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Micro Project
Report On,
“Case Study Of Fingerprint Voting System”


Submitted by,
Ms.Mayuri S Kedare (21)
Ms.Gayatri S Zoman (34)
Ms.Maithili S Jadhav (35)
Ms.Pooja P More (43)

Guided by Prof.S.B.Patil
Lecturer in Department of IT Engineering
AcademicYear 2022-2023


MET’s Institute of Technology,Polytechnic
Adgaon, Nashik-422 003



This is to Certify that this Micro project report
“Case Study Of Fingerprint Voting System”

Submitted by
Ms.Mayuri S Kedare (21)
Ms.Gayatri S Zoman (34)
Ms.Maithili S Jadhav (35)
Ms.Pooja P More (43)
Student of Second Year IT Engineering Department in 2022-23
As a part of Micro Project work as prescribed by
The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education,Mumbai
And that I have guided him/her/them for the said word from
time to time and I found him/her/them satisfactorily
And that,they said work has been assessed by me and I am
Satisfied that the same is up to the standard envisaged for the level of the cousse

Prof.S.B.Patil Prof.S.B.Patil Dr.R.S Narkhede

We take this opportunity to express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to those
who have helped us in completing this task. We express our sincere thanks to our guide
Prof.S.B.Patil Lecturer in Department of Information Technology, who has given us valuable
suggestions, excellent guidance, continuous encouragement and taken keen interest in the
completion of this work. His kind assistance and constant inspiration will always help us in our
future also. We thank Prof. S.B.Patil, Head of the Department of Information Technology,for the
co-operation and encouragement for collecting the information and preparation of data. We are
thankful to Principal Dr. R.S.Narkhede, for encouraging us to undertake this project and hehas
taken keen interest in making the project and report absolutely flawless. Credit goes to our
friends, staff members of Department of Information Technology, and the Institute’s Library for
their help and timely assistance
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik Department of
IT Engineering.

Action plan:
Sr. Details of Activity Start Date Finish Date Name of
No. Responsible Team
(R. No.)
1 Selection of Micro project Pooja More
Gayatri Zoman
Maithili Jadhav
2 Research (Content Pooja More
and Images ) Maithili Jadhav
Mayuri Kedare

3 Collection of data Pooja More

Gayatri Zoman
Maithili Jadhav

4 Compilation of Pooja More

collected Data Gayatri Zoman
Mayuri Kedare

5 Formatting of Pooja More

Document Gayatri Zoman
Maithili Jadhav

6 Analyzed and confirm Mayuri Kedare

the information by guide Maithili Jadhav
Pooja More
\7 Printing of the Final Gayatri Zoman
Project Mayuri kedare
Pooja more
8 Submission of the Gayatri Zoman
Micro Projec Maithili Jadhav
Mayuri kedare

Required Source
S.N. Name of Resource/ material Specification Quantity Remark

1. Computer Acer 1

2. Printer Canon Image 1


3. Google Chrome - -

Aim of the Micro Project

1. To study the concept of Voting System.

2. Case study of fingerprint voting system
MET’s Institute Of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik Department of
IT Engineering.

India is world's biggest majority rules system. It is seen to be magnetic one as it suits social,
provincial, monetary, social incongruities and still can remain all alone. Principal appropriate
to vote or just voting in decisions frame the premise of Indian majority rules system. In India,
every single prior decision is in state races or focus races a voter used to cast his/her vote
tohis/her most loved competitor by setting the stamp against his/her name and after that
collapsing the ticket paper according to an endorsed technique before placing it in the Ballot
box. This circumstance proceeded till decision scene was totally changed by electronic
voting machine. No more vote paper, voting stations, stamping, and so on this dense into a
basic box called the tally unit of the electronic voting machine. EVM is fit for spring
impressive printing stationery and transport of vast volumes of constituent material. It is
anything but difficult to transport, store, and keep up. It totally precludes the shot of invalid
votes. It is likewise Ecoaccommodating. It comprises of one LCD, a unique finger
impression module, a vote cast board, a competitor board, a signal and several switches and
so forth. This venture depends on C dialect programming.
Fingerprint Based Voting Machine
The complete Voting machine consists mainly of two units –

