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, pon = valency Lo ; TH 4 tb |] Fluorination = explosive a ——|-chlovinakion it a rs ape TCO HRI PRE perorid = Bromination | mechan Sh or Sunt ght ~ chan oT Todination = Revergible Tr FeO poixture OF product CHyt anes MHg-Clt ele CH Clg ——y¥ ChON3 z AC fos hy (chlormation) Cty No.of 4 products IN Mekhany R-H + To = R-TH]HT Serong reducing | Clodtnatton) agent Hence, Grong Oxid®ag ent used = HNO3 -HIOg »4g0 | [to Secompose HI] ak) 4 ok ivey bY nochovo deny CHg-CH-cng + Cla — > How many Tm a eaine Hg CHa — Cl Cag t= Ota + AGO [CCH grt CHa) = 9 ornare = SS From alkene - more reactive [AT 7 HBY 2 ‘Hel >HET ~ — — a —» -C- . Peal Mies <4 ie eS [= |p : oo! ——_| : > = «| Markemikov vyule =-ve — carbon which CATTIES 1258 No of, —- atorns _ oH=CHo fey a Gy + ner —> com : Sbyrene yl Antimartonkev Tule = opposite to markonikov THe — CH=; = ee _ CY + Her Oe, | . Peroxide — NO202 . ee Peroxide erFeat only oppteablt HBY (mee rodheod ve adler) res Ho SE egy 7 3y||_ From ateohol- Hel, R-c1+h,o (Helt2nela= ata) os Groovey proce) | Hey = - Nowbn +a RBar THRO — Hi» p= +H _- ROW Sh fees tise : a YT Hy Poy [ee gpeg _ | if Pa R-BY+ Hy P09 ns ed phos: ton, a a dts _, ptt eres = | ROd PhO + Ty. ee Peis 5 R=C1t Pots He) as a Sorin | Q-Cl+ Sor T+ RCI ) Bee _[Pyndine Ms 4 oe (Beyd_methode v Darron Process) an alogen exchange : +| Finkelscten reactton- V ory” ~ — | -Cl + NG ———+— R-1 | Reet NOB eon RET NaCI. i || [ x|| Swart. reaction - (Best cmethod AO PTePaTe, SKY) Fluoride) T — - ~ ~ R-BT+ NOL ——> fa + Naor das Age —7 B-F Agel | __ Rey + aglt —> R-F + Agar jer + AY | Hg CHE CHa t Har 2% OH3- cH CHL s CHa CHa CHa-L aceton | Chemical Reaction: fel feb t Dehyarohatog ehation = (Alcshelte kou) bs Gig-cr= ag tHE ie 39) KH cate) ‘s eae - 4 Lf 7 é _ eee mia + Foy fae) —F_ CH 3 “cH = OH OH = —_ y | oven metors _ - . ; unuee Soytrert weWes HeTeMOoVe) from thar p fe? Ohteh Ge teas 4 __ SS Ze a Rox + mg PS R= Mg-% SY | - - congourd feggente : ~ | R=™Mq-* + Ha0/ Hi3/R-oF ——7_R-1) = w alkanes | TY Na Cw urtr reaetion) forward TeB" = Hologen THM and put tne Mirtey . i apes aNat XPR RR WOY & parroTr imag © Cg- CH Ort NG PE Bl Urge CHSC Oty px taNa+Ri PES p-RaR-RoeeeR / iL Nucieopht he SUbshtBtion TEYCtion : i Aq. @ou, p-on+ KK A th yaToly gis - joe Lo Aqudey_R-oH + Nox ) 4 _ Ax) = mleCKEN RC KR (Ken- tome - = - | VEG) cyanide Comp - (Gin ). ee ft R-NC | ®— covalent —~ pf Ally 1Soeganige——_Cormp)_—~ ea ee ; Bey R-NHa + HX — Ammonolysis onine, iy AGN p-nNoo + Ag x a | Nitro oticane a} —T : —T p-X == | _KNO2, R-oNo + ke —T_ odby! nitrite _ 9 Ro C0499 p-C-~0-R tAQx - ester sl chemical teactions of Haloavenes= SN Ewe (electron withdrawing q rep 7 a : Increases — ——t NO: SEENSRO ee T< — be % sy - 7 cS <_R-X 1 ne G0 Fuser ~x bond in haloavene has a | C=x bend 1h hol n Hao {| = bond character | dU amare x | (CPicric acid) a fa Ir —| ESR (electrophiie cubsttucron Teaecion) =a cla/ Fe we : Or +¥ —| e —L_? 