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Name: Alaa Hamed

Your placement SMART Goal Plan: Goal # 1 of 2

Throughout my learning in the course of field placement, we are required to

S do our resume for an EA position resume. My aim for this semester is to
accomplish the goal of doing a professional resume that addresses my
education and all my field experiences. Specifically, I would like to increase
my knowledge about how to do a resume that suits any position I will apply
for in the future.
A professional resume is key to guaranteeing a personal interview for the

I will be able to measure my success once I acquire the proper knowledge

M about writing a professional resume by applying all the steps from my
professor and from a pre-employment program that supports doing a perfect
My evidence will be my final resume for an EA position.

To do my resume, I will first see the steps provided in my course materials

A and watch the recorded virtual meeting that explains the steps of the resume
along with my notes. Then reach out to my professor or the pre-employment
presenter for further support if needed. I will start my resume with my true
personal information on the top of the paper which will be the biggest font
in the resume. I will include my qualifications that highlight my knowledge.
After that, my education from most recent to least with field experiences.
Moreover, include any relevant certificates or courses I have earned. I will
finally review it with my professor to get feedback if it misses any
additional information or steps.

One of the possible barriers that may prevent my achievement to do my

R professional resume is that the English language. English is my second
spoken language, I might have to write vocabulary or phrases that are not
formal or professional to be included or might have grammar and spelling
errors in my resume. I could overcome this barrier by pre-briefing or
reviewing the draft of the resume before writing the final of it or using
grammar and spelling check like Grammarly to fix any errors might be

I will be aiming this goal starting from January 16, 2023, and concluding on
T April 19, 2023.
Your placement SMART Goal Plan: Goal # 2 of 2

S In my placement, I was placed with a student who is diagnosed with ASD, a

developmental disability, and Angelman Syndrome. He has difficulties with
speaking as he is a non-verbal student.
I would like to accomplish a goal that is based on his disability. Specifically, I
intend to gain enough knowledge about the strategies for supporting
nonverbal students. Creating a communication board or practicing sign
language is very essential for EAs to be able to communicate and support
the students who are nonverbal.

I will be able to measure my success once I acquire the proper knowledge

M about the strategies such as communication boards or teaching sign
language that I could use to support students with verbal disabilities.
My evidence will be creating a board that contains some core vocabulary for
sign language.

To be able to do sign language as a board to teach the student how to

A communicate with others, I need first to learn the basic request using sign
language. Then I will reach out to the teacher to learn exactly how the
student understands her. Then I will create the board according to his daily
schedule so he could learn how to communicate with others. I will include
some core and fringe vocabulary on the board. Finally, I will try to repeat
his request with the proper sign until he would be able to copy me when he
needs something.

One of the possible barriers that may prevent my achievement to practice

R my sign language with him is that I have limited knowledge and
understanding of sign language. As it would be difficult to get back to the
board or use the internet every time I need to use sign language. I could
overcome this barrier by practicing more at home and watching videos as
much as I could to be able to communicate with the student without getting
back to the board or the internet.

T I will be aiming this goal starting from January 16, 2023, and concluding on
March 21, 2023.

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