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T ec h no thr il l er s
A Tr u e2 0 E s pio na g e r o l ep l a yi ng to o l ki t
B y M ic ha el D a u m e n, Pa tr ic k S m i th

Cr edi t s
Development: David Jarvis
Written By: Michael Daumen, Patrick Smith
Editing: David Jarvis, Erica Balsey, Patrick Smith
Cover: Jason Walton
Interior Art: Jason Walton
Graphic Design and Layout: David Jarvis
Proofreading: Erica Balsey, Patrick Smith, Matt Kaiser, Peter Aronson

D ec l a r a tio n o f O p e n G a m i ng Co n t e n t
The following is designated as Prod uct Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game
License, Version 1.0a: all character and place names and descriptions, all art and images.
The following text is Open Gaming Content: all text not previously declared Product Identity.

Co p yr ig h t I n fo r m a tio n
This PDF utilizes and expands on Open Gaming Content found in the System Reference Document.
Reality Deviant Publications and Technothrillers: A true20 Espionage Toolkit is copyright 2008
Reality Deviant Publications. All rig hts reserved.
Produced under license from Green Ronin Publishing LLC. Reference to other copyrighted
material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material.
Green Ronin, True20 Companion True20 Experts Handbook, True20 Adventure Roleplaying, and
their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.

Technoth rillers
Ta b l e o f Co n t e n t s
Credits ................................................... 2 Chapter Six ...................................... 62
Chapter One ........................................... 4 Campaign Frameworks ....................... 62
The Role of the Team ............................... 4 Counter terrorism ........................... ... 62
The Man behind the scenes ...................... 5 Narcotics and Smuggling .................... 62
Missions ................................................. 6 Corporate Espionage ......................... 62
MacGuffins ............................................. 6 National Espionage ........................... 63
The Narrators job .................................... 6 NCB proliferation ............................ ... 63
Expect the Unexpected ............................. 7 The Score ...................................... ... 63
Chapter Two: .......................................... 9 Chains of Evidence ............................ 63
The Agent Role ........................................ 9 Antagonists ....................................... 63
Abilities .................................................. 9 Shadow Agencies ........................... ... 63
Saving Throws ....................................... 10 Crime Syndicates ............................... 64
Skills .................................................... 10 Amoral Corporations ....................... ... 64
Feats ..................................................... 11 Hackers ............................................ 64
Adding the Adept .................................... 11 Rival Teams ...................................... 64
Skill Modules ......................................... 11 Terrorists .......................................... 64
Gambling ............................................... 11 Chapter Seven .................................. 65
Interrogation .......................................... 12 The Patron .................................... ... 65
Craft Skill Specializations ........................ 13 Adventures .................................... ... 66
Chapter Three : ...................................... 14 Leeward Group .................................. 66
Feats ..................................................... 14 A Dark Patron .................................... 66
Tradecraft .............................................. 15 Enemies ........................................... 66
Chapter Four ......................................... 19 The Tam Tong .................................... 67
Assembling the Tools – Planning .............. 21 La Famiglia Vianera ........................... 68
Special Results ...................................... 21 As-Sumut Oil ..................................... 69
Task List ................................................ 22 Makumbe .......................................... 69
Other Steps ........................................... 29 Sudamerikanic, S.A. .......................... 70
Conducting the Op .................................. 31 Global Eye ........................................ 70
Variables ............................................... 32 Sample Mission / Adventure ................ 71
The Defenders Response ......................... 33 Iconic Characters ............................ 73
Failing a Skill Check ............................... 33 Appendix A: ..................................... 77
The Hackers Role ................................... 33 Open Gaming License ....................... 86
Chapter Five ......................................... 35
Gear ...................................................... 35
Toxic Substances .................................... 40
Vehicles ................................................ 40
Customizing Gear ................................... 42

Five pairs of eyes were riveted to the odd happened was in Riga, Latvia in 2001. Now
picture on the screen: what would certainly it’s near Kaliningrad, in the Russian exclave
have been the top floors and penthouse of a between Lithuania and Poland. Kron’s been in
swank apart ment tower – had it not been sitting touch with some pretty seedy characters and
atop a gleaming blue sea. Troxler began: has an interesting tale to tell. The rumor is he
“That structure is the Hans a Dream. has access to the NATO protocols for sonar
In 1988 the Norwegian state oil company activity in the Arctic Ocean, and is happy to
decommissioned it and sold it to financier share them with whoever is interested.
Alejandro Kron. With a great deal more of Peters looked up from his laptop screen, a
his money, Kron towed it out of the North Sea smirk on his face. “I have to imagine he’d be
into the Baltic. It’s been there ever since. The annoyed if that data was erased.”
man only moves it when the inevitable falling “Yes, he would. Which is why you’re only be
out with the host city occurs. The last time it going in to rewrite some of it.”

Technothrillers and other heist movies have reward players who create intricate and daring
been a screen staple for 40 years. Recently, plans to best ruthless and powerful enemies, and
the earliest films have seen a renaissance dole out harsh consequences for poorly planned
of big-ticket remakes, reintroducing suave missions. Technothrillers allows Heroes to frame
heroes like Thomas Crown and elaborate some of the obstacles they might encounter,
setups such as those presented in The Italian and also provides the means to overcome them.
Job and Ocean’s Eleven. Television is no Narrators are encouraged to bring their own ideas
stranger to this type of story. Espionage to the game as well. Whether inspiration comes
programs like Mission Impossible, The A- from newspaper headlines, the pages of fiction or
Team and McGyver are classic favorites. big and small screens alike, the goal is to create
Most recently, Hollywood has breathed new action-packed espionage thrillers which will keep
life to technothriller dramas by introducing your players on the edge of their seat!
post-Cold War heroes like Sidney Bristow
and villains such as Arvin Sloan in the hit
series; Alias. Th e Ro l e o f th e
The technothriller is popular because
stories often fluctuate between cerebral
T ea m
plots and tense action within a few short Technothrillers focus on stories which revolve
frames, leaving the audience guessing what around groups of elite specialists who are
will happen next. Typically, just as much time typically assembled to pull off complex, even
is spent planning the operation as is spent “impossible ” missions. In many ways this is also
carrying it out, not to mention responding to the traditional setup of most roleplaying games.
any unexpected problems which so often crop Although there are differences that stem from
up during any aspect of a given operation. genre and the genre, a Narrator can use some
Generally speaking, a team works with one basic assumptions to lay the foundation for most
goal in mind. This isn’t to say that individual campaigns.
members don’t have their own reasons for Each team member should have a particular
taking on the mission. Furthermore, team specialty or at least be competent in one or more
members have weaknesses that their enemies fields, such as computer use or infiltration. At least
will surely try to exploit in order to prevent one member should be the “go-to guy” for certain
the success of the mission in questi on. tasks the team expects encounter during a given
Technothrillers: A True20 Espionage mission. This way each player gets some time
Toolkit attempts to recreate the flavor of you in the spotlight as their heroes perform mission-
favorite spy movies or television shows using critical tasks.
the highly popular True20 game system ; In short, each Hero is vital to the su ccess of the
published by Green Ronin . These rules will operation.

That said, all is not lost if a party lacks certain other questions can (and should) be revealed
vital skills. The Narrator may design adventures over the course of a Technothrillers saga.
around the shortcomings of the group to ensure Talented Narrators will exploit the Patron/
the team has a reasonable chance of success. Team dynamic to build in depth, exciting
This book provides a toolkit the play ers can campaigns full of intrigue. Money doesn’t
use to avoid problems involving the use of always need to be a motivating factor when
skills the team lacks. Alternatively, the group it comes to securing the cooperatio n of the
can always hit up their information network and Heroes. Perhaps the patron has offered some
hire freelancers - specialists in everything from other reward such as clearing a Hero es’ good
electronic surveil lance and hacking, to wet work. name, or providing an antidote to a lethal
While the option to hire outside the team can be toxin in a team member ’s blood. Maybe the
attractive in situations where the Heroes need team’s reputation has fallen so low that they
immediate help, the team should be aware that can’t find work elsewhere. Information can
these individuals always have their own motives. also play a factor in the heroes’ decision to do
It isn’t uncommon to see a mission go bad when a job for the patron.
the team – desperately needing help – hires
unscrupulous or unprofessional individuals. The For instance, the team might need to acquire
use of free-lancers in context of a story directly a set of blue prints for a weapons manufacturing
relates to another important factor for campaign facility they were hired to infiltrate by another
design: Each ch aracter should have a colorful group. The problem is, the data is on a server
background. farm controlled by a rival organization. The
person who owns the server farm will give
How did these individuals get involved in the spy the team the info they need, but they have to
game? Where did they learn the skills they know? get her something in return – a list of all MI-6
Did they go rogue? Maybe they are disavowed ex- operatives currently operating in So uth-East
CIA or KGB operatives who have been recruited Asia.
to any number of terrorist groups throughout the
world. Who knows them - those that they have Even less respectable motives are useful
helped, and those they have crossed? These ties hooks for an adventure. A potential backer
may seem insignificant, but they are the glue that might compel the team’s compliance by
holds unrelated missions together and enriches threatening to kill one of the Hero’s friends or
the campaign as a whole. Additionally, these little family. In this type of scenario the heroes will
tidbits of information help to provide a Narrator likely split their efforts, performing the job to
a we alth of inspiration when designing future by time for other team members to ensure the
missions. targets are safe. And of course, it creates the
possibility that a patron becomes the target of
the Heroes in a monumental climax.
Th e M a n B ehi nd th e If all players are willing, it’s also possible
Sc en es for a Hero to be the patron. With this setup,
the patron character should have proven his
The Heroes also need solid reasons for staying worth before the others consider following his
together and doing what they do. It’s not enough orders and furthering his aims. Stronger ties
to simply say that a mysterious patron is behind between characters – perhaps the team is all
missions and expect the Heroes to blindly hop related or served in a military unit together
on board. Always keep in mind that, in a techno – may also explain this arrangemen t. Even
thriller, nothing is as it seems. While the patron so, the patron characters should design his
might initially ap pear benevolent in his reasons character with this in mind, even if it means
behind hiring the heroes, that façade tends to foregoing other benefits. The other team
fade over the course of a campaign. Questions members should always retain the freedom
begin to nag at the heroes. to decide how to run their characters and
the rewards should be evident and fair to
Why does this guy back their missions with
little say in how they are carried out? Is the boss
accumulating power piece-by-piece for some other
goal? Who are his benefactors? Is the organization
everything it seems or a smaller part of a larger
operation? Most importantly, is the team being
set up to take a fall? The answers to these and

using so many resources to acquire it. There’s no
M i s sio n s reason why the MacGuffin can’t be a large sum of
money, but there are other options. In the modern
All Technoth rillers missions tend to follow a spy game money is less important than cutting-
basic framework. Generally speaking, the edge technology or sensitive data. Classified
team initially learns of the target and where information can prove extremely valuable to the
i t is located. As they get deeper into their right people. In the modern world, governments
plans, they find out more about its owner and organizations are always trying to get the
and how they might be able to penetrate upper hand on their perceived adversaries.
the more secure areas of his or her base of Acquiring advanced technology and sensitive
operations. information is the best way to accomplish that.
Eventually, the Heroes start discovering Finally, it is possible for the target to be a person.
the problems they will encounter during A team may be called on to rescue someone dear
the operation, and began planning their to a member or perhaps important to the world at
activities around solving them. This cycle of large. A corporate defector may want to make the
revelation and solution winds up the tension move to a new company, and need the team’s help
as the deadline for starting the mission to do so. Unscrupulous teams may be not even
l ooms. Unanticipated variables factor into be trying to rescue a human target; the victim may
the mission; Villains change their plans have been sentenced to death in absentia, and
at the last moment; A specialist brought in the Heroes are carrying out the sentence.
to help the team at a particular time starts
acting strangely, causing the team to wonder
which side he’s really on. Th e Na r r a to r ’ s Jo b
By the time the mission begins, the These rules are intended not only to allow
team should have a good idea of what the characters to pull off amazing missions, but also
conditions on the ground will be and what to let the players enjoy those tense scenes of
they will hav e to do to achieve success. The preparation that make the operations possible. It
Heroes need to get in, do their job and get out makes little sense for a group to use these rules if
safely. Even though the missions appears they do not achieve this goal. Thus, the Narrator
to have gone off without a hitch, there is needs to make sure the players know they will be
always the possibility that a character left rewarded for doing the kinds of things everyone
something behind, opening the door for future sees in techno thriller movies.
retribution by their target. Retribution can
Before introducing a mission, the Narrator needs
take many shapes. Enemies might design an
to make sure that Heroes have the resources
operation designed to trap the team. Clues
needed to tackle a job. If she wants them to
l eft behind form a trail leading the enemy
assault a carefully-guarded compo und in the
back to the Heroes’ door, resulting in a full-
wilderness, someone on the team sh ould have a
blown strike on team members by rival agents
skill set that allows them to function effectively in
or assassins. Friends and family members
the wild. Likewise, once the team decides that
might suffer as a consequence of the teams’
special equipment will help them, t he Narrator
failure to clear their tracks.
needs to ensure that they can arrange for delivery
of this gear, or discover some way to build it from
M a c G u f fi n s scratch.

The grandfather of the techno thriller, On the other hand, a Narrator should examine
Alfred Hitchcock, was fond of using the the skills and tradecraft secrets that the players
term “MacGuffin” for a plot device in his select before planning the mission. Skills and
movies. This is the ultimate motivation for tradecraft secrets determine what each player
an operation. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter wants their characters to do effectively – meaning
what it is, just that the party wants it and that they should get chances to put this expertise
someone else wants to deny them it. to good use. The discussion on defenses focuses
on skills that would come in handy when faced
A MacGuffin could be anything at all so with various security systems.
l ong as it provides a reason to attempt the
operation. Keep in mind, however, that if These rules allow enough flexibility for a Narrator
the target has no intrinsic value, it will prove to approach each mission with a variable level
difficult for the team’s benefactors to justify of preparedness. If she has a list of interesting
defenses and complications ready, it will be easy

to reveal them to the team during their planning.
However, she can also start with a blank slate,
having the entire group fill in the blanks as the
planning proceeds. There are many places in
which the players themselves will be able to add
their own input to the process, which helps keep
their interest up.
In a sense, these rules might be construed as
railroading. After all, the team will have to follow
a sort of script to defeat all the challenges placed
before them. Ideally, however, this is a railroad
that was partially constructed by the players
themselves! They know where it leads, which cars
are on the track with them, where the tunnels and
rickety bridges lie, and where the loud whistle is
on the engine that’s so fun to blow.

Exp ec t P l a y er s
to Exp ec t th e
U n exp ec t ed
Although there are countless variations on a
Technothrillers operation, nearly every observer
can legitimately rely on certain assumptions.
Narrators should be willing to take some of these
at face value, and turn others on their head to
catch players off guard.
*The Narrator will be viewed as an adversary.”
Obviously, because she is managing hostile
Narrator Characters, this is true in its strictest
sense. But every player realizes a Narrator
can stop an operation dead on a whim or allow
a Na rrator Character to act on knowledge he
wouldn’t have access to. Sometimes, this isn’t
even intended. The trick is to endanger everyone
and everything while ensuring the possibility of
success at all times – and communicating both to
the players.
*The technological solutions work. “Thinking of the
gadget that will overcome an obstacle is the easiest
part of a plan. The hard part consists of inventing
or acquiring it and then getting the item where the
group needs it to be. Even if its intended function
becomes unnecessary because of changes in the
plan or operation, a suitable alternative use will
present itself during the mission.
*Things do not always go according to plan.”
Unexpected obstacles will arise. Maybe a
key factor that the party is relying on suddenly
changes. Flexible plans will allow teams to make
last-minute changes and adapt to the fluidity of the
situation. A Narrator should take this assumption
to its logical conclusion only, introducing wrinkles

that can be considered in contingency plans
– or that lead to exciting scenes.
*Something is not what it seems.” A critical
Narrator Character is planning to betray the
team. There is a hidden complication, or one
that was misunderstood when first identified.
This can even apply to an error-free mission,
which by definition is unexpected! The key
is making sure that the same scenarios don’t
recur – or if they do, the team knows about
the deception and accounts for it in the
*No setback is meaningless.” Errors that
make the operation deviate from the plan
can be blessings in disguise when situations
change. If a Hero dies, it should be only
after doing something meaningful such as
saving another life, or fixing a fatal flaw.
Who knows, the team member left for dead
might even come back as an adversary in
the future.
*The operation should eventually work.
These are not horror games; players expect
that they will triumph in some form. Setbacks
often provide a warning for similar situations
in the future , or hint of alternative ideas that
lead to success. Remember that Narrators
are as much a part of the audience as the
players are – which means that they, too,
want the mission to succeed.

“You four are the best I have. Luca, you’ve been with the Leeward Group since Burt was alive.
I’m sure you know enough of the men in NATO’s naval command to have a personal stake in
the job. Between the docks and the criminals in Kaliningrad you’ll have plenty to do. Peters
will handle the computing responsibilities. You’ll also have to come up with software and a
database that can masquerade as the real deal. It has to fool me, too, so you have your work
cut out. Intan, you’ll be getting into wherever needs getting into. The hard part will be figuring
out just how to maneuver you into position. Veasey is point man. I know it will be your first
time, but I have complete confidence in you. Anyone sitting here who doesn’t, might want to
leave now.”
The room was motionless. If a spectator looked hard enough, he might have seen
Troxler ’s lips twitch into what could be charitably called a smile.
“This is an important one, folks. No gold or glory, just the satisfaction in keeping this
crazy world a little less so.”

Technothrillers is designed to work in a modern,

high-tech setting. The characters involved tend
to be highly competent in their fields of choice.
Th e A g e n t Ro l e
Any unusual powers tend to be the result of super Agents are the cream of the espionage
science or an original application of standard community, responsible for running the
technologies. Thus, the Adept is traditionally not operations that advance their nation’s and
a part of most campaigns. agency’s causes. Some agents choose to
It is probable that most campaigns will be able focus on the ability to handle any social
to do with only two roles. The True20 r ules are situation, others emphasize technical or
flexible enough to present a variety of c haracter scientific skills for an edge, and some focus
archetypes based on the Warrior and Expert – let on physical skills for strenuous missions.
alone custom roles created with the concepts Agents must prepare for nearly anything
found in the True20 Companion. However, owing that might go wrong during the course of an
to the importance of skill checks in the mechanics operation. Agents have the following traits:
presented here, Experts will likely be capable of Abilities
playing a greater part than Warriors.
Because of the potential loss of one character Agents wind up in situations that require all
role, a new one is presented here for use in abilities, from charged social situations to
Technothrillers games, or other settings with deathtraps and covert missions with grueling
espionage related themes. Agents must be physical obstacles. High Charisma and
prepared for a variety of challenges and quite Wisdom will most often help them flourish
rounded in their approach to besting them. To in high-stress environments. Conversely, it
this end, they possess tradecraft secrets in lieu of is probably easiest to mask one’s weakness
powers. Many of the classes offered in the Modern in Strength, by relying on gadgetry and
Adventures section of the True20 Companion (as weapons, than in any other characteristic.
well as the Specialist in the Space Adventures
Section) can also play an important part in games
Foolproof (Cor e Ability)
of this type. An agent can spend a point of Conviction to
Additionally, there are ways to incorporate the automatically improve the result of a Plan -
effects of powers in a techno thriller while still ning montage roll one step. This can turn an
maintaining the particulars of the genre. If the otherwise failed roll into a useful outcome,
Narrator is willing to accommodate the intricacies achieve an even better result for a positive
of incorporating magic or psionics into a game, roll, or mitigate a disaster. An agent can use
nothing prevents this decision. this ability once per planning montage.

Tr a d ecr a ft B ui l d i n g Th e A g e n t
Agents can develop and use certain tra - Using the role construction rules from the
decraft secrets, described in detail b elow. An True20 Companion , an Agent has the follow -
agent can choose to acquire a tradecraft se - ing components:
cret in place of a feat, either starting feats or Combat Progression: Medium (3)
those acquired by improving in level. A start -
ing agent can have up to three tradecraft se - Power Progression: Slow; Narrow Power
crets (at the cost of taking no starting feats), list (0.25)
one secret a nd two feats, or any combination Skill Progression: 6 Ranks (1.5)
adding up to the agent’s starting number of Saving Throw Progression: Two Good,
feats. Each time the agent gains a level the one Normal (0.25)
player has a choice of taking a new feat or a
new tradecraft secret. Feat Access : General and Expert (0)

S aving Throws Skills

Agents vary in their Fortitude, Ref lex, and
Choose 6 + Intelligence score starting skills
Will save bonuses. Choose two of these
(minimum of 1).
three to be the character ’s good save, with
the other as a normal save, consulting Agents gain 6 + Int skill ranks per additional level
the appropriate column on the table. For (minimum of 1).
example, your agent’s Fortitude and Reflex Virtually all skills are important to one sort of
saves might be good, while her Will save is expert or another. Agents tend to pick certain
normal. At 1st level, her base Fortitude and areas where they specialize, such as athletic
Reflex save bonuses would be +2, while her or outdoor skills (Acrobatics, Climb, Jump, and
base Will save would be +0.

Ta b l e 2 a : S a v e P r o g r e s s i o n s
Level Combat Good Save Normal Save Reputation
1st +0 +2 +0 +0
2nd +1 +3 +0 +1
3rd +2 +3 +1 +1
4th +3 +4 +1 +1
5th +3 +4 +1 +1
6th +4 +5 +2 +2
7th +5 +5 +2 +2
8th +6 +6 +2 +2
9th +6 +6 +3 +2
10th +7 +7 +3 +3
11th +8 +7 +3 +3
12th +9 +8 +4 +3
13th +10 +8 +4 +3
14th +10 +9 +4 +4
15th +11 +9 +5 +4
16th +12 +10 +5 +4
17th +12 +10 +5 +4
18th +13 +11 +6 +5
19th +14 +11 +6 +5
20th +15 +12 +6 +5

Survival, for example), interaction skills (Bluff, and technology hard to accept in a genre
Diplomacy, Perform, and Sense Motive), or predicated on hard science. There are only
scholarly skills (such as Craft, Knowledge, and a few examples of characters in film and
Notice). books that straddle both worlds, as they tend
to mesh poorly or deviate from the norm. If
Feats that’s what everyone wants, they’re probably
in for a treat. Regardless of her conclusion,
All agents have Firearms Training, Weapon
the Narrator should let the players know
Training, or Skill Focus as a starting feat.
what options are available to them and their
Choose 3 additional starting feats from the Agent
competition before starting a campaign.
or General categories, or substitute a tradecraft
secret for one or more starting feats. Another solution might be to a llow a
technological basis for certain powers. The
A d di ng th e A d ep t list of powers available to Adepts includes
many that can be emulated by scientific
Most modern settings allow the use of Experts and means. For example, a holographic
Warriors. These rules introduce the Agent as a projection device would allow the team to
third class, for groups that feel otherwise limited use the Illusion power.
by a selection of only two roles. That said, True20
is a game about possibilities, and one of those S kil l M o d ul e s
possibilities is adding unusual powers into the
techno thriller genre. Invisibility would certainly True20 skills are designed to cover a wide
make an infiltration easier, as would the ability to range of activities. But there are some
change facial features or control another ’s mind – specialized tasks which may come up in
unless one has the supernatural means to detect the context of a techno thriller that deserve
or prevent such activities. mention. In addition to what appears here,
there are sections on the Knowledge skill in
As an example, you could use these rules as a
Chapter 4, as well as rules for parachutes
frame work for gritty science fiction Technothrillers
and skis, as well as some other equipment
in a dystopic - Orwellian future world where secret
in Chapter 5.
agents hunt down psychic renegades, pitt ing their
psychic training against that of their adversaries Ga mbling
in an ongoing saga of control vs. freedom.
Nothing in these rules prevents the introduction Gambling encompasses a range of activities,
of adepts into a Technothrillers setting. However, from mindlessly putting coins into a machine,
many powers will have long-standing effects on to bluffing opponents in a high-stakes card
their usefulness. In some cases, certain True20 game, and finally to researching scoring
powers could make some stages of an o peration trends in professional sports. As a result,
trivially easy, such as subverting a Narrator different games require different skills.
Character to help the party, or interfacing with To join or start a game, a character must
the c omputer of a target location. Players are first pay a stake. The character sets the
extremely versatile when it comes to exercising purchase Difficulty of the stake if he or she
a character ’s powers. Such ingenuity could starts the game, or the Narrator sets it if
eventually subvert even the most devious the character joins a game. Stakes run from
Narrator ’s plans for the team. penny-ante (Difficulty 4) to astronomical
Narrators should be just as careful allowing (Difficulty 24). A Hero cannot take 20 when
Narrator Characters access to powers as well. purchasing a stake; otherwise this is treated
For example, an opponent who employs (or is) like any other transaction.
a powerful telepath could theoretically detect If the stake is within the character ’s means
any hostiles attempting to penetrate a facility. A (it is equal to or less than his or her Wealth
natural way to counter such an antagonist is to bonus), the character stands no chance of
kill the psychic before he interferes ( generally winning any significant amount. The character
not a traditional part of preparing for techno might come out ahead, but the amount is not
thriller missions due to the fact that teams should enough to affect his or her Wealth bonus.
be ghosts if they do the job right). But such Since paying the stake didn’t cost any points
unorthodox solutions might be necessary to ensure of Wealth bonus, the character doesn’t
that players have an enjoyable experience. lose anything either. If the stake is higher
Some players may even find a mix of powers than the character ’s Wealth bonus (before

applying any reductions from purchasing the
stake), the character gets a +1 bonus on his
or her skill check for every point the purchase
Difficulty is above the character ’s Wealth
bonus – representing the fact that a gambler
might not have exhausted his stake entirely.
The skill that determines how well a player
does depends on the type of game. The chart
below summarizes the various types of games
a hero can play. Note that since games of
chance are essentially random, the check is a
straight d20 roll. Winner-takes-all tournaments
will involve one or more opposed checks,
instead of a fixed Difficulty, either made all
at once or in a bracket. However, players do
not add the difference between their stakes
and Wealth ratings to their checks. There are
a number of challenges specific to each type
of game that a hero may attempt to boost his Hand check opposed by an opponent’s Notice
winnings. Each is risky in its own way. check. A Hero can add the margin of victory to the
skill roll with a successful check. Failure risks
B luff being accused of cheating.
In return for a -5 penalty to playing a winner- If the character beats all other participants, she
take-all game, a Hero can try to bluff his wins and gains an increase to her Wealth bonus
opponents into making poor decisions. This depending on the margin of success. Determining
allows a gambler to make a Bluff check opposed the rewards for a winner-takes-all game works
by an opponent’s Sense Motive check. With a a little differently: only the final winner gets to
successful check, a Hero can add the margin make this calculation. If all the skill checks were
of victory on either side to the skill r oll. rolled at once, use the margin of victory plus the
number of opponents. In case of a bracket, add
R es ea rch the margin of victory of all successful checks.