4 7 « 4 @ (HNogt H2504) j__— [WNOTattroxngin, ER je: Tarordwectron| cans tarts JES By == ——~ (fread Sr eraee _ Ffaryaxen) ( F (altylation) “xing fh ~ * — Or _ j wWurt? - Freeing Teaetion Brpheng) —— aa chins Carben= *¢ ‘attached to Y dine. Groups. Chivat Molecwte At Coptvcatty aotive) el Cchiras molecules ave Sain Grive Jey _- ', Raceme mixture - —equimetay mixture. \UIMOLay MAXEUTE <3 dextve © + low — © Cophiealty maeieg _— SS PHcally inactive) 2 © ee ee \ gn? “iF ommotecalorr ~ 1k Brmolecw AT 4 Tt pate 4 (Al ub Pate & (Ai[s] | Tan ut Zz alkyl Halide wy VP altyl halide R R R-CHo-X “pete x +o —+ Roe-ont x _ - R = u a ——Twp Two steps Teactlon == IWF one Seep TRAWdION a Fae interned it (Transition state (1.5) POSE UNstable) | uae = CATO cation = having Bhonds to carbon. Vy both side Gttack (Frent/buct) —-V¥_ Opposite Side attack Racenme mde Inversion oF configu For ReteNation — - (waldey Inversion) Sona Inversion Wp Benagine> Allryue7 32°F" VU 2*> 38 [Some uses and envior.. efreat iF CHalls =¥ DichtOvomebhane “ solvents damage, CoTnea OF eye ak CHCIg =} ChloToForm i;—_ Ay Gourle OF CATbENE > Solvent , Solieytaldehyde Synthesis, Preon dy nthesis - | 4 Exposed to Gunlight + phosgene Ceoeta) (Poisonous gos) | Cety =r Carbon tetraehlondey Very good solvene high conc. causes d eceth UY Freon = Retrigerent i Cre —> OLOned epletion TP DDT > DiChlorodiph engl ETICMLOTO ELNANE Malaria Control 1 pest ade + Does noe decompose , OsFeak = —[leshols--Phenols men (3) - R | preparation OF phenol — piemnae i [NaH | From, Lumene ( Isopropyl bentene) _ (comment tod Process) H=CH3 _ Ho a ot a “$00 Seinen + CH3-C-CH3 ~— alkaline me HO —s : | | Frorn ambine = aE a t Diarotigation Preparation oF ethers - Wilhamsong Synthesig ~ (SN2) — — R= x + R=ONG——y Nax+R-o-p - __ alkyl batide used _ . ; a 7 SPalkyl halide ——+ dehydrohale enation ss eee _ iy] Intermolecular dehydration of ateohol » one pt 7 __RPOH THB} R IESE ee a oh Hy OG Pola ("A leone) °s \ sh chemical) properties of pheno} 7 Br, woter ey : Br — ] y fl WV Lj by I Ht rT | Bra/ cs. rd af CSo ERY. OQ - 7 1 pA HNOS ey - =o Or YH _ —on— ey y 7 (Picrie actd |} ~ Koo 7 G3 TIO ©. Te an Cr03, oN Rat™,03/ Hog Me BeATOUINONe Oo. oH CHC13/NQOH, CHO ~ Riemer~Tiemen Salicytasdehye T ecretton ! Coa /Hgot H Naoy ai COOH Kolbe’s reaction varregie atid ___ +] Reaction qoith ateohol = == aa |r wohax—> In havogen denivative (H:P ) Sy 7 hy with Px3— + In h.0 vu _ Wh with Cone: tnS0y_| (oenystation| Soft ¢ N ~~ _ a i = — 3: | oxidation. (>. pecreanl ORTHO 9 epg > R-COOH a i je i a petnon SEO alee = H * - Rode ES alkene — : ; R Strong grid ting ggent. = komo, /k2¢%0#/cr03/Cu /513k), 4 1 SS RocHa-OH Sy R-CHO Pee = pyridinium Chlorg chromake, (oatid- oxidraing agent) ZS] Acidic properties OF Wleonl and phenol - a a 7 Alcohol - neutral) Phenols -acidic me “Utmug — No Change Blue to red -— NAOH ——7 Does not Teaction: With Teaction — se ation —_ Reason — _ _ (Stable _ p —_ —___ Phenoxide, +) Reaekion voith ekheng | tewueh HX 7 R-O-R + HX ——¥ R-OH + R-X ~ RAOH + HX ——+ R-x + Hao we with Pas i" R-o-R+Pels —+ R-c! tR-Cl | hh AniSole reaettong - cH 1 Ua/Fe oe 7 8 | 7 3 SCH, HNOat H CI ] asoy &, S | Ss Oo ec VJ S i 3 | 03H | | pb r - | _ a i | | | | Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxyh Aldenyde ketones Carboxylic cds TRO CO = co0oH oN 2g ~§- =f ~s 6 3 + CassiRication - u i Aldehyde / kerones / Carboxylic aad ! Aromatte AlrphatiU y i ann I p Cy : » OHg-CHO | Benraldenyde Acetaldenydey 1] ° tL i © | * Cys + CHg-C- cng i Acetophenone, A Aceroney 1 | are * chytooy | Bentote acid. z Aceticaad. 