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Le CorbusIER
Game Design: Caleb Stokes
Writing: Caleb Stokes
Editing: Caleb Stokes
Art Direction: Kyle Carty, Kathryn Carty
Cover Art: Michael Plondaya
Interior Art: Przemek Lech, James Beatham, Patsy McDowell, Kim Van Deun
Graphic Design: Kathryn Carty, Kyle Carty

LE CORBUSIER of endless debate. The contentious prospect of
rejoining the US, combined with class resentments
Enclaves are located wherever your group needs leftover from the college’s privileged past, leave Le
them to be. For the purposes of this supplement, Corbusier in a state of perpetual turmoil. The strength
the location of Le Corbusier matters only insofar of its exterior defenses hides a desperate survivor
as it informs its economic situation and narrative community constantly threatening to collapse from
opportunities that arise from that context. within.

Jeannette Architectural College sits in the suburbs of The enclave now called Le Corbusier (or “Corbeezy,”
a midwestern metropolitan area. The steep tuition to its less proper residents) survives the constant
and elite status of the school’s programs left it far onslaught of Casualties through a coincidence of
away from the crush of the inner-city. Once bemoaned aesthetics and timing.
during peace time, the distance from the airport, Jeannette Architectural College was founded in the
major highways, and the doomed evacuation sites late 60’s by an architectural firm specializing in the
turned out to be the enclave’s salvation during the Brutalist-style of the college’s namesake. Brutalism
Crash. had been kind to the firm’s founders, and they invested
The survivor community currently located within their considerable earnings to found a private college
the college’s ruins is a manageable distance from the in hopes of producing more architects specializing in
glut of Casualties infesting the city’s center, and it’s the form that had treated them so well.
close enough to the Recession that the community Initially, the investment seemed sound.
has access to trade routes going over the quarantine Governments and institutions around the world
line. The proximity and relative safety also make it were enamored with the brutalist style, and the US
a potential candidate for DHQS reclamation, but spent the majority of the post-war years investing in
the government’s exact intentions remain a source brutalist infrastructure. At the height of the school’s
prominence in the late 60’s, it seemed as if the whole
of the Midwest’s governmental apparatus would one
The historical accident most Corbizians owe their
day be comprised of brutalist buildings: massive,
lives to would have been for nothing if it hadn’t been
sparsely-windowed boxes made of bare concrete.
utilized well. Other factors allowed the community to
The founding firm had a hand in over a dozen public
weather five years in the Loss, not the least of which
housing blocks for urban development projects
was the old college’s exceptional campus security
around the nation. The college itself was designed in
force. Though initially hired for no more than writing
the style, its lecture halls and dorms housed in giant
parking tickets, an HR director hungry for tax credits
stone blocks like tombstones piercing the skyline.
staffed the security force with military veterans
As architecture rediscovered shape and color, the
exclusively. Unwilling to assume the media blackout
firm’s housing projects decayed into impoverished
meant all was well, these trained soldiers prepared a
dystopias of urban decay. The initial investors failed
few buildings for defense using the help of those few
to adjust to the market’s shifting demands. Eventually,
faculty that didn’t dismiss the measures as paranoia.
the only profitable asset left on their books was the
These initial strongholds housed the survivors as the
college itself, and it was sold to fund the retirements
first waves of the Crash washed over the city.
of the firm’s disgraced owners. The school’s new
But Vectors move quick, climb fast, and die hard.
administration managed to recruit enough diverse
The death toll of the campus security forces neared
faculty to evolve with new tastes, and the college’s
total, and the survivors of the initial defense can be
reputation was maintained even as its founders faded
counted on one shaky hand. As the Torpor took effect,
into infamy.
it became clear that the gutted fighting force couldn’t
However, with the initial funding dried up and urban
hope to respond to another threat like the Vector
sprawl pushing the city’s center further away from
onslaught. Furthermore, the safety of their barren
campus, Jeannette Architectural College was slow
concrete walls would not be so helpful when it came
to expand. Gentrification efforts and zoning reforms
time to grow food.
in the surrounding neighborhoods retarded growth
No longer willing to pretend the worst wasn’t
even further, and the core of campus remained largely
coming, the remaining faculty took it upon themselves
comprised of the same set of giant brutalist boxes.
to contact a group of local contractors that had helped
The irony of operating a respectable architectural
set up the shipping container project on campus.
school within such tragically outdated and aging
The workers had retreated within the fences of the
facilities was not lost on anyone. The disconnect
construction company’s warehouse along with their
became a running joke amongst faculty and students.
families, but as the industrial site was entirely covered
During the Crash, the joke saved lives.
in asphalt and defended by mere chain-link, their long-
The campus’s bleak design made it defensible. The
term prospects looked grim.
buildings featured sharp overhangs, sheer surfaces,
In exchange for food and shelter, survivors from the
elevated terraces, criss-crossing ramps, and winding
construction firm and their families made a desperate
stairways that could be blocked and bottlenecked
pilgrimage to the campus during the Torpor, dragging
easily. The college, by way of its humorless aesthetic,
along all the equipment and materials that could be
had stumbled into medieval fortification, and the
salvaged from the industrial warehouses and fenced
buildings could be quickly weaponized against the
construction zones they had been hiding in. Such a
idiot hordes of undead. By another stroke of luck, the
bold convoy in the middle of the Torpor Lockdown
college was engaged in a massive international design
drew many hiding along the route out of their homes.
competition at the time of the Blight’s emergence.
By the time they arrived at the campus, the workers
Focused on sustainability, the competition involved
had amassed an army of desperate refugees. Newly
repurposing shipping containers into family homes
reanimated Casualties were already attacking the
that could be deployed in the world’s ever-expanding
exposed population, and then Gnat’s Whisper hit
climate refugee camps. The school grounds housed at
Ubiq. It became clear that help was not coming, and
least a hundred of the containers and the equipment
everyone had but hours left to help themselves.
necessary to move them when the infection began.
In an act of heroic cooperation not seen since,
The giant metal bricks were used to block roads and
faculty, students, construction workers, and civilians
sidewalks, leaving sports fields and campus greens
coordinated to seal off and fortify as much of the
safe despite being outside the concrete walls.
campus as possible. After a feverous day of work
and the heroic efforts of impromptu fighting forces,

the new enclave of Le Corbusier managed to secure keeping them divided and impoverished. They claim
nearly the entire campus from the Blight. increased education and participation in their design
As things settled down and the Loss found its work would turn the enclave to a utopia amongst the
equilibrium, those that did not flee to other enclaves wastes. The fact that the information economy labors
or the Recession came to Le Corbusier. Much of the of Le Corbusier have thus far failed to provide for
population is comprised of a random sampling of local everyone is rarely, if ever, addressed by the Tenured.
refugees, but the initial leadership of the academics A group of Fencemen — still referred to as campus
and the construction workers still holds sway. security — serve as the parliament’s enforcement arm.
The sacrifices of campus security during the Battle
for Le Corbusier is a favorite political football for
SOCIAL STRUCTURE both camps to toss around. Each accuses the other
Class divides from before the Crash continue into of dishonoring their noble service whenever it might
the current political landscape of Le Corbusier. score points among the hoi polloi. The fact that the
The administration of the enclave is run by a small current campus security force subsists on poverty
parliamentary democracy of officials elected every wages is only ever blamed on the opposition, and any
year. There are no term limits or checks and balances criticism of their work is immediately denounced by
built into the system. Two political parties dominate both parties as the bitter lies of those ungrateful for
the yearly elections. (and undeserving of) their continued safety. Neither
The Tenured are made up of the college faculty side acknowledges the extortion and bribes Fencemen
responsible for saving the school. They are as use to supplement their shitty pay.
predictably liberal as one would expect from private One of the few things the Tenured and Pillars can
architectural college professors. Their stance on agree upon is the goal of resettlement. Both groups
defense has grown lax in the latest years, and their are willing to do anything to attract DHQS attention to
opposition to any new rules limiting a citizen’s Le Corbusier. They dream a resurgent US government
freedom of expression is total, regardless of the will return, end the nightmare, and reward them for
views expressed. Despite their concern for personal their heroic stand against the dead. Their political in-
liberty within the enclave, the Tenured insist their fighting seems designed to never reach an endgame,
forethought and expertise entitles them to their instead prolonging the status quo until the T-Minus
privileged place within the hierarchy, apparently Never.
without irony.
The Tenured are opposed by the Pillars of the
Community, or the Pillars, as they have come to be OVERALL ECONOMY
called. The contractors that helped establish the Le Corbusier is a mixed economy in the tradition
shipping container perimeter comprise the Pillars. of the pre-Crash US markets. Rent, food, water,
They are far more conservative and security-minded, healthcare, and other necessities are provided by
but they consider their place among the leadership private entities, but forms of economic control are
of Le Corbusier equally unimpeachable and even still wielded by the state to collect taxes, protect vital
more deserved. The Pillars got their names from the economic sectors, and compel labor in times of crisis.
talking points distributed to their employees during For instance, settlement is allowed on any patch of
election cycles. The political loyalty of these workers enclave a survivor can stake out…unless it interferes
is expected on every issue. with the enclave’s crops, or defensive reinforcements,
As the privilege of these former business owners or offices for the one of the political parties, or a
and academics grows more concerning to the private residence for one of its members. Any form of
rank-and-file, both parties stay in power by stoking economic production is allowed…until it threatens the
resentment of the other. The controls put in place market share of one of the political parties, or until it
by the Tenured to ensure the safety of the enclave’s can be consumed into one of their larger portfolios,
primary income sectors are a source of constant or until it offends the principles of a politician, or until
indignation amongst the Pillars. They balk at every a politician feels there’s profit to be made in feigning
regulation impeding their financial interests — offense. In any of these instances, Fencemen might be
claiming a conspiracy to control “good working dispatched to “suggest” changes to the private citizen.
people” by an over-educated elite. Those without a healthy sense of self-preservation
Meanwhile, the Tenured claim the Pillars’ anarcho- (or an even healthier stack of bounty) usually find the
capitalist propaganda merely distracts the masses, switch from persuasion to coercion fast and painful.
Roughly 50% of the enclave’s yearly bounty Field Ministry and the Machine enclaves. The on-site
is derived through stratostructure work. The construction projects and custom part manufacture
consultation fees of the Tenured and the Pillars split provide another major revenue stream.
this information economy into equal quarters in terms Due to the frequent ecological disasters occurring
of labor, but most of the Ubiq technology on campus before the Crash, the undergraduate and graduates
(and all of the power needed to run it) is owned and of the university focused their studies almost entirely
administrated by the Tenured. This is the root cause on sustainability architecture and green technology.
of the resentment between to the two political parties, Now, the remains of the student body apply their
but it’s conflated with so much pre-Crash class envy studies in the high-stakes world of the Loss. The
that the issue is impossible to untangle. proprietary innovations of these young inventors
Another quarter of the total economy comes from have proven invaluable to enclaves across the world,
physical labor and manufacture. As the Pillars own and many would call Le Corbusier the intellectual
almost every tool and piece of equipment in the center of quarintechture design. These open-sourced
enclave, their control of this sector is total. blueprints are released for free across Ubiq, but
The final 25% of the enclave’s yearly bounty is where not before ransom crowd-funding goals are met on
the majority of its population falls. Everyone outside the enclave’s shared accounts. The crowd-funding
the two-party structure of the founders makes a living efforts of the youth have been contributing to an
in this final quarter, surviving off freelance work paid increasing percentage of the enclave’s total income,
for by the more state-friendly industries. Farmers, and their open-source philosophy has given the young
caravan traders, recyclers, nurses, sex workers, drug Corbizians increasing political clout with the Moths
dealers, campus security forces, and every other labor and a variety of other outsider factions.
force that keeps the enclave alive relies on capital
from the big two. These people remain dispossessed TOP IMPORTS
despite their importance, though the relative comfort While every lawn, roof, and sports field was long ago
of the student bloc’s ransom-project designs provides converted to crop growth, Le Corbusier still lacks
enough of an illusion of upward mobility that whispers enough food to feed its people. Seeds, fertilizer, and
of revolution are rare. This larger-by-mass, smaller- preserved foodstuffs must be constantly traded for or
by-profit remainder is also as close as Le Corbusier ordered by airdrop, though water has been secured via
gets to lassiez-faire capitalism. Essentially, enclavists a clever hack of the former sewer system.
can do whatever they can get away with, which is why Weapons are also in short supply and sell for a
Taker crews are so prominent in the bottom quarter. premium. As gun fetishists, the heroes of campus
security supplemented the non-lethal arsenal provided
TOP EXPORTS by the college with their personal collections, but
Le Corbusier primarily trades for its education and these weapons are aging, in disrepair, and increasingly
expertise. The library remains intact. The academics difficult to feed. The arsenals of what few criminals
use their expertise in third-world development, and sportsman lived in the surrounding suburb equips
sustainability design, and logistical management to a limited squad of Fencemen, but it still leaves most
consult with other enclaves over Ubiq. This expertise serving guard duty with nothing more than improvised
comes at a fee, and crypt-for-consulting brings a melee weapons. The bulk of the firearms and
majority of the enclave’s total yearly income. ammunition in the city were secured by other enclaves
Similarly, the contractors that established the or lost to the glut of undead.
wider perimeter sell their construction expertise Finally, the harsh Midwestern winters make fuel
to struggling enclave projects around the world, a precious commodity. Solar panels, windmills, and
consulting on salvage techniques and building with battery systems designed by clever residents provide
improvised materials. Machine parts are a major enough energy for Le Corbusier’s normal operations,
export, utilizing the manufacturing skill sets of the but the bitter cold of the winter months leave the
blue-collar workers and the advanced 3d-printing and community continually desperate for gasoline,
machine shops of the campus. In some instances, biodiesel, wood, or anything else that can be burned
if safe caravans can be established, construction for heat.
workers have been known to travel and work job sites
at other enclaves in the area. These excursions have
been made for construction projects for both the Ivory

