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© Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER RIVER BRAHMAPUTRA (Client : National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer _|: AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPCContractor |: Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-1008) Grade of Concrete ; M35(S) Source of Cement : India Cements Limited- Coromandel King Source of Flyash : NTPC Bongaigaon Source of Coarse Aggregate : Raidak River Bed Source of Fine Aggregate : Champa River Superplasticizing Admixture used : Fosroc Auramix 500 2 Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER ‘Giewt National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) /Anthorty Engines |F AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Ca Led [aPC contractor |sLarsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-1008) ‘DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: 1L_ Grade of onere [nas Target wean Sven [095 MPa (SST S] MPa [Apr 1700 ae 700 MoT ew Ta_Type of Coneree [Roc andar Gonerre ie Type of emer [OPC gad conforaog 15269035 [eatiaed 00D) ‘Environment Eponare Condon Sevres per te [41 RC-IT2-20R0 ite of S56 0 ‘Many Wate/Comeot Rt [Das (fs por ble 142 wfiRCI12- 2020 a able 1700? of MORAN th Re T_ Minium Gent eantent / ements cn RGD gs pr te 142 IRELIG-2020& ale 17002 of META Re Main Cement amt ig ny mineral AT) ss0ie/n (sper d-14.325ofNCI12 2020.44 17083 of MORTEM Sth Res] ‘i Type of Minera IT vst conorning te 361 2(Par- 1) 2013 (Rearmed 2017] ~_ Minimum Fiat Conte (a mae SET) po As pr chiaas of R112 2020 el 17162 of MaRTAN Sn Revision) “_Maninm Pyash Content (Wat etl mas of crentow) 55% (Ae prc 18- of RE1129020 Bel 17183 of MORTAH 5 Revision) Tike of chamical eure Seperate onto 9108> 1999 (Reatired 28 wie Workailiy at the tin of placement of ane 175 Tatvamsrper cause 17001 oT NORTRIT Bh Raison (DE im pe OETA 4026: 2005 Reales 2017), | _ Mediod of Machy ana Pum. Boom or Divert hts w_Type af Cone Rapa "a Type a Fine Aarne Natal Sn "ei Masia Nominal so oF Cara Aggregate bea bmn Doge of Site Control [ccoa - Structure part of trac mwhich he ics proposed woe ed Te Sng Wa Cb ay Oe 3S ade HCC SURE PARTON [raw Sesign with sme workable (TEST DATA FOR MATERIAL: ‘A Cement 7 frond af Gament Type of Genene foes ics a0mg) Tk Spe graviy of amon (er 3 Day Comprensive Srey (MPS) scat (rom aaa et ope) ‘7 Daye Compose Sane (PS) [92 (rom ns etry) 2 bay Compresive Sot (MPH Se (From nae et POR Ti _ Specie ravi oa rear [C toarse! L_ Sanco oars ara ewan ver am Coarse arate zee 1k Spc ray Hs 20 Course auseaate fears wow hae Fr oar ren 0 Hi Water absorption CH) a a ‘D Fine Aggregate River Sand _Soare of ive Sand [etapa ver {Grading Zone of Re Sand [Zane TL Space gravy Tw Water abworpoe (7 E. Ghomical Admiiture- Superplastcizer f T_1_Seure/arando eben sama Fewer chemicals (aa) PC Spear wavy Remark or Lr Consiracion Representative For Authority Enger Representative For Gent Representative = =" me ROR hem SA EAS BHA} senate As SESSSA EATS \ | sera: be RS # 2 ate @ Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER (Client jational Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer _ |: AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contractor : Larsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-1008) Design Calculations 'A. Selection of Water Content: As per Table-4 of IS 10262 : 2019, approximate water content corresponding to 20 mm nominal maximum size of angular coarse laggregate & 50 mm slump range is equal to 186 kg/m? without use of Superplasticiser. | As per clause 5.3 of IS 10262 : 2019, for achieving desired workability other than 50 mm slump, estimated water content from table-# ‘should be increased or decreased by about 3% for each increment or decrement of 25 mm slump respectively Estimated water content for target workability of 150 mm = 186+ ((12/100)x186)= 208.32 kg/m’ As per Clause 5.3 of IS 10262 : 2019, superplasticizing admixtures usually decrease water content by 20-30% and above at lappropriate dosage. Based on trials conducted, an admixture dosage of 0.52% can reduce water content by 23.5% Hence the required free water content = 208:32- {(208.32x23,5)/100))= 159.36 g/m’ Say 159 kg/m" [B. Calculation of Cementitious Content: [As per table 14.2 of IRC:112-2020 & table 1700-2 of MoRT&H Sth Rev, maximum water cement ratio = 0.45 for 20 mm nominal Size aggregate corresponding to moderate exposure condition. ‘Assuming free water cement ratio= 0.35 Therefore, Cementitious content= (159 + 0.35) kg/m? = 454.29 kg/m® say 455 kg/m! ‘Therefore proposed Cementitious content 455 kg/eum, which is greater than minimum cementitious content requirement of 360 |Kg/m’. Hence OK as per table 14.2 of IRC:112-2020 & table 1700-2 of MoRT&H Sth Revision, As per clause 18.4.3 of IC:112-2020 & Clause 1715.2 of MoRT&H Sth Rev, minimum flyash content is 20 % & maximum flyash [contents 35% by weight of total cementitious material. Assuming flyash content 100 kg/m: (which is 22% of total cementitious content), ]OPC content = (455-100) kg/m? = 355 kg/m® , which is lesser than maximum OPC content limit of 450 kg/m?, Hence OK as per cl- 143.25 of IRC:112-2020 & cl-1703:3 of MoRT&H Sth Rev. Hence, OPC Content 355 kg/m’ & — FlyashContent= 100 kg/m? ‘Admixture dosage at 0.52% of total cementitious is = (0.52/100°455) kg/m®= 2.37 kg/m! ‘Which is lesser than 1% by mass of total cementitious material. Hence OK as per Cl 10.3.3 of Amendment 4 of IS 456 : 2000 for rrboxylate(PC) based admixture, >. Estimation of Coarse aggregate & Fine aggregate proportion : As per table-5 of IS 10262 : 2019, volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate corresponding to Zone-II fine aggregate & water/cementitious ratio of 0.5 is = 0.62 {As per cl-§.5.1 of IS 10262 : 2019, proportion of volume of coarse aggregate should be increased at the rate of 0.01 for every decrease in water/cementitious ratio by 0.05. In present case, water/cementitious ratio= 0.35 ‘Therefore,corrected proportion of volume of coarse agg, = 0.62 + (0,01/0.05*(0.50-0.35))= 0.65 As per clause no 5.5.2 of IS 10262 : 2019, for more workable concrete mixes required tobe placed by pump concreting orto be jworked around congested reinforcement steel, we can reduce the estimated coarse aggregate content upto 10% Considering 7% reduction in volume of coarse aggregate proportion, Proportion of volume of Coarse aggregate content to volume of total aggregate= (0.65"0.93)= 0.60 Proportion of volume of Fine aggregate content to volume of total aggregates (1-0.60)= 0.40 Qe XY %, , SQ WSHOUAASH, SY at WR = + @ Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Client : National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer |: AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd [EPC Contractor : Larsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-1008) Design Calculations % for 20 mm maximum nominal size aggregate (As per table-3 of IS 10262 : 2019] = 001m’ + Volume of Cement = (Mass of Cement/ Specific gravity of Cement) {(855/3.15)/1000) m* 20113 m + Volume of flyash = (Mass of Flyash/ Specific gravity of Flyash) = ((400/2.07)/1000} m* = 0.048 m + Volume of Water = (Mass of Water/ Specific gravity of Water) = {(159/1,00)/1000) m* 0159 m® + Volume of Chemical Admixture = (Mass of Admixture/ Specific gravity of Admixture) (2.37/1.106)/1000} m? 0.0021 mé + Volume of all-in aggregates = {(1-0.01)-(0.113+0.048+0.159+0.0021)} m* 0.6679 m’ Hence, Volume of total Coarse aggregates in 1 m’ mix= (0.6679*0.60) m*= 0.401 m* & Volume of total fine aggregates in 1 m mix= (0.6679"0.40) m= 0.267, m* From combined coarse aggregate blending, we get 20 mm : 10 mm = 50: 50 So, 20 mm Coarse Aggregate = 50% 10 mmCoarse Aggregate= 50% So, 100 kg of Coarse aggregate mix contains 50 kg 20 mm & 50 Kg 10 mm by weight as per blending proportion So, volume of 100 kg coarse aggregate mix = {(50/2.684 + 50/2.654)/1000)= 0.0375. m* So, 0.0375 m* of Coarse aggregate mix contains 50 Kg 20 mm & 50 Kg 10 mm. As calculated earlier, Volume of Coarse aggregate in 1m’ concrete mixis 0.401 mi" Hemce, mass of 20 mm aggregate in 1 m’ concrete mix=(50/0,0375°0.401) Kg= 535 kg/m” Hence, mass of 10 mm aggregate in 1 m’ concrete mix=(50/0.0375°0.401) Kg= 535. kg/m" Hence, mass of fine aggregate (River Sand) = (0.267*2.62*1000) K= 700 kg/m’ F. Design Summary: Material ‘Weight (eg/a Cement 355, | Fly Ash 100 7mm Aggregate 535 ‘TOmm Aggregate 535 River Sand 700, Free Water 159 Superplasticizer (052%) 237 Note: The proposed mix have the slump value wr laboratory mixing lab tempareture and humidity condition which may dfferfrom mix [produced from plant. To maintain the slump as per placing requirement, Dosage of Superplasticizer may be varied. For L&T Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative MER + SELLA PN Fie: Signature: signature ee ‘Spignature: Date: oY 5 Date: MOosy Date: oe Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER ‘iene : National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) “Autorify Engineer AECOM Asla Company Limited ln Assoclation with PADECO Co.Ltd PC Contractor |: Larsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-1008) Material Tipe Soares fone inde ei mo Tea Coment imo / asi) Cement | one-53 06/2022) | ee re PIN. e615 Revo Mineral Ade Fash NTPC Bongugion| LecatonforTiil ;“Adaban cua Coarse hesreaate 20mm Tala River Bed TialDate Time + 05-08-2028, 0945 AM Cease Aeron 10mm Tadak River Bed Noofabestaken Te ine aggregate | _Riversand harpa River prpertar of Wate: jaa emical Adm | _ Fost Aram Toso ea ‘Temper: if Wa ‘19 degree C ne.