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Addition» Flowchatk> - 7 ( Stoot [Gee sist daka ub A-d1egig tax \v ae Save A-Dagiaken ch B Negister _ Vv — [Giet_ second daka w A -Pegislea| Add Ehe Content 66 | |_B-stegisber bo A-216g isle) Co Degiatios LO A->12q __ Vv Move ENe “content ef and Stoo w memory [Stop _| __—se0e— —— —_ a: arya —pake> 18.03.92 . ___—+000e—_——_ | SIMPLE ARITHMETIC. OPERA TNS: ADDTLON SUBTRACTION /MULTIPLICA TION |_O1V! SOM — Abies . i . - L os To uwike a assembly Language prog tam 40 addipion. Subtraction, multiplication 4 ~__ dtision_the _given_data Stored w_bwo __ consecutive __Jocarion _uging — FOLSH MictOp rocessor- = os | ED —Appazia bus S1equied = FE Mivtoprocesser branes Kit (4025) J Poe ep po lol |_ Step S&S: Sayo content —of—A~ © | B-nogisten Shep yt leaq rhe Second _data_inko_A—22gislan— _Btep 5: cleo C-9189) | bo SLep 2° Skore _bhe—S1un_tn__memory. locakio p ___| Step q: move the _conkent _©& _C-stegis 1 ko A-megisLoa and Store en Memon, Step 10. Stop. he __pragta.m To MeO Gog | content [ Values | Topu 7 yooo tt | “Tnput dalaa | OqH NAaa yoo | ouput dala? | on outa pyar ts | Output date syn] 08 Paka | 9031 Otitput dabwjcary | OOH “ 7 te : Flow _chartt- ; Gubbiect Ehe content o€ R-7eg | | I : Stor ney \ Page. No... 5 Lene Monica | opcone | com c LDA_yo00H. | 3A_00142| Get Fok daar Mov BA |i | Sava data tha fob: LOA _4D0IN] SA ol 12. Grek 908 data wa MNT c,00H [OE 00 |clean_¢ stegisten b | ADD Bg | 80 |Get the Summ A-reg| SNc_AHEAD | 2 of 50| Tg Cf=0 Sots AHEAD! Boob 1k A 5 Sone _| AnEAn [s@rA 4202 | 35 oa 42 | Shore tne som | Re ee c_menory Sol) | Mov Arcs} 7 q Bol ai STA Lacy 02 43/Sbore Ehe costety zi aa BOL 1s | PET. “Tbe f bial prog rar | | | | : | Step a> )oad .the- ck bo be Subtracted — From ro.ef.ony Curia tor and — move 1 egisken pee ee eee —_____a.-Ceuraafas or ee olga 8 bre esugk = | Sk@p 4: Sub tract The Cantent _©@ = seg halen\ |, srom_tine _con ten 6-8 a ccunnader a eck Ne . lo ne P. x whelt It set BES Mine. fa jeeererieg Ves | o1eg and Add 0a > [Siove Ene Resull im memoiy Content _| vale | Trput dataa) 05 H lon 9 em as [ Expt. No. bdodn, a eto “check tee casey tg can rus ak ED ~ Skep. bot ig cary =©, gobo Step 7 - _ Step 6. Thenertont Costogistor__cemplomenk __ the _Ocenmutrto and add oly _— Skep 7 Store the digpenent Caccumuakoyico es _memory nal & | Sbep- 8: Move Lhe content 08 _c ~91€gisten (Sign bil) EO Acemulator and Stere to memory Step 4: Skop the —ptogram PROGRAM: ergil In b E a oil |Giek Fhe Suptradge | : A-2egistet_and | al Copy ik to B -segistan | TT. 50.041 MVT Com Bf coe! co A-te.g’sle, | I Melean ¢-Stegishna | | Leb acenent $0 sige — Sup BY AO | Ger the digé & i {500.4 3 i Bo He cfz0 Jo. _ 1 CAA wCrement ¢-3e5} 00D AC} oc OF —-CMA OF | Ger 2s complement iE 8 diggenoncs —_| 5eor | | AnT oh} cb ‘yee as —__ }60 1) [AE AD_1STA spoa)]39 6242. Stove eho Aosubl | EEE to— moroiy——_| a | MOV Aye. 19 | | muna tPLi cation : FLOW CHART | | Load Ehe address) e©& Data uy HE pay using HL a% Address pocnter Get Ebe FUL Bata tm Beregislay and Second Daka wh D-21eg ston Increment HLpain And Store the low Byke oe Product membty Ticrement We Pad ang Store Ene high byte 4 Pleduct w memory | > ——— ee oe Expt. No. ruaithct 4 Slovo the sign — bi tidy paar ohy 1b_| Hab ptogtarn — ey edt O4 SIN 4904 132 03 br Bolg Ly — Algorithm — Sor Malkiplicakion + gy | 4. Joqada—ithe: Loddsieas "of 1 Ehe_ _ s6iak. dala th AL ane gig bot pads | Cpt Mints ve See | os Clear __C- s,egzbe% For _© Foueng tous Condy) | 8. clean fhe “accumufatoy move the seisk_cakq bo B= 216% Count) 5. Tr cnement tho pon lan” 6. Move" tho Second data fo D519 fruit plicaLen) to tC cumurPator 8. check For cosy, ig Casey ~ 9, go to 19. =n homent__ the _powal fend cine | ee fauw loys oe produck tn __ Memory: ——___ | 13, Terement Fhe potrtey and Store ~__ | high byte _©8 _produck ch __menmory-——— Jy, Skop- o fa manor ets Ot s Thput data 4 Thput dakar chput dala Tou Hoot output pala|_ 4202 ct hno3 8 _— Expt, No. Page. No. u Lage] Mnemontes | opcone | commen is LLYT Hy loo th [o1o0 ha |set che pole — = | a! pee. iE _ Fo. Gata: =. | | 5003 Mv Tic,.00H. | 08 bo) cleea_c to __ S Se. } vnc | OCcount For — ee) SS eee | over Flow Contry) | ARES TA Ee jek Be Woieqne [ | Necuntnkakor = | | Croatia) Sum 29) | & 5006 Mov. BM. Lb cet IStdaba ¢ | eA B CSb0tt) Le Load the “AAdaICss Ob | pata AMoy HL pa using naka pointen Load | the count yale Ftom et | Toorement the data pote and move. Fisk Data bo A-s1ey Decrement Ehe count compano the: conlant CE omomsry pocalést by BL ath A-2Ie9 o