If a classroom on campus isn’t making something, The Pillars live in a gaudy McMansion constructed
it houses people that work there. Le Corbusier’s inside the former soccer stadium, assembled from
buildings were understaffed due to shrinking salvaged materials brought in during their migration
enrollment, so the entire surviving population of the to campus. It’s a palatial estate slapped together with
dorms and faculty didn’t even consume half the space. cheap dry-wall and libertarian dreams, a raucous
The rush of surrounding refugees and Pillar business celebration to the demise of zoning laws, worker
interests filled what remained: fast. safety, and good taste. The Pillars and their families
The halls of the former academic buildings are share the massive home, and they take great pleasure
crowded melting pots: 3d print shops operate next to in the way it offends the architectural sensibilities
classrooms housing multiple families; lecture halls of their Tenured neighbors. The flagrant waste of
littered with rows of cots lodge the workforce for 24/7 farmland is another issue entirely, but the residents
salvage foundries operating out of the subterranean are confident their hordes of bounty can pay off
parking garages; shower facilities installed in the floor anyone keen to press the issue.
of a drained swimming pool sit next to a weight room
run by the Black Math. The chaos of the Crash is the HANGING GARDENS
only defining character of these kaleidoscopic halls. The roofs of every university building have been
However, a few stark divides have been etched into converted to water collectors and rooftop gardens.
the campus over the last five years, and knowing their Where feasible, bridges have been erected between
borders is vital to any crew’s survival. buildings to allow for easy passage. The Tenured’s
liberal social policies and the Pillars’ hunger for
THE BRICKS cheap labor conspired to make the rooftop gardens a
The storage container apartment blocks serve as the stronghold for Le Corbusier’s believer factions. Due
exterior walls between buildings. Sharing an echoing to its agricultural production, Detoxins make up the
metal wall with the scrapping, gnawing Casualties majority, though there are Shepherd, Randian, and
outside makes this the cheapest real-estate in town. Archivist operations as well. Taker work “up top” can
The majority of inhabitants are late refugees to the pay well, but it tends to be focused on expanding the
enclave that work on the farms located on former political power of whatever faith offers the contract.
campus lawns. Notably, one three-container high
stack on the northern perimeter serves as Corbeezy’s
quarantine housing for Latents.
Takers will work for anyone with the bounty to pay, but
they often have to sell their lives cheap. Those with
ADJUNCT ROW enough income to regularly hire crews tend to be in
Those without the necessary skills to work in Le power, and their contracts focus on maintaining that
Corbusier’s more profitable sectors occupy a tent control.
city ghetto located in an old sculpture park. Work is
hard to find in Adjunct Row, and crime runs rampant. DEAN CHEVALIER
Campus security makes frequent visits to enforce the Richard Chevalier was actually the leader of the
law or roll people for protection bounty. Most of the faculty senate, but the “dean” title stuck to him after
enclave’s illicit trade takes place here, and any Taker organizing the initial defense of campus. A former
crew worth its salt learns to navigate its alleyways. economics professor, Chevalier is no fool. He knows
the Tenured’s grasp on power relies on property laws
ADMIN he doesn’t have the power to enforce. His position
The former administration building houses the derives solely from gratitude and custom, both of
Tenured elite. Technically, the offices and apartments which have a short shelf-life in the Loss. He spends
are to be occupied by whoever among the party is the majority of his days conspiring with colleagues
elected to lead, but that never seems to change much to demonize the Pillars and degrade their popular
from year-to-year. Its halls are so well-maintained support. So far, it’s working, but he’s not keen to rest
that it can sometimes seem as if the Crash never on his laurels. It was his duty as a human being to let
happened, but any Taker inside the place can rest refugees inside during the Crash, but he’ll be damned
assured they’re about to either profit or die from one if some idiot horde is going to steal control of his
of the Tenured’s political plots. campus: be they living or dead.
HAROLD CARMICHAEL like some post-Crash Christian sects, Ivory Fields
Harold Carmichael is the personification of a Hunter- is still heavily resented in the area. They’ve been
era conservative: outrageously profane, scornful known to exile entire families based on dogma,
of anyone that takes offense, and protected from feeding innocent people to the Casualties for their
backlash by his business interests. Carmichael was sexuality or beliefs. Paradoxically, the group’s religious
an insufferable asshole even before the Crash, but beliefs preclude them from certain violent work. This
he’s something of a genius when it comes to conflict necessitates subcontracting with local Takers, and the
with the Tenured, so his colleagues are keen to keep megachurch provides valuable income for crews that
rewarding his behavior until they can wrest control can tolerate their holier-than-thou attitude. In addition
away from the academics. Five years in, the lock-step to poaching Taker crews from Le Corbusier, Ivory
unity of the party has led the more gullible enclavists Fields also threatens to steal away their neighbors’
to think that the Pillars actually believe the rancid shit hope for rescue. Life inside their fence is about as
that regularly drops from Carmichael’s mouth, and idyllic as life in the Loss can get. Ivory Plains has
they might be right. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. As strong ties to powerful donors in the Recession, and
long as the bounty keeps rolling in, Carmichael knows they feed them “doing fine out here” propaganda in
they’ll continue to let him do whatever he wants. exchange for support. As the Christians are basically
doing Manifest Destiny’s News Network’s job for
them, many in Le Corbusier fear the fundamentalists
PROFESSOR CLARA BRADLEY-MATTERKNICK will be prioritized for rescue before the college.
Bradley-Matterknick taught the Philosophy of Design
classes. She managed to climb in the faculty ranks
despite the specialty school’s begrudging inclusion THE MACHINE
of her field (got to get those gen. Ed. credits). Her The Machine is made up of the remains of the city’s
popularity derives from her genuine love for teaching police institutions. The enclave itself is distributed
and enthusiastic engagement in campus community. between a variety of former black sites: ICE secret
Adoration of “Professor Clara” continued throughout prisons, DEA arsenals, Sheriff’s Office motor pools,
the Crash, and her advocacy for the young saved etc. Though a few families and politicians remain
Le Corbusier from some of the more authoritarian housed there, the only members of the Machine with
policies proposed by Carmichael and ignored by any say in its operation are former federal and local
Chevalier. “Professor C” has a tortured relationship law enforcement agents. The Machine ignores the
with the Dean due to his neoliberal tendencies, and fact that they are homo sacor and still operate off
she finds Carmichael downright loathsome. Her the briefly declared martial law edict passed down
advocacy for the bottom quarter keeps her position over five years ago. They regard all enclavists as
secure, but she’s short on allies even among her own US citizens bound by extinct laws. A fervent belief
party. in their mandate, combined with an already insular
militarized police culture, has generated the faith
of The Finest (see p.33), a warrior cult slavishly
COMPETITION dedicated to reverence for “the Blue.”
Any crew operating inside Le Corbusier is going to As a result of their devotion to the laws of a dead
have to deal with the major economic players in the world, almost no one deals with The Machine
area, in addition to the competing crews sharing their anymore. They have been known to arrest and execute
market niche, if they hope to survive. those found out in the Loss for “crimes.” They kidnap
people under the authority of imaginary evacuation
orders and seize property citing “civil forfeiture.” The
IVORY FIELDS Machine would not be tolerated at all were it not for
A rural megachurch, the Ivory Fields Ministry, holds
its intimidating military resources, but their monopoly
an entire gated community even further away from
on force belies a paucity of other assets. The black
the city. A combination of evangelical dominionism,
sites that make up the Machine are widely distributed,
apocalyptic doctrine, and prosperity gospel positioned
hard to coordinate, and surrounded by dense hordes
Ivory Fields nicely during the Crash. Much of the
of Casualties. The desperate thugs of The Machine
infrastructure of the community remains self-sufficient
survive solely off their equipment, sociopathy, and
and intact. Some of the interior blocks of the suburb
delusions of legitimacy.
are so well maintained they seem eerily unchanged.
Though not extreme enough to be labeled Believers
Within Le Corbusier, there are plenty of people Every Red Markets contract has seven components
desperate enough to try Taker work, but few crews (RM p. 359). They are…
survive long enough to pull contracts consistently.
1. Goods and/or Services (and their price,
Gains: a crew of Black Math cultists that fund their Equilibrium)
extermination operations with memberships to a 2. Economy
private gym maintained in the old recreation building. 3. Client
Gains is one of the most physically intimidating and 4. Competition
well-armed crews in the whole enclave. 5. Travel Time
6. The Site
Avant Gardeners: a Detoxin crew tithing a portion 7. Complications
of every score to the community in the Hanging
Gardens. They aren’t very good, but they get regular Descriptions of the economy (#2), VIP clients (#3), and
faith-based business and don’t desire to escape the competition (#4) can be found in the enclave section.
Loss. It makes them suicidally brave and, more Groups can also use that information to design Scores
importantly, cheap. in long-term play. Travel time (#5) encounters can
be determined by the leg table (RM p. 457) or made
Scar-City: an all-Latent crew operating from their up by the Market. Similarly, you can use the dice to
quarantined block in the Bricks. Their propensity for decide equilibrium (RM p. 363) or use the suggestions
melee weapons means turnover is high, but prospects included. These elements are reusable for all jobs
are desperate enough in their part of town that offered out of Le Corbusier. Everything specific to a
replacements aren’t hard to come by. contract is included in its chapter.

