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Creating our FB page.

 Here we have our Facebook Page that we have created for our Travel company . Our
Costumers do give feed back about their new Gen booking experience travel and about their
flight comfort and hospitality. So we better understand how to treat our future customers
and how to provide them best deals.

 So customers give feedback on this page.

Creating API

 We can collect that information using Graph API which Facebook provide us.
 Here we have created a API call with all the field we need with in the post to collect
information and do sentiment analytics how they where satisfied.

 To pull this Info from facebook with the API to AWS I have written a script in python to pull
the data from Facebook and send to our AWS services for further use cases
Creating EC2 Instance

 So to run this script we have created a t2.micro EC2 instance which is more than sufficient to
run the .py script.

 This script is stored in a EC2 instance and using a cron job the script runs every 1 min as
* * * * * python <filename>.py which make sure the script runs every minute.

 When the script runs the data is pulled from Facebook and now we must sent to our kinesis
firehose called FB_Delivery_Stream.

Setting up our delivery stream to S3

 Under Kinesis services we go for delivery stream that is our kinesis firehose. We set it up to
ingest data into our S3 Bucket.

 Kinesis Firehose sends the data to our S3 Bucket which we have created to store the raw

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