In return for a -5 penalty to placing a par-

mutuel bet, a Hero can consult racing forms and I n t er r o g a tio n
Internet sites for inside information, allowing The Intimidate skill governs forceful attempts
a gambler to make a Gather Information check to get information out of unwilling subjects.
at the Difficulty of the game. A Hero can add
the margin of victory to the skill roll with
a successful check. Check Result Difference Wealth Bonus In crease

1-9 +1
S leig ht o f Ha nd
10-19 +2
In return for a -5 penalty to playing a table
game, a Hero can try to manipulate his 20-29 +3
cards or chips into maximizing his bluff 30-39 +4
his opponents into making poor decisions,
allowing a gambler to make a Sleight of 40 or more +5

Ty p e Examples Skill/Ability (Difficulty)

Games of Chance R o u l e t t e , s lot machines, keno none (12-16)

Ta b l e G a m e s c r a p s , b l a c kjack, baccarat Knowledge: Popular Cultu re (15)

Pari-Mutuel Games s p o r t s b e t s , racing Knowledge: Current Events (20)
W i n n e r Ta k e s A l l p o k e r, c h e min-de-fer Knowledge: Popular Cultu re (*)

* o p p o s e d c h e c k i n s t e a d o f a f i x e d Difficulty

But force is never the only way. Once a team
has a potential witness in a position to provide
information, the Narrator should determine
that Narrator Character ’s attitude towards the
Heroes. Also, the interviewee should have one
weak stance and one strong stance toward two
of the following methods of questioning. An
interrogation attempt receives a +5 bonus or -5
penalty depending on that stance.
Treat each attempt as an hour ’s worth of
negotiation, using opposed checks. If the
interviewer succeeds, the target’s attitude
improves as in would in a standard social action.
A subject with a Friendly attitude towards the
questioner will reveal truthful information,
including the fact that someone is ignorant of
the information sought. Note that a Confession
is started by the target, who tries to provide a
compelling story from the outset. An interrogator
who fails the check receives false information
they nonetheless believe, or that the
victim knows nothing. Method Questioner ’s Skill Target’s Ski ll
Confession Sense Motive Bluff
Roug h M ethod s
Hostility Intimidate Concent rati on
Ruthless interrogators have an Persuasion Diplomacy Diplomac y
unpleasant bag of tricks they can Trick Bluff Sense Mot iv e
use to improve their efforts. The
use of truth serum and polygraphs is
century techno thriller, some anticipated
discussed in the Equipment section below; other
uses of the Craft skill will have little utility
techniques like sleep deprivation should require a
beyond a hobby skill. Listed below are
Will save on the part of the captive. Failure results
ten specializations which apply to m odern
in a +5 bonus to the questioner ’s skill check. The
characters. The Narrator should b e willing
Narrator can select a Difficulty depending on the
to apply these broadly; for example, Wr itten
thoroughness of the tactics.
Word for forgery of diplomatic paper s, and
Torture is often used during a Hostile Demolitions for handling a nuclear de vice.
interrogation. If you allow this in your game, use
Automotive: ground vehicles of all types
the following rules.
Watercraft: vehicles that travel in, un der, and
The user selects the Damage Bonus for a
over water
Toughness save against nonlethal damage, but
selects the level of lethal damage inflicted (in Aerospace: transportation through th e air and
other words, the rating on the Damage Track). beyond
If the victim fails the Toughness save, apply the Mechanical: from small engines to heavy
result normally; t his could mean a victim passes machinery, including firearms
out, ending the session! Results of Dazed or
Electronic: computers and other electrical
Staggered give the torturer a bonus of +2 or +4,
respectively, to an interrogation, until the subject
gives in or loses consciousness. If the save Construction: civil engineering an d large-
succeeds entirely, however, the victim receives scale fabrication
a bonus to subsequent skill checks equal to the Chemical: the synthesis of complex molecular
margin of victory. compounds
Polygraph operators monitoring someone who has Demolitions: creation and use of explosives
been tortured lose the bonus to Gather Information
checks provided by this equipment. Fine Arts: sculpture and painting and other
visual artistic media
Cra ft S kill Sp ecia liza tio ns Written Word: composition of prose , poetry,
and technical writing
Since True20 covers other eras beyond the 21st

“I’ve already made inquiries about the possibility of interdicting the Hansa Dream on the
high seas,” Troxler explained. But Kron has a legal team that has managed to sk irt around
anything but the most outlandish accusations – piracy and such. Which would make the ac -
cuser look pretty foolish.”
The team all knew how uncomfortable that would make Troxler.
“What about customs?” asked Jacob Veasey. “Any angle with the Russian authori -
“No, they have better representation than I ever had.” It was a joke – delivered to
one of his former solicitors – but offered with deadpan delivery. “This has to be a standard
entry, with one of Peters’ little tricks once you get it. Are you two up for it?”
While the room went silent, Intan and Peters’ gazes met for several seconds, sizing
the other up. Then they both burst out laughing at the same time.

Just because Technothrillers focus on non- a bonus against any attempts to discover his
supernatural situations doesn’t mean that identity.
characters will lack interesting options. This
chapter discusses some useful additions
Discriminating Buyer
for a character ’s bag of tricks, including a Prerequisite : no other contact
list of tradecraft secrets for agents to use
when planning and executing missions. Description: You know where to find rare items
more cheaply than normal. Any modifiers to
purchase Difficulties derived by an object’s rarity
F ea t s are halved when the character attempts to buy
something. This should not be used solely as a
Most examples of technothrillers are
way to acquire personal gear.
cinematic: in that what appear to be
“realistic” characters are larger-than- Expr ess D elivery
life heroes and villains. These feats are
designed to give traditional characters a bit Prerequisite : no other contact
more pizaz z than a typical spy. Description: You can acquire gear more quickly
B leeding Ed g e than normal. Reduce any intervals fo r looking for
equipment by one-half day (to a minimum of one-
Prerequisite : Knowledge (technology) 5 half day).
ranks or more Ga mbler
Descriptio n: You are familiar with the most
recent technologies of his or her fields. Prerequisite : none
They can attempt to build Complex items in Description: You may add +3 to all skill checks
the field without a toolkit. when Gambling using the rules in Chapter 2.
Ca utio us O b s erver Gold en Gun
Prerequisite : none Prerequisite : no other Golden Gun.
Descriptio n: You have a +3 bonus when Description: Choose a particular brand of
participating in Recon or Infiltrate activities firearm (or, if the game uses gene ric weapon,
during a planning montage. the character ’s designated weapon). You can
Cover Id entity add your Reputation to the Combat rolls with this
Prerequisite : none Ha ndym a n
Descriptio n: The character has an
established cover for use during missions. Prerequisite : none
His Reputation score can be added as Description: You have a +3 bonus when

participating in mock-up activities and fabrication
during a planning montage.
Sig natur e Skill
Hard to Cr a ck Prerequisite : no other Signature Skill.
Description: Choose a character ’s trained
Prerequisite : none
skill. You can add your Reputation when
Description: Yo u can add +3 to all skill checks performing checks with this skill.
when subject to Interrogation using the rules in
Chapter 2.
Star e Down the Barr el
Hard to Kill Prerequisite : none
Description: You can make an Intimidate
Prerequisite : none
check when facing an opponent armed with a
Description: Once per combat, you can add gun. This antagonist must make a Will save
your Reputation to a Toughness save. at this roll’s Difficulty to do anything but cover
Inq uisitor the character. A third party can end this effect.
The hero must be aware of the presence of the
Prerequisite : none gunman for this feat to have any effect.
Description: Yo u can add +3 to all skill checks Stingy Buyer
when attempting Interrogation using the rules in
Chapter 2. This does not apply to torture. Prerequisite : no other contact
Living o ut o f a Suitca s e Description: Characters with this feat have
leads on acquiring gear more cheaply than
Prerequisite : none normal. All purchase Difficulties attempted by
Description: You know all the shortcuts of travel. this character during a mission are reduced by
The travel time for any trip taking longe r than a one. This should not be used solely as a way
one-half day interval is reduced by one. to acquire personal gear.

Natur a l L ea d er Trad ecra ft Focus

Prerequisite : none Choose a known Tradecraft. You get a +3
bonus on all Tradecraft checks using it. You
Description: You have a +3 bonus when can acquire this feat multiple times. Each time
participating in Brainstorm and Drill activities you do, it applies to a different Tradecraft.
during a planning montage.
Voice of Authority
News ho und
Prerequisite : none
Prerequisite : none
Description: Hackers with this feat have a +5
Description: You have a +3 bonus when bonus when using the Stand Down or Prank Call
participating in Research activities during a routines to fool security during a mission.
planning montage.
Phr ea k Tr a d ecr a f t
Prerequisite : none Tradecraft secrets are similar to Adept powers
Description: You have a +3 bonus when in True20. They allow a tradecraft roll in lieu
participating in Hack and Simulation activities of some other attempt to make an operation
during a planning montage. succeed. In most respects, tradecraft secrets
are acquired and function as powers do in
Scho o l o f the A m erica s the standard rules. A Narrator wishing to
Gra d ua te keep these out of a campaign is encouraged
Prerequisite : none to expound on the Contacts, Connected and
Benefit feats presented in the True20 rules
Description: You can increase or decrease by instead.
2 the amount of the Damage Bonus inflicted by
torture using the rules in Chapter 2. The decision It should be noted that a number of these
to alter the damage bonus occurs after a victim tradecraft secrets are subtle in nature,
attempts a Toughness save – meaning the result representing a way for Heroes to em ulate the
of this save can change. characters in action-packed espionage fiction
or movies. To promote their use, a Narrator

Technothrillers have been used. Can also apply to evidence that
might consider exploiting their non-use as a
a computer was accessed and data manipulated.
way to throw complications into the team’s
way. For example, a team that fails to cover Dispose of body : Removes a corpse from its
their tracks when traveling to the mission site place of death while destroying any indication
(by way of the Military Transport tradecraft, that it was there.
for example), might have their movements Wipe down a crime scene : While this does not
picked up by a long-term or potenti ally new conceal that a crime has taken place, it hinders
enemy. investigators from trying to collect evidence about
the events and perpetrators of the deed.
A r m s M ercha nt
Sanitize a crime scene : Removes all evidence
The Hero excels at procuring weapons and that anything unusual has occurred.
military equipment. When attempting to
In general, the degree of success should increase
purchase them, the character can use this
the Difficulty of anyone trying to investigate the
tradecraft in lieu of a Wealth check. The
particulars of the scene or crime.
Difficulty remains the same, subject for
penalties involving restricted gear. However, Computer Tim eshar e
these penalties can be negated by an amount
up to his Reputation score if the character is The character can schedule time on a
personally involved in the deal (in a face-to- supercomputer ’s processing calendar. These
face meeting or through verifiable phone or uber-powered machines perform computations
e-mail contact). that would take weeks on a typical computer.
Hackers can develop algorithms ahead of time
B la ck M a r keteer to bypass security systems. If the team knows
of a computer-based Defense, this can be used
The character is a natural at obtaining
to create a specific Countermeasure for it with a
illegal items such as drugs and untraceable
successful tradecraft roll (Difficulty 15).
weapons. When acquiring these items,
the character uses this tradecraft in lieu D efeat Polygraph
of a Wealth check. The Difficulty remains
the same and is boosted by any penalty for Heroes with this tradecraft can calm their bodies
using the black market. However, these during times of stress, preventing their own vital
penalties can be negated by an amount signs from betraying them. A successful roll
up to his Reputation score if the Hero is against a Difficulty 15 allows the Hero to negate
personally involved in the deal (in a face-to- any bonus from a polygraph used against him. If
face meeting or through verifiable phone or the hero scores higher than a Difficulty of 25,
e-mail contact). the interrogator does not know this is occurring
and is not likely to choose a different line of
Clea nup questioning.
Keeping evidence of illicit activities For ensic Lab
undetected buys extra time for a team to
accomplish their mission – or get away. The Hero has access to a biomedical research
If the mission goes sideways, it’s good to facility and can exploit it’s resources to detect
know someone who can get rid of the bodies. and analyze genetic material in order to craft
That’s what cleanup is for. An agent can call items capable of defeating biometric security
in cleaners to return things back to normal, systems. If the team has a sample, it can be
or at least normal enough until someone used to create a specific Countermeasure for one
takes a closer look. biometric Defense with a successful tradecraft
roll (Difficulty 15).
Task Difficulty
Remove evidence of entry 15 Jet Set
Dispose of body 20 The agent can arrange transportation around the
Wipe down a crime scene 25 globe with surprising efficiency. The Purchase
Sanitize a crime scene 30 Difficulty for any ticket he or she purchases is
reduced by 2.
Remove evidence of entry : Eliminates
fingerprints and signs that burglary tools

Task Difficulty
Task Difficulty
Lift Restrictions (Self) 10+Reputation
Police Suspicion 15
Lift Restrictions (Other) 15+Reputation
All Points Bulletin 20
Overbooking 20
S e a r c h / S u r v e i l l a n c e 25
Lift Restrictions : If a Hero is prevented from Warrant
entering a coun try or crossing a border, the E x t r a o r d i n a r y 30
character can navigate through the bureaucracy Rendition
and secure entry. She must be present at the
border to accomplish this. Police Suspicion : The agent has an identified
person who is subject to an arrest warrant.
Overbooking : If someone’s previous Wealth While not a law enforcement priority, nearly
check to purchase a ticket has failed (meaning any official interaction with a government
that it was somehow unavailable) The character agency will create problems for the target. If
hero may roll again at the same difficulty. the victim is normally above reproach or has
an otherwise high status, the Narrator should
Knowled g e Co nta ct raise the Difficulty by his Reputation.
The character has access to a unique repository of All Points Bulletin : As Police Suspicion,
specialized information not generally available to above, except that law enforcement agencies
the public at large. Examples include the restricted will actively attempt to detain the suspect.
section at a major university or a database
Search/Surveillance Warrant : Th e agent
maintained by a law enforcement agency. This
secures judicial permission to enter a location
allows the agent to conduct Research tasks at a
or conduct electronic observation of a person
+3 bonus.
or place. If the location is the target site for
Milita ry Tr a nsport an op, the team’s Presence increase s by one
for every five points the roll exceeds the base
The agent has contacts in the armed forces that Difficulty,
can arrange a clandestine flight. Not only is this Extraordinary Rendition : One person in custody
cheaper, it allows characters to travel relatively can be moved to another location against his
unnoticed. will. This can effectively prevent a Narrator
Characters from interfering with an op.
Task Difficulty
Additionally, the character can make a tradecraft
Black Flight special
roll to counter the effects of heightened law
Clean Logs 15 enforcement interest in a target, using the
same Difficulties.
Black Flight : The character can find room for
himself and possibly others aboard military aircraft. Pr ess Coverag e
Use the cost for purchasing air tickets as the
Difficulty for this tradecraft check; however, there Influence over the media is a powerful, yet
is no cost. For every five points the roll exceeds understated tool. Agents using this connection
the base Difficulty, an additional passenger can can manipulate how journalists portray an
travel with the agent. The time of travel remains event or person, often slanting it in a positive
the same. or negative direction.
Clean Logs : Afte r taking a black flight, the agent Task Difficulty
can erase any evidence of his team’s presence
Paparazzi 10
aboard a military plane.
Smelling a Scoop 15
Pencil Pus her W h i s p e r i n g 20
The agent knows the procedures and loopholes
of administrative agencies, and can manipulate News Blackout 25
them better than the rest of the public. Feeding Frenzy 30
Paparazzi : A thrill-seeking photographer will
haunt the site or subject, making a nuisance
of himself while distracting anyone nearby.
If this is done while the team is conducting

Technothrillers in a Hero’s home country; +2 if in a country allied
a planning task on site, their Footprint is to the Hero’s home nation; -2 if located in an
reduced by 1 for the duration of the task. unfriendly or hostile country; -3 if the government
is at war.
Smelling a Scoop : A news crew on the
lookout for an exclusive arrives to interview Skill Contact
witnesses, take photos, and gather
information. Characters with this tradecraft are versed in finding
Whispering Campaign : The target receives specialists for certain skills. The result of the
bad publicity from bloggers, editorials, and check determines how many ranks the specialist
other sources, harming his reputation in the has in the skill. Use the chart below to find out
general public. how skilled a contact is. If the Hero is searching
for someone versed in a single skill, only the
News Blackout : The press gets discouraged “Primary” columns are needed; the “Secondary”
from covering an event or person, allowing columns are for characters who would logically
relative freedom from prying eyes when possess another skill related to the main one. For
needed. example a forger might have Craft (Written Word)
Feeding Frenzy : The subject is fodder for as a primary skill and Computers as a secondary
every tabloid and infotainment program within skill.
driving rang e, making life miserable
Primary Primary Secondary Secondary
for those involved. Difficulty
Mod Skill Mod Skill
S a tellite R eco n 15 +1 +4 +0 +2
20 +2 +5 +0 +3
The character has connections
allowing him to schedule satellit e 25 +3 +6 +1 +3
fly overs and obtain high-resolution 30 +4 +7 +1 +4
photographs of nearly any location on 35 +5 +8 +2 +4
earth. With a successful tradecraft
roll (Difficulty 15), the team gains +1 Site.
This can be attempted once per mission. Smugg ler
S ecurity Clea r a nc e The agent has extensive connections with groups
that carry goods and people across international
The Hero has the right to obtain confidential borders. This comes in handy when certain items
information and/or visit sensitive locations are forbidden within a country, or someone does
in the control of his patron government. not wish to officially enter a region. If the tradecraft
This can be the leftover from a career in roll fails by ten or more, the authorities intercept
the military or intelligence. Regardless, the smuggling attempt, and those involved face
a successful tradecraft roll allows the the risk of detention and/or prosecution.
character to legitimately request access to
either category. Difficulty Task
15 Goods (per medium size shipment)
Diff. Information Location
25 Personnel (per single person)
15 Routinely Restricted Civilian
(internal records) Location Agents smuggling more than one item or person
at a time must add 5 to the Difficu lty for each
additional unit over the first.
20 Obtained from Other Military
Sources (flight data) Location
Military Location
25 Clandestine Intelli gence
(intel ligence) Location
30 Highly Sensitive Black
(earth-shattering Location
Modifiers: Add +4 to a roll if the source is

The team had assembled in a second-story restaurant off of Victory Square, in view of both
the Konigsberg Cathedral and a factory making cheap Russian television sets. “It’s too cold
here,” sniffed Intan, although she had already acquired a sable-fur hat to match a Sultanna
Frantsuzova jacket. “I don’t relish the thought of doing any underwater work in these tem -
“I’m sorry, Dani, but that looks like a distinct possibility,” Veasey began. “Luca, at some
point I imagine you’ll need to take a look at the Hansa Dream from the bottom to find out.
I’ve already rented space for the compu ters, so we can begin setting that up immediate ly
– any questions, defer to Peters.”
The hacker nodded. “And you?”
Veasey flashed his winning smile. “There’s a baccarat tournament in two weeks. It’s not
Texas Hold-’em, but it sounds like I have enough time to figure out the difference.”

Although each operation will be unique, they that team members can enter the site unnoticed,
all have several similarities that Narrators and or amid so much chaos that guards will notice
players can rely on. These common trai ts allow their presence too late.
for the creation of rules to make a mission-based Ruse : an excuse which provides an acceptable
gaming session memorable. reason for the team to be on the site. In this
To Run a Succes sful Operation, you need: case, the group’s presence is known, but
A Target . Generally, Technothrillers involves a permitted.
team attempting to reach some point within a Effective Responses to Any Defenses . The
protected site. This location contains something team should find out as soon as possible during
important which can be removed or liberated, like the planning phase what sort of obstacles they
a prototype weapon or encrypted files pertaining will have to overcome. For each one, they
to a political figure. A person may be the target need some way to avoid or defeat it.
of an extraction or assassination. Extractions Countermeasure : In a techno thriller, a high-
enlarge the team, which might require a new exit tech solution to a defense always works.
strategy. If the team’s goal is liquidation of a The tricky part is coming up with the right
victim, they’ll need to find a way to dispose of any equipment in the first place, and getting it
evidence of wrongdoing and conceal the fact that where it’s needed.
anything unusual has occurred for as long as it
takes to get the hell out of dodge. Routine : Why build a laser drill to defeat
a padlock when a bobby pin will suffice?
A Way In and Out. The team members who will Sometimes, all a team needs is a high enough
get their hands dirty need access
to the target area. Unless the
operation is a suicide mission, most
operatives need an exit strategy
as well. There are three ways to
enter and exit a site, collectively
referred to as “Breaches.” A team
can plan to use the same Breach
in bot h directions, but defenders of
a penetrated site might make this
plan difficult.
Entry Point : a weak spot in the
outer perimeter of the site. Ideally,
it is in a secluded or hard-to-reach
area easily overlooked by guards
or security systems.
Diversion : a situation so disruptive

roll on a skill check. The key to achieving something else or it’s out of the party’s control.
this consistently is practicing enough so that The key is to maximize what the Heroes have to
they are relying on themselves, and not luck. work with. Characters typically use two eight-
Routines offer skill bonuses on specific hour intervals of each day to perform planning
checks, either to bypass security measures activities.
or subvert Narrator Characters to your side.
Other Resources for Interesting Times . Va r ia b l e s
Extra preparations prevent surprises from
These rules convert the afore-mentioned concepts
wrecking a mission. It’s better to have too
into numbers for ease of use. There are three
many resources that to be caught in the field
positive and two negative factors that affect every
without help.
Information : The currency of the 21st century.
Site is the degree of knowledge about the
The more you know about a location, its
target’s physical characteristics. It represents
owner and staff, the better prepared you will
the static condition of the location, from the
be once a team hits the ground. Data can
existence of sewer lines leading into the basement
be a tool, leverage, a weapon, and a savior
to the schedule of guard changes. Research
– sometimes all at once.
and reconnaissance can boost this rating quite
Mark : All sorts of Narrator Characters will high prior to actual entry. Unfortunately, once
be involved with the mission. Whether this a team hits the area, the assumptions they rely
means experts assisting in the planning on degrade quickly as defenders respond to an
stages, or loose cannons present at the site intrusion.
during the operation, a team may be able to
Tactics reflects the accumulation of training and
use the presence of a Narrator Character to
procedures that the team can fall back on in the
their advantage – or minimize the damage
event of unexpected problems. A team member
one can inflict.
who has worked with the others in the group
Money : Few teams begin planning without knows how his comrades will act, and can use
a reliable source of funds. A large enough that knowledge to further his own goals.
bankroll solves many problems that might
Presence measures the ability of the team to
arise, such as the ability to purchase
perceive the dynamics of the target. In one sense,
requisite gear, favors, and even the silence
it picks up where Site leaves off. A high presence
of an individual. However, few patrons have
indicates quick and accurate awareness of a
an inexhaustible supply. Even if they do,
location’s current situation. It includes passive
they certainly aren’t advertising; not unless
efforts like monitoring communications to active
they want someone to paint a big target on
moles on the inside concealing the in trusion.
their back. At the start of each mission, the
team should be aware of the Wealth bonus Footprint is the unintended consequence of
they have to work with. If this shrinks to Presence; a reflection of how obvious a team’s
dangerously low levels, individual team existence is to a target’s security m easures. If
members may consider using their own funds it rises too high, defenders will react – forcing a
as well. team to consider scrubbing a mission, or making
it fail outright. Teams that have to address a
Gear : Besides offering solutions to security
growing Footprint during an operation must often
measures, the right equipment can provide
expend resources better used to achieving the
surveillance of a site. The best way to
main objective. The Narrator keeps track of this
respond to changing circumstances is to
have as many eyes on the prize as possible.
The team can place surveillance equipment Chaos incorporates the time-honored maxim that
in the targe t area prior to an operation or no plan survives contact with the enemy. If things
at the start of the mission. Vigilant hackers go awry, entropy breeds more entropy and bigger
might even have programs in place to help things start going wrong. Good plans can identify
them notice computer-related problems as potential problems and address them before a
they arise. mission, but teams always expect to encounters
difficulties they can only address in the thick of
Time : At some point, the planning has to
the operation. The Narrator keeps track of Chaos,
end and the mission begin. Few teams have
and can convert large enough amounts of it into
the freedom to dictate when an operation can
sudden obstacles.
start; either it’s timed with the occurrence of

Security is a number set by the Narrator prior This section lists the likely phases that
to the mission. It represents at what threshold planners may have to do. Each phase boils
a site’s defenders will detect unauthorized down to a skill check, but the results are
personnel. If the team’s Footprint exceeds this not as cut and dried as your typical attempt.
number at any time during the operation, the bad Some checks are destined to fail unless the
guys will realize something is a foot. team sacrifices another resource to improve
the outcome. This decision hinges on what a
Assembling the Tools - team is trying to accomplish, and how badly a
poor roll hinders that goal.
Pla nning Some phases have prerequisites. In these
cases, the phases are designed to counteract
How does a team get the resources they need to a specific problem facing the team (for
pull off a mission? By preparing for anything they example, entering a compound from the roof
expect to encounter, and more for good measure. – which is protected by a pressure sensor).
In most techno thriller movies, the planning stage Others phases such as Brainstorming can be
occurs in an extended montage, where each attempted when the party members feel they
teammate contributes something to the intricacies are at a dead end.
of the process. Often, the development of the plan
takes up more screen time than the mission itself, Specia l R esults
So it’s desirable to simulate a planning montage
in a techno thriller game. Where a variable is listed, the amount
increases according to the entry in the table.
Players should like it because that’s how it The other results are detailed below. Entries
happens in the movies, with tension rising as the in parentheses can only be selected if the
details are hammered out – and new complications team has a prerequisite; for example, it is not
arise seemingly out of nowhere. Narrators should possible to devise a Countermeasure when the
like it because they learn what the players are Heroes have no Defense to tackle.
thinking, and can use this knowledge to create
exciting scenes: either by having the team face Ace in the Hole
what they expected, or by twisting things around An exceptional result in one or more planning
to catch them off guard. activities, this is a wild card with just about
These rules envision a collaborative planning any use by the team that the Narrator
process with inp ut from both sides. Narrators deems possible. At the very least it can be
need not design the complex from the ground used to cancel a poor roll or an unexpected
up, d etailing every security system (unless they roadblock.
want to). Players won’t have to plan in real time; Alert
instead, they can concentrate on the big picture, The site is aware of a penetration attempt. All
focusing in on particulars when they consider it personnel at the location will get a +1 bonus
necessary. Either they will reach a point when to Notice rolls during the mission. In addition,
they feel ready to proceed – or their time will run the defenders can attempt a single check for a
out, and the operation must go forward whether or planted device.
not they are set.
Breach (Diversion, Entry Point, or Ruse)
Most missions will begin with the patron hashing
out the basics: where the team will be operating, A breach is a way in (or out) of the site. At
what they are trying to do, and who’ll be trying to least one Breach is needed for every mission;
prevent it. There can be a stage of travel to the if the team does not want to fret about making
location, and the creation of a command post and it to safety, a second breach is a good idea.
computer support for the mission. As the Heroes Capture
find out more about what they’ll face, they can
One team member is detained while conducting
try to identify par ticulars and create strategies to
the planning activity. The Narrator can use
defeat them, or concentrate on a general approach
this as a vignette to ramp up the tension, and
to adapt to anything they encounter (a mix of
possibly divest a Hero of sensitive equipment.
both is always best). In half-day intervals, team
However, this should not be permanent. In
members can contribute to each plannin g stage.
fact, if a player comes up with an excuse
The Narrator can inject roleplaying possibilities
that satisfies the Narrator, that should end
at any stage in the planning phase, as well as
the detention – to that end, it might be a
ensure that the party will run into any interesting
good idea to begin tasks on hostile ground
set-pieces she devises.

with a pre planned alibi! Once the agent is Mark
released, Narrator Characters that encounter A person of note present at the target site, or
the captured character have a +3 bonus to otherwise possibly usable during the mission. It
Notice rolls involving penetrating the former could be a defender with a secret the team can
captive’s disguise. exploit, a potential ally, or a seemingly friendly
Complication helper who will betray the party.
This is a catch-all for some change in the Plant Device
parameters of the mission. It could be The team members participating in the task can
something as simple as a delay in obtaining leave one piece of equipment at the target site,
gear, or something as bad as a new floor plan either for surveillance use or other assistance
in the target site. However, complications are during the mission. That agent should make a
never insurmountable; in fact, with additional Hide check to establish a Difficulty for defenders
planning the party can normally turn one to to detect it in the future.
its advantage. A good example is finding out
that a Narrator Character intends to betray Red Herring
the party in some way – if they know the Some piece of information acquired by the party
specifics, they might turn the tables on the is false or extraneous. This is not as wasteful as
betrayer. it seems, for the Narrator can use the revelation
Conversion as a springboard for other information.
The team can convert Presence, Site or Routine
Tactics into a Breach, Plant Device, or This is a prepared drill for use against a known
Defense. The cost for such a conversion is Defense. It is the next best thing besides a
listed in Brackets. Countermeasure, since it gives them a fighting
Countermeasure chance. Mechanically, it lets a Hero add the
Team’s Tactics rating to whatever skill check is
A technologically-oriented response to a needed to overcome the defense. Routines can
known defense. Because of the nature of also apply for social interaction wit h a Mark, in
genre, countermeasures always work; the which case they are like a cover story or con.
difficulty lies in coming up with one, and
getting it w here it is needed in time. The Secret
Narrator can provide the team with a detailed The team unexpectedly finds information that may
pseudo-scientific explanation, or keep things become important in the future. It might help
streamlined. Next to an Ace in the Hole, this them during the mission, or serve as useful data
is probably the most desirable result to get. for later in the campaign.
Task List
An identified security system protecting the
target site. No team should begin a mission The most important parts of planning stage are
without a Routine or Countermeasure for these eight tasks. Each task is essentially a skill
every known Defense. check with differing grades of success or failure
in increments of 5. Once the result is known,
Fatal Flaw
the party can improve or worsen the result of the
A mistake in a Routine or Countermeasure check by agreeing to include a penalty or benefit,
that will prevent its effective use. If it is respectively.
discovered in time, however, a t eam can
For example, if a failed Infiltration check results
correct it.
in the possibility that the site goes on Alert, the
Injury/Damage team can choose some other penalty to ‘improve’
One piece of equipment is destroyed while the result to an increased Footprint.
in use. If a team is conducting a planning
activity without any gear, one participant
is injured and must spend time recovering.
See the section about Chaos in Running the
Operation, below.