The Brutalists: a hodgepodge crew generally

sympathetic to the Archivist and student
quarintechture communities. Their diverse personnel
share little in common save a desperate need to hustle
their way out of Adjunct Row.

GOODS/SERVICES Luckily, Dean Chevalier has found a source of
salvation. His only price? Absolute control of the
Climate change runs rampant. Le Corbusier has
enclave…and the lives of a few Takers.
been blessed with good years, but they’ve also faced
ten-month winters and choking droughts. There’s
no telling what the next harvest will bring. Only the THE GIST
hardiest crops reach maturity, and only because In exchange for some architectural designs, a
they’ve been genetically modified to survive wild desperate car camp in the Recession repaid the
fluctuations in temperature, moisture, and soil quality. Tenured with information. Alosine has set up a black
The surviving biotech industry can’t keep up with the site research lab on the campus of a state university
demand for immortal crops. across town. The school’s teaching hospital was
Le Corbusier is perpetually teetering on the overrun by Blight victims, but its rooftop helipad
edge of starvation. Most of their seed vaults are managed to stay sealed. Alosine helicopters from the
last-generation tech, ill-equipped for the changing Recession created a landing zone on the hospital roof
environment. Every year, another vegetable falls off some months ago. From there, SSS mercenaries
the menu, its reproduction sabotaged by planned erected a zipline to the neighboring West Memorial
obsolescence encoded in its DNA as genetic DRM. It’s Athletic Center. Housing nothing save exercise
only a matter of time until the declining seed diversity equipment, the building wasn’t a priority in the
conspires with the bad weather to leave the residents Crash. More importantly, the complex was built
as hungry as the dead beating down their walls. to maximize natural light. Its upper-floors feature
Dean Chevalier uses Fencemen to escort negotiators
Prep Work to a nondescript tent in the squalor of Adjunct Row.
The Dean looks like a model that would advertise
What wIll the contract lIkely requIre? male-enhancement drugs: a silver fox fit beyond his
Rumor has it that Alosine, the biggest
years, dressed in a fine suit. He couldn’t look more out
surviving biotech company in the world,
of place behind a cheap card table in a muddy tent,
has established a research facility
surrounded on all sides by campus security menacing
somewhere near Le Corbusier. The
passer-bys. Nothing drags the Dean from his office
Dean claims to know its location, and
in Admin; a contract important enough to send him
stealing super-seeds from their lab
slumming is enough to send any Taker salivating.
could feed the enclave for years. It’s
1-3 legs away (Market decides).
What Is the equIlIbrIum prIce? While it’s nice to keep the enclave from starving, giving
Roll for it, or call it B9/R8: the Tenured exclusive access to a series of specially
Volitile. “Invasive Kale” and similar designed super-crops is going to leave their workforce
GMO’s are worth more than their beholden to the opposite party. This contract has the
weight in bounty. In addition to high potential to shift the balance of power permanently
demand, everyone hates Alosine for in favor of the faculty. Prying economic control
the starvation their genetic DRM has away from the ignorant plebs is Chevalier’s primary
caused. Takers aren’t going to turn motivation. He’s not trying to hide it, either. In fact,
down a chance to look like Robin Hood. he wants employees that share his vision. Those that
acknowledge the Dean as the true leader of campus
find it much easier to access the king’s coffers.
What competItIon Is bIddIng for the Job?
The Avaunt Gardeners have a taboo
against GMOs, and Scar-City isn’t going Example Reveals
to be trusted touching anything people Profession: Farming or Profession: Politics to see the
have to eat. The Brutalists and Gains GMO’s potential impact.
are very eager to bid though. Markets Profession: Computers to hack into the Dean’s diary.
can try a double under-cut, if they
like their games in hard Bust mode. SOFT: TOO POLITE FOR POLITICS
For all his love of power, the Dean hates to see the
exercise of it. The fact that his contract could lead
to people being shot or eaten is not something
hundreds of windows and skylights, turning the he’s willing to acknowledge. Takers that promise a
building into a natural hothouse. The mercenaries bloodless cake-walk are better rewarded than those
zip-lined equipment to the athletic center, secured the providing a realistic assessment.
perimeter, and brought in the scientists.
Now, Alosine has an experimental greenhouse
marooned in the Loss, utterly secure from corporate
espionage. Every few weeks, they drop supplies for
the stranded scientists, but the work is otherwise
Once the scene is set, use
uninterrupted. Chevalier’s sources in the Recession
the spots to determine how to
even report that the SSS mercenaries have been sent
roleplay the client. As the
home. The corporation is so certain in the safety and
negotiator succeeds and gleans
secrecy of their lab, they’ve left the eggheads alone
more information, reveal more of
with nothing to protect their treasure. Chevalier wants
The Gist (p.9) to the players.
a Taker crew to go in there and steal the latest in
Players may only use spots
Frankenstein crops.
learned in Scams. Markets may use
Gift spots at their discretion.

Example Reveals
Foresight based on the Dean’s past behavior. Content Advisory
Networking to learn his discomfort visiting Adjunct This contract contains elements of
Row. real-world human horror and references
Research into his academic work. to abuse. If this subject matter
is uncomfortable for the Market
TOUGH: DENIABLE OPERATION or players, skip Location K and
In many ways, the job is too important for Takers. Location O at the site. Describe
They’re unaffiliated chancers motivated solely by those locations as empty rooms, and
profit, and that’s precisely their value. Chevalier is skip all references to them made by
planning a heist on a major DHQS corporate partner… NPCs.
from an enclave whose entire political economy
runs off the hope of becoming a re-settlement. The
Dean needs a crew he can disavow if they get caught,
preferably one willing to die before giving up their Chevalier doesn’t know if the crew needs to retrieve
client in interrogation. seeds, computer equipment, or full-grown specimens,
so he’s willing to give them Jeanette’s College’s old
Example Reveals mechanical mascot, Ludwig the Dron-key (RM p.
Foresight or Criminality to recognize the delicate 262), to help carry the load. The sophisticated robot
position. has been equipped with Stealth Servos for the job,
Awareness to spot the extreme security measures and he still has the PA System upgrade from before
around the negotiation tent. the Crash. The Dean fails to mention that his mascot
programming still works, meaning that any crit fail to
Profession: Drone Handling causes the unit to erupt
GIFT: LUDWIG THE DRON-KEY in 80-decibel architectural quotes and the school fight
Gift Spots are optional. Use them to increase the song.
challenge of negotiations.

THE SITE: WEST MEMORIAL back to the helicopters. If Takers can scale the exterior
of the building, they’ll have a stealthy entrance/exit
ATHLETIC CENTER point on the roof. Similarly, the large sewer system
required by the center might provide a stealthy
The abandoned, state-of-the-art fitness center is
four stories tall and includes a basement, but the breech point, but it’s bound to be flooded, dark, and
second floor is all that matters. The basement is unsecured against Casualties. Ground floor entrances
flooded and abandoned. The first floor is comprised must be fortified, and getting through stealthily is
of heavily-fortified entrances, load-bearing concrete nearly impossible. Regardless of approach, a night
walls, and window-less racquetball courts. All the attack is the best approach.
rooms down there have been converted to storage
If Takers use some sort of Awareness enhancing gear
for food, ammunition, and fresh water/septic tanks.
before approaching…they see the Machine guard
The second-floor is where the labs, dorms, and grow
rooms are housed. The third and fourth floors are patrols on the roof before they are spotted. If they
decorative empty space, used to provide high-ceilings, don’t see them, let them have it with the sniper
walls of windows, and skylights that give the center its rifle.
modern look.
If they approach through the sewers…make sure
there’s a mob waiting in the pitch-dark to greet them.
ARRIVING AT SITE Remember those Self-control checks as they fight
through the filthy darkness.
If Takers discover credible rumors about the area…
while no one knows anything about an Alosine black If they climb the hospital…rope is easy to find with
site, there’s rumors the Machine (p.7) has been a Scavenge check, but someone is going to have to
active in the area. This doesn’t reveal the whole climb the seven story tall building free hand before
complication (p.16), but suggests the need for everyone else can climb the easy way. Make sure some
caution. of the Casualties break through a window to grab at
the free climber making Athletics checks, preferably
If Takers make a check to discover the floor plan… around the fifth story or so.
show them the floorplan and the Taker legend. Do
If they go around the hospital and approach on foot…
not show them the Market legend. the guards don’t look southeast across the sports
fields because a large group of Casualties resides
If Takers use appropriate skill checks to survey the in the tall grass, ready to hopelessly grope up at the
area…such as Foresight, Criminality, or Research, zipline every few weeks. It’s possible to sneak through
make it clear that the hospital is impassible. Alosine the weeds and around the dead, but not without
would have immediately bricked up the stairwell to Stealth and Self-Control checks.
the helipad. After rappelling the exterior, the next
smart move would be to send the mercenaries to DDJ
(RM p 259) the ground entrances. Medical facilities MARKET LEGEND
were hotbeds of infection after the Crash. Once the Use this version of the legend to determine what is
zipline was in place, the trapped Casualties were just really going on at each location on the map. For help
more security for the landing zone. The sports fields with the overall narrative, see the Complication (p.16).
separating the teaching hospital and the center have
grown into waist-high weeds. It might provide some
cover on approach, but it could also hide crippled A. POOL STORAGE = SNIPER NEST
Casualties. Similarly, the size of the facility and its The storage room now holds ammo and radio
pool system suggest a large sewer system, but braving equipment rather than pool noodles. A ladder leads
whatever might be lurking down there in the total up to the roof’s sniper nest. A member of the Finest
darkness seems risky. guards the northern and western approaches at all
hours of the day, staring down the scope of a fully-
If Takers use appropriate skill checks to suggest a upgraded heavy rifle (RM p. 248).
plan…the helipad likely isn’t guarded, and it will have a
motorized pulley system to bring equipment and staff

