on ignition & Total Chloride [ 01.10.2022 This is to cenity that ‘Building Material ~ Regasper | CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS | 1s:3812(Pert-).2019, | Method of Test Reaf:2017 | 4. Sileon Dionide (as SIO.),(% by mass) 59.96 35.00 Min. 7 042 SooMex — | 1s.s727-1967, om > 300 Max — Reaf 2018 230 5.00 Max. 5: Total Crd by mas) ~ | tem | ome | SIS ‘Remarks: The above submited sample was Guy tested a8 per elevant specication and Found satisfactory with respect to the above test parameters 9804 End of Report #0 Sr Eugi neer (QAZ() “Ad wo “+The test report relates to the Sample) submitted by Customer. * Lablty fr retutn of sample(e) ceases afer fifteen days unieet aviced by concatned authority duction of the report except in ful is invalid without etten approval et the laboratory management, ceriiate are besed on observations & measurements under the stated emroamental conditions +The Test Report cannot be used as an evidence in the cour of Law, withou written permission stake orn ++ The Test Report without Embossing i INVALID, . OMEGA enor ena Consultant Services Testing Laboratory 2544 6 ton Tarp er Naam ‘es fon Prenat era Sat eed nna: (San 103 [01] MaNaDEIN THN SESE ‘Ea amepstaatopmea om (JOB 10 No. CGSKIIN/2022/00R- 00021 (Chemieai-02) TOE Page Tor ae: TETOPEPTOC P00 062 (Product Spectication W812 (Part)2013, | Date: 0.00 2022 Reaf 2017 issued to Wis - Larsen 8 Toubro Limited fest Specification: Tabulated Below TLIC, Dhubsi ~ Pnuban Bridge Project hub (0). Assarn [Description © Fly ash sample for the following tests 'Seal/Stamp IMack : Seated jofsampie(s) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongaigaon, Salakatl, Assam (ary) RFI Number: 3818, Rov - RO, -- ject eating of Fly ath for Dhutxi - Phulbai Bridge Projact ‘on River Bretrraputra NH-1276, est Silicon thoxider Aluminium oxide ron oxide, Reactive Sample Received on : 22.09.2022 [parameters Silca & Avalable akalies lcomple Testedon ; 220020220 { 22.10.2022 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ee ) Rea. as per caracrenismics owes | sssetg har 01, feat ieee dione | on vowown + Won axde (F209), ( by mass) 2 Reactive Sica (% by mass) / 4708 20,00 Min Saipan 2.Avtae sain sequent ctu oeae | gig so 2m 8 tty mas) 2 _ | fot ‘Remarks: The above submitted sample was duly tested as per relevant specication and found satisfaciory wii respect 10 ‘the abave test parameters a ee Prepared By 994 End of Report #264. Reviewed ¢ found ok Cae Gr. Evgtneer (@A{8d (LA) Hed «The test report relates tothe Sample(s) submitted by Customer + Uaiy tor return of sample(s) ceases afer teen ays unlost aevicad by concened! authority {the reproduction af the report cxcapt in ful eval without wttanspproval of the laboratory manipémient 1 Te ent results referred in coricate ura based on obvarvetions & measurements under te fates emrronmenta conditions. 4 The Test Report cat be used at a seidonce tn the cour f Law, without wien parish of the aboratory. * The Test Report without Embossing ie INVALID. angararayan Apartment, Dargach,Utarpy (ae Pimary Scholl, ucb-Medinior WB, i-723802 Sot 1122, Word Ne. 23, Yih Ghats (Opposite CET College,» Khandagi, Oak i - 7510 ‘Hl View near Raha Mrsing Home), WR view Roa, Barat, Ranch, in ~ 834003 \/0.:Uhlrenden Chandra Das, Ent Sie of Centra a 0. Dhalerwar, PS. East Agri, Dist West Agartala, Pin 799007 ve 1/0. Doyants Lymph, Ward Na:9, Howe Na: 390, Kenc's Trace Rowd, shlong, Meghalay, Pin 799008 OMEGA Sioa Consultant Services . Testing Laboratory 25,6 Raa, Porn, harps, Harepe, eats 700063 ‘996 My aad Pur, Thabane, erp Hate 700083 ‘Contacts: (033) 29871903, (i) 9830020028 /M. (453) 945220970? Stal emegalabintos@Qgmeiicom ‘JOB 15 Wo. OCSKIINE Page Toft oduct Specification 1S:3812 (Part-1)-2013, [Ret No LETIOPBP/QC-TPTI2022-082 Date: 19.08.2022 | Reat2017 Issuedto Mls — Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test Speciation Tabulated Below TIC, Dhubr ~ Phulbar Bridge Project DDhube (D3, Assam |Description Fly ash sample forthe folowing tests (seals temp Mark: Sealec Jofsample(s) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongaigaon, Salahat, Assam (2°) RFI Number: 3818, Rev RO, 7 plain cement mortar cubes) ‘mortar cubes ounct ‘asin of yor oh — Puan ie Pret Snes Bonga R278 Test Line Restety& Cnereeve Sangh carole Recaveon - 22.002002 Pras JumpleTesedon 2209202216 a ‘to certify that the a ys Selah ~ se 1 cnaracresries mpwes | Ree PeIS382(Pa1)201%.