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use TAB-key to enter feet, inches and pounds [meter & kilogram are computed values]

feet 5
inches 6 1.68 meter

pounds 160 72.6 kilogram

Your BMI is 25.8 kg/m2

Optimal weight ranges between 123 pounds and 154 pounds

A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight

A BMI less than 20 may be reported as lean
A BMI range between 20 and 25 is considered 'normal'
A BMI of 25 or more is considered overweight
A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese (class I)
A BMI of 35 or more is considered morbidly obese (class II)
A BMI of 40 or more is considered extremely obese (class III)

from: National Institutes of Health: Clinical Guidelines on the

Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight
and Obesity in Adults. Bethesda (MD), June 1998.
The 'Body Mass Index' (BMI) is based on the scientific principle that the body surface area can
be approximated by squaring the height (in meters). The BMI, in turn, is an expression of weight
per square meter of body surface. The leaner the person, the lower is the BMI. Conversely,
the heftier the person, the greater is the BMI. An adult BMI of 25 is considered the norm.

The BMI calculator@ is a standard Excel worksheet that converts height (in feet and inches) and
weight (in pounds) to metric units of height (meter) and weight (kilogram). The metric units then
are entered into the BMI calculating algorithm according to the formula: BMI = weight/(height) 2

Out in the field, the BMI can be approximated by dividing the weight in pounds by the height
in inches (1 foot = 12 inches), then dividing that value once again by the height in inches,
and multiplying the resultant decimal fraction by the number 703. That is, when using a calculator:
BMI = {pounds/(inches)2}x703 Note well that the optimal BMI for children varies with age.

The BMI calculator@ is a 'protected' Excel program that makes only the 3 cells for data entry
accessible to the user. The easiest way to move between the data entry cells is with the 'Tab'
key. [To move backwards between the 3 cells, hold down the 'Shift' key while pressing 'Tab'.]
Should the cursor come to rest in a cell other than a data entry cell after initial program loading,
simply press the 'Tab' key and the cursor will jump directly to the first data entry cell. The selected
cell's name -- I.e., feet, inches or pounds -- appears in the 'Name box' of the worksheet formula bar.
Should you wish to alter other cells in the worksheet, select the contents and unprotect the sheet.
If feet and/or inches are entered incorrectly, #ERR! appears in the BMI cell (division by 0 warning).

Although the BMI calculator@ uses ordinary Excel formulas, thus neither uses nor needs macro's,
a warning box for macro's (if enabled) may pop up when loading the program. The BMI calculator @
program has been virus checked (and does NOT contain macro's) and will operate just fine when the
'Disable Macro's' button is pressed in the macro-warning dialog box.

As cell A1 (top left cell) contains brief instructions and the copyright comment, it is flagged with a red
dot in the upper right corner -- move the cursor to cell A1 (and wait a moment) to read the comment.

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