B. SPA = FERTILIZER STORAGE Takers return, but finding the data is a task action in
The spa is a separate room from the pool area. It’s the realm of an hour. On a successful check, a Taker
used to store fertilizer and packets of soil. It’s possible can bring 1d10/2 pieces of Alosine genetic IP back
to Stealth past the sniper nest on the roof and lower home.
a Taker through the skylight with rope. They can also
take a leap and hope the mounds of soil break their E. LIFEGUARD OFFICE = GUARD STATION
fall. Entering through the spa protects Takers from the This location has security cameras (see “P. Staff” p.
risk of being spotted by the pool area’s cameras and 15).
guard. The office windows look out into the farm (Location
C) and all three doors into the main lab (Location D).
C. POOL = FARM Takers need to see and stealth past the guard to move
This location has security cameras (see “P. Staff” p. through these locations or the adjoining hallway. If
15). Takers that aren’t stealthy are also visible to the a Taker achieves a critical success on an Awareness
guard in location E. check to spot the guard, it turns out he’s asleep. It’s
The old pool has been emptied, retrofitted with possible to dispatch the guard stealthily, but leaving
irrigation pipes, and filled with topsoil. This farm his body there triggers an alarm if seen on the
feeds the plants with natural light pouring in from the cameras.
skylights and windows. However, the plants here are
still in their experimental phase, meaning their long- F. WOMEN'S LOCKERS
term viability as crops is questionable. There are ten The women’s showers and restrooms are empty save
plots in total. Every time Takers uproot a plant to steal, for a single scientist, Leyla Aygün, weeping quietly in
the Market rolls Black and Red, noting the result. a stall. Leyla is disgusted by the corruption the guards
from the Machine have brought to her research
Critical Success = New super-plant. Worth the trip by facility. In particular, she’s concerned about the
itself prisoners locked in the Playground (Location K).
Success = Viable GMO crop If Takers approach quietly and peacefully, Leyla is
Failure = Dies after first planting eager to help rob the place blind; she knows all the
Crit. Failure = Inedible and invasive. Becomes a pest security protocols and acts as an NPC reader of the
threatening the enclave Market Legend. However, she has stipulations: A) no
scientists can be hurt B) all the guards must be killed
Takers can use Awareness to look at the C) the prisoners must be freed D) no one can know
whiteboards of data hung around the pool and she is involved. If Takers can meet those demands,
recognize these are untested strains. Unless someone Leyla is their greatest ally.
in the crew is a botanist, they shouldn’t know the
result of the new strain until it’s planted back at Le G. MEN'S LOCKERS
Corbusier. The men’s room has two occupants. One scientist,
Vincent Silvio, is having a bad night on the toilet. He
D. COMMUNITY EXERCISE ROOM = LAB can provide the same information as the woman in
This location has security cameras (see “P. Staff” p. Location F, but Vincent is a company man. Getting
15) him to talk is decidedly less pleasant…for him. It
The aerobics room houses the main Alosine lab. needs to stay quiet though.
There’s a graveyard shift of two scientists working The leader of the Finest is in one of the shower
at night, and the majority of the staff can be found rooms, working out with a heavy bag. Thankfully, he
there during the day. This is where new strains are can’t see or hear much besides his own punches. He’s
designed. If they meet expectations in the farm, also off-duty, unarmed, and wearing nothing but gym
the GMOs receive further modification to install shorts. However, he’s the officer in charge of the Finest
planned obsolescence into their genetic codes. This and a management level Market Force with a trained
reproductive kill switch protects the corporation’s IP. advantage of 2 (RM p. 292). If confronted, he won’t
Takers with scientific training can steal seeds before charge a firing squad, but he won’t give up either. If
they get genetically “locked” and discover techniques he’s captured or detects the Takers, he does everything
for corrupting each plant’s reproductive cycle. in his power to alert his men by lying, tricking, and
Control over the genetic DRM makes Chevalier ambushing the intruders.
immensely powerful. He’ll pay 10 bounty per formula If pressed, he reveals his name is Captain MacDuff.
H. POOL MECHANICAL = WATER AND IRRIGATION remain uncovered; since the windowed walls of the
The pool pumps have been retrofitted to operate the facility don’t extend into the gymnasium, residents
complex’s jury-rigged water system. They pump and can follow black-out protocols more easily. The dim
filter water from the flooded basement to irrigate the light and sheet partitions for privacy make it possible
plants. They also pump water up from the Alosine to sneak through the rows, but scientists raise the
water tanks for residents, and send waste into the alarm if they find any intruders. One or two off duty
septic tanks. Clever Takers can climb the pipes up guards rest here between shifts at all times. The night
from the sewers or first floor racquetball courts to the Takers arrive, it is just one; Captain MacDuff is
avoid the stairwells at Locations I and J. working out in Location G.


This location has security cameras (see “P. Staff” p. This is the armory. If they aren’t alerted and maintain
15) a regular shift schedule, the equipment for off-duty
No one trusts Casualties to stay out of sewers guards can be found here.
leading into the basement. In addition to a locked
door and security cameras, the guards have mined the Two handguns w/ automatic (RM p. 247)
stairwell with DDJ’s. It’s only meant to fool the dead, Two rifles w/ automatic and spray (RM p. 250)
so the bombs can be spotted and disarmed with a Two sets of kevlar (RM p. 257)
simple Awareness check. Just don’t expect things to go Two helmets w/ headlamps (RM p. 257)
well if a Taker sets one off. Two Ubiq specs w/ Optimized and Ghoulnet (RM p.
J. LOBBY STAIRWELL A dose of Suppression K-7864 (RM p. 255)
This location has security cameras (see “P. Staff” p.
A package of plastic explosives (RM p. 249)
Since the first floor is often used for maintenance
There’s also a ladder leading to the roof’s guard
and storage, the stairs remain clear.
station. This guard is not armed with a heavy rifle.
His role is to maintain the black-out protocols at
K. PLAYGROUND = SLAVE QUARTERS night and provide extra security during supply drops.
This location has security cameras (see “P. Staff” p. He sleepily watches the north and east sectors. The
15). zipline (Location S) is considered secure enough that
When the Machine sent its Finest to guard the his back is turned to it.
scientists, it sent some “prisoners” along with them.
These so-called “criminals” are really kidnap victims:
enclavists and traders snatched from the Loss by the
A giant tarp unrolled from the ceiling separates the
Machine. A half-dozen men, women, and children
basketball court into Location L and Location Q
reside in squalid conditions, chained inside the
(p.16). It’s just a tarp though. Definitely not bullet-
playground and terrorized by the sound of the lock. If
they’re lucky, the door opening means they’re working
chain gang in the farm or running maintenance on the
water pumps. If they’re unlucky, they get dragged into O. MEETING ROOM = INTERROGATION ROOM
the Meeting Room (Location O) for “interrogation.” The room holds nothing save a filthy mattress,
The need for the cops to “blow off some steam” was handcuffs, and other devices for torture. This is the
a condition of the Finest’s employment. While most room where members of the Finest go to “interrogate”
of the Alosine staff is sickened by the slavery, the their prisoners. An Awareness check spots a peephole
prisoners know all too well how the scientists look the cut into the wall for whomever is on duty in the staff
other way. room (Location P). Foresight suggests a knock on the
wall would be good way to line up a pervert’s eye with
L. HOME = BARRACKS a gun barrel…
This location has security cameras (see “P. Staff” p.
The western side of the basketball court houses The staff room has been converted into a security
rows of cots and drapes serving as the barracks. center. One guard is on duty at all times. Takers
During the day, the area is mostly empty. The skylights can duck the camera’s line of sight if they make
Awareness checks to spot them. If not, for every new R. FIRE EXIT
room entered, roll a d10. The number tells which This stairwell leads directly to the second-floor from
room the monitor currently displays. If the Takers are the outside. As such, its exterior has a mob of C’s
spotted by the guard on duty, he silently alerts all the beating on the fortified door. In the foyer between
Finest via Ubiq specs. The whole team suits up and the two safety doors, an armored Dron-key with a
begins hunting the crew as the man in the staff room weapon’s platform in autonomous mode (RM p. 262)
coordinates their attack. guards against breech. The robot is programmed to
blast any human-shaped object it sees. In the event
of an interior alarm, the guard on duty in Location P
activates friendly tags on the staff’s Ubiq specs and
SecurIty Camera Chart releases the Dron-key to roam the center’s interior.

Result Room Watched S. ZIPLINE = LIFELINE

The hospital’s roof is impressively equipped. It
1 C. Pool
contains solar panels and wind generators mounted
2 D. Community Exercise Room off the sides of the building. Every spare inch of space
is filled with giant battery packs and satellite arrays to
3 E. Lifeguard Office
contact HQ. Mounted on a reinforced pole is a carbon
4 I. Utility Stairwell nanotube zipwire leading to the roof of the West
Memorial Athletic Center. The line is equipped with
5 J. Lobby Stairwell
a motorized gondola for moving heaving equipment
6 K. Daycare to and from the distant building. A secondary line
spanning between buildings feeds power and hardline
7 L. Home
communications into the building.
8 Q. Away If Takers manage to access the roof of the hospital,
they can use the zipline to infiltrate the center silently.
9 R. Fire Exit
They can tap into the satellite array to hack the
camera system or disable communications. They can
10 S. Zipline
cut the lifeline to plunge the center into darkness,
or they can set up a sniper position to overwatch the
Do not tell Takers what the 1d10 roll is for, whole area. The hospital roof is the most strategically
especially if they haven’t found the cameras. If the valuable position in the area…unless mercenary
guard in the security room is disabled, cameras gunships come flying in to respond to trouble.
cannot trigger alarms by themselves. Guards still have
access to the feeds over the Ubiq network, but they
have to be alerted before they watch them using specs. COMPLICATION
This network also allows Takers to hack the camera The Alosine scientists weren’t comfortable being
system if they can get a pair of specs off a guard or left alone with the Blight. Recessionistas, one and
reach the signal array at Location S. all, the withdraw of on-site mercenaries crippled
the researchers with fear. They couldn’t live with the
Q. AWAY = SPECIMEN STORAGE thought of the dead outside their doors, gnawing to
The skylights on this side of the gym have been get in. Unluckily, they encountered a local police patrol
blacked out. The other side of the room has been willing to help…meaning the Machine.
turned into a UV hydroponics farm where finished The scientists made an off-the-books agreement
specimens are housed until export on the next supply with the ex-cops. If the group provided a security
flight. All the plants and seeds here produce extremely force, the scientists would make sure to slip the
generous crop yields, but for a single year only. Each Machine a copy of their seed vault when the operation
has been altered with genetic DRM and only produces packed up. As the Machine has a surplus of force and
seed if treated with proprietary Alosine pesticides. a lack of everything else, they jumped at the chance
It’s enough to get paid, but only botanically-inclined and sent the Finest: a six-man former SWAT element
Takers can spot the long-term problems with these run by the infamous Captain MacDuff.
goods. MacDuff is a psychotic fascist and true believer.
He views his group as the sole remaining source of
law in the Loss. He has no respect for people that once they can fool Alosine into keeping the supply
don’t “serve,” and he regards the weakness of those drops coming. However, if one of the scientists gets
outside his group as sub-human. His insistence on into the security room (Location P) during a crisis,
housing “prisoners” on-site for the amusement of his the Takers have an hour before SSS Mercenary
men is merely a stopgap measure until he learns all helicopters drop an army of reinforcements on site.
the corporate radio protocols. His eventual plan is
to “commander” the whole facility for the Machine,
including its staff. He already has few picked out for POSSIBLE JOB LINES
special interrogation… If the Takers killed the Finest, they’ve just started a
A few of the scientists realize their terrible mistake, war with the Machine. Chevalier will need help with
but most are just comforted by the show of force. that in the coming days. Even if they escaped with
MacDuff’s people know their stuff. In game terms, the goods like ninjas, the Dean might want to pick
they are armored, full-time Market Forces (RM p. the fight himself. Cuckoo-ing the research facility and
291). Each is armed with the loadout found in the having Alosine drop him regular supplies sounds like
Location M armory (p. 15) minus the Supressin and a great idea, and he feels more capable of pulling it
explosives. They work in three pairs, staggering a four- off than the ex-cops. Finally, if his plan to corner the
man duty crew at all times with one down shift. agriculture market works, he’ll need protection from
If alerted, the Finest try to exterminate the Takers the Pillars and Detoxins. Neither is likely to cede
themselves. After all, they hope to take over the facility control without a fight.