| 2 “ ane {India) Pvt. Ltd. | - 1. Trial Batch Fraction ssp wa NM eMC | Correction | Corrected Weight | Bate») 0036 cement) 25 355 a7 yash xe) 100 100 3.60 20 mm Age. (kg) 535 103 ° “1.03 55 520 1906 10 mam Age. (16g) ‘535 116 0 116 62 529 19.04 iver sana es) 700 1a ° 427 as on a8 water 159 206 10 oar amare We) 237 237 0005 reas) 238637 730637 95908 Observation - Batch 01 Observation - Batch 02 Observation - Batch 03 me] Smmp YRempeaare| [rae] Sane] Tempera a a (um) of Mix (°C) ‘ (oun) Mix CO) “ (rm) Mix CC) Taal | callpse | 208 Tatar | __eolapse 246 vata [ __ollapse 220 30min | collapse | 216 30min | Callas 22a 30min | __colapse ma comin | cotapse | 220 min | calle 32 comin | __colapse me somin [200 | 236 min | 200 23a comin | 200 732 20min | 160 | 242 70min] 190 ake ominf 190 za [as0min 170 256 150 min 170 256 150 min 160 249) 180 min 150 268 180 min 150 26.9 180 min 150 25.9 Remarks; Wok cohesive homogeneous te om blesling & egargaton Tor LAT Construction Representative or hathoriy Engineer Representative For Glent Representative Name famed CERIN A tae us signatures SSSOVIENA GW |sinat BA pe SYOANRfome a Larsen & Toubro Limited CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Client [National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) \Authority Engineer IECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd [EPC Contractor {Larsen & Toubro Limited CONCRETE DESIGN MIX (TM-1008) Material “Type Source ‘Concrete Grade / Mix ID. M355) Cement ‘OPC-53 (Wk-06/2022) ee FIN, 615 Revd Mineral Adis Fash NTPC Bongalgaon Location for Trial ‘Adabari QoLab ‘Coarse Aagreyate 20 mm RaldakeRiver Bed Trial Date & Time (05-08-2023, 09.85 AM ‘Coarse Avsrewate tomm Haida River Bed No ofcubes taken 18 Fine Aggregate River Sand Champa River ‘Temperature of Water 19 degree C Superplastctzer | Fosrac Auramix soo | Fosvor Chemicals (India) Trial Batch Fraction sso wa Me EMC | Correction | Corrected Weight | Batch) 0.036 [coment Ga) 355 a5 12.78 yash (ke) 100 100 360 20 mam Ags (ka) 535 108 0 08 35 529 19.06 mm Aa 4) 535 116 116 62 529 1904 Ratural Sand (4a) 700) 127 a7 9 ot 2a ater fe) 159 206 180 a7 Woater reducing Admit) 7237 237 ‘0085 FTotals (kg) 238637 238637 35.909 Cube Test Report - Normal Curing method Aco | pana, [SPeimen] Weight | Dessiy | Laad | Compresve | avg afSet Specimen 0 cy testy | cany [stronger Pay] (Pa) 1 2.184 2425 775 3444 aen-or [2 76 228 856 3804 38.15 3 or 2407 oH 4196 + 8.190 2427 238 3724 roays | saten-o2 [5 B46 2ais 850 a7 38.03 @ B78 2423 079 3907 7 e148 Bais 767 3405 aen-0s [6 8198 2428 858 3000 3642 2 8176 2428 27 3676 7 6.156 2ai7 1344 3973 saeh-o1 [2 8165 ate 1320 3867 6036 3 eat Zaz 1397 209 + 8.165 2ate 1375 on zepays | Bateh-02 [5 8151 mais 1331 59:16 61.70 6 3178 2425) 1459) ash 7 e176 2425) 1369 608% satch-03 [a 3.168 2420 1234 5468 58.96 9 B17 2a 137 e120 Remarks; As per Cause 1708.2 Last Paragraph of MORTAR Sth Rev, the moan srengih ofthe nine Cubesal Zo days shallexceed the speciied scveristie strength by the current margin minus 3.5 MPa” a this trial of M35 grade concrete mix, Characteristic strength is 35 MPa as specified in table 1700-1 of MORTH Sth Rev. and Current margin is 12 MPa 25 specified in table 1700-5 of MORTH Sth Rev. for M35 grade concrete Le the mean strength ofthe nine cubes at 28 days shall exceed (35+12-3.5) or #3.5 MPa In ourcase, mean strength ofthe nine cubes at 26 days is coming 60.28 MPa, which exceeds the specified criteria of 43.5 MPa. Hence OK For L&T Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative signature: Lae pat RVD, ame. SSSI ONT fame om SSSA tare: ® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Client National Highways & infrastructure Develooment Corporation Limited (NHIOGL) [Authority Engineer 'AECOM Asia Company Limited In Associaton with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Utd. BLENDING OF ETO GET COMBINED AGGREGATE GRADATION Laboratory abn. - Dat of amping 04.03.2028 “ype af material Coarse Rareaate Sampled by “olly Source of aparegate Rada Date af esting 04-08-2035, location ‘Adabaei OCtab ested by “olay [slencing roparton of CA, By welaht 50% ee es Shen ee Proposed use “al Mixof Concrete ‘lending proportion of Coarse 385 cA-207mm 30.00% ‘action in Mix(8y wt) Atom 30.00% Prone Pang Specification Limit as per Table of 5 385: 2016 ove sie Combines Pssin "sstevesh Coarse Aas. | Coarse Aas. | Coarse Aga. | Coarse Age Pose (For Graded Age. oF 20mm | 10mm | 20mm | 10mm 20 mm Nominal Site) % % % % * Tewertimit [Upper uit 100 100 | so00 | 50.00 100.00 100 100 3647 | 100 | 4024 | 50.00 2824 30 100 ae2 | sos | as1 | 4530 3015 25 5 1a | 132 | 096 566 6a © 20 ‘Combined Coarse Aggregate Gradation Curve 10000 e000 Design Combined percentage passing 5 9.00 Upper Limit as per i 18383: 2016 5 ~ ee SS] tower timit as pers 3632036 | 2000 | 00 ‘0 00 ‘00 18. sete nm Remarks | For Consiraction Reprenentative For Aatority Engineer Representative For Gent Representative Name: fm ENS aay signatu SHOWS Mion: EL f [pore: QRS ak bate: @ LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No. (RT/OPB°/OF 12 Rew, Rev Gate: 30.07 7023] Client ‘National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) lAuthority Engineer AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Utd BLENDING OF COARSE & FINE AGGREGATE TO GET ALL IN AGGREGATE GRADATION Leboraton iob no. - bate of smoting 05-2028 source of Coors Aggregate (CA) Raidek Sampled by Joint Source of ine Agaregate (FA) Grampa Date of testing 04.03.2028 Btencing Proportion of CA to FA Tam este 7 (CA: FA}, By volume FALa0%, ted by sain Blending Proportion of CR BO mm 5% en {20mm :10 mm), By weight 30mm: 50% econo zeae cues 2mm 500% Fallenangwoparen fl oe agen See | FA fiver Sand 20.00%. | 2% Passing of individual Agarogate Proportionate% Passing Speciation Limit as per Combined | Table-10of 53832036 'SSewe Sa | coarse Ags. | Coarse Ags. | Fine Ags, | Coarse Age. | Coarse Aes. | fine Ags. | passing | for-20 mm nominal sie graded 20mm | 10mm | Riversand | 20mm | 20mm | RiverSend ‘Aecroeate mm % % % * * * % Tower nit [Upper Line 00 100 10 x0 | 300 | 3000 | «000 | 10000 100 100 200 9647 100 100 | mass | a000 | «000 | se90 5 100 475 ix | um | 9570 | ose sao | 382 | e225 30 50 0.600 0.00 00 | 4300 | 000 00 | 1960 | 1960 10 35 0.150 0.00 0.00 050 000 0.00 920 020 ° 6 Atkin te Gradation Curve | 19000 aurea 80.00 Design Combined percentage passing ;7 & Upper Limit as Ce po eaasr ans g See nee ey) ce oe 0 00 01 1 s.smenmm 10 100 1000 Lo _ maar a Coercion rt tagaan pears a ar aan tame: hs PSR AAP wy, seatte~ SSSO OTS gare: ot OO we RENN foe | [a LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO. PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA. RIVER rail SSPE BETTE Gian -f Retonal viahways Ratamraaioe Sevlemen Gipraion (med ee thoy Eaginser [ ASCO Ala Company nied Ree oe PADECO Coad EPC Contractor Larsen Toubratia SVE ANAS or COAGEAaaaigaTE fon oncaag ey (As er 182386 (ares) ca503p Laboratory jab no. EVEEVEVsT [Date oF sampling 94.03 25 [Type of materiai Coayse agpregate [Sampled by L&T- AD, ae Satish Bowes fenaraate Rardak se oF esng 04.0395 port |tocation B. Pe Stock oe [Tested by E@T- Ad, AE Satish Proposed ae Sencerfe 'NDMOUAL StADATION of 20 mm Aaggus ‘We slsanple ten Wien)< 11g 30 Gye a Rand ot Pasing Secon hms as pecTuueyor Wen) Tera (Curmulative {100-cat4 18383; 2016 z z zl z aim pt ee i Wm 0 3 6 eee | 20am GOR Ba, a 85.100 10 rm booty [Bors 0-20 4.75 mm] Bee or Lo os ema | INOWIDUAL GRADATON ot 0mm Agregue Wof amo tates gm = m0 eee taker aa yao ‘oeallaionrisaspartanever —] Wien (tN) | tamionnee ticocea ‘Saea.ane i z Hi Taam o feo 300 i 7.33 && 00 It. 36 a, oe] Se een) Sse I S.2) Fe.8y Selly 0-5 ns Plencing Percentage COMBINED GRADATION of 20 mm & 10mm Aggregate 2omm= gery, d0mm= BE , of sample taken W fem) = fete gas. sive sie ret Sof Pessiog ‘Specteation nis as per Tobie ap Welanp Ee = C0001} '5383- 2006 7 2 3 4 = For 663664 he. o130 mm NeminaT sp 0 mar © © e sae eet 239 29 107mm 2 475 men] zee zones Dean cy 7 @ LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED ‘CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Fat WOT /OPRR TOS Rev, Res Oss OTRO [cere ‘National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited {NHIDCL) E Authority engineer 'AECOM Asia Company Limited in Assocation with PADECO Cota EPC Conteactor Larsen & Toubro Utd SIEVE ANALYSIS OF FINE AGGREGATE FOF é Is Per is: 2386 (Part 1) 1963] Lsboratory 30 no o4o32a/ig late ot sampling 04.03.23 Hype of manera Riley Samd Serpted by LET AD, AE- Satish ‘Source of aggregate Chay [Date of testing 04, 63.23 Macation BP. Stock yard rested by LUT-AP, NE Satish, \pronosed use Concevte wt. of sample taken (W) m= 10 0.0 Are Fstanes %ot Pasi > 3 Shoes| Sate | wera | SIE | Specie Ltsas per ables of 153882016 1 2 a @ 5 Zone Zone? Zones one 100mm 5 9° ° loo 100 100 100 200 7mm | 43 4.3 [43 [as.q | s10 30-100 30-100 95-100 2am | 43 as [ue |aeay «095 fam | eso: | ean asm | [02 te2 | 2ng | qa.2 3070 3520 710 | so-100 some | 292 | 29.2 | SLO 4950 1538 3559 5079 20-100 ( vomc | B62 | 36-2 | 87.2 | pag 520 #30 12.40 15-50 isomic | 123 12.3 99.5 | 9-5 010 040 010 ous Pan a = 2 lcontirmed zone: {i Fineness Modus: 2.45 [Specification Limits: As per CI-1008 of MoRT&H Fifth Rey, fineness modulus of fine aggregate should bein between 20-3.5 Fema BRET PEAK Be SSAA, For (AT Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Repreentative For Gent Representative a) LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Fara NosTVOPOPTOF TORE, Rv DE BOOT [cian ; National Highways & lfrastrudture Development Corporation Limited WHIDCI). [authority Engineer — | AECOM Asia Company Limited In Assocation with PADECO Codd EPC Contractor | Larsen & Toubro FLAKINESS & ELONGATION I . [As Per Is : 2386 (Part 1) -1963] é lsvomaryibne [©403 23/7 24 patectsemping —*[O4. 