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Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

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Guanabenz inhibits alveolar bone resorption in a rat model of

Ryujiro Muramatsu a, Takuma Sato a, Kazunori Hamamura b, Ken Miyazawa a, *,
Atsushi Takeguchi a, Masako Tabuchi a, Akifumi Togari b, Shigemi Goto a
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan
Department of Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Increase of sympathetic activity has been known to exacerbate osteoporosis through promotion of bone
Received 14 June 2021 resorption. However, it is largely unknown about involvement of sympathetic activity in exacerbation of
Received in revised form periodontitis. In this study, we investigated whether a2-adrenergic receptor (a2-AR) agonist guanabenz
3 August 2021
which decreases sympathetic activity, attenuates alveolar bone resorption in rats having high sympa-
Accepted 10 August 2021
thetic activity with periodontitis. Volumes of residual alveolar bone and attachment levels in perio-
Available online 14 August 2021
dontium were examined using micro-computed tomography and hematoxylin-eosin staining,
respectively. Furthermore, osteoclast numbers per bone surface and osteoclast surface per bone surface
were measured using tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase staining. To examine the suppressive effects of
Sympathetic activity guanabenz on pro-inflammatory cytokines, expression levels of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), TNF-a, IL1-b,
Guanabenz and IL-6 in periodontium were measured using immunohistostaining. Administration of guanabenz
Alveolar bone resorption attenuated loss of alveolar bone and attachment levels in rats having high sympathetic activity.
Pro-inflammatory cytokine Furthermore, its administration suppressed osteoclast numbers in rats having high sympathetic activity.
TH, TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 positive cells in periodontium in rats treated with guanabenz for 12 weeks,
were lower than those in control rats having high sympathetic activity. This study demonstrated
administration of a2-AR agonist guanabenz attenuates alveolar bone resorption through decrease of
sympathetic activity in rats.
© 2021 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Japanese Pharmacological
Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction plasma, dopamine b-hydroxylase, and adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase

(TH) activity.2e4 TH is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of
It has been known that increase of sympathetic activity activates catecholamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline,
osteoclastogenesis resulting in the promotion of bone resorption. and noradrenaline, and it is a representative marker of sympathetic
For instance, inactivation of the sympathetic system by treated rats activity.5e7 Since SHRs also show increase of bone turnover and
with guanethidine, impairs bone resorption through suppression of decrease of cortical and cancellous bone mass,8,9 it has been used as
osteoclast formation.1 However, it is largely unknown whether an animal model of osteoporosis with high sympathetic activity.10
sympathetic activity exacerbates periodontitis via increase of Furthermore, it was also reported about the experimental model
alveolar bone resorption. of periodontitis caused by the ligature wire placed around the
Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) used in this study, is contact point between the maxillary first molar (M1) and second
known to have high sympathetic activity.2e4 Therefore, SHRs shows molar (M2) in SHRs.11 These shows that SHR is useful as an animal
increase of heart rate, blood pressure, levels of catecholamine in model of periodontitis with high sympathetic activity.
Here, we address a question using SHRs with periodontitis: does
selective a2-adrenergic receptor (a2-AR) agonist guanabenz which
decreases sympathetic activity, attenuate periodontitis in rats
* Corresponding author. Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Aichi having high sympathetic activity? To examine the inhibitory effect
Gakuin University, 2-11 Suemori-Dori, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8651, Japan. Fax:
of guanabenz on periodontitis, we evaluated loss of alveolar bone
þ81 52 751 8900.
E-mail address: (K. Miyazawa). and attachment levels in periodontium. Furthermore, we measured
Peer review under responsibility of Japanese Pharmacological Society. osteoclast numbers per bone surface (Oc.N/BS) and osteoclast
1347-8613/© 2021 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Japanese Pharmacological Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

surface per bone surface (Oc.S/BS) using tartrate-resistant acid (approval number: AGUD 417), and animal care and experimental
phosphatase (TRAP) staining for bone resorption. To assess the procedures were performed in accordance with the animal exper-
suppressive effects of guanabenz on pro-inflammatory cytokines, imentation guidelines of the School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin
we measured positive cells and scores of TNF-a, IL1-b, and IL-6 in University.
periodontium using immunohistostaining.

