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General questions

Who is a teacher?

What qualities should a teacher have?

Is it hard or easy to be a teacher?

What possible teaching career may you have?

Describe an ideal teacher in 5 words



Teacher: academic, academician, coach, dean, educationalist, educator, governess,

headmaster, headmistress, headteacher, trainer, instructor, lecturer, lectureship,
master (TEACHER), principal, professor, professorial, professorship, reader
(TEACHER), rector, schoolteacher, tutor.

Teacher (description): a (an) energetic teacher, inborn; gifted; talented; devoted;

enthusiastic; optimistic; responsible, love, respect, trust students; enjoy your job,
be interested in what you are doing.

Teaching in general: apprentice, brief, civilize, clue sb in (phrasal verb), coach

(verb), condition (verb), didactic, disciplinary, discipline, drum sth into sb (phrasal
verb), edify, edifying, educate, education, hothouse atmosphere/environment,
inculcate, initiate (verb), instil, instruct, instruction, knock (some) sense into sb
(idiom), popularize, school (verb), show/teach sb the ropes (idiom), socialize,
special educational needs, teach sb a lesson (idiom), that'll teach sb (idiom), train,
wean sb on sth/sb (phrasal verb).

Teaching: a challenge to, have a real calling, demands great patience, have to
make quick decisions, have to devote much time to, forget about tiredness and own
problems, nothing can be compared with, an inborn teacher, can't imagine my life
without, need to give away what I've gathered, touch children's souls, nothing can
be compared with, create motivation to studying, inspire students to, encourage
them to, a teacher's happiness lies in the seeds she sows, proud of the students,
"Knowledge is like money: the more one gets, the more one craves", make
teaching the source of enjoyment, make students happy and successful in life.

Profession: to be proud of a (the) profession; to get; to study; to master; to devote

one's life to; to prepare oneself for, sacrifices his/her life for the sake of children,
devotes his/her life to educating children, touches children's hearts, brings
happiness and knowledge, leads children in the right direction etc.

I. Read the following text, prepare to discuss it in pairs. Try to argue the
disputable points, if any:

Teaching is an Art Based on Science

The purpose of a foreign language course, according to Leonard Bloomfield, is to

prepare a student for "a command of the spoken forms of the language.

This command includes the ability to speak the language fluently, accurately, and
with an acceptable approximation to a native pronunciation."

To achieve oral fluency in a learner of a language one must get the learner to speak
and to practice speaking over and over again. Agreement seems to be total about
this. Nobody would seriously suggest that the learner's writing skill be developed
to achieve the same result. Nor would anybody consider that listening alone would
bring about the miracle. However, for a discussion or conversation to be
meaningfully sustained, it is necessary for the topic or subject matter to be of
sufficient interest to the participants. This is where the skill of the teacher is
expected to be highly manifest. There will be little room for inspiration if the
teacher selects a topic that is far from the immediate social experience of the

For spontaneity, it is suggested that teachers do not come to the classroom with a
cut-and-dried topic. It is probably better to allow the class situation to determine
what to discuss.

The discussion yields more satisfactory fruit if it is based not on systematicized

turn-taking but on a brisk and discrete appreciation of the intuitive drive and the
"speaking pressure" of the learners.

Discussion, be it in the form of debate or symposium, or sheer conversation, is

often interrupted by a teacher in an understandable effort to correct errors. This
practice is, to our mind, better replaced with that of reserving comments till the end
of the lesson. Again, evaluation of the learners' performance may not be based
ongrammatical mistakes alone, but on the ease with which he finds the right word
for the right occasion, and on how he manages to fill the gap in the chain.

The task of the teacher of foreign languages is to enable the students to progress
gradually from (a) teacher/ course-book controlled utterances to (z) complete
linguistic autonomy.

Teachers should be enthusiastic about what they teach.

A good teacher will take pleasure in creating a thirst for knowledge in the children
he teaches a desire to learn more.

When the teacher enters his classroom he must make an effort to maintain a
classroom atmosphere charged with friendliness and acceptance. To deal
effectively with children the teacher must treat them like any other person: accept,
respect and try to understand their feelings. A child is not a special breed of animal
to be domesticated, civilized, and whipped into shape... The language student is not
a robot to be programmed by the teacher merely to spit out language patterns and
memorized dialogue lines.

The teacher must use more praise, teach more indirectly and allow students to
initiate more of their own ideas. A good, experienced teacher realizes that a highly
motivated, good achiever is a divergent thinker. He receives ideas, organizes and
comes up with interpretations and new ideas. He is creative. He likes to be given a
chance to think and react critically. He must be given the opportunity to make the
language he is learning his own.

