Leader - Giovanna Ramirez

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Electronic Engineering

By: Juliana Cavadia

What is a leader?
A leader is a person
who inspires and
influences their peers
into being the better
version of themselves
and encourages them
to reach their full
Th is p e rs o n co m m a n d s a n d
has the neccesary skills to
lead a group, such as:
intelligence, creativy,
empathy, patience,
justice, among others
Giovanna Ramirez
She shows women and e s t o s p r e a d
She p r o m o t
children that , d e v e l o p
everything is possible, r o j e c t s a n d
research p
that it is worth f u r t h e r
dreaming big and that i n v e s t m e n t s
inte r e s t a n d
dreams do come true s n a t i o n a l
Sky is not the limit l o p m e n t .

electronic engineering, first Colombian analog astronaut


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