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In your own words, kindly answer the following questions with not less than five (5) sentences but not more
than ten (10). Minimize the space being provided. Thank you and God bless.
Parameters of Scoring the written Excellent Very Satisfactory Fair Needs
output 5 Satisfactory 3 2 Improvement
4 1
Clear use of examples, explanation, and
other relevant details
Writing Mechanics
Punctuations, capitalization, spelling,
consistent grammar usage, and
readability of writing.
Total Score

1.What makes literature relevant in human expression?

Literature is relevant in human expression because, through literature, we can express our
ideas, feelings, and emotions. Literature is said to be an enduring expression of significant human
experience for several reasons. One is that we can often relate to the experiences of others when we
read their writings. Through literature, we discover ourselves, our culture, and the cultures of others as
well. And also, we can share our knowledge, thoughts, and opinions with readers through literature,
which can help them to inspire, motivate, and educate.

2. How are Elements of Fiction essential in writing a literary piece?

Elements of fiction are essential in writing literary pieces or stories because every element plays
an important role in helping the writer and the reader understand the story. Those elements of fiction
like characters, setting, plot, climax, theme, conflict, antagonist, and protagonist help to keep the story
running smoothly. Can you imagine writing a story without those elements? Of course not. We cannot
understand the story if we don't have those elements. For example, it is not possible to write a story
without characters and a plot. Because plot is the most important element of the story, and if there is
no character, the story will get boring. Because characters are those elements in the story that give
color to the story. They help to convey the real message that is hidden inside the story. If there is no
character, the story will get boring. To simply say, there is no story if there are no elements of fiction.

3. Who are the intended audience of prose poetry?

The intended audience of prose poetry is the person for whom a writer is constructing a poem
or for whom to read the poem. For example, the poem is about "success," meaning this poem is
intended for us. We are the intended audience because the poem is for everyone. The title and the
content of the poem are suitable for everyone, so we can say that we, or all the readers and listeners,
are the intended audience. And the audience of prose poetry is meant to find significance in the
poem's meaning, and it is the poet's duty to write in a way that will speak to his intended audience.

4. What about poetic poetry?

For poetic poetry, it is the same for the intended audience as for prose poetry. We should
consider the theme or the message of the poem for us to know who the intended audience is. For
example, the content and theme of a poem are often more suitable for one type of audience. So, it is
not enough to say that the audience is for everyone. Always know for whom a writer is constructing or
dedicating a poem by analyzing the title, the content, and the message of the poem before we know
who the intended audience is.

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