Ehec! whe ther CF=0 s0ee —_— ze - = Expt. No. 2.Q. Page. No. 14 a aces es pac lif22~ — PROGRAMMING WITH Con-TROL TNSTRUCTION — Adin -_ va wee ks Be be otto uihbenion, Ap Bot i 1) Find the. mascimum__and___nin'imurn—— _qumber than. slay using 2085 mickoconttolbn. eee 1) Sei k_an_oso1ay _ of __dabo— ining |_a8.con ding and__ae& Cending on den_- Apportatus.Requed-- TN ¥ 80a6 micro processor kit pow cord 2. Move Ehe- Counk bo B-steq iste 3B. Treyxement tho. pout | _1eanee4 0) obo: Skep gq. —____ gq. Move the Content —_@8 —_memoty | ddadstesgod _ HL. bac. Guna ko?) Lo. Decnement the coun. Wj. Cheet Sor_-reme e& the count Ip 2 s0— gobo Step 6 vr _1g_2F= 4. gobo Pail eanie Value, oA dss conkent: aly af wee TBS} HH" Topuk dakagif! 054 nau hoot Tnpuk datar ) ou’ Dat4 yooot | | mp deta | og A hoa Input datay OqdH hooy opus datas Osi 05H, | tnpur datas Ont ‘Oukpul! bata| OF H Mascimum: ch numbers ibs lif Flow chat ! >, tas Meas Using Loads thy Adds s- 8 dake megnory cr b, HUEY i uging pata »pornkor vLoad Lhe comnts Valu}, “Ftom) memoiy ko A-31eq:: tte Expt. No, “next Skep : — 12. SE012 Fhe Smallest data in. eas a. ee 2 he cosh | 5ooo | IL) Hy pot] 21 00 149 | Sek Poinken For atray— ee 5002. -|MoV_B)M{ 14.6 _| Set Fho count ___ i ak | For_no, 6 elements, o | cn_atray | Bool CNY He | 2% ! + 5005 Mov.ajM) Te | Seb Fist element | | al i | Sma\est daka | Bobb . j-OcR B O5 ee 5p07 | Loop TNYH | 25 ae cmp mM | BE .-| compare an. } Clermont ef array with cuurrent_Sma loa! Boo 4 SHANE A> Ho_| 34 [TR CE=4 Go bo ANI | Bone Mov a TE weg-Cezo _bnen bs conbent © Memor ea $ mailer Ehan : Hence tg cfs EAD |bcR B | 05 | MaKe memory pe fe | Smatleat by | moving to _A- {Re peat—Ccompottaon—_} i etd ] zaciemont + the | Baka pointer and move tho First Data bo Ave Necrement Ehe count CR-s1eq cCompaxe Ehe Count ee memory Porhled by? HL -udith RDle 4 ana Page.No... 2% Boll Stv.y2oot).| > 60.3) Store Ehe ren data _o memory Sol HUY 16 Hiatt. x 7 Algor Enno. Fa Mascimum. ag. Nut berg (2. load the _adceds 06 Lhe. 5 vist element oR Ene stay oth Hist egisk_ part 2 Move —_Ehe _ count _bo _ B+ 1egiske71.___ at SB. Tn Crement __the + @ocnben yg. Grek he Fvist dato tn ac cumulabert _ Ss De Utement__tin@ _Count Le 6. Tn cement the _gpotn 41 ___71._compoxt2__the count eB Memory —___ ad dteageg by HL — or eutith _rm eat ___ that of accrmudabor 9... Move the Con ie mory _Ad detessed 90 bo Step 6- = = |p. TR ZF =o go bo next Skee 12. Shop. = Value Tnpat daka4 OB. Toput data D ok a Tnpuk dald 3 08H ur dol Y | oq 4 opak Agha 5 1 os yy Thpyt data 6 o1 ockpur ‘dokg | Ody 049 = Expt. No. 21.00 42.1 Sek potnten sor ___ 6 —_| Set_count Sor ____| asttay __— — Number ef element imov Am] ye. | Set vist element |_cn_awiay as OB Smallest —_daka | | o5 | decrement he ——__| | Spot Loop | NY Count 5 x} | Be |Compase an _____} elemont ef LL ostiay Bong Sea ,6o 5p] with content | J f t_claka- | TRC FO go bo AHEAD! S000 | S6v.em| te [mp _ceoa conkent os memory} ig lavigest_Enan Accumulator .Hence | | curttentlaraest ig ch24 make Memory _-Contenka3__} | Asconding order. Flow chant : load Lhepepiae Value From“ mernory bo fr3189 and i SAME Bg : [Let EHP Stenting Nags OF oaks Nay opi [ using aka Pochken, Load He Count value From mernery \ : i Aa bo cwieg | L Exchange Eho Content of | menory Poca ted by HL and Porewwous Memory — fecation Expl, No. Pago.No... 27) —_— - eee vz Loop). 07 60 Rep eak compari iai.on mann: uokil Count % zero- {STA j,300 8.9.60, Bore khe mas fitkyin mere | HT Th Halt oon edt _—e "Seve th_B=91eq, of —_—_ 2— Sesonent a non kt os eN pa Iss ‘Sek WL podi_a3 data _orviay adds poirken. yy Sek_Co neg is-@1_As_counbor_soa_tv-_compartisl on : ——-S-1na.d__a—daka__op_the— O38 a _aceumulaks) and cunt be 94 1o- D&cremont _¢ --NegiskOL._Tp—-ZEmt ps lag ia yeack go bo Step 6 othouwus@ go bo neck Ctep LJ O@cromenk B-neqis ber Ta zero Fla, gs steaeb | goto _skep 3. othortuuise __go_ko _nesck_Ske-p — | 1a. “Bkop.. ne Phare + [a0 re coun Veda i dod ne Count ok tt ool H., | Atray elornent, 2). oH! Atroy eloment 2 | Altay Clement 3 o)} ott Atrasy element OR H ° oO as oor Wy | yo03 4 h20h 4 {HOOK Hr by Ascending Ol Het a orden)» oH j 4203 H sda 1 | | Wook | seen Expt. No, Page.No. 24 | Rarogram 2 ~ fr i a Wl | e : Labe? [Mnemonics lapcode | comment —____ Boot ti ja LOA 0011. BA.00:49!Loaq_the count value co | |} Pion! |e A=negigkon __| Mov Biff | hy _|Set count Forn-a | ____} Step efikiona__e6 __| BeRB.