GOODS/SERVICES When renowned asshole Harold Carmichael starts
accepting bids on a closure contract, the whole
When the Blight deprived people of eternal rest, death
enclave is talking. The head of the Pillars is too
and mercy grew scarce. Predictably, their prices went
sociopathic for sentiment and too rich to need the
bounty. Harold’s target must hold the key to the only
Takers use the term “closure” to describe head-
thing he cares about: power.
hunting for individual Casualties. The target’s
surviving family finances these expeditions.
Sometimes, it’s good people looking to cease the THE GIST
hellish puppetry profaning the corpse of a loved one. Carmichael wants the Takers to end the suffering of
More often, it’s Recession trash looking to cash their Belinda James, a pastor formerly employed by the
inheritance at the bounty office. Regardless, closure Ivory Fields Ministry. She’s not been seen since the
jobs are like finding a needle in a needlestack…all Crash, but James was nationally recognized in the
of them infected by Blight. Tracking a single corpse evangelical community. Carmichael insists it won’t
in the horde requires an art all its own. Some rely be difficult to find where she went down. He does not
on “psychic geography,” sifting old social media and trust Takers, so he wants them to stream the hunt and
hoping the corpse stumbles towards someplace execution through Ubiq. While he insists he doesn’t
significant in life. Others data mine reports from the need “all that sissy stuff,” the closure job is a gift for
Crash, establishing search zones with the refugee one of his sons. James was the man’s ex-wife, so he’ll
migration patterns. It’s such a hassle that Taker crews pay 5 bounty extra if they can “make it look peaceful
either avoid closure work entirely or specialize in it, and shit so I can send him the vid for Christmas.”
settling into the niche market of tragedy tracking.
(especially when playing Spots), but buckling
Prep Work under his money and abuse only disappoints him.
Carmichael wants a sparring partner. The only
relationship he can imagine besides financial
What wIll the contract lIkely requIre?
subservience is adversarial respect. If the negotiator
Harold’s cagey about an identity
mirrors his asshole demeanor, it has a positive effect
until face-to-face, but he claims
on the price. He only respects people that can give as
the target should be local and
good as they get.
easy to find. He needs a crew to go
there, pull the trigger, and snatch
the card. Staying within the local Example Reveals
area would be considered 2-4 legs Networking with Carmichael’s web of frenemies.
away (Market decides). Intimidate one of his off-duty bodyguards.
Research into the rates for past Taker contracts.
What Is the equIlIbrIum prIce?
Roll for it, or call it B5/R4: SOFT: NOT BORN BUT MADE
Scarce. Closure work is specialized, Carmichael has always been a prick, but it wasn’t until
and while Carmichael holds a the Crash that he became insufferable. The first few
lot of sway, he has a history of weeks of the outbreak were very hard. He lost friends
underpaying contractors that aren’t and family to Vectors, sickness, and starvation. He
part of the Pillars. lost more in the battle to secure campus. It wasn’t
until the aftermath that the hard-to-love man became
unreachable, and some part of Harold recognizes it.
What competItIon Is bIddIng for the Job?
While overt pleas for sympathy disgust him, about
The Brutalists and Avaunt-Gardeners
the only thing that arouses Carmichael’s better nature
just got back from jobs, and Scar-
are stories of suffering during the Crash. If a Taker
City has been working for Ivory
can coldly, dispassionately work in a sob story from
Fields the last couple weeks.
the first days, Harold is more likely to be generous,
Gains, however, is always down for a
though he doesn’t understand why.
closure job.

Example Reveals
Research the Pillars history.
(Carmichael insists that James is shambling in the Profession: Psychology or some other medical skill.
local area, which can be anywhere from 2-4 legs away. Networking to find sympathetic Pillars members.
Market decides.)
Put bluntly, Carmichael doesn’t give a fuck about
CLIENT anybody. His son, for whom the job is supposedly
Harold Carmichael holds meetings on the driving a gift, lives in the Recession and is nothing but
range platform he built atop the Patchwork Palace. disappointment to his old bastard of a father. There’s
There, he drinks the finest whiskey the Lost can loot no record of the boy and Belinda James were even
and drives golf balls at the Casualties over the fence ever married. If pressed on this, Carmichael says
at the Bricks. Whether the ball bounces harmlessly Belinda James had record of the divorce stricken
off the dead, clangs annoyingly against a metal to help her career (this is a lie). If caught in that lie,
container, or smacks into an innocent Latent, his Carmichael claims they used to date and he just wants
Fencemen bodyguards cheer. The whole scene reeks to see “the old bitch die” (another lie). If pressed on
of extravagance, toadying, and cruelty; Carmichael
that, he claims the job is a gift for Ivory Fields so he
wouldn’t negotiate any other way.
can get a better deal on construction work (yep…a lie).
While it’s impossible to get the truth out of
WEAK: NO BUSINESS WITHOUT SIN Carmichael (see “Complication #2” p. 26), spotting
Carmichael is so cynical that he can’t recognize any of his deceptions gets him to raise the price in
anything as real until it hurts. He behaves as hopes of keeping the crew on the hook.
dismissively and rudely as possible to the Takers
Example Reveals of pre-Crash America. Mixed in with the typical home-
Sensitivity, of course. schooling and home-making advice were sermons
Criminality to break into Carmichael’s quarters. about how to use one’s love of the Lord “to reap the
Research to find the son’s marital status. blessings of the side gig.” Belinda’s last scheduled
appearance was at Far Afield Ministry, a rural tele-
campus for the overflowing Ivory Fields congregation.
GIFT: UBIQ SPEC OR LMG It’s located near the present day enclave. If Takers
Gift spots are optional. Use to increase the challenge
of negotiations. got a critical success on Research, look to the
SEO scam (p. 21).
If the Takers don’t have anything to film confirmation
with, Carmichael offers up a pair of Ubiq Specs. If the If Takers Research Crash evacuations…Takers
crew can already stream proof to him, Carmichael discover that Far Afield called the congregation
has one of the guards throw a fully upgraded Light home during the Crash. On Ubiq, they sent messages
Machine Gun into the mix (RM p. 248). With a smile, to their mailing list, urging them to flee to the Far
Carmichael claims “he can’t afford to feed the fucking Afield Ministry during the height of the crisis. They
thing anyway.” It’s true that the weapon is difficult to claimed to have enough food, water, and medical
find ammo for: unless Takers already have an LMG, supplies to provide for everyone. As no enclave exists
no one can refresh its charges if it is emptied during there and the message was sent well-before the
the job). Torpor Lockdown, it is unlikely things went well. The
archived email is signed by Belinda James. If Takers
got a critical success on Research, look to the
Before Takers can get to the site, they have to find it.
If Takers Research James’s social media… the only
If Takers Research Belinda James online…they find surviving archive of her accounts is an ancient USnap
that she became a nationally active evangelical as account. The most popular pictures on the account
a result of her marriage to mega-pastor Josh James show her doing a variety of charity projects and
after the death of his first wife, Carrie. Belinda grew speaking engagements at the Far Afield Ministry.
to become a renowned speaker at evangelical events Takers can make an Awareness check upon
around the country with her “Rivers Flow Through finding the account. If they succeed, they notice
Us” project, a Christian speaking tour focusing on a that the Far Afield pictures are top-rated because they
wife’s responsibility to provide for her family. While far have more comments than the other pictures. The
from progressive, James still advanced the evangelical comments on the photos are pretty innocuous, but
woman’s ministry by providing advice for mothers there are a disturbing number of recent entries that
forced to engage in the “sharing the scraps” economy

The SEO Scam
Sharp-eyed Takers notice a slight difference in the fonts smattered throughout
Belinda’s digital trail. All the sites are built using U-Space, a popular
website builder pushed out by Ubiq a few years before the Crash. However, a
number of words in her archived sites deviate from the “StandardU” font and
to the “SimpleU” variant. SimpleU is a hack added by the Moths to accommodate
the limited processing power of most scavenged electronics. It didn’t exist
until a few years ago. Whoever hacked into the archived sites didn’t spot the
difference in default fonts as they made alterations. The changes don’t appear
to be fabrications, but they are designed to boost the SEO search results of
“Belinda James.” In short, it’s a safe bet James’s body is at Far Afield, but
it’s unclear why someone has been working to make sure everyone knows it.

contain no text save a single period. 100’s of them. crew recognize the machine as belonging to the Scar-
The comments on these Far Afield pictures, some City crew. No other entrances are barricaded from
taken over a decade ago, outnumber pictures taken at the outside. On the northwest side of the building, a
speaking events with tens-of-thousands of people. food truck was pulled up to the side of the building.
The age of the truck, the presence of a ladder nearby,
If Takers talk to her husband Josh James…they find and the broken stain glass window indicates someone
him living in the Recession. He’ll talk in exchange used it to enter the building many years ago. Painted
for a bounty. He’s a broken man scrapping by in a on the roof in giant letters is the message “SAVE THE
quarintechture apartment complex, having traded in CHILDR” The skeleton next to the half-formed “E”
all his assets for a modest lifestyle. He reveals that he makes it clear help never came.
knows nothing about Belinda’s previous marriages,
but he suspects his PR people would have found If Takers roll Awareness on approach…describe the
evidence during the background checks performed previously mentioned truck (if coming from the North)
before he arranged their union. During the Crash, or ATV (if coming from the South). Otherwise, the site
he returned to the area in his private jet to pick is ideal. Fallow fields surround the massive building
up Belinda for evacuation, but she refused to stop in every direction. They’re only populated by lightly
organizing relief efforts at the Far Afield Ministry. He scattered Casualties. A few bullets and some drone
remarks, “She was a true believer, even in the face of equipment would make the area perfect for farming.
all that.” As the airport was overrun, he ordered the The huge parking lots on three sides are crammed
plane to take-off and abandoned her. with abandoned pre-Crash vehicles waiting to be
salvaged for parts. The whole area seems perfect for
If Takers fail EVERYTHING…they can hire Tragedy settlement, or at least looting, but it looks untouched
Trackers to do the job for them for 1d10 bounty. They since the Crash.
reveal that James likely died at the Far Afield Ministry.
They don’t give up any of the information about Overall…the church is massive and built on a gently
the SEO Scam. They found it; they just aren’t being sloping hill. The base follows the curvature of the
paid enough to care. ground while the roof cuts a flat line across the
horizon. It appears to be a single story throughout.
The eastern side houses smaller rooms and a simple
ARRIVING AT SITE drop ceiling. The additional verticality of the building
If Takers make a check to discover the floor plan… on the western slope is used to make the sanctuary’s
show them the map and the Taker legend. Do not auditorium; complete with stadium seating, vaulting
show them the Market legend. ceiling, and tall stained-glass windows.