| Yomog ot Tet | ae —| +1. Reactivity. L Line reat: Average compressive ae coun | Stara oma suse tte ape tT aye aera searar-08, i seasencetioneny marzo” | 2. Compressive Strength at 28 days, % Not less than 80% of the strength : eo eahomagere: rae | “ettoneponing son cont | ‘Remarks: The above submitted sample was duly tested as per relevant specification and found sasfactory with respect to the above test parameters, ‘The test report rates tothe Samat > Laity for return af campe(s) ceases after Maer days unless advicad by concen authority, ‘Te reproduction ofthe report except ful lvald without writen approval of tr oborotory manoperment. + The tat resus raterre in cartiicate are based on obsarvations & meanuremante under the sated enpronmenta conditions. 1 The Tout Report cannet be used wx am evidence ts Ure court of Ln, with wetten permission athe oratory, ‘ie Test Report without Eosbonsing fe VALID. ‘Sangonaravan Appatment, Durgachat UMtarpaly (Nee Primary Schoo) a, Purba-Medinipur, W. Plt No-1122, Word Mo. 23, VIL: hatha (Oppose CET Collage), PS. hana, Osha, Pn 751003 i view wear Rahat Mirsing Wome), il Vie Rood Barat, Ranch, Pin - 838008 {/0; ohiendra Chande Da, East Side of Central ui, 0. Daleswar, 5. ast Agata, Dist: West Agartala, Pn = 799007 (0: Doyamtis Lynch, Ward Na: 23, Neuse Mo. 390, Kenc’s Trace Rd, shlong. Meghaya, Pn 793004 Pinr23602 AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. SS ‘GIN: U73100AS2018PTC018749 _ avian | TEST REPORT ATUEMT/7.8 SRF NGF ATES crn | 5] @] Jo] 72] 0] o| fo] a] 3] [=|] Customer Nameand Address: Report Nar ‘ATL /CHEM/S10-22/ 1168 |rsen Toubro Uinted laboratory Mark: 0ct2222/05 ‘Dhubr-Phulban Bdge Project Date ofReceiving, 234102022 [Dhue (0, sam Dateof Completion: 34-10.2022 |Ret Letter No:L& 1/0PBP/a-T8T/2022-073 ated: 12-10-2022 [Date ofReport: 33-402022 [Name of Agency: L & T Construction [Period of Testing: 25-10-2022 to 31-10-2022 Name of Work: Testing of Chemica Admbxture (rand: SKA Ina Pt efor Ohubr Phar Brg Projection River Bigs Project on Rive BaRpuOS TA a7 nF Wo: 3972 Rew, Dated 1230-2022 Date of Testing 26102022 ste Destin: Chemical Admire (ShaPlast 26 PR) Sten No:KP22003590 Brana i Pv td. - uLS REQUIREMENT Suna] Tisrranaserens | vesrmernoo | omseRveDvaLUE | ypq,, QUENT CONFORMITY | isoio3999 a [pwvate meas «7 in ves \so103099 a soc. 2 oxy tater conten a aan 0957s 0Me<3.051 ve co 3 lancome ae as asst sacea0st : ‘591033999 Within 0.02 of he ve sated bythe ® Decay aes (Reaft:2018) 2 “manufacturer 7” sensao7 : 2 a ve 5 femoris conten, x ae oz 02M were, ‘Te manufacturer's stated salu in percent by mass Below piven are the manufacturers stated value- ry Material Content (OM, erent by mass = 34.20 a | Ash Content (AC), percent by mass = 0.71. a Relave Density a 25°C 2.20 4s Ka sos Chloride Content percent by mess = 0.3, ‘ok marino | ollie ute imry ae Fags TOTTI 2) The resulted refer only to tested samples and applicable parameters. Endorsement of products nether inferred nor imped. {2} Total ily of our Lab is tmites othe ivleed amount. |i samtes wl be destroyed after 90 day om the date of est carifiate ules otherwise specie. (4) This report isnot tobe reproduced whaly in partand cen not be wed as an evidence nthe cout of law and shoud nt be sed in any acversng media without our speci penmision in wing |___tsrnepor eter fo the sample submited tu anno dn by Ur unless mentioned thers souonioneg ome Sika