| 05 __| wel_comparisions — LAT yoooH 9100 Ip! Sek Ponker For array! Mov.c)M_| he _|Set count For N-1 | wae |__| _____|___| compariigiona ___| Boog, PBcrc | on _| 500A TNYH 22 |tpcnerment pointer _| ___|5pp B_|Leop a _|Movarm | TE Giet_one data 6& | stay nA Booc Tue Bs) 23 Ee 5o0p cmp m_| RE | Compare fata with _| A=1eg, 500e Te me pp —|a5_tonian ob in { leas than memory go_| J bo AHEAD. 4nov ol 56 | tp the content | A§» gseaken thon | | conkent_e& memory —| |Mov_MyA| 11 Ocx H | 2B Mov M4) Dp} pon bed byt |__| previous lecatl [TNA | 29 per_c_} Op a a cy DES Cen Aing order» Flow chart > C_stovtt \ Fooa: Lhe count: Value 5tomn) mernory ko. A 3) th oh By = , fea ane ; | ‘Jusing “Dako “potatert load Lhe = count | Y Nal Fron. __ Memory bo c leg “he clement c-21eq (sek count For N-1) S companision — 3 Expt, No. Page.No. 3) IN 7 Loop] co 08.40] Repeat Comparisiona udkiount iz Zero Ocr_B& 6B tb s INZ_Loop2 [cr 05 #5 | Repeat _N-! comparisons . tunlk B count is — — =. | Me ioe ELST ts “Phy bt High __ALCIORITHM FOR DESENPING ORD E pe: 4 Load the counk Value From memory bo A169 ana Saye _h_ 8-129 a : | — byt — and Fhe cr cemmrimaer “tos pecnomenk c= stegisko1- Tg zero _£lag_ig —_ | __sj2g.0k g0- _ko Step 6. Ofer w130_go_to Step tl. “1 _pecnomenk RrxegBlken. Tg zexo lag ___syegek go __bo Step3+ othernise g o to perk ___Skep = 12. Skop- _——+000-— Expt. No. Pago. No. PROGRAM. : oo ~__ | ADDRESS|_LABEL| Mivemomcs|OPco0 | comment | so0b. LDA 1)200 1 3.A_00 1,2} Load he count va lua e ee ee oud th. As%eg . 5po2 | Mov By | a _| Set count SorN-1— Boo | I pcr B 05 | step eli bon_eg-N-I_Comp- ___|5005_| [Loop OL Eee ate 42-| Set pocnker Fox : Osha} | —_ | sok Move ye | set couse sor wea Be Componizions ___ | 5o0Q DCRC oD | | Soa tnx | 23 |tnerement the pointer _| 5po® | oop | mov Ay | TE {Gre one data_og—__ i (ay-ch A 5p0c. TNL H | oS rege polis | seek Se-AHEAp | 500 0 cMPM| Be c oOMpaxe_nextk_daka_| culth p39 Spo Soe a cea ac 501) I 5b | Move Memory to A ~Aey 5012. Mov_M,Al 11 Mov_A~21eg_bo memory — Hom OCH 2B | Decrement tel rleg_pauat| Soi Mov_M,D| 7. 2-_|Mo\e mamoly to O=2eq_| Bols TNH | 2% |Tnenement_HL-3e9 pit} So\'b _ AHEAD __| DCR_C OD _} Decrement ¢=312q- four) BOT Isniz loop} C2. 0B 50! Ropeat until cls —_ ZQ10 + 5olA Ocr B | o5 | Decrement count _} | Valu L5pi8 S12 Loopal C0.296.5 [ Expt. No. —— Page.No.?) 35 | Me |sole | fier |e] Hone “bho ptogtan_ | Jo etecu to tg ToOLal (50) r eae oo FLOW CHART” (Stone) cick the number — con Laining tha! most Signigicank Ben digit Rotate lege foun Limes and make | __Ehe least signigicant digit zoo | — J Add the Ben digit Numben . leagk Si gniBrannt bo the Yokaked Address | content: | vadue_ Tnpuk | 900, i Thpuk paka-a|. 07 H. Paka Olt | St Tnpuk Data-2 220" output Le oe al Day boos mies tH 4 Hy ol ah Expt. No... 2.b Page. No! || S77 votes PROGRAM. USING BIT ROTATE TNSTRUCTIONS 0. | Atos 14 1 To uvfike a assembly. language pro gtam using | So8b placesse) Fa pacing two unpacked -Bep_DumbeQr13s. and_ _UNPACKLAg a oo BCO_ numbers, é [using Rekale“Mnsbructionas — “ Appwiatus Req.usied edtiel ai 2: Robt A eS i 4 _4) S085. | Mi Ww prowase" Rie al 2)__pourer_chord- - Algorithm —Sor_pact uapac Ked_@cd ae A King hwo a | 4.Gie_the _numbe_contasbing the mos eee FLOW CHART <- (Seat) [erect the Packed _BeD_number) Mask Ehe) Joule ord Ben digit] move he highest -Orde BcD digit Eo the foctton ordor Bcd: digit ‘Store Ene siesult Grek the » @iginal Bed - number S| Mask higher. fae i 7 Eo i Expl. No. Page.No. 34 oMMEN {+ Rotate the ___ Accurate Jegk | 5Boo5 5006 500] 4 _fboD§—je __ | bo tho High - _ot.don Sou bibs Bhigkng a 2 to have lou) - Orden Beco _angit Store _ Fhe adjusted __d12aut (5 tek Fhe o%ginal Be) number _—_____ be Mask __highot_- order Ben digit ——_ 1, Skore the 1esul: | addsess | content 200 4 Tnpuk’ Daka 7 output Dake a 40014 ) h2ooH OukpU © akog t = log Md 5) S { - id nly } i vay | wood hy 1o4t ‘dota (naipy i ODE tates < teal pid 1 vaid Hess { \ re Page. No... Ly) — —s008 = [MINEMONIG|OPCODE | ComMEN 1S LOA_42001}8n_00 lp. | Load the packed, : - | BcO Number to | =| if accumulobory ANT fot | £6, FOH | Maak Ehe Jou.on- _| Ordon nibble | 5005 RRC oF | Rokake Fhe A | 5906 Ree OF accumulator | 5007] RRe OF stank without catty Boog RRC | OF Move Fhe highs) | London Ben digit | bo” the leagr | bik by Shifting ik tight Sov Eimos_| 5004 STA_42b1 132 01.491 Stoo ne | B5ooc. LDA ooo! 3A 00 a ee | oF ANITZFH| Fo,0F | Mask Fhe Bolo STA_yo09| 39 oo ye! Crore bho = 2909 an . ———_—___——— | le Expt No. : : Po No. yo | 2990 . (25 | viva mT : | Record (15) {oo} Tota) (60) 4g] ~™~ re Y AEY TO AScIT “CODE cONVERSToN FLOW CHAR. Mawplogram-: an Flow chaxk= C Stat (=, the wealor UHth hex Valu bo be converted Eo ASCII