03 23 [Type of Materia! 2©Y lo Combined [sampled By Le T- AD, AC- Satish source ofegerenate | Raidak Date of Testing 04.03.23 Location B-P. Stock yard [rested 6y LET AD, AE-Satioh [coed Ue Goncerde : h 1S Seve Sic (rm) Weishtotasareaate | weight ofonareeste | Weight otageretste weaorarapome | Watters | wrong | weceaeec ane foe al ‘Wichness gauge (8) ure] after retention on tem) (em) thickness gauge [D} (gm) a 0 so 0 as HS 3 25 2 2863 2028 2ess 260° 20 16 2010 ty 18t¢ 190 16 125 1209 Zoo 4°F 158 as 0 31 197 534 196 » a y20 126 234 138 ee 4233 logs” £148 942. sins siax100 = 15.00 % [Elongation index (E.l)=D/Cx100= 15+ 32 % [re ercontines = 30.32% [specication int sper 15383 2016, Combine akines elongation index shall not exceed 4% remts Tori construction Repesenative For Authority Engineer Representative For Cen Representative SINR he seme R SEO NSS ops [oate: Shs 5 Joate: “} LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Tora HoT /OPB/OF 09 Rev, Rev Dates 5007 202 cient National Highway & iastrire Developrien Corporlon Limited WiIDC4) [authority Engineer ‘AECOM Asia Compan United in ssoiton wih PADECO Cot EPC Contractor arson &Tovbro lad AGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE TEST = t [As Per ts : 2386 (Part 4) - 1963] Laboratory Job No. [oyo323/25 [oste Sampled joy. 03.23 [yp of Materia 26S 10 HM Coabinads [Somiedsy LB T- AD) AE- Satish [Source of aggregate Raidale loate Tested 04.03. 23 Mrocation B. Pe Stock yard estes 8y LOT: Ap AE-Sotish Proposed Use Concerfe + 6) Description Testi Test? Test Neigh of Oven drysamle passing 32.5 mv and retained on ZO mm 8 eve Wt) me 344 Weight of acon pasing on 236mm IS sieve ater the et We tem) ay 16 Weight of acon retained an 2.36 mn lve eer the test Ws (em) 240 268 fwa=We=( +) 0m % = Jace mere ve (Av) =u) 400 (8) 2h S| 22,09, |/ [Average Value of A.V 2-8 Note: it W,> 1 gm, discard and retest Speciation Limit: As per 1S 383 2016, Speciation limits for ageregate tobe used in Concrete For wearing surfaces: Max 30% Qo For other than wearing surfaces : Max 459% For Gree MES & above: Mak 22% Remar: For UBT Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For client Representative fone: Aa sone IESG pone {ib SS late: pa CNN. a2, bate: i tt at ES a © LARSEN & TOUBRO LiMiTED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER tnt No T/DPOF/OF TS Rea Rev Ba 7200 Client National Highways & infrastructure Development Corporation mitad (wainety ‘Z fatotty Ergner | AECOM asia Campo Liited in Assocation with PADECO Carag EPC Contactor larsen & Toubroea SILT CONTENT BY WASHING/MATERIAL FINER THaN 75 MICRON {As Pers :2386 (Part 3) 1965) fetortonicono, Teuo3 23/2} [Date of sampling °% 03,29 | Type of material River Sand > [Sampled by ‘eT AD AE Satish urce Champa. Date of testing 94.93.26 cation B.P. Stock ard — fresedy LeT-AD nE- Satish, Proposed use Concorde Description Sample al. Sample2 Samples Weight of sampe taken, fem) goo Soo Soo Nei of oven dried ample retained aor sieving {hough 75 miro steve 8 gm) ti4 ud} 498 [Si Content) = 100%(A.Byq ie mY WY Average sit Contant x) 193 {Specification Limit: AS per Table.2 of 1s '383: 2016, shail ‘not be more than. 3% for uncrushea fine aggregate, 7 I For L&T Construction Representative i For Authority Engines Representative Abe NS TRI NE (iy Herta S SIG Pre DOM MQ). fae For Client Representative [Seoature: Fp @ LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No: L&T/DPBP/OF 128 Rev 4, Rev Date: 30.07.2021 [client [National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) lauthority Engineer [-AECOM Asia Company Limited in Association with PADECO Co.Ltd [EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Ltd. SPECIFIC GRAVITY & WATER ABSORPTION ‘(By Wire Basket Method) [As per is : 2386 (Part tl) - 3963) Laboratery job no. (0023/20 bate ofsameling — [oq-el- 23 Size of aggregate 2s Maen adnate [Sampled by LAT ROS LOB, AEH Moke [Source of aggregate Rovidale Date of testing Ww el-23 rr BP Stee leyend + [rested by Wer-AoZ 208. WE- Mk. ae pcopeed use ‘Concincle Description [snwes Po somatez Samples ‘Temperature of water °C 263°C 267 Weight of the saturated sample in water, A (gm) i62t-0R ts40-33 Weight of the saturated surface dry sample in alr, (em) 2ste 2520 F Weight of the oven dried sample in air, C(gm) 2544 057 2494-31 Specific gravity =C /(B-A) a Dar 26e 3 ‘Apparent Spedific Gravity = C/ (C-A) avert 2tE9 Water absorption (3%) = 100x(B-CV/C bon ana. ‘Average Specific Gravity] 9.9 wv Average Apparent Specific Gravity =| 24568 Average Water Abiorption (%)=| 03 ponte ab bog For L&T Construction Representative | For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative i co |Name: Musoddik, PPwsds Name: Signatur sienat ‘ ae essere : —s. WiJor [23 [ose é = G LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No L&I /OPAP/OF 11A Rev i, Rev Date: 30.07.2023] [client [ National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [authority Engineer "AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.{td ler contractor Tarsen & Toubro Ltd. SPECIFIC GRAVITY & WATER ABSORPTION. _ [As per 1S : 2386 (Part ul) - 1963] Laboratory job no nei23 /2i Date of sampling | 00-01-23 size of agarenate Te mn agacgake Sampled by LET- Ave D8 « AE- Sah Source of aggregate Bas dni [Date of testing Wot 28 “ation @:P stodlgend- [ested by Let noe PDB, AE- Solis Propared use ‘coucineles Description Sample 1 sample? Sample 3 ‘Temperature of water °C ae Ss fyenometer date Number c = \Weight ofthe saturate surface dry sample in air, Algr) he loe 0 Zt Weight of Pyenometer Bottle Water + Sample (am) 2232-09 2204-54 Weight of Pycnometer Bottle + Water, C (gm) 1642. 1642. Weight of the oven dried sample, D (gm) rond-44 1044-14 ee speeific Gravity = D/{A- (8-Cll 2653 2ure i ‘Apparent specine Gravty= D/1D-(8-) 2434 ive | f Tater Absorption (6 of dey wr = 100 x(A-0Y/9 Wi Li 7 Average Specific Gravity =| 2-654 average Apparent specific Gravity =| 2.13 Average Water Absorption (%)=] 1°16 \specification Limit of Water Absorption : Maximum 22% Rema: dase For RT Construction Representative [ For Authority Fgineer Representative Tor Cent Representative Lud lvame: Maxedotle Ae vred [Names stature: signature senature: ate: 4-01-23 Vf: pate: «4-012 weil ban git i ® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format Now LET/DPBP/OF TA Rev i, Rev Date: 30.07.2023] [client National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [authority Enaineer ‘RECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Coke [EPC Contractor Taser & Toubro Ltd. SPECIFIC GRAVITY & WATER ABSORPTION (By Pycnometer [As pers : 2386 (Part il) - 1963] specification Limit of Water Absorption : Maximum 236 Remarks : satishaceuy, Laboratory job no. nore 3/22 [Date of sampling O9-01- 23 sie of aparegate River bend Sampled by LET ADS AE - Mok. Source of agerenate Chenpa ate of testing Neote 23 \ ation B: 0 Stockyard: [Tested by LBT- ADS AE - HSK. Proposed use Concwrele- Description Sample 1 sample 2 Sample 3 Temperature of water"C 240°C 24e'e Pycnameter Bottle Number as - Weight ofthe saturated surface dry sample ina, Alem) cot qa Weight of Pycnometer Bottle + Water + Sample, B (gm) Wq2e44 1992-04 Weight of Pyenometer Bottle + Water, € im) ar 542. i Heghh ottie even ereasarylaseiga) peg Gsr28 i Specific Gravity = D/IA-18-C)) 2619 2421 7 Annarent Specific Gravty= O/[0-(8- oH 23 sn | f Water Absorption ( of cry wt] = 100 x(A-DY/D. 626 (2g ‘Average Specific Gravty =| 2.62.0 Average Apparent Specie Gravity =| 2410 Average Water Absorntion (4) =[ 1-254 For UBT ConsnicionRepeventatve | — For Ahony Eines Repreanatve Foren Representative ame: Aviglous | Raryxbisallaame: Musadaile tans [names Signature: |Signature: 5 : |Signature: te i-29@ | yjoilat lowe ate: oO Fr seizes MEGA Bi hpeteregenstoene Coneietanesaries: ‘anapement System A per 350/166 1702812037 amarka; Tie above subriffed sample was duly tated 8s per relevant specification and found satisfactory with respect to the above test parameter. “a . f as PR sa, ae ‘s-metest report ratetes tothe Sumpte(s) subeutted by Customer. 4 Unbity tor return of sample(e} ceases after itn days unless adsioed by concerned authority. ‘rae reproduction of the report except in fulleivatid without writin approval ofthe laberatory management. 3 The feet revue refered in ceriicste are beaed on observations & measurements under the sated environmental Conditions. 4 The Test Report cannot be used as an evidence Inthe court of Law, without written petoission ofthe laboratory. ‘ne Test Report witht Embossing ts INVALID. Testing Laboratory "SEA tnt Patna hat ep ats : redo Rene mea ea nes ime J ov (58} 557 963m (oo oe ae ‘Se sens oer ane con "7. (934) 9032219707 ULR No: TC680822000003724F I “Format No. OCS/OR-66 | “TEST REPORT BPIGC-TP 18:383-2016 bate 12.10.2022 (amendment No2:201) |ssuedto Min Larson & Toubro Limted Yabo Boe $1, Drab Phen dpe Project i ‘Dhubel (0), Assam | lescipéon ; tomm Coarse agregte sample forthe folowing [seal/Stanp/Mark : Seales jof sampie(s) tests. (if ary) Source: Ralak rvered (Homagurt Crusher) ri Number 9975, Rev —R, Dated 42.40.2022 Jute: > Tering of Yom Coarse aggregate er Dh = Prutan pe Proje on Fiver Sranmapura NH ize. frost Delirious Mater Isami Received on ; 25102028 Parameters SampleTeseden. 