Conviction cannot be used to improve a planning
roll (except for the use of an Agent’s Foolproof Ti m e
core ability), and the normal rules for Taking 10
and 20 do not apply. Consult the followi ng table
Given enough time, these rules will
to see how these results scale:
allow a team to circumvent the most
Result Failure/Success margin devious lair and fulfill its mission
(everyone expects this outcome anyway).
Disaster Failed by 10
However, a run of bad luck can make
Failure Failed by 5 even the most adept team miss a hard
Sacrifice Failed deadline. A narrator must consider the
Success Suceeded numbers and capabilities of the team, or
risk pulling the rug out from underneath
Achievement Succeeded by 5 their plans. One easy way to do this
Breakthrough Succeeded by 10 is by measuring the man-day intervals
available to the team against the number
of tasks that should be completed for the
mission to succeed.
R esea rch A character remains at his peak when
Prerequisite : Subject performing two eight-hour actions and
resting for a third such interval. If
Duration: 1 day necessary, however, agents can push
Difficulty: 20 the envelope by working even harder. A
hero can work his Constitution score in
Results :
such intervals without rest before risking
Disaster: Red Herring fatigue (a minimum of one). At the
Failure: Complication end of each additional period without a
break, he must make a Toughness save
Sacrifice: failure
with the Difficulty equal to the number
Success: Site +1; Mark; basic of consecutive hours worked, gaining
information fatigue as damage when they fail. One
Achievement: Secret; Entry Point; interval of sleep will erase all fatigue
Breakthrough: Ace in the Hole;
Defense (T) If the party starts to run short of time,
the team members will have to risk
The first step after acquiring a target is to collect bringing in outside help or calling the
information about it. The research task provides job off altogether. Conversely, a team
a chance for the players to get an idea of what with too much time on its hands can be
kinds of skills and activities might be needed to countered several ways. It’s perfectly
successfully complete the mission. They may reasonable to have known or unknown
also find out what sort of dramatic possibilities mini-deadlines in play before the mission
might arise. For example, they might discover that starts (for example, meeting a fence in
an old nemesis is working for the latest target. Milan in three days to buy the gear they
The Narrator can also find out what the group is need).
thinking based on the type of information they are
interested in.
Because this is the place to deliver the majority To attempt a research check, the party
of exposition, Difficulties should be fairly needs a tangible subject to research. This
manageable. A Narrator can create a list of rumors can include a person, location, a specific
to un cover, including false ones for failed rolls. Entry Point or Defense, or some other
If a Narrator doesn’t want to use the Research complication that has arisen during planning.
skill in the campaign – or she envisions too much Generally, only one attempt can be made per
reliance on it – she can structure these checks as subject. Research takes at least one man-
a series of Knowledge skill rolls, depending on day to accomplish, meaning that multiple
the type of information sought (see Sidebar). characters can either aid the primary
researcher ’s check or make their own check
to complete the task faster.

If the operation involves a human target,
Research can reveal any number of tidbits
about the person including (but not limited
to) allergies, hobbies, sexual predilections,
favorite food, favorite alcoholic beverages,
and any other background information that
might be exploited during the mission.
Team Resources:
Mark (a prerequisite for another Research
check if necessary)
Entry Point (Breach)

With the basic information about Hansa

Dream and her enigmatic owner, the team
begins planning their heist. The first
step is to find out as much as possible
about the targets, ideally without attract -
ing attention to themselves. While most
of the team can conduct research from
their home base, Luca will travel to Kalin -
ingrad to scope out local help, and see if
any natives have run afoul of Kron – and
vice versa [Knowledge: Streetwise]. Pe -
ters is a bit wary of snooping around such
a formidable opponent, so will restrict his
inquiries to public channels that may con -
tain information about the Hansa Dream
[Knowledge: Technology]. Disaster: Alert
Luca is the first to reach Kaliningrad, Failure: Footprint +1
and immediately dives into the underworld
for information. His roll is 23, which he Sacrifice: Failure
decides is sufficient. The party finds out Success: Site +1
that there are several businessmen who
Achievement: Breach
have run up large debts to the casino. He
also meets a Russian mafioso who may be Breakthrough: Plant Device
able to help with logistics in Kaliningrad After the team knows where the operation will
[a potential Mark]. take place, one or more members can visit the
With In tan and Jacob aiding him, location to get a feel for it. This usually involves
Peters rolls a 26 on his check. With this
decent result, the Narrator reveals that
Luca decides to secretly explore the intake
the most likely way to enter the structure
port from the underwater side. Despite his
unobserved is through the former oil intake
experience as a frogman (the Narr ator allowed
chute, which has not been dismantled ye t
a synergy bonus for his ranks in S wim) , his
[Entry Point].
character rolls poorly – a 9, which would A lert
the defenders to the team’s mission. T he
R eco n Heroes consider their options, and decide to
move up one step and take a point of Footpr int.
Prerequisite : Location To compensate for this step, the Nar rator adds
a Defense. She decides that the under side of
Duration: one-half day
the Hansa Dream is protected against the r isk
Difficulty: 20 if private; 15 if of tampering with a hydrophone that will pick
public up the sounds of nearby divers. Now they have
Modifiers: Footprint their first clear-cut obstacle.

Kno wl d eg e C h ec k s
When trying to find out about a specific person, a character may rely on more than
one Knowledge skill. Here are the skill categories along with potential subjects for their
Knowledge Category Type of Subject
Art Artists; Collectors, Patrons
Behavioral Sciences Doctors; Professors; Researchers
Business Businessmen; Entrepreneurs; Vital Employees
Civics Lawyers; Politicians; Peace Officers
Current Events Celebrities; Politicians; Military Personnel
Earth Sciences Scientists; Professors; Researchers
History Authors; Professors
Life Sciences Doctors; Scientists; Professors
Physical Sciences Scientists; Professors; Engineers
Popular Culture Authors; Celebrities; Artists
Streetwise Criminals; Peace Officers; Celebrities
Supernatural Authors; Occultists; New Age Personalities
Tactics Military Personnel
Technology Scientists; Engineers; Entrepreneurs [Defenses]
Theology & Philosophy Religious Figures

an innocent-looking trip to its environs without

entering into any restricted areas or risking any
illegal actions.
With any luck the PCs will come away with
knowledge about the physical character istics of
their target. The downside is, a botched job runs
the risk of blowin g the party’s cover.
A Stealth check is the best way to emulate a
Recon action, since it typically involves watching
from a safe distance. If the target is a public
place, or the team has a legitimate reason for
getting close to the site, the Gather Information
skill is also viable. The activity takes a half-day,
and the point man can receive assistance from
other characters.
Tea m Resources:
Entry Point (Breach)
Defense (hydrophone)
Footprint +1

Br ains tor m
Prerequisite : none (Defense)
Duration: 1 day
Difficulty: 18
Results :
Disas ter: Red Herring
Failure: Complication
Sacrifice: Chaos +1
Success: Conversion [5]
Achievement: Conversion [4];
Breakthrough: Conversion[3];
Ace in the Hole
Once a team has acquired enough information
about their subject, they need to do something
with it. If the characters have exhausted
their current knowledge about the site – or
failed to glean anything at all – simply sitting
down and discussing the options never
hurts. Mech anically speaking, Brainstorming Prerequisite : Location (Defense)
will at least let the party to convert points
Duration: one-half day
in Tactics, Site, or Presence into something
more concrete. Difficulty: 22
Modifiers: Site, Presence; Footprint
United again, the team sets up its Results :
Command Post [Tactics 1] while Peters Disaster: Capture
connects his computer equipment to the Failure: Alert
local grid [Presence 1]. With everything in
place, they sit down to tackle the problem Sacrifice: Footprint +1
of the hydrophone. With four of them Success: Presence +1
aiding Luca’s Knowledge (Tactics) check, Achievement: Plant Device; Defense
he rolls well, beating the Difficulty by 12.
Breakthrough: (Countermeasure);
With this Breakthrough result, they choose
Mark; Breach
a Countermeasure to the hydrophone. The
Narrator states that a low-speed drill might This task gets a more invasive view of the target’s
be able to mimic the sounds of a waste inner workings. One team member or small group
treatment plant discharging water into penetrates the site and snoops around. Because
the harbor. However, since none of the it involves actually penetrating at least one layer
characters have this item, someone must of security in the facility, the consequences of
buy a drill t o be modified. danger are typically higher.
As with the Recon task, the only prerequisite is
a target location. It is possible that PCs will be
able to slip in without notice. In such an unlikely
Team Resources: event a Stealth check can be used. If there are
Mark mechanical or electronic defenses to defeat, the
Narrator can call for Disable Device instead. More
Entry Point (Breach) often, however, the team will have some excuse
Defense (hydrophone) – with a Countermea- or quasi-legitimate excuse to be there, in which
sure case Notice or Gather Information can apply.
Diplomacy suffices for teams that must bluff their
Footprint +1 way onto the premises. Regardless of the skill
Tactics +1
Presence +1
used, this task takes approximately a half-day to
With his workstation ready, Peters will
spend a day snooping around the Hansa
Dream’s computer system, looking for any
Veasey decides to see as much of the inner additional obstacles. He rolls a 23 – which
workings of the Hansa Dream as he can on the would award the team a bonus to Site.
registration day for the tournament. Once the Deciding they have enough of this, the
formalities are finished, he wanders around team agrees to take something bad to move
anywhere that looks available, and a few places up to the next step – the ability to pick a
that don’t. The Narrator decides that Diplomacy Defense. The Narrator adds to the team’s
will smooth over any encounters with personnel Footprint, but also announces that Peters
who see him in a restricted area. He rolls very also found another Defense. Because
poorly, despite his bonuses, getting an Alert the ex-circus star Intan will be doing the
response. Since he doesn’t want the site in an infiltration, they decide a pressure sensor
uproar, he agrees to lose a point of Presence outside the server room will be a piece of
to move into the next worst category. A point cake. Since it sounds cool, the Narrator
of Footprint is added to the team’s eff orts as agrees, and the team decides that Intan
well. can develop a Routine to circumvent it on
her own.
Tea m Resources:
Mark Team Resources:
Entry Point (Breach) Mark
Defense(hydrophone) – with a Countermeasure Entry Point (Breach)
Footprint +2 Defense (hydrophone) – with a Countermeasure
Tactics +1 Defense (pressure sensor)
Chaos +1 Footprint +2
Tactics +1
Prerequisite: Presence +1 and Computer
Support; (Defense)
Duration: One-half day
Difficulty: 20 + 5 per previous attempt
Modifiers: Presence; Footprint
Disaster: Alert
Failure: Footprint +1
Sacrifice: Failure
Success: Presence +1
Achievement: Site +1; Mark
Breakthrough: Defense (T);

The most useful way to use a team’s com puter

network is to hack the target’s com puter
systems (when applicable). A smooth hack can
alert a party to all sorts of potential problems.
Of course, hacking is a two-way street; a
disastrous run can lead security teams to
the PCs’ doorstep. A hack is usually done
once, although m ultiple attempts are certainly
possible. A Hacker ’s role is also vital during
the operation.

Mo ck- up Drill
Prerequisite : Site +1 and Defense Prerequisite : none (Defense)
Duration: 1 day Duration: 1 day
Difficulty: 20 Difficulty: 25
Results : Modifiers: Tactics
Disaster: Fatal Flaw Results :
Failure: Injury/Damage Disaster: Injury/Damage
Sacrifice: Failure Failure: Chaos +1
Success: Retry Sacrifice: Failure
Achievement: Tactics +1; Success: Tactics +1
Routine Achievement: Tactics +1; (Routine);
Breakthrough: Countermeasure Reduced Time (Routine)
If a team has identified a specific defense, Breakthrough: Ruse; Diversion
sometimes the only way to figure out how to
bypass it is to reproduce the defense in a
“ Practice makes perfect ” – the reason this saying
controlled environment. This way, PCs know
is so common is because it’s true. A team that
beforehand whether certain tactics will work
performs regular training improves their ability
and what happens if a plan goes sour. If
to function effectively, whether in response to a
a defense is particularly perilous, t he team
specific obstacle, or just in general. Any number
is poised to treat any injuries that arise as
of Heroes can perform a Drill task, which has no
prerequisites; however, if the team is aware of a
A team can try to construct a mock-up for Defense, they can focus on a specific Routine.
every Defense they detect (it’s probably
overkill to build a Mock-up if a team already
has a Countermeasure in mind for a particular
Intan knows she will have to deal with a
Defense). The Craft skill (with a relevant
pressure sensor inside the Hansa Dream.
Although she is supremely confident that she
Peters, with some time on his hands, tries can overcome it, she does spend some time
to rig a pressure sensor in their command practicing. However, her roll is only 3 above
post for Intan to practice with. However, the Difficulty – in order to obtain a bonus when
he rolls poorly, missing the Difficulty by 1. needed, she needs to buy another step. The
Because they have other options, the team Narrator adds a point of Chaos, but she will
leaves the roll alone and looks for other be able to add the Team’s Tactics to her skill
ideas. check.

specialization) is the normal way to complete Team Resources:

a Mock-up although Computer skill might be Mark
used for a high-tech Defense. Entry Point (Breach)
Any team member with the requisite skill Defense (hydrophone) – with a Countermeasure
can assist the point man with the check.
Additionally, the team is allowed to make Defense (pressure sensor) – with a Routine
a Wealth Check, using the skill Difficulty, Footprint +2
to represent acquiring materials for the
attempt. Tactics +1
Team Resources: Chaos +1
Entry Point (Breach)
Defense (hydrophone) – with a
Defense (pressure sensor)
Footprint +2
Tactics +1
Sim ula tio n
Prerequisite : Computer Support;
O th er S t ep s
Tactics +1 or (Mark) or
Com m a nd Post
Duration: 1 day This is the initial setup of a safe place
Difficulty: 25 from which to direct the mission. It takes
2 man-days. Once it is complete, th e team
Results : receives a Wealth rating representing the
Disaster: Red Herring money allocated by the patron to use for the
Failure: Complication operation. Purchases made in the course
of the mission reduce this number, unless a
Sacrifice: Failure
character is specifically using his own funds
Success: Tactics +1 for something. Also, once a command post
Achievement: Presence + 1; is set up, the team gains Tactics +1.
(Routine) The command post is a physical location,
Breakthrough: Ace in the Hole and like all such places, vulnerable to
Computers have provided scientists with detection and penetration. The Narrator
de tailed models for decades. As the processing should consider using it for roleplaying
po wer of computers increases, so does the opportunities. Spies or police officials may
ca pability to factor in more and more variables. be looking for the team while they plan their
The Simulation task allows a team to establish mission. A rival group may be seeking to
what might happen without actually putting find the command post at the same time!
its members at risk. Of course, the risk that
the hacker is overlooking a crucial issue is
Computer Support
un avoidable. In the 21st century, a team needs cutting
edge processing power to fulfill its missions.
At the same time Intan drills, Peters works It takes one man-day to set up a fully-net
on a computer-driven simulation of the worked computer system (this can be done at
pressure sensor – perhaps the software will the same time as the command post). Once
reveal why his mock-up failed. Sure enough, it is online, the team gains Presence +1.
he’s in his element, and beats the Difficulty
by 8. However, because Intan has developed Travel
her own Routine, the team decides to reduce
his success by one step, removing a point Ops teams work in hot spots throughout the
of Footprint as well as gaining a point in globe, and need to be ready to fly around
Tactics. the world on short notice. Similarly, they
often have to bring specialists in one city to
the target site – as well as get them home
Team Resources: safely. The same considerations appl y when
a person is the target of a mission.
Rather than deal with the intricacies of
Entry Point ( Breach)
modern travel, it can be simulated in eight-
Defense (hydrophone) – with a Countermeasure hour blocks like other tasks. However,
Defense (pressure sensor) – with a Routine travelers can use three blocks in one day
if they are sleeping on long fligh ts and
Footprint +1
voyages. It only need come into play if the
Tactics +2 Narrator has the team on a tight schedule, or
Chaos +1 plans something unusual en route.
There are still other avenues to explor e before An automobile typically covers 500 miles
the time to start the mission: a Mark needs in a half-day increment; far enough to cross
to be checked out, and Intan will have to most states in the U.S. and Europe. This is
divine a way to link up with Veasey during the also the cheapest and easiest way to travel
tournament, or exit herself. Either way, things without being noticed. After two straight
are looking bright for the team. blocks of driving, however, a character must

take fatigue checks to perform additional for crossing a border includes any visa or travel
active tasks. fees, as well as bribes when needed. The Narrator
Train travel is also nondescript and safe. is free to make such crossings dangerous (or
High speed rail (prevalent in Western Europe simply more expensive) if a passenger is under
and Japan covers up to 1,000 miles in a any legal restrictions that would prevent such
half-day increment; in all other places the travel.
distance is 500 miles. If a trip is longer than Subverting a Mar k
one block, a character can use the second
interval to rest between other tasks. The Once a Mark has been identified, a team has
largest potential wrinkle of train travel is the to make sure he is willing to assist them. This
necessity to negotiate one or more border works like a typical social interaction; Narrator
crossings. Characters must have a Friendly disposition to
Air travel is the quickest way to get where even begin thinking of doing something risky.
a team is needed. The first half-day spent in The Narrator should set starting dispositions
a plane covers up to 2,000 miles. A second accordingly, and give the team a chance to
consecutive interval allows a traveler to fly improve poor ones. Generally speaking, such
5,000 miles, while a third – a full day of travel attempts take about a half a day. That said, if the
– will get a passenger to any point on the globe. Mark is proving exceedingly difficult to deal with,
As with train travel, characters can fulfill their turning him could take a few days.
rest requirements on the second leg of longer Alternatively, a team might count on a Mark’s
flights. The bureaucratic complexities of hostility when deciding what to do. This works
air travel are potentially less than with train well when the PCs know that a Mark will betray
travel, since only a single border crossing them at a crucial moment. The key is finding out
may be involved. However, the vagaries of enough information about the Mark to predict such
scheduling means that a character might get behavior. This can be revealed with a poor roll
held up in a backwater on a long trip . during the planning montage, or a good one when
Some forms of waterborne travel are worth researching the Mark.
mentioning. Ferry service links two coasts
that are not otherwise linked by road or
rail. This includes places like Alaska and If a technological solution has been discovered,
several nations that border the North Sea. or a need for particular equipment arises dur -
Assume that one interval covers the length ing the planning stage, team members have to
of most trips. It is possible that a Hero might secure it. For a wide variety of common items,
travel via cruise ship, although this is more this is a simple task taking up negligible time
luxurious than exciting. Stage a mission on and (hopefully) cost. A Narrator should be will -
one instead. ing to have some materials on hand at the start,
There is always an incidental cost for travel. or provide easy access for most things.
For automobile travel, the cost is per vehicle; Finding other equipment takes at least one half-
other costs a re per ticket. The cost increase day interval to locate and obtain. The former in-
volves a Knowledge check, either
in a particular field (use the Re -
Tr a v e l C o s t s search sidebar for gui delines) or
Travel Mode Purchase Difficulty Streetwise if a character looks to
Car, 500 mi les 6 the black market. Use the pur-
Car, additional 500 m il es +1 chase Difficulty for this check, with
additional penalties if a Narrator
Ferry 5 feels the item is particularly rare
Train, 500 m il es 8 or difficult to sell. Of course, the
Train, add it ional 500 mi les +2 Narrator can simply pro vide the in -
formation if it is readily known or
Air, up to 2, 000 m il es 15
easily discovered. In the alterna -
Air, up to 5, 000 m il es 18 tive, when all rolls fail, the team
Air, over 5 ,000 mi les 20 must decide to create something
Per border crossed (not vi a car ) +1 from scratch or think up something

P ur c ha s e M o di fi er s fo r U nu s ua l I t e m s
A Narrator can increase Purchase Di fficulties to reflect typical complications when buying
unusual items. Unsuccessful rolls may simply indicate that the object is simply unavailable
at the time. And when applying the effects of an expensive purchase on a bankroll, the
Narrator may want to omit penalties resulting from scarcity as opposed to higher prices.
Uncommon Items (vintage weapons, exotic items, fad goods); +1 to +3
Rare Items (event tickets, foreign weapons); +1 to +5
Very Rare Items (foreign collectible weapons, limited editions); +2 to +8
Unique Items (exclusive events, artwork); +4 to +12
Luxury Items (brand names); +1 to +5
Dealing with a fence or low-level black market; +1 to +3
Dealing with organized crime; +1 to +5
Restricted Equipment; +1 to +3
Law Enforcement Equipment; +1 to +5
Military Equipment; +2 to +6

Once someone knows where an item is, then all they can. In most cases, however, it’s be -
they have to get it. If the current owner is willing cause time has run out. Regardless, all the
to sell, a simple Wealth check does the trick. Of players should have a rough idea of what the
course, a Narrator can make buying an item an Heroes need to do to achieve their goals. The
adventure in itself. The current owner may be Heroes know who will enter the site, who will
someone with a history involving one of the PCs, monitor things from the relative safety of a
for example, or be predisposed not to negotiate in computer console and how the other members
any case. The seller may be in another location, fit into the scheme of things. They have identi-
requiring additional travel to reach it. There might fied the obstacles in their way, as well as any
also be factors holding up a sale which the team Narrator Characters that might be involved
may or may not be in a position to surpass. when they get there.
The Narrator knows these things as well.
Ma nufa ctur e a nd R epair Ideally, she has considered the sho rtfalls of
Sometimes the right piece of equipment just isn’t the plan and can convert them into exciting
readily available. In these cases a team can try to scenes. If there are any surprises in store for
assemble what they need instead. The Craft skill the team, she should have a rough idea of how
governs this activity, but substitute the following the players will address them. She should
durations: also consider how on-site personnel will react
to the disruption the Heroes intend to unleash
Simple, half-day; on the premises.
Moderate , 1 man-day; The actual operation should involve periods
Complex , 1.5 man-days, of roleplaying between vital skill rolls. If
Advanced , 4 man-days. individual PCs have their own objectives, they
should have a chance to further them. Likewise,
Multiple workers can cut down the length of each member of the team needs some spotlight
longer attempts. Similarly, a character can try time, whether to solve a problem or contribute
to repair gear that has been damaged during the something important to the plan.
planning stage. These attempts always take a
single half-day interval. During the mission, a team can decide to use
Presence, Site, or Tactics as instant bonuses
to skill rolls. The selection of a particular
Co nd uc ti ng th e O p variable depends on the circumstances,
and is up to the group at large. If one team
Eventually, the team reaches a point when it no
member needs to rendezvous with another,
longer needs to prepare for an operation. In the
for example, Site would represent how well
best circumstances, this is because they’ve done
the seeker recalls the layout of their target.

Presence might allow a hacker to monitor the
target’s own cameras to pinpoint the location C ha o s
of the guards. Event Chaos Cost
Once a point is used to help a roll, it is lost Injury various
from the team’s resources. The decision to Bad Weather 1
use one of these variables is up to each player
who calls for it, although a group might want Out of Ammo 2
to discuss contingency plans ahead of time, False Alarm 2
for when the ir carefully hoarded advantages Travel Restrictions 3
begin to dwindle.”
Out of Juice 3
The Narrator must also keep track of
Foil 3
Footprint and Chaos. When either of these
rise far enough, bad things happen. If the Betrayal 4
team’s Footprint ever exceeds the Security Backup Power Source 5
value of the site, the defenders become Red Alert 5
aware of the mission. The problem is that
the players can only manipulate their side Security Sweep 5
of the equation. Likewise, when the Chaos the worse. Ordinarily, this may not present
variable gets high enough, the Narrator can many problems to a prepared team; but things
open her bag of tricks and pull out something like monsoon conditions and lightning might play
interesting. havoc with sensitive gear and electronics.

Va r ia b l e s B etraya l
The Narrator must also keep track of the A Narrator Character the team expects to turn
team’s Footprint and Chaos. These will rise does this now. Hopefully, the team has taken
and fall as the party acts and the defenders this contingency into account.
respond to them. If either gets too high, Br ea kdown
things tend to fall apart quickly.
Whenever a team member does something A piece of gear the team is using malfunctions or
to attract attention, the Narrator can make stops working. Someone will have to fix it before
a Notice roll for the defenders. This should using it again.
not be the case when the party uses a
Countermeasure, since there are no skill
Cha ng e of Heart
rolls involved. But if a skill check fa ils while A Narrator Character ’s attitude toward one or
a team is trying to bypass a defense, the more team members worsens by one step. The
Narrator should decide whether the attempt Narrator can select this more than once at a time,
might alert defenders. The team’s Footprint resulting in a drastic shift in thinking.
acts as a positive modifier to these checks.
Chaos works slightly differently. The Fa lse A lar m
following tab le represents a list of things that
Defenders react to a problem entirely not the
might go wrong during the planning phase or
cause of the heroes. A fire turns on the sprinklers
the actual mission, with a cost in Chaos. At
system, or someone smells smoke and calls
any time, the Narrator can reduce the current
the fire department. This may not be much of
Chaos by an amount on the table to make the
an impediment, unless the team was planning
event occur.
something similar.
Ba ckup Pow er So urc e Foil
The site has an emergency generator or
A new Narrator character is introduced
alternate source of energy that mitigates the
unexpectedly. She may be a potential ally, rival,
effect of any attempt to cut power.
or enemy to the team, depending on the whim of
Ba d Wea ther the Narrator. The team may have to change its
plans to find out more about her.
The climate takes an unexpected turn for

Fa il i ng a S kil l
A team member gets hurt performing a task or
during the operation. The cost in Chaos is equal C h ec k
to the damage bonus. Increase this cost by one
if the Narrator decides the wound would inflict If the party is relying on a Routine to overcome
lethal damage. a Defense, the rules of probability say that not
every attempt will succeed. A bad roll should not
O ut o f A m mo cut the mission short (unless that’s something
the Narrator has specifically in mind). Instead,
One of the team members hasn’t brought spare turn poor rolls into opportunities for more
clips for his weapon. tension. Outcomes like injury and destruction
of gear can take the place of an outright flop.
O ut o f Juic e At the least, the party can decide to let Chaos
One piece of equipment relying on a battery is out and Footprint increase.
of power, and the recharger was left at home.