code Save the conliol of A21e9 th B-1eq See eee Pergorm and operation with oFH LO eoctrack 2M nibblo e& thpuk deka call the Subroutine fo convent the hex value to ASCII code store the daka accumulator bo Memory lecakion Sove Ehe Content A-eq | mee be aA i 3 To exkrack [st nibpte - ~ - AND _Dperiplion 4k Rokate Accunuvalof JeAt bo cosy Eo Get [st nibble/ag ond nibble "Cail he “Subroutine EO") portRorm’ hex ! (ibe AScil code ONVEXion viol mer faa ANON wing an. aay) ¢ Lit ‘ Ayo oF Beg w Expt. No. 2C. Page. No. 5 as dt seoe rac HEX Jasert [pco- _ CODE_CON VERSION | pyro +—___— ~To_perigoun, “code convertion — uging —conbro| Land rokake@ iatrackion : i Appariakus Mequined +6085 midioprpc3 561 kranen Kie + power cord Algeruthm:: | a. Stok Ene mic#o process oF} 2. Ok the dakaq_and toad From _ad.dxoss ho00 bo A- [3. ic | bh. Move doko From 1M +0 Hr pots With accuyiutale “5 Add tho daka 30 Jo A 8. Jump bo hep {5 |: End bho~prng ram. £ fat us ti memory { Address Foon t | vets Topuk 200H) nex] daka FE dota, output 20V14 Loutort nibble 9 daka hoon Upper nibble aon 2000 Expt. No. Page. No. 4) —— +900} Mnemonical_Opcode commen ba at | -|Lon.yo00 |3A 00-42. |MoV_B,A_| yt Load data 4200 40 A. Move data _srom A to c_| poe Tai aal Sook} “ANF H) 5b, OF #1 CAL Supt €,1.A)50 |poad address 4201 aA _| (Load add7t3s 4301cn DE 139, olrho |Move cata re ee Subkrack 30 Sram A__ au FO Ee,f0 | Slote date Siva Accks OE | RLC OF Hecroment FOr ¢-ne9, RLC od Stop program. ik Cina Ro ot Incotement 41219 pa al RL o4 TTocremont DE=me9 Pay CALL SvBT cy1Ryso| sump Eo yok | S1A_4202 199,02. l2| _Skop. | — ML 7 16 Terminate Lhe pitgram — 8 CPT AEE, of | Compare tamedial ith! ra Ac Bole SC-SEIP aia Sump ik catty bo 4 Skip {Sele Apr_o1_/ cool | Add _uiomediate yatue__ _67_witn Ace: Fpa\_| Skip _| ADT204| c4,30° | Ada bie “eéomedials | Bo fo ACC. 502% RET C4 Re bwin Algoritin A\ got thn 2: da. Stosit _Ehe milo protease” Bcd To BINARY CodE CONVERTER > FLOW CHART <- Get Bed datacy . A-D1C3 and Sate LW ENeq Mask the Jou. nibb lol e8 the Bcd data wh A-r1eg Rotate the content 66} A-21e3- A Limes Stight and Sate if th BDleg clean A= 2189 ang Move OAH bo c1eq Add. the content Bi of S=7e9 bo Ae J, wale nas Move co Bcp dokq From sey ‘to ANd Mark tho nibble Skote the Bi Va)ue (A~103) uh frame Expt. No. Page. No. 49 2. Grek Lhe Be daka_tr_accurmuator and _Saue it to steq-E— — 3. Maik Ehe lout nibble 08 Bcd data wn Ac aunulote _ hy Rokate_uppet_pibble bo _|ouwr1_nibble and Saue—— | tga mesg 8 bi gi) Pe | 5 cleat the _accunutator. : _t = __&. Meve _eA__Lo_C -a/egisk er + 4 AdA_SA and "B" stegisbor _g- Deviement “c" s1eg "TR _ZF=0_gp bo Shep 7 Q_. Save _khe produck _«_@ |__s1eg and _ma%tk rhe —_uppeat_nibble _______ te Ada Ene unit bo product Io. Skoxo the binasy —valuo 1h Memory. __ 13. End the gtogram ~ —__+~__ ——_| Rategram > = —Trndaress'| tober [mnemonics] opcode | ee | Benn LOA 42004 1SA 20D | 5003, MoV EA, SE A fo_| £6 FO Maal lotuton nibble | Ric O71 Rotake the upper nibble} |_ Rie oy Rotate he upper fibble | | RLo oF |Rokake the upper tibble| | RLC O71 | mov BA_| 17 | Save cn Regiaker-B_| | xRA Ar_| clean A~D!egislon MVT goat] OF OA_| multiply bens _digh te _| by oA Hand Sek | App & | 30 Product ti A=1eg. wo ae ones _ ——s Expt. No. Page. No. Sf) ~ | soor J | wer c | 00 foectement c-2reqisto i 5010 Lf SINZ REPL Co. of =A__it Als | SoiS! th wn 4 et Li | Save khe product, = —__|—___ my B2HE fe 501k Giek_the Beo_data_| ae | tn) A-degislon = oS Laps: ! Mask —upper_nibbe | E Sol. | Gek Fhe binasy | dakar fied Hog STA1201H13.9. | Gave the. binas) 4 faa memory 501B HLT ‘Th Hatt ON Flowchasit> a oe A-s1eq ‘and Ehe content | _Asieg Copy Meo To pork by oe cleaxX A219 and conkent om accumulates Copy toto T/o port by Do _ L ExX-oR With A B3kimes sijgnt and Sto Ve ww ADeg STP: pork. load. thko Accuunrulalsy, and AND with uomediake Value Compara unmediake vgle@ by 04 Ya 5S bore the valu the mornoly Ah er 2000 Expt No. 30 Page. No... 59 ++0¢—_— INTERFACE EYPERIMENTS WITH gog5- AJ NIE REACIN G1 __To »-wiike an ALP bo convert analog Signal unto digitad signa) using 8085 oo” | SS 4 | Appartakus S1eqewdied 2° | BR icainptecopsa Wik 3) oe 2 AlN mberifacte kit = a 3. CRO f 4 | pach pat ____ Alger khm> ADe chk engacing:: : a. select the channed and lakch ho addxoas 2. Clean he A ccurrulaber > Grer the dhpuk Data Ty. pengesun ano operation —olith accumslaber ___ | 5. Thbegpacing 2085 micsoprocease) tuiitin Adc ___ 6. Measure the given voltage using muokimeles Read he digitad oitkpuk g@. Store ik ui a memory _lacation - q. Stop - | IMvI Ayo} 