7 | || ketones eS Svmple Mixed Carboxyic Acid (¢:A) -} —- | — TH Monobarboryhe Dicarborye Triearboxylic: | | \= COOH 3- COOH 3-cooy Coon CHa- COOH H-cOoH Cool Ho-F-co0H | Formic atid ox ake acid Marlo Or +|_ Names | + H-CHO = Formaldehyde | Methanal - + CHa-CHO = Acetaldehyde / Ethanat : ZCHO = Renraldenyde oy * CH Ug CH UNO = Butonal S ° : Crig- C= Cg = Propanonu By . © CHyl-GHs = Bukanone) | + H-COOH = Lormie acid [Mekhanore atid + Cy-cookh = Etnanoie aed 3 Preparation OF Aidehydes / Ieetones = oxidation of aleonal- \Patcono! So + “Aldehyde a° alcohol —oX-» Ketone Oronolyss OF Aticene — oF ° Sca=¢ 105 cen, SC ge tniao | 7 B= aN o ~Cely/83 . _os/eeiy ae ean : SH) uydroton Of alkyne - (usem.R) NN _ (U4 Ho or 9 : —o — ——__||_=C=e- + Hon TAH 8804 - 887 HQ SOG aaa - rte oe tn - Ase) i ee - CH3-C=eH + Hag ————_+ Crs frens ruftuad = 9) _ CHE CH + HaQ-——+ Cp —_ ~ : yet Sf || Brom Geylehlonde. . PaBOSOy p-eHo = ROSenMund Teduetion t Ree Raed ae Sf|| From Cyanide - a Snflas He Tago PP HO_= Stephen eduction R=CEn , Lamp) | Bmg x 1300 lar casement Forgan: Le a +3 Feo Her MSF Oo “8h Reduction oF EGteT. Oo vr = pocopn SBA a-cHo + | preparation OF CoTboxyle coud - > Sy Evom cyanide o net F t pecay Ho R-C- Np oy R= COOH [Ne Peron goul chloride. ‘50 ° ' © Re EO RRO + HU pevorm alkene - [che cnc, OES cH coo +00. 1 “So EMTOGCS [ca coon Converted — AEG C4 |e [i acidte OH, _KM 04 ca Adipic acid. | - Sy from Alkyl benrene £00} . Rp CUS or KMnoy i R mus? mot be 3° ~ ETE, — | =Caq + R-mgx es 5 R-c-0H || v #30 I _ Chemical properties oF Odehy dS. and Ketones i) ~ Polar Soup J = c= +1 PCincrea. S05) reactivity + (decreases) ——__||_ Gita CH3-C-cH3 A Lirtotens Tollens “reagent § best (snver _mavTTO% test) = Re GHO+ [Ag(ANS)a] # *On" —, R~COOP + A Ags NH — | sie electing Ny eting test - eo $$ R= CHO + cuet+ on™ — Roe scat — _ \ ous ———___ Red a Re wo - ny Addition teaetion g-- OH ~ ye ee OH ] aa = _ R-C-H R-C-H oo ; aa én H = on of _ R-C-H 8-oN | p-c-H i - oF de LL Hemacetal Aceral | Cunsteub'e) on 4+ on 903 7 CH3-C-0ng + CH3-0H = Chg C-Crg ——— CH3- 0-03, | Ochs OCng Siw ae wOrEh Armronia (3) denwative)- ketals } cde ot — 42 OF er on . —_] 2y gh \Hgnor Je=N-CH +o | we Nystoxylamnne 4 One Na: NH =N=Nh + Ho Hydranine Tat) a - L | yO Tar: Hydrarene _ a | ie {0 NHa-NH~ZY ca N-NH-CY + Had Phenyl hydraring, Phenyl hydrarene. No Hal Nano 2,4 dirtropreny) 7 T PYSTOUINE( DNPY Han -NH-@-NHE Semihyd Towne NO} Yoz N=NH@Y-Noy + H,0 (2:4 DNP hydrarone) ° T os N-NH-C-NH Sembhydrarone J SAVE Hatotorm reaation | Todotowm Fearon. 9 | Gig CR ENooT NOOK perm ——I Todotorm . —{—____ — 9H CH= én = 4 “F | es a SHOWS lodofOTM Teachion —™ 3 Aldo\ condensation . aa, eae al oteeayee and ketones, esting 44 with Sheng bag hy ‘gues a hy pORY alder pyde: / keto ne a ISIN et oo CHa = | iB e=CHNt Cl oy ey CH cH Ee ' - Bc-¥ 1 } 4 | tn oy == Cm 0 — CH oth 3 i Vik Cannnraro reaction - Wineh » do not havin a | worth stron base > DiSpro Opeth 10 SHALON » ae Compound Oxidise and ye 4 (alta) Hydro en n_(rieno, Ee) | — | Sov. v9 = | helen SEO CSS “On _ Redugtion