R ed A lert
Th e Ha c k er ’ s Ro l e
One common failing of techno thriller scenarios
The defenders of a site have reason, logical or assumes that a hacker character ’s role ends
otherwise, to think that an infiltration is going on. after the planning stages. However, console
They take steps to lock the site down and check cowboys are just as important during the
for unauthorized access. operation. The best way to make sure a hacker
remains engaged is to make his checks during
Security Sw eep the mission rather than the preparation. Does
The defenders of a Site make a check for his keypad algorithm work correctly? He may
surveillance measures. This allows them to make have simulated it, but once the hacker pits it
a single Search check to discover any planted against the real security system, all bets are
items. off.
Also, a hacker will probably need to keep
Travel R es trictio ns abreast of several things during the mission:
A change in laws prevents a trip from going as the alertness of the defenders, audiovisual
smoothly as planned. Someone is delayed far systems, and any outside communications.
from the location where she is needed. Concentration checks are a good way to
maintain simultaneous activities, even when

Th e D e f e nd er s ’ the character is far from danger.

In addition to activities in the planning stage,
R espo ns e a hacker has several tricks which can be used
during the mission. These are essentially pre-
The Narrator is always free to interrupt the existing Routines that each Hacker can use on
normal process of an operation to decide that the fly. Some of these tricks will only work
security personnel are taking proactive measures once during the operation, while others might
against potential infiltrators. Obviously, combat be useful in a number of situations.
will need to be played using the standard True20
rules. But, as several entries in the Chaos table Cut Power
indicate, there will be times when skill checks and The hacker assumes limited control of the
other activities should occur, also. electrical grid, and can shut off crucial
A typical defender is an ordinary character; electronic components for needed intervals.
likely one whose abilities are less effective than Since people tend to notice blackouts, this
the average team member. It may even be easier risky strategy tends to work only once a
for the Narrator to decide what the average mission. Cutting power increases the team’s
skill bonus will be for various checks that she Footprint by +2. Requires a Computer skill
anticipates using during an operation. check (Difficulty 15).

posing as police or other providers of assistance.
S ta nd D own Initiating a prank call requires a Bluff or Intimidate
check opposed by a listener ’s Sense Motive.
The hacker patches into the security network
and cancels an alarm. Again, defenders tend A lgorithm
to treat repeated false alarms with suspicion.
Requires a Bluff or Intimidate check opposed The hacker can write a program to circumvent the
by a listener ’s Sense Motive. security system. Leaving evidence of interference
in a computer system increases the team’s
Pr a nk Ca ll Footprint by +1. Running an algorithm requires a
Computer skill check (Difficulty 20).
The hacker overrides external communica -
tions and interacts with security personnel,

Luca held up the wet suit that had just been delivered. “It is only rated to 5 degrees Celsius,
but based on the forecast for the next week, that’s more than enough. Once you’re in, the
garment reverses and can be disassembled. The right leg splits here and here to become a
wrap-around skirt, and the left comes off entirely for your sarong. With practice you should
be able to change in less than forty-five seconds, and meet Veasey after his tournament. Any
Intan wrinkled her nose, with a swim flipper in each hand. “Are you sure I can’t attach any

variations on the scrambler, using electronic

G ea r codes. Attackers must make a Difficulty 35
Computer skill check to defeat one.
Teams involved in pulling off Technothrillers
missions need to have the very best equipment
to rely on. The following items are a wide sample
of some of moder n gear a character might want to The nonverbal telephone communicator
use. It is designed to supplement the equipment sends bug-proof messages over a tel ephone
list in the True20 rule book. Hopefully, this list will line. Available as a keyboard or a pad for
inspire opportunities for tension and excitement. handwritten communication, similar t o a fax
machine. In order to decipher the message
D escrip tio ns without this gear, an interceptor needs to
succeed at a Computer skill check (Difficulty
Items in italics can be installed at a site with a
successful Plant Device result during the planning
stage. When functioning, they can either provide VOICE DISTORTER
a team with +1 to Presence, or reveal specialized This renders speech into a mechanical-
information. For example, a keyboard bug would sounding voice, concealing the speaker ’s
allow the team to find out what is being regularly identity. Listeners can attempt an o pposed
entered into a sensitive computer. Starred entries Notice check against the speaker ’s Bluff skill
contain devices suitable for use as a Defense at with a
a site.
-15 penalty to recognize the unaltered voice.
KEYBOARD BUG Regardless of success or failure, the fact
A keyboard bug is a micro-transmitter which that the voice is being changed is obvious.
records keystrokes on a computer ’s keyb oard. VOICE CHANGER
TEMPEST GEAR Voice changers work in much the same way
TEMPEST gear is highly sensitive equipment as the voice distorter, but the output sounds
that can read the displays of nearby (100 feet) realistic. This device can alter the speaker ’s
computer monitors, capturing what the user sees. gender and age. The penalty to defeat it is
A user must make a Computer skill check to the same, but attempts to do so should only
operate it correctly (Difficulty 20). be possible if the listener suspects something
is amiss.
Anyone attaching an analog scrambler to a
telephone receiver or radio renders their voice Wire taps are simple devices that allow a
unintelligible to users without their own. Someone listener to eavesdrop on a telephone line.
who has recorded the call can attempt to decode Taps installed outside of a building will not
it with the right software and a Computer skill set off bug detectors within.
check (Difficulty 25). LINEMAN’S BUTTSET
DIGITAL ENCRYPTION SYSTEM* Lineman’s buttsets are portable phone
Digital encryptions systems are more a dvanced receivers that can monitor a line in use.

G ea r
Item Purchase Difficulty Size
Keyboard Bug 13 Tiny
TEMPEST Gear 20 Small
Analo g Scrambler 12 Tiny
Digital Encryption System 16 Small
Nonverbal Telephone Communicator 15 tiny
Voice Distorter 13 Tiny
Voice Changer 14 Tiny
Exterior Wiretap 12 Tiny
Lineman’s Buttset 13 Tiny
Cellular Monitoring System 28 Small
Cell Phone Immobilizer 22 Small
DTMF Recorder/Decoder 10 Tiny
Laser Communicator 17 Tiny
Laser Microphone 21 Small
Starlight Scope 22 Tiny
Thermographic Viewer 26 Small
Shotg un Microphone 12 Small
Fiberscope 19 Small
Personal Radar/Laser Detector 14 Tiny
Military Radar/Laser Detector 31 Medium
Personal Bug Detector 10 Tiny
RF Bug Detector 15 Small
Nonlinear Junction Detector 28 Medium
Tap Detector 17 Tiny
Telephone Line Analyzer 28 Small
Spect ral Correlator 27 Medium
Countersound Bug Suppressor 30 30 Small
Portable Radio Jammer 19 Medium
Magnetic Media Disruptor 12 Small
Ultrasonic Mapper 5 Tiny
Tool Kit 15 Small
Polygraph 20 Medium
Brass Catcher 5 Small
Detcord 25 Small
Foam Explosive 35 Small
Frame Charge 20 Medium
Thermite Grenade 17 Tiny
EOD Robot 31 Medium
Mirco UAV 21 Small
Robot control unit 25 Small

Cellular monitoring systems are tran sceivers By bouncing a beam off a window pane, the
capable of monitoring or jamming up to 250 cellular laser microphone can pick up sounds on the
telephone numbers. This is automatic once a other side of the glass.
particular number is captured, which requires an STARLIGHT SCOPE
initial Computer check (Difficulty 15).
A pocket-sized telescope that magnifies
CELL PHONE IMMOBILIZER* ambient light, allowing normal human vision
Cell phone immobilizers are jamming devices that on most nights. It grants the use r Night
affect all cell phones indiscriminately within 200 Vision (per the Feat); however, characters
yards. Phone users can attempt to circumvent the are at a -2 penalty to Notice and Search
effects of a cell phone immobilizer with a Disable checks when using the scope. In addition,
Device check (Difficulty 20). A more powerful (and users exposed to bright lights without an
illegal) version of this item is Medium-sized. The opportunity to protect their eyes must make
size increase adds +5 to the Cost and Difficulty a Fortitude save (Difficulty 25) or be blinded
to defeat it. for five rounds.
This device records a telephone’s keypad use, The most advanced infrared viewer on the
revealing what other numbers the phone has market. It allows vision in total darkness, and
called. the user will not be blinded by powerful light
or heat sources. This confers Night Vision
per the feat, at double the normal range (or
A pocket-sized in frared laser that can send voice four times normal human vision).
communications along a tight or wide beam. The
former cannot be intercepted unless the searcher
is within the line of sight of the beam. A larger version of a standard microphone
that can pick up sounds in a cone.

a CD, are all vulnerable.
Reveals the use of EM devices in security
systems and radar guns. A tiny camera at the end of a flexible wire, which
can be manipulated around corners and tight
PERSONAL BUG DETECTOR spots. It is difficult to notice when used (Difficulty
This handheld device alerts the user when a 20 + 1 per foot away the observer is).
bug is being used in its vicinity (bu t cannot ULTRASONIC MAPPER
pinpoint its location). It adds one to the
Search check of any user looking for such A portable device that determines the dimensions
devices. of rooms and other enclosed spaces quickly and
This device h as greater range than a personal
bug detector, and can locate any transmitters When added to a firearm, this bag stores spent
during use. It adds two to the Search check shells ejected after use.
of any user looking for such devices. POLYGRAPH*
NONLINEAR JUNCTION DETECTOR* A medical monitor that detects fluctuations in
The most sophisticated bug detector, which a subject’s vital signs. Large enough changes
can locate transmitters even when not in use. during a stressful interrogation can indicate that
It adds three to the Search check of any user someone is untruthful. This gives the user a
looking for such devices. +5 bonus during interrogations and when using
Sense Motive against a subject’s Bluff skill.
By canceling sounds within a bug’s detection
range, the listener does not realize they Plastic explosive shaped into an unrollable
have been compromised. Listeners who are coil, which can be used as a fuse as well as a
aware of it can attempt to modify their bugs conventional charge. Less potent than a typical
to defeat it with a successful Disable Device block of explosive.
check (Difficulty 20). FOAM EXPLOSIVE
PORTABLE RADIO JAMMER* Though weaker than other conventional explosives,
A small unit that emits static which will foul this formula is lighter and easy to conceal. One
devices using radio waves within a 250’ can holds enough explosive to cover a Small sized
radius. Agents trying to transmit within its object.
range must make a Disable Devic e check FRAME CHARGE
(Difficulty 25).
A shaped charge of plastique designed to create
TAP DETECTOR* a human-sized hole through a wall with minimal
This self-detects and jams active taps or damage to anyone close by.
transmitters attached to a single telephone THERMITE GRENADE
This grenade burns hot and fast, suitable for
TELEPHONE LINE ANALYZER* melting just about anything it touches without an
A more complex version of the tap detector explosion.
that can monitor more than 15 lines at once. EOD ROBOT
SPECTRAL CORRELATOR This resembles a miniature tank or car with a
A suite of equipment combining bug and tap large articulated arm instead of a cannon. The
detection in a single package. It provides a arm is used to defuse explosives in situations too
+2 bonus to Search checks when used for dangerous for humans to handle. It can move
either function. 10 feet per round. Operators can use their Craft
(Demolitions) skill directly with it.
This device emits a magnetic pulse that
will erase floppy disks and magnetic tapes, This is essentially a tiny airplane with a camera
which will erase any data not burned into a for surveillance use.
permanent form. Video and audio tapes, as
well as most computer memory not stored on

Exp l o s i v e s Ta b l e
Type Effect Radius Reflex Save
Thermite Grenade +5 damage explosion 10 Feet 12
Detcord +5 damage explosion 20 Feet 15
Foam Explosive +5 damage explosion 30 Feet 12
Frame Charge* +10 damage explosion** 5 Feet 12
* increase damage by +5 for objects the foam is sprayed on.
** increase damage by +5 for the surface it is applied to.

R o b o t Ta b l e
Vehicle Strength Speed Defense Tougnness Size Cost
EOD Robot +0 5mph 10 10 Med 31
Micro UAV +0 30mph 10 5 Med 21

To xi c S ub s ta n c e s Ta b l e
Chemical Diffi- Primary Secondary Cost
Acid per the True20 rules
Drug, Hallucinogenic 18 2 Wis 1 Dex 15
Knockout Gas 17 1 Con Unconscious 17
Nerve Gas 19 3 Con Death 25
Poison, Paraly tic 16 1 Dex Paralyzed 18
Tear Gas 15 1 Con Nauseated 14
Venom 14 2 Con 2 Str 13

V ehic l e D e s cr ip tio n s
Toxic S ub s ta nc e s
One way to prevent unauthorized access with
a minimum of manpower is to protect a site A low-powered motor scooter. One passenger
with dangerous chemicals. These substances can ride with the driver, although both will be
can also be purchased by a motivated (or standing.
amoral) team if needed.
D escrip tio ns
A personal vehicle with treads and skis for rapid
ACID movement over snow, ice and frozen ground. It
The True20 Rules contain mechanics for acid can fit a driver and one passenger.
exposure. One dose is sufficient to damage
a Tiny object of sensitive construction. Acid Jeep
is usable in liquid form only.
A utility vehicle suitable for off-road travel. A
DRUG, HALLUCINOGENIC driver and three passengers can use one.
Any drug with psychedelic properties that
affects the judgment of the user. Available in
liquid and gaseous form. A larger version of a jeep. It can take four
KNOCKOUT GAS passengers along with a driver and gunner for
a heavy machine gun (+6 autofire damage).
A gas such as chloroform or chloral hydrate
Some variants instead hold a recoilless rifle (+5
that renders victims unconscious.
explosion damage).
Deadly gas that inhibits the most vital
functions of living things. Varieties include A spacious motor home with built in kitchen,
VX gas and sarin. bathrooms and sleeping quarters. There is living
POISON, PARALYTIC space for six persons, although as many as 25
people may fit inside.
Biological or industrial substances that
cause paralysis. Examples include puffer Skis
fish venom and atropine. Available in liquid
form only. Skiers can travel 50 feet downhill during the first
TEAR GAS round of movement. For each additional round a
character remains mobile in this fashion, he adds
Smoke-like vapor that inhibits vision and another 50 feet to his movement, to a theoretical
causes nausea in its victims. maximum of 1000 feet. Characters who cannot
VENOM ski can only fall to prevent this acceleration. This
slows their movement by 200 feet each round, and
A catch-all for animal poisons used by some
inflicts falling damage of +1 per 100 feet of speed
snakes, sea creatures (such as blue-ringed
– making it possible to remain falling for longer
octopi or lion fish) and insects (notably
than one round!
spiders and scorpions). Available in liquid
form only. Practiced skiers can increase their speed by up
to 100 feet per round, remain at a given velocity,
V ehic l e s or decrease it by 200 feet in one round without
making skill checks. Characters attempting
There are a variety of vehicles usable by anything more extreme must make an Acrobatics
modern characters that are not mentioned in skill check of Difficulty 10, subject to the following
the True20 rule bo ok. Here is a short list of modifiers:
additional transportation alternatives.

Maintaining speed over 500
+0 Assa ult Boat
Unusual maneuver (jump, A low-slung inflatable boat used by marine
+10 units for quiet landings. There is room for the
Slow by more than 200 feet +5 per additional pilot and five passengers with gear.
/round 50 feet Trawler
Accelerate by 150 feet/
+10 A fishing boat suitable for extended voyages.
Speed (cumulative with +2 per 100 feet of A crew of five can operate one, although
others) movement there is room for fifteen more passengers
or fishermen. With large holds for hauling
* must already be traveling at least 150 feet/ their catch, they are notorious for packing
round communications and espionage gear for use
These modifiers are cumulative; for example, in international waters.
slowing from 300 feet to a complete stop requires
a Skill Check better than Difficulty 26. Failure Ultra lig ht
of these checks leads to a fall, or worse, if the A single-person aircraft capable of short
character is skiing down a heavily wooded slope. flights at relatively low altitudes.
Mini- Sub UAV
A small submersible vehicle suitable for one pilot A large drone plane that can both observe and
and three passen gers. They may be armed with a attack targets. They may be armed with either
single light torpedo (+6 explosion damage). missiles (+5 explosion damage) or a heavy
Unm a nned Sub machine gun (+6 autofire damage).

A robot vehicle piloted from the surface. All of

them have cameras and spotlights; many are
equipped with a mechanical arm (Strength +2,
Dexterity -1).

O spr ey
A tilt-rotor aircraft that can fly like a helicopter
as well as an airplane for longer distances.
A single pilot can serve as crew, although a
second person is recommended to man the
machine gun (+5 autofire damage). It can carry
24 passengers seated, or 32 when fitted for
para drops. It also features a personal winch
for extractions. It is possible to use these
on loan from the military; otherwise it would
possibly require a Difficulty 60 purchase!

Ha ng G lid er
A light framed glider wing that can carry one
person aloft for a short time. They can be
launched from slow-moving aircraft as well
as a decent height. However, they must rely
on launching speed or weather conditions for

Pa r a chute
Handy for exiting from moving aircraft.
Using one requires an Acrobatics skill check. a bonus to the roll). Damage is only +3, but more
Characters wishing to land within a designated falling damage might be in store if the parachute
50-foot x 50-foot square/60-foot diameter is especially high up.
circle must beat a base Difficulty of 20. For
every ten points by which the roll exceeds Cu s to m i zi ng G ea r
the Difficulty, reduce these dimensions by 10
feet. For every five points by which the roll The techno thriller genre provides many
fails, add 10 feet. opportunities for adventure, and in every case,
you need equipment to get the job done. This
Jumping characters take +5 nonlethal system provides a way to design custom gear
damage upon impact. If they jump into an area for use in missions or various types. It breaks
with heavy foliage, they will get entangled in gear down into three basic categories: the core
the trees unless they beat a Reflex Save of 20 component, add-ons, and the casing. Let’s take a
(apply the character ’s ranks in Acrobatics as look at each of these categories in turn.

V e hi c l e Ta b l e
Vehicle Str Top Spd** Accel** Def Tough Size Stability** Cost
Moped +0 6 2 10 5 Med 5 15
Snowmobile +5 6 2 10 6 Med 5 25
Jeep +10 5 0 8 10 Huge 10 28
HMMWV +15 5 0 8 12 Huge 10 40
RV +20 5 -1 6 11 Garg 15 33
Skis +0 * 2 10 2 Med 5 15
Mini-Sub +0 6 0 8 7 Huge 12 50
+0 6 1 9 6 Large 10 39
Assault Boat +15 6 1 9 6 Large 7 26
Trawler +20 5 -1 6 10 Garg 15 41
Ultralight +0 6 1 9 5 Large 10 25
UAV +0 6 1 10 6 Large 10 34
Osprey +15 6 -1 8 12 Garg 15 60
Hang Glider +0 * 1 9 3 Large 10 26
Parachute +0 Special 0 10 1 Huge 2 15
*See individual listings for special rules
** See Appendix A: Vehicle Chase Rul es for more information

5. Make a Wealth check to purchase the device or
The Cor e Co m po nent attempt to build it from scratch.
Core components determine the primary
function of a piece of equipment. For instance, R eading the Entries
the core component of a cell phone is a Size: The default size for the core component.
communications system, while an RF (Radio
Frequency) scrambler ’s primary function would Available Add-ons : A list of potential enhanced
be an ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) features that can be applied to the core
component. Every piece of equipment has component.
a primary function. Any bonuses to relevant Casing: Whether or not the component needs a
skill checks are discussed in the component’s casing.
description along with information about
Base Cost : The Difficulty to purchase the
damage (if the device has a weapon feature).
component. This will be modified by the size of
This component also determines the base
the casing and any add-ons selected.
cost of a given piece of equipment.
Cost Modifier: The modifier increasing the base
A dd - o ns cost of a core component.

Add-ons are peripheral devices which can be Complexity : If a Narrator decides that the team
used to further augment a core component. can assemble a component in the fiel d, this entry
These aren’t mandatory, but they do increase lists both the degree of complexity for attempting
the cost of the piece of gear. An example of a Craft check to build the item and the relevant
a typical add-on would be a satellite uplink. Craft specialty.
Satellite uplinks allow any core component
capable of digitally sending or receiving Co r e Co m p o n e n t s
information the ability to do so via a satellite.
Each add-on has its own description that The following section lists components that are
provides details on relevant bonuses to skill used as a base to create specific types of gear.
checks, as well as any pertinent information Many of these devices can be used as-is, or
about damage (if the add-on has a weapon you can modify them with add-ons and casings.
feature). Components that cannot be modifie d with add-
ons or casings will show it in their de scriptions.
Ca sing
A nti- S ecurity Co m po nents
This category determines what the end product
is going to look like. Generally speaking, Anti-security components are devices used to
the equipment’s casing is determined by the bypass various locking mechanisms and other
parameters of the mission. A device’s casing elements found in most commercial and privately
provides a base difficulty for any Notice owned security systems. This category also
checks performed by the Narrator, modified includes clothing worn in operations involving
(if relevant) by the character ’s Sleight of heists or infiltration missions.
Hand check. Casings also determine the final Climbing Suit
size of the device. No device can have more
than one casing. A climbing suit consists of a pair of shoes, gloves
and a black spandex body suit with a hood. The
gloves and shoes are lined with a special adhesive
G ea r Cr ea tio n which bonds with concrete, steel and other
materials used in the construction of buildings.
Pr o c e s s The suit will hold up to 300 pounds without losing
Creating a pi ece of gear is simple. Ju st follow any of its adhesive properties, providing a +5
these steps: bonus to Climb checks.

1. Choose your core component. Size: Medium

2. Choose any relevant add-ons. Available Add-ons: None

3. Choose a casing. Casing: No

4. Add base cost and all cost modifiers. Base Cost : 11

Complexity : Moderate (Fine Arts)

card is a base 10. Consult the table below for
Co nta ct L ens G ener a tor additional modifiers.
The contact lens generator creates a set of
Security Desired Security
lenses which can be used to fool a retinal scan.
Clearance Clearance Modifier
When the Hero uses contact lenses created
by the generator, the Narrator makes a Notice General access 5
check for the biometric security system at a A d m i n i s t r a t i v e 10
base difficulty of 10 + the score of the optical access
scanner ’s Gather Information check to create Total access 15
the scan used by the contact lens generator.
If the security system succeeds on th e Notice Size: Tiny
check, the system refuses to accept the Available Add-ons: Decrease Size,
retinal information. If the Notice Check fails, Performance Enhancement, Ad ditional
the system accepts the fake retina as valid. Storage, Satellite Uplink
Size: Tiny Casing: Yes
Available Add-ons : Decrease Size, Base Cost : 12
Data Transfer Capabilities, Performance
Complexity : Advanced (Electronic)
Enhancement, Intuitive, Additional Storage,
Wireless Glass Cutter (laser)
Casing: Yes
Much like a manual glass cutter, a laser glass
Base Cos t: 25 cutter is used to cut quickly and effectively
Complexity : Complex (Mechanical) through regular glass, storm windows, and
security-grade glass (bulletproof glass).
Da ta Ca r d Typical use of a laser glass cutter inv olves a
hero attaching the glass cutter to the window,
Data cards are used to gain access to various
programming the diameter of the intended
parts of a building, such as restricted areas of
hole into the device and then activating it. The
a research facility or even a room in a hotel.
laser makes the cut. All that is left is for the
The level of access granted to the owner of a
hero to remove the glass. The device takes
data card depends on the security clearance
one round to cut a hole large enough for a
of the owner. Heroes can access any locked
Medium-size person to fit through.
room in a building allowed by the data card
without needing to make any Disable Device Size: Tiny
checks. Available Add-ons: Muffled, Ranged Use,
Size: Diminutive Masterwork
Available Add-ons: None Casing: Yes
Casing: No Base Cost : 0
Base Cost : 10 Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Complexity : Complex (Electronic) Glass Cutter (m a nua l)
Da ta Ca r d R ea d ers/Writers A manual glass cutter is a circular hand-held
device used to cut through regular glass found
These devices will scan a working data card,
on the outside of most homes and businesses.
copy the security information it contains to a
If used in combat, the device is considered
storage drive, attempt to decrypt the security
a one-handed improvised melee weapon and
clearances, and download the information to a
does +1 slashing damage due to the sharpness
blank data card with the needed authorizations
of the blade. The device takes 2 rounds to
approved. To determine whether or not a
cut a hole large enough for a Medium-sized
data card reader/writer successfully obtains
person to fit through.
the required information, make a Gather
Information check. The base difficulty to Size: Diminutive
analyze and decrypt the information on a data Available Add-ons: Muffled, Masterwork

Fingerprint Fingerprint
Casing: Yes Information Difficulty
Base Cost : 5 Full 5
Complexity : Moderate (Mechanical) Partial 10
Gr a ppler G un Negligible 15
Size: Diminutive
A grappler gun fires a grappling hook and an
attached cable up to 150 feet away. Alternately, Available Add-ons: Decrease Size, Data
the grappling hook can be swapped out with a Transfer Capabilities, Performance Enhancement,
dense magnet which will hold up to 300 pounds Additional Storage, Wireless Access.
without slipping. To use a grappler gun, make Casing: Yes
a Ranged touch attack (Difficulty 10). Success
Base Cost : 25
indicates yo u have affixed the grappling hook
or magnet to its intended position. Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Size: Small Fing erprint Generator
Available Add-ons: Decrease Size,
Masterwork, Muffled The fingerprint generator creates a clear latex
fingerprint which can be used to access rooms,
Casing: Yes vaults, safes and even various types o f technology
Base Cos t: 10 protected by biometric security systems which
require a fingerprint identity scan. When the Hero
Complexity : Simple (Mechanical)
uses the latex print, the Narrator makes a Notice
Gr avity Ha r nes s check for the biometric security system at a base
difficulty of 10 + the score of the Fingerprint
A gravity harness allows a character to hang scanner ’s Gather Information check to create
from two thick nylon cords (one on either side the scan used by the fingerprint generator. If the
of the torso) while keeping their hands free security system succeeds on the Notice check,
to perform necessary tasks. The harness is the system refuses to accept the fingerprint. If
powered by a small motor which allows the the Notice Check fails, the system accepts the
character to lower herself up to 100 feet fingerprint as valid.
without making a climb check. The cords can Size: Tiny
be retracted by remote control. When using a
gravity harness, the character must make an Available Add-ons : Decrease Size, D ata Transfer
Acrobatics check (Difficulty 10) to remain in Capabilities, Performance Enhancement, Intuitive,
the desired position. Additional Storage, Wireless Access
Size: Medium Casing: Yes
Available Add-ons: Decrease Size, Base Cost : 25
Masterwork, Muffled Complexity : Complex (Mechanical)
Casing: Yes
Lock Pick
Base Cost : 15
Lock picks are used to open common locks such
Complexity : Moderate (Mechanical)
as pin tumbler locks, tubular pin tumbler locks,
Fing er print Sca nner lever locks and wafer locks. They are comprised of
a number of picks and tension wrenches. Disable
The fingerprint scanner is used to digitally Device checks used to open these types of locks
scan fingerprints into a storage medium where require that heroes have lock pick s. Manually
they are then transferred to a fingerprint picking a lock takes one round to accomplish.
generator and prepared for output in latex Size: Diminutive
form. The effectiveness of a fingerprint Available Add-ons: Masterwork, Decrease Size
scanner is determined by the quantity of Casing: Yes
the print obtained. To determin e if the
Base Cos t: 5
device func tioned properly, make a Gather
Information check. Use the following chart Complexity : Simple (Mechanical)
to determine the difficulty of the fingerprint
scanner ’s G ather Information check.