2.2. Animals and reagents

2. Materials and methods
Seven-week-old male SHR/Izm and WKY/Izm rats were pur-
2.1. Ethical approval chased from Japan SLC Inc. (Shizuoka, Japan). Rats were housed in
cages (3 rats per cage) under an automatically controlled constant
All experiments were approved by the Animal Care and Use environment (23 ± 1  C, 50 ± 10% humidity) and a 12-hr light/dark
Committee at the School of Dentistry of Aichi Gakuin University cycle, with ad libitum access to tap water and standard laboratory

Fig. 1. Schema of Experimental Design. (A) Position of ligature wire placement, buccal view (/: Ligature wire, M1: Maxillary first molar, M2: Maxillary second molar, M3: Maxillary
third molar). (B) Position of ligature wire placement, occlusal view (/: Ligature wire). (C) Schematic diagram of the ration of residual alveolar bone (a: residual amount of alveolar
bone, b: total volume). (D) Formula for calculating of the ratio of residual alveolar bone. (E) Schematic diagram of the ratio of attachment level in a rat. (a: area of attachment level, b:
length of cementoenamel junction [CEJ] to root apex). (F) Formula for calculating of the ratio of attachment levels.

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

Fig. 2. Suppression of sympathetic activity in periodontium by 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz(GUA). (A) TH-stained histological sections of periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement
(Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (B) TH positive cells in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (C) TH
staining scores in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (D) TH-stained histological sections
of periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (E) TH positive cells in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY
GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (F) TH staining scores in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control;
n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4).

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

chow. All rats were acclimatized for 1 week to the housing con- Seika Pharma Co., Ltd.). A 0.2-mm-diameter stainless steel ligature
ditions. Guanabenz was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, wire (Tomy International Inc., Tokyo, Japan) was placed around the
MO, USA). Animals in SHR guanabentz and WKY guanabentz contact point between the left maxillary first molar (M1) and sec-
groups were administered guanabentz at 2.0 mg/kg by s.c. once ond molar (M2), following the method by Takeguchi et al.11 (Fig. 1A
daily for 8 and 12 weeks for structural analysis of the alveolar and B).
bone (8 weeks; n ¼ 6, 12 weeks; n ¼ 6), Hematoxylin-eosin (HE)
staining (8 weeks; n ¼ 6, 12 weeks; n ¼ 6), TRAP staining (8 2.4. Structural analysis of the alveolar bone
weeks; n ¼ 4, 12 weeks; n ¼ 4), and immunostaining of TNF-a, IL-
1b, and IL-6 (8 weeks; n ¼ 4, 12 weeks; n ¼ 4). SHR control and Maxillae were harvested at the end of the 8 and 12-week period
WKY control groups were administered the same volume of saline after ligature placement, and subjected to three-dimensional
as in the treatment groups. structural analysis using a micro-computed tomography (mCT)
(Rigaku, Tokyo, Japan) with a tube voltage of 90 kV, tube current of
2.3. Development of a rat model of experimental periodontitis 150 mA, scanning time of 2 min, and pixel size of 20  20  20 mm.
Residual alveolar bone mass was measured as described by Take-
Rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal administration of a guchi et al.,10 defined as the residual alveolar bone mass in the area
mixture of 3 anesthetic agents, namely, medetomidine hydro- between the cementeenamel junction (CEJ) between the left
chloride (Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), midazolam maxillary first and second molars and the root apex relative to the
(Astellas Pharma Inc., Tokyo, Japan), and butorphanol tartrate (Meiji volume of the entire area (Fig. 1C and D).

Fig. 3. Effect of 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz (GUA) on ratio of remaining alveolar bone. (A) Ratio of residual alveolar bone between the first and second molar at 8 weeks after ligature wire
placement (WKY control; n ¼ 6, WKY GUA; n ¼ 6, SHR control; n ¼ 6, SHR GUA; n ¼ 6). (B) mCT images between the first and second molars at 8 weeks after ligature wire placement.
(C) Ratio of residual alveolar bone between the first and second molar at 12 weeks after ligature wire placement (N ¼ 6) (WKY control; n ¼ 6, WKY GUA; n ¼ 6, SHR control; n ¼ 6,
SHR GUA; n ¼ 6). (D) mCT images between the first and second molars at 12 weeks after ligature wire placement.

