Chapter6-Writing Project Report

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Truong Thi Hoa, Ph.

Structure of a research report
Table of content
List of abbreviations
List of tables and figure
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature review
Chapter 3: Research method
Chapter 4: Research results
Chapter 5: Conclusion
§ Reason to choose the research topic
§ Research objective and questions
- Overall objective
- Specific aims
- Research questions
- Research object
§ Research subject and scope
§ Research method
§ Structure of the report
- Theoretical foundation
- Short summaries of some related studies that have been used to
construct research model, hypotheses and measures.
- A matrix that show related studies in which the factors (variables)
have been proved valid.
- Research model and hypotheses
Model (in form of a diagram).
Independent variables, dependent variable
Research hypotheses
- Research process
- The construction of measures and design of the questionnaire
- Sampling and collecting data
- Steps of quantitative analysis
Preparing data for analysis
Preliminary statistics analysis
Testing the reliability and validity of measures
Testing the reliability of measurement scales (Cronbach’s Alpha)
Exploratory Factor analysis (EFA)
Testing the research model and hypotheses
Showing research results
- Preliminary statistics analysis (Mainly descriptive statistics results)
- Testing the reliability and validity of measures

Testing the reliability of measurement scales (Cronbach’s Alpha)

Exploratory Factor analysis (EFA)
- Testing the research model and hypotheses

Model fit
Violation of assumption
Testing research hypotheses
§ Some conclusions: summarize the study and show some
key findings
§ Limitations of the study
§ Some suggestions
Style: APA (Following instructions of Faculty of Economics)
§ Questionnaire
§ Result tables from SPSS
- Font: Time New Roman, size: 13
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Align: A4 page
top: 2,5cm
bottom: 3 cm
left: 2,5cm
right: 2 cm
- Page number: middle, top
- Number of tables, figures:
Example: Table number 1 of Chapter 2 -> Table 2.1
Figure number 2 of Chapter 2 -> Figure 2.2.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
- Number of tables, figures:
Example: Table number 1 of Chapter 2 -> Table 2.1
Figure number 2 of Chapter 2 -> Figure 2.2.
Title of tables: above the tables
Title of figure: below the figures
Must indicate the references of Tables and Figures
Example: other sources -> Nguồn: citation
create by research group -> Nguồn: Tính toán của các tác giả
- Decimal point: Vietnamese style: use “,” not “.”

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