36, (0 Ade ciReviT:- [ | — Pago.No. 55 | | Expt. No. Move bo data bo A— Cutpuk the content oA Pegorm ADR usith A_ Move Ehe data and a clear dlp the content 66A ~~ eee ao 3b : a No! SF —seee—_] b/n AINTER PACING! USING Bogs at aac oh nai , | To uvbe an ALP bo__conventt digital sign). Tonk Analog Sianol using 8085 _mictOproj@asor ‘kik “_Appastakud oequnrt ed = 2): ee ee * $086 .micrtoprocason Ki + D/A mbergacing kit __ __* BD: _ “+ Pakeh cboids Algorizhm ~ Square Woe Groner a Load the thtia® valu 00 bo sieq=A_an'a move it to pac Oot peta the Oelag Sengiam We OE __-d. bLoad ENO Seba) FE bo accumulation and maile ik pac ee Lee Wali Phee oelays proqromen 6 eo ee 5. Repeat bop 9 ko 5 : PAOgEAM = — Lut ‘hn NICH Opcodo | 5000 START MVT A,p0n| SE, 00 i Boog OUT O¢ i Book CALL DELAY! 15 00 7 My —_|5009 OUT ock@ Hh} Pac? | BOOK CALLDELAYICD,I,50] Gal) delay | Sooe | SMP s1at}c3,00, 501, G10. ko START __ [move bo clata to Rog A | Inve: he ‘cnmedtake clabs | [Decrement C= 1eg | : rB- _ZE.29),9o bole. | WAVEFORMS * Woxleform io vary Time /agtb b m3 2} 4.8 mg BAw TOOTH WAy EF op) Ri \ Flow CHART FoR C Skavte ) | | (ey | e cent en 66 actuator Copy inh T/o Pork bY Co adds | and Wotment A- 12g | Oe eo Le oe treme | comms] iyo re MV L008 DE Dd (Move 90 LoL -7eqisten iyn_ [to Mov AL 1 Load | “boa s10gistor yo out oi | “ps 08 |Load CB LO Dutpuk pot | 105 TwRL | 2e | smewmont Legis yloe sz 11 (C2 0244] Jump bo La iB nd B70 104 wv oral 9 FF [fead FF be Laeger wo _| Lo |Mov AL AmD} MoV L coa 510 gis \0c ut otee] DS C3 | Lead cg te Ele ofp POTC WOE pcR Ly fi 20 Detoerent Lega | ier liz ux | C208a| Jump Eo ts Bie 201d 3 odt4| Gro EO START \ 1 >| Flowchoit 50% Square Waueform * | —_ Py S pool) | Gieant B oieg andi Valuo 6! A-Jley ig coped nto “T/o pert Ea ~Aclay and sump be __ stort operon. _ Fn delay. operation Cleo RESULT > = Thus an Ale bo avent ia) c e Bgfenciog Sgnal ving 3065 rojcre processor ues wt" @ kal to and execuked AC uy. { __ Perignrmance (25) 24 }_vvawoce (16) es @ 12 IS yr expt No _ [son SJn2 La Solid ai RET _ALgobkhm: Saw booth Grorerwbion * a. Load tbe wtial valu 2+ Move the accumural. Pagono BY aa Ahm C2,)3,50 | Tp ZFa4 goto neyk Slee, ee PeLUIN bo ca\| progrom 1© 00. Lo accurslalw) or—_Conkent bo DAC __ 3. Thowment _dccumivlaber by one Rep Cok Steps __9 and 3. SL progt an. ~—_[adertes [Label [mnomonica | 5Ooo START | MUT AyooH ath opcoda commen 3 E,00 clean A-s1eg sp0Q@ | 14 Jou'ocoti! D3,co output the coolant Bt L ne _fas INRA | Se || tacteont AHe5 Boo06 SNZ La} C2,09/50} t IMP STAR C3 00,50 All gorithm triangular wave generation + |b spoi@_khe Aaka 11 tn A-9i0g a | Move accuruiail’: monthot bo nAG 4. Tnowment L-21eg and load signa? Value 68 Fe qT pit alloc ation! Tat] co iE pit. Teo git | tep PAo | South leBt PBo | North teat [Peo UeSEs Shia 4 PAy | gout right | PBa | noikh Right | Pey, “nore bi Pao spe Ampe7 | PB2 | Norkh Arp'ey | PCa fast ic Stoi | PAs | Bouth Red PBS | North Red PCs south hg, Pay | Soukh Vebt PB | NorEN logt Pcy {worthy | Leas [South eight | PBS |NorLh wight Pes | west po | \pag | East Ampe) | PBS Worth Ampor | PC, South en | [PA Ease ed UPB) | Norkns Red |-PCy Lead en | Pakh stopeesenkaHon} jet > Pay PBe PAL G he PA, ln la bs a F Y La Pas Phe Paris =& Sak, oe ie ci Bete ed i eas : 2 i ee pote:0814)22- TRAE TC LIGHT comTRoLLeR USING 2025 — _ Aun: To uvtike a) _agsermble_languge pregran t0__— —simulale _miCtoptocess ©) based brapeic lighht_con tel uzing 8085 - a Apparatus alequbied + #8085 mictoptocesso1_ki B—________ Pout ch eid _ __|__ Totoggic light cmbengace tik Algesri thm =~ : 4109__] Looped jMou Amc} TE Move va)io From mM boA | 1OA AeRY| D3 14) lout bye value through} - APRT _| | jy Loc | CNS H. 2 Tacetement H-71eg | | Mov Th QUE put: \ Based on the brageic, — light’ Controlled using © goge'\ inicrop ro asset. 62 Page. No. CALL DELAY] C018 1y | call Smal deta INK 23 sEacnernent H-71e9— OcRe of | pectement c-1e9 _] SNZ Loopa|c2 04 yt |Tump IB—noe zero bo iS lop a. START Jur pi to Skat Posy B 25 Push the value bo S216 MVE c,05 | [Move Ene valus to DxIe9| ue _| Loop? |p xt o, teren| 44 EF FE} 0 ecoemenr _D—___; pa. 10c%x D A.B! neve Eheidaka Ftom obo Mov ajO | TA Do oR eperiakion ORAE es NZ Loop 2: hyo | Hor oD f L128 SNZ Loop] co 1ehi|Tump ig no zero to 119 B PoP B C1 |teop > Ppp eg tn ec. Rer ra bale | eal t RESULT*- pamela | program ko imal? _ Micro pricease™ _based _Fragpic light contro? ystem alas. erxecube d uzing _g085- Ponpormlance (25) viva _ (15) Pork Bas O/P Pork? Thpule / outpuk us H ‘900 Dio) Tnput dat output daka pore A as. o]p pork’ 00/0 2H