Knowledge Management Lecture 4

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Knowledge Management

05 April 2022; 9:30 a.m.
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

New schedule for the Course:

Date Activity Coverage
April 12 Long Quiz 01 pp. 02-24, APO Manual
April 19 Long Quiz 02 pp. 24-48, APO Manual
April 26 Final Exam Knowledge Mapping
May 02 Final Meet Summary of Concepts

Resource Material:
Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
Knowledge Management, Tools and Techniques Manual
January 2020 Edition
(Resource 01)
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

Review :
1. Five major ways to transform data into
2. Four activities that transform
information into knowledge
3. Tacit versus Explicit Knowledge
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

Five major ways to transform data

into knowledge
a. Put the data into context
b. Categorize the data by describing its essential
c. Calculate the data
d. Correct errors in previously reported data
e. Condense the data by providing a summary.
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

Four activities that transform information

into knowledge
a. Compare information with previous information to
determine what has changed in a particular situation.
b. Determine the consequences or repercussions of such
information on decisions.
c. Consider how such information connects or correlates
to other information.
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

Tacit versus Explicit Knowledge

Tacit Knowledge
- “Knowledge that goes home at night.”
- Has two dimensions: technical and
- Deeply rooted in actions, experiences,
ideals, values and emotions.
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

Tacit versus Explicit Knowledge

Explicit Knowledge
- Formal and specific
- Easily communicated and shared
- Easily stored
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

“Knowledge is Power”
Discussion-Knowledge is Power.docx
Knowledge Management
04 April 2022

Using your tacit and explicit knowledge,
Explain the painting by Manet. You have a
maximum of three (3) minutes each.
Knowledge Management
March 22, 2022

Thank you for showing up,

see you next week!

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