If Takers use drone surveillance…they find that the

southern entrance has been blocked with an ATV that
still has its keys in the ignition. Any Latents in the

Use this version of the legend to determine what is When Vectors climbed through the stained glass
really going on at each location on the map. For help chasing refugees, some of them cleared the backstage
with the overall narrative, see the Complication (p. 21) hallway, flipped over the interior facade, and crashed
into the densely populated Sanctuary. It was a
bloodbath. The auditorium houses nothing but
A. BACKSTAGE old bones, torn cots, and a stampede of over thirty
The backstage hallway runs around the entire Casualties. During the initial outbreak, someone
sanctuary (location D). The concrete blocks of the tried to save the rest of the building by locking all the
building’s exterior make up the outer wall. The doors from the outside. They made it to the southern
interior wall is a cheap plaster facade and only built entrance before the Vectors broke through and
high enough to hide the backstage preparation from doomed everyone anyway, but the crew entering from
parishioners. Light pours through the stained glass that direction was happy to finish the job. They’ve
windows starting about one story up the exterior DDJ’ed all the doors shut from the lobby. This is
wall. Thankfully, all the doors to the Sanctuary are useful for Takers hoping to trap a massive horde in a
closed and hide Takers from the massive open space. manageable area; deadly for anyone trying to escape
However, backstage is where Far Afield was infected. through those doors.
Any Taker can tell that the truck on the exterior
was used by desperate refugees to break into the E. NORTH ENTRANCE
church after its doors were sealed. The corpses piled Still barricaded with filing cabinets and pews, this
atop the broken glass indicate the Vectors followed entrance clearly hasn’t been breeched since the Crash.
their victims up the ladder and inside. A mob of long It’s impossible to pass through without a few hours
dead Casualties (roll Mass and Shamble) still clogs clearing debris.
the utility corridor. Failing to dispatch them quietly
alerts the horde waiting in the sanctuary (location D).
While the doors into the rest of the building can hold
The hasty Crash barricade has been dismantled and
back that many Casualties, the cheap plaster of the
left strewn about the church lawn. Now, there’s a
Sanctuary’s facade tears like paper if the stampede
well-maintained ATV blocking the entrance, bumper
tries to rip through.
resting near the double doors with the intent to block
them swinging out. Any Latent in the crew recognizes
B. BUILDING MECHANICAL the ATV from the Bricks; it’s a favorite tool of the Scar-
This is a storage room for equipment and the nexus City crew. Since the keys are in the ignition, it seems
of the church’s plumbing. A Scavenge check reveals the owners weren’t worried about blocking humans.
a small generator with some fuel amongst the junk. The parking appears to have been sabotaged though.
A Foresight check suggests it could be wired into the Whoever stayed outside to ensure no Casualties
building’s electrical system to revive some of its dead escaped apparently backed up a bit, opened the door,
systems. and squeezed inside.


This room houses the sound system for the church To the left, stairs lead down to the doors into the
band and lectern. Rigging up a power source Sanctuary (location D). Each is blocked by a hasty
(Mechanics check) can restore enough power to get Crash job or a professionally triggered DDJ device. To
the system pumping out “I Can Only Imagine” with a the right, offices and hallways make up the operational
full light show. This keeps the attention of nearly every wing of the church (locations H-P). In the Grand
Casualty in the place and drives them towards the Foyer, there lay a bizarre number of slain Casualties.
front of the Sanctuary, allowing Takers to sneak past Each turned long ago, but anyone that makes a Melee
them using the exterior hallway (location A). Just be check recognizes they had their skulls crushed only
sure to get out of there before the dead rush the stage a few days ago. All the bodies are stripped of Bounty.
and smash through the back of the facade. Awareness spots the church announcement billboards
converted to wailing walls: notes hastily penned
during the Crash for loved ones separated in the
evacuation. Ripping the worn photos, napkins, and

letters off the wall can provide 2d10 bounty if sold to fell back to the Daycare. Their hopeless barricade of
a Tragedy Tracker. Just be prepared for some Self- baby furniture couldn’t stop the onslaught, and the
Control checks. bright animal murals were spattered black with gore.
The rotting, mildewed carpet is scattered with bones
H. NORTH HALLWAY and dead flies. The doors to all the rooms have been
The northern hallway is the site of a massacre. smashed to splinters save the room to the pre-school,
The bones of long-dead victims mix with recently which remains blocked with a heavy bookcase.
exterminated Casualties, carpeting a hallway whose Amidst this carnage, the previous crew rolled
walls are peppered with bullet holes, blood spatter, in, swinging axes and firing silenced pistols. They
and dried black ichor. Even the ceiling tiles are exterminated every Casualty save one…the corpse
shredded and coated in gore. The carnage is a mixture of Belinda James is chained to a chair at the head
of old and new. This is where the congregation made of the table. It’s plain to see where the Takers tried
its last stand, and it’s where the previous Takers to clean the scene. The dining table on the far end
turned once they finished cleansing the foyer (location was scrubbed clean of dust and set with plates. The
G). Faint light shines through the still-intact barricade curtains were opened to provide natural light. It was
blocking the exterior doors. Otherwise, shadows as good as one could hope for a final passing video.
and bad angles make it impossible to see into the But something went wrong…
adjoining rooms. By the look of things, Belinda’s been snapping at
air for a few days, still strapped to her chair. What’s
I. SOUTH HALLWAY left of Scar-City is strewn about the room. Bits of leg
Sunshine leaks through the still intact barrier at the are embedded into the walls next to bullet holes and
end of the hallway. The corridor looks untouched blast marks. Viscera hangs from the shredded ceiling
save by time. Once Takers silhouette themselves tiles and drips coldly into a pile on the table (the
against the light of the foyer, the light at the end of the guts, incidentally, obscures the 2d10 bounty the crew
hall flickers as something runs in front of it. Check collected on their way in). Propped in a corner, the
Awareness to hear the footfalls and apologies growing torso and head of a sundered Taker grinds its teeth,
closer (make Self-Control checks). Amongst the barely seemingly frustrated its limbs were removed before it
intelligible mutterings echoing out of the darkness, could hunt. It still wears its Ubiq specs…
Takers can recognize “their mother” repeated over
and over. Then, an emaciated Vector with a +1 murder
modifier (RM p. 303) comes streaking out of the
If the Takers manage to put it down, they can search
the remains. While holding no useful gear, the body’s
single bounty identifies the pre-Crash name of a man
the Takers know as Mr. Clean. He was the negotiator
for Scar-city and its only non-infected member. The
body was badly emaciated and torn even before it was
euthanized; infection occurred days ago.

The daycare takes up four adjoining rooms:
“Sleepers” serves as nursery, “Creepers” houses
children until under two, “Leapers” is for ages 2-4,
and the pre-school holds children still too young to
stay quiet during a sermon. All rooms share a massive
dining table designed for shared meals and crafts.
Murals decorate the bright pink walls, depicting
friendly cartoon animals playing together or bowing
in prayer before crucifixes. At least, that’s what things
used to look like.
When they get there, Takers find a slaughterhouse
atop a graveyard. During the Crash, the last survivors
If Takers try to enter the choir room from the North The staff offices were converted to an infirmary during
Hallway (location E), the choir room is barricaded the Crash. When Far Afield fell, no one was left to
from the inside. One of the members of Scar-City tend the patients. Upon entering, a mob of Casualties
fled through there after the disaster in the daycare shambles out of the rooms where they once feasted
(location J). He was too badly injured and died. on incapacitated victims, surrounding anyone inside.
Later, Mr. Clean (the Taker waiting outside with the If they are dispatched, Takers can find Belinda James’s
ATV at location F) went to check on his comrades office. Using skills to search reveals that, whenever
by going down the South Hallway (location I). He on site, Belinda spent the majority of her time playing
was attacked by his former friend gone Vector. He with the children in the daycare (location J).
managed to kill the beast, but not before getting
infected himself. Thus, he becomes a Vector too and
attacks down the South Hallway (location I).
Aside from the bloody forensic tale, the choir room
holds nothing of interest.


Before anything else, the Market must read Complication #1 and #2 (p. 26)

If the Takers kill the last member of Scar-City and take the specs…they can watch the
video that was being streamed back to Ivory Fields. It’s a level-2 check against Trau-
ma. It shows the crew restraining Belinda’s corpse and setting up the final ceremony.
As the final prayer is uttered, the Taker raises the pistol to fire. A terrible sound
like a thousand rats in the walls erupts from the pre-K room. The building shakes,
sending dust pouring from the walls and nearly overturning the bookshelf barricading
the door. After a moment of tense silence, the tiles above burst in as something comes
through the drop ceiling, grabs the Takers, and drags them screaming upwards. Then the
video cuts out.

If the Takers look through the broken ceiling tiles…they can’t see anything without a
flashlight or night vision. If they have those tools, they see the Ganglia dangling
from the ceiling trusses and ductwork. It watches them through the cataract eyes of
mangled children. Seeing this is a level-3 check against Trauma.

If Takers move the bookshelf and open the pre-school…they find a windowless room
streaked pitch black with dripping blight juices. In the middle of the filthy nest,
they f ind the corpse of a single boy dangling from the shattered ceiling tiles by a
thick tangle of ropey Blight sinews. The mangled body hangs limp, spinning in mid-air.
The thing’s head keeps its eyes locked on the Taker that enters, spinning 360 degrees
independent of the body. Seeing this is a level-3 Trauma check against Trauma.

If Takers attack the Ganglia…it fights back.

If Takers raise a gun towards or threaten Belinda James…the Ganglia attacks. It appar-
ently understands firearms and blunt weapons as threats. More complex means of exter-
mination, like plastic explosives or grenades, might fool it.

the Pre-K GanglIa
Consists of 8 Casualties, 6 children and 2 former members of Scar-city.
Headshots require called shots unless the Ganglia has coalesced to feast on a
victim. Then the Ganglia takes damage the same as a mob.
All heads in the Ganglia must have their brains destroyed before the gestalt
stops moving.
The Ganglia has initiative and can move two Shambles per round in any
direction. It is quite good at climbing.
Being attacked by a Ganglia counts as being attacked by a mob. If the
knockdown check is failed, the Taker is tangled in the Blight sinews and takes
additional damage equaling the number of surviving Casualties to another random
hit location.
The Ganglia only attacks if the Casualty of Belinda James is threatened, or if
someone attacks it.