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

2.5. Histological analysis The TRAP-stained slides were analyzed within a selected area
(1.0 mm  0.8 mm) 200 mm below the alveolar crest, between the
Alveolar bone tissue specimens were fixed using 10% neutral first and second molars of the left maxilla. Next, immunostaining of
buffered formalin and decalcified in 10% ethylenediaminetetra- TH, TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 were performed. Immunostaining was
acetic acid (pH 7.2) for 4 weeks. The specimens were embedded in conducted using the histofine simple stain rat MAX-PO and histo-
paraffin, sectioned transversely at a 5-mm thickness. Tissue obser- fine simple stain DAB substrate kits (Nichirei Bioscience Inc., Tokyo,
vation sites were selected at points where molar roots could be Japan) with anti-Tyrosine hydroxylase antibody (ab75875, TH:1/
observed. HE staining was performed. The ratio of the distance 200, Abcam Inc., Waltham, MA, USA), anti-TNF alpha antibody
from the CEJ on the distal aspect of the first molar to the bottom of (GTX110520, TNF-a:1/100, GeneTex., LosAngeles, USA), anti-IL-1b
the gingival sulcus relative to the distance from the CEJ to the root antibody (ab205924, IL-1b:1/500, Abcam Inc.), and anti-IL6 anti-
apex was calculated as the ratio of the attachment levels (Fig. 1E body (GTX110527, TNF-a:1/100, GeneTex., Los Angeles, USA).
and F). TRAP staining with an acid phosphatase leukocyte TRAP kit Following Rogers et al.,12 the sections were scored as 1, 2, 3, or 4,
(FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, St. Osaka, Japan) for indicating 0e20%, 21e40%, 41e60%, and >60% positive staining,
measurement of osteoclast numbers per bone surface (Oc.N/BS) respectively. Positive cells of TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 in periodontium
and osteoclast surface per bone surface (Oc.S/BS) was performed. were counted.

Fig. 4. Effect of 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz (GUA) on ratio of attachment levels. (A) Ratio of the attachment levels at 8 weeks after ligature wire placement (WKY control; n ¼ 6, WKY
GUA; n ¼ 6, SHR control; n ¼ 6, SHR GUA; n ¼ 6). (B) HE-stained histological sections of periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (Scale bar ¼ 1000 mm). (C) Ratio of the
attachment levels at 12 weeks after ligature wire placement (WKY control; n ¼ 6, WKY GUA; n ¼ 6, SHR control; n ¼ 6, SHR GUA; n ¼ 6). (D) HE-stained histological sections of
periodontal tissue at 12 weeks after ligature placement (Scale bar ¼ 1000 mm).

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

2.6. Statistical analysis 3. Results

Experimental data are expressed as the mean ± standard devi- 3.1. Suppression of sympathetic activity by guanabenz
ation (S.D.), and statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were
analyzed using Tukey's multiple comparison test. All statistical Positive cells and scores of TH in periodontium were measured
analyses were conducted using GraphPad Prism v.6 (GraphPad using their immuno-stained histological sections (Fig. 2A and D).
Software Inc.). The numbers of TH positive cells and its score decreased in SHRs

Fig. 5. Effect of 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz (GUA) on osteoclast numbers and surface. (A) TRAP-stained histological sections of periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (Scale
bar ¼ 200 mm). (B) Osteoclast numbers per bone surface at 8 weeks after ligature placement (Oc.N/BS) (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4).
(C) Osteoclast surface per bone surface at 8 weeks after ligature placement (Oc.S/BS) (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (D) TRAP-stained
histological sections of periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (E) Osteoclast numbers per bone surface at 12 weeks after ligature placement
(Oc.N/BS) (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (F) Osteoclast surface per bone surface at 12 weeks after ligature placement (Oc.S/BS) (WKY
control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4).

