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What are the conclusions from my research study

The state of our consumption habits in this day and age respond to the understandings of the
binaries of structural anthropology. They tend to deviate towards a highly indulgent or a highly
denied consumption of a commodity, leading to a high polarization of consumption practices. This
process of polarized consumption practices are instigated by the attitude that brings man at the
center of worldly delights (garden of earthly delights), The capitalist system and their proprietor feed
off this desire of the human, create a persona of the consumer

The world ideologies have shifted to keeping the consumer at the center of all things a long time
back. But the architecture and urbanism have yet to catch up to the never ending desires of the
consumer. These discourses have create a discourse of the consumer in a state as pure as the
modern movement.

In this new city, the architecture is dictated by the consumer’s whims and in turn the consumer
transforms into its purest form, both existing in a flux. The thesis calls this purified version of the
consumer as ‘THE NEW CONSUMER’. The ideal city of the consumer would the instant city of the
‘new consumer’. The city can be imagined where the consumer identity takes the forefront and rest
all is shunned. The city transforms in terms of it ideologies, socio-economic conflicts, communal
attitudes, and aspirations and expectation. It slowly becomes this place called the ‘CONSUMER CITY’.
This thesis animates this eminent future of the cities and spaces of consumption.

Malls are the response to the demand of convenience to shop in a single place all at once. They
came at the time of large disposable incomes, the advent of automobiles and creation of large lands
of suburbia’s. Today, malls are places of experiential value and they have grown to serve for
shopping and as an amusement park. But, in a post economic crisis and post pandemic world, these
‘monuments of conspicuous consumption’ are shutting down. This ironical situation creates a
curiosity, if it is possible to reimagine a dead mall in a consumer’s city? What if the mall becomes
mothership of consumption in this newly formed consumer’ city? This thesis would like to imagine,
fantsize and dream about this concentrations of consumption. (principle 6)

In creating the consumer’s city and the mall, the architect’s role becomes to serve the client – the
consumer – the best of their abilities. They have to ensure the sustenance of the consumption
process and also speculate possible threats to it.

The architect creates this hetrotopia that seems to be the perfect for desires and fantasies to exist,
but eventually slips into a world of scarcity and turmoil.

Keeping this future in mind, the thesis want to start to challenging the very acceptable ways of
consumption by exaggeration them. In this way, the consumer who believes in their novelty
eventually realizes its sins. And then what, then the cries of environmentalist and activities can be
heard more clearly. The thesis wants to speed up the process to regret and awareness, before the
dooms day arrive, so that something can be done about it.
The design would respond to various stages of the consumer’s conversion to a new consumer. It
would trick and keep the consumer consuming while also remediating the problems it creates. It
becomes a center of consumption which wishes its own doom someday. An ironic temple of sorts.
And once, this post consumption world has been achieved, it demises in the dust.

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