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March 14, 2023; 5:30-6:50 p.m.
pp.41-42, “A Leader’s Guide to Knowledge Management” by the Girards

Purposes of KM
The purpose of the Knowledge Management process is to share
perspectives, ideas, experience and information; to ensure that these
are available in the right place at the right time to enable informed
decisions; and to improve efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover

The objectives of Knowledge Management include the following:

• Improve the quality of management decision-making by ensuring

that reliable and secure knowledge, information and data is available
through the service lifecycle

• Enable the service provider to be more efficient and improve quality

of service, increase satisfaction and reduce the cost of service by
reducing the need to rediscover knowledge

• Ensure that staff have a clear and common understanding of the

value that their services provide to customers and the ways in which
benefits are realized from the use of those services

• Maintain a Service Knowledge Management System (SKMS) that

provides controlled access to knowledge, information and data that is
appropriate for each audience

• Gather, analyze, store, share, use and maintain knowledge,

information and data throughout the service provider organization

Lifted from

Top 5 Reasons Why Knowledge
Management is Necessary
/ Blog / By Matteo Colombi

“Knowledge management” is a concept originating in the 1990s, when

academics (primarily Nonaka, Takeuchi and Davenport) developed the
idea of this new discipline. One of knowledge management’s key
objectives is to use company practices and technologies to leverage
corporate knowledge.

Traditional knowledge management systems are focused on the ability

to capture knowledge in centralized systems and make it available at a
later date. However, this first step had so little success that at the
beginning of the new millennium knowledge management seemed left
for dead.

But the advent of Enterprise 2.0 (2006) has given new life to
knowledge management thanks to the shift the focus from the
“knowledge” itself to the individuals who hold, share and use it. In
some ways the new practices and technologies introduced by
enterprise social collaboration have distorted the perspective of how to
leverage employee knowledge through a new model of creating,
sharing and using knowledge. This “network” effect has allowed us to
connect people with the purpose of sharing knowledge, making that
knowledge more easily accessible.

Thus, a new era opened for knowledge management through the

“knowledge-sharing” and “collaboration” movements.

As pointed out by Emanuele Quintarelli in his post:

“By participating in a collaborative ecosystem of knowledge, in a single
gesture organizations for the first time are able to accelerate not only
their learning skills, but also their efficiency, innovation and agility.”

But let’s get to the point. What are the reasons why knowledge
management is necessary?

Below I list the 5 most important reasons I believe that knowledge

management is needed within an organization:

1. Speed up access to information and knowledge

In his famous quote, Lew Platt, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, once

said: “If HP knew what HP knows, we would be three times more

In other words, knowledge management makes it easier to find the

information or the people who hold the information you need. It
increases efficiency and productivity and allows you to work better,
reducing the tendency to “reinvent the wheel.”

2. Improve decision-making processes

Employees can improve the quality and speed of decision-making by

accessing the knowledge of the entire organization when they need it.
When making decisions, enterprise collaboration tools facilitate the

access to opinions and experiences of different people, which may
contribute additional perspectives to the choices made.

3. Promote innovation and cultural change

Enable and encourage the sharing of ideas, collaboration and access to

the latest information. Knowledge management enables individuals to
stimulate innovation and the cultural changes needed to evolve the
organization and meet changing business needs.

4. Improve the efficiency of an organization’s operating units and

business processes

With faster access to information and resources across the

organization, knowledge workers can act quickly. A study conducted
by McKinsey & Co. in November 2011, wherein more than 4,200
executives were interviewed worldwide, showed that the use of social
collaboration technologies has improved business processes and the
organization’s performance in general.

5. Increase customer satisfaction

The sharing of knowledge and cross-collaboration help to increase the

value offered to customers. The organization is able to give faster
answers or shorten the time it takes to improve a product or service.

According to a study by Gartner (2014, Knowledge Management Will

Transform CRM Customer Service, behind a paywall), improving
access to contextual knowledge by an employee or a client reduces the
time that a provider requires to give an answer by 20-80 percent,
increasing customer satisfaction. Also, an organization can reduce the
cost of customer support by 25 percent or more, when using
appropriate knowledge management activities.

Of course, in this context, technology plays a very important role: it
must not be perceived simply as an enabling tool, but as a driver for
new collaborative practices and sharing of knowledge.

Modern business communication and collaboration solutions are

limited at times to include the latest trendy features, often following
the trends coming from the consumer world.

In fact, after the enterprise social networking trend, currently we are

witnessing the advent of “corporate chat,” following the success of
consumer apps such as WeChat and WhatsApp. Organizations
considering the adoption of new communication and collaboration
tools must also define their product strategy with respect to knowledge
management. Because today’s conversations are tomorrow’s corporate
knowledge, if a tool fails to capture and archive these communications
as they happen, the corporate knowledge will be lost forever.

The Latin saying reads, “Scientia potentia est”—”Knowledge is power.”

But it is equally true that sharing what we know greatly increases the
power of our organizations.

Lifted from


Group Activity
Group yourselves into twos or threes, depending upon the
industry you choose as your target work environment.
Each group is going to present a set of tools and techniques
used in KM, based on the APO KM manual uploaded in
Google Drive. We will draw lots to determine the topics
assigned to each group. We will begin the presentations on
Thursday, March 16, 2023.
(drawing of lots)
After drawing lots, list your group name, and group members
on ¼ sheet of paper, and include the topics ‘won’ by you.
Indicate as well if you are the lucky group to present first.


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