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MATRIC NO: 20/0454



Researchers use different methods to achieve results while testing theories and
analyzing data. Analysts and researchers use quantitative and qualitative research
methods like focus groups, interviews and surveys for data interpretation to cultivate a
better understanding of information. Selecting the best research method to use can
help a research professional achieve useful results in their investigations.
Research is of different types. However, there are two major types of research:
1) Fundamental Research: Fundamental, also known as basic or theoretical,
research is designed to help researchers better understand certain phenomena
in the world. It looks at how things work but does not seek to find how to make
them work better.
2) Applied Research: Applied research is designed to identify solutions to specific
problems or find answers to particular questions. It offers knowledge that is
applicable and implementable.

Other types of research are:

3) Action research: refers to examining actions, assessing their effectiveness in
bringing about the desired outcome and choosing a course of action based on
those results. It is typically used in educational settings for teachers and
principals to perform a type of self-assessment and course correction.

4) Causal Research: also called explanatory research, seeks to determine cause

and effect relationships between variables. It identifies how much one variable
may cause a change in the other. Causal research is important for evaluating
current processes and procedures and determining if and how changes should
take place.

5) Comparative Research: Comparative research identifies similarities and

differences between two individuals, subjects or groups.

6) Field research: occurs wherever the participants or subjects are or "on location."
This type of research requires onsite observation and data collection.

7) Fixed Research; This involves procedures determined ahead of time, such as

how often testing will take place.

8) Flexible research: involves procedures determined ahead of time, such as how

often testing will take place, where it will take place, the number of subjects and
their types.
9) Inductive Research: This theory helps to develop a new research about a process
or phenomenon

10) It examines observations and patterns and offers several hypotheses to explain
these patterns. Inductive research is often the first step in theory generation
and may lead to additional research, such as deductive research, to further test
possible hypotheses.

Career Guide. October 1, 2022. Types of Research Methods (With Best Practices and

Career Guide. March 11, 2023. Types of Research Methods (With definition and

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