C50) —aegtere [ Expt. No... 5 Page. No, Bile | abe: 2216/24} Tp. pork | Ser%ak Leosamuni¢atien Sb | Awa: 7 pte ____To_uviite an assembly. language program _to. to MLiahze_any one _o® the ports —.4_ebpukfoulpal _| cn _mod2__0 by inborgaung 8085 Apposrales equate d2~— i * $0851 Mmictoprocess ot Kit bap gp —* Key boaxd, as "2955 mlerrfaco. —| Algor orithm 2 Patt B oukpuk pork 2+ ____ | 4. Tatialize pork 8 ond oubput pee —___— - Conbigore the pork B o4 output pork. bey t [reading Ene enqial tiped pnt thmade O [ 3. send Ene desired Aaka accordingly - oPcnd, nmmen mmed ae _ aa [ Lee perme 62 - OUT o¢a4) | ofp the data _| {Ley Program end | | tot, g h 1106 BTA ale aa bo HLT 16 progt-a.cn Resulk:* OUTPUT To READ. A kEY * Enput data Cutpul: da ka-t2o0H expt no. 6 page.tio. 64 pale-2444 READ A KEY usiNG "7085. _and_intoace diploy | Aunt Jo wwnie an assemble languege._pangramte — s1ead_a key and store the Key code ch rempty loca Hon 4200 Using 8085 mi cwpiocease7): and cn iogaa 8919 bo display the 1 ptolling cme2S4g, wzing 2025 miciopiocesse)- Apparia tus s1equired — — 4. 8085 Milo pto cO2S PL kin ——_—_4 a -2._powwe4 chord ___ i Ra Tg® | inkerrp.ace _boatd= is 4 -Reond the Stakus ward |p. check the least Signigicant 2 bity ef the Zbabus Output San wlergace isp) ay: ——______ ——, [Addsias DATA | hiac | fr OFF FF OFF | | ho | Fe FE) FRO FF 4i3q | 48 68 Te ce le 29, 68 FF Expt. No. L : _Algorikhm Sori Totexgac display ?*—— | 4-S@b tbe pointe valuo le: aw IHalise Ehe Country. _ 3+ The _dplay mode Showa _|y Cleo the display = __| 5 worlke—_the___ dis playj——___— |b ASsign—_ propet__delay __| 4+ Tn terement__phe —_pounb 2) ____— _@pecement pho poco Le __ +_—_—_— 4. check For the _non=zeto condi fon and _ display the nest _Chartacker: . ple program..- | Lranemonita [opcode | commenbs __ Oo [Stapr | yyy HePommer| 21 2¢ bil Sek podoker| 110. Mur Door [16 oF | ehtialiae counter | 105 MvI AIO [SE |p> | Mi ic lo out CNT {DSc ouk port 1D4 MvT Ayotch | 36 cc | clea’ dAisPlay | 10 GuT cui | p39. out port 10D Myt A401 | SE 40 | ulsibe aiePlay OF mosnas aif te dat eee. Page|No:! 713 [ant Joecay for gonit [ow Aw [move Lh data dined anes 4 ko B-meg —_ —}hi9> | Loko perc} bd. | oeerornent,¢ __ Jct tnediately bo C519 | te. a pene zero bo A RESULT = —— S\ow * chat! Catan ) Get SUst data Sion Erle!’ menory bo A, and move jk bo RI leglatoy | Thetement pPTR and Move [ _ Setond aka ko A- L Cleo4 RO stegiskery \ L\\ = Thppamobia —mequbent O° lg of ow git seee expt No. J page. No m 8- Bik Addition | using #054. Aan >: F aa _ To unite an asserobly language progtan— bo add two g-bit caata_using 405) — mw Conbollen. | R05) micnoc ontro\et Kit 2 = Keyboond_____ 4 pouort chord: Algorithm: 1 4 .gok DP TR 48 pointe For Maka ________ Teo wore Sat deka mom —Oxkennal memory | bao tumuokor and _Save—it th_@a i 3-5; ae y | S3- Theremrent pet "ye Move * Second dota Stor _@-x-ernal memory to Tk meta 99 ______—_ + eherk Sor _casty + 1g Carty 18 nok Sek "90 Lo Step-8 _OFhes1uige _go_ko nest Step | 2. Tacoromonk —_BacSt Oe lio. Tocremast _DPTR» ove _carty bo _accumulator __ | te_Skop — J oukpuk - & bit addition | Tnpublowuput | Address | SAAS Input defod 4200 H o2H -Input_datao! bo1 Pro | ony ~~ Oukpuk daka hose ay ! a Lp 8-4, Expt. No. page!No, ae) _paiograrn = wad i NO a ia a taal tld mf _[Waaress| Label Mnantonics (okeeaah | comments —} yoo MoV_DPTR, HE 42.0041, 10.42.00, Load Add of jt Aes. Ii data th OP TR | Wlod_| Movy Ay @opre | Lo rove the (St data tof. ylo Mov RA) A | 4 Seve bre Sinstdgts | feos | [re pb! | fins 708 PoM aad | Mlob— | [Move ny @peiR, FO Load 2% data nA {yet f| Mov Roy gh Oot. | 78,00} cleat_Ro bo acc | ste pt pr fot eetery ——§- “uiwa || appara | 24 cret_ Some Aatnina, lon |_| uc Abe nn: | Sos! /:check carry Slag y10C line ro 08 | ipa bok ne | yloP | ABE Ap! Tye _petR | AS— Tncrentont DPTR poe Mav @ penR A ‘Ep’ Save _ Sum wn externa) ee | _ memory, Fa bs mvc DPTR_ | AS | Tacrement DPIR- hilo 4 Movi fy RO E39 | Move catty to A, LIL) Mov X@NPTR/A FO_| save Cary ws | ——f nua waka SIME BBs 20 FE | external memory | {+ /_— _ RESULT: 1 = ly language_@rogtam using — Van 5\ }o..add tuo __8=| bik numbers was YO _uinplemented i ‘ My Poa hots SY | pergormance (9.4) _ Qos] mej tt —4 / | viva (0). ee | Y etord (15) | 12 |__Toba\__(50) FloW cnart: (~stooit__) Le Toad qadsis og dake array co DPTR NA using — DPIR, Load count _valuoin.e2. Via, A suntan ee Ro diegistey ty [ Load tne Steak “ods OF dala aot" =] | at Sr 5g DPTR, Load ‘Ene coun value sro [sig oPre, memory bo Ra agian | DECiement [seoament Ra megnten fist : ae