Optica l Sca nner They run automatically upon insertion into
a USB slot, requiring no input to go about
The optical scanner is used to digitally record their programmed tasks. With one of these in
a target’s retinal information into a storage hand, even relatively inexperienced computer
media for use in a contact lens generator. The user becomes a hacker to reckoned with. The
effectiveness of an optical scanner is determined data bomb drive has an effective Computers
by the amount of retinal data obtained by the bonus of +20; the Narrator rolls the data
device. To determine if the device functioned bomb drive’s Computers check as soon as
properly, make a Gather Information check. Use it is connected to a system. Each upgrade
the following chart to determine the difficulty of increases the effectiveness of the program,
the optical scanner ’s Gather Information check. adding +1 to Computers checks.
• Skeleton Key : The data bomb drive attempts
Retinal Informa tion Retinal Data Difficulty
to open up full system access, including any
Full 5 networks the computer may be connected to.
Partial 10 This is a defeat computer security task.
Negligible 15 • Annihilation : The data bomb drive attempts
Size: Diminutive to eliminate all data on the system. This is a
degrade programming task.
Available Add-ons: Decrease Size, Data
Transfer Capabilities, Performance Enhancement, Data bomb drives require at least a full-
Additional Storage, Wireless Access round action to work, and may take longer
depending on how well-defended the system
Casing: Yes is. Each upgrade increases the effectiveness
Base Cost : 30 of the installed programs, adding a + 2 bonus
to the relevant Computers check.
Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Size: Tiny
Porta ble Cutting Torch Available Add-ons: Decreased size, Intuitive,
A portable cutting torch is used to burn through Upgrade, Satellite Uplink
various materials such as concrete, iron, and Casing: Yes
steel. If used in combat, the device is considered
Base Cost : 30
a one-handed improvised melee weapon and does
+2 fire damage due to intense heat. Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Size: Small Data L eech
Available Add-ons: Decrease Size, Additional
Storage, Submersible When placed in close proximity to a computer
hard drive, a data leech is a piece of hardware
Casing: Yes that will attempt to siphon all the computer
Base Cost : 10 files and programs from the computer and
place them into an on-board storage drive.
Complexity : Moderate (Mechanical)
The device has an effective Computers bonus
of +10. The Narrator rolls the data leech’s
Co mputer Components Computers check against a Difficulty 20 plus
Computer hardware components modify or any relevant bonuses provided by th e target
otherwise affect a given computer system. The system’s security. Success indicates the data
system in question might be a desktop computer, leech has copied the hard drive’s information.
a laptop, or even a server. The following are just a Each upgrade adds a +5 bonus to the data
few examples of the possible types of components leech’s Computers check.
you can create for your computer systems. Size: Tiny
Data b o m b Drive Available Add-ons: Decreased size, Intuitive,
Upgrade, Performance Enhancement, Satellite
This special USB flash drive is the hottest thing Uplink
on the streets for the modern hacker. It contains Casing: Yes
a plethora of pre-made hacking programs, from
Trojan horses to logic bombs to password sniffers. Base Cost : 30
Complexity : Complex (Electronic)

that allows the wearer to communicate with
Fir e wa ll another person or persons.
Size: Fine
A fire wall is the main line of defense against
attempts to hack into a computer. Fire walls Available Add-ons: Data Transfer Capabilities,
grant the user a +5 bonus to defend security Satellite Uplink
checks. Each upgrade grants another +2 bonus Casing: Yes
to defend security Checks. Base Cost : 15
Size: Small Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
Available Add-ons: Upgrade
Laser Com municator
Casing: No
Base Cost : 10 A pocket-sized infrared laser that can send
voice communications along a tight or wide
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic) beam. The former cannot be intercepted
R a nd o m Acc es s M emory unless the searcher is within the line of sight
of the beam. Ranges are 4 miles for the tight
Random access memory (otherwise known as beam and 1 mile for the wide beam.
RAM) increases the computer system’s speed for Size: Tiny
loading, displaying and allowing manipulation
of applications (computer programs) and data. Available Add-ons: Long Range
Every stick of RAM increases the speed at Casing: yes
which a user can perform Compute rs checks. Base Cost: 17
Each upgrade reduces the time required to write
programs by 5 minutes for every additional stick Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
of RAM added to the system.
Nonverba l Telephone
Size: Fine
Com municator
Available Add-ons: Upgrade
This sends bug-proof messages over a
Casing: No
telephone line. Available as a keyboard or a
Base Cost: 11 pad for handwritten communication.
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic) Size: Tiny
Available Add-ons: none
C o m m u n i c a t i o n s
Casing: no
Base Cost : 15
Core communications components are devices Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
which facilitate communication between one or
more individuals. EC M (Electro nic Co unter
Cell Pho ne M ea s ur e) Co m po nents
A cell phone is a small handheld device used Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) components
for communication. are used to affect the functionality of other
Size: Diminutive electronic devices, such as radio transmitters,
security cameras, and listening de vices.
Available Add-ons: Additional Storage, Data
Transfer Capabilities, Interface Capabilities, Digita l Sig na l Scra mbler
Programmable, Secure Line
A digital signal scrambler is a device which
Casing: Yes
scrambles digital signals, blacking out
Base Cost : 9 security cameras and monitors in a three block
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic) radius. A digital signal scrambler initiates
an opposed test between the operator of the
Micro tr a nsc eiver device and the operator or the targeted piece
of equipment. Both the Hero and the Narrator
A micro transceiver is a miniature microphone make a die roll, adding the technology rating

(cost) of their respective pieces of equipment
Base Cost : 22
to the result. The highest result wins the test.
Each upgrade increases the power of the digital Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
signal scrambler ’s signal, adding a +1 bonus to
any opposed tests. Radar/Laser D etector
Size: Small Reveals the use of EM devices in security
Available Add-ons: Decreased Size, Upgrade systems and radar guns.

Casing: Yes Size: Tiny

Base Cost : 25 Available Add-ons: Upgrade (increase size

to Medium; Cost +10)
Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Casing: yes
RF Scr a m bler Base Cost : 15
An RF scrambler is a device that scrambles Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
radio signals, preventing the targets from
sending or receiving information through radio Persona l Bug D etector
transmissions. An RF scrambler will attempt to This handheld device alerts the user when a
jam any transmissions within a 500-yard radius, bug is being used in its vicinity (but cannot
initiating an opposed test between the operator pinpoint its location). Battery life is 24
of the RF scrambler and the person sending the hours.
message being jammed. Both the hero and the
Narrator roll a d20, adding the technology rating Size: Tiny
(cost) of their res pective pieces of equipment to Available Add-ons: none
the result. Whoever rolls the highest wins the
Casing: yes
test. Each upgrade increases the power of the
RF scrambler ’s signal, adding a +1 bonus to any Base Cost : 10
opposed tests. Complexity : Simple (Electronic)
Size: Small
RF Bug D etector
Available Add-ons: Decreased size, Upgrade
Casing: Yes This device has greater range than a personal
bug detector, and can locate any transmitters
Base Cost : 25 during use. Battery life is 12 hours.
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic) Size: Small
Cell ula r Mo nitoring Sys tem Available Add-ons: none
Casing: yes
A transceiver capable of monitoring or jamming
up to 250 cellular telephone numbers. Base Cost: 15
Size: Small Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
Available Add-ons : Decreased Size, Integral Nonlinear Junction D etector
Casing: yes The most sophisticated bug detector, which
can locate transmitters even when not in use.
Base Cost : 25 Runs off external current.
Complexity : Complex (Electronic) Size: Medium
Cell Pho ne Im mobilizer Available Add-ons: Integral Battery
Casing: yes
A jamming device that affects all cell phones
indiscriminately within 500 feet. Base Cost : 28
Size: Small Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Available Add-ons: Integral Battery, Upgrade Mag netic Media Disruptor
(increase size to Medium; Cost +5)
Casing: yes This device emits a magnetic pulse which will

erase floppy disks and magnetic tapes. Voice Cha ng er
Size: Small As the voice distorter, but the output sounds
Available Add-ons: none realistic. Can be used to mask the gender and
age of the speaker.
Casing: yes
Size: Tiny
Base Cost : 12
Available Add-ons: none
Complexity : Simple (Electronic)
Casing: no
Ta p D etector Base Cost : 14
This self-detects and jams active taps or Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
transmitters attached to a single telephone
line. Pha r m a c eutica l Co m po nents
Size: Tiny Pharmaceutical components are drugs commonly
Available Add-ons: none used to affect a single target’s resolve or current
Casing: no
Base Cost : 12 Sodium Pentotha l
Complexity : Simple (Electronic) Sodium Pentothal, more commonly known as
“truth serum ,” is used by spies and other federal
Sp ectr a l Cor r ela tor agents during interrogations. It is a powerful
A suite of equipment combining bug and tap tranquilizer, capable of quickly rendering a target
detection in a single package. unconscious. A barbiturate, Sodium Pentathol
works by decreasing the subject’s ability for higher
Size: Medium
cortical brain function, consequently making it
Available Add-ons: Decreased Size, more difficult to tell a lie. People who have been
Integral Battery injected with a standard dose of Sodium Pentothal
Casing: yes must make a Fortitude save (Difficulty 20) or lose
initial and secondary damage of 2 Charisma. The
Base Cost : 27 duration of a typical injection is one hour. Highly
Complexity : Complex (Electronic) concentrated dosages of Sodium Pentothal will
knock a character out, while overdosing can cause
Digita l Encryp tio n Sys tem coma and death. Targets must make a Fortitude
save (Difficulty 25) or be rendered unconscious
A more advanced variation on the sc rambler,
for 10 minutes.
using electronic codes.
Size: Fine
Size: Small
Available Add-ons: Concentrated Dosage,
Available Add-ons: Integral Battery
Multiple Delivery Systems
Casing: yes
Casing: Yes
Base Cost : 16
Base Cost : 17
Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Complexity : Moderate (Chemical)
Voic e Dis torter Liquid D elivery
When attached to a telephone receiver or
This component includes secure storage for a
microphone, this renders speech into a
hazardous chemical, as well as the means to
mechanical-sounding voice, concealing the
apply it to one individual (either topically or with a
speaker ’s identity.
hypodermic needle). This can be used to expose
Size: Tiny any liquid listed in the Toxic Substances table. A
Available Add-ons: none concentrated dosage adds 2 to the relevant Save
Casing: no
Size: Fine
Base Cos t: 13
Available Add-ons: Concentrated Dosage
Complexity : Simple (Electronic)

Casing: Yes Complexity : Simple (Electronic)
Base Cost : 17
Vid eo Ca m era V
Complexity : Moderate (Chemical)
In the era of personal video, cameras are so
Gas Disp ersa l small as to become almost unobtrusive – until
they capture something compromising. Its
This component i ncludes a pressurized container range is one-quarter mile, and it has a battery
for a gas and a nozzle which will release it in enough life of one week.
of a concentration to affect a single individual.
This can be used to expose any gas listed in the Size: Tiny
Toxic Substances table. A concentrated dosage Available Add-ons: Data Storage, Long
adds 2 to the relevant Save Difficulty. Range, Burst Transmission
Size: Fine Casing: yes
Available Add-ons: Concentrated Dosage Base Cost : 15
Casing: Yes Complexity : Simple (Electronic)
Base Cost : 17
Keyboard Bug V
Complexity : Moderate (Chemical)
This transmitter records keystrokes on a
Phar m a c eutica l Em ula tor computer keyboard. It is not as versatile as a
TEMPEST system, and must be placed on the
Another way to use powers in a Technothrillers keyboard or computer to function. It can either
game is to allow their use via a chemical delivery transmit like a typical bug, or allow access
system. The following powers could be emulated
in the form of a drug: Bliss, Body Control, Calm, Size: Tiny
Drain Vitality, Enhance Ability, Enhance Other, Available Add-ons: Additional Storage, Burst
Harm, Heart Shaping, Pain, Sleep. As with Transmission, Long Range, Trojan
the Power Emulator component, a player who
Casing: yes
wants to use this component must come up with
an explanation that satisfies the Narrator. A Base Cos t: 13
concentrated dosage adds 2 to the relevant Save Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
Size: Fine Laser Microphone
Available Add-ons : Concentrated Dosage, A laser microphone bounces a tight beam onto
Multiple Delivery Systems a normal window, converting the vibrations
Casing: Yes caused by sound on the other side into an
audio feed. This device needs to be used with
Base Cost : 17 a clear line of sight between the unit and the
Complexity : Moderate (Chemical) window. Its range is one mile, and operates
from an external power source.
Surveilla nce Components Size: Medium
Surveillance components allow characters to Available Add-ons: Long Range, Integral
observe targets in relative safety and secrecy. Battery
Casing: Yes
Micropho ne A
Base Cost : 16
A simple listening device, yet one of the most
Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
important tricks of the trade. Its range is one-half
mile, and has a battery life of one week. Tracking D evice V or A

Size: Fine
When attached to a person, item or car, a
Available Add-ons: Infrared Trans mission, tracking device broadcasts its location. Audio
Contact, Data Storage, Long Range, Burst versions of a tracking device emit a simple
Transmission, Passive tone or flashing light that changes when the
Casing: yes receiver gets closer. Video trackers provide
Base Cost : 13 more specific information about distance and

Technothrillers and tight spots. The cable can extend five feet
bearing, including GPS coordinates; the
from the integral video monitor. It has a battery
latter is also useful for team members that
life of 6 hours.
have to operate individually. Its range is 2
miles, and it has a battery life of 2 days. Size: Small
Size: Fine Available Add-ons: none
Available Add-ons: Long Range Casing: yes
Casing: yes Base Cost : 15
Base Cost : 11 Complexity : Complex (Electronic)
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic) A Requires Audio Receiver
V Requires Video Receiver
D TM F R ecor d er/D ecod er
Misc ell a neo us Co m po nents
This device records a telephone’s keypad
use, revealing what other numbers the phone This is a catch-all category for various components
has called. that should come in handy for a mission.
Size: Tiny
GPS R eceiver
Available Add-ons: Additional Storage,
Trojan A satellite-linked receiver that can pinpoint its
location nearly anywhere on earth.
Casing: no
Size: Tiny
Base Cost : 10
Available Add-ons: none
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
Casing: yes
Sca nner Base Cost : 15
A non-secure device that picks up audio Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
transmissions and cell-phone conversations.
It has a range is one-quarter mile, and Audio R eceiver
typically operates from an external power
source. The basic component for receiving audio
Size: Medium
Size: Tiny
Available Add-ons: Long Range, Integral
Battery Available Add-ons : Data Storage, Integral
Battery, Satellite Uplink
Casing: yes
Casing: yes
Base Cost : 11
Base Cos t: 10
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic)
Complexity : Simple (Electronic)
TEM P EST G ea r
Vid eo R eceiver
Special equipment which can read the
displays of nearby (100 feet) computer A simple television screen for picking up video
monitors, capturing what the user sees. It transmissions.
needs an external power source to operate. Size: Small
Size: medium Available Add-ons: Data Storage, Decreased
Available Add-ons: Integral Battery Size, Integral Battery, Satellite Uplink

Casing: yes Casing: yes

Base Cost : 20 Base Cost : 12

Complexity : Complex (Electronic) Complexity : Simple (Electronic)

Fib erscop e Robot Control Station

A fiber-optic camera with a highly A portable console for guiding a robot or drone.
maneuverable end that can peek past corners Size: Medium

Available Add-ons: Integral Battery, Long RF D etonator
A radio-activated switch for the detonation of
Casing: yes
explosive devices. This allows them to be set
Base Cost : 25 off from a safe distance.
Complexity : Complex (Electronic) Size: Tiny
Ultr a so nic M a pp er Available Add-ons: none
Casing: yes
A portable device that determines the dimensions
of rooms and other enclosed spaces quickly and Base Cost : 5
silently. Complexity : Simple (Electronic)
Size: Tiny
Power Emulator
Available Add-ons: none
Narrators who want the ability to incorporate
Casing: yes
powers without the supernatural can use this
Base Cost : 5 option. This is a catch-all for a technological
Complexity : Moderate (Electronic) device that can mimic a power chosen at the
time the component is designed. Not every
Mini To o l Kit power should be available for duplication using
this component! At the very least, a player
When this is purchased choose a Craft skill should be able to come up with a plausible-
specialty; it operates as half a standard tool kit, sounding explanation for how the power works.
reducing the penalty for using the skill without For example, forged documents might be able
tools by 2. to allow someone access to an area, e mulating
Size: Small a specific use of the Suggestion power.
Available Add-ons: Decreased Size, Versatile Here is a potential list of powers that might
be incorporated in this way: Combat Sense,
Casing: yes
Computer Link, Cure (any), Elemental Blast
Base Cost : 10 (Energy, Fire, or Sonic), Elemental Resistance
Complexity : Simple (Mechanical) (Cold, Energy, Fire, or Sonic), Enhance
Senses, Harm, Heart Reading, Illusion, Pain,
Multifunctio n Clo thing Suggestion, Truth Reading. Note that Sonic
is a special category for purposes of these
A normal-looking article of clothing can be rules.
improved to offer any of several features. Cost is
per the article of clothing plus the add-on. Size: Small

Size: Small to Medium Available Add-ons: Decreased Size

Available Add-ons: Double-sided, Armored, Casing: No

Sealed Base Cost : 12
Casing: no Complexity : Moderate to Complex (Electronic
Base Cost : Per article of clothing or Mechanical)

Complexity : Moderate (Fine Arts)

A dd - o ns
D eto na tor
Add-ons are additional modifications you can
All explosive devices, with the exception of a make to core components to increase the
frame charge, need a detonator to set them off. performance of your equipment. Once you
have chosen a core component, add the cost
Size: Tiny
modifier of the add-on(s) you wish to purchase
Available Add-ons: Programmable to the base cost of the core component. The
Casing: yes number of add-ons you may purchase for your
device is limited only by the cost and what
Base Cost : 4 is available for a given core component. The
Complexity : Simple (Mechanical) following are just a few possibilities of add-
ons that can be created for core components:

A dditio na l S tor a g e Masterwor k
This add-on increases the data storage This core component is finely made, providing a
component by an amount equal to its original +1 bonus on rolls made to use it.
storage capacity. For example, a fingerprint Cost Modifier: +5
scanner with additional storage can store data
for two fingerprints. The same component Muffled
with two additional storage add-ons can store
This component works more quietly than normal,
three fingerprints.
requiring a Notice check (Difficulty 10) to hear.
Cost Modifier: +2 Each time this add-on is applied beyond the
first, the Notice Difficulty is increased by 5 (to a
Co nc entr a ted D o sa g e maximum of 30)
Certain drugs can be concentrated for increased Cost Modifier: +2
effect, as listed in their descriptions.
Multiple D elivery Systems
Cost Modifier: +3
In the field, not every drug can be injected into its
Da ta Tr a ns fer Ca pa bilities desired target. A multiple delivery system drug is
This core component is able to transfer its available in a form that can be quickly converted
data to another device using a common data into any mode of delivery: inhaled, ingested,
format. It requires a physical connection to contact, or injected. The drug must be converted
do so unless the components both have the to one of these forms to be usable; doing so is
wireless access or satellite uplink add-ons. a full-round action. Once converted, the drug
is stuck in that delivery form. This add-on can
Cost Modifier: +1 also be used in chemical components to create
weaponized versions.
D ecr ea s ed Size
Cost Modifier: +2
Advances in miniaturization allow complex
devices to be offered in smaller package. Per for m a nce Enha ncem ent
Each time this add-on is applied to a core
component, it becomes the next smaller size The core component has been improved to work
(a Small object becomes Tiny, etc). faster. The device’s operation takes less time,
going from a full-round action to a move action.
Cost Modifier: +4
Cost Modifier: +5
Inter fa c e Ca pa bilities
Progra m m able
A component with this add-on can i nterface
with other devices for added functionality. For A programmable component has a wealth of
example, a laptop computer and cell phone with additional functionality. The user is able to
interface capabilities can allow the computer preset a number of automatic conditions for the
to connect to a cellular network. Interfacing device’s operation. For example, the user can
requires a physical connection unless both set the device to activate after a time delay,
components also have the wireless a ccess or activate automatically under certain conditions,
satellite uplink add-ons. deactivate under certain conditions, or anything
else the device is able to do within the limits of
Cost Modifier: +1 its design.
Intuitive Cost Modifier: +4

The more advanced the technology, the more Ra ng ed Use

complicated it is to use, unless it is designed
to be intuitive. By simplifying as much of the This component can now be used up to 5 feet
operation as possible, the core component away from the objects it affects.
can be activated and used as a free action. Cost Modifier: +2
Cost Modifier: +1 Satellite Uplink
Hundreds of satellites orbit the Earth, making

satellite connections one of the most reliable forms
of uplink. Items with a satellite uplink are able to Long Ra ng e
connect to the Internet or communicate w ith other
connected systems regardless of their location, This transmitter ’s range is doubled. This is
without the need for a hardwired connection or a incompatible with the Data Storage add-on.
wireless area network. Cost Modifier: +1
Cost Modifier: +3
Double- sid ed
Secur e Line
The clothing is reversible, allowing for a totally
This component’s connection is hardened against different look. Anyone trying to penetrate a
interception and tapping. The difficulty of cracking disguise having seen one side should have
a secure line is increased by +5 each time this their Difficulty increased by 3 when the clothes
add-on is applied are reversed.
Cost Modifier: +2 Cost Modifier: +1

Subm ersible Ar mor ed

The core component can function even if The clothing contains inserts for armor plates,
submersed in water or other liquids. conferring a +2 Toughness bonus.
Cost Modifier: +1 Cost Modifier: +2

Upgr a d e Sea led

Core components are improved by a generic The clothing can double as a wet-suit for
upgrade to performance and design as listed in underwater wearing.
their descriptions. Cost Modifier: +1
Cost Modifier: +1

Wir eles s Acc es s

C a si ng s
The component can access wireless networks,
allowing it to connect to other systems or A casing is a cover for a device that makes
the I nternet without a physical conne ction. A it look like something it’s not. Being able to
wireless network must be present, however, for sneak equipment into a research facility is
a component with wireless access to be able to often critical to a mission. Walking through
connect to anything. the door with a bunch of high-tech gadgets
in plain sight just isn’t going to cut it. The
Cost Modifier: +2
types of casings you can use for your gear are
Infr a r ed Tr a ns mis sio n endless.
You might modify a data leech to look like a
The device transmits its data along an infrared pack of gum or a compact. A microtransciever
wavelength. This avoids normal bug detectors, might be fashioned to look like earrings, a cuff
but c an only be used with a clear line of sight. link or a watch. Apply a couple of decrease
This is incompatible with the Data Storage add- size add-ons to your RF scrambler and make
on. it look like an MP3 player. With this system,
Cost Modifier: +2 you’re only limited by your imagination!

Data S tor a g e The size of the casing you choose determines

the final cost of your piece of gear. Consult the
The device records what it collects, instead of following table to find cost modifiers based on
transmitting anything. There is no danger of size.
it being jammed, although someone will need
to periodically access the device to u se what
it has recorded. This is incompatible with the
Long Range, Infrared Transmission, or Burst
Transmission add-ons.
Cost Modifier: -1

prohibitively high in most cases, which means that
Ca sing Siz es the teams will need to drill excessively or look into
a fail-safe Countermeasure. Even then, these
Size Cost Modifier solutions will require a great deal of preparation
Large — to function. For teams assembling them in the
Medium +1 field, the relevant Craft specialty and complexity
are provided. Anything listed as “Advanced” is
Small +2
effectively super science.
Tiny +3
The Narrator should not consider this list
Diminutive +4 exhaustive. Part of the fun of Technothrillers is
Fine +5 listening to the impressive array of defenses, as
well as the team’s attempts to defeat them!
S a m pl e Ca sing s
EM Car Stopper
The following examples of potential casings
are by no means exhaustive. We encourage An electronic device that stalls vehicles which
you to get with your Narrator and develop pass over it.
new and interesting casings for your gear. Routine: Drive; Difficulty 30
•Large : Vending machine, refrigerator, Hack : Cut Power
desk, box, washing machine, dryer, stereo
components, speakers, suitcase, television Countermeasur e: Automobile shielding; Craft
(Automotive), Moderate
•Medium: Briefcase, clothing, laptop,
backpack, pants, shirt, shorts Noiseless Button Bomblets
•Small : Video camera, paperback book,
Virtually undetectable microphones spread over
toolbox, pencil sharpener, tie, shoes
a large outdoor area. Noiseless button bomblets
•Tiny: Camera, can of shaving cream, pick up and analyze any unusual sounds.
Routine: Stealth vs. Notice; or Craft (Electronic),
• Diminutive: Dental floss, beeper, cell Difficulty 35
phone, lipstick, breath spray
Hack : Stand down
•Fine: jewelry, business card, coin
Countermeasure : Ambient camouflage ; Craft
(Fine Arts) Complex
D efens es
On the other side of the equation are
technological defenses that exist to deny
Countersniper D etection Systems
a team access to a Site and its sensitive A battery of sensors able to detect and analyze
locations. They range from devices that the trajectory of an incoming bullet (acoustic) or
have been used for centuries to things on the a muzzle flash (visual). Once it detects incoming
forefront of technology. A team will typically fire, it can pin down the location of a shooter.
discover their existence during the course
of the planning phase; then the hard part Routine: Craft (Demolitions); Difficulty 40
begins. Hack : Cut power
Some of these items appear as separate Countermeasure : Remote weapon system; Craft
entries in the equipment section. If there are (Electronic), Complex
any special rules, they will appear there. It
is entirely possible that the bad guys will try Lock
to use the same gear that the heroes depend
Locks are low tech solutions with some high-tech
variations. The simplest systems – either a key
Each defense includes potential ways or combination mechanism – are not electronic
to circumvent them, either through the and cannot be hacked.
development of a skill-based routine, a
Routine: Disable Device; Difficulty 20-40
hacking attempt, or a countermeasure.
The Difficulties for defeating them are Countermeasure : Lockpick gun; Craft
(Mechanical), Simple

Keypa d Lo ck Routine: Escape Artist, Acrobatics; Difficulty
A more advanced version of a combination lock, 40
which opens only to an alphanumeric password. Hack : Cut Power
Routine: Disable Device, Craft (Electronic); Countermeasure : Virtual Fence; Craft
Difficulty 25-45 (Mechanical), Complex
Hack : Cut power, Algorithm
Heartb eat D etector
Countermeasure : Password Generator; Craft
(Electronic); Advanced A portable suite of sensors that can detect the
vibration caused by a human heartbeat. Used
Cardkey Lo ck to determine the number of occupants inside
a vehicle or large container – to tell if there
The keys to these modern locks are plastic cards are any hidden passengers.
with a magnetic strip carrying the access codes.
Routine: Concentration; Difficulty 40
Routine: Disable Device, Craft (Electronic);
Difficulty 30-50 Hack : Cut Power

Hack : Cut Power Countermeasure : White noise generator;