Teaching is an art based on science. The best teachers are those who fully
comprehend the great mass of personal and social factors within the classroom,
then, by sensitive observations and exacting methods, construct learning
experiences which will be congruent with and moving in the same direction as
their students' expectations.

II. Answer the following questions giving your opinion on the problems raised in
the text:

1. What do we learn when we learn a language? 2. Must the teacher make an effort
to maintain a classroom atmosphere charged with friendliness and acceptance, or,
rather, be strict and unapproachable? 3. To what efforts must the teacher resort to
sustain a discussion meaningful? 4. Why is it suggested that teacher do not come to
the classroom with a cut-and-dried topic? 5. How should a teacher correct
mistakes? 6. What is the task of the teacher of foreign languages? 7. Can you
conceive of a teacher who would be "ideal" for any teaching circumstances? Who
is your "ideal" teacher? 8. Have you ever seen teachers feeling frustrated or angry?
9. What are the ways to maximize the role of learning? 10. What are the ways to
improve the teacher's professional effectiveness throughout his career?

III. Fill in prepositions and adverbs where it is necessary. Prepare to discuss the
following text in class enlarging on the problems raised in it:

of, to, for, in, on, as, with

The Teacher — Duties and Status

The role _ the teacher is complex. _ addition _ successfully imparting subject

matter, he is expected _ stimulate the pupil's interest, see to it that he works to his
full capacity. He is also expected _ take a good deal if not full responsibility _
moral values _ his charges and their behaviour. The teacher's work is evaluated
also _ terms of this moral guidance.

_ return for all that hard work and responsibility, the society treats teaching _ an
honored profession. The society imbues the schoolchild _ a respect _ the teacher,
which is expressed _ a number of special occasions, including the national Day _
the Teacher. There are a number _ awards, national and local, which give
recognition _ exceptional performance. The greatest recognition is bestowed _ the
profession as a whole _ its great contribution to the education and upbringing _ the
young citizens.

V. Get together with another student and exchange opinions on what professional
qualities and techniques a good teacher should possess. Use the following key-

inherent qualities; qualities acquired through experience; emotional maturity;

impeccable teaching techniques; awareness of new trends in teaching; intelligence;
an adequate level of personal education; 'creative familiarity' with the syllabus and
the materials used in the class; a thorough knowledge of the subject; ability to take
the tension out of learning; patience and amiable disposition to students; infinite
knowledge and energy; a talent for discipline; a conscientious attitude toward
students’ papers.

VII. Hold a round-table discussion on the following problems:

1. Teaching is an art.

2. Teaching is a two-way traffic.

3. Teaching requires patience and dedication.

4. Teaching is an honoured profession.

5. Remarkable educators and their main principles that can be applied to today's
teaching methodology.

6. School and society.

Tasks for Discussion

Complete your own list of rules for teachers:

e. g.

· Respect those who you teach!

· Don't press – impress!

· Don't let students to be in despair – inspire!

· At first inspire yourself, then pass it to others!

· Inspiration is the best way of getting education!

2. Translate the following word combinations paying attention to the meaning of
the adjective suffix.

a suitable career, a fashionable dress, a comfortable apartment, valuable

information, a measurable distance, a readable book, an understandable position, a
practicable idea, a reasonable argument.

3. A. Form adjectives from the following nouns using suffixes -less and -ful:

use, shame, purpose, meaning

B. Make combinations of the adjectives and the nouns below:

work, man, sentence, life, means, picture.


Before reading look through the unknown words:

creation – створення, overtime – понаднормовий час, tremendous – розм.

величез-ний, responsibility – відповідальність, impressionable – вразливий,
specs = specification order – замовлення, subject – предмет, leftovers – амер.
залишки їжі, vital – необхідний, endure – триматися; витримувати, incredulous
– недовірливий, label – характеризувати, soft-hearted – чуйний; м'якосердий,
tough – сильний, reason – міркувати, leak – теча; витік, moisture – волога,
glisten – виблискувати,tear – сльоза, accomplish – виконувати, fit in –
пристосовуватися; уживатися, compassion – співчуття, disappointment –
розчарування, somber – сумний.
The Creation of the Teacher

The good Lord was creating teachers. It was his sixth day of "overtime" and he
knew that this was atremen- dous responsibility for teachers would touch the lives

so many impressionable young children. An angel appeared to him and said, "You
are taking a long time to figure this one out."

"Yes," said the Lord, "but have you read the specs on this order?"