261020220 I zetore | “This is to Gertily that the above sempie (5) hasihave been tested with the following results: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: ture > Coarse Aggregate . A) Deleterious Materials Analysis: * 7 ag as por SSIZOTS ; (CHARACTERISTICS: | FINDINGS: (for Crushed Coarse ‘Method of Test —— Aggregate) f 1 Coal & Lignite (%) Ni cision 132986 (P-2- | aa 1 Reaf2021 | +2. Clay Lumps (%) 0.09 4.00 Max. ee, . = SIE ‘3. Material Finer than 75 mic: 1S Sieve (%) Ni 1.00 Ma. jee eas E OMEGA Consultant Services Testing Laboratory Katte etn (63) 27 190s (993 susonneea/ MH) ORTITO? ed ig a ie 4 "all omeelabinio94@me cor | (GOB ID Ne, oosKuNaezaror aonieaaeE SEO a sina ——] Paget) | frre TRT/OPOPIGO-TPTI20Z2074 oduct Speciication = 18:3852016 | ‘ate: 12.10.2022 (Amendment No2-2016) lesuedto - Mls Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test Speciation Tabuisied Below Soe or | orstine, + Sir ttmamstvewitons ade: a brit, = Seiapanmassnaaer cans Sater eee, ns sting of 10mm Coarse aggregate for Dhubs — Phulbart Bridge Project on River Brahmaputra NH- 1278. { bs ‘Tots! Percentage cf all Deleterious Materials (Except|Sample Received on + 26.10.2002 meters ten Eemefosuren_; Seteaes zasozze i “This is to certify that the above sample (S) has/have been tested with the following results * PHYSICAL PROPERTY \ Kein > Sa Recpemwn | mame [5 | [aoe | caunscrensnce esis coRetaypeanzo | anos 0.08, = rca ta soa eonme (o ees , (ia oan rset (Except Mica) (3) OCSK/JN/2022/10P-00016-02/01) L sss OG pre Gar AST pT EL DT ae Zh. e Prapared By ete " Me tent report vlan to te Suemplas) submited by Cestomer 1 Lkitey torretur of sampl(s)coasoe after ftean ays unions advicd by concanad author. ‘Ene repreacction ofthe raport except in fle inl without writen epprovel ofthe laboratory management. ‘Line foc resus referred ertiicats are based on observations & mesnuremonts under the siated environmental canoes. ‘ne Yost Report cannot be uted ae'anavidonce be the cour Of Law, sethout werten permission af the laburstry- ‘he Test Report without Easing Ie INVALID. ranches 8 Saingh Colton Ga SoS ues Sng Apr og ay Or ay Sa, nate eb, Mh. e762 Sh" Hoetnn Wot Um ent (Ope ot) PS ann a Pn en ‘hl (cat ng Hoe i an Sr, Rw HE ‘oe? cjetrone hme Ont tc. om b et ney Dit He Aga PnP? rigs) byte ay ae 2 ous enc Trae heat, eng Mapa Tose OMEGA a echt Consultant Services ———<— Testing Laboratory.” Coe ond Pan, ar rr tame J g hs tnt reuse tre coos omc (63) 9719070 (obi DESOORNEDE FCN TET? oat a) TR Was TS OSRTNOORTTA T Formit No, OCSTORAS LATIOPEPIQG-TTI20: 1S3852016 Date: 12.10.2022 (Amendment No2-2019)| lssuedto = Ms ~Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test Specification = Tabuleted Below ‘THC, Ohubr- Phulbar Bridge Project Drude (0), Assam | loescrintion ~ + 20mm Goerse aggregate sample forthe fellowing [Seal /Stamp/Mark : Sealed jof sampie(s) tests. {it eny) ‘Source: Raldak riverbed (Hemagurl Crusher) RFI Number: 3973, Rev ~ Ri, Dated 12.10.2022 Isubjoct “Testing of 20mm Coarse aggregate for Dhuor = huis! Bridge Pro} on River Brahmaputra NH- 1278. [Tost Doleterious Materials [sample Received on: 25.10.2022 [Paremeters [sample Tested.on = 28.10.2020 { 10.2022 “Tia 1 GSry Ta he above wample (5) hasthave Best ited withthe foTowing resus HYSICAL PROPERTIES, - ‘Building, infrastructure & Construction Materials, > Soarse Agarenate A) Deteterious Materials Analysis: a Fg, por CSRS CHARACTERISTICS Innes | “tercuahed Coarse | Method of Text ‘gargs [eee a Gants en wi 1.00 Max. eee. 2. Clay Lumps (%) 0.08 1.00 Max. 1988, Reat2021 * ry: Z Matera Frere Terme 18s 00 | __Ni ‘ooMmax SaEr “Remarks: The above subriRfed sample was Guly tested as per relevant specication and found satisfactory with respect to the above test parameters. “a the teat rapt retates tothe Saraplo(s) submitted by Customer. ‘LUlthutty ferrets of sample) cansar afer fftenn days unless adviced by concerned authority, ‘Sine caprodoction ofthe port except in tule invalid without written approval of tne aboratory management ‘Pins lebtrosutes refered ln conics ae Cased on observations h measurements under the stated environmental conditions. ‘Line Test nepert cot be used ae an evidence inthe court of Lae, without written permission ofthe tabaato {The Test Repart without Embossing le IWVALID. OMEGA 4 weit... Consultant Services eno orrice a rasccarons Testing Laboratory ‘oeur-1 266A M. 6, Hand Puranas shure, Hardee, Maat - 700063 J ‘le “386: hn Prona hep Kana Kata 7008 tte: ot en aaa (9) pemaoeaa CN) NaN a omegeabnoanepni con (Jos Ne ocEKoNROZArIOR-vonTe Fog SS EEOR sao 31.10.2028 "| Page tof] Ret No TanDPaPIaG TeTROz2OTe [Procuct Specification 15385206 baw ‘ateatia i tienda no 2201) Issuedto Mis Larson & Toubro Limited [Test Speciteatin Tabuisted Below ‘TIC, Dhl ~ Phutban Bdge Project hat (0), Assam [Description 20mm Coarse aggregate samzle forthe folowing |Seal/ Stamp Maik if: Sealed Jotsampiets) tests, ry) | ‘Source: Raldak riverbed (Hemagur! Crusher) RRFINumber: 3673, Rov Ri, Dated 42.10.2022 [Susect Testing of 20mm Coarse agaregs for Dub ~ Phulbar Bridge Project on River Brakmapura NH 278. rest + Total Percentage of Deletaious Matera (Exceo!|Sample Received on 25.10.2022 PPe‘ometers Mice) [Sample Tested on > 26.10.2022 te 29.10.2002 ‘This it cay Wat te above eample (6) Hawhavo Doan tested wih the Towing resale PHYSICAL PROPERTY ‘Bulling, Infrastructure & Construction Materials > Coarse Aggregate _Deletorious Materials Analyels = Req, a8 per8:383.2018 | tathod of een —_ (for Crushed Coarse Aggregate) | "Test al _ I ‘otal Percentage of al i 016 hs 18:305-2 { Deleterous Materials 2.00 Max f ‘Al Incvidual data reported in ‘Tabie-2) i GExceptnice) | ogsxiuns20z2/f0°-00016-01/01) | | Remarks: The above submited sample was duly teed as per relevant speciieaton and found ststactory with respec to tha above tes parameters. a Prepared By 988 End Of Report 49pm fo oe “tm nt report eats tthe Samples) submited by Custer. 2 lekitg tot ratum of samp) eneee ora ean days ues vied by concaned autho 1 Mebtmpocuchowo te tpr seep ei wnt wen apne ot aborts . 1 Mats rsunarserrsi carers ou pnnt on never tect sr ung armen coin {Sina est Report Cann he sod wean argon he cour of Lam, wine writen permite ote berry ‘The Test Report without Embossing Ie INVALID, = . Branches & Sample Colection Centres : a anae ‘ot songo- GamganarayanAppatnant, Durack, tarp (Went Primary Scho), a, arb Media, (cha Plot Wo-1123, Wor Me. 2, VU. Ghat (Oppete CETCalioge), #5. Khandagt, uch, Pin 751009, til View Near Rahat Morsing om), Mil View Road, Barats, Ranchi, Pin 834009 _ ‘C/O: Dhrendra Chandra Ds, Eat Side f Carte! al, P.O Dhaerat, 5. Eat Agartala let Wat Agata, Pe 799007 1C/0: Deyants Lyogdoh, Wand me. 73, Mouse Mo: 190 Kanch’s Trace Road, Shillong, Meghalays, Pin = 799008 megialaea }) AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. S ‘CIN: U7SHOOASZ018PTCOTE7AR reseae avian FEST REPORT Ma RENO [utnne —[r]efo]el 9] o[2| 2]o[efo] [ol o[alo[3| Eustomer Name and Adare Repor Nor ‘ATL/MEGH/0209-23,/803 Larsen & Toubro Limited laboratory Marks Aug 2225/08 |Dhutr-hulbar Bridge Projoct, i: Adabai Pat: 2, Pst-Chagoihar, Dis.~Ohub Assam) |DateorRecening, seogl® | ng ‘Ket No: tRr/oraa/ac-Ter/zazz.ase [Date ofcompletion; 205.2022 Name Of Work: Testing of Coarse Are gnes (20mm & 10mm Aggregtes JDateotRepors exon 20e7 hub - Phar Bridge Project on River Brahmaputre NP-127B Period ofTestingy 25-08 2022 to 02-09-2072 Semple Deeripion: Product Name 20mm Agyegates Source: Ridek Riverbed VlemagulCrsher) Nl No. 3581 NOVRO, Date 2071822 I RESULTS suo] Tas PaRaMerens tesrmernon | onsenvenvauue | REQUIREMENT | Caray 1 Sources by NaS, 8699) 3082 16 amex, Yes “Fiviadeftesnaponare Alok Kumar sha Authorized Signatory ‘Checked by, nema Page Ono is {t) Me ests etd rer onto ested soe and apple paametr: Endorses of produ he fered nor mpi {2 torltbity oor ib skint tothe aed aroun 6) Sampes wil be desoyed ster 0 days om tte fs Crate nes eerie sect . {Toman Pn de er we GRIT TMH AN ‘any efvernng in wou cu sto pasion wrt. (oRaor fer o the sami submited and ot rn yu nes ented ther, a ‘ Asean ‘ 73, Patta No. 1, Tamulbari, Panikhaiti, Guwahati -781026, As taste arn Phone : +91- ILO) radical ere ROR _ Lab :RZ.24, Plot No. 323, GaliNo.