Craft (Electronic); Advanced
Countermeasure : Datacard & Reader
Millim eter-Wave Im aging
Biosca n Lo ck
This technology uses high-spectrum E M waves
This lock analyzes unique biometric data about a to see images through solids and gases.
user (finger- palm- or voice prints or retinal scan), An active imager has a range of 100 feet;
only letting in authorized personnel. a passive system has only a 10-foot range.
Routine: Disable Device; Difficulty 30-50 Thankfully, they need a human operator to
analyze the image – but observers get a +20
Hack : Algorithm
bonus to their Notice rolls. Although they can
Countermeasure : Fingerprint/Retinal scanner; penetrate walls and smoke with ease, high
Biometric bomb humidity will block this viewer.
Circuit Wir es Routine: Stealth vs Notice
Hack : Cut Power
Both burglar alarms and some explosive triggers
are activated by the completion of an electrical Countermeasure: High-moisture environment;
circuit. Craft (Construction); Advanced.
Routine: Disable Device; Difficulty 35
Hack : Stand Down; cut power Meta l D etector
Countermeasure : Null resistor; Craft (Electronic),
A wand or door-frame that registers the
presence of metal objects. If a handheld unit
Conta ct Pla te is used by a security guard, the guard receives
a +15 bonus to his Search check.
Similar to the con cept of the circuit wire, a contact Routine: Sleight of Hand vs Search (or
plate requires conductive or otherwise sensitive Difficulty 35)
material to activate.
Hack : Cut Power
Routine: Disable Device; Difficulty 35
Countermeasure : Composite materials; Craft
Hack : Stand Down; cut power (Chemical), Complex
Countermeasure : Baffle; Craft (Mechanical),
Advanced X-Ray Viewer
Fenc e Pro tectio n Sys tem Using similar principles, this camera looks
inside objects for contraband.
This is a string of sensors along a fence that Routine: Sleight of Hand, Difficulty 40
detect vibrations as well as attempts to cut it. The
sensors themselves are also protected against Hack : Cut Power

Countermeasure : Composite materials;
Craft (Chemi cal), Complex

Ga s Tr a p
A sensor connected to a burglar alarm or
pressure plate can release gas from a secure
canister. This is an easy way to protect areas
that cannot be checked frequently by humans.
Any of the gases in the Toxic Substances
table can be loaded into such a device.
Routine: Concentration; Difficulty 3 5
Countermeasure : Gas Mask; Craft
(Chemical), Simple or HazMat suit; Craft
(Mechanical), Moderate

The ultimate in passive protection. Characters
attempting to cross an area protected with
mines must make a Reflex Save every 30
feet of travel. Failure subjects them to +7
explosive damage. A character with 10 or
more ranks in Notice can add +2 to hi s saving
Routine: Acrobatics; Difficulty 30-45
Countermeasure : Mine detector; Craft
(Electronic) Simple

Mo tio n D etectors
microphones by muffling the vibrations caused by
This sensor detects changes in radar or sound.
infrared light bounced off of moving objects.
Routine: Concentration; Difficulty 3 5-55
Hack : Cut Power, Stand Down A nti-Laser Glazing
Countermeasure : Diffusion suit; Craft This window coating diffracts a laser beam,
(Chemical), Advanced preventing the beam from returning to the
M eta llic M es h Co ns truction
Countermeasure : Penetrative receptor; Craft
A metal cage in the walls of a room will (Mechanical), Advanced
prevent bugs from transmitting any signals.
Filter ed O utlets
Routine: Cr aft (Electronic); Difficulty 40
Countermeasure: Teacup; Craft (Mechanical); Simple electronics that discover wiretaps and
Advanced bugs on a phone line.
Routine: Craft (Electronic), Difficulty 35
So undpro o fing
Hack : Stand down.
Baffled material and shielding prevents sound Countermeasure : Override Shunt; Craft
from leaving a structure or room. (Construction), Advanced
Routine: Notice; Difficulty 35
White Noise Generator
Countermeasure : stethoscope
A computer generates random sound patterns that
Triple G la s s disrupt eavesdropping devices.
Multiple panes of glass will defeat laser

Routine: Notice; Difficulty 30 Nig htinga le Floor
Hack : Algorithm
Another low-tech system, this floor is built
Countermeasure : Acoustic filter; Craft with a hook that squeaks when someone walks
(Electronic); Complex across it.
Ca m er a Routine: Stealth vs. Notice

A video monitor guarding a sensitive area. Hack : none

Routine: Stealth vs. Notice Countermeasures : none

Hack : Cut Power, Stand Down Pr essur e Plate

Countermeasure : Feed bypass; Craft (Electronic); Set into a floor or pedestal, this device detects
Moderate weight applied onto it. More sophisticated
Electrifica tio n systems monitor upward and downward
changes, prevent theft as well as intrusion.
Fences, doors and roofs can be made deadly. Routine: Sleight of Hand; Difficulty 35
Routine: Acrobatics; Difficulty 40 Hack : Cut Power, Stand Down
Hack : Cut Power Countermeasure : Densitometer; Craft
Countermeasure : Resistance slippers; Craft (Electronic), Advanced
(Chemical), Advanced
Capacita nce Proximity Sensor
Tripwir e
These are microchips that register the presence
A simple line that trips an alarm or trap when of a human body.
disturbed. Routine: Concentration; Difficulty 45
Routine: Acrobatics; Difficulty 30
Hack : Cut Power
Countermeasure : Torsion shunt; Craft
(Mechanical), Advanced

Laser Eye
Operating on principles similar to a tripwire, but
using a laser instead. Anything interrupting its
beam will be detected.
Routine: Acrobatics; Difficulty 30
Hack : Cut Power
Countermeasure: Mirror laser; Craft (Mechanical),

Laser M es h
A two-dimensional grid of laser beams that secures
an area rather than a single line.
Routine: Acrobatics; Difficulty 35

Laser Ca g e
The same concept applied to three dimensions,
preventing access from above or below a laser
Routine: Acrobatics; Difficulty 40
Hack : Cut Power

Hack : Cut power, stand down or block over 200 cell phone lines.
Countermeasure : Chameleon film; Craft Cell Phone Im mobilizer
(Chemical), Advanced
A device that disrupts cell phone use. Stronger
Vibr a tio n S ensor versions will interfere with radio broadcasts as
well, but tend to be illegal because of their
Essentially a short-range seismograph that strength.
can register nearby disturbances.
Routine: Craft(Electronic); Difficulty 35
Routine: Sleight of Hand; Difficulty 40
Hack : Cut Power, Stand Down
Hack : Cut Power
Countermeasure : Land line
Countermeasure : Oscillation damper; Craft
(Mechanical), Advanced Shielding
R a da r/L a s er D etector A surface can be made harder to penetrate
with an unusual composite.
A receiver that detects the presence of radar
and laser systems. Advanced versions can Lockbox
identify specific frequencies.
A portable container offering some security
Routine: Hide; Difficulty 25
against theft and damage.
Countermeasure : Variable frequency; Craft
(Electronic), Moderate Sa fe
B ug D etector A ubiquitous method of protecting valuables.
They can be circumvented by disabling the
This device activates in the presence of a lock or penetrating a surface.
transmitter, without necessarily locating it.
Routine: Craft (Mechanical or Chemical);
The simplest form of protection of its kind.
Difficulty 20-50
R F B ug D etector Countermeasure: drill
More advanced equipment locates Lie D etector
microphones and bugs in use.
Routine: Concentration vs. Sense Motive
Routine: Hide vs. Search
Hack : Cut Power
Countermeasure : Burst Trans mission,
Infrared Broadcast Countermeasure : Biomonitor; Craft
(Electronic), Advanced
No nlinea r Junctio n D etector
Bombproof Glass
The most sensitive gear for detecting
transmitters, this device can even locate Window material formulated to resist shattering
inactive bugs. when exposed to explosive force. Its Toughness
is 10 for purposes of resisting explosion
Routine: Craft(Electronic); Difficulty 35
damage. A bomb maker who discovers its
Countermeasure : Shielding; Craft composition can attempt to craft a charge
(Construction), Moderate
Countermeasure : Composite charge; Craft
M a g netic M edia Disrup tor (Demolitions), Complex
Despite a single formula for running
Instead of locating a bug, this device erases Technothrillers missions, there are a variety
the recording media it uses (if it is present). of backgrounds that can make each campaign
Routine: Craft (Electronic); Difficulty 40 unique. A Narrator might have to work hard
Countermeasure : Hardening; Craft to ensure that every operation is memorable
(Construction), Moderate in its own way, while keeping up interest in a
long-term game. There is no reason to restrict
Cell ula r Mo nitoring Sys tem gaming sessions to these rules; obviously,
whatever is fun for the group should be the
Highly sensitive equipment that can monitor first guiding principle.


C HA P T E R S I X – A D V E N T U R E S
C a m pa ig n
Fr a m ewo r k s
There are many possible reasons for a team
to keep conducting missions. The best way
is to have them involved in a certain field,
in which their expertise can be applied
repeatedly. This is another way to foster
continuity between otherwise unrelated
operations. On the other hand, mixing up
roles is a good way to keep the party out of
a rut of indis tinguishable missions.
course, this type of game is not for everyone, and
Co unterter roris m Narrators should ensure that players’ sensibilities
National governments have an obvious are not offended by portraying t errorists in
interest in preventing terrorism within their anything but a hostile light.
borders as well as against their own citizens
anywhere in the world. The brazen nature of
Narcotics a nd Smugg ling
the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, As long as there have been mercantile laws, there
D.C., shook up many governments that had have been people willing to go the extra mile to
previously overlooked how devastating a avoid them. Smugglers try to avoid customs
small cadre of fanatics could be. Activities duties and similar taxes – charges levied on
in pursuit of this goal are often defensive, goods brought across a border – by concealing
protecting vital installations or persons them when crossing, or by crossing in secret.
vulnerable to attack. But a more proactive They also traffic in goods whose sale is restricted,
solution is to identify and hunt down terrorists or whose presence may be entirely illegal in a
before they strike. This is particularly useful country. This includes humans, whether they are
in the context of a roleplaying game, since it illegal laborers looking for opportunity, or virtual
demands that the party succeed before their slaves for depraved owners.
enemies commit the terrorist act – or battle
them during its commission! All sorts of buyers, from rich dilettantes
interested in stolen artifacts to homeless junkies
Nations with other urgent problems might looking for their next fix, rely on smugglers to
also employ private security firms to do these meet their demands. In turn, smugglers need
jobs for them. Corporations with personnel dependable men to guard and transport their
and facilities in dangerous areas often hire cargo. An unethical corporation might employ
their own troubleshooters for the same smugglers to provide merchandise under the table
reasons. Private operators deal with the for its own use. Consequently, every government
additional complication of interacting with needs dedicated workers to prevent these types
police or armed forces of foreign countries, of smugglers from penetrating their borders.
who might b e unhappy with their activities.
These are the sorts of obstacles that cannot Corporate Espionag e
be solved with weapons.
With the rise of multinational corporations and
If players a re mature enough to operate in a
the global market, private companies have to deal
morally ambiguous setting, characters might
with new sources of competition. This not only
be willing to countenance terrorism or even
includes information about new products, but also
play a subversive cell (a 2001 example is the
seeking out favorable locations for their facilities
movie Spy Game, in which a truck bomber
and emerging markets for existing inventories. In
participates in an American operation). Of
fact, “information” in its pure form is as vital a

commodity as any computer chip or raw material.
With it, CEOs can act on insider knowledge Th e S c o r e
to benefit them selves or their shareholders,
or prevent rivals from gaining an edge in the The last piece of the puzzle is one which occurs
marketplace. independently as well as within the framework
of the other types of activity. This is the
Natio na l Espio na g e caper, an elaborate undertaking to accomplish
some difficult goal. It is typically a heist of
Spying for one’s nation is what most people will a dazzlingly large sum of money or otherwise
think of when the word “espionage” is mentioned. unique object. Another version is the sting – a
And intelligence of this sort is always highly convoluted scheme to convince a target to act
desired, whatever a country’s location and in a certain way or divulge some secret.
situation. Military consumers want information
about their enemies’ force structure, capabilities Regardless of the ultimate goal, scores have
and battle plans to gain strategic and tactical several distinguishing characteristics. First,
edges in the event of hostilities. Diplomats look for they are typically one-shot. Trying again is
similar advantages in the international arena. And useless because the team eventually acquires
policy makers need it to evaluate the present and the MacGuffin or plays the mark – or gets
discern the future – to ultimately make d ecisions caught in the attempt. Second, while a score
in the best interest of their government. can occur as a matter of course in many
campaigns, there are plenty of examples
Because this sort of intelligence is for a nation’s in which an independent group runs its own
benefit, characters in this arena are almost operation for its own reasons. Foremost of
always working directly for a government. It may these is revenge against a powerful Narrator
appear otherwise, as with Air America and the Character who has thwarted a member of the
other proprietary airlines run by the CIA. But this team in the past.
still allows for a variety of situations, including
counterintelligence within one’s nation, and
operations in hostile or neutral countries. C ha i n s o f Evid e nc e
NB C Pro lifer a tio n Remember that the object of an operation can
be anything the Narrator decides. There is no
Somewhere between counterterrorism and need that it be useful to the party of patron.
antismuggling lies non-proliferation. This is In fact, its inability to help is probably more
the limiting the number of groups that have important – the desire to possess it is what
nuclear, biological or chemical weapons of counts.
mass destruction. During the Cold War, the However, the Narrator can often use the goal
superpowers exerted more control over the allies of one mission to lead into the next. This work
who researched these programs. With the fall especially well if the team is trying to liberate
of the USSR, ma ny satellite nations were willing data that is valued for its secrecy. It can refer
to go their own way. Ex-Republics, without to a new mark, or another site to penetrate,
the c entralized control of the Communist party, giving a reason to begin the process again.
wound up with stockpiles of dangerous weapons
– and plenty of potential buyers to tempt even
a scrupulous patriot. These include terrorist A n ta g o ni s t s
organizations looking to maximize their sway, as In the world of Technothrillers, it is impossible
well as nations who look to nuclear weapons as to pin down the motives of characters and
the ultimate deterrent against powerful rivals. groups under the Narrator ’s control. In fact,
Like national espionage, nonproliferation has when a party is comprised of specialists who
few choices for private actors. Both the United can infiltrate any place on earth, a lot of places
Nations and the largest powers have ongoing look inviting for just such activity. The Narrator
nonproliferation programs, however, so the list of has a challenge in keeping the list of villains
potential patrons is still large. One complication fresh, too.
would be a team with citizens from several nations,
each with interests that might not completely Shadow Ag encies
Government conspiracies came into vogue
at the end of the last century and show no
signs of losing their luster. There are many

Technothrillers secret that most modern countries are grooming
examples of bureaucratic groups that are cadres of young phreaks for the front lines of
willing to bend the rules in pursuit of their information warfare, too.
own hidden agendas. These opponents may
even add an extra layer of tensions if a hero Riva l Tea ms
has a less than perfect relationship with his
own or another nation. Opposing teams make good foils for a party –
especially if one or more members has a history
Of course, it is standard for governments with a team member. Competition of this nature
to use deniable assets – like the Heroes – to sets up another interesting variation on the norm.
strike at targets that are outside their con - What if, in the course of planning or carrying out
ventional reach. A Narrator is free to keep a mission, the team finds out that someone else
the paranoia to a minimum, or ramp it up un- is planning to hit the same place they are? This
til the playe rs expect the knife in the back adds an entirely new dimension of possibilities
once their characters know too much. during the mission. This could lead to a race to
the MacGuffin, or a temporary alliance before the
Crim e Syndica tes mandatory betrayal. A good enoug h plan may
There are always reasons to oppose illegal even involve using some of this other team’s
organizations like the Russian mafia or resources!
Central American drug lords. They may also Even worse, what if the target is not in the
be blackmailing a public figure with sensitive heroes’ sights, but is their home base? Then they
information; as a favor to the person involved, enter the unfamiliar role of trying to prevent an
the team could remove it (a dark patron may operation and outfox the shrewdest of foes.
seek it for his own use, however). Thugs
make good opponents for combat encounters, Terrorists
as well.
There is no shortage of subversive groups for
A mor a l Cor por a tio ns potential targets. A hostage recovery can be run
on the fly – especially if a group takes over a site
And old trope with a long pedigree; these the team intended to infiltrate in the first place.
days there seems to be no end to the mischief The team can target locations like training camps
a corporation might commit. They may be and bomb-making sites, or deadly but portable
committing the same deeds as a crime weapons like suitcase nukes and plague vials.
syndicate but clothing it in respectability.
This is a short campaign framework for use with the
Financial activities, like cornering a sensitive
rules and concepts contained in this supplement.
market or manipulating the value of a stock
The setup is designed to appear innocuous, and
for a takeover, leave data trails with the
can be a simple series of unconnected missions.
potential for huge payoffs. Or perhaps a
But there are a variety of potential wrinkles that a
product is being released that may harm the
Narrator can introduce to emulate the traditional
environment or health of its users, and the
twists and turns of the genre.
team must reveal the truth.
Even more fun, a cutthroat company makes
for a nicely unreliable patron. A competent
team will have a long list of corporate suitors
that want their skills directed against the
competition. Perhaps the party must steal
secrets, or help an employee from another
make an unscheduled change of employment.
With such employers, however, “termination”
acquires all sorts of nasty undertones.

Ha ckers
A true 21st century threat. There will
always be clever console cowboys looking
to challenge the encryption of a data haven.
They may even be disgruntled employees
looking for revenge, once privy to secrets
that give them a leg up on the party. It is no

C HA P T E R S E V E N -
Th e Pa tr o n
Penn Troxler had to invent a new phrase to define
his particular state of well-being: wealth by
association. Anyone interested in ascertaining
his ownership portfolio can literally go no further
than the reinforced walls of The Leeward Group,
S.C., the sovereign corporation which owns the
geographically insignificant island of Shoo-In Cay.
Financial investigators have known for decades
that he is the sole owner of this company, the
world’s most successful data haven. But since no
hacker has managed to penetrate its encrypted
coffers for his secrets – or anyone else’s p rotected
within – the true extent of his holdings remains
The scion of a Connecticut shipbuilding family,
neither Penn nor his older brother Burt were fond
of doing what was expected of them. Bu rt joined
the Navy, departing after several years as a SEAL,
and parlayed his family contacts into a su ccessful
salvage business. Instead of an ivy league
university, Penn chose to attend obscure Rowan
University in North Carolina for its noted program
in colonial anthropology. He went on to excel in
history and archaeology during graduate studies for several years. Only after the creation of
at Vanderbilt University in 1985. Thereafter, he The Leeward Group in 1995 did the smallest
scoured the East Coast and Caribbean for colonial portion of his vision become apparent.
artifacts. As the effective owner of his tiny country, his
The Troxler brothers bought Shoo-In Cay legal team drafted a constitution placing all
in 1990 from the Bahamian government – it power in his wholly-owned firm. He and The
marks the western most edge of these islands, Leeward Group are evidently the only citizens
about 80 kilometers south-southwest of Bimini. of the nation of Shoo-In Cay. But through the
Concurrently, they extinguished any possible corporation, this state has carefully picked
British claims to the island through solicitors and chosen the treaties it is a signatory to.
petitioning the Crown. Within three years a team Its diplomatic portfolio is notable for the
of prestigious Spanish abogados secured the complete absence of any agreement involving
renunciation of any colonial rights left over from intellectual property.
Madrid’s empire. In short, this allows Leeward to store data of
Investigators linking these events with the any kind, brought to it from any entity willing
brothers’ exploits are responsible for the rumors to pay the imposing storage fees. But this
that they discovered a sunken treasure of great freedom is only on half of the equation that
value somewhere near the island. Even stranger allows a data haven to function. Its servers
voices whisper that they discovered deLeon’s must also be perfectly secure: not only for its
Fountain of Youth, or Atlantean relics even more customers, but for its own very survival.
majestic than the Bimini Road. Unfortunately, To that goal, some of the best programmers
after Burt Troxler ’s murder at the Chinese State in the world have spent time on the island
Archives in 1992, his younger brother distanced – it was, after all, never a problem to
himself from the academic and business spotlights

secure a work visa. As a result, Leeward’s Zheng He had dispatched the boat as part of three
encryption methods are organic in their majestic fleets that roamed the globe for tribute
beauty and complexity, as well as effectively and exotic cargoes for the Ming emperor.
impregnable. This particular flotilla, which sailed west from
While the data haven advertises that the Cape Verde Islands after rounding Africa,
any content may be kept on their network, discovered America seven decades before
Leeward’s employees also developed Columbus. Its commander was named Zhou Wen,
sophisticated filtering algorithms that which forms the basis for the name the Troxlers
can detect the dissemination of material gave their island. The wreck occurred in the
that would be used in contravention of aftermath of a hurricane that damaged eight other
international criminal (as opposed to IP) law: ships; Penn Troxler believes the Bimini Road to be
crimes such as smuggling, child pornography, the site where another damaged vessel dumped
slavery, and terrorism. However, when they its ballast before being repaired.
uncover evidence that their services are The value of the cargo inside the wreck is
furthering s uch enterprises, they do not staggering: gold and silver objects from Africa
provide this information to Interpol or other and Europe, gems of all colors from India, and
law enforcement organizations. Rather, Chinese porcelain carried for trade. A good deal
Troxler prefers to solve the dilemma directly of it remains at the site; partially to prevent notice
– by dispatching a team of highly skilled by the outside world.
operatives that can disrupt the illegal practice
Burt Troxler ’s murder occurred while he was
in as permanent a fashion as is necessary.
scouring the Chinese State Archives for clues to
Enter the PCs. the locations of other shipwrecks. Penn Troxler
does not know that the killers were dispatched by
A dventur es a triad gang with extensive contacts within the
Chinese military. On more than on e occasion,
PCs in the employ of Penn Troxler comprise
Chinese hackers have tried to penetrate The
a team of specialized troubleshooters who
Leeward Group’s secure servers, without success.
must be prepared to tackle a variety of
Still, he has yet to suspect a connection between
challenges. Since they lack the military
these attempts and his brother ’s death.
might to solve their problems with force, their
typical modus operandi is a covert mission to A Dar k Patron
penetrate and destabilize organizations that
use The Leeward Group for illegal reasons. If a Narrator wants to add a devious twist, Troxler
Troxler never mentions the reasons for the ultimately may prove to be a megalomaniac,
missions he assigns, although the motives selecting his victims simply to increase his own
can be obvious in the case of we ll-known power. Perhaps the party finds this out after a
targets. It is impossible to pin down a string of programmers who have visited Shoo-In
political agenda behind them, other than the Cay suffer a series of unusual deaths – all the
post-capitalist libertarianism that makes data better if one is the close friend of one of the PCs.
havens sound like a good idea. It is obvious Having a team of assassins attempt to track down
that he loved and respected his brother, who the PCs during a mission gone bad cer tainly keeps
considered himself an American patriot until with the spirit of the average techno thriller. In
his death; several operations have involved such campaigns, it’s also logical to expect that a
targets that were once behind the former Iron raid on The Leeward Group becomes inevitable.

S ecr ets o f The L eewa r d

En e m i e s
Gro up Most powerful men who fear the emergent
paradigm of an information age consider Troxler
The Troxler brothers were desti ned for to be a maverick, if not a danger to the world.
wealth once they discovered something that Certainly, critics fond of playing the patriotism
most people would dismiss as fantasy: in card grumble about his renunciation of American
1988, they found the location of a submerged citizenship. But as long as he maintains his
Chinese treasure ship from the 15th century scruples about illegal use of the data he protects,
within three miles of Shoo-In Cay (a distance he is untouchable in the courts of foreign
recognized by even the most restrictive treaty nations.
involving international waters). Admiral

Of course, there are plenty of factions that
consider honor and principles outmoded, and
would bring The Leeward Group down if they
could. Some covet the wealth it must control;
others, the secrets locked within. If anyone alive
knows they have been the target of a Leeward
Group operation, the thirst for revenge would
make a motive just as powerful.

The Ta m To ng
This group grew from one of many semi-secret
triad organizations seeking to overthrow an
unpopular monarch to a sprawling criminal
conspiracy operating across several national
borders. Nearly every city in the world with a
large Chinese population has at least one Tam
cell with the responsibility to oversee the legal
and illegal activities that take place there. While
there are other tong organizations that fall outside
of its umbrella, all of them understand that they
exist at the sufferance of the Tams.
The smallest branches of the group engage in
“typical” crime, often in competition with other
tongs or other ethnic gangs. Drugs, neighborhood
protection rackets, prostitution, and human
smuggling are all common activities for local
Tams. Individua l members at this level lack a
clear sense of loyalty to the group as a whole;
instead, one char ismatic functionary is the liaison
between the criminals and the higher echelons of
the groups. Known as “Coiled Dragons,” these
intermediaries scrupulously avoid committing
actual crimes. Their jobs extend to providing any These extend to legitimate pursuits as well
unusual support to individual members, such as as criminal exploits, since much of the wealth
supplying weapons or specialized equipment, or accumulated by the group is laundered and
providing safe places to avoid law enforcement used to buy standing within the government.
after a crime. Of course, they are also responsible One asset directly controlled by the group is
for collecting some share of the profit of any the Sphinx Casino in Macau.
misdeeds and sending it up the ladder to their The actual identity of the head Tam is
superiors. To t hat purpose, individual Coiled customarily kept secret; the current chief
Dragons have extensive contacts with banking is known as the 41st Circumspect Master.
officials and minor politicians in the region they Although no one is sure that the group has
oversee. lasted long enough to have forty previous
The central offices of the Tams occupy several leaders, there are some facts that have been
floors in a Beijing high rise shared by several verified about his past. He was orphaned
military procurement departments. Because of during the Rape of Nanking prior to World
this, a high number of People’s Liberati on Army War II, and has used revenge as a factor when
guards can be called on to defend the site in deciding to encroach on a Japanese business
case of physical attack. On the outside, these or victim. Although he holds no high post in
offices are as unassuming as the others in the the Communist Party of China, he is a member,
building, but the amount of security features and associates with several apparatchiks with
protecting it is prodigious. It is to here that considerable power. Whether this is because
the money collected from a hundred local cells of ties of blood or honor, financial clout, or
flows, under the direction of the Coiled Dragons. simple blackmail, is unclear.
The inner council of approximately twenty-five A Tam assassination squad is responsible for
calls themselves “Ardent Phoenixes;” each is the death of Burt Troxler. An Ardent Phoenix
responsible for a particular region or activity.

