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Unit 3 :Radiation from Wires and


Part 1: Radiation from Loops


 The far fields of an electrically small loop antenna are dependent on the
loop area but are independent of the loop shape.
 Here we considered a square loop, for finding out the far-field of an
electrically small loop antenna.
 The square loop located in the x-y lane and centered at the coordinate
origin, is assumed to have an area of l2 and carry a uniform current I0.
 The square loop may be viewed as four segments which each represent
an infinitesimal dipole carrying current in a different direction.
 In the far field, the distance vectors from the centers of the four
segments become almost parallel
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 In the far field, the distance vectors from the centers of the four
segments become almost parallel
 𝑅1 ≈ 𝑟 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑠𝑖𝑛∅
 𝑅2 ≈ 𝑟 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠∅
 𝑅3 ≈ 𝑟 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑠𝑖𝑛∅
 𝑅4 ≈ 𝑟 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠∅
Geometry for a square loop
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 As always in far field expressions, the above approximations are used
in the phase terms of the magnetic vector potential,
 but we may assume that R1≈ R2≈ R3≈ R4≈r for the magnitude terms.
 The far field magnetic vector potential of a z-directed infinitesimal
dipole centered at the origin is
 o Io   jkr
A(x,y,z)  a z
ˆ e
4 r
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 The individual far field magnetic vector potential contributions due to
the four segments of the current loop are
 
o Io  jk  r  sin sin 
o Io
 
 jk  r  sin sin 
A1  aˆ x e  2 
A 3   aˆ x  e  2 
4 r 4 r

 
o Io  jk  r  sin cos 
o Io
 
 jk  r  sin cos 
A 2  aˆ y e  2 
A 4   aˆ y  e  2 
4 r 4 r
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 Combining the x-directed terms yields

o Io  jkr   jk 2 sin sin jk 2 sin sin  o Io  jkr  k 

A1  A 3  a x
ˆ e e e   a x j
ˆ e sin  sin sin 
4 r   2 r  2 

 Combining the y-directed terms yields

o Io  jkr  jk 2 sin cos  jk 2 sin cos  o Io  jkr  k 

A 2  A 4  aˆ y e e e   ˆ
a j e si n  si n cos  
4 r 
  2 r  2 
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 For an electrically small loop (l<<λ), the arguments of the sine
functions above are very small and may be approximated according to
 Sin(x)≈x x<<1
 which gives

o Io  jkr  k  k o Io 2  jkr
A1  A 3  aˆ x j e  sin sin   aˆ x j e sin sin
2 r  2  4 r

o Io  jkr  k  k o Io 2  jkr
A 2  A 4  aˆ y j e  sin cos   aˆ y j e sin cos
2 r  2  4 r
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 The overall vector potential becomes

k o Io S  jkr
A  A1  A 2  A 3  A 4  j e sin   sin aˆ x  cos  aˆ y 
4 r

 where S= l2 = loop area.

 The bracketed term above is the spherical coordinate unit vector aϕ .
k o Io S  jkr
A j e sin aˆ   A
4 r

 This is far field magnetic vector potential for a electrically small

current loop.
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 The corresponding far fields are
 k o Io S  jkr
E   j A  e sin
4 r
  k o Io S  jkr
H  j A   e sin
 4 r
 k o  o   o    o 
k 2

Again the far field can be expressed as:

 k 2 Io S  jkr k 2 Io S  jkr
E  e sin H   e sin
4 r 4 r
Radiated power due to Loop Antenna
 The fields radiated by an electrically small loop antenna can be increased by
adding multiple turns.
 For the far-field, the added height of multiple turns is immaterial and the
resulting far fields for a multiple turn loop antenna can be found by simply
multiplying the single turn loop antenna fields by the number of turn N.
 So the far-field for electrically small multiple turn current loop is

 k 2 N Io S  jkr k 2 N Io S  jkr
E  e sin H   e sin
4 r
4 r
 After finding the field components, the other parameters of the antenna can be
found out by using the procedure discussed in previous section.
Loop Antenna

 Small Loop Antenna

 Vector Magnetic Potential
 Current in a Loop
 Electric and Magnetic Fields
 Antenna Characteristics
Vector Magnetic Potential

Line Source

Volume Source
Small Loop Antenna
A small loop of current located in the x-y plane
centered at the origin is shown. Such a small loop is
known as a small loop antenna or sometimes a
magnetic dipole.
Step 1: Current Density

Id  I s ada

Step 2: Vector Magnetic Potential

Ia e  jkRdo
A os  o s
4  Rdo
d  a

We assume the loop is electrically small, or a << , and Aos is found in the far-field.
Solving the integral remains quite complicated, involving a pair of series expansions and some dexterous
coordinate transformations
o I s S
A os  1  jkr  e  jkr
sin  a
S   a2
4 r 2
Small Loop Antenna

Step 3: Electric and Magnetic Fields The electric field is given by

The magnetic field is given by Eos  oar  Hos .
Bos   Aos

o I s S 
Eos  sin  e j  r a
o I s S  4 r
H os  sin  e  j  r a
4o r
Antenna Pattern Solid Angle:
Step 4: Antenna Parameters
The normalized power function is the
Power Density: same as for the Hertzian dipole
The power density vector is then 8
  2 o2 I o2 S 2  2  2 p 
U  r,   W  r,  r  
 sin  ar , 3
 32o
  2 o2 I o2 S 2  2  2 
W  r,     sin  ar ,
 32o r
2 2
 U  ,  
Directivity: D  1.5sin 2  
 2 o2 I o2 S 2  2 4
Wmax  , Dmax   1.5
32o r 2 2
Small Loop Antenna
Total Radiated Power and Radiation Resistance :
2 4 4
4o I  S  4  S  6  a  2 C 
3 2 2

Rrad  320   320    20    C=2πa

Prad   2
2 
3      
2 4 4
 S  a C μr → permeability of the medium
Rrad  320  r2 4  2   320  r2 6    20  r2 2   
   
The fields for the small loop antenna are very similar to that of a Hertzian dipole. Since it is the dual
for the Hertzian (electric) dipole, the small loop antenna is often called a magnetic dipole.

The magnetic dipole equations are also valid for a multiturn loop, so long as the loops remain small
compared to wavelength. For an N-loop coil, S = Na2 in the above equations. The loops are not required
to be circular. To use the equations for a square coil of N loops, each of side length b, S = Nb2.

Increasing the diameter of the loop antenna results in an increase in the radiation resistance, and hence the
efficiency. Wrapping the loops around a ferrite core (i.e. a ferrite-loop antenna) is a way of concentrating
magnetic flux in the loops and making them appear larger. This is a common approach for constructing
compact receiving antennas for AM radio.
Loop Antenna

 Typically a receiving antenna.

 Uses an air core with radiation in the plane of the loop.
 A ferrite core loopstick is also used typically in A.M receivers.
 Radiation is in same plane as the loop but broadside to the loopstick
 Can also be used as a coil in the R.F. tuned circuit.

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