• stand above all students, yet be on their level;

• be able to do 180 things not connected with the subject being taught;

• run on coffee and leftovers;

• communicate vital knowledge to all students daily and be right most of the time;

• have more time for others than himself/herself;

• have a smile that can endure through pay cuts and problematic children;

• go on teaching when parents question every move and others are not supportive;

• have six pair of hands.

"Six pair of hands," said the angel, "that's impossible."

"Well," said the Lord, "it is not the hands that are the problem. It is the

three pairs of eyes that are presenting the most difficulty!"

The angel looked incredulous, "Three pairs of eyes on a standard model?"

The Lord nodded his head. "One pair can see a student for what he is and not what
others have labeled him as. Another pair of eyes is in the back of the teacher's head
to see what should hot be seen, but what must be known. The eyes in front are
only to look at the child as he/she 'acts out' in order to reflect, 'I understand and I
still believe in you' without so much as saying a word."

"Lord," said the angel, "this is a very large project and I think you should work on
it tomorrow."

"I can't," said the Lord, "for I have come very close to creating something much
like myself. I have one that comes to work when he/she is sick, teaches those
children that do not want to learn, has a special place in his/her heart for children
who are not his/her own, understands the struggles of those who have difficulty..."

The angel looked closely at the model the Lord was creating.

"It is too soft-hearted," said the angel.

"Yes," said the Lord, "but also tough. You cannot imagine what such teacher can
endure or do, if necessary."

"Can this teacher think?" asked the angel.

"Not only think," said the Lord, "but reason and compromise."

The angel came closer to have a better look at the model and ran his finger over the
teacher's cheek.

"Well, Lord," said the angel, "your job looks fine but there is a leak. I told you that
you were putting too much into this model. You cannot imagine the stress that will
be placed upon the teacher."

The Lord moved in closer and lifted the drop of moisture from the teacher's cheek.
It shone and glistened in the light.

"It is not a leak," He said "It is a tear."

"A tear? What is that?" asked the angel. "What is a tear for?"

The Lord replied with great thought, "It is for the joy and pride of seeing each child
accomplish even the smallest task. It is for the loneliness of children who have a
hard time fitting in and it is for compassion for the feelings of their parents. It
comes from the pain of not being able to reach some children and the
disappointment those children feel in themselves. It comes often when the teacher
has been with his/her class for a year and must say good-by to those students and
get ready to welcome a new class."

"My," said the angel, "the tear thing is a great idea. You are a genius!"

The Lord looked somber, "I didn't put it there."

From the DIGEST № 19, 2012

I. Find synonyms to the new words:

1) vital a) distrustful, mistrustful;

2) incredulous b) doleful, depressive;

3) tough c) sensitive, vulnerable;

4) somber d) indispensable, imperative;

5) impressionable e) strong, sturdy

II. Read the sentences and choose the best option: a, b or c.

1) The good Lord was creating teachers on his ... day.

a) Seventh; b) Sixth; c) Sixteenth.

2) Teacher should have ... pair of hands.

a) Two; b) Three; c) Six.

3) Teacher ought to have ... pairs of eyes.

a) Three; b) Two; c) One.

4) To angel’s opinion teacher is ... Lord’s project.

a) Huge; b) Tiny; c) Impressionable.

5) The teacher’s model the Lord was creating was ...

a) Too selfish; b) Forbearing enough; c) Too self-willed;

6) The teacher creating was something much like ...

a) Angel; b) Lord; c) Child.

III. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Was the Good Lord creating teachers?

2. What teacher must do?

3. Is another pair of eyes in the back of the teacher's head to see what should not be

4. Did the angel look closely at the model the Lord was creating?

5. The Lord moved in closer and lifted the drop of moisture from the teacher's
cheek, didn't he?

VII. Give English equivalents to the given word combinations. Provide them into
the sentences of your own.

величезна відповідальність, м'яке серце, найменші завдання, почуття батьків,

чудова ідея, важкий час, подивитися недовірливо, скорочення зарплати, пара
очей, особливе місце.

VIII. Translate into English.

1. Учитель повинен мати більше часу для інших, ніж для себе.

2. Учитель повинен мати 6 пар рук.

3. "Господи", сказав ангел, ”це дуже великий задум, і я думаю, ви повинні

працювати над ним завтра".

4. Ангел уважно подивився на модель, яку Господь створював. "У неї занадто
м'яке серце", сказав ангел.

5. Учитель повинен бути в змозі зробити 180 речей не пов'язаних з

предметом навчання.

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