ordered the hit after discovering that he was
in Beijing looking for more information about La Fa mig lia Via nera
the voyages. The killer knows about the Sicily has been conquered from every direction in
treasure ship as well, but has not revealed its history, but the Vianera family has always been
its existence to the rest of the group. This able to rise above these travails. Its ancestors
is arguably because he seeks to acquire it include Roman generals, Arab and Norman
personally rather than for the Tams. If the adventurers, and the odd pope or two. The most
others discover the truth, the group will famous scion of the family was a courtier to Holy
actively consider efforts to obtain additional Roman Emperor Frederick II at Palermo. It was
information, or more. Likewise, Penn Troxler there that the earliest Mafiosi consolidated their
may use the identity of his brother ’s killer as power by the middle of the nineteenth century,
a motive to oppose the Tam tong directly, and the Vianeras were at the forefront of their
whether in an operation of by sowing subsequent expansion throughout Italy.
dissent among the council members.
During World War II the family forged
TAKING THEM DOWN extensive ties with the OSS and Allied
It is quite difficult to obtain military forces, which allowed them to
information about the Tams expand into the U.S. and other western
without risking one’s skin. countries during the Cold War. As
They are quite willing to avid anti-communists, they happily
rely on race as a protection, allowed intelligence agencies access
instinctively fearful of non- to a smuggling network that extended
Chinese investigators. across the Mediterranean. Vianera hit
Still, interacting with local men made excellent deniable assets as
members may provide some well, when a victim was to o difficult to
insights about the overall reach by more conventional means.
structure or the activities The end of the Cold War was a
of the local Coiled Dragon. period of upheaval for them as
And nearly every skin color well as the world. Left without
is represented at the Sphinx their government patrons, the
Casino. Another option is Vianeras began concentrating
the Chinese military, since on the development of legitimate
they operate in close proximity businesses, especially shipping
to the People’s Liberation Army. and luxury foods. Now the
Most foreign espionage agencies War on Terror has caused old
have at least some information on friends to come calling again; to regain
the shadowy ties between them good graces, they have provided cargo
and the procurement bureaus that planes for use in extraordinary rendition,
share a building. and instructed low-level accomplices to be
Once Troxler wants to move, he on the lookout for terrorist plots in France,
will have a host of targets available Greece and Italy. This has made them
to harm the Tams. Obviously, the even more money, and lessened some
casino is a public place, which of the recent attention Interpol had
requires a certain amount of begun paying to them.
openness. Likewise, individual Coiled The Vianera family owns prime agricultural
Dragons have homes and compounds land in Sicily and Southern Italy, including a
across the globe, allowing for a variety of world-famous vineyard. All operations are
potential targets in different environments. planned from their lavish villa, once the site of a
The weak spot of the Ardent Phoenixes and Roman Emperor ’s summer palace. Although some
the 41st Circumspect Master is the military ruins from this period still decorate this land, the
connection. Masquerading as a supplier security measures in place are quite modern. An
might be the best way to get close to one of equally modern yacht ferries cousin s to all the
these firms, using it as a springboard to the respectable locales along the Mediterranean.
Tam inner sanctum. Proud of their religious heritage, a cathedral in
Marseilles and a monastery in Greece mark the
outer edges of their criminal network . The latter

was used for smuggling men and goods across Naturally, a few stakeholders lack such a
the Iron Curtain. degree of appreciation for the state of the
Luca della Posta worked with several minor world. Several Sumutis have donated money
branches of the family in the 1980s, as a member and equipment to terrorist groups, opposing
of the Italian Navy conducting operations under everything from traditional targets like Israel,
Italian Military Intelligence (SISMI). He is aware to the occupation of Afghanistan by both
of th e general extent of the Vianera empire, Soviet and American troops, and even harsh
but lacks details as to specific holdings and Arab regimes in Syria and Saddam Hussein’s
activities. Iraq. Because these gestures are made by
individuals, rather than the company at large,
TAKING THEM DOWN it has evaded scrutiny from the U.S. and
As one of the premier drug-smuggling groups in other nations. Still, nearly every subversive
the world, the family makes an inviting target. organization operating in the Middle East has
For a morally mu rky adventure, perhaps a friend a Sumuti backer somewhere.
of Troxler ’s has been wrongfully detained in a In addition to its mammoth oil e xtraction
terrorism arrest; releasing him from detention and refining concerns, Sumuti Oil operates a
before an innocent man is lost in the system. luxurious hotel in Abu Dhabi. Its headquarters
Finally, a dark patron might want Vianera assets are a desert compound straddling the border
knocked out of commission as a prelude to of Oman and Saudi Arabia. When its members
grabbing a larger share in the drug market. have dealings with OPEC, they stay at an
Another reason the family makes a good Austrian ski resort similarly owned by company.
target is that money tends to change minds and One of the more powerful grandsons, Karim
allegiances. Plenty of their low-level criminals as-Sumuti, wished to marry Intan Wachjari
in the network might be tempted to change – or after meeting her in Jakarta sever al years
at least temporar ily suspend – their allegiance to ago. While she quickly forgot him, the reverse
them. A dedicated assault against the Vianeras is not true.
can begin in a variety of places. TAKING THEM DOWN
As- Sum ut Oil As a company with many voices, any number
of as-Sumuti shareholders might be backers of
The as-Sumuti family came to prominence during terrorism. Perhaps one of them is harboring
World War I, when a notorious Bedu named Haroun a fugitive in what they consider to be a safe
as-Sumuti threw his lot in with T.E. Lawrence in place. In the alternative, some owners may
opposing the Ottoman Empire. Although there are simply be greedy; happy to manipulate the
rumors that he was illiterate, he understood before world’s oil supply for their own profit. Raiding
most other Arabs that working with imperial power a corporate compound may uncover the proof
would prove the quickest path to power. Because an agency needs to begin an investigation.
of his knowledge of the trackless deserts of the
peninsula, guides from his tribe were present Ma kumb e
when American geologists first discovered oil
in the region. When it became apparent how The Republic of Makumbe boasts none of the
valuable the sand would become, he rushed to intertribal genocide that has plagued Africa in
acquire as large a stake as possible. the last several decades – primarily because
Makumbeyan ancestors sold neighboring
When oil companies returned in earnest after members of hostile tribes into servitude in the
World War II, they had to deal with the aging Belgian Congo a century ago. This small state
patriarch and his nine astute sons. By the time avoided the worst excesses of the European
the energy crisis raised oil prices calamitously, scramble for the continent by invoking American
they were all wealthy beyond human imagining. protection after the civil war, inviting freed
Today, two of these men are still alive, but the next slaves to settle there. Although only a handful
generation has begun to assert its own influence agreed, they complemented a ruling class that
on the firm’s future. This makes determining was willing to aggressively modernize in the
what it is truly involved in a daunting task. The face of native superstitions. Prosperity lasted
stockholders are a range of ultra-conservative Sufi until the Great Depression, when the economy
near-hermits to jet-setters educated in English crumbled until the 1960s.
and American boarding schools. Many Western
governments and multinationals employ Sumutis
as regional advis ors.

By then, a claim of American loyalty only operating joint venture for several German
invited Communist aggression. When chemical firms. During the war, Hoover ’s SIS
uranium was discovered a few years l ater, the kept a close watch on their dealings, and they
ruling family was willing to deal with South assiduously avoided aiding Hitler ’s war effort;
Africa when few other nations woul d. This once the fighting ended, however, they actively
secured their independence from Cold War maintained ODESSA ratlines that brought
conflicts. The Afrikaaners assuag ed their would-be war criminals out of Europe. If these
racial notions of superiority after Makumbe refugees possessed any degree of technical
displayed as much ruthlessness as they skills, they were welcomed with open arms. If
did. Soon, units of Makumbeyan irregulars their presence might cause complications, the
with South African arms were participating piranhas would have an extra meal.
in counter-insurgencies throughout Africa. The managers quickly realized that doctrine
The economies of both nations are closely of racial superiority earned less money than
aligned, and despite the instabilities with the a strategy of aggressive capitalism. On the
senior partner the relationship is strong. basis of several patents for medicines derived
Now that dozens of nations want to join from Amazon flora, they became heavy
the nuclear club, Makumbe has a long list of investors in European and North American
suitors. Oth er resources, such as titanium, industry. Since drug smuggling was just as
chromium, and alluvial diamonds, supplement profitable, soldiers led by aging stormtroopers
its uranium industry. As most of the extraction quickly carved out an anonymous cocaine
work is done by foreign workers, most citizens empire on the slopes of the Andes. While
are on some form of government dole, pharmaceuticals, legal and otherwise are
leading to a vast disparity of wealth in the their primary business, the Sudamerikanic is
country. The richest 0.5% of its citizens live also involved in rubber production and mining
in luxurious, closely-guarded estat es near throughout the continent. Another branch of
the capital. Since Makumbe is landlocked its the company operates an advertising firm in
airport is first-rate, and the state airline ranks Brasilia, applying propaganda techniques
as one of the best in Africa. The Makumbeyan developed from Goebbels’ fevered brain.
Central Bank is the depository of choice for TAKING THEM DOWN
sub-Saharan millionaires who disdain trips
to Zurich and the Caymans, but sleep better As Sudamerikanic is another player in
with their assets outside their own nation’s international narcotics, Troxler may oppose
borders. them for the same reason he dislikes the
Vianera family. In fact, Sudamerikanic makes
TAKING THEM DOWN a natural foe for that group; perhap s after a
The largest danger Makumbe presents to the mission against one goes sour, the team might
world at large is nuclear proliferation. The agree to take on the other in exchange for
rulers are more than happy to sell fissile their lives. Plus, their Nazi roots make them
material to anyone with the credit to purchase. a tempting target for just about anyone with a
Still there may be other reasons to run missions conscience. The company may be involved in
here. Individual members of government may an effort to promote the brutal doctrines of racial
have their own agendas, such as dealing in superiority among fascist groups worldwide.
conflict diamonds and modern-day slavery. Opposing them could be sympathetic souls in
In addition, the willingness of the Central their employ who want out – and need the party
Bank to accept illegitimate wealth means to arrange a defection.
that any num ber of unsavory groups transact
business there. Though heavily guarded, the Globa l Eye
bank makes an inviting target for an operation
As a teen in Adelaide, Ben Torrance was a
against one of these organizations, making
typical geek, interested in slaying imaginary
the Makumbe not-quite-innocent bystanders.
dragons and playing with computers. By the
Suda m erika nic, S. A . time he turned 25, these hobbies collided in an
explosion of wealth. He has several popular
Even before the Third Reich was des tined for MMORPGs to his credit, each one more
defeat, there were Nazis in South America. valuable than the next. Several of his ventures
A sizeable colony of Germans existed in the were spun off as money makers in their own
Peruvian Amazon since the turn of the century, right: Amateur Anchorman, which en courages

users to submit interesting videos, as well
threats to the long-term future of The Leeward
as Meeglax, a virtual roleplaying platform for
friends across the globe.
His next step was heavy investment in to media The Victim
corporations, culminating with the heavily-
linked Global Eye network of print, video, and Long before Bill Gates began building machines
Int ernet distribution. He fields a small army of in his garage, Yuji Tsurumori could legitimately
ravenous paparazzi who will scour the world be considered a computer wunderkind. His
for a scoop, as well as sports teams in several unique designs for integrated circuits brought
professional leagues. From there, it was a Japanese electronics manufacturing to the
simple leap of logic to begin moving into space forefront of miniaturization. Carefully, he
industries such as satellite control and launch reinvested his profits into strategically-placed
facilities, especially in developing countries. firms, until by his 60th birthday he controlled
an efficient, vertically-integrated conglomerate
Troxler has had an eye on Torrance for several structured like the zaibatsus of old.
years, but despite his link with modern media
he remains hard to pin down. Still, snippets He was dealt a major setback during the
of intriguing information make their way to The 1990s, when his company attempted to corner
Leeward Group from time to time. For instance, the world market for gallium alloys – a critical
since Peters w orked on encryption routines for component for semiconductors. Although his
one of Global Eye’s Web sites, he suspects that losses rose into the billions, he was intrigued
the mogul runs his own data haven somewhere that an informal network of industry insiders
in the South Pacific, occasionally beaming and academic watchdogs managed to use the
sensitive information to his headquarters in nascent Internet to discover his plan and alert
Australia. There are unconfirmed rumors financial markets in enough time to stave off a
that one of his studios – in L.A., London, or crisis. It was at this point that he realized that
Mumbai; who knows? – produces snuff films the information traveling among the machines
and gladiatori al contests for the ultra rich, using his products could be far more valuable
too. than anything storable in a wa rehouse.
Following the lead of other futurists, including
TAKING THEM DOWN Troxler, Tsurumori has begun assembling
Torrance is a wild card. He may si mply be his own resources for the creation of a data
a mirror image of Troxler, which may be the haven.
source of his fascination with the man. He may
be to diversify into more powerful sectors of Involving the Tea m
the world economy, for a variety of reasons.
There are several ways to get a team
Or he may just want to make a network of killer
interested in looking at Tsurumori Enterprises.
satellites to hold the world hostage. It’s hard
As an expert in the philosophy of information
to say.
use, Troxler has certainly kept abreast of his
He makes a good target for a game focused competition. The zaibatsu’s standards for its
on the paranoia of ubiquitous surveillance. clients are less exacting that The Leeward
In a campaign where the party relies heavily Group’s; perhaps a client is using the upstart
on snooping around, a Narrator can involve data haven to store information that might
Torrance and turn the tables on them – either harm Troxler ’s scrupulous interests. He may
with a horde of reporters looking for them, have even received word that the Tsurumori is
or the more sinister prospect of electronic planning his own digital foray against Shoo-In
surveillance. Cay.
Individual heroes may have their own reasons
S a m p l e M i s sio n for animosity against Tsurumori or his firm.
Computer specialists might have encountered
This section presents the framework for an employees of the company previously. The
introductory mission based in the setting for The same goes for corporate security p ersonnel
Leeward Group. It involves the investigation or armed forces personnel stationed in the
of a building owned by a suspected rival data Pacific. Tsurumori equipment may have aided
haven. Since the core concept behind a data spies, counterterrorism or law enforcement
haven is that anything goes, rivals looking to agencies during the post-Cold War period.
dethrone Troxler from his perch are potential

Although the island has a very low population
(about 5,000 people), it is a popular stopover for
many other nearby destinations. Its inhabitants
are used to seeing tourists and other itinerant
workers from all around the Pacific Rim, and will
not react unusually to newcomers.

Pla nning for the Operation

It is difficult to say what exactly the heroes will
find once they start looking at the Tsurumori
compound. The Narrator is encouraged to have a
If Troxler is less than honorable in a list of things she wants the agents to overcome;
campaign, other reasons are possible. It hopefully, this will mesh with what the players
could be a matter of vanity: one man proving expect to encounter. Since a large part of the
to the other that he is superior. Past dealings island is effectively wild, static outdoor defenses
between the two powerful men may have like electrified fences and even mine fields
created a lo ng-lasting dislike that has now are always effective. The compound is built
matured into hatred. An amoral patron might in two wings; the most important early piece
simply want to eliminate a potential rival of information the team will need is which one
before it gets too powerful. On the other houses the MacGuffin.
hand, if it’s time to cut the team loose, what
Interior defenses will probably include a large
better way than planning a mission where
amount of high-tech electronics. The remoteness
there is no e xpectation of victory?
of the installation is a mixed blessing; Tsurumori
Cho o sing the Ta rg et might be counting on it to deter all but the most
curious visitors, choosing to neglect other basic or
What exactly is Troxler after? It might be prohibitively expensive measures. Still, the theft
hardware that combines quick retrieval or of the daisho will probably require circumventing
greater storage capacity. Software, in the the traditional laser mesh.
form of encryption protocols, is another good Any number of interesting Narrator characters
possibility – in such cases, a copy may be all may be in the area as well. Kiribati is not far from
that a team needs. For a more interesting Indonesia, as the world turns; perhaps a long-lost
target, Tsurumori keeps a daisho belonging friend of Intan earns a living here. Global Eye is
to the last Tokugawa shogun in the compound a short plane flight away in Australia; agents of
the team will hit. Stealing it, or replacing one Torrance may be keeping watch here as well, and
sword with a replica, would be a personal surprised to see the team interested in the same
coup beyond reckoning. things they are.
The building itself is located on
the island of Kiritimati (Christmas
Island), part of the Republic of
Kiribati. Tsurumori purchased
outright an installation leased by
the Japanese government for a
satellite tracking station. Using
contacts from the Imperial Navy,
he was able to locate several
shipwrecks of World War II–era
vessels, some of which contained
large amounts of gold and other
precious commodities once
shipped by Nazi Germany to their
Axis partners. He has secretly
examined several deserted atolls
once used by Britain and the U.S.
for nuclear testing, in the hope of
finding something useful.

Ic o nic C ha r a c t er s
L uc a D el l a
P o s ta
Luca is Troxler ’s longest-serving
employee. He wa s a friend of Burt
Troxler from when the latter served
in the Navy SEALs (Luca himself
was a frogman in the Italian Navy)
and in various NATO exercises
during the Cold War. Because
of this, he retains contacts with
European armies and intelligence
agencies, as well as with figures
in the European underworld. Age
5th Level Human (Warrior 4 /
Agent 1)
Abilities: Str +2, Dex 0, Con +2,
Int 0, Wis +2 Cha 0; Reputation
Skills: Craft (Demolitions) 8
(+8), Drive 2 (+2), Knowledge
(Streetwise) 8 (+8), Medicine 8
(+10), Swim 8 (+10).
Feats : Attack Focus (heavy
pistol), Attack Specialization
(Heavy Pistol), Blind Fighting,
Dodge Focus, Canny Dodge,
Firearms Training, Weapon
Tradecraft : Tradecraft Rank 4:
Black Marketeer.
Traits: Determination.
Combat : Attack +4 (+4 Base)
+5 Heavy Pistol +5 (+1 Attack Focus), Damage
(Heavy Pistol) +5 (+4 Heavy Pistol, +1 Attack
Specialization) Damage (Knife) +3, Defense:
Dodge/Parry +7/+6 (Base +4, +2 Wis (Canny
Dodge)/+2 Str, +1 Dodge Focus), Initiative +0.
Saves : Toughness: +2 (+2 Con), Fortitude +6
(+4 Base, +2 Con), Reflex +1 (+1 Base), Will +3
(+1 Base, +2 Wis).
Virtue: Loyal Vice : Vengeful

L e s l i e P e t er s
Peters is a college associate of
one of Troxler ’s nephews. He was
brought into the fold after being
expelled for a grade-hacking
charge. Because of (what he
considers) his effeminate first
name, he prefers to be called
“Peters,” and cultivates a macho
image to come off as tough as
possible. This frequently makes
him seem mercenary, although
he would not leave the Leeward
Group for any sum. Age 29.
5th Level Human (Agent 2 /
Expert 3)
Abilities: Str 0, Dex 0, Con +1,
Int +4, Wis +1 Cha +0; Reputation
Skills: Computers 8* (+17),
Concentration 8 (+9), Craft
(Electronics) 8 (+12), Craft
(Written Word) 8 (+12), Gather
Information* 8 (+8), Knowledge
(Physical S ciences) 8 (+12),
Knowledge (Technology)* 8
(+12), Notice 8 (+8), Pilot 6 (+6),
Search 8 (+12), Sense Motive*
8 (+8). Starred skills gain the
benefit of the Skill Mastery feat
Feats : Skill Focus (Computers),
Signature Skill (Computers),
Skill Mastery, Phreak, Bleeding
Edge, Voice of Authority.
Tradecraft : Tradecraft Rank 5: Computer
Timeshare, Satellite Recon.
Traits: Foolproof.
Combat : Attack +3 (+3 Base), Damage
(Unarmed) 0 (Non-lethal only), Dodge/Parry
+3/- (+3 Base), Initiative 0.
Saves : Toughness +1 (+1 Con), Fortitude
+5 (+4 Base, +1 Con), Reflex +1 (+1 Base),
Will +5 (+4 Base, +1 Wis).
Virtue: Industriousness Vice : Chauvinistic

S a m V ea s e y
Sam Veasey is the descendent of
ex slaves from the Cayman Islands
whose family migrated to Britain
several during World War Two. As
a barrister in London, he worked on
the Leeward Group’s acquisition of
English colonial claims to Shoo-In
Cay, where he impressed Troxler
with his acumen and quick thinking.
He is bright and idealistic, and
knows that he serves on the right
5th Level Human (Agent 5)
Abilities: Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1,
Int +2, Wis 0, Cha +1; Reputation
Skills: Bluff 8 (+9), Diplomacy 8
(+9), Drive 8 (+9), Gather Information
8 (+9), Knowledge (Popular Culture)
8 (+10), Knowledge (Civics) 8 (+13),
Search 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8
Feats : Skill Focus (Knowledge:
Civics), Gambler, Firearms Training,
Natural Leader.
Tradecraft : Tradecraft Rank 8:
Cleanup, Pencil Pusher, Press
Coverage, Security Clearance.
Traits: Foolproof.
Combat : Attack +4 (+3 Base, +1
Dex) Damage (Holdout Pistol) +2,
Dodge/Parry +4/- (+3 Base, +1
Dex), Initiative +1.
Saves : Toughness: +1 (+1 Con), Fortitude +5
(+ 4 Base, +1 Con), Reflex +2 (+1 Base, +1 Dex),
Will +4 (+4 Base).
Virtue: Friendly Vice : Manipulative

I n ta n Wa c hja r i
Intan was a member of an Indonesian circus
troupe as a child. While still quite young
she ran away from her employer, and lived
for several years on the streets of Kolkata.
Troxler caught her during an attempt to steal
his wallet while an accomplice distracted
him. His employment pitch sounded like
an opportunity for glamour and adventure,
which she accepted with gusto.
5th Level Human (Expert 4 / Agent 1)
Abilities: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +1,
Wis +0, Cha +2; Reputation +2.
Skills: Acrobatics* 8 (+11), Climb 8 (+7),
Computers 7 (+8), Concentration 7 (+7),
Disable Device 8 (+9), Escape Artist* 8
( +11), Perform (Dance) 8 (+10), Sleight of
Hand* 8 (+11), Stealth* 8 (+14). Starred
skills gain the benefit of the Skill Mastery
Feats : Skill Focus (Stealth), Dodge Focus,
Defensive Roll, Evasion, Lucky, Skill Mas -
tery, Improved Strike
Tradecraft : Tradecraft Rank 4: Jet Set.
Traits: Expertise.
Combat : Attack +6 (+3 Base, +3 Dex),
Damage (Unarmed) +1 (+2 Improved Strike,
- 1 Str), Damage (Pepper Spray) Special –
See rules, Defense Dodge/Parry +7/+2 (+3
Base, +3 Dex/-1 Str, +1 Dodge Focus), Initiative
Saves : Toughness +2 (+1 Con, +1 Defensive Roll),
Fortitude +4 (+1 Base, +1 Dex, +2 Cha (Lucky)),
Reflex +9 (+4 Base, +3 Dex, +2 Cha (Lucky)), Will
+3 (+1 Base, +2 Cha (Lucky)).
Virtue: Daring Vice : Vain

A pp e ndix A :
V ehic l e C ha s e r ul e s
The rules presented here are based in part on small village - a hundred feet of store fronts and
the vehicle rules in Chapter Three of the True 20 restaurants, and an area where there’s snow on
Companion, but that book is not required. It also the road. The Chase will end if the characters get
uses rules from the True 20 Pocket Player’s Guide, to End1, the border crossing. However, there’s
which is required. In keeping with True 20 philosophy, also End2, a little unmonitored logging road in the
play is fairly abstract with lots of opportunity for woods that smugglers use.
cinematic close calls.
Each Node has one stat: The Base Difficulty for
These rules are specifically for chase scenes, and vehicles passing through it. Any Drive Checks or
will deal first with the most common type of chase: Driving Checks have their Difficulty equal to this.
a car chase. Special rules for chases on water or For this map, the Difficulty for most of the Nodes
in the air will be covered at the end. So start you is 12: 10 for being narrow, two lane roads, and
engines and hang on.... (+2) for light traffic. The village has a 19: There’s
also snow on the road (+2) and lots of shoppers
on the side walk or crossing the street (+5). The
L a yi ng o u t th e snow Nodes don’t have shoppers, just snow and
traffic (Difficulty 14).
Co ur s e Each Path has two stats: a Base Difficulty (same
Maps are important for a chase. While it is possible as Nodes) and a Distance. The represents how far
to have the chase follow a set course that has one it is from one end Node to the other. The Distance
beginning, one path, and one end, it’s not as much is at least 1 (a few feet) . At Distance of 60, it will
fun for the Heroes. Heroes enjoy knowing that they take even a fast car a minute to get to the end.
have freedom and that the course is somewhat
under their control. Nodes and Paths can also contain events. These
events are almost always Hazards: a tree limb
This does not mean the Narrator needs a detailed across the road, a patch of black ice, or someone
and to scale map of the entire area that the chase running out into the road at the exact wrong
might pass through. It is enough to know where moment. In this example, the Narrator decides
the intersections are, what paths connect them, that if the Players race through the village too
and where the hazardous obstacles lie in wait. The fast, they might regret it . . .
perfect tool for this is a flow chart.
A flow chart is a number of circles (called Nodes)
linked together by lines (called Paths). A Flow
Chart for the Chase is like that - a bunch of
Nodes (which represent the intersections or
areas where the drivers will run into hazards)
connected by Paths (the roads between the
intersections). See figure 1.
A Course Flow Chart can be easily done with
a pencil and paper, if the Narrator isn’t worried
about getting the circles perfect. If he wants
it to be really nice, there are flow charting
applications available, many for free.
So in the above example, the Node labeled
‘Start’ might represent a police checkpoint
in Russian mountain country. The two Paths
connected to it are the two roads the characters
might take; the checkpoint is at a fork in
the road. If they steer down the wrong way,
there’s a trap waiting for them. This Node
could represent a police blockade. There’s also a