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

Fig. 6. Effect of 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz (GUA) on expression of TNF-a in periodontium. (A) TNF-a-stained histological sections of periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement
(Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (B) TNF-a positive cells in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (C)
TNF-a staining scores in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (D) TNF-a-stained his-
tological sections of periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (E) TNF-a positive cells in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY
control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (F) TNF-a staining scores in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY
GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4).

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

Fig. 7. Effect of 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz (GUA) on expression of IL-1b in periodontium. (A) IL-1b-stained histological sections of periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement
(Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (B) IL-1b positive cells in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (C) IL-
1b staining scores in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (D) IL-1b-stained histological
sections of periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (E) IL-1b positive cells in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control;
n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (F) IL-1b staining scores in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4,
SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4).

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

Fig. 8. Effect of 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz (GUA) on expression of IL-6 in periodontium. (A) IL-6-stained histological sections of periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (Scale
bar ¼ 200 mm). (B) IL-6 positive cells in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (C) IL-6
staining scores in periodontium at 8 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (D) IL-6-stained histological
sections of periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (Scale bar ¼ 200 mm). (E) IL-6 positive cells in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4,
WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4). (F) IL-6 staining scores in periodontium at 12 weeks after ligature placement (WKY control; n ¼ 4, WKY GUA; n ¼ 4, SHR
control; n ¼ 4, SHR GUA; n ¼ 4).

