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PSYC 1002 (E & N) Application Assignment – Stress and Coping

For this application assignment, you will be completing a short assessment of perceived stress
and reflecting on the sources of stress in your life using concepts from the class.
Part 1: Complete the Perceived Stress Scale found here: Docs\Percieved Stress Scale.pdf (
and answer the following questions:
1. What is your total score and the corresponding perceived stress level?
2. Is your calculated perceived stress level consistent with your expectations? Explain why
or why not.

Part 2: Answer the following questions making reference to concepts from the course.
*Note: For these 3 questions, you need to use references when referring to the content in your
textbook – in text citations and an APA-format reference page are required.
1. Your textbook identifies a variety of causes associated with stress. Review the cause and
choose 2 that you feel have a significant impact on your current perceived stress levels.
What are these causes and how are they related to the stress you are experiencing? Make
sure you provide concrete examples and make clear connections with the course content
(e.g., The textbook states that X is a common cause of stress… this is relevant to how I
am feeling, because…).

2. Your textbook identifies a variety of negative health outcomes associated with stress.
Which of negative outcomes are most concerning to you? Choose 2 and explain.

3. Your textbook identifies a variety of coping mechanisms that people can use to attempt to
manage stress. Which coping mechanisms are, or would be (if you aren’t currently using
any) most helpful to you to help you manage your stress? Choose 2 and explain.

Assignment Formatting and length:

- No title page required
- Double-spaced, 12-pt standard font
- APA format for in-text citations and reference page
- 1000-1500 words
Grading Rubric

Criteria Marks Earned

Part 1 (3 marks) /3
- Total score provided
- Interpretation of total score (category) provided
- Explanation provided
Part 2 (12 marks) /12
- 2 causes of stress from the textbook identified
- Examples of how these 2 causes are affecting stress levels provided
- 2 negative health outcomes from the textbook identified
- Examples of why these 2 outcomes are most relevant to you
- 2 ways to manage stress from textbook identified
- Examples of why you think these 2 coping mechanisms would be
Writing & Referencing (5 marks) /5
- In-text citations (APA format) provided for citing material from
- APA reference page
- Assignment is grammatically correct, edited, clear, and concise
- Assignment is appropriate length (point deducted for too short/long)
Late? If yes, -10% per day or part of day
Total: /20
(= /6%)

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