Teackion- —q ——T se20 —y oh, Aldehyde / ketone —y HC TH N _ | aMAgtHCL, Oy | ure VT" Clemmenson reaction Oreutgum em en sor) FEALE ON mr N, so — _ | feo — a nwartin, — C= N-NH koH hydraine exhyiene Carboxylic Acid - Ap Ty Acide Ghrength = kot pkad Acidtty T 1 odey C>B>AYD Pka= 3% 27 1:8 5-0. A 8 c D SB pre |e + Electron withdrawing — (T) Keadity ty Group (ewg) N + Electron, donating () Bediey + Group Cedg) © iS o ML 41 \ H=C=OW 7 CHg=C-0n 9 CHg™ OL COW Ewg (tx) 7 AY neenen Ld) New Crig e008 < e1~ Cig COO} — Shes, Sook i _ Electron withdraws wg Group (eq) Nearer &O ~cogy er = an rN — J- COOH 7 CH CH-CHe COON ae ey CHg- ergy & Aromatic Geid < Alphatte acid S "ae. — a — up Pls + gehen ‘ an i 1 | Peis, pcr a 9 -Ct- u R=€-0H —y] Soca pt gy ll Sign Shows deeveasey reaerion o€ Conc. 3 ppnl a3 | _Seady ef Take, OF TEACtion | Vv aates —? cc +d. |e oped = 1 - ofel = 1 OC = 1 Sf) | — fa ae b ot cbt d dt ISX] tn gtonianeoyy rare - 1 - otal = 1 - dle] = t+ dle] = 1 dfod a dt b alt Code do de Ex - Nat 3Ha—y aNHg = d{noJ = 1 - d[Ho] = 1 d[nys] | at 3 dt a2 oat [snake oF Formation oF Ng = d [Ans] I ee |. TALE OF CONsUMpION OF Na = ~A [Nol | ot |.voke oF Consumption OF H = -d fuel ot Bx.) d(nns = 0.2 mis - d[Ho] =9 at at . | dha} =) diNds 3. at @) ode | Na -d(hal 23 STN] 7 dt wat OF Formation Now | Rate « OF ais disap Ravence ot Nady - d[Neog} = 1d [NoxJ dt 4 dt d[NO2} =4 d [Naor] _ | dt a dc AS 0:03 Ms. pwhab ye ty Rokelaw- J____A+8—+ C+D. Rate. Rats et Toy*feye _ “write TA TALE law 5 _ “vote = K( No]! [Hoje _— _ overall onder = 142 =3 ae mn nS R+B—7 C+D pied » [8] Constant rake doubt \E [BJ 1s doubled | Eeeping + [A] constant wate increased | by y Facroy _ _ _ Rate =k(Al'(a]> _ aprote= KTR)? (8) 5 that vail! be Take LEB} 1g doubled by keeping CA constant “rake will be ineveased by factor of 8 Moleculanty- No.of reactants taking PArt (n Teaek!on Oo QNat@Ho —7 INH _ Molecwlanity = y ¥ | Gba= 203 @p+@s — 60 molecularity =3) ~ Moleculanity =.5 |___gtep po petaryst = USed in fins -——— NO AS Teaction Intermed ate - Rare enter med ore - a Roke=k[soJ® [wou]? | ——ES2 =k £09 ENOay [8 Segee ~ 1e70 ode aero odes Rote = REA Rote=kfal Roke= —_—" 7 Fe : Pseudo Se ordeys — Expected higher, ord! es TORR but y a hint a hytrs\ysis Teackion, SOs ig4 Ord ey Finettes |_* AM bh a nnd / Oo “ clecemute. \ Arrhenius equakion Ke Aer EST RT Ea. 2:303RT 199 K = Jogi = |} yy di 10g Ko = Ea een] Ky aaoaetT i, T2] > pice ast @ enters 1m Provertad > Gade ron (G20) - a General decerome NEAT vnng_elemenig) 1Gt Gaoup = hates ong’ (ore Forming erernents ) J fp___— IN oxygen Farnly = as? ps —— | FF Group = Halogens (gost Forming) —_—_ Flourine farmty = ms2 NPs —~ SS 7 — 18"Group = Noble gas _[inenrt gases: | — | Helium farmly = ans? np i oceurence = (* 16! Group - = oxygen = Most apundene element ON earth 70-95% IN GIT 03, H20 s UE-EEA by masy oF east Cut - Sulphur = Gypsum (easoy+ 320) > ep Surn= (Pg 504.10) zine blend = 2n8, Hos. a Po. |__- Selenium and teluvium (se and Te) = Sulphide, t II : tf 4 | = Polonium (Po) = —+ onium (Po) = Radioactive elemenc- | ~ — |e Grown _ |= Fluorine £F) = Cala> Flustogpga __| -t0 COfa = F luoros pay. ~ oe a NSSMIEG =CrYoIte 3 F\Worog pat nalemnne SPOOR OLE = CQ t= (a3 (Po 3 | 4) Cara _ aa Ly ——" Jodine (z) = Sea weed |__| = teatne Cr} ="sem weed __ ~ ehiotine (cl) = Carnatite 2 (Ker maget ~ Bromine (By) = Dead Seq. | = Argon (Ax) ~ Most abundent on eayth ~ krypton (KY) = xenon (xe) _ Physical Properties - TEE Group = onry oxygen (OV IS GAS ANd thers ave Sold __ FOr snows Motto py = Oxygen and Sulphur Non meka) ~Selentum & Telurium - Polovium = metal Metanords 1% Group - Fluorine & Chlorine = Gas ~_ Bromine =lquid ~ Todine & Asthating = golid - st pond dissociation seta py Cig) BYa7 faa] — 1S" Group- Low matting & borling Port Sparingy Soluble: 1 wWuter VI Atomic Property = — aan Tor 4 ey rigne tF Atomic radius = Jirereasing free a || ‘pottorn ‘e = reyes at Tonnaxion enthalpy = decrease So Ne ‘bateomn oS i} sh highest vonnasicn enthalpy. = 1h MePease oS a¥Bieatronegoxivity = [oeerease RES up co tt 4 Soren —— Most electro negagwe > Flourvine (4) more =v} oe —_7 Shur eearon gon eniraipy = ress, © Vess—-ve han ¢ RxCeptlon FESS =e ERGO) S Uptarererin » Anamolous Behaviour ~ # OXYgert = Gas and atiothey 80119 odlother ly Diamagnenc ALomMey 1s palyatornie rors Pavamagn exit! 2 OVS diamagneric! | HaS-tig (Hoss "HaTe Hass Wade as) mS FIMOTINE. = eleckronggariy: wity | electro, HC enthaley igh OtM al» LonIras Than Test oF ty @ Clement ____RROMNE Tadiuy wae $~1885 dha exp ented 2 nly one @eeee ae w OMY ONE oKoACId FaEIN ROE HPAYHAUNGe \ow noe formed ee Se tomed chemical Propertiay - igh ize , I To pao Uquid HF-Liquid P fee s] Luo reaction tos Feuer renin eee Hos eam! HOT: AIAS: dren] AW Rote. HIJY- { Loxygen Eo rE03 Oy F_- Used Co ext- | | Sor+s03, vat paurontum NO TRaLerloN, Clop= bitachin | | Oye a a Ta Os = COMO OF COD SS) pnoerops oF Let Group elementy - + oxygen = o2 and 03 * Sulphur =o, p y > plas Hombre monodinic ¥ Selenium = Red and Qrey (Non-m exer} (rnecad) A TeleMlUM = Cryccattine and Amorphous [x Polonium = op (both meral ) + | oxyaerds oF Suiphas- - —__|| Wh hago 9 HO-S- OH Sulphoxylic acid. = By Ha $03 HO-S-0H Suiphurow acid. : _ 3 « 30H=0 HO-t-oH o L > L HO-§-0-08 Pevoxy MONO su phune - 3 > ocd r quae! mee StHoS202 Ho-k-on th losulphurous. IN i 7 acid. a | | S — ‘ _ SF Haseo3- HO-S-0H Ehiosul phunte if ass ° iM : aed. ay Hosooy HO-S—c-o} _ Dithionous Acid a | i t 8F Ha$o05 HO~ $0 - 8-08 Disuiphurous aeid t oo 1 ‘ © it P x St HaSs0¢ Ho-e Son Dithiomie aad - 668 e i : 1 10} HaSeo% Ho-}-0--on Disulphumie gerd 2 } 6 e 6 ° e i Tt ee NPHS 20g Ho=f=0-0- $-on __= Pevergdisulphure A 8 acid yocids of Nal ng (0) = oxyacids oF alogens (x) Fe BY ey L HyPohalous (Hox) HOF = HoBr Hoc HOT [ Hodous (Hoxo) x Xx Hotlo x Halie (HOX02) x v - wv pemhalic (HOXO3) vo v Wa 7 oxides = Binery compound OF Uement adth O&- Acidic Basic Amphoteric Nonmetal Mekal oxide Metalled Ord CN oxide - reaee Uw Leh “FeORE LED Freatk WIth “NpO base aetd aad 4 base 8 Or! $03; COo Cao. Noo Klos _ Ciro go ar « [structure of orone (bent Share) = 0 : o* — 2 oO - ATUCKUTE OF GOT (Bent ygnape) Zo oO” Inteyhalogen Compounds - ¥ | L ~— Xx! AX'y, X's Xx —_|_sp3 spi Spad2 gp3d3 ——ltuneore Bent T-shape. Sqpyomidal _Pentagent_ tL - Trgonal _b tpyrream ded) Pyramidal ——— Amporrtant rections - : - oo ane ee . |_X&NO Compounds - i Xeto= Sp3d = linear [xe = SP3d* Squore Planar _ 2efe =SPd5—< pistored eceahiaral |_xeb3 283 = pygonal J pyramida) |_Xeoty = gpide Square we pyreamdal. : UNO Oy To ——_—=— te Roasting OF Sulphide z 204 Soa [ian ae : Y Pesto — Piicy soa Page 2 Hada + 03 H2O +00 =a "reauang es | | SOa+Oa SEY Jog Fe3* + 09 4 Ht _- + Fett | Luh HOT + Masoy—S Bray Sor + Had 71 acre ~ Sy nel 40a “SS, Clat Hy Deacon _ elt ye ke NH3 + Clo ———+ NHyU +N —~ I exeesy : | ng + Cle oF Ntlgt He) —| excess _— 6) NQOH +.Cla ——? Naci + Naocl Cold | dil. 5 NGoH + Cla ——+ Natit Nacio3 Hot conc Ty BHCl+ HN03—* AQuorreg 1d. ~ [Transition ond Taner Transition elemarfe~* _* Transition etements - rast e- enter in (ned Sroitay J / —_ } 3d semigy = $e to 29 oe not — [aad yg SAS — Lo to ng POEM aTE [xe] uf! sg!“ gam 4A SWrIeS ~Y.toed (éranstion | — [kr] Yds gr a ~ {© completely — Gd series ~ Acto chFitied ‘diowbital > (RN]SHY Edy. — iL. | aa series - _ oxidation Stake el “se = [avjad'us2 +3 t | esis] Solus ery aenan |v - [Aan] 3d3ys2 - +5 Lee wer ~_[prJadsust - + __ I { My = Tar}3d5ys2 pa “Re = [an] 3doys? 43 : Fay > [ar] 3dtys2 - + ~ | Nf > fan] ad ys? - ¥y ag 10 C= LAr) dlyst | L i) “ OnIY mereury (Ha) 1s Iquid grate : ONY Mercury (Hg) ISIN 1g Lied Ch = Sort melt UW Atomic and Yonty regi URS From lek eomqne, > F) 2n - [pr] sd!ys2 py Physical properties ~ —— AeOnEASES Brom Lee torigne. ___1Onle radius < Atorme Todiug _ | MIVEION enthatpy -~ inereagey | jj Tontist Ry Rie, _ (intermediate bate? Po ——__T© block Remeny) Shee Mognetie Chavacter ~ ty = ncn) 6. - ———¥.no: 06 unpaired eT Tonpaired @- = PATAMAQNEe —— Unparred @7 = ROTO: sees Blpaved =dismagnete - _ at ET Tm 4 | : “ classmate \| SJ pote i «C Pase, im = (8%) ads ys? = Parramggnekic ere (AY 8d3ys® = Paramoagnerre “or = Lov) 8d°use = diamagnetic, - uv Ty loured = nparred & 7 Coloured “\pret3 =favyuseads = coloured uP Gers= [AM] usesd = colourless recut = Colourlesy , Int colourless Cu Coloured ——I mnt =colouredt . CvtF colourless Le caralytic property = dueto different oxidation stare Ip MmOs“= decompositiom oF ECIOS » Preparation OF Cla Form Her Ny MofFe = Formation OF NH3 1n Haber Process Wp Co = Fisches PTOCES OE SyMINEsS OF Gasohne IP Vas = Contact process For Haloy used In curt! ng tools. iM ey Fervouy - gEainiesy steed 4 —| Non ferrous ~ Brass (cut2n) Brome - (CUtSn} _ a — | dupranieked (CWENT)S Marine Condensar tube) ‘ — _Niehrome ~ (Nt Fer) ) Gas turbine engine : _|Ye Composition of Haernitte = bees _ | Feao3¢gtOrt Alaog + Phogphake. oer: —__$ t | tones “Height Temp Reaction - F ___treombustion — S-tom— « Aoook C+ Yn Oa—y tg NT _ayReducton — aR-arm Gok Fexos nto” E Ye ab Slag bormation 20m Roe k__Ftux ov Chonge ody. es Cac03 oS iy | _ CQ0+ loo tas) SFL sion ism 1500K phosphate spp 7 Mn0L3My ~ > ~ ~ eee | i + | aron~ - yy B Cast vovougne '- steel ] “ay e Gist 4 OAR 8 ovormne *|_ Innes transition element (#=block) I GF & Lanthanoids 3 ceto Lu 1 BES Retinoids + Th totr *|_Lanthanoids- yy Common oxidMvtate +3, ce gh OWS higher Ord otareltd) Ly tandhanod h hydroxide Actinold contrartion [yy Thon + Ceon ay used 1 CUNdAsent GME ' u Post Actinolds =y after ackinoids eq. | | I Conteuing central atom/Ton Surrounded Cisplatin [Pt (NH3),c1o] = Used In itanter treatment: \ ~ " Sap CO-ordinat|on_COMmPoul nds Ligands. NF pats SY =) _Ligamd - opeaes Guarrounding Centra) metal gue tong iz J | Momnodentote, . Poludentoxre, 4 (forme only one (forms thove than 1 & Ord Nate bond ) Co-ordinotebond) : I Ha fon Palogens) Bidentote hexadentate a Xs HO ~cN, Copan (eotary’™ | 1 Ha . ~800-CHa i i AN—CHerCHeNits N-cHrengh | O ROLLE ton (Oy ) 0c-eNs at i __I Coo” : —_ . 