-2, Babi Village; Now Ovthi-t1d045 M: 4949874917955 T : 041 25394852 & Test Repo Issued to: ULB No. TO6RRE Dati | Larsen & Toubro Limitedt Job No.: 220822003 | Dhubri-Phulbari Bridge Project. Date of Receipt; 22/08/2022 | | Vill: Adabari Parti2, post-Chayalclara, | Letter Ref. Now: L&T DPBP-QC-TPT/2022.053 | Dit Dhuubsi Assan )-783324 | Dx, 2070872022 | | Period of Testing: 23/08/2022 ~ 02/09/2022 i ‘Sample Description: Coarse Aggregate 20mm | Name of Work: esting of Coarse Aggregates (20mm & (mm agreyates) for Dinubri~ Phuilbari Bri | Brahrmaputra NH-1278, | Name of Ageney: Larsen & Toubro Limited RFT Nos 3581, Rev-RO. (Nate 20/08/2022 | Source: Raidak River Bed (Hemaguri Crusher) Project on River | Test f ‘Test Method ~~) Fest Result | Reg remel 18383-2086 | By MgSO. | 18 2386(P-¥):1963 RIAZO16 12 18.9 Max. | 0.04 Naw. Remarks: The Sample conforms 10 1S 381:3016 with respect 10 above test snd of Report™* Page 01 of 01 {Beemer amauame || eimegh AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. GIN : U73100AS2018PTCO18749 To-9009 avian ‘TEST REPORT ATYEMT/?.8 ~_] SNORT elelala sol >[ a] ooo] afolo aoa] F eustomer Name and Address = ‘ATL/MECH/0209-22/002 Larsen & Toubro Limited [Laboratory Marke ang 2225/03 Dhubr-Phulbar Bridge Project, il Ado! Part: 2, Post-Chaalchara, Ost Dhubrt [Dato ofRecelving: 25.08 2022 assam) ~7ean24 Date of Completion: 0209-2022 et No. LAY/OPSe/QC-TPT/2022:053 ated: 20-08-2022 DatoofReports 02.09.2022 !Name Of Werk: Testing of Coarse Aggragates (20mm & 10mm Aggregates) Period of Testing: _25-08-2022 to 07-09-2022 hub ~ Phulhar ridge Project on fiver Brahmaputrs NH-1278 Sample Description: Lomm Aggregates. Source: Raidak Riverbed (Hemagur Crasher) RA Nos 358i RevRO, Date T0087 "RESULTS, [REQUIREMENT seatie sno ‘TOST PARAMETERS TestMETHoD | opseRVEDVaLue |, MOQUIREMENT Conformity a Soundness by N&504, 36 152336405) 1963, 165 izMon, Yes ‘Alok Kumar tha ‘Authorized Signatory Checked by Page (01 af 03] Pa tn reser ony wed saps end apple aac een ti othr ite phd (2) Total abt af ou Labs ied tothe nvcced arcu. (3) sorples wit be destroyed after 90 days rom the date ol test certfcate unless otherwise species. {The report isnot ta be reproduced whale in part and cannot be used as wn evidence nthe caut af Lav and should nat be used in any averting media without ou spel permission in wring {s)epor refer tote sample submited to ws and na raw by us unless mentioned otherwise a Lab :RZ24, Plot No. $23, Gali Na-3, Dabri Village, New Selhictt004s WW: 991 9071917955 T : 911 25394852 E : Test Report (Tesued vo) Larsen & Toubro Limited Dhubri-Phulbari Bridge Project, Vill: Adabari Part:2, post-Chagalchara, | Letter Ref, No.: L&T/DPBP*QC-TPT/20224083 Dist. Dhnbri (Assam)-783324 Dr. 20/08/2022 Period of Testing: 25/08/2022 ~ 02/09/2022 | 1/202 Toman "Senne Deseripeion: Coarse gates (Oni 16m agregates) foe Dhubr’ = Phas! Bridge Project on River ‘Name of Work: Testing of Coarse Brahmvapotra NH-L27B. Namie of Agency: Latsen & ‘foubro Limited RFI Now 3581, Rev-RO, Date 20/08/2022 | Source: Raidak River Bed (Hema | (A) | Physical Test _ = I By | ‘Soundness. % (i) By MgSO, Chloride Content, % | BBS B12(P-118): 1988 013 0.5 Max. i Sulphate Content, % ihe Stanpie confonns 19 18 383:2016 with respect 10 above tes spud of Report** Page 01 of Of AS. es pave pec sor eb sire a scone ek ee dias VS EMAIL : INDICATIVE CONSULTANT INDIA (GOVT. REGISTERED TEST HOUSE) 1so ger. OHSAS erzeis | welt ker TEST REPORT Date: 23.08.2021 Report No.: ICVKL/RN/493/2021 | ‘Customer Name Mis. Larsen & Toubro Limited ‘Sample ID Ni 2021SC- 1407 L.& T Construetion- Heavy Civil &1402 Infrastructure Address Dhubri- Phulbari Brahmaputra River Bridge ‘Sample Received on | : | 23.07.2021 Project, Dhubri(N)_ Assam Customer Representative |: | Mr. MukoondoDutta ‘Test started on =| 29072021 Name & Contact Number_| "| Mob No.- 9650493924 “Test Completed on 11082021 Projet None. DIUDRITHULDARI DRIDGE FROJECT OVER RIVER BRAHMAFUTRA ON Nile 127B Project Address Letter Ref. No. & Date L& T- Dhubri- Phulbari DPBP/ QC-TP1/2021-30, Date- 16.07.2021 ‘Work Order No. Date Subject Joint sampling with AE- Conducting Physieal & Chemical testing of Coarse agaregates, for Dhubri- Phulbari bridge project over River Brahmaputra on NH-127B. Sainple Deseription (01 Bag of each 20mm & TOmm Coarse Aggregate (20 Kg). ‘Sample Identification Source :- Raidak “Test Method TS 2386 (P-VI):1963 (RA 2016) “Test Specification IS_383:2016 ‘CHEMICAL TEST: ALKALI AGGREGATE REACTIVITY Sh ws Ww: Se vi v2 Ns Re No. Parameter (gm) | (gm.) | (mittimotestty | (ml) | (mb | (mb) — | (aittimotesstt.) 2mm Coarse | go117 | 0.0007 2 2 | 156 0 235 i Aggregate Tmm Coarse | 99195 | o,oo09 41 20 | 153 20 247 Aggregate “Test Witnessed By: Nit Estimated Uncertainty: Not Required Note: Sample snot drawn by MO Indice Consultant India 2 Spl mht ndsdotifind by customer a: Coarse Aggrogate (20mm JOnum)Souree + Haidah River 5 Test resuls shown this test report relate ony tothe sample 3) on: 44 The tex results referred in tes report are haed on observations & measurements under the said emironmental conditions. 5. The reproduction of the report except in fal vrai without writen approval of he laboratory. 6 Renton period of tested samples jrom the date of issue: 0 Dass. 7 *Delterions Motors & Sowidnase are not wader NABL scope @, 2 Te obi value of Rew be wed peter wih Sz Value velunte he Wal acy oT eBEES W- Weight of te 1W,- Weight ofthe Sica ing found inthe lank. S, = Concentration of 2m found in 100 ml ofthe dilute soln. in origina trate, Vs - Vol. of HC used in titration, Vs Vol of HCI used in blank, Reduction of ata N= Normality of HCL forthe solution = 0.05, ae 0 ‘For, Indicative Cofsulthnt India (Checked By: S. Baidya Page Lof 1 nl af Rept [Logarta ‘mamas CENTRAL LABORATORY : HPL Link Road, Basudevpur, Knanjanchak, Haldia, Purba Medinipur, PIN-/Z1bUZ Towards Sustainable Growin OMEGA (MAB, A conetivent Board of Quality Counc ‘andi, Got. oF nals Management Syatem * Ax per 180/15C 170252017 Consultant Services = as Testing Laboratory vss 23h toga Ma, aon, Kate 7H a once: (ot) San?) DeSOOIOGI/ RDN) OSRISTO? A ont Hog eto — (9 Seamonoea8/ CSI) OREO? LR Ne. TERDOSEIOOSOOSTESE Format Ne, OCSIGR: ST REPORT JOB 10 No, OCSRIWBOZZAOP -UOOIT-OF (Date: 34.40.2022 Page tof No LETIDPBPIGC TPT 2022-075 Product Speciicaton + 183802016 Date: 12.10.2022 {amendment No2:2019) Iesuedte: M/s~Larsen & Toubro Limited rest seciteation = Tabulated Below “TUG, Dhube~ Phutbart Bridge Project | hub (0), Assam [oescipion : Fine aggregate (Natural Sand) sample for ine al) Stamp / Mark (it > Sesied jt Samples) folowing teste, D Source: Champs Rivet, RFI Number: 3974, Rav—'R', Dated 12.40.2022 [subject : Testing of Fine aggregate Natura! San for Dnub— Pulbar Bridge Project on River Brahmaputra NH- 1778. |rest Deleterious Materials Isempie Received on = 26.10.2022 [Parameters je Testedon _: 26.10.2028 t0 29.10.2022 “This st Gorfy at above sample (G) hathave been tested wih the folowing esis ‘Building, Infrastructure & Construction Materials > Fine Anarenate Roa. as per 18288-2016 ‘CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS | oy SRSsASREE Ce Aagrovat) | MatbodotTeet | 1 Goal & Ligne () 0.03 1.00 Max recaps = aah 2024 2, Clay Lumps (%) Nt 100 Max, Sire Fp THOS. ype areata Sent | 1 come er ‘Romarke: The above submitted sample was duly tested as per relevant ‘te above test parameters. ie: ao ae 5) specication and found satistactory with respect to ee End Of Report 18 84mm Nola, ve test report relates te the Samples) subenitted by Customer ‘see iarec reo umple(e) conven efter ftaan days una advice’ Dy See en pe encet nf i iva without wet Tee ‘raterred in certificate are based on iecrmations & mexauremants under the stated environmental conditions. ‘Sinnot be vead na an evince tthe court of ‘pe teat tet J he Foo Haport TRS Tet Report without Emboseing te THVALID. OMEGA 9 2oemon Consuitant Services ites athice a tnooaaroat ‘Testing Laboratory ‘Secs Sm Reed ene artis arp Ronn Fame ‘cones (00) 3097490, we (s91) DaeODoGzR HC Fok) BOLBTO? (JOB 10 Ne. OcSKINZAANOP-asOTFaz Daler 31402022 | Page tat J [Ref No, ‘LETIDPBPIOC-TPT/2022-075 [Product Specification > 15:905-2016 Date 12102022 (frend No.2: 2010) lasuedto > We = Larson & Toubro Limited [ret specication > Tabutoted Baton “THC, Ohube~Pruban Bdge Project ‘hut (D), Assam [Pescston : Fine aporegete Natural Sans sample forthe _|Seal/Stanp/ Markl: ‘Soaea ltsamoleis) folowing tenis. ) Source: RL Number 3576, Rev ~ Rt, Dated 12102022 [swfect Testing of Fine aggregat Natural Sand) for Dubs ~Phuibat ge Prec on River Bramaputa Ne i778, rest Shale Content & Total Percentage of a Deieteous [Sampo Recaved on: 9610:2008 Parameters Matera (Excont cs) [Sample Tesiedon ____ 26 10.2022 1020:10.2022 | Thi so er at ne ave sre (5 aTave beer obied wi tho Tolowhg esate PHYSICAL PROPERTY ‘Bullding, Infrastructure 8 Construction Materiale > Fine Aggregate Fog. os per 18:283.2016 ‘CHARACTERIsTICs Pinos (forUnerusned Fine | MetiodofTest_ | Aggregate) iad asmwci2e |= | 1. Shle Content (25, oz 1.0Max Love department of | (Mts 4) tor Is 2. Total Percontage of at Deeteious | (ar ndvidul date reported is Iss032010 Materials (Except Mice) (%) Opoosicanea oe S00-Max | trable2) ooot7ot) - ‘Remarks: The above sutmitted sample was duly ested as pe relevant specication and found saletactory with respect io {the above tee Scancoes & Sapte Folection Conizes cennnn ‘rn Ses, gman prin oat sary Nat Peary Schl Hl, eens, a aa 3 Ca (Ope Clee PK i 7a ant marsng Moma, ew Ras, arias, tach, Pn 234009 ‘bun, eybaane ann fart orf Coto. Dar, Eat gin Dit Was Agr, Pi -798007 spay) €/0r Boyett, Ward Ha 23 Nowe Na 90, anc Wace Road Shion, Mage, Pn 795004 )) AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD, eae GIN; U73tODASZ018PTCOtA7Ae vem, sie a SRENOIATIFATA ola] fofofol ofa] olalolay Sane aoe er mea Stteraneenoncvishertetraoeettn.o- outa rita et eet freseceie ane icin encores et ae pager ceesae Metin enforce ttedonan mame — (tf SSI an cance moet : open 1S SaaS" —cocempaer —anmcermem mene RESULT, saener ex] sertraumar | _tarnemon| omenve vane | HE Ta rs ee su fs oh sch He Ake sna oot Checked by sponte iny ACR NCL NTS "agit. 73, Patia No, 1, Tamulban, Panikhalt, Guwalit!-761026, Assam ernie son27aberiggeeson2, mal, Website : tab : R224, Plot No, 325, Gali No.