ELS Module 1

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SHS 1111

Earth and Life Science

Week 1
Module 1 : Origin and Structure of the Earth
Lecture Notes

Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbour life. Our planet has molten
nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the
atmosphere, shields us from harmful radiation coming from the Sun. In this module, you
will understand why this planet is called the “living planet”.
Check point:
The universe is very vast. Our solar system is at the tail of the Milky Way Galaxy. From
the previous concepts learned, identify the planets in the solar system in the given
Out of all the planets in the solar system, Earth is very much different from all other plants.
What makes our planet different?
What Makes a Planet Habitable?
If you answered that the Earth is the only planet that is capable of sustaining life, you are
correct. But what conditions make a planet capable of sustaining life?

Factors Not Enough of Just Right Too Much of the Situation in the Solar
that make the Factor System
a Planet Factor

TemperatureLow Life seems to be At about 125oC, Surface: only the

influences temperatures limited to a protein and Earth’s surface is in this
how quicklycause chemicals temperature carbohydrate temperature range.
atoms and to react slowly, range of -15oC molecules, and the Sub-surface: the
molecules which interferes to 115oC. In this genetic material interior of the solid
move. with the reactions range, liquid (e.g., DNA and planets and moons
necessary for life. water can still RNA) start to break may be in this
It can also cause exist under apart. Also, high temperature range.
the freezing of certain temperatures cause
water, making conditions. the quick
liquid water evaporation of
unavailable. water.
Atmosphere Small planets and Earth and Venus’s Of the solid planets and
moons have Venus are the atmosphere is moons, only Earth,
insufficient right size to 100 times thicker Venus, and Titan have
gravity to hold an hold a sufficient than Earth’s. It is significant
atmosphere. The atmosphere. made almost atmospheres. Mars’
gas molecules Earth’s entirely of atmosphere is about
escape to space, atmosphere is greenhouse 1/100th that of Earth’s,
leaving the about 100 miles gasses, making too small for significant
planet or moon thick. It keeps the surface too hot insulation or shielding.
without an the surface for life. The four
insulating warm and giant planets are
blanket or a protects it from completely made
protective shield. radiation and of gas.
small- to
Energy When there is too With a steady Light energy is a Surface: The inner
little sunlight or input problem if it makes planets get too much
too few of the of either light or a planet too hot or sunlight for life. The
chemicals that chemical if there are too outer planets get too
provide energy to energy, cells many harmful rays, little.
cells, such as iron can run the such as ultraviolet.
chemical Too many energy-
or sulfur, reactions rich chemicals is Sub-surface: Most solid
organisms die. necessary for not a problem planets and moons
life. have energy-rich

Nutrients Without All solid planets Too many Surface: Earth has a
used to chemicals to and moons nutrients are not a water cycle, an
build and make proteins have the same problem. However, atmosphere, and
maintain an and general too active a volcanoes to circulate
organism’s carbohydrates, chemical circulation system, nutrients. Venus, Titan,
body. organisms makeup, so such as the Io, and Mars have
cannot grow. nutrients are constant volcanism
nutrients and ways to
Planets without present. Those on Jupiter’s moon,
circulate them to
systems to with a water Io, or the churning
deliver nutrients cycle or atmospheres of organisms.
to its organisms volcanic the gas planets, Sub-surface: Any
(e.g., a water activity can interferes with an planet or moon with
cycle or volcanic transport and organism’s ability sub-surface water or
activity) cannot replenish the to get enough molten rock can
support life. Also, chemicals nutrients. circulate and replenish
when nutrients required by nutrients for
are spread so living organisms
thin that they are organisms.
hard to obtain,
such as on a gas
planet, life
cannot exist.
Factors that make a planet habitable. National Science Foundation, n,d.http://www.lpi.usara.edu/education/explore/our_place/hab_ref_table.pdf

What are the Unique Characteristics of Earth?