As the Crash broke through into the Sanctuary, Ivory Fields already hired a Taker crew to give Belinda
Belinda James and her congregation fled towards James closure. They claimed they were motivated
the daycare in an attempt to save the children. Their out of a lasting respect for her work, but they mainly
improvised barricade of cribs and high-chairs failed to hoped to scout out the site for a potential second
deter the Vector hordes. They died horribly, but they enclave. The rural fields around the mega-church
managed to keep the monsters out of the Pre-K room would be ideal for drone farming, and a wealthy
where they had sealed the children behind a heavy Recession donor is willing to provide equipment to
bookshelf. their brothers and sisters trapped in purgatory. They
Too bad one of the kids had been bitten already… hired Scar-city out of Le Corbusier. After traveling to
When the child turned, everyone in the classroom Ivory Fields for instructions, the latent squad went
was trapped. Hot Blight coursed through the children straight to Far Afield. Their mission was to secure the
and left them tearing at each other in the dark. When entrances and film a “final passing” ceremony if they
the last of them died, they were still packed tight in the found Belinda James.
single room. The Blight sinews went winding through The clients then watched over Ubiq as…something…
the their bodies…and then into each other. The corpse butchered the entire crew.
gestalt it wove together reanimated into something Horrified, Ivory Fields sent an emergency alert to
more than a Casualty. The pre-school became the Le Corbusier. They apologized for getting one of their
home of a Ganglia aberrant (RM p. 164, 455). For Taker crews slaughtered and warned against further
years, the tangle of little corpses only stood still, exploration of the location lest “the blasphemy” kill
staring at the forever locked door. They did nothing as again. Due to his history of construction contracts and
the Scar-city crew exterminated the other wandering cooperation with Ivory Fields, Harold Carmichael was
dead. They did nothing as Belinda James was the leadership member to whom the message was
restrained and her final passing staged. But, as their addressed. The old bastard neglected to tell anyone.
last protector was about to know peace, the rat-king of Ivory Fields is Harold’s best customer. The bounty
corpses crawled up the walls, through the trusses of pouring in from their Recession donors helped pay
the drop ceiling, and attacked the Takers through the for the Patchwork Palace. The only thing stopping
ceiling tiles. further profit is the Tenured’s insistence that regular
Now, the Ganglia waits in the darkness above the convoys of construction crews and equipment to Ivory
ceiling, catatonic as it digests the unlucky Takers Fields would be too big a risk. Carmichael knows the
into their mass. They cling and wait to attack again opposition is right, of course; he just doesn’t care.
according to the inscrutable whims of the Blight.

Carmichael has always thought he could bypass the
Tenured’s blockade if he had an off-site warehouse
Securing the site for the new workshop scores two
near the enclave. With Ivory Fields forgoing their
new clients for life: Carmichael and Ivory Fields. The
claim on Far Afield, Carmichael figures he’s free to
leader of the Pillars is grateful they didn’t get bent out
have the Pillars set up shop there. All he needs to do
of shape about the whole “bad intel” thing, and Ivory
is clear the site out of whatever monster haunts it,
Fields just lost it’s preferred Taker crew. Both need
then he can set up a satellite workshop right next to
work in the future to support their new expansionist
his favorite customer. The only problem is convincing
agenda. If Takers end Belinda’s pain and somehow
another crew of saps to go fight an Aberrant
leave the ganglia behind, Carmichael still pays up. He
calls again if they provided some footage he can sell,
Ivory Fields let Carmichael know about the contract
but he’s otherwise disappointed. Finally, Takers that
that got Corbeezy’s Takers killed. Never much for
take out Belinda and the Ganglia might be inclined
imagination, Carmichael reused the details of the old
to burn the church down out of spite. Carmichael
job as the lure to attract a new crew to the site. He
still has to pay — they did technically complete the
even had his people add a trail of digital breadcrumbs
contract, even if it was a lie — but they’ve made an
even an idiot could follow. If the Takers survive, it’ll
enemy of the Pillars. The gratitude of Ivory Fields,
be easy enough for the Pillars to mop up, secure the
on the other hand, would mean they are still open for
building, and move in. If they die, Carmichael can sell
the footage of an Aberrant to some Crusaders and
only be out a few bounty. It’s a risk he can afford to
If the Takers discover Carmichael’s betrayal and
confront him with it over Ubiq, he’s quick to point out
that he’s not paying to play detective. The Takers have
a contract to pull Belinda James’s card, and he’s not
paying until they finish the job to the letter.

GOODS/SERVICES authoritarian discipline procedures recommended are
like something out of a Dicken’s novel.
In the Recession, education was the first social
But at least P.A.C.E. is free…
service to cease, and the last to be renewed. Le
Carmichael’s school may be an outdated torture
Corbusier is guilty of the same neglect. Anyone too
factory, but it is a cheap one. Purchasing a decent
young to apprentice was left to run wild. Abandoning
curriculum is money that could be spent reinforcing
traumatized children to go all-but feral exacerbated
Dean Chevalier’s patronage system. As such, the
dozens of problems within the community.
Tenured have crossed the aisle to veto any funding for
Seeing an opportunity, the Pillars built their own
an alternative to Pillar education.
schoolhouse a year ago. Though attendance was
Professor Clara Bradley-Matterknick refuses to
made mandatory, the curriculum turned out to be far
stand aside while the enclave’s next generation gets
from the old public school model. The Pillars staffed
brainwashed. She’s found teachers willing to staff an
the school with religious zealots imported from Ivory
alternative school, but they need materials. That’s
Fields, each willing to work for nothing save room
where the Takers come in. Too bad the Loss’s tests
and board. They exclusively teach lessons from the
tend to be harder than anything found in a classroom.
P.A.C.E. (Post-Apocalyptic Christian Education)
program. The inaccurate information included in
these rote-memorization lessons is only the beginning THE GIST
of its flaws. The science lessons still promote climate Prof. Bradley-Matterknick needs a crew to break into
change denial. Social studies class is nothing save the downtown convention center and steal as many
a prolonged argument for fascism. Worst of all, the educational supplies as possible from the abandoned
NEU trade show. Curriculum resources for K-12 in all
bodyguards escort any Takers bidding for the contract
to her office in the Admin building. The exterior rooms
Prep Work buzz with assistants, paperwork, and screamed Ubiq
calls. By the time they reach the calm study at its
center, the atmosphere leaves no question that the
What wIll the contract lIkely requIre? woman sitting behind the desk is in control.
Retrieving textbooks, binders, and
digital copies of a public school
curriculum from somewhere in the WEAK: PEDANTIC AF
Loss. A critical Research success Clara was born to be a teacher, meaning that if
reveals that a National Education she catches a whiff of curiosity about one of her
Union (NEU) Trade Show was being held interests, she will forget whatever she was doing and
downtown the week of the Crash. It’s discourse at length about it. Get her lecturing and
2-4 legs away (Market decides). she’ll feel a stronger relationship to whoever heard it,
regardless of whether or not they participated in the
What Is the equIlIbrIum prIce? conversation.
Roll for it, or call it B10/R1:
Scarce. Matterknick usually pays well Example Reveals
and the goods are likely abandoned, Networking with old students.
but not many crews are biting for Awareness of the books on the office shelves.
fear of pissing off both political Research into her teaching credentials.
parties with a single job.
What competItIon Is bIddIng for the Job? The professor is genuinely selfless. She’s willing to
The Avaunt Gardeners don’t have much expend a great deal of personal bounty to make the
respect for book learning, but they enclave a better place for its youngest residents.
need bounty to repair some of the She recognizes many in the Loss see generosity as
rope bridges in the Hanging Gardens weakness, but encountering a kindred spirit will put
after a big storm. A critical success her at ease.
reveals the Gains crew heard the
Professor’s pitch, but they stormed Example Reveals
out of the office, threatening her if Sensitivity when near children of any age.
she dared hire out the job to anyone. Foresight into the possible profit in the job.