M a p s fo r th e
H er o e s
Although it’s not necessary, it may happen that
the Heroes get information about the course.
If the Narrator is planning on giving them a
map, or even if he just wishes to anticipate the
possibility they might obtain one, all he has to
do it make a copy of his map with certain things
Make a copy of the Narrator Course Flow
Chart, and remove all the Difficulties and all
labels, except “Start” and “End.” What’s left
is the Nodes, the Paths, and the Distances of
the Paths. This allows the Heroes to plan their
course with out letting them know what they’ll
encounter. Node this round. Any extra distance points are lost
upon entering a new node.
There are many ways to get this map into
the hands of the Heroes. With a successful
Computers Check, a Hero could get a map of A d di tio na l V ehic l e
the area (Difficulty 10 for urban United States;
higher for more obscure parts of the world). S ta ti s tic s
With a really good roll and the Satellite Recon In order to do a really good chase, it’s necessary to
Tradecraft, a Hero might even get a peek at the know a little more about the vehicles involved that
road ahead - enough to learn the Difficulty or their size and top speed. We need to know it’s Speed
detect Hazards. Or perhaps one of the Heroes Rating, it’s Acceleration, and it’s Stability.
remembers this area, and some of it’s features.
An Intelligence or an appropriate Knowledge
Check could give them the rough layout of the
Speed Ratings ( SR)
land. Technothriller chase rules introduce a new way of
measuring the speed of a vehicle: it’s Speed Rating
The Heroes shouldn’t all pour over the map
(SR). This converts a number in MPH or Knots to
after the chase has started. The driver, at least,
something more usable to the game.
will have more important things on his hands.
But having a navigator shout out directions as SR’s range from 0 to 7. SR’s can go higher, but
the tires squeal on the pavement can add a lot scores of more than 7 are very rare. Note that these
to a chase. ratings are relative to the average speed of a car. The
range of real world speeds is different for boats and
planes, but the range of SR’s (0 to 7 or so) remains
Movem ent constant.
Each round the vehicle is traveling on a path, This means an SR 7 car is traveling at 240 mph,
it accumulates Travel Points equal to it’s Speed a different speed than an SR 7 boat (which is going
Rating (SR is explained below). These points about 100 knots), and both are much slower than an
accumulate each round until the total Travel SR 7 fighter jet (moving at Mach 2).
Points are equal to or greater than the Distance
A vehicle standing still is considered to be SR 0, for
for the Path, at which time you reach the next
the purposes of acceleration (see below).
Of course, just because Adam’s Trans Am is capable
The team is traveling at Speed Rating 3
of traveling at SR 6, doesn’t mean he should drive
(somewhere in the vicinity of 40 mph), and
that fast on a quiet suburban street. Traveling faster
this Path has a Distance of 9. They’ve already
than the Cruising Speed for a given environment
accumulated 2 Travel Points, and get another
means a penalty on Drive Checks (see below).
3 this round for a total of 5 points. Veasey
pushes the accelerator even harder and cuts off The team is traveling down a road where the
a German tourist. The Audi A4 now has a speed Cruising Speed is SR 3. Veasey is going at SR 4, so
of SR 4. He will accumulate 4 Travel Points this the Difficulty for any Drive Checks he has to make
round for a total of 9. They will make the next are going to be higher than normal. If he were to

slow down to a nice safe SR2, the Difficulties would nuns (Acc of -1) would subtract 1 from its driver’s
drop. skill when attempting to take a tight turn, pass a
motorcyclist, or brake really hard. The top speed
S P E E D R A TI N G S of the SUV would be unaffected.
Speed Rating Speed in Miles per hour for Speed in MPH for Futuristic
(SR) Automobile Chases Vehicle Chases The Audi (Acc 2) slows for a left turn. He slows
by 3 from SR4 to SR1. The Narrator rules he
0 Up to 10 mph Stationary
can easily take the turn at this speed. Otherwise
1 15 MPH 10 MPH
he could brake hard. If he succeeded at a Drive
2 25 MPH 25 MPH Check, he could slow by 4 this turn - enough to
3 40 MPH 50 MPH come to a dead stop. He’s unlikely to fail at this
4 60 MPH 100 MPH Check - the Difficulty is very low at the speed he’s
5 100 MPH 250 MPH traveling.
6 150 MPH 500 MPH
7 250 MPH 1000 MPH Stability
Just because the driver missed one roll, doesn’t
mean a car will immediately explode in a ball
Acc eler a tio n ( Acc) of flame. Slow moving, heavy vehicles are very
Even if a vehicle can go 0 to 60 in 4 seconds on forgiving. Similarly, a motorcyclist trying a
the test track, it’s won’t be able to reach top speed Bootlegger’s Turn at top speed on an icy road is in
instantly out on the road. Not with SUV’s full of nuns for a world of hurt.
and soccer moms in station wagons everywhere. Stability is 10 for the average car or truck (a
Acceleration is a measure of how quickly a vehicle sedan or SUV), 15 for a multi wheel vehicle (the
can change it’s speed on the road. It is rated 0 for average semi truck), and 5 for a Medium vehicle
a Huge vehicle (an SUV), 1 for a Large vehicle (a (a motorcycle). Superior Vehicles may have a
car), and 2 for a Medium vehicle (a motorcycle). better stability, and other conditions will decrease
Superior Vehicles can have higher ratings (+1) due it (a trailer, for example, will drop it by 5).
to advanced engine and braking systems. An Audi A4 would normally have stability of 10.
Acc is very high under ideal conditions, but when A superior version, tricked out with computer
was the last time a chase occurred in ideal conditions? controlled alignment and suspension, might have
Refer to the ACC Modifers table below for some 12. If it were pulling a trailer, it would drop to 7.
application positive and negative modifiers. The effects of stability are covered in the Drive
For positive scores, you can add or subtract Acc Checks section.
to your SR each round. For zero, you can add or
subtract 1 SR every other round. For -1, you can
add or subtract every three rounds. Treat Acc of less
Th e C ha s e Ro u nd
than -1 as -1. For stopping faster than the Acc would
normally allow, use the hard braking. This allows
you to stop as though your Acc was one higher than Cars are considered to move at the end of the
normal. A sedan (like a modified Audi A4) could go driver’s initiative every round. Driving the car
from SR 4 to SR 0 in one round. under normal conditions requires only some of
the driver’s attention: a move action every round.
Acc is added (or subtracted) to the Drive Skill when
Normal conditions means you are traveling at
attempting some stunts - the Closing the Gap, for
Unsafe Speed or slower and not trying any Stunts.
example. The Narrator may apply it to other rolls
Traveling at Beyond Unsafe Speeds calls for a
where it seems appropriate. A SUV with a full load of
Drive Check every round, and is
a standard action.
A C C m o d i f er s
Mod Reason Stationary Hazards (a tree
that’s fallen across the road, for
+1 When braking. Slowing is easier than accelerating.
example, or a boy scout walking
-1 Cargo or Passengers. Based on Strength, a heavy load (400lbs for a car)
a elderly woman across the
+1 Preparation for starting from a dead stop - Revving the engine and getting ready to pop the clutch street) take effect at the end of
+1 Going uphill (for slowing) or downhill (for accelerating) the driver’s initiative, when the
+1 Clear road, no traffic - race track conditions car will move into them. This
+1 Hard braking - make a drive check to slow, standard penalties if you fail the Drive Check means the driver can take an
action in the same round, before

S u m m a r y o f A v er a g e S ta ti s ti c s fo r S a m p l e V e hi c l e s
Example Motorcycle Sedan Van Semi with Trailer
Size Medium Large Huge Gargantuan
Acceleration 2 1 0 -1
Stability 5 10 10 10
Top Speed (SR) 6 6 5 5

encountering the Hazard, although if traveling Speed Category Base Difficulty

quickly a Notice Check will be required to see Nice and Easy Speed -5
the Hazard in advance. Cruising Speed +0
The driver can decide to accelerate or decelerate Unsafe Speed +5
as a free action once a round, at anytime in the Beyond Unsafe Speeds +10
round. They can slow in reaction to someone
else’s action if they make a successful Notice
Check. Drive Checks
When a car does something dangerous, be it traveling
Ha za r d s too fast or heading around a curve on two wheels,
there’s a danger it might lose control and Wipe Out.
Hazards can be anything from a hairpin turn to
In any round where the Heroes are doing something
an oncoming tanker truck full of nitroglycerin.
risky, make a Drive Check.
Hazards are planned in advance with a location
in a particular Node or along a particular Path The Difficulty for a Drive Check is set by the
(although Narrators will improvise). environment. Average Difficulties range from 12 to
25 and up. A Drive Check is a standard action made
Hazards call for a Drive Check. If the Heroes
using the Drive skill. If events would call for two
know about the hazard in advance because of
Drive Checks a round (one for traveling at Beyond
familiarity with the area or a good navigator,
Unsafe Speeds and one for a tree limb in the road
they can accelerate or decelerate in the round
for example), make one check against the highest
before resolving the Hazard’s Drive Check. If
Difficulty with a (+2) modifier. If there would be 3
the Hazard is unknown or a surprise, the driver
Drive Checks a round, make one at (+4), and so
can make a Notice Check to achieve the same
on. A driver may make the Drive Check as a move
action if he takes a –5 challenge (called one hand on
the wheel on page 43 of the True 20 Pocket Player’s
Sp eed s Guide).
While the top speed is a quality of the vehicle, When a driver fails a Drive Check, all is not lost.
the speed of a chase is usually determined by If the driver missed the Difficulty by the stability of
the road. There are generally four speeds for the vehicle or less, it is a minor mishap. Treat it as
the conditions: Nice and Easy Speed, Cruis- the vehicle taking an attack with damage equal to
ing Speed, Unsafe Speed, and Beyond Unsafe it’s current SR, as it bumps the curb hard, bounces
Speed. Nice and Easy Speed is one SR less than with one wheel off the road, or has a near miss with
Cruising Speed. Unsafe Speed is one SR more. another car. If the driver fails a Check by more than
Traveling faster than Unsafe Speed (Beyond Un- the Stability of his vehicle, he Wipes Out.
safe Speed) is very dangerous.
The Narrator called for a Driving Check at the
The Speed Category of a car will modify the curve and unfortunately, the die came up a 5. Even
base difficulty of the road. The faster you are though the Difficulty is only 12, at Unsafe Speeds,
traveling, the higher the Difficulty for the Drive the Difficulty goes up to 17 and Veasey’s skill of +9 is
Checks you will make. not enough. The A4 has a stability of 12, though, and
he only missed the Difficulty by 3 - a minor mishap.
Road Nice and Easy Cruising Unsafe
The Narrator describes the sedan scrapping along
Freeway 3 4 5
the guard rail and rolls with the damage rating of +4
Surface streets, two lane 2 3 4 versus the Audi’s Toughness Save of +7.
Alley ways, narrow back 1 2 3

Wiping O ut Road Conditions a nd Ob stacles
If a vehicle misses a Drive Check by more than the
The Base difficulty of any Drive Check is 10,
stability of the vehicle, the driver should roll on the
modified by the speed at which you travel and
following table:
the conditions of the road. Speed modifiers were
Roll Result discussed above. Conditions that may effect
Roll Over. The car begins to roll over or flips. Every one takes collision road travel are too varied to completely cover,
1-5 damage (including the vehicle) and the driver makes a Drive Check. If he by the following table should give you some
succeeds the car ends right side up. Other wise, its wheels are in the air. benchmarks.
Collision. The car hits an obstacle. The driver must make a Drive Check.
If he succeeds, it was a glancing collision or he hit a stationary object.
The Basic Difficulty for the road outside the
6-10 town is 10, which goes up by (+2) for the snow
Take standard collision damage. If he fails, it was oncoming. Take Col-
lision Damage + 2. and another (+2) for light car traffic. Veasey
Spin. The car goes into a spin. Have the driver make a Drive Check. If he decides to accelerate again, so they are now
succeeds, the car slides to a stop safely in one round, though it may be in traveling at Unsafe Speeds: SR 4. The Difficulty
the path of oncoming traffic. If he fails he hits something, and everyone for any rolls will be 19. A small downtown area
takes collision damage.
comes up unexpectedly. Veasey fails his Notice
Check, and Peters’ player hasn’t asked about
The Narrator may adjust or make up other results
this Node, so the Audi zooms into strip of shops
based on the environment and the reason for the
and restaurants before he can slow down. the
Drive Check that failed: perhaps the car drives into a
Difficulty goes up by 5 for the pedestrian traffic.
nearby river, or off the edge of the road. Wiping Out
The Difficulty is 24 When the child dashes in
means at least Collision damage for all the occupants
front of the car, Veasey has to make a Drive
and the vehicle, except in rare cases.
Check to avoid the girl (a Hazard). Fortunately
Intan Aided this Notice roll, otherwise things
Collisio n Da m a g e could have gotten messy. He makes a check at
The damage inflicted by a vehicular collision is based Difficulty 24. He rolls a 13 and misses with his
on (2 times the SR). So crashing while traveling at Drive Total of 22. He missed, but not by 12, the
SR 4 (60 mph, more or less) would mean a base stability of the car. He misses the child, but side
damage of +8 to all the passengers and the car. The swipes a lamp post, further ruining the paint
base damage is modified by different factors: job.

Modifier to base damage Reason

Vehicle Combat a nd Pursuit
To the passengers and operators of an open vehicle
+2 In real life, shooting a firearm from a moving
(a motorcycle).
Safety equipment properly used (seat belt, helmet, vehicle at a moving vehicle is all but impossible.
etc). In Technothriller, the situation is a little different.
Makes a Reflex save to avoid the worst of the crash. Leaning out the window and popping off a few
The Difficulty is 15 + the vehicle’s SR rounds as the driver skids around a tight corner
Crash is head on, between two vehicles moving in in pursuit is the meat and drink of the average
+2 opposite directions, or into a braced target (a bridge Hero. Even if guns aren’t involved, trying
desperately to keep up with the villain’s truck as
-2 Blow is glancing, a side swipe. it careens down the narrow streets of Cairo or
+ vehicle’s Str Target is hit by vehicle, not just in it. doing your level best to shake Pursuit by the half
the Italian police department following requires
If the Audi were to hit a lamp post traveling at SR special rules for both the Hunter and the Prey.
3, those inside would take damage equal to 6, (-2)
since we know they’re wearing their seat belts. The R elative Ra ng e
Narrator rules it’s a light lamp post and isn’t in the
same category as a bridge pylon, so the total to the Movement during a chase is not flat out in a
occupants is (+4). If they can make a Difficulty 18 straight line. As two warriors in melee are
Reflex save, it drops to (+2). If they were to hit a really ducking and weaving, the vehicles are
pedestrian at the same speed, she would have to constantly accelerating and braking, slipping
make a toughness save with a damage of 6, (+10) between slower traffic and shifting from one
- the strength of the A4. That (+16), or (+14) with side of the Path to the other. So even when two
the Reflex Save Difficulty 18. vehicles are in the same Node or on the same
Path, they are not in exactly the same place.
The distance between the Hunters and the Prey

r o a d c o nd i ti o n s a nd m o d i fi er s
Light Traffic, Freeway during off hours. Few people or animals to +2
Heavy Traffic, Rush Hour for a small city. Lots of people or animals. +5
Bumper to Bumper, Manhattan rush hour. Dense crowds of foot traf- +10
Poor upkeep, potholes or wet (like from light rain), small patches of +2
Debris, one inch of snow covering, small patches of black ice +5
Covered in ice, broken pavement, numerous large obstacles, 3”+ flood- +10
Dim (no street lamps at twilight), light fog, dirty or fogged windows +2
Heavy rain, snow, dark (no street lamps at night), dense fog, frosted +5
Torrential rain, Utter dark (moonless night with out headlights) +10

is broken down into 5 categories: Close, Short, shrinks by one range category for each point of
Medium, Long, and Extreme. If you need more difference. If the Prey is traveling at a higher SR
detail about the actual distances, some bench than the Hunter, the gap will automatically widen
marks are: by one range category for each point of difference.
This change happens on the Hunter’s or Prey’s turn
Range Category Bench mark distances for a car Chase Scene every round, and is automatic, regardless of what
Close less than about 30 ft
else happens.
Short less than about 100 ft The team is still traveling at SR 3 when two police
Medium less than about 300 ft cars give chase. They came down another road, and
Long less than about 1000 ft
the Narrator places them initially at Medium Range.
The Difficulty for this section of road is 12 . The officers
Extreme less than about 3000 ft
win initiative with a lucky roll, and they decide to
Use these bench marks when it becomes accelerate to SR 4 (an Unsafe Speed) before the Audi
important - like figuring out the range increment can react.Because they are traveling faster than the
for shooting at police with a hand gun. If the Audi, they automatically close from Medium Range
range becomes greater than Extreme, the to Short. If they wanted to, they could also try to
Chase is over, and the Prey has escaped. Close the Gap and go to Close, but they would have
to roll against a Difficulty of 17 (12 +5 because of
their speed), and they aren’t going to risk it.
Clo sing or Wid ening the Gap
For the Hunter to Close the Gap, he must make Ra ng ed To Hit Modifiers
a Driving Check as a Standard Action. If this
is in addition to another Drive Check, use the In addition to the standard range modifiers, several
rules above for multiple drive checks. Use the special ones apply to vehicular combat. There’s
standard Difficulty for the current Node or Path a modifier for firing from a moving vehicle, and
with an additional modifiers: add the Acc to targeting a vehicle moving faster or slower.
this roll. Success at this roll means the gap Luca beats Veasey’s initiative and takes a shot at the
between the two vehicles decreases to the next car on the left.Medium range (100 feet) is two full
increment. Widening the Gap works the same, range increments away for a heavy pistol. The A4 is
but the Prey rolls. He may add his Acc. If both traveling at SR3 and the police are going SR4
the Widen and Close the Gap Checks succeed
Luca’s attack is at (-4) for range,(-2) because he
in one round, the Vehicles will end the round in
is firing form a moving vehicle, and (-1) because
the same range category they started in.
the police are moving faster than he is. His attack
If the Hunter is traveling at an SR that is bonus is +5, so he gets total mod of -2. However,
higher than the Prey’s, the gap automatically the Defense of his target is only 9. He hits it with a

roll of 15. The Narrator rolls poorly on the toughness he’s at (-2) for pushing buttons from the back
save and one of the pursuing cars is now Wounded. seat. Still, he manages to beat the Difficulty of
Chase Modifier Condition
14, and the mine delivers it’s (+5) damage to
it’s target.
-2 Firing from an unstable platform, like a moving vehicle
Every point of SR the target is traveling faster or slower than
-1 per
you Da m aging Vehicles
Damage to vehicles is resolved just like on PC’s:
The vehicle makes a Toughness Saving Throw,
Specia l Wea po ns with a Difficulty equal to 15 + the damage modifier
Technothriller cars often come equipped with every of the attack. The status of Hurt is treated exactly
conceivable type of weapon, from oil slicks to trunk as normal, (-1) on all future toughness saves
mounted mortars to machine guns behind the for each Hurt condition inflicted. The status of
headlights to time-fused mines. Using any of these Wounded is mostly the same. You still get (-1)
weapons takes a standard attack roll of some kind, on future toughness saves, become Shaken (-
at -4 if the one firing the weapon lacks the Vehicular 2 on all Checks except toughness) and become
Combat feat. Vehicular Combat is the Weapon Stunned. Being Stunned for a car means the
Training feat required for vehicular weapons. The Driver can do nothing but make a Drive Check
range penalties apply as normal. The average range to maintain control on his next initiative. Even
increment for a vehicle mounted weapon is 40 to 50 if he succeeds, he slows down - his SR drops by
feet. his Acceleration ratting.The Status of Disabled,
Dying and Dead are described on page 70 of the
Other feats and skills can be substituted for True 20 Companion. To quote:
weapon training with particular weapons. Exotic
Weapon Training (Machine Gun), (Rocket Launcher), “Disabled: A vehicle that becomes disabled can
(Mortar), or whatever will work for those weapons only take a single move or attack action each
whether they are carried or mounted on a car. Five turn (not both); it cannot take any full-round
ranks in Craft (Demolitions) will serve to eliminate actions. If it attacks, attempts to escape at
the penalty for explosives and mines. Oil Slicks and cruising speed, orperforms any other action that
Smoke Screens are a little different, they require would strain its systems, it suffers +5 damage
either Vehicular Combat or five ranks in Drive for after completing the act.
the vehicle operator, so he can get his tail pipe in the Dying: A vehicle that is “dying” is beginning to
right location. The difficulty of hitting is usually the break apart. The vehicle is immobilized, helpless
target’s defense, unless it’s a dropped weapon. For and beyond repair. While a vehicle is dying, its
things dropped or dumped or sprayed out of the Prey crew may attempt to evacuate. The vehicle
vehicle, it’s 10 + the SR of the Target. suffers +5 damage each round. Armor does not
The effect is damage as normal, if it’s a weapon. protect against this damage.
If it’s some kind of dropped obstacle or hazard, the Dead: A ‘dead’ vehicle explodes, dealing damage
Hunter has to make a Drive Check at a penalty equal equal to its base Toughness bonus due to size to
to the Drive skill of the dropping vehicle’s driver. any crew left onboard. The vehicle is completely
Veasey is eyeballing the police car still following. The destroyed.”
A4’s speed is now SR 4. This is not Beyond Unsafe, Passengers in a vehicle will have Cover, but
so he can drive using a move action.For his Standard can otherwise be targeted as normal. Attacks
action, he tries to help Intan target the mines that that miss because of the Cover modifier will hit
are the ‘special feature’ of the Audi. Her attack bonus the vehicle.
is (+3), (-4) because she lacks Training with this
weapon, and (-4) because at 100 ft the target is 2 Fa ncy Driving
range increments away. With a good roll, Veasey
aids for +2. Her Difficulty is at 14 because they are Using the car to bump and force someone off
traveling at Speed Rating 4. the road is common in car chases. In addition,
the Prey might want to duck into an alley, or
She rolls 10 and subtracts 5. The mine explodes make a quick unexpected turn to shake pursuit.
behind the police.The officer successful Closes the To ‘bump’ into another car at speed means first
Gap on his turn, and is now Close (30 ft) - right closing to Close Range. Then the attacker makes
on the Audi’s tail.Luca now leans over the seat and a Drive roll, with a Difficulty equal to the target’s
takes a hand. He has a attack bonus of (+4), and is defense. Success at this roll means contact
skilled enough in Craft (Demolitions) that he can use was made. Both vehicles must make now Drive
all of it. There’s no longer a range penalty, although Checks. If their opponent’s Vehicular Strength

hot rods, or a ship to ship battle on open water. That
modifier is greater than their own, they take a doesn’t mean you can’t use planes or boats or even
penalty equal to the difference. So if Veasey were spaceships. A single engine aircraft trying to escape
to bump a motorcyclist with the Audi, he would helicopters loaded with machine gun wielding mooks
roll with his Drive skill versus the motorcycle’s among the rocky bluffs of Arizona’s Grand Canyon
defense of 10. Assuming he succeeds, they must National Park - that sounds like fun. The key is that
each make Drive Checks. The Motorcyclist’s will the course of the chase must matter. Taking a left
be at an 10 point penalty (the motorcycle has a turn must mean something different that a right.
Strength of +0, the Audi has an +10). Veasey SR’s scale easily - you can use 0 to 7 and worry
won’t have any bonus or penalty on his Drive about the speed in MPH of Knots only if you want to.
Check. Acceleration and Stability will change – for example,
Tricks while driving are handled as if they watercraft will have have a lower Acc and higher
were feints: a Standard Action using Drive Stability. Aircraft can use the standard range for Acc
instead of Bluff, with the Difficulty equal to the and Stability, but the damage for a Aircraft collision
target’s Notice Roll. Success means the target is will start at SR times 3 (or 4 or 5) rather than SR times
distracted and he will lose his Dexterity bonus 2, and should include falling damage appropriate for
from his Drive Skill for the next round. It’s easier the altitude. The range modifiers are a sticky point.
to trick some one who doesn’t have time to Rather than recalculating the distance for the five
react, so Range effects the roll. See the chart. If range categories, just assume the weapons used are
his opponents are distracted or there is at least appropriate for the scale. That means that Close is
light traffic to use as cover, a driver may attempt zero range increments for all weapons, Short is 1 or
to Hide, using the Drive skill in place of Stealth. 2, Medium is 4 to 8 range increments depending on
Hiding calls for a Drive Check by the driver, and the weapon, and so on. As with any situation, these
assumes he has some place to Hide - alleyways rules are only a starting point.
or an intersection for example. Range between
the two cars effects this roll as well. Tools of the Trad e
The characters may purchase a superior vehicle at
Tr i c k s a higher cost. Increase the Difficulty of the Wealth
Range Category Modifier to Tricks Modifier to Hiding
Check by one per bonus packet purchased. No more
than one packet can be applied to a stat. One bonus
Close +5 -10
packet will increase Acceleration, Stability, or Top
Short 0 -5
Speed by one. It could also be used to increase
Medium -5 0 Toughness or Defense by two, or it could increase
Long -10 +5 Strength by three. A bonus package can also be used
Extreme -15 +10 to represent exotic equipment, like built in weapons.
Finally, for increasing the cost by 3, the Heroes may
purchase a vehicle with Handling: It provides a +1 to
O th er P l a c e s, all Drive Checks made by it’s driver. This is essentially
the same as buying a masterwork car.
O th er C ha s e s
These rules are specifically for Chases, a race
where terrain plays a major part. They are not
intended to be used for a dogfight between
aircraft high in the sky, a drag race between two

Example Motorcycle Sedan Van Semi with Trailer Modified Audi A4

Size Med Large Huge Gargantuan Large
Acceleration 2 1 0 -1 2
Top Speed 6 6 5 5 6
Stability 5 10 10 10 12
Strength 2 10 12 17 10
Toughness 8 9 9 11 9
Defense 9 8 8 6 8
Cost 23 32 34 34 35
Extras Mines (damage +5, range 40ft)

F ea t s
Wheelm a n
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Drive) Feat
The Character is a natural behind the wheel, and in
tune with cars. He is less likely to crash and better
able to survive when he does.
The Stability of any vehicle driven by the Wheelman
increases by two. In addition, should he be involved
in a crash – even as a passenger – any collision
damage he would suffer is decreased by two.
There is a version of this feat for planes called Top
Gun. It works the same, except the prerequisite is
Skill Focus (Pilot) Feat.

Wheelm a n S ava nt
Prerequisite: Wheelman Feat, Vehicular Combat
Each round when the character is driving (he is using
a move or standard action to control the actions of a
vehicle), he may preform one move action as a free
action. He may reload a handgun, roll a cigarette, or
just play with the radio, all while keeping one hand
on the wheel and one eye on the road.
Also, the motion of a car driven by this character
is remarkable smooth. Drinks don’t spill and
passengers don’t get thrown around. A weapon fired
from this character’s vehicle and skills used in it take
no penalty for acting on an unstable platform.
There is a version of this feat for planes call Top Gun
Savant. It works the same except the prerequisites
are The Top Gun and Vehicular Combat Feats.

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Grim Tales, Horror g a m e m e c h a n i c s ; © 2 0 0 3 , B e n j a m i n R .
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Ta l e s o f t h e C a l i p h a t e N i g h t s , © 2 0 0 6 , P a r a digm Concepts,
Grim Tales, Vehicle g a m e m e c h a n i c s ; © 2 0 0 3 , B e n j a m i n R . Inc., Author Aaron Infante-Levy
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D a v e M a t t i n g l y, A a r o n S u l l i v a n , a n d D e r r i c k Thomas.
Mutants & Mastermi n d s , © 2 0 0 2 , G r e e n R o n i n P u b l i s h i n g ;
Author Steve Kenson. M e c h a v s . K a i j u , C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 6 , B i g F i n g e r Games; Au -
t h o r J o h n a t h a n Wr i g h t .
Mutants & Mastermi n d s , S e c o n d E d i t i o n , © 2 0 0 5 , G r e e n
Ronin Publishing; Aut h o r S t e v e K e n s o n . B o r r o w e d Ti m e , C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 6 , G o l d e n E l m Media; Au -
thors Bruce Baugh andDavid Bolack.
Mutants & Mastermi n d s A n n u a l # 1 , © 2 0 0 4 , G r e e n R o n i n
Publishing, LLC; Edito r E r i k M o n a . O u t f o r B l o o d , C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 3 , B a s t i o n P r e s s; Author E.W.
Mythic Heroes, © 20 0 5 , B e n j a m i n R . D u r b i n , p u b l i s h e d b y
Bad Axe Games, LLC. Tr u e 2 0 C o m p a n i o n , C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 7 , G r e e n Ronin Publish -
i n g , L L C ; A u t h o r s E r i c a B a l s l e y ( H o r r o r A d v e n tures), Dave
OGL Horror, © 2003 , M o n g o o s e P u b l i s h i n g L i m i t e d . J a r v i s ( M o d e r n A d v e n t u r e s ) , M a t t h e w K a i s e r ( Fantasy and
S p a c e A d v e n t u r e s ) , S t e v e K e n s o n ( R o l e C r e a t ion), Sean -
Possessors: Childre n o f t h e O u t e r G o d s , © 2 0 0 3 , P h i l i p Preston (Horror Adventures)
Reed and Christopher S h y, w w w. p h i l i p j r e e d . c o m a nd w w w. U l t i m a t e E q u i p m e n t G u i d e , C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 2 , Mongoose
The Psychic’s Hand b o o k , © 2 0 0 4 , G r e e n R o n i n P u b l i s h i n g ;
Author Steve Kenson. T h e H e a r t l a n d s : L a n d o f R e v e r i e , C o p y r i g h t 2007, Expedi -
t i o u s R e t r e a t P r e s s ; A u t h o r J o s e p h M i l l e r.
The Quintessential F i g h t e r, © 2 0 0 1 M o n g o o s e P u b l i s h i n g
Tr u e 2 0 E x p e r t ’s H a n d b o o k , C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 7 , Green Ronin
Relics and Rituals: E x c a l i b u r, © 2 0 0 4 , W h i t e Wo l f P u b l i s h - P u b l i s h i n g , L L C ; A u t h o r J o s e p h M i l l e r.
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Te c h n o t h r i l l e r s , a Tr u e 2 0 E s p i o n a g e R o l e p l aying Toolkit,
Rokugan, © 2001 A E G C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 8 R e a l i t y D e v i a n t P u b l i c a t i o n s , Authors Michael
Sea of Blood ©2001 M o n g o o s e P u b l i s h i n g Daumen, Patrick Smith.
The Seven Saxons, b y B e n j a m i n R . D u r b i n a n d Ry a n S m a l -
ley, © 2005, Bad Axe G a m e s , L L C .
Silver Age Sentinels d 2 0 , © 2 0 0 2 , G u a r d i a n s o f O r d e r,
Inc.; Authors Stephen K e n s o n , M a r k C . M a c k i n n o n , J e ff
Mackintosh, Jesse Sc o b l e .
Skull & Bones ©200 3 , G r e e n R o n i n , G r e e n R o n i n P u b l i s h -
ing, Authors Ian Sturr o c k , T. S . L u i k a r t , a n d G a r e t h - M i c h a e l
Spycraft © 2002, Al d e r a c E n t e r t a i n m e n t G r o u p .

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