India Private Limited 7 © Quality Assurance Certificate mT? Material Test Certificate Lhe following properties are being declared regarding concrete admixture SikaPlast 424 PR dispatched through Invoice no. INVO2MW22/01969 dt 28,09,2022 of batch nos. KP22003530 , KP22003531 in line of IS 9103-2007 & ASTM C494 Type G. a Properties Typical Values Limit - an KP22003530, Kp22003531 __| (As per IS 9103) | 3 Chemical Base Modified Modified - polycarbonate | Polearboxylate a [ape ght Brown Tauid | Ugh Brown liguid | As per Spectication Ve ” ‘Within 0.02 of specification | Specie Gravity 25°C 110 140 bar | Drymateril content, by Within 25% oF | mass 34.20 34.85 specification value T a — > pH 6.56 659 Moe = "within 8s oF e ‘a aRTER yas O71 073 specification value ~ | Chloride Content (%) 0.03 0.04 Max. 0.2 7 Mana an ROR 8 | allowable storage +40°C to #10°C, direct sun light should be _ seriparabi avoided Santon | Profermiing ofthe drumsis a \ @ ay eS essential before use. -— To Tears ‘One year In un opened orga | container = TT For best resue Ws BTOTE | —senramoerzora |] Sepremver 2023 Date: 07.10.2022 V BD - Tested By : Vaskar Biswas Signature : Ve oF Vine TH min ied ec and ny tric ine in od ith don i's cet wpe sn seine vane ttpanaos a posts) eet einen hangs eps of spin, ah sen unuraceete or ens oedilerent appl, conoal Sis Tcl Sar por sng Sika pros hs fale Sana Pre espn i a Pmat tre Ses vO 816 180.2062 Searee Sara wearer Pepcirieeplonten (Choa ao ot wees noe ‘est engage ‘anna Emer nnn si om AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. Gx CIN : UTSt00AS2018PTCO18749 avian - ‘TEST REPORT. see SRE NOATI ESS sae Juunno Te] es]sl Toe] oloolo|olaTalee] + [customer name and Adres Report Wo ATI/CHIM/3310-22/1166 \orsen & outro Limited [aboratory Marke Gaza ‘Dhubr-Plbart Bridge Project, Oba) Assan Date ot Receiving — 22-10-2022 Re Letter No-t A T/DPRP/QCTPT/2022-077Oateé 12102022 Date of Completion: 31102032 ame of Agere &T Construction [Dateof Report: ataoaazz ‘ame of Work: Testing of Cnstruein Viste for Ohubrt: Phu Bridge Proact, Period ofTexting 95-49-2032 wo s1-102022 on ver rahmaputra NH? 7H [fe Wo: 3876 Re, Dota: 12-102022 sump Desciation Construction Water Sour CP90 Bore Welt, Adabar Date of Testing 2530-022 % [REQUIREMENT As Per 15] sino. |TESTPARAMETERS tesrmervon | onsenvepvatur | REQUIREMENT As Pe Conformity 1 Jaciaity 2s (Amount of 0.02 | [NaOH required to neutron 100 | 1 30254P-22) 1986, i ir sample of water using (Weate2019) eS ee aad iphenolphthalein indicator) lakalinity as (Amount of 0.22. WSO, required to meutraise | (5 3025(P-23) 1986 {300 misample of water usiag | (Reaff:2019) si aise = read indenter | ipl Value Ts boast) 2022 78 6.0 Min. Yes ‘sold content [organic mest i ae wad wer Ye norganis,mafi___S«|:C taste aeh 022 3 3000.0 Ma Yes aap aay eae ; 5 [stpnate ios 505) mei an 27 co Max vs a0 max: for concrete & — |CMorides (as C1), mast eon ser ms 8S |without embeded stee! & 500/ Yes (Reat2019) max for REC 7 ‘5 3005-17) 2022 35 20000 ten ve ssetodot Tet eponves oN as aR (sapien ' HL i Alok Kumar ha | ‘checked oy Authored Signatory lease Fags Or ory, (0) he eats tte refer on oes res nd apeale parameters esarenta of rod ste ltre rermgi (2) Toa Soi of a ee ed rou [samt lo ested as” 9 ys to he St on conte ues there sce. (8 tin repres rere oe reff ie wl or npat snd ca ot be ed boon evderce Oe cout aw ad shoud nt be "sed'm any aber singe Pot spearmint 9) por refer othe sige nl teow ang tawny uss nertoned here Z Dag No. 7: 4, Tamar, + 781026, Assam : Phone 04 non2 He TO99062 ‘Website : ® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED Construction of four Lane Bridge including approaches over river Brahmaputra between Dhubri (on North Bank) and Phulbari (on South Bank) in the state of Assam/Meghalaya on NH-1278 (Design length: 19.282 km) Format No. LAT/DPBP/OF 94 Rev 0, Rev Data 23.11.2023 [client ‘National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NKIDCL) [authority