• Control Unit

• Balloting Unit

A Balloting Unit cooks up to 3 applicants. The control unit is kept with the Presiding Officer and the
Balloting Unit is utilized by the voter for surveying. The Balloting Unit of EVM is a little Box-like
gadget, on top of which every hopeful and his/her decision image are recorded like a major ticket
paper. Against every competitor's name, a catch is given. The voter surveys his vote by squeezing
the catch against the name of his coveted applicant. These use unique mark acknowledgment
innovation to enable access to just those fingerprints you pick. It contains all the fundamental
gadgets to enable you to store, erase, and check finger [1,6,7] prints with simply the touch of a
catch. Put away fingerprints are held even in the case of finish control disappointment or battery

These dispense with the requirement for monitoring keys or recollecting a mix secret key, or PIN. It
must be opened when an approved client is available since there are no keys or blends to be
duplicated or stolen or bolts that can be picked. The principle point in outlining this item is to give
the idea of the individual personality of every person. This venture analyzes strategy in regards to
the electronic methodologies and advancements towards electronic information stockpiling and the
transmission. The client needs to demonstrate his voter ID card at whatever point he goes to the
surveying stall to survey his vote. Accordingly, to stay away from this sort of issues, we have planned
a finger print[1] based voting machine where the individual no compelling reason to convey his ID
which contains his whole subtle elements. This Fingerprint per user peruses the subtle elements
from the tag.

This information is passed to the controlling unit for the confirmation. The controller peruses the
information from the per user and contrasts this information and the effectively existing
information. In the event that the information matches with the as of now put away data, the
individual is permitted to survey his vote. If not, a message is shown on LCD and the individual is not
permitted to survey his vote. The surveying component does physically utilize the switches. LCD is
utilized to show the related messages. The venture requests the client to present his Fingerprint at
the surveying stall. The venture utilizes the Fingerprint innovation and Embedded Systems to outline
this application. The primary target of this venture is to plan a framework that requests that the
client demonstrates his Fingerprint as personality evidence.

The Fingerprint based electronic voting machine framework peruses the information from the
Fingerprint and confirms this information with the as of now put away information in its database.
On the off chance that the subtle elements show in the information base it matches with the put
away information, the framework enables the individual to go into and survey his vote. In the event
that the points of interest of the Finger don't coordinate with the put away information, the
framework instantly actuates the show and he product stages utilized as a part of this venture is
KEIL C Complier.
This system is being developed for use by everyone with a simple and self-explanatory GUI.
This is software that can be used by people to vote in an election. All the user must do login
according to their regional languages and click on his favorable candidates to register his vote.
The development and testing is done on Ethernet. While online voting system has been an active
area of research in recent years, the use of insecure Internet, well documented cases of incorrect
implementations reported recently. These challenges are to be resolved so that public should cast
their vote in secure and convenient way. People can cast their votes efficiently, faster and also
maintain confidentiality at the same time. Proposed online voting system is a system by which
any Voter can use his/her voting right from anywhere in country, online voting [2, 10] system

• Voter’s Names with ID and password.

• Voter’s information in database.

• Voter’s language information.

• Voter’s e-mail address.

• Voter’s telephone number.

• Voter’s vote in a database.

• Calculation of total number of votes.

Existing Methodology:
The existing system of voting is highly manual. The election commission has laid out data
capture form that is used to register residents in their areas. A Period for registration is set to start
and end on a particular day, such a period is announced to the public using the various mass
communication medium including newspapers, TV and radio. During such a period potential
voters are expected to report to these officers in order to be registered using paper and pen. Every
potential voter fills out a form with details such as location, date of birth among others; such an
individual must be verified to be residents of that particular area. At the end of this process,
voters are registration cards are produced to be issued to voters

Proposed Methodology:
“E-VOTING SYSTEM” is an online voting technique. In this system people who have
citizenship of India and whose age is above 18 years of age and any sex can give his\her vote
through finger print physical polling station. We have Aadhaar card for every Indian who can
legally have their all finger printts and retina scans in the database of the Indian government.
which can be linked up with the Election Commission of India in which all the names of voters
with complete information is stored.