R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

treated with guanabenz for 8 weeks compared with SHRs (Fig. 2B inflammatory cytokines in periodontium were decreased in SHRs
and C). Administration of guanabenz for 12 weeks decreased the treated with guanabenz.
numbers of TH positive cells and score of TH in SHR rats and score It was reported that administration of nonselective b-adrenergic
of TH in WKY rats (Fig. 2E and F). receptor (b-AR) antagonist propranolol and b2-AR antagonist
butoxamine suppressed alveolar bone resorption in a rat of peri-
3.2. Suppression of periodontitis-decreased alveolar bone by odontal disease.11,13,14 This improvement may be caused by the
guanabenz suppression of bone resorption based on acting of propranolol and
butoxamine on b2-AR expressed in alveolar bone for the following
The ratio of the remaining alveolar bone in rats was measured reasons. First, b2-AR is expressed in osteoclasts and pre-osteo-
by mCT (Fig. 3B and D). The remaining alveolar bone in SHRs were clasts,15,16 and b2-AR agonist promotes the differentiation of human
significantly lower than that in WKY rats at 8 and 12 weeks after pre-osteoclasts.15 Second, b-AR agonist enhances bone resorbing
induction of periodontitis, and the decrease in SHRs was sup- activity in mature osteoclasts.17 Third, b2-AR expressed in osteo-
pressed by treated with 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz (Fig. 3A and C). blasts promotes osteoclast formation through increase of produc-
Administration of 2.0 mg/kg guanabenz for 12 weeks into WKY rats tion of RANKL.18 In the present study, a2-AR agonist guanabenz was
increased the remaining alveolar bone (Fig. 3C). Of note, effect of used for treatment of periodontitis in rats having high sympathetic
guanabenz on suppression of alveolar bone loss was dose- activity. Guanabenz binds to a2-ARs on presynaptic membranes,
dependent manner (Supplemental Fig. 1). leading to the suppression of noradrenaline secretion from sym-
pathetic nerves.19 Therefore, guanabenz attenuates sympathetic
activity, resulting in the suppression of osteoclast formation.
3.3. Suppression of periodontitis-lost attachment levels by
It has been known that periodontitis is exacerbated by endo-
plasmic reticulum (ER) stress. ER stress causes alveolar bone
resorption and is involved in immune response.20,21 Guanabenz is
The attachment levels in periodontium were measured using HE
known to attenuate endoplasmic reticulum stress through inhibi-
stained histological sections (Fig. 4B and D). Administration of
tion of de-phosphorylation of eukaryotic translational initiation
guanabenz for 8 and 12 weeks into SHRs and for 12 weeks into
factor 2a (eIF2a).22 eIF2a-mediated signaling has been known to be
WKY rats attenuated loss of attachment levels induced by the
involved in osteoclastogenesis, and guanabenz decreases osteoclast
placing of the wire (Fig. 4A and C).
formation via suppression of cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1).23,24 Further-
more, guanabenz was reported to downregulate inflammatory re-
3.4. Suppression of periodontitis-increased osteoclast numbers by
sponses.25 For instance, guanabenz suppresses pro-inflammatory
cytokines induced by activation of macrophages and T-cells. a2-
ARs are expressed in pre-osteoclasts and osteoclasts.16,26 Guana-
Osteoclast numbers were measured using TRAP-stained histo-
benz which is selective a2-AR agonist, was reported to suppress
logical sections (Fig. 5A and D). Oc.N/BS and Oc.S/BS in SHRs were
osteoclastogenesis markers nuclear factor of activated T-cells,
significantly higher than those in WKY rats at 8 and 12 weeks after
NFATc1, TRAP, and cathepsin K, leading to attenuation of osteoclast
induction of periodontitis, and the increase in SHRs was suppressed
formation.26 Our study is consistent with these previous studies
by treated with guanabenz (Fig. 5B, C, E, and F). Administration of
that guanabenz decreased osteoclast numbers and pro-
guanabenz for 12 weeks into WKY rats also decreased Oc.S/BS
inflammatory cytokines.
(Fig. 5F).
In summary, this study showed the administration of a2-AR
agonist guanabenz attenuates periodontitis through suppression of
3.5. Suppression of periodontitis-induced pro-inflammatory alveolar bone resorption, loss of the attachment levels, pro-
cytokines by guanabenz inflammatory cytokines. Suppression of sympathetic activity by
guanabenz may contribute to deterioration of periodontitis. Gua-
Positive cells and scores of TNF-a, IL1-b, and IL-6 in perio- nabenz also may suppress alveolar bone resorption through
dontium were measured using their immuno-stained histological attenuation of ER stress and action of a2-AR expressed in pre-
sections (Figs. 6e8). Although there was no difference of positive osteoclasts.
cells and scores of TNF-a in the presence or absence of guanabenz
for 8 weeks (Fig. 6A, B, and C), they decreased in SHRs treated with
guanabenz for 12 weeks compared with SHRs (Fig. 6D, E, and F). The Author contributions
score of IL-1b decreased in SHRs treated with guanabenz for 8
weeks compared with SHRs (Fig. 7A and C). Administration of R.M.: Writing the original draft, Data curation, Formal analysis,
guanabenz for 12 weeks decreased the numbers of IL-1b positive Methodology, Visualization, K.M.: Writing the original draft,
cells in both WKY rats and SHRs (Fig. 7D and E). The numbers of IL-6 Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, K.H.:
positive cells and its score decreased in SHRs treated with guana- Writing the original draft, Conceptualization, Project administra-
benz for 8 weeks compared with SHRs (Fig. 8A and B). Guanabenz tion, T.S.: Writing the original draft, Conceptualization, Data cura-
decreased the numbers of IL-6 positive cells and score of IL-6 in tion, Formal analysis, Methodology, Project administration, A.T.
both WKY rats and SHRs (Fig. 8D, E and F). (Atsushi Takeguchi): Data curation, Methodology, Revising the draft
critically, M.T.: Methodology, Revising the draft critically, A.T.
(Akifumi Togari): Conceptualization, Revising the draft critically,
4. Discussion
S.G.: Conceptualization, Revising the draft critically, Funding
acquisition, Supervision. All authors read and approved the final
This study demonstrated that administration of a2-AR agonist
guanabenz reduces sympathetic activity and attenuates periodon-
titis in rats. Residual alveolar bone in SHRs decreased compared to
WKY rats. Administration of guanabenz suppressed loss of alveolar Declaration of competing interest
bone and attachment levels in SHRs. Its administration also
reduced osteoclast numbers in SHRs. Furthermore, pro- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
R. Muramatsu, T. Sato, K. Hamamura et al. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 147 (2021) 294e304

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