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Ojas Yadav

Reflection Paper 1

Professor Majumdar

Professor Soyinka

13 February 2023

In the limited time I have spent in Fundamentals of Playwriting, there is much to reflect on. My

main learnings have been primarily from professors and guest lecturers, peer feedback, and

listening to the work of others. One of the essential techniques I have learned from my professors

and guest lecturers is the significance of structure in a play. I have learned that a well-structured

play will have a clear and compelling storyline, well-defined characters, and meaningful themes.

This understanding will enable me to create more engaging and thought-provoking works.

Another thing is to juice out every idea to the fullest to create a more immersive experience for

the audience and to bring my plays to life more dynamically and memorably. I have also realized

the importance of rewriting and revision in the playwriting process. My professor's insights and

expertise have encouraged me to approach my writing with purpose and dedication. I am

convinced their teachings will continue to guide me as I grow and develop as a playwright.

Listening to the thoughts and opinions of others has given me a fresh perspective on my writing

and has allowed me to pinpoint areas for improvement. One technique that has stood out is the

use of subtext for revealing character and using the same for advancing the plot by picking on

how one would or has described a character to write a whole scene using that characteristic to
develop their reactions. Nevertheless, most importantly, through this process, I have come to

embrace constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to grow as a writer.

Additionally, listening to the work of others has made me appreciate the use of suspense and

tension to keep the audience engaged. One can create a sense of drama using anticipation and

uncertainty and maintain the audience's attention. Listening to my peer's work taught me the

essence of building tension and how to use them to drive the plot forward. By observing the

techniques and approaches of my peers, I have gained a deeper understanding of the craft of

playwriting which will aid in improving my writing.

Another critical source of inspiration and insight into the playwriting process has been the two

plays, The balcony and I am Yusuf. One of the most striking features of "The Balcony" is its

fragmented structure, which permits Genet to create a dreamlike atmosphere that confuses the

line between reality and fantasy. Genet can create a sense of uncertainty through this fragmented

structure and challenge the audience's perceptions of reality. Through Jean Genet's writing and

structure, I have discovered how to use unconventional techniques and structures to create a

unique and engaging theatrical experience. Next, one of the most notable features of "I am

Yusuf" is its non-linear structure, which adds to the play's mystery and intrigue. Through

flashbacks, flash-forwards, and fragmented scenes, Amir is able to create a sense of

disorientation that reflects Yusuf's internal struggles. Through this play, I have learned how to

use unconventional techniques to add complexity and depth to my writing and use character to

drive the plot and create a sense of drama.

Finally, this class has aided me in identifying my strengths and challenges as a playwright. One

of my strengths as a playwright is my ability to develop well-rounded and dynamic characters. I

have a knack for creating characters with distinct personalities, and I relish examining the

relationships and interactions between characters to progress the plot. However, I also have

challenges that I need to work on. One challenge is my proneness to get bogged down in the

details and bypass the larger picture. I often focus too much on the small details and must

remember to consider the broader implications and impact of my writing.

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