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Truong Thi Hoa, Ph.

D 1
1. Preparing data for analysis
2. Descriptive statistics
3. Inferential statistics
4. Testing measurement scales
5. Testing research model and hypotheses

4.1. Testing the reliability of the measures
Cronbach’s Alpha
4.2. Testing the validity of the measures
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

Reliability of measurements: the consistency of a concept.
-> Cronbach’s Alpha is used to assess the internal
consistency (reliability) of a set of scale
! ∑$
!"# %%
𝛼 = (!"#)(1 − %'&

k: number of scale items
𝜎&'! : variance associated with item i
𝜎(' : variance associated with the observed total scores

There must be at least three items (observed variables) of a
measure to calculate Cronbach’s alpha.
Results of reliability tests (Cronbach’s alpha) -> which observed
variables should be dropped and which ones should be kept
𝛼 ≥ 0.6: the measurement scale is acceptable
0.8 ≥ 𝛼 ≥ 0.7: the measure measurement scale is good

Keep the items with Corrected item – Total correlation (hệ số tương
quan biến tổng hiệu chỉnh) ≥ 0.3

Working with SPSS
Analyze → Scale → Reliability Analysis
For example: open file giatridichvudaotao.sav

Working with SPSS
Analyze → Scale → Reliability Analysis

𝛼 = 0.695
-> acceptable

keep all items

Working with SPSS
Analyze → Scale → Reliability Analysis
For example: open file testmeasure.sav

Working with SPSS
Analyze → Scale → Reliability Analysis
For example: open file testmeasure.sav

𝛼 < 0.6
-> need to drop some

First, exclude this item and rerun the test

Working with SPSS
Analyze → Scale → Reliability Analysis
For example: open file testmeasure.sav

𝛼 > 0.6
-> acceptable

exclude this

Working with SPSS
Analyze → Scale → Reliability Analysis
For example: open file testmeasure.sav

-> good

Keep these four items

A large number of observed variables (items) are collected
for analysis and most of them are related
-> need to reduce the number of variable and summarize
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA): used to reduce data to
smallest set of summary variables

Source: Watkins (2018) 12

Statistical indicators
The KMO and Bartlett test
KMO (1 ≥ 𝐾𝑀𝑂 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 ≥ 0): Whether it is suitable to proceed with
Factor analysis
- KMO value ≥ 0.5 -> Acceptable to proceed with factor analysis
(higher value means the data is more suitable)

Bartlett test: whether measured variables are intercorrelated

- Significant chi-squared value of Bartlett test (sig. < 0.05)
-> acceptable (measured variables are sufficiently intercorrelated to
justify the factors)
Source: Watkins (2018); Hoàng Trọng & Chu Nguyễn Mộng Ngọc (2008) 13
Statistical indicators
Eigenvalue: used to estimate the optimum number of factors to obtain
Eigenvalue > 1: the factor should be kept

Source: Watkins (2018); Hoàng Trọng & Chu Nguyễn Mộng Ngọc (2008) 14
Statistical indicators
Factor loading: correlations between common factors and measured
variables (1 ≥ 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 ≥ −1)
Factor loading ≥ 0.3: minimum (sample size ≥ 350)
Factor loading ≥ 0.4: important
Factor loading ≥ 0.5: meaningful (sample size around 100)
Factor loading ≥ 0.75: meaningful (sample size around 50)

Differences in factor loading between factors should be not lower than


Source: Watkins (2018); Hoàng Trọng & Chu Nguyễn Mộng Ngọc (2008) 15
Statistical indicators
Total variance explained: The extent to that the factors be able to
explain total variance
Total variance explained ≥ 0.5: acceptable
Total variance explained ≥ 0.6: good

Source: Watkins (2018); Hoàng Trọng & Chu Nguyễn Mộng Ngọc (2008) 16
Working with SPSS
open file: testmeasure.sav
Analyze -> Dimension Reduction -> Factor

Working with SPSS
open file: testmeasure.sav
Analyze -> Dimension Reduction -> Factor

Working with SPSS
open file: testmeasure.sav
Analyze -> Dimension Reduction -> Factor

Three important tables


Can proceed with

KMO value > 0.5 factor analysis

p-value (sig.) < 0.05

measured variables are

sufficiently intercorrelated
to justify the factors

Should keep the
first two factors
(eigenvalue > 1)
Total variance
explained (Tổng
phương sai trích)

The first factor is able to explain

35.957% of the variance and the second
one is able to explain 30.214% of


Three variables (lam trang rang,

lam hoi tho thom tho, lam rang
trang bong hon) are substantially
loaded by Factor 1

Name and label factors

Name and label factors based on set of variables that have high
absolute values of factor loading (≥ 0.5)

Factor scores

We can apply the results of factor analysis as new factor score for
further analysis: as independent variable in regression analysis to test
the research model and hypotheses

Source: Watkins (2018); Hoàng Trọng & Chu Nguyễn Mộng Ngọc (2008) 23
Save factors as variables for further analysis
Regression method

Fi = Wí1 X 1 + Wí 2 X 2 + Wí 3 X 3 +...+Wík X k
Fi: Factor score of factor i,
( i = 1, m) with: m is the number of factors extracted as results of EFA.
Wik: factor score coefficient
Xk : variables

§ Hoàng Trọng và Chu Nguyễn Mộng Ngọc. (2008). Phân tích dữ liệu nghiên cứu với
SPSS. NXB Hồng Đức.
§ Watkins, M. W. (2018). Exploratory Factor Analysis: A Guide to Best Practice. Journal
of Black Psychology, 44(3), 219–246.


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