TMevemonk “the. PR and using APTR ang, Move two conseastiuo data 03 army RE andh compaxe Ehe content 6& A'dnd PS by Perpeialy | {Subtraction ,y ee ——___—— i el 2999 pl —— | AppariaLus§ stequivediss i) | 1.8054 miciwcontrolien Kit —j 8 Heyhinaad : —__— ‘ pl Sorting ON Mray to Winagaes ordar using 2051 Pye Jo ubtite an _aag program ks at embly — languge.. program bo— __| Sork an — VL} _06_ aka i. vandng Ord caw 8 7 wo. an ae orden __ UsINg$05)_ Micro controlar 3S. pouton chor be EN Algorithm :- _—_1 4 load_addtess ef data _asviay tn DPTR_and using eae ee q—A-—__ 7. ig —costy Flag_it_nok Sex _thoo_ae bo Steps. | others gGo_fo_néack 2. ig canwty Flag loco on FAR) 4 he caomank ha stagiaten Agi zon o-lag=0+90_to— —_| step 5 ofnenise —_gobo—neoct Shep ee Mar cecuoment P2 1g © VB 20%e Flag=0_ gob step 3 obhsstis¢ goto _nesek Shep —___ —_| i Skop- ot a _ eet Expt. No. | parograrn ram: Page. No. aie or [Aadacss| Label mnemonics | oetand_|_com ments ___ |-}-10O | __ a DPTR, Ap F021 00. Load phe address 08 — |} | count valud to data pa | 03 — | Move YA @bpre | £0 “Move the count: Value to e 3 + atelit Deg: Nh 41045 —_4——___ Mov. R210 FAL | [set tne countsi(N-) | £ _Nepebitions __|yio4 | DEC R2 | An=. |pecremont 2 | yo | Look2! mov pe P,ttyoo0r qo D4 00| Sot the polnten Sorasad 1410.92 _ MoV YA. @NPTR! EO Move tho Po co laa val : lio A MoviR1) A | Eq Sek the comnt | | i N-|_ Stpeh ona yolB | | neers | 14 Hecrtontont RA oD ropa: MoV ¥,@npeiR EO _|Move tha data A__| | From _Pointoy— OE Mov R38; | FB | joad pre dake to_| | | steg: Ipok Entra A3 —_|gnerement tho ¢_Porcnter Hilo aoe hah “Fo | Gree the i next cata in| |__Attay. Em Ce omen compass A and — | R38 steg iste | associat ee ee Tnput /out PUT -- TNPvT (Bepore Sorting | ou TPOT ABLY Serb... | pppeess | pats ooo ©} o8 foe | , a anf. i bh J NEW vo 7 MoaALA i Ss. 5 7 us b aI Na 4 wail ooin gh Aiarth 199 NAA sy ity y — Expt. No. Page, No | | MOV A, @OPTR Eo Move the value —|— Strom DPR toAl —— BEC Dp1R | 15 92. | vecremont poner —|Movxr@ opiR | Fo move the valua pe | _| Srom_A bo PP TR 7 |4Nc pPTR | AZ | tncremont posta pa Me PR EB | Meese date Srom_R2 to A- {Mov x@pPTRA| Fo | Move the dake SFxor_A_bo DPT AHEAD | Nunz Ra,Looral pa EF} Repeat util) {- DJN2Z_ 29,lo0p2 | DA E614 IABLT SJMp_ HALT So FE al ni gn Page. No.) 85 ae “STUDY i PERIMENT: A/D TAIEREACING, ral USING. 60.54 . | fun | | To Skady about the tobexRacing of Analeg ko | pigikad_ Converter using 805) micro eontroli@} | Apporialsss Seq wired - 7 4. 8054 mio processor Kit. 2: Power _chotd ad 3-Adc chkerface _boasid b Algovithm-: | A Selece Eh@ channel_and._ Ia “Takch the addourS le. “clean rhe aceumulakes Ao oe ~__ S-Giek_trput_daka : fase psa acca — Ean ean a age aiding wi th ADC: __| b Measure the — givens _ volbage stging smillippebee- 4: Rend the _cigita\ oukpetk - A gs Stpre itu a —_memory——| lero biog + — —____— Load he. “ported a J to the data pomloa Make | elove the Accumula lies “value _to data pour fen make ALE high —__] make Accunewlator- oe x Sean ee S0c JUMPER SELECTION! FROM swnct AL BATA || HEY Code IN pied | MoV. DPTR: HF FF DO} qo FF Do} Move Lhe soc =. u PoRT Addrwas |} —______}-_ ___} En_daka pounlast loc. | MoV Ar Hod | 7h 04 | S00 signal high ylO€- iM @ Derh Ales e Te ioe | — |MovAsr too {14 00 | S0¢ Signal low “fyut_-| —] I MoV X@DPIRIA_| FO Se —fyu2-4+— }Mov_DPTR +H FFO?|%0 FF D3] Move Lhe _ a Eoc\ Peak Add : t bo dako pool nas IwAIT | Movs A;@pPTR | Fo i Move Ene PPTR } Value toaceumalalay Hib JINB Eo wait Bo Eoec| check For eac | tye | MoV DPT sERECD © nile | Mov + A_@pp7z | * . yud MoV _DPTR pHhI501q0 h}.bo | Store thedaka | yoo Mov x @pPTRyA- eT Sime HERE i \p loop —_ | RESULT: a h Dkengacing ef Analog to digital _converLet with a Micro Conbroll1 Las__Ske died= + le _| [eee ae a fa} ——— ene | Record jeep | DAC - CIRCUIT: BEREEGEE A SQUARE WAVEFORM TRIANGULAR WAVEFORM. ——_Tpaaaess [Label _|ronemenics opcode) a : Fut hcED \ Page. No. BY. DIA INTERFACING: Ada a _T0__stuay Abouk Lhe integacing- pigital Eo Analog conver ten using ‘post tmicreconbell"- meaaaneeaed Slequireds m eae Micto piocess or “Kit es Potent ehorg —__—_—___—*_DAc_ibt engace bead ——— | 6q.ucre wae genorobion ss Algor Ehm = = “4. load the thtial Volo (00) ko AccunWotor move jE to pac: 2. cai) the Oe lay %. [oad the Sha) value CFE) bo ac crdotiorl Land move ib to pac. Ls Call tho Delay —gerogkam B- Ropenk Skeps 9 bo 6 | program USING 305 4 — | tool }}T 00 [Loca the catia) valuo| W103 |START_| oe A nel 105 | __—|oGv4@nerPm/] Fo — {oeam petay ta 4.24 | Mov HEF) FE a tee Bee page.to..