-8, Disbri Vilage, New Dethivti0045, Ws 9999871917955 O11 26904852 € : Test Report [UR Nos Teéatei200R220054 | Larsen & Toubto Limited { Job No.: 220822005 | Dhubri-Phulbari Bridge Project. Date of Receipt: 22/08/2022 | Vill: Adabari Part:2. postsChagatehara, Letter Ref. No: L&T/DPBP/QC-TPT/2029-055 | | Dist. Dhubei (Assam )-78332 Dr, 207082022 Period of Testing: 23/08/2022 te of Report: (2/09/2022 | 02/09/2022 [ Samapie Bnesebiptiont Fine gg Sand) Name of Work: Testing of Fine Aggregates (Natural Sand) for Dhubri ~ Phulbari Bridge Project on River Brahmaputta NHI27B. | Ramp? Agency: arson i Tpuber imiied RFI No.: 3583, Rev-RO, Date 20/082022 | Souree: Champa River odd est Result | Requirement As Per 1S 383-2016 g iA) | Bhysical Test dass, "% loss in weight BS $12@P-118):1988. 16 with respect to above test “*8ind of Report** Page 01 of Of © sopeene \ “e Authorized. Signatory + Stents emt LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Fora Wo /DPBPTOF 0 Re I, Fev Date SOOT IO [cient National Highways & Infrastracture Development Corporation Limited (NHIDeCT [Authority Eneinesr ‘AECOM Asia Company Limited in Association with PADECO Cott [eec Contractor [plarsen & Toubro ltd. CEMENT TEST REPORT Tbortorr ob. 151733194 Date of sping 15-0 OTT Hype of cement OPE 53 Konke Sates oy Ter ABS A EASE rans of cement 4d Ei Bete of rest (e-0h- 2513 [Week No. 06 o} 2023 [Tested by 127 - ADE KE- SK. Wrot Sample taken, (gm) = Specification tint: Maximum retention on 90 micron IS Sieve s 20% FINENESS TEST BY DRY SIEVING | As per 5 4031 (Part 1) - 1996 ‘Weight of sample retained on 90 micron sieve, 8 gm) = = Fineness of cement (2), 100°8/ ‘CONSISTENCY [As per 5 4031 (Part 4) 1988) Peveration af haan liaaecsal Nte:A1 Consistency of cement shoul bs reported ashe aroun WOT ga [soar peter ea green [xztette ds wa cementwgenetate vet prgerto5 7m om 1 | 350 35 34 2 tal setting ot cement the poi sapred between he ine when wary 2 3st ag-2! 13 [2 to tne cement andthe tie which the reece fats pcre the tx loc 3 few ae Z [02 pone 5 /-0.5 mm measured from bottom othe mls, 4 >) Final scting the tine elapsed netveen the time when water adaravo z Jeemant andthe ume at which te needle makes an impress orauroce ot = = test block but atachmont ale o dose. [Consistency of Cement PI 3 6, INITIAL & FINAL SETTING TIME 5 er 1S : 4031 (Part 5) - 1988) Duration (rintes) [Penetration of nese Tim | ouration minsien [Pit marimprcn lve Sremvateraddg| ttm ne btm 3 isle, | ctveaton | tomar scare rteeca timetocement | out mm) taten | "tine tocement wm) z 6 Bal T_[eere [te s 2 Bo aga] 2 ais pela wo 3 0 ig = z 90 eS no = izo = zi 6 13 2 nial Seine tine of Cement in minted [3% wdauler Fina Setng time of coment mime) TEE acta e> Fagerstrom sora [pected itt OPE hana GOO minutes COMPRESSIVE STRENt TEST OF CEMENT MORTAR CUBES {As per IS: 4031 (Part 6) - 1985) Date of casting: Po0d> 20D [Si of Specimen: Cubial ecimen of site 70.6 x 70.6 x 70.6 mm; Sealed ofsample(s) forthe folowing ests pa | Brand/Source: Coromandel King (The india Cements Limited), Vishrupuram Works, Nalgonda, Chennai RFI No. 4082 Rev-RO, Date 10.10.22 | subject Testing of Cement for Dhubr-Phuibar Bridge Project on river Brahmaputra NH-1278. | Test Consistency, Density, Seting tme, Fineness, | Sample Recewed on 26.10.2022 Parameters Soundness & Comprsesive Strength TaepeletTesed ons: 0:10.2002 wo: 26172022 | “This isto eerily that he above éamole(S) has/have boon tested wih the Tolowing resus PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Building, Infastructure & Construction Materials » Ordinary Portland Cement (63 Grade) a a T Req. as per ‘CHARACTERISTICS “FINDINGS | sgagh tis Reorz0z0 | Method of Tost ten a TSa0GT Pay | Soriserer 6) 270 Notspectea | SAT EOS = S403 (11-1088) 2. Densty amie) ESC le | Setting Time in minutes) | | ital Seting time Gn minutes) io 30Min 14031 5) 1088,| 2) Final Seting time (in minutes) 245 600 Max Resf2019 || aaa : S031 31955, “Fineness of Cement (WK) 38 225M Rea’ 2018 ‘Sounds of Comant | r , 7 T aj 14057 PHISH | 8) Le-chatelie exoansion (nm) 10 [tome Rowers 7. Compressive Stength (Mpa) ~ | Gs, 9, 35.87, 3566] : 8) 720 He, - ‘Avg.x 36.5 (Rounding off) a8 _| Baie ‘47.07.45. 4807 = 154031 (P-)-1988, by168 2H u ‘Avg. 46.5 (Rounding off) a Reat.2019 feemesns 54.64, 5451, 96.92 = [serseats ‘Avg. 56.5 (Rounding off) = | Remarks: The above submitied sample was duly tested as per relevant speciicalin and Tound saisfaciony wih respect 10 the above test parameters, OMEGA setereae tne eed Management System "As per 1S0/18C 17025:2017 Consultant Services aera rr ay hace aR naan ae tee Sep Lee ULR No: TC680922000004266F Format No.: CS/QRI67 | —— “Tob TO = OCSKUINIZ022IT0O-00006 (Chemicaly Date O70 [Pagectott Ref. No. T&TIDPBP/QC-TPT/2022-080 ‘Product Specification 1S: 269-2016, ) mae a sire 7 See ition 3 aces cnocracalniee hack ey rs a dese of Sampie(s) the following tests. Mark (if any) 2a rman ng (The India Cements Limited), | ape cra pateerterticartio surject Testing of Cement for Dhubr-Phutban Brige Project on ver Brahmeputa NH-1278 Teat Ratio of perceiage of ko percentage oF | Sample reseed on > 2610:2022 Parameters Sica, Amina & iron Oxide, Rao of | percentage of Alumina to that of ron Oxide, | Sample tested on 261020229 insoluble este. Megnesia, Total suphur 31.40.2022 content, Loss onigiton, Toil Chore | | Content ae ‘Thi isto cortfy Wat te above sarc (5) hasihave been tested wit te Towing ess ‘CHEMICAL PROPERTIES |. Bulaing Matera: + Cement: =o T REG.ASPER | (CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS }: 269-2015, Reaf:2020 Gr. OPC 53 | 1 Rat of peroonlage of Tine to percentage of Sica, Amina & Wor 1 Guide when ealuited by te formula | 200.7 $0, ost 0.80-1.02 “GEST AG, eB Fey 2 Rato of Percentage of Alumina to that of ron Onde 192 0.86 min Insole residue (% By Mass) 165 500 Max “4 Magnesia (% By Mass) 120 00 Max [ERR SeRa ov caidas BUBRIE ArRVERGOSO:R | — ina .Loss on ignition (% By Mass) 276 “400 Max 7otal Chloris (6 By Maes) oo 010 Max REMARKS! The above submitted same was duly lated as par Telovant specification and Tound Salslaclowy with Taped ont bp “4 The test report relates tothe Sample(s) submited by Customer. ‘abit for return of sampe(s) ceases after fifteen days unless advice by concerned authority 4 The reproduction ofthe report except ia full ts nvahis without writ approval ef te laboratory management. 99° End of report $946 re @ LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Fan OTT RTE RR DE SOT oer Tatra Havas &lasartr Development Corpora Umied (NHIDEL) [tory tgneer F AECOM Asa Company LnltedeAvacton wt PADECO CouRd convener Taser & Tubra . 7 FINENESS TEST OF FLYASH / PARTICLE RETAINED ON 4S MICRON SIEVE _BY WET SIEVING METHOD (asperis 1727 laborstoyiobNo. 020323/ a2 ate sampted 02.03.23 lsource aeTes limited \samplied By LOT AP, AE-Sochsh utter No. OBASP AZT Deno ~ [oo [Date Tested 03. 03.23 Neston BP. Sock .xard hesea oy LW TAP, AE Satish proposed Use Concevte. Deon Sample ‘onwie Weight of nial sample taken, Ws (em) loo Joo eid spl rhed aaceaing ants |micron Sieve after oven drying , W, (gm) 23 2s Pewsesieecc att Wiig oF ae PaaS 0) = (0%, w/b 300 qa qs” average Fineness) - Ae a Pres eared on 5 mien ee) wa 09 ice h wav sou tl washings pear Rae sowcican tA pred of 1312 (Part) :201,axmu arts eta n 45 icon ese) iv 20 Inmais; Saat Factory, For Contraco Represaratve | _ For Anthony Engineer Rapresenave For Gent Representative a § She Wereddil Brwred > Iname: rate: sara: a a : Ben ote: ie pew: OMEGA ea cere ony aed Gaeaibanentere eS, cove same Testing Laboratory 2564 M6. Ron, Pras ako, Naver, Kata 700063 296 WG Rond, Purtacn,Tahurpaar,Wasienpay Kata 700083 omact (O33) 2487 1903, m, (491) su30e20628/ (obs) 8482218707 nals ornepolabinfeS8@pmal cont ‘ULR No, TCESOE2Z000003450F I Format No, OCSIOR | b pseaerrs = TEST REPORT, ~ 7 “JOB 16 Na: OGSIINIRO2RIOOR-0007 (Physical 7) [Date:0f.a0z022 | Page tof) [Ret No LS TIOPBPIOC-TP1/2027-062 Prosuct ‘Specification 1S.3812 (Part-1)-2013, | | Date: 19.09 2022 | oat 2017 | lesuedio -MS~ Larsen & Toubro Limited Fest Specification Tabulated Below ‘TLIC, Dhubyi ~ Phusbar Bridge Project Dhubei(D), Assam | 1Descristion Fly ash sample for the fallowing tests, [Seat Stamo! Mark : Sealea semples) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongelgaon, Salaka, Assam | any) | RFI Mumber: 348, Rey R= j | subject “esting of Fly ash for Orubss~ Phutbar Bridge Projct on | | River Brahmaputta NH-1276. | | Test Fineness, Particle retain on 45 micron, Soundness by (Sample Receivedon 22.09.2022 Parameters Aitociave Expansion & Specific Graviy lsample Tested on - 22.00.2022 0 29.00:2002 ~The 16 ary atthe above Saale Sy hasthave beso las wi he Yoowng results PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ‘Bulling. Infrastructure & Construction Materials > Flvash — oe —— CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS | ROXAS PAFIS:IBIZ\PAR-TH2015, | potnog of Test | | Roaf.2017 | | 1. Finenes-Specific surtace in Mkg by is727-1967, | | Bio's Pameobiny mene’ us mie eat 20°8 2. Particle retain on 45 micron IS Sieve (wet e on 19.1727-1067, sienng),n percent aia a Reet 20°8 : cm | 1s:409H (P-3)-1808 | 3 soundness by Aoctave Expansion. (%). | 08Max ‘oot 2016 Ls - . 