Infrastructure Requirement

➢ Power supply - fixed positive voltage regulator

➢ Fingerprint recognition module

➢ RS232 Communications

➢ Microcontroller unit

➢ Step-down Transformer

➢ Buzzer

➢ 16x2 LCD display


Advantages Of Fingerprint Voting System:

1.Transparency : The actual democratic process is transparent from start to end with a biometric
voting process. Moreover, the framework’s design allows an authority to verify that votes
accurately reflect a voter’s aim when casting a ballot.

2. Participation :Many voters bailout of the voting process due to worries about identity theft, as
votes could be cast using fake identities. Since the voters are registered with unique biological
traits, it is impossible to tamper with them. As voters know that only they can cast their own
vote, it will increase participation.

3. Scalable: Compared to the old approach to voters registration, the biometric voting system is
easily scalable.With the old method, the number of voters grows as the population grows.
Adding new voters to the system can be troublesome. On the other hand, adding new voters is
user-easy with a biometric voting system, and there is no chance of duplication.
4.Fair: The biometric system allows the right voters to cast votes and eliminate any chance of
scams. This allows a fair result and a fair election.
5. Secure: Suppose you are using TrueVoter™ for biometric voter registration. Doing so will
ensure strong encryption, fault-tolerant design, disk mirroring, automatic database backups, and
disaster recovery options. These are some of the precautions used to preserve citizen privacy.

Hackers Can Compromise Electronic Voting
Fraud Is Easier With Electronic Voting
The Initial Costs for Digital Voting Is High
Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Mayuri Sanjay Kedare Semester: SYIF

Code: 22413 Enrollment No: 2107760276

Name of Program: Information Technology

Course Title: Software Engineering

Title of the Micro: “Case Study of FingerPrint Voting System”

Course Outcomes Achieved

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent (
No ( Marks 1 - (Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Survey /
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the
Target asper project
5 Analysis of Data and

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro


Micro project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part-A Project Part-B Individual Marks out of
Project Methodology Report Presentation/Viva 10
Proposal (2 marks) /Working (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model

Comments /Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal

communication (if any)


Any other Comment:




Name and Signature of the Faculty Member

Prof S.B.Patil

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Gayatri Somnath Zoman Semester: SYIF

Code: 22413 Enrollment No: 2107760294

Name of Program: Information Technology

Course Title: Software Engineering

Title of the Micro: “Case Study Of Fingerprint Voting System”

Course Outcomes Achieved

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent (
No ( Marks 1 - (Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Survey /
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the
Target asper project
5 Analysis of Data and

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro


Micro project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part-A Project Part-B Individual Marks out of
Project Methodology Report Presentation/Viva 10
Proposal (2 marks) /Working (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model

Comments /Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal

communication (if any)


Any other Comment:




Name and Signature of the Faculty Member

Prof S.B.Patil

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Maithili Sachin Jadhav. Semester: SYIF

Code: 22413 Enrollment No: 2107760295

Name of Program: Information Technology

Course Title: Software Engineering .

Title of the Micro: “Case Study Of FingerPrint Voting System.”

Course Outcomes Achieved

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent (
No ( Marks 1 - (Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Survey /
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the
Target asper project
5 Analysis of Data and
6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro


Micro project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part-A Project Part-B Individual Marks out of
Project Methodology Report Presentation/Viva 10
Proposal (2 marks) /Working (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model

Comments /Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal

communication (if any)


Any other Comment:



Name and Signature of the Faculty Member

Prof S.B.Patil


Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Pooja Prakash More Semester: SYIF

Code: 22413 Enrollment No: 2107760295

Name of Program: Information Technology

Course Title: Software Engineering.

Title of the Micro: “Case Study of FingerPrint Voting System”

Course Outcomes Achieved

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent (
No ( Marks 1 - (Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Survey /
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the
Target asper project
5 Analysis of Data and

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro


Micro project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part-A Project Part-B Individual Marks out of
Project Methodology Report Presentation/Viva 10
Proposal (2 marks) /Working (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model

Comments /Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal

communication (if any)


Any other Comment:




Name and Signature of the Faculty Member

Prof S.B.Patil


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