Anyone versed in the politics of Le Corbusier knows
subjects are essential if the crew wants payment, but that this move is going to piss off the Pillars and the
she’ll pay 5 bounty extra for every haul’s worth of art Tenured. Clara wouldn’t make such a choice lightly.
supplies, educational games, and YA books the Takers She’s making a power play for leadership of the
can drag out of there. All intel indicates the center was Tenured, and she needs a crew willing to play dumb to
locked-tight and empty during the worst of the Vector her intentions in public.
outbreak. It should be a simple smash and grab, so
long as Takers can navigate the stampedes of dead Example Reveals
still stumbling around the downtown streets. Foresight into the state of affairs.
(The job is 2-4 legs away, depending on how long/ Criminality or some Profession with computers to
challenging the Market wants to make the game) obtain angry exchanges between the client and Dean
Bradley-Matterknick is a shrewd woman. She is used
to people telling her “no” and practiced at doing what
she wants anyway. Her advocacy for the people Le
Corbusier has inspired fierce loyalty. She’ll have her
GIFT: + REP SPOT (SOLIDARITY) to a d100. The results indicate what side the 4d10
Gift spots are optional. Use to increase the challenge stampede is amassed on. 1-25 = North. 25-50 = West.
of negotiations. 51-75 = South. On 76-100, the crew lucked out and
The professor knows she has a reputation for the stampede isn’t there. Unless the crew makes
selflessness. To those that give her a discount, she’s checks necessary to spot the stampede in advance,
willing to share the goodwill. It’s hard to accuse a don’t tell them what the d100 roll was for.
Taker crew of profiteering when they work for the
saintly Professor C. If things slide the wrong way, MARKET LEGEND
she’s not afraid to dangle this +Rep spot in front of a Use this version of the legend to determine what is
negotiator to get her way. really going on at each location on the map. For help
with the overall narrative, see the Complication (p.
The windows of the lobby are covered on all sides
Four-lane roads with parking lanes flank the
Downtown Convention Center on three sides. These with a giant promotional tarp hanging from the
streets remain clogged from their last traffic jam ceiling. The floor is covered in punji stakes and other
during the Crash. The center shares one wall with a fortifications. Doors 11-13 are rigged with remote
giant parking garage, taller than the building itself. explosives, as is the tarp. These will explode once the
Most of the building’s height is used for its massive, subtraction begins (see “Complication” p. 32).
domed ceiling. The accessible areas are on the first
floor and the offices ringing the convention space B. FRIEDMAN CONVENTION HALL
on the second. Access to the building is through a This space was reserved for a mixer during the
series of 13 glass security doors ringing the building’s convention and held little of value. Now, it contains
sidewalks. Though normally easy to see through, dozens of barrels of napalm and every piece of paper
the glass has been streaked with years of dust and the cultists could salvage from the upper-floor offices.
gore. To make matters worse, it appears someone Awareness, Profession: Demolitions, or something
has blocked the view from inside using large vinyl similar can spot a thick cable of wires leading from
advertisement posters. the floor and up through the broken windows on the
second floor (North I). Takers could also try to disarm
the giant explosive, but watch out for crit fails.
If the Takers found out Gains refused the job…they
can use appropriate skills before reaching the Site to
This was the dealer hall. Lit by skylights, acceptable
investigate and learn about the Complication (p. 32).
targets are easy to spot; any curriculum is better than
They don’t learn any specifics, but they’ll understand
P.A.C.E. Textbooks and digital storage devices take
the context of what they see.
up 4 Haul. Takers can use Profession: Teacher or
something similar to find additional goods for a bonus.
If Takers make a check to discover the floor plan…
Success finds Haul equal to the difference between
show them the floorplan and the Taker legend. Do Black and Red. Criticals max out the loot at 10 Haul.
not show them the Market legend. Without the necessary skills, Takers must rely on
Networking and References. A Reference can find one
Before Takers arrive to the site…roll a number of d10s Haul’s worth per bounty spent, but the metal girders
equal to the number of Takers. Keep the results secret in the ceiling block signal. Takers must leave the
and note the numbers; these are the entrances (1-10) convention space to call out.
rigged with firebombs. If you have doubles, the door is
just trapped, not double trapped. Calculate damage for D. PARKING GARAGE
triggered bombs like molotov’s (RM p. 249) Faint glow sticks trace a path through the empty
garage, up the ramp to the 2nd floor, and lead to the
As Takers arrive to the site…ask the crew what Black Math entrance at location J (p.32). Recently
direction they are approaching from. Once you have decapitated Casualties dot the path as well. 1d10 still
an answer, roll Black and Red. Convert the result have bounty on them, which is very odd.
Both garage ramps are blocked by semi-trucks The security office has been wired with a generator
jackknifed across the lanes. Roll for a mob beating rigged into the convention center’s security system.
against the wreckage (this could be very bad if it’s on The nearly incomprehensible tangle of spliced
the same side as the stampede). Once the Casualties electronics leads to a panel with three buttons.
are dispatched, Takers can easily climb the wrecks The button labeled with green tape blows open
to get into the garage. Closer inspection reveals the the lobby doors and drops the tarp obscuring the
wrecks to be recent and deliberate. The interiors of Casualties vision (A). It also starts “Carmina Burana”
the trailers reek of diesel, and a couple large caliber to shriek out of the center’s interior and exterior PA
firearm rounds can be found rolling loose inside. systems, attracting Casualties from every direction.
The button labeled with yellow tape starts a laser
F. ESCALATORS ticket counter rigged on the lobby doors. Originally
It’s impossible for Takers to get up the escalators meant to keep the space within fire code regulations,
without first dealing with the Black Math (see the sensors are now there to count the Casualties
“Complication” below). While the first halves of the coming though the doors and mail the number to
stairways are clear, the upper halves from the raised some unknown Ubiq address. Apparently, this is how
platform are rigged with DDJs. The intention seems to the cultists plan to let their fellows know the extent of
be to trip up the Casualties on the wire to prolong the their last great deed.
Black Math’s last stand on the balcony. The button with the red tape sets off the firebomb in
Friedman (B), causing an inferno that will likely burn
G. LANDING for days and consume most of downtown.
Once used as an escalator interchange and raised Professions related to electronics or a Mechanics
platform for opening addresses, the landing has been check reveals that the system is rigged with failsafes
turned into a pillbox housing a machine gun. The in case someone tries to disarm it. A critical success
Black Math have blocked the stairs with debris and is required to actually disarm the system or figure out
set up firing positions. The intention is to hold the what it was meant to do.
elevated position as long as possible before falling
back to the balcony (location H) once ammo runs out. L. STAIRWELLS
These stairs are the only way between floors of the
H. BALCONY building not covered with warring cultists and undead.
The balcony is littered with melee weapons and heavy
throwable objects like computer monitors and vending
machines. Once out of ammo, the Math plan to use COMPLICATION
the balcony to hold a last stand, chopping away at Before arriving at site, Takers might discover that the
the Casualties pouring up the escalators until their Gains crew refused this contract on religious grounds.
strength gives out. The last alive is meant to run They were protecting the legacy of a different sect of
through the hallways (I), arrive at the detonator wired their faith. Negation, a legendary leader of a nomadic
into the security office control panel (K), and set off Black Math death cult, has been suffering from lung
the giant fire bomb below (B). cancer as result of her penchant for “purging fire.”
Her crew of fanatics has been on the hunt for years,
using every bounty not spent on food to buy deadlier
weapons. It caused quite a stir amongst Black Math
The interior windows provide a view down into
communities on Ubiq when Negation’s followers
the conventions spaces (B and C). Otherwise, the
vowed to assist her in “a final subtraction.” The group
abandoned offices provide little of interest…unless
spent every bounty they had saved, clearing out
a Black Math cultist is rushing to trigger the suicide
enclaves in their area of fuel, weapons, and ammo.
bomb (K) in the last stages of their battle.
Then, they left their area of operations and headed
toward the distant convention center. Apparently,
J. MANAGER'S OFFICE Negation had been a kindergarten teacher before the
There’s nothing of interest in the manager’s office
Crash, and she was familiar with the venue.
save the gaping hole left in the wall where the cult cut
Inconveniently, the cultists have planned their
a second story entrance through the concrete of the
mass ritual suicide to occur right around the time
abandon parking garage (D).
the Takers arrive. The whole convention center has
been converted into a tool for attracting, funneling, usually either extremely good at their jobs, or so
and eliminating Casualties. The Black Math has no neglectful of them that they avoided the worst of the
exit plan. They will fight until they are out of ammo outbreak. Once declared homo sacer and given up as
and exhausted. Then, they plan to turn the building Lost (RM p. 79), it didn’t matter which. The patriotic
into a fireball capable of rendering the densest Blight duty that had alternately sheltered and sacrificed the
infection in the city to ash. police no longer officially existed. Of the surviving ex-
They don’t know about Bradely-Matterknick’s cops that stayed trapped across the Mississippi Line, a
contract, and she doesn’t know about them. The small percentage of them had a harder time accepting
professor she just thought she’d said something wrong a world without their jobs than a world in which the
and pissed off her local Math cult, and Gains never dead ate the living. The people of the Loss call these
corrected her. individuals “The Finest.”
The impending kamikaze suicide has left the Most people wouldn’t dare call The Finest a cult
cultists jumpy. If Takers seem like they are attacking (at least not to their faces), and, as post-Crash faiths
or trigger one of the traps, the cult begins their “Final go, The Finest certainly practice a more bureaucratic
Subtraction” immediately. They don’t bear any specific theology than most. However, it’s hard to call the
ill-will to Takers that approach calmly, but they aren’t disconnect between the cult’s principles and reality
about to delay their crusade against the dead for them anything besides religious ecstasy. For all their
either. At best, they try to convince the Takers to join differences, various “precincts” of The Finest share
them in glorious death, or conscript them by triggering one core belief: the Loss is still the sovereign territory
the PA early. Sabotaging the plan is possible with a of the United States, and they are still the enforcers
lot of stealth, preparation, and luck, but Markets are of its law. This belief is often literal. A former sheriff
encouraged to start the festivities whenever they feel it isn’t a member of The Finest just because of her old
will be most fun. job, nor is she a cultist if she’s elected to enforce the
new laws of her new enclave. However, if she pulls
POSSIBLE JOB LINES someone over for a speeding ticket in the Loss? If she
arrests someone for “murdering” a Casualty? That’s a
Building a new school is going to require more than
just books, so the Takers might find themselves the member of The Finest.
preferred provider for the Professor’s next salvage The glaring inconsistencies in this worldview are
job. It’s more likely they end up getting roped into the legion. Aside from the fact that no one is elected for
old lady’s political maneuvering. She’s burned both law enforcement anymore, the population of the Loss
the Pillars and the Tenured with her latest move, so is declared legally dead. They don’t have rights to
she likely has a follow-up plan to get free of them. Is protect; there are no citizens to serve. There are few
she taking a run at the party leader seat next election? courts to adjudicate cases, and none of them derive
Starting a socialist uprising with her former students? authority from a legislature. In the few instances
Uniting the believer sects into a third political bloc? where The Finest have judges amongst their ranks,
It doesn’t really matter; Takers will do anything for none of the laws used to decide the case have any
bounty. mention of the Blight, which most people would argue
is an extenuating factor in, well, everything.
But law, like reality, only exists in interpretation.
DEVELOPMENTS The most dogmatic of The Finest believe that
Hunter’s declaration of martial law during the Torpor
Lockdown never ended. Gnat’s Whisper and the
THE FINEST subsequent announcements from the new Recession
First responders died in droves during the Crash government? They are dismissed as illegitimate, or
(RM p. 50). Emergency services were responding to fabricated, or simply ignored. The Finest believe they
cases of Blight infection back when zombies were are active officers, solely responsible for maintaining
still supposed to be myths, and their fight continued order until a higher authority arrives. Some operate
even after the new reality had been made plain. Police this way out of profound psychological trauma brought
had especially hard jobs. They served the front line about by fighting during the Crash. Others hold
of a war no one could believe, inside an authoritarian the view more ironically, using it to boost moral in
organization so fanatically hostile to change they enclaves they helped establish and keep the populace
couldn’t adjust tactics to match the horrors in the from feeling abandoned.
streets. Police officers that survived the Crash were
These views, while sometimes benign, are far from
harmless when combined with the deadly force police
have wielded since before the Crash. Being “arrested”
for an extinct misdemeanor can have a serious effect
on impoverished Lost families. Minor inconveniences
are only the beginning of The Finest’s infamy. They’ve
been known to shoot “looters” stripping the parts out
of long abandoned cars. They’ve joined forces with
groups like Triage and gone hunting for Latents, if
only because that’s how things were done during the
Torpor Lockdown.
Then there are the groups that adopt the identity
cynically. Lacking the former fear and respect of their
occupation, some ex-cops stopped relying on the
badge and started using the legitimate terror of The
Finest’s reputation. These sects roam the wasteland in
militarized police vehicles, stealing whatever they see
fit and calling it “civil forfeiture.” They may justify their
rapacious behavior with the 1878 Posse Comitatus
Act, but they are little more than raiders.
But the worst of all are those who behave like
these cynics, but without any irony or rationalization.
They are referred to within the Finest as “the Blue,”
and they are feared by even the most sociopathic of
their fellow officers. The Blue paradoxically embody
both the fanatical faith in dead laws and the cynical
profiteering of raiders cosplaying as police. These
“true believers” don’t just enforce extinct laws; they
insist the law is whatever they say it is.
Police culture, even before the Crash, had grown
increasingly insular as a result of an endless tide of
scandals. By the time of emergence, law enforcement
wielded the same ground arsenal as the Army with
half the constraints. They had their own slogans,
their own culture deifying their service; their own
hereditary lines and their own taboos and their own
separate justice. The Blue have taken this separation
to its most extreme conclusion. The people are there
to protect and serve them. They are warlords, chosen
to rule a new world as reward for their service in a
dead one. They are something more tribal than even
The Finest. They are “The Blue,” and they are all that

The SettIng
When the Crash came, Jeannette Architectural College used its brutalist architecture to fortify
against the hordes of undead. But five years on, the concrete blocks and shipping containers of
their fortress are far from self-sustaining, and rivalries between the enclave's power brokers
make for a political deadlock only outsiders can break. Luckily, there are plenty of desperate
Takers with debts that will never die, betting their lives in an attempt to escape a world of
disaster capitalism and supernatural terror.
In this supplement for the Ennie-award nominated Red Markets, players take on the role of
Takers in the Le Corbusier enclave: a fully-realized, pre-made setting ready for campaign
play. The contracts the crew takes on can shape the community's fate or seal it.

Contents Include…
• Le Corbusier: The enclave's history, government, neighborhoods, and VIPs are ready to play, serving to
jumpstart a campaign or as NPCs in your home game.
• Meat is Murder: The enclave's most connected political figure seeks to betray some very powerful
friends from the Recession. With the starvation of the whole enclave on the line, it’s up to one group of
Takers to serve as cut-outs in his scheme.
• Prodigal Lives: The richest man in town wants to provide a gift to his son: the extermination of his
Blight-infected spouse. But nothing in Le Corbusier's twisted power structure is as it seems. The question
isn't whether the client is lying; it's whether the Takers can discover the truth before it’s too late.
• For-Profit Education: Orphans inside the wall have been left to run wild or suffer under religious
indoctrination. One noble woman wants to open a real school in the enclave, but its curriculum must be
wrenched from the corpse of a dead city. The contract pays well enough, but the lessons in the Loss carry
a deadly price.


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