1S:1727-1967 4, Specific Gravy Not Specited Evar ite ‘Remarks: The above submited sample wos dy tested 3s par relevant speciicaon an found satisfactory with respact to the above test parameters, Propared Sy 248 End of Report 944-6 bmn {vc Reviewed & found ok. ay 4s Sr Eogivsne (87) Bd Note, re test report relates to the Samples) submitted by Customer. TLaity for etur of same(e ceses ater teen days unfeseaviced 1 LAMY gaint tre reer except nl eva watt wren approval ofthe arate management HIRE MESSE Tetreu eerste ave based on observations & megecrements unde the stated environmental condo SIRENS SISDA CISC be acca es enevdonee the court of aw, without writen permission of the abort. TINE Fost nope! wth Eononoteg te INVALID. OMEGA Say ara ia or outee acces Constants Stet nemveermnnan Testing Laboratory 2364, MG Ran, Prbasn, Tatu, arp, Kat - 70063 ‘ontans (999) 087 1903, (085) DOD00RDEAR FCC) BAEARTIPG? ‘mail: omepalabinfe98@gmailcom , siiel Format No. OCSIGRS2 | Test REPORT [30816 No, OcSHIaNTRDARIORR000H (Chamical-01) [Dat 04-40 202 Page tors Fret No, -LATIDPEPIOG-TPTi2022-062 — Product Spectcston - ISS6%2 Paa2019, | Date 19.09.2022 I eat 2017 | lissuedto = M/s Larsen & Toubro Limited Frest Specitcaton : Tabuiated Gotow | TLIC, Drubri~ Phulbarl Bridge Project hubs (0), Assam [Descristion > Fly ash sample forthe fellowing tests. lseai Stamo/ Mark: Sealed lotsampieis) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongaigaon, Salakatl, Assam|(f ony) RFI Number: 3818, Rev-RO, —~ Isubject “Testing of Fy ash for Dhubsi ~ Phutbar Bridge Project ‘on River Brahmaputra NH-1278. Test Slicon dioxide, Aluminium Oxide, tron Oxice lsample Received on - 22.09.2022 Parameters Magnesium Ovid, Total Sughur as Suicrurtiowive, |sompie Tested on 22.08 2022to | Loss on ignition & Total Chloride are yhasiave been fesiod with he folowing resus This is to certify that "Reg. 2s per CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS | I8:s812 (Par-t)2013, | Method of Test Reaf:2097 1. Silcon Blosde fs S03), by mass) 586 35.00 Min | Magnesium Onde (a5 MgO), by mass) 2 S00Mex > | 1s:s727-1067, | 3. Total Suonur as Suiphurtcrde (S0,).(% by mass) | 014 —| 800 Max — Real 2018 es - | 20 7 5.00 Mex 5 Tot Cd by mass) - | com) cos max peattore ‘Remarks: The above submited sample was cuiy tested 68 per relevant specication ard found satisfactory with respect to the above test parameters, 0804 End of Report 0 Reviewed @ found ok hi a ner (QAfQ() iri 4 sy GLa “+The test report relates to the Samples) submitted by Customer. ' Lablty fr retutn of sample(s) ceases afer fifteen days uniest adviced by concerned authority OMEGA ~~ Testing Laboratory so arn aarp eras ea sorte) Jes os on) ance a (ot) SRI ( J0B10 Wo: oosKawizonDOaR 0007 (Chemical OR pee aera occ Page tors) [Rat Ro. CETOPEDIOG 110000 065- Predict Spoccaion * W813 Pat)201, I Det 10002022 reat 2047 issued to (Ms - Larsen & Toubro Limited: |Test Specification Tabulated Below TLIC, Dhubri ~ Pnuban Bridge Project hub (0), Assam [Description ° Fly ash sample for the following tests 'Seal/Stamp Mack : Sealed jofsampie(s) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongaigaon, Salakatl, Assam (ary) RFI Number: 3818, Rov -RO, -- beet Testing of Fly ath for Dhutsi - Phubari Bridge Project ‘on River Bratrraputra NH-1276, est Silicon thoxider Aluminium oxide ron oxide, Reactive [Sample Received on : 22.09.2022 [Parameters Sica & Avaiate akaes ‘sample Testedon : 22.09.2022 t0 { 22.10.2022 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ‘Bulsina Material Etvash | Rea. as per ‘CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS | 1s:set2 (Pare)-2019, | Reatz017 4. Siteon ioxde (S10) + Aluminium oxide (ALO) iin [eeaeaels (hy mass) 28) 2} ane | 2 Rescive Sica %6y mass) 478 2000Win =r we | 139812 (Par-tp20rs 3 Avaabe alkalis as equivalent Sodium oxi |g 4p turds j ‘sa0i2 cant ihavoy toby mass) - a - |. Ree ‘Remarks: The above submitted sample was duly tested as per relevant specification and found satisfactory with respect to ‘he abave test parameters Pa Prepared By «The test report relates tothe Sample(s) submitted by Customer + Ubiiy tor return of sampe(s) cranes afer teen day unlast seviced by concen authority 1 The reproduction ofthe report excapt i fl ie lvaid without wttenspprovel of the leboretery management 1 Te ent results referred in caricature based on obsarveions & measurements under te eatea emrronmental conditions. 4 The Test Report cant be used at a evidence ln the cour of Law, mithout wien parisalan of the laboratory. 1 The Test Report without Embossing te INVALID. Ganganarayan Appartment, Durgachat, Utarpaly (Wear Primary Scho), Ha, Pur Medinipe, W.8, Pin-723602 Plot Wo.-1122, Word We. 23, YL-Ghathia (Opposite CET Caley), 5. Khandagit, Os, Pin 751002, ‘Hl View Wear Raha Mrsing Home), HR View Road, Barat, Ranch it~ 834003 J: Dhrenden Chandra Das Est Sie of Carl Ja 0 Chaiewa, PS Ear gira, lst West Agartala, Pa - 799007 » €/0 Doyantie Lyng, Ward Ma 23, Heute Ne: 380, Keneh’s Trace Rosd, Shlong, Moghsiay, Pin 799008 OMEGA Sanaa noe Consultant Services . Testing Laboratory 256m 6 aa, Porbua, Thauep,Harepe, eats - 709063 ‘996 Mand Pure, Tahara erp Hats 70008 ‘Comacs: (033) 287 1903, (i) 830020028 /M.(¥53} 9452219707 Shall emegalabintos6Qgmei.con Toe Page tot) Ret No TATIOPEPIOCTPT/AO- O82 JProduct Speciation 153812 (Par-t)-2073, Date: 19.09 2072 | eat 2017 Insuedto «Mis Larsen & Toubro Limited [Test Specticaion Tabulated Below HG, Dhuor~ Phutba Bridge Project | Druin D), Assam [Description Fly aan sampie fore folowing tests. 'seai/siamp/ Mark: Sealee jot sampie(s) Source: NTPC Limited, Bongaigaon,Salakat, Assam 27) | RFI Number: 3818, Rev-RO, ~ | ‘Subject Testing of Fly ash for Dhube ~ Phulbari Bridge Project | fon River Branmaputra NH-127B, | Test Lime Reactivity & Compressive Strength [sample Received on » 22.09.2022 [Parameters [sample Tested on 22.09.2022t0 20.10.2022 To ceri that ti > FA - Req. a8 per 16:3842 (Part-1)-2013, vikoifaa CHARACTERISTICS FINDINGS: nae Method of Test — 1. Reactivity t Lime reactwty- Average compressive 490 46Mn. - | strength of mortar cube atthe age of 7 days (Niemen) \s:1727-1067, it —-——— Rest 2018 2, Compressive Strength at 28 days. % ‘Notleae than 80% of he strength (Strength with cespect to corresponding 91.98] of coresponding plain cement lain coment mortar cubes) otter cubes Remarks: The above submited sample was duly tested as pe eleven specification and ound wabefaciry wih reepect 10 the above est parameters ‘The test report rates tothe Samat) > Uabity for return of cample(s) ceases after Maer days unless advcad by concen authority, ‘Tne reproduction of the report except ful x lvald without writen approval of te aberotory management. + The eat reste ratered in carieate are based on stsarvatons & measurements under the stated environmental conditions. 1 The Tout Report cannet be used wx a evidence tm Ure court of La, wht written permission othe aerator, {he Test Report without Embowsing fe DRVALID “Sangunarayan Appatmen, Durgachat, UMtarpaly Neat Primary Schoo) Has, Purba-Medinipur, W. 28% Plot Mo=1122, Word No. 23, VL~ Ghats (Opposite CET Collage), P.8-Xhandagl, Osha, Pin 751003 i view wear Rahat Mrsing Wome), il View Rood Barat, Ranch, Pn - 838008 {/0; Ohiendra Chand Da, Eat Side of Cantal 0.0. Daleswar, 5. ast Agata Diet: West Agartala Pn - 799007 €/0.:Doyantistyngoh, ward Na: 23, ouse Me. 390, Kencs Trace oa, shlong. Mephaya, Pn 793004 Pi721602 ® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBAR! OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER. rst HE OPEPTOF WR Ra Be DOT IB (cient ‘Niioral ghana & lnastrarore Davloament Corporation mes (HMIBGL) [Authority Engines |. AECOM Ada Company rite in Assrition wth PADECO Coed ec Coniractor —_| Larsen & Teubra Ld Batch Qualification / Uniformity Test of Concrete Chemical Aé re [As er Clause 9 of 158103 : 1999 (Reatfirmed 2018)] nein U9BR, Pov BO ___[Pateorsonving 10-12-20 [Beard Ware Fesme chemicals [spd by UT-APR / RE- MSK_ Irosenane | Prrramriy 560 ste of Teng 10-12-38 22 bach Wo EMM FO F939 K__[ieneaiy DT Row [Re- Male Requirements as per Table-2 of IS SLNo. Test Parameter Unit Test Result 9103:1999 (Reaffirmed - 2018) & ‘Amendment No. 2 1 pivaue £6 wing - 106 {4/002 of the value stated by the 2 Relative Density h We vous {+/-] 5% of the manufacturer's stated 3 Dry Material Content % WAT a femmes MTC emelosgd: BF conavton Reena aerogenes chet epee ame: crmegl, Dayap — ome RRA ANG leans Senate SA RTI QT Be a NA be wee OMEGA ire tsoonon Consultant Services Management System: As per 1S0/18C 17025:2017 Testing Laboratory Teco {GA 9 @ Roe, Prtason, Tahara, Hrderpar Kea "80082 36, Ron, Purbaan, Tahar, areepr Rats 700063 ‘contact: (033) 2587 1903, m. (+9) susooave2s 7 w.