00" Con) ~ $Y coleuonon of charge on Complex Oud Goa EERIE ON Complex Ong Onid state op metal: ee 4 = SE mete — KOfFecen),] = Anionie compieg Charge ne _| counter Stomper - t———"] — pe : — _ SS ee aes pt Bao (Nig 3 > — ee - = Bere (NH J PO Cation 1complex OQ | Tre(co)s] > neurvar ei — a an plex 5 J | Se TSE classmate ele, i az - charg end along = Anionic Complex a) “TF _Nggfco(nos)c] = Antonie _complex_= 3 | “TE pn(niy)3(SCNg] = Newrvad complex = 7 [petende (Senaf = Cation complex = C9) Qgands charges Name f J Ls -| - Halo CN7 eal = cyano Soy -2 = Suiphato t Nos” =I > _Nikrato H Nits Oo = amming | Hoo ° > aqua | en ° ~ ethylene diamine. | epta =y = en ere@tra-aceric-acid _ Co ° ~ Carbonyl | Co 3 a > Carbo nato Cyo* 22 > oO xalato OHs =I 7_Hydroxo _. SON alate at JOC YOANALO oF 1 Nitro 7 a 7 = Nitrito > Igothioeyanaro + Oxidatton no - | Hifre cone]? ~_ Nagl Aire] 4 oe + | “+ E=-y X-6=-3 R=-YtE Ra-3te R=+2 - & =+3 [£0(H0)(NH3),] Io a ee 4 siome* btop a4 a eee ene Double saLt and Co-ordination Compter zo for all tong Double gait - Dissolves Completely in weber Cind 9) ves tet Ex - oe Mohw's solt = Fevoy-(NHy) a SOy- 6 HoO (F-8-3) - treater ape} Fesoy(NHy), Sy ——"+ Fat yaso2=+ an nd || Co-ordination complex ~ disvoiver Water to Form county Jon And Co-ordination complex decker | KgfFeccn)e] ———>+ 4k + [Fecenye) 9 feet CE Reng Does not ives test for al) Pong Heteroleptic Hormolepttc one CYPe OF More than one LYPE ligand of gang a Pag WS Tice Lee CoN aan | RN [eo(Hia),clal*F = 4 —H “$y TUPAC naming - HAIW AYES NAM Carton First _ ‘uy Complex NAMe + Name ligands Firgd IN alphaberteal 7 order and then mere i Wy (1) cationecomplen —hame dhe metal as itis Foy Naming metal < y (C)sAmonie Complex -add ate CuFt | Al- Aluminake Pe-Plakinae Nt-Nickelare ‘Ly - 2INCAER Cw Cuprace Au- AUTO e [pep Pervate _ ey-Chromate ord and write oS. oF meOy oman ho. In bracket LVF Name Complex 1 single wo Lotter the name oF Mera In ——_| x - ky Leetende] xis” PO Potassiumhexacyano Ferrate (I) 4 aT — esr melars, = ~~ _[“Tetraammn edibfomoplakinum (av) bromide . —|— Trioxqlato Cobalate (IN) 40 EAN (etwnve afemens) | EAN = 2-%4y xo | ~ | = atomie-o$ + Co.ord” No —\ Ho — | me ~ oN Ve Kul Fecen) s| URENTCCM)y) ———~ = 26" Os, = 1§-2+2x4 ——— Js ayHi\ y = ers =3¢ J = 34 . ORIN Care SSS tt 22 StL=6 77 —. uty [eolerae)(wHspie] 1g) — = A-@rax — ara och or 2 =36¢ cM I Unkalge I samerisn Lon igakion Ambid gntate B and. Exchange.oe tons _Teotnns) 2F REM Gg and Counter Ir ONO | Structural) ISOMeNIST ~ { pt Teotnngeatgh gn Le (a 7 yo er fal Ngand LE [eo(nhg) gi] 504 —| se iJands exchange 4 ebneial faites? p ry A te ky on Lo Se BALE OF Wetal Fon and Slat we cnny! g Valo oF Wgher Compler 1e WENE eal v gel nes vy ene, cule, yer, ey y WHT (watence ond (heorey) : Hy bridiietion magne ve