-AV) aa eee HIoB MOV X @ nptRiN | FO | move the ACC — Value Eo onc port _|yloc LeaLe DELAY — [12 4) 2] eats Ene peloy — - ; program _ | yoke LIMP STAR 02 41.04 Gio_to start ——|— Eat | unconai tionally ya | DELAY “Mov roa Hos [+145 [Move 05h valua to — ——| - : i Pog RA Hl | LooP_| mov 2) Fe 1A FR Move FAH value to yb |pers [WN2 R2 HERE | pp FE | Pecroment Ene vale! x | dein Reg £2, rnd jump. | | OJNZ Ra; Loop _jna FA [Pe Cremont bet Value th Reg R41 | anda Jump 12 value! beh Retr Qo ig nok Equa) ly SIMP START 0 £6 | Goto stark ewcondtionally. Prigoritnin=- | 4. bad thet SAW TooTH Gib NERATION. Ba) Value_loo) be Accunudoker. _— ee Expt. No. More Lhe nccuimutalo” Untough oaka pointe! Tocremonk the Jump to lable leoP 43 Pago. No valuo to pac port A coumulan Valeo — TRIANGULAR _ Algor thro eel 4 & Move Ene 1: Decrement WAVE accumudetor content Ene a courts bor GLE NBRATION *- 4. Load the tn Lia) value_ (00). on A a ceuerufa bot _ B Move Ebe_aecuumul akor—_conkent po PAC: 3 -Tnerement the _accumuobor con Lent by TR AccumuSokor content ts _-zere_procded_to neock Stap- |B. [oad value Ce f) bo accumulator ———— ko PAC: content by A- |e 1g acoumutatar content 1A Z0r0_go to_step_2 ____| PRociRAM= | Label! m.fLemonic [Sbeoao) ; load Ehe pork address Mov DPTR HEF! FO EF CO! e& PAco to datapi | START _| “| |Mo\ fBeon-{ Moo. jtond_ te dal wa (oo) bo Accumetaler | /$-o___| MoV X@DPTR/A Move Accurtulaber | valus to DAc port JINZ Loops _| Mov AE FE Larne A] _Ehrough cata point Tacrertent Accumulatt stump to Loop fn Zo | foad the Ftral Valio_| Pago.No. V5 Move Lhe Accumulalar — Value Lo pac port — through ata peinlon— Decrertent the Ac h _200e— oa wert Ne Ie. page. No.——AZ 4 _ Skludy 0 ikergacing oc moter usith 205) - Mito contro 11e>1 1 Aun > = b: a Study abou. ieipacing & pe potor with 8051 m1 ©710 Contr oslo a Caan DMequw3jed ° : 2 AT8IC5)__— micw contro! lo __ ePcB Board 4 2 _ cable lO V_pe_ballotyor__Adap bat £29.30 mokor_asiiag * Dc__mok el Se + Blecktolyb ¢ capaci tor = 10 jp [= 2 tanita pacibons -83ME } + 10K Sts gor 2 Push bubbons =2 soit f -» Conneching wires Cit cuit Design - ae jayor—components_ch_the—abore — TTcigjeuit —__afegin same Ar 84¢51_mictocentrallon vol. __sHere Fhe motor __ Ati vert necket bo the _ | ko _controe the o _dsive the Morel. _ “19.98 oo a druple_ » HL-bridge “asian as Ene name. “Sug. ger te eo de Ene Moberts tine — ee . ” a ows.se—AA—_| | te works pases on 56 n copt N= bri H-bHdage fe a e concep circuit which __ allows Ehe Nolbage th either distazonad Eo enki. bho Moko Aiotack| on ‘thee ano 4 chput_pins— C_Loqap. = L99q30 Cikadts : oa 2 JNA 0 and INO = oO = Mokor 4 idi@___— INA =o and IN22.9.9 Motor anki -Clockwke — —ddpeckion 4 - NDS A and In o50 9 Motord clo cK¥urBe diretion aN = A and IN = 4-5 Moker 4 idle —______ Lt NS ro and IN 20 9) Mobor 9 idle cf =o 1 > a i dite choo —_| & pressed or nok_- ig @ —_|Hegic_a__to_P3 4__okhenuise Send mer wee pork + —— page to (0) - an0e— 41-Bum the —plogtam Lo 8054. raicrocontrollat- eNow give tne connection as_per_citct — Bingrams _3.whil@ giving Ehe comections, enqko Sure | bhak Mee i _po__aisieck Supply connedion Srom__ battery _to__aeotrollen: a= __ He SunECh pn the board Supp ly._no the __ mobo _&__S takl onary coanecht 2 B. psess SU button, fou —can_obsenie Reaudh- ) The wmrergacingpe_m bor with 3054 Eagar con ee! fot ayia ebhdjege fT Ae - Lat eipuno—! | : Pago. No. 103 | TNIERF ACG kEYBonRD AND” wrt Leb wit L Peojye Ao 2 - To develop a ¢ plograr Sor display | ene Ketp pressed _ © the Koy board th Ene Lcd moduse . “APP. atabus. sequbied Se 2. ARM T_1LPe aye Kk. —-- —______2-Ceikew M4 Kik _ BS Uge cable ———_——— Jy power cable eT eat Fe thetude 030 pe 2uyg-b2 oa eee eae sr ubcludt “Key sh oid mab Ot PINSEL 2+ 6% 600000060 7 | poo LR 2 0 A ODF OOF 08 y JoapiR = OA DOF OOO, comm (tommand) ¥ doko _(" press and Key"')} eohe 0) ei 7 eee __—t0ee — ] x] lo. | ig Expt Ne Page. No, (05 | door Ne oy ~ 90 E000 00 ; rid Choo Pg b£b00F6 00) | ro 4.000000) “euitsh ClooPNe yo 000 D000) case oye Ov010000. = Agta" ")5 bo boieaky 2.082 © 4 008 0000; gakaal'B"); bleak y 0082 DX OD DODD, data 107") bI0k'y CASL__O X DO OEHSoe, datad ("3"); brealey 3 TOoPIN > OX OODD boon, — 1 FFOOPIN& nx ono Fonas) |= p-xon0- A000) — si bch [TO0 Pin & Ox one nooo) oo “E")bveak sy MS cree tennant gia d tapos heal Ml opens ian nee a ov. bon 7000 * baka 4 (™p") beak Vien ‘ | cage OF Dod BOD0O! data o ("4"); beaks | ease py 000 Doo) datad Os"), bred eee | ge Ox0dd E0000; dotad ('41"); bowoky _-seee— jo? Expt. No. Page. 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