Earth is a unique planet. It is the only planet capable of sustaining life because of the right
combination of elements, molecules and ions that react under the right physical conditions
to make up the processes supportive to life. It has an atmosphere that serves as a
thermostat that is necessary to regulate its surface temperature. It also contains the right
amount of liquid water and oxygen that serve as essential compounds needed in the
biological processes such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Earth’s scientists
describe this planet as a life support system. It is in the perfect location in the solar
system. The mechanism of its rotation and revolution are well-synchronized to bring about
changes in the weather and climate. Its tilt relative to the orbital plane promotes seasons
as we know it.
Earth’s Location
Earth is the third planet in the solar system. It is considered to be one of the inner planets
next to Venus. Its distance from the sun is about 93 million miles and it takes about 500
seconds for sunlight to reach the earth’s surface. This distance from the sun is enough to
support life. As we learned in our previous science lessons, the producers, or organisms
that manufacture their own food utilize the energy from the sun and convert it into
chemical energy that marks the beginning of food chains and complex food webs. Below
is the chemical equation called photosynthesis which utilizes solar energy, converting it
into food that will be made available to life forms. The distance between earth and sun is
strategic enough to put this essential chemical equation to work.
If the earth had been too close to the sun, its surface would have been dry and lifeless
just like mercury and Venus. If it had been too far like Uranus and Neptune, it would have
been cold and dark. Earth’s tactical location also prevents it from planetary collisions. The
fact that Jupiter, the biggest planet in the solar system is our neighbor puts planet earth
in an advantage as far as life is taken into consideration. Between Mars and Jupiter are
asteroid belts. Since Jupiter is so massive, its gravity is so strong that it pulls asteroids
and other space debris towards itself, warding it away from the earth.
Earth’s Atmosphere
The atmosphere is the gaseous layer that envelops the earth. It regulates the planet’s
surface temperature. Most of the element that makes up the atmosphere is nitrogen
(about 78%). If we compare the earth to an apple, the atmosphere is relatively the size of
its peel. However, due to its cooling mechanisms, it protects the living things to be directly
affected with harmful radiation.
Photodissociation is the process by which ozone molecules (O3) in the stratosphere is
broken down (decomposition reaction) into elemental oxygen (O) and diatomic oxygen
(O2) as it absorbs high energy solar radiation and then convert it into low energy radiation.
This way, harmful high-energy radiation will not go directly into the earth’s surface.
Earth’s Size and Mass
The size of the earth also plays a vital role in keeping its life support system afloat. The
size of a planet is directly related to its gravitational pull. The acceleration due to gravity
helps the planet maintain its atmosphere. If the earth had been bigger than it is, its gravity
would have been stronger to the point of not keeping an atmosphere around it. If it had
been too small on the other hand, it would not have been able to sustain a gaseous layer
since its gravity is too weak. Earth interacts gravitationally with the sun. Its gravity as a
result of its mass, also keeps the moon along its orbit. The moon, as the only natural
satellite of Earth, plays a vital role in the existence of all life forms.
Earth’s Magnetic Field
Our planet is a big ball of magnet. Its geographic north serves as its magnetic south and
its geographic south serves as its magnetic north. The region around earth that is
dominated by magnetic field is called magnetosphere which extends to about 65, 000 km
in space. Its magnetic properties are the result of its internal activities involving electric
current flowing in the molten core made possible by its rotation. The inner core is the solid
layer of the earth and is made predominantly of iron. Since it is compressed by pressure
due to earth’s gravity, it is solid in form. The outer core on the other hand, is liquid in form
and is made up predominantly of iron and nickel.
As the earth spins, the flow of liquid iron and nickel in the outer core produces electric
current, thereby producing magnetic field. The invisible magnetic field then passes
through the earth’s layer and into the space. This magnetic field shields earth from the
harmful surge of charged particles from the sun called solar winds and other space
weather. Most of the particles of solar winds cannot cross the earth because it gets
deflected by the magnetic field. Without the magnetic field, earth would have been as hot
and lifeless as Mars.
Presence of Water
Life as we know it, is impossible without a biologically essential compound called water
(H2O). Three fourths of the Earth’s surface are covered with water. Scientists have found
out that there are other planets of the universe that contain water. However, this
compound may exist as ice or vapor alone. On earth however, water exists as gas forming
clouds, as liquid in the form of oceans and lakes and as solid in the form ice caps. This is
due to hydrologic cycle. Earth has the right amount of water to keep its habitability. Water
has a cooling effect due to its heat capacity. It has the capacity to absorb heat without
raising its own temperature. As a result, life on earth will be benefited by the cooling effect
of water.
Comparing the Earth with Other Planets


Mass (1024kg) 4.87 5.97 0.642
Diameter (km) 12,104 12,756 6792
Density (kg/m3) 5243 5514 3933
Gravity (m/s2) 8.9 9.8 3.7
Escape Velocity (km/s) 10.4 11.2 5
Surface pressure (bars) 92 1 0.01
Composition of atmosphere 96% CO2, 77%N, 21% O2, 95%CO2, 2.7%N,
3.5% N 1%Ar 1.6%Ar
Major Greenhouse Gases(GHG) CO2 CO2 H2O CO2
Mean Temperature (0C) 464 15 -65
Temperature if no greenhouse -46 -18 -57
gases are present
Changes in Temperature (0C) +523 +33 +10
due to greenhouse gases
Distance from the Sun (106km) 108.2 149.6 227.9
Orbital Period (days) 224.7 365.2 687
Orbital Velocity (km/s) 35 29.8 24.1
Length of day (hours) 2802 24 24.7
Global Magnetic Field No Yes No
Comparison of the features of Venus, Earth, and Mars (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2015)

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