(961) 9492219707 - Email: emepacbateanggmalicem GesKiuww20zRiTax-0063 — [Ret ve (eTiOPERIOG TRTA0R 007 iS: ora Tom, | Date" 17-12.2022 Specieston Rest 2018 fsouee To‘ Ms-LBT Construction | Test Spectiesten .Tebulated Beiow Se com al au peeie” | | coscion : Ate fai 60) sempetrtnetctoung | Sea umpr ty Seda ped | | | ot tests (any) Somple(s) Brand: Fosroc Chemicals India Pt. Ltd Batch No, INIMFOO7*1997K RFINo: 6174 Rev RO, Date:17.1222 | ‘Jointly signed and sampling by L8T and Authorty | Engineer on 17 122022) svajeet Testing of Adrxture for Dhubre-Phubar Bridge i Proc on rer Srehmapui NH 12 teat ‘Asn cone & Chie is Cantart Sample recenved on 26.42.2002 Parameters Sampletestedan 28.122022 10 ee oo __oz012023 | This is © ceri hat the Above samipe (S)hasihave been lesied wih ihe folowing results ‘TESTRESULTS | Boing watrt oe Sanatcton Chica: - _ T 5 cuaRacteRisrics FINDINGS, issiten Rew Testes | _ 158100. TAsncontentteeymass) | 270 9st sac <1 05r Rent 2018 a | (Annexe) | ~hWiin 70 percent ofthe value or wai 2 Chore Conon bymass) BDL “aa saree where post’ 20 "| 8826-173, 1 omen Sate oy ne manure | | andsaaras sae vib, pureed by mane Tortora 9 re are S51 = Bate Oviocdor Lin Sbston Lnitor Corde on Contents 20007) Remarks: The above submitted sampie was duly tested as per relevant specication BB Pregared By ‘+ the test report celts to the Saovple(s) submitted by Customer. Lnblity for retur of sample(s) ceases after ftenn days unless adviced by concerned authority 1 the reproduction ofthe report excapt infil is wala without written approval ef the borstory mansgement. ‘The test results referred In certificate are hased on observations & measurements under the stated srvtronmental conditions ‘The Test Report cannot be used as an evidence in the court of Law, without site perinasion ofthe uber star {ine Tast Rapart without Embossing Is INVALID. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANE BRIDGE FROM DHUBRI TO PHULBARI OVER BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER Format No. LT/DPAP/OF 97 Rev 0, Rev Date: 30.07.2021 [Client National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [Authority Engineer ‘AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.Ltd EPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Ltd. [As Per Annex E of IS 910: Dry Material Content of Concrete Chemical Admixture 1999 (Reaffirmed 2018)] RFI No, 4483, Rev- RO Date of Sampling fo-12-22 BrandName | Fosree chemicals Ino pvt Id] Sampled by UT RDB /RE- Ms ProductName | Paurramix SCO Date of Testing {042-222 [42-22 patchno. = [ENAMFOLF1143F K Testedby ——_|LgT-RDB/ RE—Msie— Teststartbateatime] fo-(2-22_, 5:60 PM Test Date&Time:| N-12-22% | jojo AM Description ‘Sample -1 Sample - 2 Wt ofthe container, in gm WAS 3840 |W. of the container + Sand (W1}, in gm Ws.45 Bets Wt. of the container + Sand + sample {W2), in gm 153.93 193-13 lw. of the sample (W2-W/), in gm IS:18 Is18 |We. of the container + Sand + Dried Residue (W3), in gm 143.98 (44. oF Wt. of the Dried Residue (W3 - W1}, in gm 5.23 otk of Residue on Drying = (Wows) * 100 aye 45.05 Average 34.4 aemane: (MTC. erclosed! » L&T Construction Representative ‘Authority Engineer Representative I Client Representative Name: Reames hrod Doel ‘Signature: ALY Wry Date: lpate: Name: SLATES NE signature: “XESS ignature: SSN Date: Fosroc Chemicals (India) Pvt Ltd. JL No: 8, VilAmraberia, PO-Mahishrekha, PS-Uluberia, Howrah-711303, West Bengal Phone: #91 7044002509; E «mai: enquiry Invoice No: Date: 07.12.2022 KOU22/12/PC-006 TEST CERTIFICATE Product Name : AURAMIX 500 Batch No. = INIMFOO744937K Base : PCE ‘cpa , 1987 Appearance : -ABrown Colour Liquid Storage Condition : Gol & Dry. Away from direct sun Month of MFG Z December-2022 Expiry Date 12 months from the month of mfg. Restfirmed 2018 1 i 1 E002 of the value stated bythe | = manufacturer Winboo | manufacturer 3% of the vaiue stated by the Sh by = TRIAS par) ~Wifia 10% ofthe valve or within | % by mass BS'507S Parti) | 0.2% whichever is greater 38 sated | ‘| | by the manufacturer | Certified that the above material confirms to the specification. Tested By: S.ROY i x. Monday Control (Technica) Foaroe Chemicals nda) Pvt 18 AVIAN TEST LAB PVT. LTD. 3 CW: U73100AS2018°TC018749 TEST REPORT “ayer SRE ROATIASE [pina [ola] sTolelo|lelefolrTe[ + customer Ware and Address Report Noe ‘ATL/CHEM/2801-23/070 Larsen & Toubro ited htaboratory Mark: lan2321/04 hulcPhulbaet Bdge Project, Ohubrt (0) Asam Date ot Receiving: 21-01-2028 Re: Letter No-L&T/DPEP/QC-TPT/2023-001 Dated: 09-01-2023 IDateof Completion: 26-01-2028, Name of gency 8 Constrction [DateotRepor: 2801-2028 Name of Work: Testing of Construction Water for Dub Phulbarl Bridge Project [Period of Testing: 2-01-2028 to 28-01-2023 [on River Brahmapatra NH-1278 [smote Descition: Construction Water, ~ Source: Bore well-01 Near CP90 Batching Pant Adabart TRF Number: 6059 Rev RO, Dated 08-03-2023 BeswuIs "REQUIREMENT As Per 15] SLLNo, | ‘TESTPARAMETERS ‘estmerHoD | OBSERVED VALUE | REQUIREMENT Aro CONFORMITY 1 |Aelaty as (Amount of O.02N NaOH required to neutralize 100| 153025(P-22):1986 a 5.0Mex. ves rn sample of water using (Reatt.2018) oD eae 0 Max [phenolphthaeln indicator) % [Atkaity as (Amount of ON [sS0. required to neutralize 100| 15 3025(P-23):1986 ae 7 xu we Inlsarnple of water using mixed] (Reaff2049) ndleator) - 3 [on Value ‘5 3025(p-i3)2022 ma SOMin. Yes 4 [Sot content: [ganic mg 5 as oa ie inorganies, mg/l Mee 308.0 3000.0 Max. ves 5 |suiphate ($05), ma/t ber oe 26 400.0 max. ves =| Ra mine Tor eonerate 1s3025(r-32}988 5 | chorides (asc, mest aa without embeded ste! & 500 Yes (Reatt.2015) ia for RCC. 7 [fetal Suspended Solids, me/t | 15 3025(p-17)2022 180 2000.0 Max. Yes ‘ee etnd of Test Reporte Reviewed & found ox. by he eg hh SEP Ely NO Amat ‘hiecked by ? EL i. ‘Authorized Signatory re co (x) eres ited retro tse samples and ape arama Endorse of rod nt nered nor i acc cased oer 90 nym he ao et cerita esther saci valor att . (ocr meets beeper inpar an canorbe ne er on efor he our of aw nd stot be Thedib any rerio ee wha oer pean person wri (cyto fri thst sabi a7 Sab snk mented terse ‘maa ia peo cee ao ean) me [6 LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED Construction of four Lane Bridge including approaches over river Brahmaputra between Dhubri (on North Bank) and Phulbari (on South Bank) in the state of Assam/Meghalaya on NH-1278 (Design length: 19.282 km) Format No.: L&T/DPBP/OF 85 Rev 0, Rev Date: 30.07.2021] [client National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) JAuthority Engineer AECOM Asia Company Limited In Association with PADECO Co.ttd JEPC Contractor Larsen & Toubro Utd. AIR CONTENT IN FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE {By Water-Column Method) [As per ts 1199 (Part 4) : 2018) Jconcrete Mix Grade: | M35 (3) [Date & Time of Testing eeu2s R Hee pl |sample 1D. IM took [Temperature of the sample: | 29+9°C Lecation BA(EC Lab Mabad consistancy ofconcrate: | 1e0 4A Method of compaction] Tam pag « Nos. of strokes = 25 [Sampled by CST- hh & Pe-msks [Tested by : LET- Kb SAE - mee Test description Test result Weight of water in calibration cylinder (W , em) - 201 Weight of water in measuring bowl (W em) F soss Constant R (200 x W/W) (4) bk 394 Jcatbration Factor (098A) e394 Joperating Pressure 'P* E02 kg fe wd Ist atterpe 2nd attempt ‘Average Reading of water level in standpipe/eaugetube at operating pressure P' using aggregate inthe same proportions as that oe Ob eG erate of concrete under test (4), Hi Reading of water level in standplpe/gaugetube ater leasing operating pressure using aggregate In the same| ©. 6 ore ero Jproportions as that of grade of concrete under test (4), Ha Lassregate correction factor! = Ht, (9) ook oe on JReacing of water level in standpipe ot operating pressure sing the same grade of concrete under test (6, Hy it toe It JReacing of water level in standpipe after releasing operating pressure using same of grade of concrete under test (%), H« a8 ook x2 Apparent oir content (C3) = (Ha-Ha) (4) uy IM iy Remar: a pea |For La Construction Representative | For Authority Engineer Representative For Client Representative |Name: . ih Name SSIES tse: Seaee Sl ate: paer SYST, ® LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED Construction of four Lane Bridge including approaches over river Brahmaputra between Dhubri (on North Bank) and Phulbari (on South Bank) in the state of Assam/Meghalaya on NH-127B (Design length: 19.282 km) Format No. LAT/DPBP/OF 94 Rev 0, Rey Date: 21.11.2029 Client ‘National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) [authority Engineer "AECOM Asia Company Limited in Association with PADECO Co.Ltd [EPC Contractor Tarsen & Toubro Wa Chloride and Sulphate Content of Concrete mix [As Per MORTH Sth Rev Clause 1704.4 & Clause 1717.7.2} Consent 1856) loan aaa rane: Ta 08 isa oacacs rca Type ofconens | CORRE ORSTETOG OR sot cone rae sacs off h nT Bore rw ot Sn Canes sce fl Fw RVR - awe! Che nd : vars of chen i resect sect Watered; | Bore web, Ata cr Pan saacnst {va 2MtCA% | tan canton |v cretue|roalie cont ret abt come | Me lkafe) Ineo caries ae (Based on Third Party | Contribution (Kg/m') | Contribution (Ke/m") Fest Report) Test Report) cone = ome |x| 28 [=| con waza ah veo om [| om | «| com ou ohare ah - x x : cou a2 = om |x| om [»| com ost come a1 a ons [| om |x| eos vase Fe he Rr Sd 0 cos [| om | «| com 70 i wa [rata tas [own] coer oma Total 0.316 12.351 aldhiheenintte ana! ten Htc al sdpheconet othecincetcorened penatige otal gay ‘cement/cementitious content ofthe mix = specification Umit for Chloride content: As Per MORTH Sth Rev Clause 1708.4, init of total chloride content by total mass of cement/cementtous material For Prestressed Concrete: Max 0.1% For Reinforced Concrete in Severe, Very Severe or Extreme exposure condition : Max 0.2% | For Reinforced Concrete in Moderate exposure condition: Max 0.3% ‘specification Umit for Sulphate content: As Per MORTH Sth Rev Clause 1708.4, total sulphate content of the concrete ix by total mass of cement/ cementitious rater shuld not exceed 4. Remarks For AT Construction Representative For Authority Engineer Representative For lent Representative name: os Name: ACRES VE frome: seats XY sete DSO NY sentee Date: i Date: BYOS1L2 | Date:

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