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CV MIDSEM Group | * This form will record your name, please fil your name. A point in a scene having coordinates (2, 4, 8) is projected on to the image plane through a pinhole located at distance 4 units. What will be the coordinate of the point on the image plane. (1 Point) (05,2, 4) (2,05, 4) (05, 2,1) O00 0 2,4,0.5) Aline in 3D is completely in line with the optical axis. This line is being perspectively projected onto the image plane through a pinhole. What will be the projection of this 3D line on the image plane? (1 Point) O Line © Point © Sphere O Ellipse Let the end coordinates of a line segment in a scene are (1, 5, 1) and (3, 7, 1). Let the image plane be parallel to the plane in which this line segment falls. The image plane is at distance 4 units from the pinhole, What will be the length of the projection of this line segment on the image plane? (2 Points) © units O 4units O 65 units O 2Zunits There is a line segment of length 3m in the scene which is being projected through of pinhole onto the image plane. The projected line segment has the length of 4.5m. The image plane is parallel to the plane of line segment. In the same scene, there is a rectangle, which lies on the same plane as that of line. The two sides of the rectangle are having lengths 2m and 5m, respectively. What will be the area of the projection of this rectangle on the image plane? (2 Points) O 444m © 225m © 15m? © 666m? There are parallel lines in the scene which are also parallel to the optical axis. The vanishing point in the captured image will be (1 Point) perpendicular to the intersection of optical axis and image plane, there will not be any vanishing point in the image. Con the intersection of optical axis with image plane. O00 0 on the intersection of image plane and the projection of anyone line on the image plane. We are using two lenses to form an image of a scene. Let the length of a vertical object in the scene be 5m which is located at 2m distance from the first lens and its image is formed 7m behind the second lens. Let the intermediate image is formed at half the distance between two lenses. What will be the height of the image of object formed on the image plane? (2 Points) © 1428 m © 35m O 10m O 15M Two images are captured by the lens camera of the same scene. First image is captured by adjusting the f number to 2 and the second is captured by adjusting f-number to 8. Which image will have high brightness? (1 Point) None of the options Second image Both images will have same brightness O00 0 First image A convex lens with focal length of 1.8m and f-number 2 is used to capture image of a scene. Due to lens, the point in a scene is being focused at a distance 9m behind the lens. An image plane is at a distance 7m behind the plane. Due to this, a point in the scene produces a blur circle on the image plane. What will be the diameter of this blur circle? (1 Point) O o1m © 02m O 03m O o4m A lens camera is used to capture an image. Let us assume a hypothetical situation where changing the size of pixel is in our hand. if we increase the the size of pixel, the depth of field will (1 Point) decrease remains the same increase O00 0 non of the options The hyperfocal distance is the closest distance that you would focus a lens at for which all point beyond that distance are going to be in focus. In lens based camera, if we increase the aperture of the camera using a diaphragm, what will happen to the hyperfocal distance? (1 Point) © byperfocal distance will increase © byperfocal distance will decrease © byperfocal distance will remains same © aperture of camera cannot be change using diaphragm There are objects at different distances in the scene which we want to capture using lens based camera. It is required that all objects in the scene will be focused in the captured image. What will you do to fullfil this requirement? (1 Point) increase aperture to increase depth of field decrease aperture to increase depth of field increase aperture to decrease depth of field OOO 0 decrease aperture of decrease depth of field We have a lens camera and a surface in the scene. A pixel of area 0.2 m/2 in the image is looking at the area 0.3m*2 in the scene. A surface normal makes an angle 40 degree with respect to line of sight and a line of sight between these two areas makes an angle 45 degrees with respect to the optical axis. The image plane is at distance 0.8m from the lens of radius Sem. The image irradiance can be expressed in terms of scene radiance L. For the given case, the image irradiance is related to scene radiance by (2 Points) 94,0078L 2350191. 0.0094. OoOO0 0 0.0084. In case of Lambertian surface, if the source is illuminating the surface from the perpendicular direction to its surface normal, what can you say about the surface brightness of the object? (1 Point) surface brightness will be zero surface brightness will be maximum since it is Labertian surface, brightness remains same independent of the source direction OoOO0 0 Non of the options We want to apply the transformation on the gray scale image such the the processed image is rotated by 45 degree anti-clock direction and then we want to scale this transformed image by 2 units in the x direction and 3 units in the y direction. This task can be accomplished by a single 2 X 2 matrix as shown in figure. What should be the elements of this matrix? (2 Points) ( ; © a=1.4142, b=-2.1213, =1.4142, d=2.1213, © a=0.5253, b=-0.8509, c=0.8509, d=0.5253 © a=1.0506, b=-2.5527, 1.5760 © 07071, b=-0.7071, ‘0.7071 A convolution of 3 X 3 image with 3 X 3 kernel is being carried out as shown in the image. If we ignore the boundary pixels, what will be the result of convolution? (1 Point) a3 4 i 1 28 6 4 5/*]/1 3 1 2 1 8 1 2 1 O 4 O4 O % Oa What is the computational complexity in terms of number of multiplications and additions for the convolution operation shown in figure. We are not ignoring boundary values. (1 Point) a3 4 i 1 28 6 4 5/*]/1 3 1 2 1 8 1 2 1 O 9 multiplications and 8 additions 81 multiplies and additions C C © 81 muttipications and 72 adcltions Oo O 9 multiplications and 9 additions For the convolution operation of a 3 X 3 image with a 3 X 3 Gaussian kernel, what are the minimum number of multiplications and additions that are required. We are not ignoring the boundary values in the image. (1 Point) © 6 multiplications and 4 additions © J muttiplications and 8 additions © 54 muttiplications and 36 additions © 81 muttiplications and 72 additions A cosine signal of 10Hz frequency is sampled at 15Hz sampling frequency. This sampled signal is passed through an ideal lowpass filter having cut off frequency of 11Hz. What can you say about the recovered signal. (2 Points) © Cosine signal of 10Hz frequency will be recovered © New frequency of 1SHz will be introduced in the recovered signal © New frequency of SHz will be introduced in the recovered signal © New frequency of 4Hz will be introduced in the recovered signal The spacing between two impulses in the impulse train in frequency domain is 1000Hz. This impulse train is converted into time domain using inverse Fourier transform. What will be the time period of the impulse train in time domain? (1 Point) © 1000 ms © toms © o1ms O ims Let the pdf of intensity levels X in a continuous image is given in figure. The maximum intensity value possible in the image corresponds to a 4-bit discrete image. We want to improve the contrast of the image by equalizing the histogram of the image. What will be the transformation function that needs to be applied on the original image intensity values to equalize the histogram? (2 Points) 3x7, O

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