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5E Lesson Plan Template


Your name orCooperating  Joshua Eldreth

teacher name (if needed)

Date(s) taught  Apr 6, 2023

Subject  Physical Education

Grade level 4th Grade

Materials Balls (football/baseball/softball/tennis balls/plyo ball) Radar

gun/stopwatch/iPad/tripod/towels/net/cones/Diamond kinetics ball

Standards (State and ISTE

Standards for Students)
Physical Education Standard 4-1.8

Objectives Throw underhand and overhand to a partner or target for accuracy and distance.

Differentiation Strategies The students will begin the lesson with a power point presented by the teacher. The teacher will use
the power point to teach the lesson. During the presentation, the teacher will use verbal, audio, visual
and kinesthetic instructions during the presentation to teach throwing.
After the presentation, each student will go different stations. During these stations the students will
spend time learning how to throw the different type of balls kinesthetically.
Each station will present a different challenge. The lesson will accommodate all skill levels and
learning styles.
After each student rotates from station to station, we will present them with a powerpoint summary
of what we discussed, this will include audio and visual instruction to help summarize the lesson.
After class students can volunteer to do extra work with the teacher to help improve their throwing,
using video and Diamond Kinetics ((489) diamond kinetics - YouTube} to create a
presentation. Using the video will allow the students to assess their throwing visually.

The 5 Es

E Description

Engageme During this phase, the students will be presented the lesson through a PowerPoint. In the power point there will be
nt video examples of throwing. During this phase, the students will follow along with the teacher on each slide. The
slides will include, safety, warmups, top half throwing, bottom half throwing, drills we will explore and what extra
work they can do.
After the power point presentation, we will move to the exploration stage by splitting the group into four groups.
PowerPoint see link below

Engageme I will assess their engagement by their energy and focus on the tasks during the power point. I will frequently ask
Assessmen question to make sure the students are engaged. We will also assess the student’s engagement based on the warm up.

Exploratio During this phase, the students will separate into stations.
n Station 1- Towel drills- Each student will go over the three drills mentioned in the presentation. Teachers will video
tape to use for later evaluation.
Station 2- Throwing drills with plyo balls against the wall. The teacher will use a stopwatch to see how quick the
students can throw the ball accurately against the wall. Each student will go over the three drills mentioned in the
Station 3- Radar gun station- At this station, the students will use a radar gun to assess their throwing velocity. The
teacher will watch the radar to see how hard the students are throwing each ball.
Station 4- Diamond Kinetics station- At this station, the students will use a Diamond kinetics ball to see how fast
they can throw. The diamond kinetics ball will present them with a plethora of data about their throwing.
Session summary below

Exploratio We will assess them using video. The feedback from the radar gun, stopwatch and diamond kinetics ball.

Explanatio Post work highlight video with players throwing. Showing the final product of what a throwing motion may look
n like. The presentation will help the teacher summarize the lesson and what we went over for the throwing lesson.
During this time students will be getting ready to go back to their class. We will try and briefly summarize what we
went over and how to continue to make there throwing better.
Explanatio After summarizing the lesson, we will present another presentation, during the presentation we will show video of
n the throwing motion in full speed. We will ask the students if they have any questions. We will also use some videos
Assessmen from the students themselves. We will watch the videos and use them to help students learn from each other. We will
t assess the students based on their engagement during this process.

Elaboratio Hand out/video creation/progress video

Evaluation Rubric for student created product.
The students do not receive a letter grade in Physical Education. We will base the grade for this assignment strictly
on effort, this assignment will be an extra assignment and is not required.

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