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Please write your answers in about 120 words.

Question 1

Do you think that the first two sisters who went to the wood are good people? In your opinion, what are

the things that we must not do to other people, in order for us to lead a happy life?

Based on the story, I can see that the first two sisters who went to the woods are not a good people. The
two sisters were given the opportunity to stay in the house for a while because it was already dark, and
they could not see the way back home. But in return, the two sisters have to cook something for the
beasts and the old man but unfortunately the two sisters were being selfish. They only think about
themselves who are already hungry. They do not think of the beasts at all. In my opinion, the things that
we must not do to other people in order for us to lead a happy life is that we should not be selfish towards
other people. Someone who is selfish cares only about themselves and doesn’t consider others. We don’t
know what other people around us are going through. Sometimes they have more unfortunate fate than
us so we should always be kind to others. Acts of kindness help us to demonstrate a positive identity and
make us feel proud of ourselves. Someone might remember that you helped them out last time and
therefore will be more likely to help you when you need it most. It could also be that one person being
kind causes a ripple effect and makes others in the group kinder, which lifts everyone’s spirits. Other than
that, we are not supposed to treat the beasts so bad. Animals also have the right to live in this world. Plus,
they won’t hurt us at all if we’re being kind to them.

Question 2

In your own words, explain why the third daughter had a better fate than her two sisters. What can we

learn from her?

From my point of view, I can see that the third daughter had a better fate because she’s a good person
and has a different personality and a good attitude rather than her two sisters. Even though at that time,
the third daughter was feeling very hungry, she still thinking about the other people around her. She was
willing to give her food to the beasts because they had no food to eat at that time. (76) From that, we can
learn a lot from her because she shows a good example to emulate and follow. One of them is that we
should always be kind and think positively. It’s really simple. Whenever we do a good deed for a person,
the overwhelming feeling of happiness is simply inevitable. We feel good because we are the reason
behind someone’s smile. That feeling triggers the release of the happy hormones which help us achieve
that natural high. This chain reaction makes us happier and more fulfilled.

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