character» * s Low spn Complex »Creoime °y i) Hed Vgeanet (sr) ~ NHgy en EDT, NOD HCH CO = Low spn ast aSeyv0) yoorak Fretd Nyon (wr) = ANhe agen JOH", Ho (nigh spin) iy d2gp3 = octahedral vm gpd = Tetserhedrall (ny dsp? = Sq; panna - + CFT exyseal Field theory) ~ degenerate (same energy) octahedral 1 | Tetvahedral aE EE EEE | | Speckrochemi¢al Somes 1 \\ eo> cn pea nnameDiay tind 7 en04,? OH" >EDer> prop | _—_ +|_ Applicat tons ~ st |_1} chtovophyl = mg complex Haemoglobin = Fe complex, [UE cisplatin = Cancer treatment Wy EpTA = Lead porsoning dine measuring hardness of | woter | er {apna 23 “Amines postion - perivatives OF NH3- perma Functional Group - qming =-R-NHe _Av-NHo -NHo camino TF tamine = Ratt ArtocNH and Imino seaming = R3-N Arg-N mal Nitrite. 7) common Names / TUPAC Hames . —— Hl compound Common Name Tur Ac _-+ vf @Hg-NHa Methyl amine mMekhanamine +f) Catls-NHo &chy! Omne Ethanamine -NHo- Anne Aniline. QD or avn r NH or Cyclohexy! arming Cyclohexanaminey i parent alkene a _CHa-NH-CaHt's Ethylrnethylarine N-methylethanamine, 1 (Hye NH ~CHy Dimeknysarnine N=methy! methanarimne | _ Racers iz N=methy! am Hine N-methyl aniline. CHg- N= “Trmethy amine N,N- dimethyimnethanaming, “bg 3 ys vi “i Cally Eehyl Dimeshylarmine NIN -dimetryletnanaming Hy : - Ss | pmenyaniine—_ Nankdimetiyfamine Son oe phenylmethanaming phe —— 3 phenglbutan- “A= amine. . Ou 7 Sreagantine - ———~ A "ge Diy GTavbromoamline 4 Y ’ Preparation © (chain reectton) "eAmmonolysig OR R-x. 8 >2">1° - ei ) Rox + NH —— BAH Ra-NN Ra-N ~ —— amine amine 4 Saming — [px T RynOx® Suaterneny <= (_ Tettacikylammonun Ammonium Gott hattide) YY RK +E NH3 (ote) > R- R= NHq StOPS Cue I" rings _ RxCESS Oi SPalkylhaude undergoes Uimination. CH3 cha —_ CH3- t- Br + AIC KOH ——y Chart + “Her. — ong MMs Cha ro (4obutylene) ye classmate Hb 21 J phthalimide a = mi oc won, | 7 _ ; ‘COOH RNa + A eoot +3 SS [not to be Synthes(red'= 3amine QWamine aromatieamine| —H J 5 » 3) Mendius Teaction- Warernarel R-CHo-NHo R-cN + [HJ =" | _ntertie/ : cyanide | ut Reduction oF cmnde- [ LUAIHy OF ron Nojeehanol p-CHa-NN2 -e- Convertf to CHa 3 = — te removey Brat KOH a Hofmann bromdedegevadation R-NHo Gay | phase = eS P> at>it> NH3 Solution phase - as V 77 NH3 ___Prtyl arming ¢ alky! aming, —— Reackions - Ir HoFfmanns exhaustive alkylation - Same as hat of ammonolysts - [ip HoFFmann's elimmatton ~ Quaternory ammonium galt having H o. eS | cng] J ons] MOISE, pee a 8 | Aga chy * CH3 ; CH=CH, + N-CHg r r alkene. CH3 [ess Substituted alkene SSF Worfmann’s earbylamine bees only amme | R=NHat CHOI3 4 KoH ——> Rong | Isoeyanide ——NWa" ane (ow smen) “IVY uoith Dikrous ced - — raver aoe Wh pega oo —}-—— Ro Nhat Hos eae ier oy a —Piazonium —teoho) Salt mf Ahphatic amine =NHg—6H Ho. Noro tHe! + HNO, a - —_gemene dicrontum chloride ( (stable) ~ - ~cul/Hel +o _ cusr/Her, 2° — + CTI —rRACHON cu BY fy + _ 9 Cu] Hel cr} Gaktermann a + San KL S; a 1 4 | Hao ie a [ | HgPOy /CaHsoH Ba —1 Ato Coupling reactions - Diaronium Salt + orney aroMmaXic Tompound a = Ou = WSs Or weet & por € 7 NeN-X oo) I - _p=hydrory A pemene, __-_(etunge dye) 4 Set ia Se a pramino aro bemene, z (yer dye)

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