Engineer AECOM Asia Company limited in Association with PADECO EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Chloride and Sulphate Content of Concrete [As Per MORTH Sth Rev Clause 1704.4 & Clause 1717.7.2] one ade 608 [ate nies aeab Seve rpchemaa [SCOR ed Cra TB RE coca a omar —— owe verde cunge Soucek re fh ewe of Cute nd uc Cha ai Stare a oueot Watered: | Brew, abi cP0 Man Cuore renal] Sabra vacates Le2tS* |e ston | naa Cnt | cide cone tl Suh Coen ( (Based on Third Party | (Based on Third Party | Contribution (Ka/m’} | Contribution (Ke/m") Nednafin ‘Test Report) Test Report) Coane han ee ons fx | os |»| cme oso Fre ater oss om f*| oo | «| con os Tne ag aha Tae : Sand - * * er 6 zs [mw] 537 |rwre| 0008 oom Geil drinare aa on | * © | oaees Total 0.3125 14.687 wen ea rib cone i nisi id petri oft mre cement/cementitious content of the mix = Sosre rai nadsigteminientbesncennieermnelsiomiectiniiesd a ary cement/cementitious content ofthe mix= specification Umit for Chloride content : As Per MORTH Sth Rey Clause 1704.4, lito total chirice content by total mass of cement/cementiious materia For Prestressed Concrete: Max 0.1% For Reinforced Concrete in Severe, Very Severe or Extreme exposure condition ; Max O28 For Reinforced Concrete in Moderate exposure condition: Max 0.3% specification Limit fr Sulphate content: As Per MORTH Sth Rev Cause 1704.4, total sulphate content of the concrete mis by otal mass of cement/ cementitious material shuld not exceed 43. [Remarks For LAT Construction Representative or Authority Engineer Representative Tor Cent Representative ‘Name - ame: S\N hoe: \stenature: a sienature SSRIS NO senate: bate: ‘Date: SLPS Ee pate: vie @ LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED Construction of four Lane Bridge including approaches over river Brahmaputra between Dhubri (on North Bank) and Phulbari (on South Bank) In the state of Assam/Meghalaya on NH-1278 (Design length: 19.282 km) Format No.: L&1/DPBP/OF 85 Rev 0, Rev Date: 30.07.2021] [client National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer ‘AECOM Asia Company Limited in Association with PADECO Co.Ltd [EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Ltd. AIR CONTENT IN FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE {By Water-Column Method) IAs per 15 1199 (Part 4) : 2018) concrete Mix Grade : | pas0(s) [Date & Time of Testing 1pan-2k dees PA sample 1D, TM B06 Temperature ofthe sample: | 25).4°¢ Location ec tab Habart [Consistency of concrete : ison IMethod of compaction:| “Tampivsy » Nos, of strokes : 27 Jsampled by US Abe RE-MSke [Tested by UT ADS ABH Mk Test description Test result Weight of water in calibration cylinder (W , em) F 56) Weight of water in measuring bowl (W 3am) = cosx [Constant R (100 x Wi/W;) (96). = 3°04 catioration Factor (0.98R) - 3:84 operating Pressure Eee eg fem stattempt 2nd attempt ‘Average ading of water evel in standpine/aaugetube at operating Joessure using aggregate inthe same proportions as that as de ae Jot arade of concrete under test), [Reading of water evel in standpipe/gaugetube after Jeleasing operating pressure using agaresste in the same| gg ee iki loroportons as tat of arade of concrete under test (4), M3 JAceregate correction factor ‘G'= HH, (96) o-% 6 og Reading of water level in sandpipe at operating pressure lusing the same grade of concrete under test (%6),Hs lenil em tilt Reading of water level in standpipe after releasing operating pressure using same of grade of concrete under test (6), ty | ©! ent a] arent air content (C.)= (Ha) (%) cus 0 13 ir content in freshly mixed concrete, C. = (C.-G) (2) oF Remark eahichactory, for L&T Construction Representative | For Authority Engineer Representative For Gent Representative ame: adhinb.’|Ramposl A Imame: ae sels Anu Names signature: signarureh « ‘ signature: be eo ce 7T

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